EMG&RSiQKI! GRAND EXCURSION! TO WILMINGTON AKB OCEAN TIEW BEACH. J)on't miss Hatch Bros. Big Annual Excursion from l>unn to "Wilmington and Ocean Viey/. Bound trip $1.50, Children SL.OO THE Democratic Banner. DUNN, N. C WEDNESDAY. June 12, IflOl LOCAL DOTS. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS LEAViKC. DUNN. Northbound Local Passen. get*. No. 78, at 1:05 p. m. No -32, 10 :18 p. m. Southbound Local Passen ger, No. 23, 3:40, p. m. No. 35, 12 :04, p. m. —Cotton 7A-* to-day. —House moving is the order of the day. —The tax lister is abroad in the land. —Note the change in Brewer & Co's. "ad" this week. They have a well selected stock. —The N. C. Teachers, As sembly hoids its 18th annual session at Wrightsville on June lltli to 16th. —Call at the town Hall on June 17tli, ISth and 19th and list your State, county and town taxes. —We understand that one of our clever young railroad men is trying to rent a house. Won der what for? —Mrs. A. M. Pittman is con fined to her room with an attack of fever, but is better at this time. —Keep your eyes open and don't get run over by the 3 (J. C. C's. They are pulling houses to beat the band. —Farmers are making good of the warm sunshine and fair; days, and many of them have: killed out 'Mien. Green." —The tobacco market i n Dunn will open August Ist. | Plenty of buyers and plenty of j money will get the tobacco. —Ruth, the bright little: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.j A. Taylor, is rjuite ill, but is re- J ported better today. —Several deaths have oc curred through this section since our last issue, as will be noted from reading THE BAN NKR. —The wheat crop this year is reported good. The farmer who j makes his supplies will be the in in to enjoy the fruits of his la bor next fall. —Our people will have the opportunity of visiting Charles- 1 ton Thursday June 27th at the 1 -v rate of $3.75. See noticeof Wilson Excursion Co. in anoth er column. ! —The little infant twins of; M". and Mrs. Willie Bass, 1 ii h were born last Saturday, 1 ve since died. One died Sun- 1 ty night the other Monday morning. —The old reliable Hatch bros. run their first excursion for the season from Dunn to Wilmington, Thursday June i. See their "ad" in this --ue. Rate $1.50, children sl.j —Phillips &Co., have moved ir >tock of groceries in the - jiv next door to W. H. Blan ard, fronting the cotton yard. V"u can look for their "ad" nf-xt week. The store formerly •ecupied by the firm is being pullf-d out to be replaced by a handsome brick structure. —The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Thornton deep y sympathize with them in the death of their bright little laughter, which occurred last Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. I he funeral and interment took place at Greenwood cemetery Monday evening at 3 o'clock, onducted by Rev. W. B. Har —Services at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning and night by the pastor, Rev. R. \V. Hines. He preached two good sermons which were much enjoyed by large congre gations, —The '2nd Quarterly Con ference of the M. E. Church at this place which was annuunced to have been held the 2nd Sat urday and Sunday in June has been changed to the 4th Satur day and Sunday. —We are informed by Mr. Randall, who has charge of the construction of the Dunn & Clin ton telephone line, that it will bo I completed by the last of this jweek. It will be of great ser j vice to the people who are in | touch with it. ! —Messrs. Creel, Cook and Cannady have purchased an ; outfit for moving buildings and j are now at work moving out ; several of the wood btiildingsj on Broad street which are to be. replaced at ouce by handsonipi brick stores. Dunn Is moving ! on at a rapid pace. —The Children's Day exer cises at the Christian church j ! last night were well rendered i and highly enjoyed by a large' |and appreciative audience. The ! recitation by tin- lovely and ac complished Miss Annie Harper, I was superb, and won the hearts] 'of all present. The tableau I j scenes were splendid, in fact I the entire programme was ren dered in a creditable manner. | | To Charleston. ! The excursion to Charleston, S. C., will run Thursday -June, •27th ti> return Friday June 2-Sth. Fare round trip |3.75. The Dunn Concert Band will fur nish music along the ruute. A visit to the Isle of Pahm i worth the trip. Tickets for sale by C. R. YOIK«, Dunn, N C. J. E. JOHNSON, i Benson, BHAOI.KV JOHNSON, \ X.C. STRAYED—About 3 we* k ago I had a sow and four shoats, the latter six months, old, unmarked. The sow was dark red and marked by swal low fork in each year. Any in formation will be suitably re-; warded. H. C. Norris, Dunn, X. C. Mr. T. P. Ragland, Dead. The many friends of this i most excellent young man throughout the county will re-; gret to learn of his departure from an earthly existence which occurred at his home in Lilling ton Monday, June 3rd. He had been confined to his room about