THE Democratic Banner. 3*. 3p. Ed itor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months ■''lll*' O * Y >ar hS """""1 ... *l.oo'. One Sent by Mall. Payable ill advance. SHI B SB. ■e-TIIK DEMOCRATIC BAXMW IS tltf okioinal County Union, subscribe > will please take notice, Entered acconling to postal regula tions at the postottice at Drinn, >'. L.,a~ second class matter. DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. DUNN. N. c.. April 3. 1901. An Act to Allow Dunn to Issue Bonds. An Act to authorize the town of Dunn to issue bonds for pub lic improvements and to lo\y a special tax. The General Assembly ot North Carolina do enact: Section 1. 1 hat the Board of Commissioners of the town of Dunn is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds in the name of the town of Dunn, in such denominations and forms as it may determine, to an amount not exceeding thirty-five thousand dollars, payable at such time or times and at such place or places a the board of commissioners may prescribe, Provided, that the time of payment of such bonds shall not be more than thirty vears from tneir date. " Section 2. That the said bonds shall bear interest at no greater rate than six per centum per annum, and the interest shall be payable annually, or semiannuailv as the board of commissioners may prescribe, and said bonds -hall in no case be sold, hyp«-'thicated or otter wise di-v..«a f for less than their par value. Section 3. The said bonds shaii be signed by the Mayor, attested by the town clerk and -.•akd with the corporate seal j of the town, and shall have interest cov.pons attached there to. and t;. coupons shall be receivable payment of town T:. •: for the purpose of - irins - - bonds at maturity! itnd said coupons as they be-l due. it shall be the duty I : - - a: lof commissioners, an-i thev hereby empowered so to do. to levy and collect each vear a sufficient special tax i upon all subjects of taxation which are now >v may hereafter be embraced in the subjects of taxation upon the charter of said town, and at the time and in the same manner as other; taxes are collected under said charter; Provided, that the total rate of taxation allowed for the special purposes set forth in this act shall not ex ceed fifty cents on each one hundred'dollars' valuation of property and one dollar and fifty cents on each taxable poll; Provided, further, that the taxes collected under this Act shall be used exclusively for the purpose of paying said bonds and interest coupons as the same may become due, and it shall bo the duty of the town treasurer, as said coupons are taken and paid off, to cancel the same and report not less than twice a year to the board of commissioners the numbers and amounts of the coupons so cancelled. Section 4. That the board of commissioners shall not issue said bonds nor any of them, not levy or collect said tax until they shall have been authorized and empowered so to do by a majority of the qualified voters of said town at an election to be held at such time as said board may appoint, of which election notice shall be given not less than twenty days in some news paper published in said town; and at such election those favoring the issue of said bonds and the levy and collec tion of the tax for the payment of said bonds and coupons shall vote a ballot upon which is written or printed the word "Improvements" and those op posing the same shall vote a written or printed ballot con taining the words "No Improve ments." Said election shall be held under the same rules and regulations as elections for may or and other town officials. Provided that the board of commissioners may in its dis cretion order a new registration of voters. Provided, further, that a failure of the voters to ratify this act in any election held as aforesaid shall not pre vent the board.of commission ers in its discretion to cause a subsequent election to be held for the same purpose. Section 5. That the said bonds and the proceeds arising from the sale of the same shall be used by the board of com missioners for the following and for no other pur- pose, to-wit: For erecting, equipping, conducting and op erating an electric light plant to furnish lights for the streets of said town andfor its citizens ; for constructing and equipping •i system of water works and maintaining and operating the same, to furnish water for the use of the town and its citizens, fur constructing and maintain ing a sewerage system tor the town ; to build a town _ hall, market house and other neces -ary . public buildings and to furnish the same ; and to grade, curb, macadamize and improve the streets of the town; Pro vided, that 'the purchasers of said bonds shall in no respect be held responsible