Millions Involved- Dispcnsariss (1 I I I AVeC e tablcPxep aratlon for As slmilatlrig thcTood andRe ula ling thaStomachs andBoweis of lTOOT0tesTHestionheerfuI tiess andltesLContafas neither Opium lorptiia nor llincraL Not Narcotic. Jhmiptan SatL' 4lx.Senn tnin Sttd. IXpptniunt -i I Cartana&SoZ HirmStd - ta&iyrt- fUrrer. A ncrfecf Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions ,r evensn ucss and LOSS OF SLEET. Tac Slnulc 'Signature' ojf TTEW "YORK,. EXACT COPVT UT WHAPPEB. - - - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B. II. lift LEAN ) Counsellor pnd Attorney at Law, DUNN, n. c. Practice in all Courts. Collections a Specialty W- E- Murchison, JONESBOKO N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not for,fun. Feb. 20-ly. Isaac A- Murcliison, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. pjaetices Law in Cumberland, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted. J. C- CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, DUNN, n. c. Will practice in all the courti; of the State, where "rvices desired. H. L GODWIN, Attorn ey-at-Law Dunn, - - N. C. Will practice wherever services may be, required. Difficult collections promptly made. yjy L. HUDSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Dunn, N. C. Olliee on N. E.'jWilson St., second build ing from Broad St. -Residence at junction of E. Broad and Kim Streets. Prompt attention to ail calls from either. Town or County, day or night in the various blanches of the profession. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodist Church Rev. W A.. Forbes Pastor Services first Sunday night, and fourth Sun day morning and night. PrayeruieetiiiK every Wednesday night. Sunday schec! every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O. K. U rant ha ni Superintendent. - Baptist Church. Rev. L. R. Carroll, paster. Services every second Sundaj morning and night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night 'Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. A. Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Church. Rev. R. W. Hinca' pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday, morning and night. Sunday school every Sunday morning, Doug Smith Superinten dent. Disciple Church Rev. F. M. Summerell pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Cnristian Endeavor society every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday vening at 3 o'clock, McD. Holliday Supt. Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C. Jackson, pastor. Services every first Sun day morning aud night, j Primitive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder W. Q. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock LODGE. Palmyra Lodge, No. 117, A. F. & A. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M-; W. A. Johnson, 8. ; E. A. Jones J. W.; J. Q. Johnson, Secretary. Regular communications are held on the 3rd Satur day alio o'clock A. M., and on the 1st Friday at 7:3 o'clock p. in. in each month. AH Ma sons in good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. J. F. Phillips, Mayor. Commissioners McD. Holliday, J. C. Cox, C. F. Pope, Dr. F. T. Moore, w. H. Duncan, Policeman. CorNTr Officers. Sheriff, Silas A. Salmon. s ' Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. C. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. P. McKay. Coauty Examiner, Rev. J. S. Flack. Cammiiwioners : . F. Youuir. Chairman ' xiiUL. x. A ilarriton. For Infants and Children. Fhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Li 12.. the cenrtun company, new vork city. I-'. l JONES. W. A. STEWART. JONES & STEWART, Attorneys, Dunn, N. C. Will practice anywhere in State or Federal Court. Collections a specialty and prompt attention given. Oscar J- Spears, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, LiLLINGTON, N. C. Office in th? Court House. General Practice in all State Courts. $P,f ILMINGTON AND R. AND BRANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Nov. 19tji, 1899. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11:50 a, in., 8:58 p. m.; arrive Rocky Mount, '12:55 a. m., 9:.r2 p. m. Leave Tarboro, 1,1:21 a. m, (j 00 pin. Leave KocJ'y Mount, 1:00a. M., 9:52 p. in., ti 37 . in., 5:40 am, 12:52 m. Leave Wilson, 1.58 a in, 10:25 p in, 6:20 a in, 2:J0 p m., 7 lo pin. Leiive Selma,2.T5 a m. 11 10 p. m. Leave Fayetteville, 4:30 a m, 12:2 p m. Arrive Florence. 