n A A 4 IOOD U p w hi AS P ! fli ni rr1) bio liiiiik 1 if 0 J It L if T"in rr' hp mm 3 h km tea m W my w ml M . ei D HA A -ii iye Opener fox tla is section. THE ONUTY UNION DUNN, N. C. WEDNESDAY, December 6.MS99. OCAL DOTS. ';otton i cents to-day uo you want a Free? -Then road what our "ad" says. '.The Union will adopt the cash in advance system on sub scription after next January 1st. The 15 Toy Sfore. The. Big Toy Store. Nothing in town, Like The Big Toy Store. Judire Moore and Solicitor lm took the train here this afternoon for Smithfield. Mr II. L, Godwin has moved into his handsome resi dencc near the Methodist church. Mr. II. V. Ellis, the organ builder and piano tuner, is do in j; some excellent work in our town. He is not only a tuner and builder but a line composer. Mr. K. S'. Uzzell, the life in suniee man, who was here about iglit months ago is stopping at tii- Jackson Rouse. lie is a vei'v clever srentleman and vvill in our town lor several ua s t i i The case, Mrs. Capps vs the Western Union Telegraph Com pany was compromised, t he Company agreeing to pay $150 damages and all the cost ni the action. Mrs. T. L. H. Young re ceived a telegram Friday an nouncing the sudden death of her sister, Mrs. Shepherd, of Ashland, Va. She left immedi ately for that place. Mr. J. Tyler McLean, of Aberdeen, is here with his par ents. He came Saturday in re sponse to a telegram announc ing that his little sister Belle was dead. -Mr. A. D.-McL'v.n. of Abor n. and Miss Jam1 McKeth- ; n. of Favettevillo, cam" Satur day to attend the funeral of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1). II. McLean. Mr. G. It. Hodges, who lives, near town, told us Satur day that he had an apple tree in his orchard that had blooms on it. Apple blooms in Decem ber is quite unusual. The recitations by Miss Mattie Young at Lillington last week were highly complimented bv everyone present. She has r.; eCj'.'.al considering her age, ;:;ut . there are few older pr.es x a'at compare witu tier. Tho Frill ir-rm of th a ( our. ecuve ed at ilale-u-1 u rdav. Tli ere are ei bt ca;es n the docket from thN and thev will be called (-ou;uy to-nior- i'ow. S(veial witnesses anc 1 at- ternevs D II. McLean and W. A. Stewart lefr to-day to attend. --Our popular hotelist, Mr. .Ino. A. Oates, says that he ex pects to have ripe strawberries for Christmas. He planted some earl vines last summer and he says they have young berries on them. He has cov en d them up well to protect th'-m from the cold, rjv.d thinks t ! : v will ripen by Christmas. "Angier" is the name of a ;kv postoliice established at Mr. B. F. Williams' storo on lb" Cape Fear and Northern haihv ad. Win slow has not ) n discontinued, and is tour )nil( c fvr;m Anrnor After the V 31V.. Ill Jl 1. ' i, i v - lMh there will be a daily mail from Angier to Wiusloyv. otore 4 3 -borne itnms from Cilf' Mill reached us to late for pub lication this week. We will give the court pro ceedings in our next issue as we were unable to -get them this week. Mr. G. L. Cannady, the clever tobacco auctioneer, and Mr. J. J. Wilson have" both ac cepted positions with The Mas sengill Dry Goods Co. and will be glad to see their friends. Court adjourned this morn ing. Judge Moore is an " able and excellent judge and dis patches business very, rapidly. Our people are all pleased with his decisions and trust that he may come to Harnett again. The Band was highly en tertained while at Lillington last week at the Lillington Ho tel. The fare was first class and every attention;possible was given, for which our boys are grateful. Keill Williams a worth less negro, was put in the Coun ty jail Monday to await trial. He is charged with stealing a gold watch from a young man named Butler. Butler was in town Saturday drunk and asso ciating with Neill. The evi dence in the magistrates court was against Neill bound over in a and he was $M) bond, which he failed to give and was placed in jail. Little Belle McLean. On last Friday afternoon about 5 o'clock