n /) f- Y r J9 \ 1 tr Ban®. - finis. ~ I handle BUGGIES of all makes in car load lots, andean —tSave you money. ' Don t bu\ until you have seen me. I can lit you up with tiibsiantial Harness, Sell for cash or 011 time. a. W. LANE, DUNN, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE KOBIAL AM INHiMiMAL COLLEGL Li 1 1' I>-A Annual ex]enses SIOO to sj-T-iO; fc« 1* not> ( I iPN I ll'lC bo ir.( jnbers. Practice and Observation ( CM Ml 1\( lAL tr-'cl.e>ol of about 2£o pupils. To s-ccute board INDI STRIAE in the doi mi lories all frec-tuiticn npplica- PEUAGCGICAL tions should Le made before July 15th. Ml SICAL Session oj ens September H)th. Corn sj . i-d noe invited fi 111 those desiring c mj etent tej-chers and stenographers. gsr For catalogue ar.d 1 ther info;maiion soiln ss President Ci-iari.es D. Mclykr, Greensboro, N. C. A. B. IIAROI.D. M. F. HATCHBR. Harold & Hatcher, —ATTORNEYS AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re quired. Prompt attention to all business. Collections a specialty Oftice ever DEMO CRATIC BANNER. KRIUAID W.P« n, F. 11. BRCWUS Pcu & Brooks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SMITHFIELD, N.C. Claims collected. Estates set tled. Practice in Johnston and adjoining counties. K. S. SMITH. E. J. BARNES. SMITH & BARNES, Aitorneys-ai-Laiv, DUNN, - - - N. c. Pi.-.ctiie ill :i 11 «Ite courts -f llie Slate. l>i« uipl alt« iitioii to all business entrusted. C'lV.f f* iu tlie old Post Offic*.' Building. It. »CL KAN. .I. C. CLINWD McLean & Clifford, Attomcys-at.La'W, DUNN, : : : : N. C. jfe? Office over J. J. Wade's Store. W. A. STEWART. H* I • GODWIIS STEWART I GODWIN, Attorneys aad Counsellors-at-Law, DUNN, N. C. Will practice in State and Federal Courts but not- for fun. W- E- Murchison, JONESBOBO. N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore ®nl other counties, but not for^fuu, Feb. 20-1 y. IITEMWT' We offer unsurpassed advan tages, aud loan money on easy terms. We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L. J. BEST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier. MRNRN M FARMERS ■l' BANK, DEI, IC. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier. CASTOItIA. Beam the /»The Kind Yoa Haw Always Bought O'' Vol. 1 1. Has The Norfolk & Western Bought The "Angier Hoaa. " It is currently reported—and there are many who believe ihe jrepoit to be true —that" tlie Cape Fear ami Northern Kailroad has peon old. The Norfolk and Western is said to bt> the purchaser. No I price has been stated, though it is known tliat it cost over #IOO,- Oi-'O to build and equip the road It- provident is Mr. i>. N. ]>uke, [of Durham, and Mr. John C. Angier is its general manager. This rumor, if true, is a very important one, t-pociallv for the F.nt-iieviile and Wilming ton sections. The Cape Fear and Northern is what is commonly known a c the "Angier Road," running from Apex, in Wake county, to Angier, in Harnett county, a distance of twenty miles. It i.. tli ■ purpose of the Norfolk uul Western, so the report goes on to say. to build the '.ink be-1 tw en Apex and Durham, audi thus extend its line (Lynch burg and Durham) from Dur-' ham to Harnett and Cumber-J land counties, and possibly on to Wilmington and the sea' Of course all this i>, so far, only a rumor, and it may or may not be true. If it is true, it will certainly; be most welcome news to the ■ people along the new line, as it will bring in a new and power ful railway system to develop the resources of the country, and compete for business. Like wise when the road is extended it will open up to the people of the West and Piedmont sections a short route to the sea. In short, it is a consumma tion devoutly to be wished. — News & Observer, June 28th. I A. Precious Summer Girl- A correspondent of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch writing from Clyde, N. Y., tells of a young lady in that town who is needed in Baltimore, or will be needed here before the summer is over. "This young woman," says the Post-Dispatch corres pondent, "has the peculiar quality of being poison to in sects. The instant that a fly, mosquito or other insect bites or stings her it drops dead." This interesting item of news is, as the boys say, a pointer for the City Council. Instead of spend ing $30,000 for petroleum to drive the mosquitoes out of town, why not engage the young lady of Clyde for the sea son? What a delightful sum mer girl she would make! Here in Baltimore during Au gust and September she would be the most popular lady in the city and people would flock to visit her. At Atlantic City or anywhere on the Jersey coast she would be worth millions. — Baltimore Sun. j 8 " ' o o DUNN FOUNDRY, MACHINE AND METAT. WORKS. 10C00 est ef Lot r space covered with brand new and j onderous machinery and fixtures foi all kinds of machine'and m tal working.! » o M MaSai ,* FARQCHAR'S CENTER CRANK AJAX. "SHE !S A HUMMER." o :m- agents for the above Engine and all other styles of their Engines and Boilers from . to iji ist' power, aho lor l-.\1.(.l 11AR Saw Mills, Threshing Machinery and Threshing Engines, lou can t ailord not to get the Fartpihar machinery. It is the best." The Farquhar Co. has been almost a "House-hold Word" for half a century. They are one of the largest ma dune bui:uers in the worid. ihey have facilities unequaled iu this country. GET CUR PRICES ARID CATALOGUE. 