7:25 a m, 2:24 pm. Arrive Goldsboro 7 r,5 p. m. Leave (Joldsboro, 7:01 am, 3:21 p m. Leave Magnolia, 8:09 a m, 4:i5 p m. Arrive Wilmington, 9:40 a in, 5:50 p m, TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence, 9:40 am, 7:45 p m. Leave fayetteville, 12:0 a m,Mp m. Leave Selma; 1.50 a m. 10 5 p. m. Arrive Wilson, 2:35 a in. 11:33 p m. Leave Wilmington, 6:50 p m. 9 45a m, Leave Magnolia, 11:19 a in, 8:20 p m. Leave Goldsboro, 5 00 am, 12:30 am, 9:27 pm. Leave Wilson, 2-35 p m, 5 43 am, 11:33 am 10:: 0 ni, 1:10 p in. Arrive Rocky .Mount, 3: 30 p m, 12:03 a m f, 25 am, ll:li:p m, 1:53 p m. Arrive Tarboro 7 04. a. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:2l p in. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12:09 a m. Arrive Weldon, 4:32 p ni. J:00 a m. Wilmington an. 1 Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Davidson Main Line Train leaves Wilming ton, 9 00 a. m., arrives Fayetteville 12 12 p. m., leaves Fayetteville 12 25 p. m., arrives Sanford 1 4i p. m. Returning leave Sanford 2 ,-( p. in., arrive Fayetteville 3 41 p in., leave Fayetteville 3 4ti p. m., arrives Wil mington 6 40 p. in. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Ben- nettsville- Branch Train leaves Ben- nettsville 8 15 a.m., Maxton 9 20 a.m. Red Springs 9 53 a. in., Hope Mills 1042 a in, arrive Fayetteville 10 55. Returning leaves fayetteville 4 40 p. m., Hope mills 4 55 p. in. l.'ed Springs 5 35 p.m., Maxton 6 15 p.m. arrives Bennettsville 7 15 p. m. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78 at Maxton with the Carolina Central Rail road, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowniore railroad, at Sanford witn the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway at ulf with the Durham and Charlotte Rail road. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 3:3". j m, Halifax 4:15 p ni arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m Greenville r.T.Tp ni Kinston 7:55 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m, Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11:18 a m, Weldon 11:33 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington fr:10 a in, and 2:30 p in., arrive Parmele : :10a in, and 4 00 p in, returning leave Par niele ii::5 am. and t;:30p m. arrive Washington 11:04) a in, and 7: -0 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro N. C. daily, ex4ept Sunday, at r: :o p m., Sunday 4.1". p. in., arrives Plymouth 7 40 p. in., 6 10 p.m.. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday. 7 50 a. m.ud Sunday 9 oo a. in.; ar rives at Tartoro loV a. in.. 11 00 a. m. Train on Midland NC Branch leaves Gold-s-boro, N. C, daily except Sundav, 7 of. a in; ar rive Smithtield N C. f lit a ni. Keturnine leaves smith'ie: 1. X. c. 9 on .i. m. nrrio: o!dstoro,.. e. 1 .5 a. in. T:-flius -n Na.l.v:lle Br;ine! leaves- Rockv Mom.t ai 9: u a. in'., 3-,0 p in arrives Nashville lOlOa in, 4;0. p in. Spiing hepe 10 40 a in, i To p. m Ketjurn na: leave spring Hope ll:0t a. in.. 4 5" p m, Nashville lint a. in, 5 l5 j. m, arrive at i.i.cky M unt -.1145 am., tip m daily except Sun. lay. ' - ' Train en ( iiixt. n Branch leaves Warsaw for Cliiiu n nilv. except Sunday, at 11:41 a. in. and 4:15 pin. Returning Kaves Clinton 00 a m and 2:r,0 p m. Train No. 78 make close sonnectir-n at Wei don for all points Nurth daily, all rail vi Richmond. . II. At. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. J. R. KKNLY, ' T. M. EMERSON, General Manager. TratUc Manager. POSITIONS SECt7RED' deposit 1 UU111U11 nonev or tuition in bank I till positionis'secured.orvrillacceptnptes. j Cheap board. Car fare psid. Nova- cation vnter any time. Open for both sexes. Catalogue free. Writr to-day. DRAUGHQN'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS Nashville, Tetm. Savannah, Ga. Gatvestott. Tex. SUT Teitrtaox. Tex. I Indorsed bv merchants a n1 honl-Prt I By far best rSatronized hninc. ii in South. Three montfis' Ki-i-.i in South. Three mouths' bookkeeping with us equals six by the old nlan. ah 1 COiamercial branches tAno-Vit .T A . or circu- lars explaining ''Home Study Course " i n' cuuege catalog uadrew "Departaaent 1 AW fJ Kind F You Have Always Bought. r. u n tn & 4 i j i -.uj rs try fej rs Cotton Seized and Sold During; the War. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 27. Gov. Miles B. McSweeney to day addressed a letter to the governor of each southern state asking for united effort to get southern representatives in Con gress to work for the' passage of a bill refunding eleven million dollars to Southern people from whom cotton was seized by United States troops during the war between the states. The cotton was sold by the collector of customs of New York, and the funds placed in the United States treasury. The; United States Supreme Court has decided that the gov ernment has no right or title to these funds, which are held for the ultimate return to those entitled thereto. But these funds cannot be sold except by congressional a n 1 1 r n as legislation is neces before action can be sary brought against the sovereign government. By special legis lation some few claims have been granted, but it is desired that congress remove all re straints so that lawful owners or heirs may bo reimbursed. A senate bill was introduced last year, and was reported favorably by the senate commit tee on claims, but was lost sight of in some way. Post. As a cure for rheumatism Chamberlain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide reputation. D. B. Johnson of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment- since 18G2. In speak ing of it he says I never found anything that would re lieve me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me' very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Hood & Grantham. .lyn. Clark. Peoria, 111., says,. "Sur "wns wanted to operate on me for li!er but I cnreil them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits.. Hood & Grantham. A Preacher's Plea- The Methodist at Concord had a hard problem to wrestle with when they came to consider the case of a preacher who declined ,io go to his appointment last year because it paid only $175 a year. He said he could not take his wife and three children to a circuit that did not pay enough to support them. Mr. Porter Graves, member of the Mt. Airy bar, made an eloquent speech defending the preacher who is an exemplary man. The average salary of a missionary in China is $900, and if the church thinks it takes that much to, support a preacher there, wjiere living is cheaper than in North Carolina, why not pay missionaries less and home workers more, put their sal aries on a parity. News and Observer. Brother Shoots Brother- The Tarboro Southerner a few days ago said tjiat Mr. V. 0. Bullock near Rocky Mount shot his brother, Dr. Jesse Bullock. The following day it gave the following particulars : "Jesse Bullock carried a note to his brother from his mother. He met him about half way be tween the two places, where W. O. Bullock was putting up a stock law fence. Some words ensued and Jesse attacked Orren . Being stronger he soon had the advantage. "Orren then used his pistol, missing at the first shot, but striking the thigh the next in flicting a flesh wound. Orren's son then interfered with an axe. The blow was not well delivered but glanced, knocking. off skin but not injuring tlie skull. "Orren Bullock went at once to Rocky Mount and detailed the occurence to his lawyer B. H. Buim, who advised him, so it is said, that his act was justi fiable, as he had acted through out in self defense. "As stated yesterday only the two brothers and Orren's two sons were present at the time of the lighting." Commonwealth. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I eyer use 1 for coughs and colds. It is unequaled for whooping courh. Children aH like it.' wriu.s II. N. Williams, Gentryvilh-, Ind. Never rails, it is tne oniv Harness remedy ; cltighs,'colds!Uirsene. "roup, pneu- fails. mo a' bmnctiitw and nil uiroai nii'i t -v ....... u " " 5 " 4T; . , ... A' uli'uou Hood & Grantham. Dispensaries will no doubt be u. made filmost general by the next General Assembly of North Carolina. 