CIRCULATION a,000. , 7. ' . CUMBERLAND, "WK V-TT TH JOHNSTON, SAMPSON Large circulation in onch county. o- o -m vour "ad" with !,,. po tp results. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Vol. 9. DUPJIMj -rJ. C. DECEMBEFe. 1899. No. 45, W Wholesale and Retail dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps &c. i WO IS " Q B Keep 011 the high side when iii a Sail Boat, but when you wish to Dry Goods,. Clothing, Shoes, Caps, Overcoats, Over- II it- Shoos, Leggings, Wilbur's Doublewear Collars, Notions, Underwear, Neckwear, .Gro ceries etc, etc. Keep on the ''lower side," right between the Drugstores, for this is' our motto, "Better goods for less money," ''Better Quality fol ios profits." "Better trade with more satisfaction." We umatr business' and intend to Imvc lots of it, wit, humor, elo quence, and oratory all sit down d hated when our prices rise to -iicak. The reason of this is because we buy for cash for our own benefit and sell cheaper than any body else for your benefit. YOURS VERY TRULY, The Massengill Dry Goods Go. r t Al H m m m 1 n m m m m v m m m n ASK YOUR DEALER Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi FOR THE reighton ' For .. Ladies. M 1 WARRANTED. ... $2.00 1 Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi 2 SO $3.00 1 pEE s Mi Mi Mi Perfect Fitting, Best Wearing and JJJ SMost pliable Shoe sold. : Mi For RPVPntAAn rre rtiir rirnHlirt has IjCCn ft liif n -anaard bhoe lor Women, and is lo-aay con- if ceded to be one of the most reliable and thor- 41 otiKhly honest lines of Ladies' Footwear on m the American market. Sold through our au- tliorued Agents. All styles, sizes aud widths. Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi m m THE MAtfSENGILL DRY GOODS CO. MADE BY w. J. Creisitoii & Co. LYNN, MASS. m J -'one genuine un 2 Ifss they bear thts 2 TRADE-MARK J stamped on Sole. p MM i 1 Dry Mis-' U Gents' Furnish ings a Specialty. buy We get this week direct from manufacturers $500 worth of Qyercoats $35 worth of Neckwear $56 worth of Wilbur's Collars . $400 worth of Cheap Clothing. . $175 worth of Hats and Caps. . $100 worth of Ladies' Capes. . . $300 worth of Shoes Ladies' and Gentlemen These goods will comprise all the latest New York styles in the latest New York colors. Call to see us. we are always glad to see you and to show you through our mammoth stock, where you can certainly get some of the best bargains you ever saw. We have never been undersold yet. SEE3 All persons who are indebt- ofl fn fi1p firni v- must settle up or make some ar- rangements within the next 20 days, for we are b ouiid to have every cent due us rialit Sto away. wmmu dry goods c. Plan of Silver Depublicans. Unite With Anti-Imperialist. Republicans, Keep Silver a Main Issue. Chicago, Nov. 30. The Sil ver Republicans in conference here Tuesday and Wednesday l-uauueu, n is announced, to ally themselves with and to make use of the "anti-imperial 10m iuniauou, especiaiiv iu Eastern States, where the silver issue does not attract. Co-operation with Edward Atkinson's following will be sought. The purpose of the silver Republi cans is to gain, if possible, with this new issue, a foothold in Eastern States, so that their party can more truly claim to be- a national organization and thus become a more effective whip for holding the Demo crats to the Bryan and 1G to 1 line. This is the reason why the silver ReiDublicans want to hold a big national convention of 2,000 or more delegates next year. Oonnrmation of this plan came to-day from Fred J. Dubois, former Senator from Idaho and Chairman of the Sil ver Republican Executive Com mittee. 'There .is no place for the Republican anti-imperialists of New England and the coast to go except into our party," said Mr. Dubois. "The assured composition of the United States Senate for several years convinces them that silver leg islation cannot be nassed for many years vet. On anti-im perialism and kindred questions they are as one with us. I am satisfied they will come to us. I expect to see former Governor Boutwell, of Massachusetts, Ed ward Atkinson and men like them sitting as delegates in our convention. "We have planned for a bigl convention of 2,000 or more. Our convention, if held at the same place and time as the Democratic Convention will be a powerful stimulus against any concession by that party to the orces of unrighteousness. We lave not much to fear on this i score, However. We are pretty well satisfied that the Demo crats will reaffirm the platform of 1896 and re-nominate Mr. Bryan. That will be enough. If, however, they should seek to evade or subordinate the sil ver issues, we'll not be their allies. In such case we will do what