SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. t . .... If The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, . and has sonal (CCCA4i Allow - -All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants , and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMK OCMTAUM (MNM, TT MUP PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D. H. M-C LEAN, Counsellor and Attorney at Lav, DUNN, N. C. Practice In all Courts. Collections a Specialty W- E- Mtircnison, J0NESB0R0, n. c. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not forlfun, Feb. 20-ly. Isaac A- Murchison, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Practices Law in Cumberland, Harnett a,nd anywhere services are wanted. J. C. CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, I DUNN, N. C. Will practice in all the courtis of the S;ate, where services desired. H. L GODWIN, r Attornby-at-Law PUNK, - - N. C. Will practice wherever services may be required. uimcuit collection promptly made. W. L. HUDSON, M. D. Physician and Dunn, N. Surgeon, c. Office on N. E.Wilson St., second build ing from Broad St. Residence at junction of E. Broad and lLlm Streets. Prompt attention to air calls from either Town or Country, day or night in the various blanches of the profession TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodist Church Rev. W A. Forbes Pastor Services first Sunday night, and fourth Sun day morning and night. Prayermeeting every Wednesday night. Sunday gchcol every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O . K Grantham Superintendent. Baptist Church. Rev. L. R. Carroll, paster Services every second Sunday morning and night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night Sunday School eery Sunday morning, J. A. Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Church. Rev. R- W. Hlnes pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night. Sunday school every Sunday morning, Doug Smith Superinten dent. Disciple Church Rev. P. M. Summerell pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Christian Endeavor society every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday venlng at 3 o'clock, McD. Holllday Supt. Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C, Jackson, pastor. Services every first Sun day morning and night. Primitive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder W. a. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LODGE. Palmyra Lodge, No. 147, A. P. 4 A. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M.; W. A. Johnson, 8. W.; B. A. Jones J. W.; J. G. Johnson, Secretary. Regular communications are held on the Srd Satur day at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the 1st Friday at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma sons in good standing are cordially Invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. J. F. Phillips, Mayor. COMHI8SIONKBS McD. Holllday, J. C. Cox, C. F. Pope, Dr. F. T. Moore, w. H. Duncan, Policeman. County Officers. Sheriff, Silas A. Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. C. Hollovray. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. S. Black. Commissioners : E. F. You eg. Chairman Jf A. Smith. T A Harrington. Bought, and which has been has home the signature of been made under his per supervision since its infancy. nn one to deceive you in this. Signature of rCT. NtW VOWK CITT. F.P.JONES. W.A.STEWART. JONES & STEWART, Attorneys, Dunn, N. C 4 Will Dractice anywhere in btate or Federal Courts. Collections a specialty and prompt attention given. Oscar J- Spears, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, L1LLINQT0N, N. C. Office in the Court House. General Practice in all State Courts. Iflf ILMINGTON AND R. R. WW 1 ELDO AND BRANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. N5y. 19th, 1899. J- TRAINS GOING SOUTH. i Leave Weldon 11:50 a, m., 8:58 p. m.: arrive Kocny Mount, 12:55 a. m., 9:52 p. m. , mruuru, z.4l t. III., o UU pm. Leave Rocky Mount, 1:00a. M., 9:52 p, B 37 p. m., 5:40 am, 12:52 p m. m Leave Wilson, 1.58 a m, 10:25 p m, 6:20 a in .4U l III., I 10 pill. Leave Selma, 2:55 am. Ii;i0p.m. . Leave Fayetteville, 4:3o a in, 12:22 p m. Arrive Florence, 7:25 a m, 2:24 p m. Arrive Goldsboro 7 55 p. m. Leave Goldsboro, 7:01 a m, 3:21 p m. Leave Magnolia, 8:09 a m, 4:25 p m. Arrive Wilmington, 9:40 a m, 5:50 p m, TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence, 9:40 am, 7:45 p m. Leave fayetteville, 12:20 a m, 9:45 p m Leave Selma, 1.50 a m. 10 56 p. m. Arrive Wilson. 2:35 a m. 11:33 p m. Leave WilmiDgton, 6:50 p m. 9 45a m, Leave Magnolia, 11:1a a m, 8:20 p m. ' x-eave uomsDoro, 5 00 am, 12:30 am, 9:27 p m Leave Wilson, 2 35 p m, 5 43 am, 11:33 a m iv.nv p 111, i:u p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p m, 12:09 a m u a iii, ii.iijp in, p m. Arrive Tarboro 7 04. a. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 p ni. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12:09 a m Arrive Weldon. 