e - , i . i - .. . i i ... j i i I II l , i .1. i n I , j i ' in I i -- ??re;zrTr.-sjrqi 1 , . r ., . . , . THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harnett County, N, C. Entered accoiding to postal regula- glons at the postomce At unnn, a. as tecond class matter. The Fourteen Life. Mistakes of J. P. Pittman, Editor & Proprietor, T. J. Walker, Local Editor- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months 25 Cents. Six Months 50 Cents. One Year- $1-00. Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunk, N. C. November 23, I899. ' Sensible Negro Talk. There is a good deal of non sense talked these days on the negro question, but there is a good deal of sense, too, and a cood deal of it is coming from negroes, and for that reason ought to have some influence unon the ueoDle for whom it is intended. The following is from Dr. L. A. Suggs, a negro physician and editor at bouth- ern Pines : "This poor and unfortunate fellow seems to be a wanderer and a stranger in a 'weary land', for he has been discussed more times than can be num bered. "To-dav the civilized world has its eye upon him. He is very much to be compared with the children of Israel in their iournev through the wilderness "God will bring him out if he will only put himself in the line of His Providence, for he- is a just judge who will not be par tial. He will note his faults as well as his merits. "To speak of the black man in North Carolina, we would snggest that his prospective fu ture is bright however, tnat is in his own hands largely. He needs to think more and labor more, and save more and talk less Let him resolve to do right for the sake of being right. He cannot anord to do wrong or be wrong because, as he says some other man is doing wrong. This will not mitigate his pun ishment for wrong doing. Let him observe the Golden Rule ' 'Therefore all things whatso ever ye would that men should do to you, do you even so to them ; for this is the law and the prophets. Matt. 7 :12. 'He needs to care less for pol itics and follow less some of his present political leaders and turn his care to his home, his race, his church and not least his God, "The white man of the South and of this State, who knows him best, is his friend. Let ne groes believe this notwithstand ing the recent local race trouble in the State Virginia, Georgia South Carolina and Tennessee have also had their petty race troubles. Let the negro in North Carolina do the best thing by being patient, prayerful, in dustrious, wise and prudent and he shall do well and pros per right here in North Caroli na. "The South is his home and here he will ever be found in great numbers. Lat him make his neighbor his friend by rec ognizing his interests and the white man s interests as mutu al. Let him 'live and board at the same place' in his own well kept home. Dr. Suggs may or may not prescribe well for his patients, but in this utterance he pre scribes in an eminentlv level headed way for the race troub le. Morning Star. A list of "the fourteen mis takes of life" was recently giv en by an English paper. The list is not exhaustive, but is certainly suggestive : It. is a great mistake to set - 1 - m 1 up our own stanaara 01 ngnt and wrong, and judge people accordingly ; to measure the enjoyment of others Dy our own; to expect uniformity of opinion in this world ; to look for judgment and experience in youth; to endeavor to mould all dispositions alike ; to look for perfection in our own ac tions ; to worry ourselves and others with what cannot be remedied ;not to yield in imma terial matters ; not to alleviate all that needs alleviation as far as lies in our power ; not to make allowances for'the infirm ities of others ; to consider everything impossible that we cannot perform ; to believe only what our finite minds can grasp ; to expect to be able to under stand everything. . And the last and greatest mis take of all is to live for time alone, when any moment may launch us into eternity. Geo. Noland. Rocklan,- 0., says. "My wife had piles forty yeaes.De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her. it is the best salve in America." It heals every thing and cures all skin diseases. Hood & Grantham. Marries the Same Lady Twice, Concord furnishes a singular a , n case. A numner 01 years ago V. S. Braver married a lady. They became separated and after a considerable period of time, having reasons to think that his wife was dead, he married a ladv named Miss Lilie Black welder. After his second marriage the first wife was found to be living and he was now a husband to two -w- 1 , 1 1 wives, in oraer not to violate the law, which would have been dangerous, and giving the light to the case in regard to his as sumption that the first wife was dead, he