. ' ' L " "" TH E COUNTY UNION. DUXN, Karuett County, C. Entered accoi ding to postal rcguht gions at the. po-tofficc Dunn, N. C, teeood cla martyr. J. P. Pittm AN, Editor & Proprietor, T- J. Walker, Local Editor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months -25 Cent. Six Months -.50 Cents. One Year $1.00. Sent by Hail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, December 6, IS99. Trip Through Harnett County. Its Great Wealth in Timber Being Realized. RAILROAD DEVELOPERS. The Growth And Progress of Dunn. Dunn,N.C., Dec; 1. (Staff Correspondence.) The way to get to Lillington now is by way of Angier. Angier you will find on your new map. It is the terminus of the Cape Fear and Northern Railroad, Here we were the guests of Mr. J. C. Williams, and a genial and hospitable host ho is. Mr. Williams. , is one of tiie best farmers in" all this section. On his walls hang the diploma awarded him for the best ex hibit of gourd seed corn at the World's Fair at Chicago. And the beauty of it is that 110 'effort was made to raise this corn for exhibit. He received a lettor from Hon. R. II. Battle asking him to send something to be put in the North Carolina exhibit. In reply he stated that he had nothing Worthy of exhibit. Mr. Battle again wrote him to send something to help fill out the exhibit so that North Caro lina might bo represented. lie then picked out some of his best corn and sent. To his surprise he received the handsome diplo ma and mammoth bronze med al which he showed us en sconced in a plush case. On the diploma we read "Planted March 25th harvested Novem ber 25th. Forty bushels rjer acre.'' Iq 0110 corner of his parlor there stands a beautiful banner. On one side we read "Wo man's Tribute to Love of Race and Country." On the other side on a ground of spotless white tho gilt letters say "White Supremacy." This banner was presented by tho fair women of Harnett to Black River township for the largest Democratic majority in the last election. And now we realizo we are in the henceforth rock-ribbed Democratic county of Harnett, wrorthy to nestle beside her stalwart sister, John ston. One bright morning last June Mr,. Williams arose and found a railroad between his from door and his horse lot, which stands not fifty yards away, and a steaming engine a hun dred yards oil at the terminu r of the track. That -very day "Angier"' was born. Last Au gust an excursion was run from Raleigh to Angier, and in the presence of an immense con course of people, after much speaking and lots of music, town lots were sold. That day "Angier" was christened Many excursionists went 1. 0:110 with a smile in each corner of their mouths and never expect ed to hear anything more of "Angier." But if they will come back how they will, find stores and residences going up on these lots, and in a few months they will not recogniz; the place. Our host, not accustomed to city ways, had us up early and on our nine mile drive in an excellent rig to Lillington. When you have seen one mile of this country you have seen it all. Great forests of pine timber -which has been boxed much of it years ago all ihr way with very little open coun try. It is very clear now why Mills and Angier are lighting each other to get into here with their railroads. The quantity of timber is almost inconceiva ble, and, with lumber at the high price it now commands, the owning of a railroad with an option on the timber is bet ter than a gold mine. It is rumored that one of these roads will shortly be completed to Lillinston. One thing Liiiiugton needs,' more than anythiug eke, next to the railroad, is a bridge across Cape Fear river. So as venicies iross on ha- e to be p oiled a: flat boats in this primitive .way the town cannot expect to enjoy the pros perity to which it is justly en titled, and which is its sure destiny sooner or later later. There is reason to believe that witn the impetus Ibis section has lately received that soon an ele gant iron bridge will span the river at this point. Harnett county has lost two court houses bv fire in the last few 3-ears. A nice, large brick court house has just been finished at considerable cost, which is the pride of the coun ty and justly so, for it is mod ern and comfortable in all its appointments "and a real orna ment to the town. The build ing of so many court houses has been a great strain upon the finances of the county, which is sufficient to account for the failure to build a bridge. The river is very wide at this point and it is said that a bridge would cost a great deal. Lillington is not a large town, but it has two good hotels and several stores. Some new stores and residences are in process of erection. This is court week and -the voun, handsome and able Judge Moore