the death Angel visited the home of Hon. and Mrs. D. II. McLean in this town and claimed the most cherished flower of that happy home little Belle Gilmon, the young est child, aged three years and three months. Little Belle was well when her father left Mon day to attend Lillington court. She was taken sick Tuesday. Her papa came home Wednes day evening but returned next morning, hoping she was better. She continued to grow worse, but her physician did not con sider her "condition alarming until Friday, morning. Mr. McLean was notified in the af ternoon to come at once but the spirit of his little girl had gone before he arrived home. Her disease was ravaging and would not yield to .treatment. All that, "physicians, mother and friends could do were to no avail. Her mission was at an end ; the Master took her for his glory. She was a very tender jewel, the pride and joy of the house hold and a favorite to all who knew her. Her little cold form was placed in a beautiful little cas ket and taken to the Presbyte rian church Sunday morning at It) o'clock when Rev. J. S. ' 1linnifl tuP fml Ilarrell, conducted the funeral services. Dr Black read irom St. John, 13th chapter, 7th verse, the comforting words of Our Savior : "What I do thou knowest not now ; but thou shall know hereafter," and de- lirpml a short but beautitul ad dress. The interment was made at the cemetery in the presence ofalare concourse ot menus who had gathered to pay a last tribute of respect to their de ceased little friend, and cover her o-rave with beautiful flowers and shed tears of sympathy with the bereaved family. May the memory of the few short "years which little Belle was allowed to spend in that happy home lead the broken hearted mother, father, broth ers and sister to walk closer in that narrow way which leads to that beautiful gate where little Belle is ever watching auu uuiir ing for them. If you have to see us before you or old shoddy stutl. Jvery buit in our srore is Just rom The and bought for cash. We can please the eye and suit the pocket book. 8HO ETC 100 Pairs of Men's Fine Dress Shoes for99 cents per pair. This, is no joke. 143 pairs f those Men's Brogans at (J9 cents, worth $1.25 any where else in North Carolina. - Special Bargains in Calico for 4 cents per yard that others sell for 5 and G cents. 5,000 yards of Checks and Sheetings that must be sold to make room for something else. GrroceriesI We have just received : 300 Bags of Salt. 15 Barrels Brown and Granulated Sugar. - 15 Sacks of the Best 10 cent Coffee ever bfferM here. 25 Cases Table Peaches. 25 Cases Pie Peaches. 20 Cases Sardines. 15 Cases Heavy-weight Oysters. 2,000 pounds Best Stick Candy. 50 Buckets French Mixture. G,720 Boxes Mepdison's Lye, to go to our custom ers and friends at 5 cents per box, not-with-stand-; ing the factory prices has advanced recently. We have the goods and they must go at some price. 'Remember We Guarntee io meet Richmond & Wilmington Prices on stuff "hat we offer us we are the farmers' I? Goodwin, I). 1). H. S. 1'. Ic. D. D. S. j. (j. Drs. G-oodvm & Lee, 32:.virES rs, ; V Oilice Rooms on second floor W atk Bnildinp:, Bioad Struct. Public pationaseeoae The children must have shoes. Now don't forget that we can save you money on every pair you buy. W. H. Lane & Co. Spokes, Hubs and Rims for buggies, wagons and carts at less money than the factory price. Dunn Hardware & fur niture Co. "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for any consider- tion. "writes Ttio. ii. ' ' . ' n O Infallible for puci, cui. umu.