for the ap p;ication of said bonds. Section 0. That the said board of commissioners shall have entire supervision and control of any and all of the plants and works established under this act, and is hereby authorized to elect all such agents, servants and employees as it may deem proper, and pay the same from any of the revenues as the town not oilier wise appropriated, and do all other proper things to carry into effect the true intent of this act. Section 7. That this act shall be in force from and alter its ratification. In the General Assembly read three times and ratilied this tin 2(stii day of February A. D. 1901. W. D. Tcrxer, President of the Senate. Walter E. Moork, Speaker of the House ot Repre sentatives. A Charminq Scene. It has seldom been our pleas ure to witness a more beautiful and charming scene than that of '•The Opening" at the millinery deparptment of the Dunn Cash Racket which took place last Monday evening. As we walked into the store, | which was tastily decorated with gay-colored drapery and a profusion of the choicest (low ers, we were reminded of the rose-colored bower of Ten ny lons Faery Queen. The lovely and fascinating Miss Lilla Mc- Lure, of Alabama, who is at the head of this department iof the store, received her visi tors with that grace, and dig nity. and charm of manner which is characteristic of her. Like a queen in this modern | Fairyland, she moved among [the many lovely maids whoj were present, and exhibited to their appreciative eyes, the thousand and one late-t styles of ladies hats. Our own unedu cated eyes could hardly appre ciate these lovely creations of woman's fingers, but we bowed in humble homage, to the lovely little maid who could make everything look charming by the skillful touch of her pretty fingers. A. B. 11. — Election Notice. The citizens of the town of Dunn will take notice that the Board of Commissioners of said town has called an elect ion "to | be held on the Gth day of May next, for the purpose .of sub mitting to the voters of said town the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina entitled an act to au thorize the town of Dunn to issue bonds for public improve ments and to levy a special tax, as well as for the purpose of electing town officers re quired to be elected by the charter of the town. The act referred to gives to the board of commissioners the power to issue bonds of the town to an amount not exceed ing $35,000 for public improve ments. Those favoring the ratification thereof shall vote at such election a ballot contain ing the word "Improvements," and those disapproving the same shall vote a ballot con taining the words ''No Im provements." Notice is further givon that an entirely new registration of voters has been ordered for said election and that O. T. (iuy has been duly appointed Registrar for said election. By order of the Board, this 2f>th day of March 1901. J no. A. Oaths, Mayor. J. C. CLIFFORD, WANTED. Peas, Peas, Picas, White and Stock. Potatoes, Hams, Chickens and Eggs and will pay highest cash ■ price and sell you Groceries | cheap at the A. T. Lee corner on West side of Railroad. P. J. Jeffreys. NOW READY FOB BUSINESS. Bring on your machine repair work to Dunn Foundry and Machine Works. A modern and up-to-date Foundry and Machine Working plant now in Dunn. We have new and the latest im proved machinery direct from the manufacturers. Mr. P. H. Lynch, a machinist of great skill and abilility, is foremaqj of our machine works. We guarantee to do almost anything in metal work from threading a tiny screw to boring a 24 inch steam cyl inder. WE GUARANTEE TO SATISFY. Boiler steel plate, patch bolts, steam piping, inspirators, injectors and all kinds steam fittings, set screws, machine bolts j etc, etc, constantly on hand. Architectural irons store fronts, etc. made to order. Grate-bars, Fire-dogs, and Plow castings always on hand. TOBACCO FLUES. A 1 1 styles, A flft We are workmanship and _ _ f^Vy—manufacturers Ibices guaranteed I vHD agents for tlie We will celebrated a llowance s -// - -R \B- Farguhar to equalize freights i ,-i" *' n ' g saw mills from other points. __ en gi nes a n d Boilers, Traction Engines. Threshing machines and mounted light threshing engines specialy adapted to drive threshing ma c'lines. Also leaver and railway horse powers and all kinds of ; machinerv. For further particulars call on or write TBI JNO. 1. MCKAY M'F'G CO. DUNN, N. C. CLOSING: OUT SALE. FOR THE NEXT Thirty Days I will sell my eutire stock of GROCERIES, Hardware, Crockery, Enamel and Tinware and Hats at cost for cash. Cotne to see me and buy your GROCERIES and get them at WHOLESALE PRICES. I mean what I say. lam going to close out AT PR/ML COST. lam going to make a change in