administers jus tice from the . bench. Our faithful solicitor Pou makes the culprit tremble. The most enjoyable feature of the week was a musical and dramatical entertainment under the auspices of the Dunn Brass Band. This occurred Wediies- day ni"ht. The program attractive and unusually the whole alTair a grand success, The features of the entertain ment were a recitation ("Sallie Anne's Experience") by Miss Young, the cornet trio, Messrs. Walker, Pope and Young, and the negro song and dance by Messrs. Shell and McLean. The English drama was very good and highly appreciated by the immense audience "which packed the large, new court room.1 The violin performance of Mr. Shell was very line. The solo ("Asleep in the Deep" ) by T. J. Walker exhibited a most wonderful voice on tho part of-the efficient leader-of the band. It is not exaggerating to say that the Dunn Brass Band can not be excelled by any in tho State,' and that hustling young town may well be proud of it. The trip from Lillington to Dunn is not unlike tho trip from Angier to Lillington, save the country is more open. Dunn is an example of .a large town springing up almost in a day where a railroad brings uiV. undeveloped country to market. Twelve or fourteen years ago there Was no such place as Dunn. It was not even "a spot in the road." Now it is one of the briskest towns in the State. Tts growth now is even more rapid than ever. Last August the first pound of tobacco was sold in Dunn ; since then about a million pounds have been sold. This is the wav thev do things in Dunn everything in a hurry. S;oin 01 tne people are getting ncli in a hurry, too.. Some of the finest residences to bo found anywhere, costing away up in the thousands, arc being built in this modern little town. But space will not pormit anything like justice to Dunn this time. II . A . Cli APl'ELL. Representative of the News ifc Observer. Those who have died recently at the State Normal are Mi-s McGougan, from Robeson (!ouu- tv d a- 1 Fannie Turner, j from Ilillsboro, who was. ma tron 'of --the school and was the niece if Hon. -Josiah Turner. LVWUr Little 1),.., Etih- liisi-r imrify liver. i!:v;:rnMtrrl'i' i.KMi- Hrtlt- i11s for cn::ti iiver l roubles. llo. l & p:iti'i a i. Caroina s. Georaa In the -anie of football be tween the. Universities, of North Carolina and Georgia at Atlan ta Thanksgiving-day, Carolina was the winner by a score of live to nothing. Newspaper reports of the contest say that Mr. Harlice Bellamy, of this city, as left half back made the star play. He made a phenom enal tackle, making a flying leap of n'oout six, yards and bringing Rutner down. Roeh- ler, the rigid half back, also distinguished himself by superb work in this njsiiion. Morn ing Star. v i imes. It is true that when the Dem ocrats rule tiiere is e and versa) prosperity, but (vice when the fusions reign. The County of Harnett to-day is un der Democratic rule from con stable up, and the rule so far has been entirely satisfactory to all classes, unless it be some sore-heads who always grumble when they are not sucking the public ' 4 tit." f The editor of this paper has been in the county for five years and has come into possession of a number of county orders for services rendered, and until Monday last has never received a county order but what he w as compelled to hold for sometime, and in many cases sell at a dis count in-order to turn them into money v but this is not the case now. Monday we presented our bill to the commissioners and it 'was allowed, the orders issued and in less than five min utes from the time the orders were issued we had the cash in our pocket. And it is not strange at all, but one year ago when the fusion crowd had rule over the affairs it would have been passingly strange and out of order altogether. The peo ple are the witnesses to the truth of this, for they have ex perienced the same as this writer. You say thereus a cause for this, and so there is, the honor lies at the door of our cur Coun ty Commissioners who have put forth every effort possible to cut down expenses. Let's compare .just one day's proceedings -with the Fusion board, . taking 'the' first Monday7 in December 1897 and last Monday, the first Mon day in December 1809 : First Monday in December 1897 Fu sions allowed ,$1052.89. First Monday i n Decemper 1898 Democrats allowed $321.05, and the first Monday in December 1899 the Democrats allowed 196.70. The last meeting was more than the usual allowance, then -there is a great difference. The people made no mistake when they elected the present board of Commissioners, and so long as ' such men hold the reigns of county government in hand the county will continue to go forward. We feel safe in claiming for Harnett as good officers as there