- ui n di'pa"!. licwarcof counter - uiu. Houd Grantham.. FOR RENT. The Store nouse uo; - 4' - by J. W. Gregory ana sneu u omn nppnnied bV-J . . are for rent. For further infor mation apply to J. W. Gregory, Dunn, N. C. Buy the Blue Grass Axe if the best. Dunn von want Hardware & Furniture Co. It will not be ' a surprise to anv who are at all familiar with the good qualities of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their expe rience in the use of that splen did medicine and in telling of the benefit they have received from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it has saved froin attacks of croup and vvhnnnini? cousli. It is a grand, Good medicine. For sale by Hood & Grantham. We want to buy with in the next 30 days 1,000 dozen eggs for cash or in trade. Don't sell until you get pur bids, you know we ahyays paid highest prices for chickens and eggs. W. H. Lane & Co. Don't forget to ask for your ticket when you trade with us. Remember the $40.0.0 Buggy. Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co HARNESS at Old Prices. Bugv and Wagon Harness, Collars-, Bridles and Pads at prices to suit your purse. We know that this is true for we are selling Harness. See us. Dunn Hdwe. fe Furn. Co. all come buy. We carry no second-hand Factory, Lad ids' Goods. to the merchants, friends. . Come to see CD . , Dunn, N. C- WL A BIG Not a tobacco sale, but a HARDWARE and HARNESS SALE. Both of tobacco warehouses , , have had nice sales this season j and so has E. Lee had a good i trade on Hardware, Harness, i Cook Stoves, heet Iron Heat- ers. box stoves. aiso ijocks, ; Hi e Nailg Door Nails, Doors, Sash, ( , KLints or an Kincis , paints.of- all kiuds anu cuiors. I sell the LIVE OAK & GARLAND Cook Stoves. They are the best on earth ; sold with a full guarantee. Row are these prices? A Good Axe for 50 cents. A Guaranteed Razor:$l. 50 cts. A Pocket Knife for 5 cents. A Nice Glass Lamp, 25 cents. Remember you can actually buy a set of Buggy Harness for $4.50. Yours anxious to do business, LEE'S M HARDWARE AND in BEST YET. First Quality Axe Only 49. We only bought 50 dozen be fore the advance. Now is your chance before they are all sold. Always come to Headquarters when" vou need Hardware and Furniture . We s 1 a u g h t e r j prices and lead the business in tliU nnrt, of the county. O. K- Stoves by the car. Dunn Hard ware & Furniture Co. UlivJ not bought a Suit this I A L Ij HARNESS Dec. 23rd will be your last chance on the Bua- gy. ; . Paj that of yours and spend your want a nice gun here is cash. Guess the buggy. Dunn Hard war Our sales to take care If you need coiintry-inade Farmiure. suite, we are headquarters. BONN -HARDWARE O, K.Sto.Y.s .Lead. TSTin-e Sold Last Friday. DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY. LOCAL DOTS. Pay your tax' Saturday ami save cost. Slier ill Salmon win be at tbe Town Hall next bat- nrdav from 12 o'clock . until night. This is your last chance before cost is added. We have received the fob lowing wedding announcement : 'Dr. and Afrs. R. M.jSpenco an nounce the marriage ot their ddughter, Nelie, and Mr. Alonzo Parrish. -Wednesday, December the thirteenth, eighteen hun dred and ninety-nine, (iiaiii Level, North Carolina." Sheriff Salmon will go to Raleigh this week and settle in full Harnett county's State tax es for 1899 with the State Treas urer. This is the earliest the State taxes have ever been set tled from this county. The npnnle have responded well to the calls of Sheriff Salmon and ho. has succeeded well-. He is making a splendid officer and is fivinc strict attention to busi- ness as the executivo omcer oi the county. Marriage To-night. This eveninsr at 8.30 o'clock at the .Methodist church Mr. C. , Wilson, one of our popular young townsmen, will lead Miss Ethel Gerald, tlie attractive (huio-hter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gerald of this place to hymen's altar. Rev. W. A. lorbes, tlie pastor, will perform the ra ar ia ge ceremonies. Tlie church and chancel are handsomely and elaborately dec orated for" the occasion. The maid of honor, is Mis.s Bertha Gerald, sister of the bride. Dr J. B. Person, of Selma, is best man. The attendants are : Miss Gertrude Harper with Mr. H. II. McKay; Miss Ora Wilson with Mr. A. L. Newberry ; Miss Geneva Parker, of Selma, with Mr. G. K. Massengill. Ushers : Messrs T. II. McNeill and V. S. Halford, of Wilson. Miss Nettie Barnes will preside at the organ. After the