business. All indebted to me will please comp and settle their accounts. Respectfully, J. HOW DOES THIS- STRIKE Y QU? 1 o— — o 1 a yard will buy the best cotton warp Matting made. THIS IS NO JOKE, gm-WE MEAN IT. If you don't believe it come and see. 20 ROLLS JUST RECEIVED. WE SELL THE BEST AT FIFTEEN CENTS. Respectfully, G-. K. MASSENGIkk. Married at High Noon. To-day at high uoon in the parlor of the residence of Mr. and Mrs E. Lee on Divine street. Miss Katie Peacock, a niece of Mr. Lee, was joined in marriage to Mr. Seth Lee, of Johnston county. The cere mony was performed by Rev. W. C. Barrett, pastor of the Baptist church. The marriage was a quiet one, only a few friends being present. Imme diately after the ceremony the happy couple, together with the guests were ushered into the dining room where an ele gant dinner was served: The pretty bride is a sister of Miss Lettie Peacock, who has charge of the Exchange office, and is one of the most popular young ladieH in the city. Mr. Lee the groom recently returned from Richmond he has been attending the Massey Business College. We extend congratulations and wish them much joy and happiness. The Impeachment Trial. The trial is now a thing of the past and the judges are set free. There was a majority in favor of impeachment but it re quired two-thirds to impeach, in this they needed seven votes to convict. The trial cost the State $7500. While we have no criticism to offer, we think it a right costly experiment. If the masses throughout tl e State were allowed to vote on the matter of impeachment to day, with the evidence before them, the judges would doubt less be convicted. The trial will doubtless have its effect on those who may be tempted to take matters in their own hands in the future. t Just received car load of In dia Rock lime at E. Lee's Hdw. & Harness House, as good as any on the market. Ladies patent leather shoes and slippers at G. K. Massen gills. A complete line of Cotton Plows, Cotton King Cultivators, ! j Harrows, etc., at Lee's Hard : ware Store. Neva linings, all colors at G. 1 K. Massengills, 10 f per yard. WHITES BLACK LINI : MENT for family use, call i quick at Hood & Grantham's , andget a full size 25c bottle for • 15c. . • ~ i Special Meeting of Board. ' At a special meeting of the Board of Town Aldermen held ' to-day by the call of the Mayor the following resolution was passed : It is ordered by the Board that in the event of a majority of the votes cast at the election . upon the Bond issue as provided by the Act of the General As ' sembly, ratified Eeb. 1901, shall 1 be in favor of the ratification of said Act, then such vote shall be construed to mean that not ' more than $ 15,000 of such bonds be issued, until another election shall be held to authorize the , issue of the balance of said bonds as provided for in said act. That all orders heretofore issued in conflict with this or order are hereby repealed. JOHN OATES, Mayoß, O. P. SHELL, Sec. Pro tem. April 3, 1901. For MUSIC call on or write toC.E. Pope, Dunn, N. C. | gTtMfi ©NJ I ||! THE ©©ItKBIU I ' !==; i lam still doing business at the same Old Stand, and | carry a first-class line of Drugs, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Perfurmery, etc. Fresh Garden Seed. We have any kind of seed that you may want. We 'jj sell Wood's. May's and Ferry's seed, in papers and j ij bulk. We can suit you it makes no difference what 111 kind you want or whose seed you want. DRUGS! 1 j Don't forget that we still carry everything handled in an up-to-date Drug Store. Mr. R. E. L. Skinner .> is still with me arid will be glad to have his friends call and see him. Come to see us when in need of anything in our line. Yours to serve and please, i@,fc, WkSfflt i NOTHING WORKS LIKE Success _ If you would have success in life and gain a reputation of always being at your POST ON TIME You must have your old watch or clock put in working order. The man who has bad time is al ways out of place when wanted. Bring your watches and clocks to us. If your old EYE CLASSES have failed to give you the proper service, just come to our store and we can fit you up. If you want something nice in the .Jewelry J ine You can find it at our place. We always make prices right, and turn our customers away happy. We are prepared to do your engraving. Satisfaction guaranteed. PICTURE FRAMES You can get all sizes and colors from us. Anything you want made to order. Give us a call. Yours Truly, & d©RQAH. "TEW GOODS! - o— ——o OUR BUYERS HAVE JUST RETURNED from the Northern Markets with the nicest line of goods we have ever purchased. Consisting of Dress Goods of the newest shades and styles. Ladies' Cloth, Yenetion Cloth, Skirtings, etc., for early Spring