4:32 n m. inn m Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin i.,iu0uUitti,m laue xram leaves Wilming ton, 9 00 a. in., arrives Fayetteville 12 12 p. m. icavea xayeueviiie 12 25 p.m., arrives aanrord 143 p.m. Returning leave oauiuiu sou p. in., arrive Jtayetteville 3 41 p :''7''j"rcme j jo p. m., arrives Wll 7. "?'nlon ani Weldon Railroad, Ben i.ciiaviiie oraucn Train leaves Ben uciiavuie oio a.m., Maxton 9 20 a.m.. Red oiuiiign km a. m., nope Mills 1042 a. m arrive Fayetteville 10 55. Returning leaves T. v , c iu., tiope Aims 4 55 p. m Red springs 5 5 p. m., Maxton 6 15 p. m arrives Bennettsville 7 15 p. m. - connections at Fayetteville with train No io jiiiuu wnn me Carolina Central Rail roaa. at Rea ."springs -with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Nanford witn the seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway at - - mo iiuruim sua xnanoite Rail road. ,rrr?in on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 3:35 p m, Halifax 4:15 p m arrives c-wuiiuu necK m, ova p m, Greenville 6:57 p m iviusiou 7:ao v m. Returning lenvpa innniAn 7 50 a m, Greenville 8 52 a m. arriving Halifax at 11:18 a m, Weldn 11:33 a m, daily except Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash lugion b:lu a m, and 2:30 p m., arrive Parmele a.iuam, ana 4:00 p m, returning leave Par mSif 9:35 am-ana 630pm.. arrive Washington ! v m, uaiiy except eunday iraiu leaves rarDoro. N. C. daily, except o.uuj. nb ow p -m punaay 4.15 v, oiiiicaiiiuuuin i wp. m., s iu p. m n-eiuruiug- leaves riymoutn daily except j . w a. iu., mm unuay y w a. in.; ar nvea at, xarooro iuus a. m., 11 00 a. m. Train on Midland NO Rranoh in n-ix boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7 05 a m: ar rive emmnneld N C, 810 am. Returning .Tel mnneia. k. C. 8 00 a. m. arrives uuiuawru,i. C. l'l zD a.m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9:TO a.m., 3 40pm arrives Nashville .010a m, 4:03 p m. Spring Hope 1040 am, i 25 p.m. Returning leave Snriuir Hone ii:n arrive at Hr-cky Mount 11 45 am cninm . iu., isauijj, XMasaviiie 11: a. m. S &s t m daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton uaily, except Sunday, tll:4(a. in. and :idiiu. tveiurillllflr lHKVfs C'lintr.n i tn m aiiu s: tv p III. Train No. 78 make close connection at Wei .3 11 - j-i M non ior an points North daily, all rail vi I1VUU10UU. H. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. ' J. R. KENLY, T. M. EMERSON, General Manager. Traffic Manager. FUSlTlUl S SECD. May deposit 1 UUlllVUU money for tnitionin bank uil position is secured, or will accent notes. Cheap board. Car fare oald. TVn va cation Enter any time. Open for both Kits, aiaiogue iree Wntr to-day. DRAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS-- Nashville, Tettu. Savanaah, Ga. Galveston, Tex. Texarkaua, Tex. Indorsed by merchants and bankers. By far best patronized business colleges in South. Three months bookkeeping with us equals six by the old plan. All commercial branches taught. For circu lars explaining ''Home Study Course," address "Department A," For college catalogue, address "Department j. e Metonc Shower. Crescent, 111., Nov. 16 By the falling of an aerolite, seven miles south of Crescent City, the residence of John Meiners was partially wrecked and the neighborhood was panic-stricken. The meteor came f r o m a point in the sky a little east of south and struck the north end of the house, tearing away part of the upper story, and buried it self in the ground. Denver, Col., Nov." 16th One company of watchers at Univer sity Park" this morning counted 63 Leonids in 15 minutes. The display started at 1 o'clock, but it was three hours later when the best showing was made. London, Nov. 16. In Russia the Leonid display caused a pan ic in many places. It was be lieved that the end of the world had come. Churches were open all night long, and hundreds of thousands spent three nights -in the open air, fearing earth quakes and a general cataclysm There are rumors that in some villages Russian parents mur dered their children to relieve them from an expected worse fate. There was a rather brill iant meteoric display between 2 and 5 o'clock Thursday morn ing at Berlin. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Others, Why Not You? My wife has been using Cham berlain's Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her continually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertisement of this medicine and thought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well. Adolph L. Millett, Manches ter, N. H. For sale by Hood & Grantham. LaGrippc, with its after effects, an nually destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Minut.e Cough Cure, the only remedy that pro duces immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consumption. Hood & Gran tham. Business is Business. Spare us juSt two minutes of your time, and after you have read this remember that we mean simply business and noth ing more. On January 1st, 1900, we are going to adopt a new system in business, that of the cash in advance sy stem, it will be strictly cash in advance to all, not even our uncles and aunts can get it on a credit. We are losing money every year and this is our only hope. If you want this paper after Janu ary 1st you must pay in ad vance, and we are certain it will suit most of our readers just as well. We will keep this notice before you until that time and hope all back subscrip tion will be arranged and that you will take it for 1900. J. P. Pj.ttman, Proprietor and Publisher The County Union. Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y.. says ,4I-4eartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave my wife immedi ate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleas ant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung trou bles. Hood & Grantham. Used by British Soldi srs in Africa. Oapt. C. G. Dennison is well known all over Africa as com mander of the forces that cap tured the famous rebel Galishe., Under date of Nov. 4, 1897,' from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes : "Before starting on the last campaign I it t f-v . , , I vyxivicAt auu xai 1 injocfc iirjiutUJ j which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint. nd had given to my men, and X in every case it proved most beneficial. For sale by Hood & Grantham. Dr. n. II. Haden, Summit, Ala., iays 1. iiitiiK tvonoi uysuepsia unre is a .plendid medicine. I prescribe it, and my Confidence in it grows with contin ued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dj'spepsia and indigestion. llood & tirantham. Land Sale. On Saturday the 2nd day of December, 1899, at 1 o'clock p. m., at tfle depot in tne town of Dunn, we will sell to the high est bidder for cash, 55 acres of good farming land adjoining the ands of B. W. and H. A. Hodges, S miles Northeast of Dunn, Gv T. Jones & Bro. J nn vJii (DG i ? You may have heard about SCOTT'S EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is cod-liver oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea tures. It is cod-liver oil, the purest and the best in the world, but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it. Nearly all children like it and ask for more. . EfJuuriLsmcj looks like cream; it nour ishes the wasted body of the babv. child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence. It "bears about the same rela tion to other emulsions that cream does to milk. If you have had any experience with other so-called "just as good'' preparations, you will find that this is a fact. The hypophosphites that are combined with the cod-liver oil give additional value to it because they tone up the nervous system and impart strength to the whole body. $oc. and fi.OQ all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. J. D. Bridges, Editor, ,. Democrat" Lancaster. N. H.. savs " in 11 a Cough Cure is the best remedy for croup I ever used." Immediately re lieves and cures coughs, colds, croup asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe and all thro at and lung troublrs. It prevents consumption. Hood & Gham tham. Will It Some of our cotton mill men in North Carolina, we notice, are in favor of expansion, be cause they say it is to our inter est to Eelp England maintain the "opon door" policy in the East, which will enable us to find a market for our surplus cotton goods. They also argue that it will help the Southern farmer by increasing the price of his raw cotton. We are in favor of helping the Southern farmer all that is pos sible But will this policy do it? Certain we are that we are leaving the traditions ot the fa thers who found the govern ment, and entering upon a vast speculative field, while at the same time it is a speculation as to how much the Southern cot ton planter will be benefitted. Wilson Times. EUCALIRJE. Are Your iDyes Diseased? The absorption treatment reaches the cause of all diseases of the Eye without kuife or risk. A chance to gain everything No chance to lose. If vour eves are diseased in any' way;-if you have lateu eyelids, inflamed eyes, sore eves from blood diseases, paralysis ot atropia of the optic ncrvo, paralysis of accommoda tion, Aims, ulcers, of the cornea, cataract, or scars, you should trv Euc.iline. Sold under a positive guarantee to cure a. . A Kcnl nfnl v witlinnt. Inn rrpr nf not handle it, write to Dr. Clark Eucaline Co., Atlanta, Ga. Mention this paper. AGENT'S WANTED FOR. "THE Life and Achievements of Admiral hewey," the world's greatest naval hern. Rr Murat Ualstead. the life lone: friend and admirer of the nation's iaoiv uigResi anu uesi uoukj over uw halftone illustrations. Only 41.50. Enormous demand. Big; commissions. Outflc Iree. u nance oi a lifetime, write quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Uaxton Bldg. unicago, ill. May 24-26w-2p. AVING qualified as administrator of Matthew Wilder deceased, late of Harnett county, N. C. This is to notify aU persons havinarclaims against the estate oi said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the tirst day of September, 1900. or this notice will te plead m bar cf their re covery. All persons tii'lebted to saia estate will please make immediate pay ment. Thls-Sept. 1. 