ten days before the end came with fever. He fell from his wagon several weeks ago while j crossing the river on the Hat. his breast striking the edge of the flat and he never recovered from the injuries received. He was about 34 years of age, and was known throughout the county, having conducted a mercantile business at Broad way, this county for a number of years, recently moving toLil lington and entering business j with Mr. Fuquav. The writer knew Mr. Rag-| land personally, and in all our business transaction found him to be a most excellent young man. To the bereaved ones, we ex tend sympathy. We have just received a fresh lot of sweet and sour pickles in kegs and in bottles, don't buy before you see us. We are in the grocery business. Dunn Grocery Co. Ladies' slippers for 50 f at Brewer & Co. J! PERSONAL MENTION. , I Miss Mamie Bizzell returned i from Falcon Monday. Mr. J. C. Clifford made a flying business trip to Goldsboro last week. I 1 Master William Thompson | left Monday to visit relatives ' in Goldsboro. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. T. Wel lons, of Four Oaks, are in town visiting their daughter, Mrs. R. E. Lee. Mr. A. H. ofGolds ' boro, spent a few days in the ! city this week with his sister, M rs. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Barnes, of Rowland, are visiting Mrs. Barnes' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald, Miss Annie Harper returned! i home last Friday after spending : several days with friends in Wilson. Mr. S. 11. Oliver, editor of the Daily News, of Wilson, was in the city last Thursday andj took in the game of ball. Miss Ida Peake, of Port Nor fold. Ya., who has been visiting Mrs W. B. Ilarrell, returned home last Wednesday. Rev. J. 0. Alderman, of Windsor, spent several days in n»wn last week with his brother, I Mr. A. E. Alderman. Messrs. Clias. Richardson and Zeb Fitzgerald left yester day for Kenly to take in the closing exercises of the school at that place. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Privett, i Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pearson j and Misses Mary Pearson 1 and Myrtle Wadi* left Tuesday for Wrightsville Beach where they will spend a few days. Mr. R. L. Godwin, who has been at the l"Diversity of N. C. for three sessions, returned heme last week. Mr. Godwin graduates next year and we be speak for him a bright and | promising future. Mr. Harry Jordan, Dunn's baseball pitcher, went up to: Williamston last week where lie! pitched a game of ball for that; team against Greenville. He, won the game by a score of 5 to 1. Fresh pork sausage, butter and cheese constantly on ice. Come to see. Dunn Grocery Co. Phone No. t»l. For all kinds of indigestion, dyspepsia Ac., eat Graham Bread. Graham flour for sale by Dunn Grocery Co. Postum food coffee, black and green tea and every thing else kept in a first class grocery store. Call us up, we appreci ate jour trade and will use every possible effort to please you. Dunn Grocery Co. Don't forget that you can get Rob Roy Flour, home ground meal, country hams and sides. Best molasses and syrups on the market at Dunn Grocery Co. Fish, Fish! We keep con stantly on hand New River Mullets, Sea Mullets and Her rings, all kept in brine, no dan ger of spoiling, Dunn Grocery | Co. i Don't forget that the Dunn 1 Grocery Go's fancy grocery store is the place to get gioceries. Every thing fresh and inviting. Phone No. 61. Dunn Grocery : Co. Just received lot of this year's I crop Irish Potatoes, Beans, Cab bage &c. See us when in need of any thing in the grocery line. We guarantee satisfaction. Dunn Grocery Co. We have just received a ship ment of Ice Cream Salt, a salt made especially to be used in freezing Ice Cream. Let us have your orders. Dunn Gro-, cety Co. . i How is tbis? Good spujtd phewing tobacco for '2O and 25 cents per pound at Brewer & Co. Gents' dress shoes for 99/ at Brewer & Co. Sugar, coffee and flour at wholesale prices. Brewer & Co. Hay and all kinds feed stuff at Brewer & Co. Another car load of No. 1 timothy hay just received. Brewer & Co. Canned goods, fJajces, Candies Ac., at jobbers prices. Get our prices before ordering. Brewer & Co. | Come down in the busy part of town and see the changes : that are going on and call in I Lee's Hardware House and buy I your paints, oil &c., also a re-/ frigerator, something that every! house keeper ought to have. — OASTOHIA. Bears the yO The Kind You Haw Always Bought T List Your Taxes. I will be at the Town Hall on June 17th, 18th and 19th, 1901 for the purpose of receiving : list of the taxable property o' the Town of Dunn for 1901. Polls must be listed also. Al' citizens of the town are request ed to meet me on the dates men tioned above and list their taxes. A. M. WOOD ALL, List Taker for Town of Dunn. June 4, 1901. ICE! ICE! I am prepared this season to I furnish you with ice and will j deliver it anywhere in town. J J NO. A. OATKS. NO HOME j Ts