many silver Republicans wanted to do in 1896 establish a separate organization and nominate a separate ticket." News & Observer. Bismark's Iron Nerve Was the result of. his splen did" health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qual ities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25cts at McKay Bros. & Skinner's Drug store. THE UNION'S Liberal Offer. We are now offering a $45 buggy to the one drawing the lucky receipt. It don't cost you anything to take a chance, you simply pay for your paper for 1900 in advance. We numbered 350 pieces of paper from 1 to 350, and put them in a box and after shak ing it up Mr. G. K. Grantham drew . one out with his eyes closed and sealed it in an en velope, the remainder of the tickets were turned into a paper bag and burned up, so there is no living man who knows the lucky number. Send us in your subscription and get a re ceipt, ou may get the buggy. The number drawing the buggy has been deposited in Hood & Grantbara's safe for safe keep ing. You can't lose for you get the paper one year and stand a good chance to get the bu'csY. Read advertisement. , o r Xi Jha Kind You Han Always Bocghi Beara the A The Appalachian National Park. There was a largf? gathering of representative' .men from North Carolina and many neighboring btates in Asheville on Wednesday of last week to take steps to get Congress to establish a great national park in the mountains of western North Carolina The ineetinT was a decided success, an or ganization was formed to gath er the necessary data and push tlie project vigorously ? before Congress this winter. There should be a great national park somewhere east of the Mississippi river, and there is no location in the whole coun try that does surpass western North Carolina for such a park. A park can be laid out in the Blue Ridge or Smoky Moun tains that will not only pre serve the magnificent forest and preserve the head waters of many of our most important water courses, but a park that will be visited and enjoyed by ten time.-s as many people as will ever be able to visit Yellow Stone National Park. The Caucasian hopes to see Con gress take favorable action at an early date to establish this great Appalachian national park. rCaucasian. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of dis ease is the worst form of slavery. Geo. D. Williams, of Man chester, Michigan, tells how such a slave was made free. Ele says : "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elec tric Bitters, she s wonderfully improved and is able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly. -un down pople. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner, Druggists. 1 Three Papers a Week FOR ABOUT THE PRICE OF ONE. This paper and the Atlanta TwiccaWeek Jouraal for l S1.50 1 Here vou get the news of I the world aud. all your local 3 news while it is fresh, paying si I very little more than one I paper costs. Either paper is 3 wen worm $i.uu, uut uy spe 9 5 cial arrangement we are en abled to put in both of them, giving three papers a week for this low price, ion can not equal this anywhere else,1 and this combination is the best premium for those who want a great paper and a home paper. Take these and you will keep up with the times. Besides general news, the Twice-a-Week Journal has much agricultural matter & & ti f- 6 f ft ft ft ft 6 ft ft 9 4 and other articles of special I interest to farmers. It has regular contributions by Sam I Jones, Mrs. W. H. Felton, John Temple Graves, Hon. J C. H. Jordan and other dis- 5 tinguished writers. Call at this office and leave your a subscriptions lor botn papers, xou can get a sample copy of either pa per here on application. r 3 ft ft ft 3 9 We have arranged to club The County Union and Atlanta Journal for the year 1900, at the price mentioned above. We will take your subscription to day. BUGGY FREE. You get a numbered receipt if you pay your subscription for 1900 in advance and the receipt may get for vou the $45 Buggy FREE. Bean tha Signature iTfca KinHca Haw Ww2rs Bougtt MiMfMiMi MtMiMi)iMiMiMiMiiMiMiMtli A Double-Barreled Joke. Mr. Jonathan Edwards, of Asheville, is a very successful business man and enthusiastic SDortsman. He lately bought for himself a new gun, and while impatiently waiting for the season to open he would get out his new gun, handle with affection and discourse on its merits and its beauty until his wife and especially his fair daughter, Mary, became weary of even the subject of guns. And yet, after discovering that his gun was not as interesting to himself, he needed only an intimation to make him bring it out for exhibition with pleas ure. Miss Mary Edwards had a beaux and