are in any. county in the State, and our people are all proud of the record they- are making, and they need not fear any de feat on the next campaign, for they have not betrayed the trust and confidence emposed by the people, and for this the people will reward them the honors justly due at the ballot box in 1900. Busin ss is Businss. - Spare us just two minutes of your time, and after you have read this remember that we mean simply business and nothing- more. On ..January' 1st, 1900, we are going to adopt a new system in business, that of the cash ix advance system, it will be strictly cash in advance 1 v ' ; to all not even our uncles and i aunts "can jret it on a credit . We are losing money every year and this is. our only hope. If you want this paper after Janu ary 1st you must pay in ad vance, and we are certain it will suit most of our readers just as well. We will keep this notice before you until that time and hope all back subscrip tion will he arranged and that you will take it for 1900. J. P. Pjttmax, Proprietor and Publisher The County Union. !:-. n. t IV.Ui i), SuMiinit, Al l , s:n I )VMi'j-i;l On-;1 i K On j!fti(li(l mcfiich:e. I prescribe it, and ii:V eo;ii':!c tv in iLif-r'.u wijh couna ''( u. ."' It ;!!ir"-rs wh-.n you out ami quickly "nns lys?.opni ami indirection. Hood t Grantham. Used by British Soldi srs in Africa. Capt. C. G.. Dennison is well known all over Africa as com mander of the forces that cap tured the famous rebel Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vrvburg, Bechuanaland. he writes : "Before starting on! the last cainnaign I bought a! quantity of Chamberlain 's.Colic, ; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used myself when) troubled with bowel complaint, j and had given to my men, andj in every case it proved most J beneficial." For sale bv Hood i & Grantham. . Trn Virri Vmi l)ni 'iw? Democratic Stock of New and Fashionable Goods sold i Here we come with the biggest stock you ever saw. The store is large but it won't hold theji goods and they must be sold quickly. Our pricesj are so low we guarantee to sell you lower than' anv New York Jews. On lots of our goods wej charge but little more is cheap. We can only mention here a fewr of the many bargains we are offering. Come and see for in the country. j Men's Suits, any kind color or style you want.j Boy's Suits, any kind color or style you want. Men's wool suits, new and bright, worth $3,001 for $1.65. ! ! Men's -wool overcoats, new, worth $2.50 for $1.2o! Small lot men's heavy shoes, New York Cost! $1.25, to close at $1 00. ! Crockery and glass Great big lot of onpfivn lit -prices split wide open. Examine them Men's heavy shoes, worth ipl.oO, we are A "jim dandy" whole stock Man's Shoe, justf come in,-worth $1.25, you may have them fcOOji o00 yards' only of nice white Silk, the last, you can have them for 20. Come and see my stock of goods, and I feel confident if you w ill only come in I will find you some bargains. Dunn, fjjOTicE. Having quaiinY-ii us ai- lniiii-tiaior of .J. A. Enni-, de eeac l, ;;te of llar.iett eoiaity, X. C, tins is to notify nil persons having elaiir.s . iiifiinsfc the estate of ?;iid tle eease'l to exhibit tliein to the under signed on or before the 11th dav 'of Oct.. 1900, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleae make immediate payment. This 11th day of Oct. 1S00. II. M. Exxis, K. Strickland, J. C. Cliffokd, A dm is. of J. A. Atty. Enxis, deceased. LAND SALE. By virtue of a pc wer of sale contained in a certain judgment for the sale of land for a division in the Superior Court of Harnett county, rendered by the Clerk on the 2nd day of October 1S09, in a "special proceeding; entitled: Neill Barnes, Kate Williams est al, -x parte, I will on the 22nd day of December ISOO offer at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, at the L'ost Office in the town of Dunn, X. C, the following described real estate situ Hted in Grove township. Harnett county, Nr. C.-, known as the Margaret McLeod tract of land containing 200 acres more or less. This Xov. 21st. 1S90. J. I). Barnks. Commissioner. . h TRY THE "HEW HOME " WHITE FOR GIRGUURS MnKS.dioff Sewing Machines we manufacture and their prices before you purchass any other. THE NEW HOKE SEWIH3 HAGH1KE GO., OEANQE,3IASS. 28 Union Square, N. T. Chicago, HL Et Louis, Mo. Dallas, Texas. San Francisco. CaU Atlanta, Ga, FOR SALE BY GAINEY iSi JORDAN, . NOTICE. I am last and tho smallest but I must be heard. While you are paying your state and county tax you must not forget your town tax. All parties who do not pay their 'town tax by January the first, 1900 will have to pay costs. Please : pay in December. Respectfully, W. II. Duncan, Tax Collector. Commrrcial House, .L (NTiE?We ranV hxi7 ' 1 1,000 oushels nice clean Peanuts On Railroad street, near Depot. I ior cash. Bring us what you Rooms nicely furnished, with! have and we will give you as the best the market Afford for much as yo tr can get on any thp fnhlAc Ttntn rp.'T..