safe without a bottle of! Dr. Worthington's Southern; Remedy. It is the World's j greatest pain cure. Every bot- ; tie guaranteed. Price 25? at' Hood & Grantham's. "MEET ME_ AT THE @2Tf 2L" MR. D. R, SiAWr ♦^gDISPENSER,& HOOD & GRANTHAM'S DRUG STORE, o o Our New Soda Water Apparatus is Up-To-Date. Equipped with the latest removable GLASS Syrup Jars and we are en tirely justiiied in sayiug that there is absolutely NO DANGER of contamination of syrup. ATTRACTIVE SURROUNDINGS. COMFORTABLE SEATS. POLITE ATTENTION. fJP-CLEANLINESS. Our Motto. We Invite You. I y*"""■■■J"'""L Hl "VJ"J-1 LjjL'jj!li I ggy-|| E. Holder*, o 0 DUNN, NQRorM CAROLINA. FOR 40 YEARS Dr. Worthington's Southern Remedy has been sold on a strict guarantee to cure cramps, colic, cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery and all | pains of the bowels and has .stood the test. Price at I Hood Grantham's. knogk&B ®m. Grretit Reel not ion IN PRICES. Hummer goods must go at Any Old Price. White Lawns at about half price. Figured Lawns for FOUR CENTfs PEft YARD, tfest Calico for 4 and s*'. Duoks, Percals and Organdies at LESS THRN SSST, Summer Pant Goods at your own price. Call early as we are c! O& iPS Spring (roods at astonishing low prices. ! Straw Hats, A nice stock to select from at your own price. Mens' nice dress shoes lor 99 cents per pair. Bring us your chickens, eggs, hams, berries, bees wax, etc. Yours for low prices, BREWER & CO., Lane & Co., old stand. Mc'D. HOLLJDAY, U pjfIVFTT Dunn Hardware and Furniture Co. IIME' When you buy a Mower or Binder be sure you get Ball Bearing. They run easier, that is why ball bearings are used. Gel our prices and terms on The Deering. Remember we have the best tobacco sprayer on the market. I>inn Rdw/ t & Fiir., Con)pai)y. - 'vd %. ATTENTION ! If you need Clothing made to order, remodeled, cleaned and put in first-class condition, send your work to MRS. J.. P. CAIRNES' residence on Broad street next to Mr. id. F.Gainey. A TO FARMERS. Now is the time to use top dressing tor wheat and oats and all kinds of vegetables. Ceralite is the best thing for that pur pose . Sold by 0. P. Shell. 111! GOODS I GROCERIES. Granulated Sugar 6cts. Mendlesons Lye 4cts. Axle Grease 4cts. AAA Sheeting octs. Best Calico nets. And any other goods at man ufacturers prices. Ask no questions but buy from P. J. Jeffreys. Pay CASH for country produce. A. V; SMITH & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS. We represent the best Fire Insurance Companies in the country. Call at our office 2nd door be low Town Hall. instance, j o o Before the March Winds come! PUT A POLICY ON YOUR PROPERTY, The N, C. Home, Hamburg Bremen, U, S. all good companies. Call on C K. IVIOIMEY SAVED IS Money Made. You can do this by hujing your goods from GEO. EL PRINCE. Almost every day new goods are bung received. Among the latest aiv Back Silk Mulls with silk polka dot, Black uchess .ilkiimshed I-oulards, French Organdies in white and colors, also Black Lawns. SPECIALTIES. Hundreds of yards of Lawns,' Ginghams, Percais, and Chambrays at popular prices. Special attention is given to \\ liile Goods. See my Persian Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Dim ity and India Linon before buying. Sioes! Shoes! Shoes! Low cut shoes for men, women and children at low cut prices. Umbrellas . from 39? to $2.50, AH over laoe in white and black. In fact just the goods you are looking for. Geo. E. Prince. W&T'PHONE NO. 20. Dm Earn H«. o ■ o What Is there In a name? Well in this case i- a good deal. At the head of this ad you will find the name >f my store which means a lot to you if you will come and GIVE ME A TRIAL. I can prove to you that everything in the house is a bargain I shall endeavor to please and give you nice fr» sh goods at Live and Let Live Prices. Live and let live is our Watch Word. Iluni me up. PHONE NO. 42. G. S. PHILLIPS, Proprietor. If Sfil'ilil Cills! 0 u If you arc in search of the nicest goods 011 the market you have on y to go to JLAYTON & PEARSON'S STORE, where we have opened up one of 1i •> i.it-est lines of Dress Goods, Organdies, Lawns, Skirtings, Dimities, I'it|ues, Hamburg, Allover Laces, Insertion, Dress Trimmings, Crash, and Linen, all of which we have in the greatest vari»*tv. SHOES! We have them in all styles and price?. We can «iiir. 3011 in anything you may want. Our stofik is all new and it will he to your advantage to see us before buying. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Flour, Sugar, Cotfea, in fact everything carried in an up to-date grocery store. We will give you the highest inaiket price for your country produce. We can please you in styles and prices. All we ask is an op portunity to show you our stock. When this is done we are certain of your patrouage. Make our store headquarters when in town. Yours to please, LRYTON&PF ARSON DUNN N 0V Located opposite Lee's H&raw*re fiou«e.

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