she rather liked him, but held him somewhat at arms' length-on probation, as it were. Miss Mary had a lov ing heart ; a sparkling eye and a keen sense of humor. Her beaux, Mr. Richard Wildman,' called to see her and chatted pleasantly in the parlor while Mr. and Mrs. Edwards made themselves comfortable in the sitting room across the hall. "I'm going to kiss you," said Mr. Wildman to Miss Mary. "If you dare," said the young lady, "I'll certainly make you regret it." "But I really am going to," said Mr. Wildman. "If you do I'll go tell papa," said Miss Mary, with a twinkle in her eye and without fthe slightest attempt to get out: of the way. Taking her non-chal-ance for a woman's consent, he grabbed and kissed her. She promptly whacked him on the cheek with her hand and then leaving the room and walking across the hall, said to her father ; with the sweetest of sweet smiles : "Papa I've been telling Mr, Wildman about your new gun and he asks if you won't show it to him." "Certainly, with great pleas ure," said Mr. Edwards, de lighted to have some one take an interest in his new pet. - Picking ur the gun he walk ed with expectant pleasure into the parlor. Mr. Wildman was waiting somewhat doubting the girl's purpose. When the man with the gun came in the door Mr. Wild man's doubts, accompanied by Mr. Wildman himself, went out of the -window without even taking tlie precaution to raise the sash. Mr. Edwards looked around at his daughter dumb-founded. She laughed till she could no longer stand. Holding her heart iu her hands, she said : "Father, you must be careful how you go at people with that gun. Really, if I didn't know you well, I should have been sure several times you meant to shoot me with it. You must be more careful. How am 1 ever to get married if rou run my beaux off like that? Take the horrid old gun away." Miss Mary and her mother often talk, sotto voce, about guns, and laugh , to Mr. Ed wards' discomfiture. Mr. Wildman is still missing. Charlotte Observer. j Prevented a Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, Obio, prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful 'cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but stead ily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumo nia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at McKay Bros. & Skinner's drug store. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children.. Tfca Kind Yea Ilais Always Bought Bears the Signature of Issues of State Banks. Richmond, Va., Nov. 2S A movement has been Ft.irted by the leading I a.ikers and b i ness men of Richmond to test the cons, i utionalityof Congress irapobing a tax 01 ten per cent. upon the issues of'Siate bank notes. A committee compnd of R. A. Lancastf r, Jod. Br an, John L. Williams, E. B. Addi son and W. M. Habliston, has been formed and they have re tained William L.' Royal as counsel to take the case to the Supreme Court of the United States. It is believed, it is stated, that the way has been opened to have the act declajed unconstitutional by the, income tax decision of the Supreme Court. The committee will as sociate with Mr. Royal some of the most eminent counsel in the United States when the case conies on for argument in the bupreme Court. Tho commit tee invites all persons who feel an interest in the subject to send contributions towards the expense of the litigation to Col onel William H. Palmer, of Richmond, who will bo the treasurer of the fund. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Erup tions r b life of joy. Buckh n' Arnica Salve, cures them, also Old, Running and Fever Sore Ulcers, Boils, Melons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises. Burns. Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cliil- blains. Best Pile Cure on earth Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 25cts. a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner, Druggists. Internal Revenue Points. Washington, Nov. 28 The an nual report of the commissioner of internal revenue shows that for the fiscal year 1899 the ag gregate revenue collected 1 n North Carolina was $4,921,010. During the fiscal year there were destroyed in the Fourth district 171 illicit stills and in the Fifth district 368 stills. Tn the State there were 201 registered tobacco manufactur ers, 48 manufacturers of cigars, who produced 215,116,415 ci gars, and 4 manufacturers who produced. 