' .CIRCULATION II AH Is' ETT CUMBEPwLAND, JOHNSTON, SAMPSON JLarge circulation in each county. 4 'Prove all things; hold fast feat which is good." Vol. EMJiMIM JM OVE MB El R - A Hi f JJ No. 42. V;aco your "ad" with . Xi- .VW M M Vr- N-- ' t ' tV J A V, Hi V .A vU ahu .e tiie results. j - Ly. , . v . w-2sss .? c a . 3l s lllSuSEMn Dry Ll Wholesale and Retail dealers in i.i ft ft MS 1 fj P m 1 I a m Si-w Aim l- 2 P pi n n i M hi- I si til Ici Lll t 1 ii j - - j 17 n Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, yaps xkc. iats, Gents' Furnish ings a Specialty. :.n1 rk p;vg n " li - liii 1 1 y Jd rtna ifto The taxes have now been due since September' 1st. Those who have not already done so are requested io come forward and settle at once. require a Sheriff-to make his settlements earlier than before, and in some cases r wo Bio Keeo on.tlie i i a Sail Boat tore high side when but when you wish to buy Goods, Dry Ii m ts, Caps, Shoes, .Lc Doublewear Clothing, Shoe?, Overcoats, Over ggings, Wilbur's Collars, Notions, Underwear, Neckwear, Gro ceries etc, etc. Keep on the "lower side," right between the Drug Stores, for this is our motto, "Better goods for less money," "iietter quality lor loss profits." "Better trade with more satisfaction." We mwn business and intend to have lots of it, wit, humor, - elo quence, and oratory all sit down d .fcated when our prices rise to speak.. The reason of this is because we buy for cash for our own benefit and sell cheaper than any body else for your benefit. We get this week direct from manufacturers $500 worth of Overcoats $35 worth of Neckwear. ....... $56 worth of Wilbur's Collars . ,$400 worth of Cheap Clothing. . $175 worth of Hats and Caps. . $100 worth of Ladies' Capes. . . $300 worth of Shoes Ladies' and Gentlemen These goods will comprise all the latest New York styles in the latest New York colors. Call to see us, .we are always glad to see you and to show you through our mammoth stock, where you can certainly get some of the best bargains vou ever saw. We have never been undersold yet. YOURS VERY TRULY, The Massengill Dry Goods Co m ? m n m m m m ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE 0 relghton f eyi For $2.00 I tidies, w WARRANTED. --. g Of $3.00 PA.IJZ. jjj 1 i rr-jj r a rrr .' J W zr j tcci rilling, oesi weciriny tii Jibsf pliable Shoe sold, jjj For seventeen years our product has been a y 1 Standard Shoe for Women, and is to-day con- p ceded to be one of the most reliable and thor- tfl ;tighly honest lines of Ladies' Footwear on m the American market. Sold through our au- JJ thorued Agents. All styles, sizes and widths. m TIIE MA SEN GILL m DRY GOODS CO. ! MADE BY m w. j. creigiton & Co. t LYNN, MASS. m J one genuine un 2J less they bear this 2 TRADE-MARK J stamped on Sole. All persons who are indebt ed to the firm must settle up or make some ar- ran g eiii en ts within the next 20 days, for we are bo.un d to have every cent due us rig it cavy penalties Imoosed and suits are enjoined iir consequence of failure of sheriff to settle. We cannot settle with the State and County unless the people settle with us. We dislike to have to resort to a process of law to get the taxes, but unless the taxes are paid and paid at once, this process will be necessary. " I have visited the townships' as required by law to receive the taxes. Not one of 30 has met us for the, purpose of paying. For the accommodation of the public and to facilitate collections I will visit each of the townships again, during the hours on days named : ' Anderson's Creek, at Westville, Nov. 14, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m ; Britton & Johnson's Store, from 2 p. m. to 3 p. m Barbecue, at Henry Morrison's, Nov. 15, 8 a. m. to 12 m ; II. DCameron's old place. 2 p. m. 5 p. m. Upper Little. River, at Benton McNeill's, Nov. 16, 10 a. m. to 12 m ; Turner's X Roads, 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Buckhorn, at Prince & Spence's Store, Nov. 17, 9 a. in. to 12 m. ' Hector's Creek, at Bradley's Store, Nov. 17, 2 p. m. to 5 p. "m. Black River, at Angier, Nov. 18, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Neill's Creek, at W. M. Sexton's Store, Nov. 18, 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Grove, at Troyville, Nov. 20, 10 a. m. to 1 n -m- Tnriin .Wwahnrrv..a.trii.mix,lT.Wii TXoli, 1-1; 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. J ': z. Stewart's Creek, at Bunnlcfel, Nov. 22, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. On the 4th day of December each of the townships, of the county will be put into the hands of a competent deputy to collect all arrears. Having as I do a separate book for each township, with receipts already filled,' every man without exception, who has not paid , by December 4th will have receipt and amount for collection in hands of deputy. Let each one meet me promptly at some one of the above places, settle his taxes and save costs and trouble. I will b3 in office at Court House, or liaye deputy there, to receive" taxes up to Dec- 4th. After that date I will not "be in office regularly myself and will have no deputy at Court House.