199. N. A. Smith, Administrator. . On the 22nd day of Novem ber, 1899, at the residence of W. D. Smith, deceased, late of Cumberland Countv. I will sell at public auction, all of the personal estate of said deceased, consisting of horses, cattle and other stock ; cotton ana provis ions, farming implements, house-hold and kitchen furni ture, &c. &c. Terms of sale, cash, under order of the Superior Court of Cumberland County. This October 24th, 1899. J. W. Purdie, Ad'mr of W. D. Smith, Dec'd. J. C. Clifford, Att'y. We oant afford to do business for fun, ao it you want the UNION for 1900 pay your subscription by January the lsrt.. J. P. Plttnrart Editor and Publisher of the COUNTY UNION, Dunn, N. C. Bean tli Signature of ;y mo muu tuu narejuwajs Dougm TL. t'. J . II - I tA GROCERY, MARKET AND HOTEL, I can feed you and sleep you. I have recently added a choice line of Family Groceries, and and can now serve the public with all classes of eatables. You can find in my market department at all times Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage, etc., and will be pleased to serve the people. Try my meat. I also keep on hand Eggs, Butter, Potatoes & Home Made Lard- In fact almost anything found in UP-TO-DATE MARKET. an I pay the best market prices for Beef Cattle, Pork etc. See me before you sell. Yours to please, , S- T. HOLLAND. Grocery and Market on Broad Street, next door to Gainey & Jordan. Commrrcial House, On Railroad street, near Depot. Rooms nicely furnished, with the best the market afford for the tables. Rates reasonable. S, T, HOLLAND; Proprietor. f ire ! Fire ! we represent over forty Million Dollars to protect you against loss by fire and wind storms. For Policies CALL ON JAS. A. TAYLOR & BRO., Dunn, N. C. 1 V'i'i MillHIn 1 "i FOR 8ALC OY For sale by The Massengill Dry if i0nrls f Jr . IJnnn N II rviOTICE ! ! ! The undersigned, Geo. f VI E. Prince, having this 'day dulv qualified as Administrator of the late Richard Rollins deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted unto said estate, to come forward ard make pay ment. All persons holding claims against said estatewill present the same for payment on or before the (5th day of September 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This Sept. 4th. 1899- georoe E. Prince, Oscar J. Spears, Administrator. Attorney. i ndWkliiiy Flfet cured at horn with out pais Book of par tieulars sent roci 'i 1 H." WOOLLlf CO. ottcc, 1M Ksrtk Prjor St lift It will pay yon to examine the W. a I Douglas shoes, and see for Ij I yourself thatihey are just u j 1 good in every way as those for BJ H which you have been paying B 1S to $7' For style, com-J mort, and service, they ff .cannot be surpassed Jf by custom-made shoes. j& &AIG9E&-& 001R0ABI, Watch Makers and Jewelers duimim n. c. Are now offering some special bargains in Watches., Cloct &c, and invite you'to call and see what they have. ' . n' 1 il. 1 i.V -i If you want opectacies wvy unw luem ana can fit body's eyes. Tf rnn wan t Picture Frames made to ordfir maKe ixieni uu siiuxk uuuw. Tf vnn want to rmrchase j.m. j x they can iurnisn you. If you want your wheel If you want anything in " . i II you want any Kina oi you Duy, tney can piease you II YOU want lO save money m S45. A FORTY-FIVE To be GIVEN Read the We have numbered doU receipts, running from 1 to 350. and one of these receipts will draw These receipts will be issued you are behind with your subscription you must pay up before you can secure a reciptforiyOO. il ix U 1 II out of the State. If your subscription is already extended to some time in 1900, then send us $1.00 and we will credit you and send you a numbered receipt. If you guess at it and send about $1.00 more than you think it is. You can see this Buggy by calling at A. R. Wilson's Buggy Store, next door to E. Lee's Hardware House. It is a dandy. XOThe receipts have already began to go. If you wait you may be too late. The number drawing the buggy is sealed and deposit ed at Hood & Grantham's Drugstore. No living man knowns the number. We cannot tell you the number for we don't know. Send in your subscription at once and you may get the buggy. This Space THE BIG under the management of s The Dunn Cash Racket and MILLINERY STORE. They will say something to you next weak, wateh for it. a Bicvcle or buv Birrflo . uuuripo repaired, they can do it. the Jewelry line, they have if o: l ., nice ouverware, see tiiem before iu tm uuc. m yuurpuruiiuses, can on them ti i DOLLAR BUCCY AWAY FREE by conditions the Forty-Five Dollar Buggy. for 1900 subscription onlv. If Anybody can secure one of 11 1 don't know how much vou owe Reserved for TOY STORE, 845? - - .

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