marriage an elegant reception will be giv en at the residence of Mr. A. R. Wilson, father of the groom. FOR RENT. A rrrrtl tlirt hnrf FlTm ill Johnston county Meadow Town- ship, at Peacock's Cross Roads known as the Peacock 1 lce. A good two story dwelling with! particuiars gce pt. M. Pearsall plenty of out buildings, tobac-r - co Barns &c. Very fine land for the growing of tobacco. V ill be let out to the ingnest nmueri on Thursday Dec. 14th 1S99, all j together or in lots of one horse j crops lor turther information!., , Wihyic, j;ite reasonable. annlv to Ij.' Lee at Ins new Hardware House. Dunn We have just bought 25 Guns at less than account Jobbers and get your chance before they are jrone. 'urniture Company. have been extra of our customers. ' i anything from a Cliair to a filie k FURNITURE COMPANY. 10 I keep at all times a choice line of ITanoy Grrooeries and will be gladto have you call and get my prices. "Small pronts nd quick sales" has ever been our motto ! and you onlv have toall to see Mr. George MondsV with me and will be glad to see you. Yours For Business, i. R. iJEKNIG-AR. BEWARE! The D u n n Frame and Portrai t j Company of Dunn N. C will furnish you a handsome 10x20, n,.n TWvnH for $2.00. A I 16x20 Pastel Portrait for $3.50, j all other styles in proportion. A 10x20 trame from .$1.00 up. j We handle all kinds of framed Pictures. Fine Easels for $1.00 each, also headquarters for Wall naner. The Manager, John 0. Jones, has had ten years exper- Pimp in the met lire .Dusiwess and can p eae you found on Railroad Street in the Old Central Hotel, Dunn, Zi. Remember E. Lee, will not be undersold on Buggy Robes, and Buggy Whips. Look for E. Lee's New Glass Front and attractive Sign oiij AVilarm rrirnpr He has a new and full stock of Hardware and Hand-made Harness. Be sure not to buy Cook Stoves, until you see The Gar land & Live Oak Stoves and Ranges sold by Lee's Hardware House, oil Wilson corner. ftr.O 00 worth of Buggy Don't Robes iitst received. buy until you see our line. Dunn Hardware fc Furniture Co lk - V,-.v rhp.m Cow Feed see M. Pear-all and get Cotton; Seed Hulls and Meal. R. M. Pearsall has just re ceived a car load of Cotton Seed (Hulls and Meal.- Cheapest j cow feed you can buy ;j yQ SALE A few nice c . , j ots For termsnnd jjhq IHOTEL, f ' i ixu uwxx, . w jas: B: Northam, Proprietor. fii!l ;i liberal hhare of your patronage (t solK-ite'U Cost. If you Dunn II wd & Furn. Co- Buggies AND Harness At old prices. We want you to examine our NEW LINE. We Guarantee the ,bali rxce. Mir in. tmi co. 1 SEkk. that I mean what I say. Lillington. t Amateurs From Dunn Give Creditable Performance Fine Music by a Band Recently Organ ized. Lillington, N.C, Nov. 30. Last night the liunn Brass .It 1 rn . nnfnrtnin ninnr which would have reflect- ft com Pr. , . n T?nl The' audience was not criti cal, it is true, and was pre pared to enjoy to the utmost every feature of the perform nnnarpntlv the Dconlo j-, p':ov themselves. understanding is that the i 1 j njz(J( et tK.jr rendition 'of . .j musical nartof the program won Id not so indicate. The acting was fine, marred only in minor respects. Especial men tion should bo made of the reci tation of Miss Mattie Young, pearance, coupled with her unassuming manner and real artistic ability, made her a prominent figure The neat and simple uni- forms of tho band members "j made a pretty sight upon the :.,. f 1 . r tVinofrn rcliipb hilt' a few hours before was the mar of the court room. The editor of the County Union, partially hid behind a horn almost as large as himself, looked curious, but handsomo as usual. The bass drummer, and fiddler general' of the com pany, in his impersonation of n iipirro. was an undoubted suc cess, and would hardly have jbeen admitted intp a first-class car on the Ancier road twenty- four hours after the perform ance, if the conductor had been present at the entertainment. Jonesboro Correspondent to the Morning Post.

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