was at the last term of court granted a divorce from his first, wife, and the second marriage was declared null. So on last Saturdav evening w . J . Mcijaugniio, Esq., who lives out at the Bala mill, performed the ceremony, uniting again Mr. Craver and Miss Blackwelder. Now Mr. Craver has answered to three marriage vows, yet with only two different ladies. Concord Standard. You Inever know what form of blood poison! will follow constipation. Keep he liver clean by using: DaWitt's Little Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. Lhey are famous little pills for constipa- t Ion and liver and bowel troubles. Hood & Grantham. $2,500 Found in a Coffee Pot. Miss rime 5eard was a maiden ladv of 76 years, she was known to many of our citi zens having peddled strawber ries, greens and milk and such like for many years. On the night of October 27th she died. It was thought by many that she was in destitute circum stances. Since her death her household effects bring to light the astonishing fact that the supposed pauper had sinply stowed away in a tin colfee pot rusty with age $2,500 in gold. We learn in connection with this discoyery that shortly after the Civil war, she exclianged a bundle of greenbacks for gold, to this she has steadily added the proceeds occurring from her industry and frugality. The discovery is probably as much of a surprise to the be reaved family of the deceased, as it will likely prove, to the public at large who will not soon forget the picture that the plodding old woman presented on her daily rounds of the city. No doubt the sun has been hid behind the dark clouds many a bright day. Her path was not strewn with flowers and lilies. Salisbury Index. GROCERY, EV1ARKET AND HOTEL, lean feed you and sleep you. I have recently added a choice line of Family Groceries, and and can now serve the public with all classes of eatables. You can find in my market department at all times Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage, etc., and will be pleased to serve the people. Try my meat. I also keep on hand Eggs, Butter, Potatoes Sc Home Made Lard- In fact almost anything found "in an UP-TO-DATE MARKET. I pay the best market prices for " Beef Cattle, Pork etc. See me before you sell. Yours to please. ' S T. HOLLAND. Grocerv and Market on Broad Street, next door to Gainey & Jordan. Commrrcial House, On Railroad street, near Depot. Rooms nicely furnished, with the best the market afford for the tables: Rates reasonable. S, T, HOLLAND, Proprietor. Busin ss is Businss. The University Debate The University of North Car olina and the University of Georgia will meet again this Spare us just two minutes of your time, and after you have read this remember that we mean simply business and noth- yv -w . . ing more. Un January 1st, 1900, we are going to adopt a new system in business, that on the cash in advance system, it will be strictly cash in advance to all, not even our uncles and U.buu.U f Stock of New and Fashionable Goods sold at prices to Beat the Band. Here we come with the biggest stock you ever saw. The. store is large, but it won't hold the goods and they must be sold quickly. Our prices are so low we guarantee to sell you lower than any New York Jews. On lots of our goods we charge but little more than freight and everything is cheap. We can only mention here a few of the many bargains we are offering. Come and see fori yourself. By far the greatest stock of Clothing! in the country. Men's Suits, any kind color or style you want Boy's Suits, any kind color or style you want Men's wool suits, new and bright, worth $3.00 for $1.65. K Men's wool overcoats, new, worth $2.50 for $1,251 Small lot men's heavy shoes, New York Cost $1.25, to close at $1 00. ? Crockery and glass ware at cost. Great big lot of ITH HT ATTTIVTi at priees split wide open. Examine them. Men's heavy shoes, right from the factory, worth $1.50, we are selling them for $1.00. A "jim dandy" whole stock Man's Shoe, just come in, worth $1.25, you may have them fo" 90. 5Q0 yards only of nice white Silk, the last, you can nave them for 20. - - 0 Wool Dress Goods. All grades at about half price and too pretty to look at without buying. Small lot half wool dress goods br. Call at jonce or you will miss them. Double bladed pocket knives, large size, worth 20 cents. Take one for 7 cenfs. Full Zink'large trunk, cheap at $2.00, you can have it for $1.00. Nice Trunk for 20. Ask to see it. Cheapest Coffee in town, bottom dropped out. You can't match our dress trimming anywhere. We are still reducing our prices on wool dress goods. Come and see them, we have a mighty big line. Ladies Union Suits just arrived. Prices to suit lyou. Just received. Five Thousand Yards very stylish woolen dress goods, 40 inches wide. A