'Wherever they have been tried they have met wjth the approval of their first advocates and in some places by those who at first op posed them;-'1 We heard a gen tleman who lives in a town which has no bar-rooms, and who was not too strongly in favor of running them out at first, said a few days ago that he did not want them in his towrL any jnore. Still another gentleman who lives in a town that has no bar-rooms said that some at first thought the mov ing of the saloons from the town would hurt the business of the place; but his observation, he said, was that business has been just as good since the saloons were moved out as it had been before. He said that he is convinced now that the only persons who are ever finan cially benefitted by saloons in a community are those who sell the liquor. As to other busi ness the presence of saloons has uothing to do with it. And he is unquestionably right. The people of this State are learning this truth, and when the next General Assembly meets there will no a demand for more leg islation against the liquor traffic than has been known in North Carolina before. Scotland Neck Commonwealth. My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him to take some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bot tles of the 25-cent size he was cured. I give this testimonial, hoping some one similarly af flicted mav read it and be bene fited. Thomas C. Bo w e r , Glencbe,.0. For sale by Hood & Grantham. Miss AuneE. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says, "I suffered a long: time from dys pepsia; lost tlesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me." It digests what yon eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give immediate relief in the worst cases Hood & Grantham. Land Sale. On Saturday the 2nd day of December,' 189.9, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the depot in the town of Dunn, we will sell to the high est bidder for cash, 55 acres of good farming land adjoining the lands of B. W. and H. A. Hodges, 3 miles Northeast of Dunn. G. T. Jones & Bro. It takes but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to stop a cough t5r the use of One Minute Cough r'ure. This remedy quickty cures all forms of throat, and lung . troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous specillc fr grippe and its after effects. : Hood & Grantham. EUCALINE. Are Your Eyes Diseased? The absorption treatment reaches the cause of all diseases of the Eye without knife or risk. A chance to gain everything! No chance to lose. If: your eyes are diseased in any way ; if yOu Jiave granu lated eyelids, inflamed eyes, sore eyes from blood diseases, pnralvsis or atropia of the optic nerve, paralysis of accommoda tion, Aims, ulcers, of the cornea, cataract, or scars, you should try Eticaline. Sold under a positiye guarantee to cure. Absolutely-' without danger of injury. If your druggist does not handle it, write to Dr. Clark Eucaline Co., Atlanta, Ga. Mention this paper.. I AGENT'S WANTED FOR "THE Life and Achievements of Admiral Ocwey." the world"-, greatest naval hero. Ity Mmat flafstead, the life long friend and admirer of the nation's idol. Biggest ami best book; over 500 pages SxlO inches; nearly 10'J pages halftone illustrations. Only 1.50. Ki;oi mous demand. Pig eom missions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick. ;i he Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Caxton Bldg. Chicago, 111. May 24-26w-p. HAVING qualified of Matthew Wild as administrator ler deceased, late of Harnett county. N. C. This is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned on or lefore the tirt day of September, i;00. or this notice will tc plead in bar cf their re covery. All oersous indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This Sept. 1. l$09- y. A. Smith, Administrator. mmim "ii1 1 -iuj-i ''''Ar"5VT? ii) 1 llt) tj) irtllfEkj Reliable persom of a mechanical or tnTentlre mind J i I . .1 -. W I 1 I. W A nil . . M1LI .Ull, . Mm .p. M.. fUlUVUI W . .lV. Zjm iAIMl COD, lialtimore, Sid. . Ask your physician this qucs- tion, "What is the one great remedy for consumption?" : He will answer, "Cod-liver ; oil." Nine out of ten will ; answer the same way. Yet when persons have : consumption they loathe all fatty foods, yet fat is neces sary for their recovery and . they cannot take plain cod- ; liver oil. The plain oil dis- ; turbs the stomach and takes I away the appetite. The dis- I agreeable fishy odor and I taste make it almost unen- 1 durable. What is to be done ? I This question was ans- I wered when we first made t TTS I of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- 1 i phosnhitcs. Although that I was nearly twenty-five years 1 T l i l 1 f A 7 I ago, yei u sianas eione iu- j I day the one great remedy i for a!I affections of the throat I and lungs. I I