THE Democratic 0". IP. PITT1 Ed itcx. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION- Three Months 25 Cents. Six Months 50 Cf-nts. One Year 81.00, Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. «®-THB DEMOCRATIC BANNER is the OKioiNAi. County Union, subscribers will please t ike notice, _____ Entered according to postal regula tions at the postotllee at Dunn, y. C., as second class matter. DUtfN, Harnett County, N. C. DUNN, N. c.. May 22. 1001. "LIFE'S BATTLE. " A Thrilling and Beautiful Speech, The above striking subject was chosen by I)r. E. \\ . Sykes, of Wake Forest College, as the theme for his address to the stu dents and friends of the Dunn High School, on last Friday morning, the Commencement day. The day was beautiful and a large crowd- had assembled in honor of the occasion. Dr. Sykes, who occupies the chair oi' History in Wake Forest Col lege, is one of the brightes! men in the faculty, and is one of North Carolina's most tal ented and gifted sons. We ex pected a tine address from him and he did not disappoint us. Dr. Sykes divived his.subject into three principle heads: Preparation for Life's Battle; Right Position Assumed; and The Three Positions Which aie Necessary. He said that the proper preparation for any walk of life is a thorough common school education, without which any man goes into life handi capped. It is also necessary for us to assume the right posi tion on life's battle ground. Lfe lost Gettysburg because his troops occupied an inferior po sition to Grant's forces, which were drawn up on the top of Cemetery Ridge. Our training for life should ennoble us to accomplish three things: to make a living; to make a good citizen ; and to live a right life. The highest train ing along any special or general life is worthless if it does not enable us to provide for the wants of the body. Not only must we support ourselves, but we must be able by right think ing and sound judgment and wise counsel to perform the im portant duties of citizenship. And finally, we must bend our energies in the right direction. Ingersoll was a good provider aud a model citizen but no one could call his life a success. Then let us give to the world the best that we have, and it will come back to us again. Dr. Sykes made a powerful and eloquent speech, and after many striking and graphic por trayals of the elements necessa ry for a successful life, he clos ed with the following beautiful and appropriate quotation : "God give us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing hands, Men whom the lust for office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men wbn possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor ; men who will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue And damn his treacherous flat teries without winking; Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog In public duty and in private thinking. For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds, Their' large professions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, lo ! free dom weeps; Wrong rules the land, and waiting justice sleeps." EXERCISES BY THK SCHOOL. The exercises by the students of the Dunn High School were far better this year than ever before in the history of the school. The training for the occasion showed care and abil ity, the rendition on the part of the students showed study and determination. Profs. Ezzell and Smith labored hard to make the occasion a success, and a success it was. The mu sical feature of the occasion was under the care-and direction of Miss Kittie Herman, who is es pecially fitted for the important position she holds. She is a model lady—not only teaching the child the accomplishment of music but pointing it to a high er and nobler life. She holds a place in the hearts of her pu pils aud in the hearts of her pa trons that time cannot erase. We would be glad to take up each piece on the •program and; give it the mention it deserves,; but for hick of .space we can on ly mention a few. All did well and colurns could be written o! their success, so we hope none will feel slighted because their name is not mentioned. On Thursday night the program in f contained one piece, No. '•Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" in four scenes, which was the star play ot the eve ning. It was well rendered and heartily received. Every char acter did well. Little Miss Ro tha Pope recited ''Queer Little Stitches" in a charming man ner, and won much praise from the audience for the manner in which she recited. Miss May Raucom charmed the entire au dience with a recitation —"The Dead Doll." Friday night long before the hour for the exercises, the school building was packed to over flowing with an anxious crowd. When the curtain went up the ;aze of the audience was greet ed with the bright faces of fif teen sweet girls who sang in beautiful harmony "A Merry Gypsy Band are We." The night exercises consisted of dialogues and music. The vocal solo bv Miss Lillian Sets was loudly, applauded and the audience would not let her go until she re-appeared and in her happy way sang a second selection. The recitation ky Miss Co rinne Harper, "How Salvator Won," was well received and showed excellent training as well as her talent in the study of elocution. Tho programme closed with a dialogue, "The Quack Doctor." The characters appeared in black-face and acted their parts well. Amid much laughter and confusion the curtains fell, and Prof. Kzzell came forward and after a few appropriate remarks bid us good-irg it. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Programme Rendered at Dunn High School. TIII'RSDAY NIGHT 7 Sit). 1 Piano Duet,—Faust,—Sidus. .Mary Pearson and Myrtle Wade. 2 The Dolls Mother Eva Smith. 3 The Fairies' Waltz-Pridham..- May Jones. 4 Dialogue-How to Keep a Good Resolve 3 characters. 5 Piano Solo Gretchen and her Doll-Biehl Flossie Gerald. 6 What I Live For Lillie Smith 7 Piano Solo-Little Maiden Waltz-Hoist.. . . Mildren Holland. 8 The Boys Plea Ernest Jeffreys. 9 Piano Duet-ll Trovatore-Siclus Hal and Mary Godwin. 10 Queer Little Stitches. Rotha Pope. 11 Snow White and the Seven Dwars—A Juvenile Operetta—ln Four Scenes. FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. 1 Welcome Song. 2 Prayer Rev. W, A. Forbes. 3 Piano Duet-Waltz. Mary Dutton Grannis and Miss Herman. 4 The Old Clock on the Stairs Lester Jeffreys. 5 Piano Solo-Meadow Flowers March—Latour. . .Mina Gainey. (j One Hundred per cent William Thompson. 7 Song—Little Mothers Six Little Girls. 8 A Little School Flossie.Gerald. 9 Piano I >uet—The Little Standard Bearer Marcli-Hitler.. Ger trude and Kate Jackson. 10 The Dead Doll May Baucom. 11 Piano Duet-Our Boys, Anschuto, Corinne Harper and Viola Thornton. 12 Your Mis-ion Mary Goodwin. 13 Piano Trio-The Young May Queen March-Meyer—William Thompson, Bessie Prince and Flossie Gerald. 14 Chorus-The Morning Invitation-Veazil. 11:30 A.M. Annual Address !>v Dr. Walter Sikes of Wake Forest College. * O FRIDAY, 2:30 P. M. DECLAIMERS. Our Civilization 1 M, A. Lee. Grandfather's Story Hal Goodwin. DERATE. Question —Resolved that Cuba should be Annexed to IT.l T . S. AFT. X Robert E. Lee. J. W. Thornton. Tate Hudson. Cary Taylor. 7 :.i() P. M.—CONCERT. ' Music, DIALOGUES AND MARCHES. 1. Chorus —A Merry Gipsy Band are we. 2. Piano Duct—American Girls—Hermie and Imogen Fowler. 3. The Toy Shop—Drama 25 Characters. 4. Piano Solo—The Star Schottisli, (Latour)..... Isabel Young. 5. Piano Trio—Lehigh Polka, Setszer, Mary Pope, Kate Jackson G. Dialogue —The Peddler's Visit 3 Characters. 7. Piano Solo—Happy Birdlings ! Bessie Denning. 8. Dialogue—The Runaway 3 Characters. 9. Piano Solo—The First 8a11......... Bessie Prince. 10. Vocal Solo—Going to Meeting : Iva Pearson. 11. Piano Trio—lnnocence March—lsabel Young, Bessie Den ning and Myrtle Wade. 12. Dialogue—Plenty of Proof 4 Characters. 13. Piano Solo—Valse Joyeuse—Smith.. .. William Thompson. 14. Dialogue—Bold for the Right. 3 Characters. 15. Piano Duet—Merry Sleigh Bell. .Bessie Denning, M. Pope. 1(). Recitation —The Polish Boy Maggie 'Summerlin. 17. Piano Duet—llTrovatore Mary and Hal Goodwin. 18. Piano Solo—Spinning Wheel—Schmall Mary Pope. 19. The House That Jack Built. 20. Vocal Solo-There's Where My Thoughts are To-night Lillian Setszer. 21. Piano Solo—Les Sylplies—Bachmann Mary Pearson. 22. Vocal Duet —Mr. and Mrs. Snibbs—Hal and Mary Goodwin. 23. Piano Solo—Valse—Love Light—Durand. . .Myrtle Wade. 24. Recitation —How Salvator Won Corinne Harper. 25. Piano Solo—La Scintilla, Mazurka Gertrude Jackson. 2G. Ring Drill—Poetry of Motion to Lange's Flower Song. 27. John Brown's Ten Little lujuns—Burlesque Drill. 2K. Sweet Remembrance Ilal Goodwin. 29. Dialogue—Kerfoozlem or the Quack Doctor 3 Characters. 30. FToweret—Forget-Me-Not Mary Goodwin.. Soldiers Must Apply For Pensions. The-Legislature of 1901 re viewed the Pension Law of North Carolina. This was done to keep thousands of men in the western part of North Caro lina from drawing a pension when they wore disloyal to the Confederacy. A regiment of Union Soldiers having been raised in Madison and adjoining counties and these men are on the Pension Polls. In order to purge the roll of these disloyal men and also of those who deserted and joined the Union forces, it is necessary that every pensioner should make anew application between now and July Ist, 11)01. 1 hope that all the Confederate Soldiers will take notice of this and file their application prop erly so that no one will be drop ped from the roll. Any person who was disabled by the "war or his service there in," if that can lie shown to the satisfaction of the Pension Boards is entitled to pension under the new law. Heretofore those that were wounded only could get one. W. A. STEWART, May 20, 1001. FREE TO THE BABIES. The Eastern Manufacturing Co., of Chicago, will present to every baby, under one year of aye. in this county, one solid silver baby spoon with the baby's given name engraved on same. You do not have to pay one cent nor buy any thing to get this spoon. The Eastern Manufacturing Co. are large manufac turers and jobbers of jewelry and silverware, and have taken this method of advertising their goods. Instead of spending thousands of dollars for magazine advertising they have decided to give it away direct to consumers. The undersigned firm has been made distributing agent for this locality. Bring your baby to their store and give its name and age and you will receive one of these beautiful silver spoons all cngrawd free of cost. This is not a cheap article, but solid silver- of elegant design. Don't fail to look over the elegant line of The Eastern Manufacturing Co. 