- Please inform your neighbor who may not read this notice. Yours respectfully, S. A. SALMON, Sheriff Harnett Co. Please Post Conspicuously. The African War. From the Wilmington Mes senger of November 10th The retreat of the British compulsion from Coiei parent now that Great Britain fears other enemies than the Boers and their kuth Afr allies. It' must face stronger combinations than Millions Given Away- government not only capita tue .the It is certainly gratifying to fc foreigners will invade 1C! the public to know of one con- 1 . cern in the land who are not , lie statement that two h dred thousand mn- Spaniards are h through 6ruu , '"-" afraid to be generous to the nC i, those of the republican forces, aaj j c , , cv- r, ,T rnUa expected to leave the mother lenso adds , J , n , . XT ' neeav ana sunering. llie pro- L ... . . . , IJLlt iU5U Lruivii xix iiui uiviu to the nlready great disaster , . , , i i. ii7 t i Cape Colony, and pernaps the tlint- lino liofo on Ki'inch n rm a I J ' L i i l l r-: i i i i .1 i i i f i i. " i t-i w i r 1 .- i n " - " A t i ii ii iinrrnA nntiroc in the war unon the Boers. Ai- , , s 0 t ly they have sustained in Kiuea, wouuaeu uuu Liip- V ,. n aim voias, 11 roriAxr thpv hn.vft sustained a ioss 1 ovei ten millK . .-,11. j-j j London says i in the -next twelve months is manitestly exaggerated, but A . 1 T . pnrovr frv flnncnmntinn f.nn j. jjuu- i ni,i , ;i III I 1 1 1 I If I M.VM J I V I- I I 2 I. IV l, V on trial bottles of VV" l"uu""" "l..v,!8,ul tlnrn.nf mPrHnnP- r.nrl linvp &pailMiave amVGd during tUe t.nrnrl nf snmfi 2.151. wlllCll IS . , . . , . . tl i Jearns that tne untcn rising in the greatest set back Iney hao n.hnvn n!,nP nnlnnvt.l1P firSf, V . ,7.i xi news of which was exclusively d.Ju;, n.n.,. a nil people, however, does not ap- -X-J VllO.llll'?, i. VCA 01J.00 till V IV I - diseases of the Throat, Chest Pear tpdistt.ro tne oubans ; in assu 3ndent the satisfaction of knowing it Pasfc S1X mouths, it is probable l1 111 has absolutely cured thousands t iat mar more will follow he. fii;3t of hopeless cases. Asthma, thera irli coming ot these colonies licked them in the eighteenth century. This is very remarkable for they have had a dozen or twenty wars in this century. The mule busi ness in the Transvaal proved a disaster. Mr. Bull can man age men better than he can manage mules. When General Yule retreated from Glencoe, he sustained 5S casualties be fore he joined Sir George White. cabled to the World ten 4 sumed menacing Lungs are suroly cred by fact, the reports from the island wing to the Boer it Calf on McKay Bros. & indicate that tne aliens are and purivuo, xUt, vx.w lt uall 011 McJvaj successes, wnne tne nauve uu- atinnpi. nniTfrit. nnrl wt n. rest all along the Transvaal and - . . i hnttl Rpmilnr sizo hand, Orange Free State borders has 5Qc an( $1 Every bottle guar- become most menacing anteed. or price refunded. "The natives cannot be relied on by either side, but probably will fight for their own land. "With sedition spreading Cape and Natal Immigration Into Cuba. will be welcome. On the other a recently concerted scheme to cdonize Italians in Cuba has met with bitter re sistance. In opposition to it the Havana CircutojJe ll;tcen dados an organization of prop erty owners lias -put forward 'the u Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat, It artificially digests the food and aids xai.ure in sirengineninj? ana recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick neadache,Gastralgla,Cramps,and oil other resul ts of I mpcrf ect d igestloa. Prepared by E. C- DeWitt A Co- Cljtcac- For sale by Hood A' Grantham, Druggists, Dunn,3N. C. Fined for Fraying Aloud- The first instance on record, so far as we know, tfiere a man's inclination for nravinsr caused him to be fined in ft a magistrate's court occurred in New York recently. John Waters went into St. Peter's church during the recital of early morning mass and, kneel ing HP.ir tllfi nltnr linrrnn .--w A V V J V- l 11 , J pray in a loud voice. An usher politely requested him to speak lower, but he shook off the usher's hand and continued his supplications in a loud, strident tone that could bo heard in the street. The officiating priest stopped he services, but Waters con tinued his nravers. A nolicn- raan heard the noise and en tered the church. Waters did not stop when the policeman requested him to do so, and was lifted to his feet and token away. To Magistrate Deule, in Cen tre Market court, Waters said that a church was the place to pray in and that he had prayed, as he had a right to. "You have no right to dis turb other worshipers in any church," said the magistrate, nnd tou are -fined .fin." Bed Rot From The Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. lt: caused horrible UJcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured him. Cures Cuts. . Bruises. Burns Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile euro on earth. 