-,:i:ili'n market in N. C. I S, 1 HOLLAND, .Prlijn Seiur. th r? n n n 1 I S I i fc eat the than freight and everything! ware at cost iiivn mat 0 TTT1T1 ILU D Mi right from the factory,! soiling them for $1.00. am Hungry for NT. C Democracy's Bright Prospects. j The '-executive committee of I the Democratic national coin I mittee, in session at Chicago last week, figured out the situa 1 tion as follows : ; There are 18 states which are Democratic any how, the Re publicans having no chance to carry any one of them, -Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Geor gia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mary 1 a n d, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Car olina, South Carolina, Tennes see, Texas, Utah and Virginia. These states have 1G2 electoral votes. There are four states wdiich are surely Democratic in a na tional fight, they being now n o m inally Republican Dela ware, Kansas, Kentucky and Wyoming their strength in the electoral column I icing 20. There are live states which are comparatively easy for the Democrats to. carry next year Indiana, West Vir-ini;!, Wash ington, California and South Dakota, 38 electoral vet?s. All these states together have 220 electoral. votes, or a major ity o f the elec t ral college. Then there are four other states the Democrats' ought-to carry if they expect to carry anything next year Michigan, Ohio, Minue-ota and Illinois, with Wisconsin as i strong probabil- ity. Kinston Fi Pre-T IRE INSURANCE r Fire Insurance and irood Companies apply to is. ii. uHAM i HAW. t e will also make your gUar(ii;iU, OlllCO O!" SUJety botld. (l , n In m f . ii- t ni 1 1 n vi W. A. Alh'n. Alfred Well?. ALLEN & WELLS, DUNN, N. C, House and Sign Painters. PLAIN and DECORATIVE PAPER HANGERS. Tho most complon- line ot Wall Pa per a'.id Whi'low Shades in t)w county. Our Mr. Wcllr li:t ovor t n years ex j ici.f' at tlte lni!is .-n.fl l,.i tlie verv latest 1-lt-is in Iiiteii'.'f and Decoration--. Church W. H. Lane & Co. n fin I 8 I Band. Wool Dress Goods. All grades at about half price and too prettr to jdook at without buying. !!j Small lot half wool dress, goods Gf . Call at jonce or you will miss them. if Double bladed pocket knives, large size, worth !s20 cents. Take one for 7 cerifs. 1 Full Zink large trunk, cheap at $2.00, you can have it for $1.J0. Nice Trunk for 20. Ask to see it. Cheapest Coffee in town, bottom dropped out. You can't match our dress trimming anywhere. Wo nrp still r&r nmn rr nnr nt'inoc rn -it-Ji.n.n I - - a - ..vvvnj5 win ja iov.o j l nuui ultras goods. Come and see them, we have a mighty soig line. I Ladies Union Suits just 3tou. Just received Five Thousand Yards svery stylish woolen dress goods, 40 inches wide. A rattling good thing at 35, but your tobacco jmoney will get it for 20 cents per yard. LADIES' HATS jin the very latest styles, not a single piece of ggoods in this line has been in my store 15 days. jPrices lowest you ever saw. i Handsome Ladies' Cape for 35 cents. Fine line of Wraps and. trade. YOURS TRULY, The Big BUSINESS-IS BUSINESS. 0- j We can be found at Brown's old stand next to the Racket ; ! Store, where we will be pleased to show and price you anything you may need in the way of Meat, meal, flour, sugar, coffee, corn, snuff, tobacco, etc. Our stock of Canned goods are all fresh and O. K. We sell no shoddy or old stuff, nothing but the best wo can buy. We have just received a fresh lot of Cakes, Crackers and Candy. We appreciate the liberal patronage you have given us .in the past and hope toseeall our friends and customers regularly in the future at our now stand, when in need of anything in our line. - Yours for good goods and low prices. J. F. PHILLBPS & CO., DUNN, N- C Drug Si MbF If Bi Dunn, We thank our friends for the liberal patronage they have given us, and solicit a share of their future patronage. We arc prompt in filling all mail orders and give our customers the benefit of market fluctuations. Yours in business, in sickness and in health. McKay Bros. f5 Skinner. "wm , . . imm in urn j u m For sale by at prices' to arrived. Prices to suit Capes up to $12.50 PROPRIETOR OF tore -o i. k Slier, TsT. C. 9 tonic iceQuiator is not only the best Liver and Kidney medicine but supplies all the elements of Liver Food lack ing in your daily diet. Convenient to use, pleasant to take, thorough in action and the best tonic. Price $i.oo. - BROWN MFG. CO., p'"' eY;' , McKay Bros, & Skinner, Dnnn, N. C.

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