's goods on display at W. 11. BLANC HARD'S. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. I Having qualified as Administrator of! W. J. Jariuon, deceased, late of Harnett County, North Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of May 1902, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Ist dav of May 1901. J. C. SiiLs Administrator. Smith & Barnes, Attorneys. By virtue of authority con ferred in Section 2 of an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, Mcli. 7, 1901, said act entitled "an act supplemental to an act entitled 'an act to author ize the commissioners of Har nett county to issue bonds to build a bridge across Cape Fear river and to levy a special tax.' " It is hereby unani mously ordered by the Beard of Commissioners of Harnett county that an election be held on Thursday, June 13th 1901. for the purposes expressed, and in the manner provided in said act, which act is as follows: Sec. 1. That wheras an act has been passed authorizing the county of Harnett to issue bonds to build a bridge across (.'-ape Fear river in Harnett county, this act supplemental to the act entitled as above, there fore the commissioners of Har nett county are hereby, author ized and empowered to issue ten thousand dollars in bonds for the purpose of constructing a bridge across Cape Fear river at or near Averasboro in Har nett county. North Carolina," with all the powers, provisions and authority conferred and contained in said act above mentioned, and that act is hereby made and constituted a part and parcel of this act. Sec. 2. whenever the county commissioners of Har nett county shall depin it neces sary and expedient they shall call an election of the qualified voters of Harnett county, and the ballots cast shall be labelled "For Bridge" and "Against Bridge," and if a majority of he votes cast shall be marked •'For Bridge" then thecommis -ioners shall at once issue thp i'otitis and proceed to secure the construction of said bridge, but if a majority of the votes cast shall be marked "Again.* Bridge," then the commission ers shall not issue said bonds. Sec. 3. That the election shall be held subject to the ex isting election law at the time the election is held and subject to the rules and regulations of said election law. Sec. 4. That this act shall be in force from and after its rati fication. This May sth 1901. Board of Commissioners ol Harnett county. E. F. Yot'Nc, Chin. H®! Is the man or boy who can alway rely on him self at ali times. HAPPY Is the man, boy or girl who can at all times relv upon their wheel to carry them on their way safely. We have the kind to make you happy. J HAPPY Is ho who can always rely on his time as being correct. We can make your watch go right. Just try us. HAPPY Is the wife who has all her pictures about the house neatly framed. We can frame any size at reasonable prices. Spec ially fitted for the work. HAPPY Is he who receives value for every Dollar he spends. You get value received at Gainey & Jordan's. HAPPY Are we when we give our customers big values and make them happy by dealing with us. HAPPY You will be if you come to our store for your Jew elry, Eye, Glasses, and Bicycle Repairs. We carry everything found in a First-class Jewelry Store. We want your patronage. Yours truly, Gainey & Jordan. "Still, on [ ! !i THE OOHNEB, lj| I i=i .1 II i: 1|! lam still doing business at the same Old Stand, and carry a first-class line of Drugs, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Perfurmery, etc. !||j Fresh Garden Seed. We have any kind of seed that you may want. We sell Wood's. May's and Ferry's seed, in papers and ■ bulk. We can suit you it makes no difference what kind you want or whose seed you want. DRUGS! I 111 ' • I' II -V _ || Don't forget that we still carry everything handled ;j:j in an up-to-date Drug Store. Mr R. E. L. Skinner is still with me and will be glad to have his friends !j; call and see him. Come to see us when in need of anything in our line. j;i Yours to serve and please, i r - i| : " CiSI IS A HE. o o What the cash will do at the Dunn Auction ITouse. We buy for cash and sell for cash, look for the Red Flag it' you want Bargains. Best Green Coffee 10 ( ', Granulated Sugar l5 grades best chewing tobacco snuff 38?. Nice line of soap. One Box, three cakes of Butter Milk Soap fur onl v live cents. .1 ust think, 12 bars for Armours Washing Compound 7 boxps 2a'', Star Lve per box or 4 boxes for 25 t '. All kinds of baking powders at comparative prices. A BIG STGGK of all kinds of canned goods. We Avill not be undersold on theee goods. North Carolina clip herrings '>? per doz. A large line of smoking tobacco, cheroots and cigarettes in prices to please the buyer. Masons fruit jars A gal. size 95 c ' per doz., quart size 70* per doz. Best molasses in town (try it) 25* per gal. Best vinegar, pure apple 20 e per gal. We have a nice line Picture Frames and pictures at manufacturers prices. (> doz. nice stick brooms way down. 1,000 pair men's and ladies' shoes just re ceived at prices to suit all. 600 pairs men's pants at way down prices. 