Wear. Dimities, Organdies, Lawns, Piques, etc. The nicest line of WHITE GOODS yet seen in Dunn. We have a rare bargain in Silk. Can sell you a Silk Dress for 15? per yard. Our stock of Fancy Goods embraces all the latest novelties in Ribbon Ends, Fancy Ties and Belts for ladies. Our stock of ©ENTg* WWQKWm&m IS THE TOWN TALK. JUST THE PRETTIEST LINE THIS SIDE OF NEW YORK. Ranging in price from 10/ per doz up. That de partment is complete in all the latest stytes. We have the grand est line of Shoes for ladies and gents yet seen. Our College Kid Shoes for-ladies and our Craddock Pattern leather and vici for men are beauties and can't be beat. 1 Our Une of Millinery this season is simply immense. All the latest styles will be shown. It will be under the management of an up-to-date aud experienced trimmer. Our ready to wear hats are now readv and at such a low price that it will actually astonish you. Miss Lilla McLure, of Baltimore, and Mrs. J. P. Pittman (nee Miss Foy Barnes) will have charge of this department. Our opening will be on April Ist from 4 to 10 o'clocd p. m., aud we cordially invite an inspection. We have established a bargain counter in our store and the bargains that you get there is something to talk about. Come and see our stock before placing your order and we feel sure you will be pleased. We are agents for the well known tailoring establishments of Jacob Reed Son & Co., Wanamaker & Brown and Glascow Woolen Mills. Suits made to order and guaranteed to fit. We are also agents for The New Idea Pattern the cheapest and best on the market. Fashion sheets to our customers free. We also will sell the celebrated top dressing for all crops. Ceralite, which will increase the yield at least one-third. Come and see us we are open for busi ness and shall not be undersold. Yours very truly, DUNN CAS hRA 0. P. SHELL, Manage*. S. Mr. Sandy Stewart is general salesman And will be glad to see and serve his friends. / T Important Facts. 1 T Had you heard about that \~ !> / IMMENSE STOCK | CLOTHING JX '•' **. |> Dress Goods fr*\ T! T. ' - ; YOUTSTGT!T ) 1 I " ¥ | Co's. J J ° We have just received our I Spring Stock of Clothmg sftd it is somdthing beautiful to be-i M/fv « hold. We bought for.all and you may give youi;*fcJf 'no jFj} concern about securing')* /fit. p. y A NThe Stout and the 'Lean pocket books will also find-. our store-articles to fit their''£ ■V. weight. "" ' ' Our Dress Goods la- Q,dies is complete and all we ask H- | [is an inspection, it means a 4r~~l a sale. Come to see us. £' T. C. YOUNG & CO. V| V. ■ * WE LIVE TO EAT AND •*"' ERT TO LIVE o o The human being is never satisfied in all things, and realilj ing the fact, Newberry the Fancy Grocerytnan, has made it ; special point to secure groceries that will appease and satisfy tiff} appetite of his customers. CALL Flour, Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Canned Goods, all fretl, You can find anything good to eat you want at my store. Goods sold to town customers delivered free of charge. 'PHOIME NO. 24. To The Farmers Now when you come to town with country produce and want the highest price for same bring it to my store. If vou want groceries to carrr O «. home come to see me, and you will be treated right. Yours to serve, A. D. NEWBERRY,! JAS, A TAYLM & BEO., General Life and Fire Insuranc Agents, Representing the fol lowing Companies: D ' 111 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, •• New York. : HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn. WESTERN ASSURANCE CO., ! Toronto, Canada, BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE -CO., Toronto, Canada. I THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., j Philadelphia, Pa. . ; NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn. | PIEDMONT FIRE INSURANCE CO., Charlotte, N. C. 11l SOUTHERN INSURANCE C 0.., L| New Orleans, j! I MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., New York. || THE VIRGINIA FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. Richmond, Va. !} THE PROVIDENT SAVING LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY of New York. 'WYour patronage solicited. All business i j entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. RLLEN & WELLS,! DUNN, ... N. C. CABINET MAKERS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS. PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANGERS. Mi. W. A. Allen will be in charge of the Cabinet >!iop :!- jjE will be pleased to serve his friends and the public generally. | WALL PAPER, we have a complete line of samples of D: spring goods and would respectfully notify the public that f sell it and hang it too, at prices to Beat the Band. Yours truly, ALLEN & WELLS, J J. W„ Gregory's old shop, next door to his residence.