1,042,000,000 cigar ettes. During the year 2U1 fac tories used in the manufacture of tobacco of various kinds 40,- 868,361 pounds of leaf. Wilson Times. Hood & Grantham guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two- thirds of the contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, couchs, colds, croup and v hooping cough and is pleasant aud safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. Only Krgvjq What Buffering from falling: of the womb, whites, pairful or Irregular menses, or any disease of the distinctly feminine orgar.3 ia. A man may sympa thize or piiy but he can not know the Bgrnica she goes through the terrible BUilcrinjj, so patiently borne, which robs her of beauty, hope and happi ness. Yet this suifenDg really U needless. McELREE'S Wine os tednl will banish it This medicine cures all " female diseases quick ly and permanently. It does away with humiliating physical exami nations. The treatment may be taken at home. There is not con tinual expense and trouble. The sufferer is cured and stays cured. Wine of Cardui is becoming the leading remedy for all troubles of this class. It costs but $t from any druggist ; For advice in cases requiring special , directions, address, the "Ladies Advisory Department, .The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. MRS.C. J. WEST, WMhTtXle, Tenn., writer 1 ''This wonderful medicine ouht to be la erery boose where there are (iris and women." ' ' w 1 17 n r Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Ttftl t!flfUnf1frTof 0 I)aaJ J - j vuoiugu auu aids Nature In Mit..l,i.. i , j" intunicuiu auu recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered dleest ant and tonic No other preparation "tr1 -'v-n in iu cuiciency. ir, in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dvsnerin Tnirroci,. it ..i Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea ,rVwcue,jrasiraiKia,jramps,ana dllother results of i m perfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. Dwitt Arv r-tr, ------ v WkhWV For sale by Hood & Grantham, Druggists, Duuu, N. C. He Got Informed. A man why does not take his lorae paper, but occasionally answers advertisements ',8tory papers" has had some interest ing experiences, says an ex change. He learned that by sending one dollar to a Yankee le could get a cure for drunken ness, bure enough ho did. It was to "take the pledge and keep it." Later on ho sent fifty two-cent stamps to find'put how to raise turnips successfullv. He found out. "Just take hold of the tops and pull' "Being young he wished to marry, and sent thirty-four one-cent stamps to a L-nicago iirm for informa tion as to how to make an im pression. When the answer came it read, "Sit down on a pan .of douch." That was a liitlo rough, but he was a patient man, and thought lie would vet succeed. The next advertise ment ho answered read, "How to double your monev in six months." He was told to con vert his money into bills, fold them, and he would seo his money doubled. Tho next time he sent for twelve useful house hold articles, and got a package of needles. He was slow to learn, so he sent a dollar to find out "how to get rich" "Work like the devil aud never spend a cent. J hat stormed him. but his brother wrote to find out how to write a letter without pen or ink. He was told to use a lead pencil. Ho paid five dol lars to learn how to live with out work, and was told on a postal card "to fish for suckers as we do". Reflector. A Sure Cure For Croup- Twenty-five Year Constant Use Without a Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarseness, and in a child subject to that disease it may be taken as a sure sign of tho approach of an attack. Follow ing this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after thecroupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disap points the anxious mothers. We have et to learn of a sin gle instance in which it has not proved eilectual. No other preparation can show such a record twenty-five years' con stant use without a failure. For sale by Hood & Grantham. The Square Bale. The Montgomery. Ala., Ad vertiser publisher a Mnf ineni, ubicribed and sworn to befnn a notary public, by a farmer of Montgomery county, to ihe ef fect that on the l"th inst. Iim marketed at the same place 0110 square bale and two round bales f cotton of indsof erd cottt n pjc!i, and that the differ encc was 38 cents in favor of tho square bale, The general testi mony seems to be against tho innovation in cotton packing. We have heard through private sources that one of the found bale packing plants was on ex hibition and in operation at tho recent fair in Atlanta, and that the result of its operations met with small favor. Chnrlotto Observer. Mr. -I. SIwr. Mo . mviI IiU chiM' lift by nc Minute? i'miiiU Cur?. Doctors had iei li r ip 10 with croup. ItV an li.fiiMiMe cur- fur cn;h, . cul.N. grljji, n-u not.i.i, bronchitis anil throat H:nl miii troubles. Relieve At uuce. IIckkI & Qrau Hum, j