The bad izsiz and c dor have been 1 I ta!:cn away, the ell itrcif has been ; ; j partly digested, and the mcst sen- $ sitive stomach ebjecti to it rarely, i Notone in ten can take and cieit the plain oil. Nine out of ten can i j fake SCO ITS EMULSION and di- l gest it. Tint's why it cures so j r latiy cases cf early censumption. Even in advan.ccd cases it brings : ; . comfort and greatly prolongs life. i 50c. and $1,00, all druggists. S SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New Vork. L,tn i m 111 n Hi m H ' We een'.t afford ito do business for fun, so if you want tbe UNION for 1900 pay your subscription by January the 1st. of the COUNTY UNION, Dunn, N. C 'i was nearly- dead with dyspepsia, rrii'fi imrrnrs.- isirnrs. -visirpd minpm I pprings, nnd rew worse. I used Kodol Dyspepsia (Jure. .1 hat cured me.' It digests what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour StOinacn, Heartburn and all forms dysyepsia. Hood Grantham. fire I Fire ! WE REPRESENT OVER FORTY Million Dollars to protect YOU AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE AND WIND STORMS. FOR POLICIES CALL ON JAS. A. TAYLOR & BRO Dunn, N. C. Mrs. R. Churchill, IBerlin, Vt., says, "Our babv was covered with i unninr sores, D.eWitt's witch Hazel Salve cureu ner. j snecinc ior pue.s ana .11 ,i i .. . r ! i skin diseases. lieware of worthless counterfeits. Hood & Grantham. crVv.,rJnN. aS FOR SALE BY For sale by Tlie Masbengill Dry (jroods Co., Dunn, JN. C. lOTICE ! ! ! The undersigned, Geo. IJ E. Piiiice. havinr lliis day duly qualirted as Administrator of the late Richard IJollins deceased, h-n ly y:ivcs notice to all fx.-rsous indchtjd unto said estate, 'or-'iine 'forward arl make jay me:t. All persons huhlin claims aaint said etar'u ill present tl 10 same for payment on or before the oth dav of September 1900, or this notice will le plead in bar of their recovery. This Sept. 4th. 1S09 GkorgeE. Prince, Oscar J. Spears, Administrator. Attorney. IMMSal: L3VT!rSLT'"jr.' ULc: 104 Kortk Pr cc. or Si I 1 aPSSSSEsasssss Wf2.5qi2.25; is , -w- b-(3H' n It will pay you to examine the W. ji I1 Douglas shoes, and see for M I yourself that they are just as & good in every way as those for a vcr tt-.. U 1 Pa ;uU nave ueen paying $S to $7- For style, com- M lfort, and service, they M cannot be surpassed 0 Xby custom-made Jj shoes. Watch Makers and Jewelers, OUIMIM IM. C, Are now offering, some special bargains in Watches, Clocks &c, and invite you'to call and see what they have. If you want Spectacles they have them and can fit any body's eyes. If you want Picture Frames made to order. They can make them on short notice. If you want to purchase a Bicycle or buy Bicycle Sundries, they can furnish you. If you want your wheel repaired, the- can do it. If you want anything in the Jewelry line, they have it. If you .want any kind of nice Silverware, see them before you buy, they can please you in this HneT If you want to save money in your purchases, call on 1 jhFREE TO T A FORTY-FIVE Jo be GIVEN Uao i I f l JLj0 A.l tilt We have numbered doO receipts, running from 1 to 00U, and one of these receipts will draw ,rnll Knlnr with trnnr enher - 7 J i . -a f you can secure a recipt tor lyuu. Anybody can secure one oi the receipts, old subscribers as well as new ones, any where in or out of the State. If your subscription is already extended to some time in 1900, then send us $1.00 and we will credit you and send you a numbered receipt. If you don't know how much you ove guess at it and send about $1.00 more than you think it is. You can see this Buggy by calling at A. R. Wilson's Buggy Store, next door to E. Lee's Hardware House. It is a dandy. fiCFThe receipts have already be too late. The number drawing the buggy is sealed and deposit ed at Hood & Grantham's Drugstore. No living man knowns the numhpr Wo rn.nnnt. toll vn,i J Send in your subscription I This Space IE THE under the management of The Dunn Cash Racket and MILLINERY STORE: They will say something to you next weak, watch for it. 845. DOLLAR BUGGY AWAY FREE by Irtll rhflAllC! MJLKJLJUjJLKJ LliS the Forty-Five Dollar Buggy. i - inHnn ron mncf nnv ni lmf.-a i j i j l . a - began to go. If you wait you may tlm nnmW fi. r ,1,-.' lri ' at once and you mav tret the buirjrv. " i - Reserved for TOY STORE, ; 1 r

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