rattling .good thing at 35, but your tobacco money will get it for 20 cents per jrard. LADIES' HTTS in the very latest styles, not a single piece of goods in this line has been in my store 15 days. Prices lowest you ever saw. Handsome Ladies' Cape for 35 cents. Fine line of Wraps and Capes up to $12.50 Come and see my stock of goods, and I feel confident if you will only come in I will find you some bargains. T am Hungry for trade. YOURS TRULY, JEl. Gk TAYLOR, Dunn, 1ST. C. PROPRIETOR OF Th.e Big tore JOTICE, 43 minisfrator Having qualified as ad- 01 J. A. Ennis, de1 ceased, late of Harnett county, "N". C, th;s is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under- igued on or before the 11th day of Oct. 1900, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of Oct. 1899. H. M. Ennis, J. B. Strickland, J. C. Clifford, Admrs. of J. A. Atty. Ennis, deceased. I i t . mi 1 year in aeoate. me suoject lor 1 aunts can get it on a credit. this year s contest was presented i we are losing monev everv year Dy Georgia, ana is as ionows. ,and this is our only hope. If No Mixed Schools Allowed. Cordele, Ga. November 20. Notice was served on a Mr. An derson at Listonia, near here, yesterday that he must give up a Sunday school which he had started in which there are both white and negro children in at tendance, Listonia is a colony of northern settlers on the Geor gia and Alabama road about sev en miles from Cordele. Mr. Anderson is one of the settlers and some time ago started his 'mixed" school. A meet ing of the people in ths neigh borhood was held at the justice of the peace court. Resolutions were adopted declaring t h e school a 4vile nuisance, " which should not be tolerated, and a committee was appointed to in form Mr. Anderson thai his school must be disbanded or he would have to take the conse quences. That gentleman in formed the committee that he would continue his scoool at all hazards. Should he persist in his determination serious troub le will be certain to result. "Resolved, That the English System of Government is more suited to the needs of a free and self-governing people than that of America. North Carolina has chosen the negative side of the ques tion. Debaters from these two Uni versities have met annually for the last three years. This year the debate will be held in Chap el Hill. The debate will take place some time in February, no def inite day having been decided upon. . i TRY THE . . HEY HOME " SEV1KQ MACHINE. you want this paper after Janu ary 1st you must pay in ad vance, and we are certain it will suit most of our readers just as well. We will keep this notice before you until that time and hope all back subscrip tion will be arranged and that you will take it for 1900. J. Pittman, Proprietor and Publisher The County Union. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS ?eh0fte,diofi Sewing Machines we manufacture and tneir prices Detore you purcnase any otner. TEE KEY EOUE SEYIX3 LUCHIXE CO., ORANGE, MASS. Union Square, N.Y. Odoago, IU, St Louia, Mo, Dallaa,Te-M. 8alancwa,G-U Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE BY GAINEY & JORDAN, Dr. IT. U. rfaden, Summit, Ala., says, lI think Kodol Dysdepsia Cure is a splendid medicine. I prescribe it, .and my confidence in it grows with , contin ued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. Hood & Grantham. Used by British Soldi srs in Africa. Oapt. C. G. Dennison is well known all over Africa as com mander of the forces that cap tured the famous rebel Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, iie writes : ''Before starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved most beneficial." For sale bv Hood 90 & Grantham. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a power of a sale con tained in a Mortgage Deed executed to me by William McBryde and wife Jane, and recorded in Book R, No. 2, Pages 331, 33S, 333, Record of Harnett County, I will sell at public sale at the Court House Door 111 Lillington.'on the 4th day of December, 1899, at 12 o'clock m., the following real estate: One tract or piece of land in Stewart's Creek township, Harnett County, adjoining the lands of Jeft' Byrd, Archie McBryde, B. Bell, and others, containing 20 acres, more or less, it being the place where the said William McBryde now lives. 