500 men's and boy's hats, all we a*k is to take a look •ind price same. 1.000 men's shirts of the latest styles with prices to suit. Ladies'crash skirts 50*, fancy sattino skirts $l. Big stock ladies fancy underskirts at Ajstoiiisliing Prices. Baby gowns and caps, take a look. ' Shirt waists, good goods 25 e each. Big stock chair tidies? bureau scarfs and table covers, buggy robes, all grades. Best umbrella in town 50*, nice linen table cloth 22? per yd, ft tumblers—good. ln°, 24 doz. rice buttons 5?, 1 doz. best pearl buttons s*. Gocd hand saws warranted best cast steel ftO 4 ', 5 doz. coffee mills (good) 15? each, water sets 08? a set. TINWARE To Beat the Band, prices to suit. All we ask is a trial and we will prove to you what we are doing for the cash. No credit to anyone. No trouble to show goods. We are your friends For Business. gf. T. HOLLAND & CO. UNDERTAKER m Coffins, Caskets, Ladies' and Gents' Robes and Burial goods. All kinds, colors and sizes, rang ing in price from s'2 to $6O. We also have a nice hearse furnish ed at moderate prices on short notice. R. G. TAYLOR. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of C-fuzfyy. J-CctCtUM Muralo Tints for your walls. In any shade or color. All beaut}* and cleanliners to your rooms. For sale at E. Lee's Jlaid ware House. MUSIC! NO OCCA&iON IS COMPLETE without good music. You can secure a good Band, playing the latest and catchiest music by writing to DUNN CONCERT BAND, DUNN, N. C. I have some One and Two- Horse Wagons still left that I will sell cheap for cash or on time. The E. Lee Hardware House. C Important Had you heard about that IMMENSE STOCK LOF CLOTHING J -i r i Dress Goods T.- C. Q) TjYOUNG f| & IB) ¥ | Co's. ? . H We have just received our ! Spring Stock of Clothing and ii is somdthing beautiful to be hold. We bought for all sizes and you may give yourself n concern about securing a fit. r The Stout and the Lean Ndl pocket books will also find our store articles to fit their -A- weight. v| jq Our Dress Goods for the la jdies is complete and all wo ask Tjjjnjjt |is an inspection, it means a R i sale. Come to see us. . T. C. YOUNG & CO. WE LIVE TO EAT AND EAT TO LIVE. o o The human being is never satisfied in all things, and realiz ing the fact, Newberry the Fancy Groceryman, has made it a special point to secure groceries that will appease and satisfy the appetite of his customers. CALL FOR Flour. Meal, Sugar, Coifec, Molasses, Canned Goods, all fresh. You can find anything good to eat you want at my store. Goods, sold to town customers delivered free of charge. 'PHONE NO. 24. To The Farmers. Now when you come to town with country produce and want the highest price for same bring it to my store. If you want groceries to carry home come to see me, and you will be treated right. Yours to serve, = PHILIPS & GQ. TO OUIMIM, TO BUY OF 1 BAUCOM & CO., Your nice goods, for we handle the best goods and be*t styles. Don't forget our Millinery and Ladies Fancy Goods Department. We will please you on Ladies, Misses and Chil dren's Hats. We carry a full line of these goods. We have had fully 10 Years Of Experience In this line of Goods and as we buy our Millinery Goods from ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., of Baltimore, The leading Millinery House in the United States and also our trimmer having had so much experience it enables us to sell the best stylos, best quality at prices to please. Call on us before you buy that you may be pleased. Dress goods too numerous to name. TRIMMINGS ! TRIMMINGS ! Don't forget our Dress Trimmings, Silks, Velvets, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Em broideries., by the quantity. Closing out a fine line of and Tailor Made Clothing, come for bargains. First come lirst serve. % Yours Weil Wishing, BAUGOM & GO). RLLEN & WELLS. DUNN, N. C. CABINET MAKERS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS. PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANGEUS. Mr. W. A. Allen will be in charge of the Cabinet Shoj' nul will be pleased to serve his friends and the public generally. WALL PAPER, we have a complete line of samples of spring goods and would respectfully notify the public that we sell it and hang it too, at prices to Beat the Band. Yours truly, ALLEN & WELLS, J. W. Gregory's old shop, next door to his residence.