25 cts,. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner Druggist. A Big Contract The biggest advertising con tract made in many years with a single news paper, is the one just closed between Wanamaker and Philadelphia Kecoru, winch, is for a whole page for a year for- $1,000,000. Wanamaker knows how he made his money, and he follows up his old .timo policy of advertising. That pol- icv snouiu coinmcnu usen io ous- iness men everywhere. It is to confine advertising to news pa pers. In no other kind of adver tising are the returns so sure or so satisfactory. , - a . Working Night and Day 'The busiest and mightiest lit tle tlnng that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill isa sugar coated glob ule of health that changes weakness into strength, list.'oss- n ess into enorgy, brain-fag into mental power. They're won d erf ul in building up the health. Only 25e per box. Sold by McKay Bros. &. Skinner. . -. I I . T I 4 " I , some penitent arguments, the waring rne lasi n sen i ..year. mere is uuk. ui- V-iiT Dutch, the natives waiting to roreigu unmigi auuu, c,iefof wlikharcthatthe Jtal- closing June oUtii, au,v In un White becttuge of his. defeat. Qn qwu n(?countj and prospective, mto.Cuba has j.ins woa,d Wf ;ikl lhc (,evei. migrants came to America. John Bull is immensely plucky, eneral White's force be- given rise to an important ent of lhe country's agri- This U 82,4lG more than the The more you pummel him the lca(Turcd Ladvsmith; this problem. Its consideration cultural -ai,a industrial re-' year before. The assimilation more he grits his teeth and the j - c,vi(i,nlr hnr.m the opens up a serious phase oi the QriMrf.p, Mnii wnillli nM nm. this 2reat mass of people, more stubborn he becomes tnnlr soven vears to convince him that the American not submit to his rulp- er. He does wrong often in most momentous to dealing with other people, but he sticks to his game, and, fight- Fno-lmd ti future development island, and it is clt settlement of tne require the exercise of the -j10 cmnd b v the Cubans, - creased duties upon Gods people. judgment of men who are wiH )e desirable citiz-ni be-jThe gospel must be brought to tViovnurrhlr aennainted with the t t . . . . : i tw .. t..,n ,nm nc ; n,ri t ;,in'J j , . . i caue mev nave au or mi- i u u-U uiw uitm .-. xi4 en , He had 'proposed to. the idol needs of the Cubans and the I , 1.7 J tl,J ,,,1 .1,;,,,,!, m.r fom.irv's dk is wouM winch she has engaged i the American revolution, any long- . One Woman 's Wisdom. cut of t he i .-.t, ,;u, n;live population. with othru- ideas, other religious lear that the Thee o!lj .cljOI!S are Rot raised i tha'i our, U a f-erio.u.s problem', question wiB.against tne Spanish colonists, ! With this great inil'.ix corner in- ing weaker people he generally of lusdieait, " resouices of the country. Con- . i!1haLitani,.-Philadelphia ! as a great world power. carries out his plan to conquer come his wn - -Do you know, gress Will of course deal with p., :,,x, , Mo ho anid as he was leaving her -e tU't i.i- titnii ilttu,u' ' ! fwentv-seven new and to hold riht or wrong. He he sain as ne was ltauug nvi this maltcr if that body shall na.yscm. u.t. will make it hot for the Boers, presence forever, "tiia. you are deem it. advisable to adopt leg- There must be a surplus ofnnns nae ueen uian mi 1.1 If it should eventuate in the to- wringing my heart from my bo- islation looking to Cuban civil unmarried women or Missouri j North Carolina during the past tal capture of White's armv at som?" "Possibly,'' she an- governraent. But in any event men must be in demand, for a I year. fhe present mills are al Ladysmith it will be another swered coldly, "but it's either the opmioil and V;ishes of lead- Missouri man who advertised j ready demanding most or tho Wmiu05nn"fni. tlip invarl- that or marry vou and wring n.iUnnfislmnlfl hornnsnliP.l fnr n wiff. rofoivpd 1 100 cotton grown l n th n fc t a t e. nUr, n,,.,K;i;fr nr,nonr the bosoms from vour shirts iiAiaAixr thoxr cimnlrl lmvfi onctcor onri thov ;iro w;n fi.iw-i V hen tiiese new mills are nnisii CI 3 The probability appears the bosoms from your shirts Undoubtedly they should have answers and they are still ilow- to be that it will fall. Another in alter years. something to say as to the man- nm m. British Army corps is ordered, and " t t O J Seeing the case was jiopciess, npr of dig!)0sinr of the iramicra- A f-j JT "1121 John Bull is resolved to the party of the. first lit a ciar- tion qUCS?tion, becauce there is it it out on that line if it'ettc" and v.nndeied hfnee into reasoil to believe that nen the It is ap- the luthci . ncnry a. ieuy. e?taUiahuicnt of a OADTORIA, Eaan tL A YOB H2T8 Ai3TS BOOgM takes all the winter. Lona-fide a ed and the enlargements contem plated, on old mil'H x completed, North Carolina mills will have . to look to other States for their cotton. t h '-m

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