2nd Tract, lying on Pond Branch, ad joining Lot Smith, Richard Smith and Miles Smith, containing 12 acres; more or 13 ss Tiiis October 31, 1899. F, P. Jones, Mortgagee. Jones & Stewart, Attorneys. Never Mind the Weather If your Shoes are all right. If your shoes need reparing or half-soling, carry them to Prices lower than ever before, from 20 to 25 and 35 cents, good job guaranteed. Harness re paired at short notice. Work hotirs from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Choice Groceries. I have a choice selection of Fancy Groceries and Confection aries and will sell as low any merchant in town. Give me a trial. Try my Sodawater, it is de lightful and healthful. Come to see me and. I will do you right. Very truly, John B. Sanders. On Broad St., next to J. W. Gregory. FIRE INSURANCE. For Fire Insurance and good Companies apply to 6. K. GRANTHAM. TT 11 ' 1 v -tie win also make your guardian, omce or surety bond. Call on him for particulars. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. w. A. Allen. Alfred Wells. ALLEN & WELLS, DUNN, N. C, House and Sign Painters. PLAIN and DECORATIVE PAPER HANGERS. The most complete line oi Wall Pa per and Window Shades in the county. Our Mr. Wells has over ten years ex perience at the business acdhas the very latest ideas in Interior and Decorations, Church rilorth Carolina, m II Remember tha Orphans- O k. 3 T O 3TL X . . Bears the 9 The Kind You Have Always Bought Big-nature Of Subscribe for The Union be fore all of the receipts are gone and get a chance at the buggy. jWhen the gratitude of your heart prompts you to make a thank-offering to God on Thanks giving day, don't lose sight of the work being done m our or phans' homes throughout the State . Don't overlook the claims upon you of these little, destitute, fatherless or mother-! less ones. ' Send them a contribution or help to get up a box of provi sions or clothing for them. The work appeals to all of us. No offering will be more acceptable andpleasing to God. 1 Notice to Non-residents: J. W. Pipkin, Administrator of Lewis 1'ipkin, deceased VS. Z. T. Kivett. E. II. McNeill, A. S. McSeill, K.' C. Mc Neill, and others. ToE. I. McNeill, A. S. McNeill and K. C. McNeill: Pursuant to order of publication, vou are hereby notified that J. W. I'inkin. administrator of Lewis Pipkin, deceas ed, nas tiled a petition in the Superior Court of Harnett County to subject to sale, for the satisfaction of a certain judgment heretofore obtained bv him against M. V. Mc eill, administrator of A. S. McNeill, deceased, certain lands, belonging to the estate of the said A . S. McNeill, lying upon Cape Fear River, in said County, known as the "Smilie Lauds;,"' and that said petition will he heard at the office of the Clerk of the Superioi oiut of said County, on the 23r I day of November, 1899, at 11 o'clock, A. M., when and where you are notified to appear and answer or demur to the said petition, or the relief prayed for will be awarded petitioner. (liven under my hand arid seal, this the Gth day of October. I899. J. H. WITHERS, Clerk Miperior Court. W, E. MURCHISON, Attorney. LAND SALE. By virtue of a p( wer of sale contained in a certain judgment for the sale of laud for a division in the Superior Court uf llariiett county, rendered by the Clerk on the 2nd lay of October 1899, in a 'speci .1 proceeding entirled: Neill B u lies, Jfate Williams et . al, ex parte, I will on the 22ud day of December. 18:9 offer at public auction for cah to the highest bidder, at the Post Office in the town of Dunn, N. C, the following described real estate situ ated in Grove township. Harnett count', N. C, k-iown as the Margaret McLeod tract of Uiid containing 2 K) acres more or less. This Nov. 21t. 1S09. J. D. Baknesv Coimnisfioner. " We can be found at Brown's old stand next to the Racket Store, where we will be pleased to show and price you anything you may need in the way of Meat, meal, flour, sugar, coffee, corn, snuff, tobacco, etc. Our stock of Canned goods are all fresh and O. K. We sell no shoddy or old stuff, nothing but the best wo can buy. We have just received a fresh lot of Cakes, Crackers and Candy. We appreciate tho liberal patronage you have given us in the past and hope to see all our friends and customers regularly in the future at our new stand, when in need of anything in our line. , Yours for good goods and low prices. J. F. PHILLIPS & CO., . DUNN, N- C- URUG?il iO Ens. k Stiir, WANTED We want to buy 1,000 bushels nice clean Peanuts for cash. Bring us what you have and we will give you as much as you can get on any market in N. C. W. H. Lane & Co. Dunn, INT. C. We thank our friends for the liberal patronage . they have given us, and solicit a share of their future patronage. We are prompt in filling all mail orders and give our customers the benefit of market fluctuations. ' Yours in business, in sickness and in health. ' McKay Bros. Sc Skinner. tonic KeGulator is not only the best Liver and Kidney medicine but supplies all the elements of Liver Food lack Ing in your daily diet. Convenient to use, pleasant to take," thorough in action and the best tonic. Price $ 1.00. BROWN UFO. CO.. Prop'n, GreeneYffle, Tena. " For salo by McKay Bros.; & Skinner, Dunn, N.C.