11, • biiiid:iig !rons, b'.ore l-ronis, etc. All kinds of plow and other castings. Boiler patch steel. All kinds oi fettam and Machine littings continuallv 011 hand. P n t _ n _ ■ TOBACCO FLUKS. \)*. r* | N ~~~ • All styles, everything right. Freights equalized with other / ' '""{.j points. \Ve buy all the cast iron we can get. See us about V.i WmiwTi ; --V " THE J(1 A. MCKAY ITG CO, DUNN, N. C. "Dixie" Dying. "Dixie," says the New Or leans Times Democrat, "is not received now n- 'Dixie' once was, and, judging from present indications, this anthem of the' Lo~t Cause is passing froinj among the popular airs of the day. One can scarcely believe! that 'Dixie' is passing. Hut the fact remains that this air, , popular as it may be, is not re-j ceivcd with that enthusiasm which marked it in t!ie days! gone by, and, in fact, ihe tune J seems to he something oth er than ic was. Even the old ; Confederates do not shr'n k over j 'Dixie' like they did in days! gone bv. Why? The future must tell. Mvbe voices have; grown husky. Maybe the old men arc tired and don't want to veil. Maybe l*n]e Ham's new policy of throwing iii- gig into •any old islat i that may suit his fancy has something to do wuh i the change. "Dixi. dving! One! can scarcely h-in-ve that 'Dixie is passing in spite of the changes i which have : ikt-n place i" American This mav be true in but i> not j in South Carolina, nor indeed j in this section of the South. Ev-. ery time the tu;>e is played by band or orchestra the audience; yells just as vociferously andj enthusiastically as ever. What j is more "Dixie" now brings hearty applause in Washington and New York where there are many southern people and is even cheered throughout the j north. It is not strictly an" an them of the lost cause," but a song which because of its senti ment and its lively, inspiring time as well as its association with the south's great struggle for independence will never cease to be popular in this sec tion. —Columbia State. Says lie Ws»H Tormred. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes 11, Robinson, Hillsbor ough, Ills., "but Bucklen's Ar nica Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by C. L. Wilson. 25c. B #arl^ 3 * A Kind You Have Always Bought rrC&d&u&L DUIMIM, IM. C. JULY, 3 tool. Pay of Southern Governors. The proposition in the Alaba ma Constitutional Convention to raise the salary of the Gov ernor from $3,000 to $5,000 a year has much to commend it. In most of the Southern States the salary of the Governor is so low that a man with no other source of ip >1 ie can hardly af ford to accc * f ° office; thus a handicap is placed upon merit. A poor man cannot live upon tin' salary and maintain the ap pearance that is demanded b} T iht; dignity of the position. The pay of a Governor ought not to be so large that it would cause shrewd and unscrupulous men to scramble for the position, of c urse, but it should bo large enough to offer an inducement to the best talent to strive fork. High-grade executive ability is in demand in the business world j at much b tti'i* than $3,000 peri year. The States ought to be 1 willing to pay good men as! much as they are worth in civil j life, with possibly just a little shading for the honor of public I>rcforment. Savannah News. S hi' Ktv.xt f.iitimrnt for Ktratny. i Mr. F. H. Wells, the mer-! ' j chant it Deer Park, Long Is land, N. Y., says: "I always recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for a severe lameness in the side, resulting from a strain, and was greatly pleased with the quick relief and cure it ef fected." For sale by Hood & Grantham. Are You Guiliy? An exchange says not to be guilty of abusing your paper in the following different ways : Don't abuse a paper unless you pay for it. Don't delay paying your sub i scription because it is a small matter. Don't cuss the editor because his opiuions do not conform to ; yours. Don't abuse a paper if it prin | ted something you don't consid er worth reading. . Don't have the paper sent to you two or three years and then leave the country without set tling your bill and have the postmaster notify the publisher thatjou have left the country. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Dunn s Latest En terprise. A Canning Factory. CAPACITY 1000 CANS PER DAY. I buy peaches and tomatoes. I sell tin cans and pack fruits to order. I use water, steam and syrup of sugar and pack fruits free from adulteration. Bring your peaches to me and I will save you money, labor, time and cost of glass jars. Fiuits prop erly packed in tin cans retain their original flavor. This is lost in glass jars. Deliver your peaches to me well assorted. "Presses" in boxes to themselves holding one bushel each. "Clearstones" in boxes holding one bushel each. Gather your peaches when just ripe. Let them be uniform in size and ripeness. Such peaches will bring good prices if they have any size. I shall employ none but neat packers and guarantee satisfac tion in prices, cleanliness and quality. You lose no fruits in tin cans. I teach you how to use the same tin can for any number of years. The tin can will not freeze or break and can be tilled any number of times during the same season. All ladies who are interested in canned fruits and catchup are invited to visit the factory. Factory located near Main Street, East Dunn. June 18th 1901, G. I. SMITH, Proprietor. Tlie Same Oltl Story J. A. Kelly relates an exper ience similar to that which has happened in almost every neigh borhood in the United States and has been told and re-told by thousands of others. He says : "Last summer I had an at tack of dysintery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to di rections and with entirely satis factory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I us ed other remedies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citizen of Hen derson, N. C. For sale by Hood & Grantham. FALCON CAMP MEETING. This is to bo a union meeting of a 1 of God's people, who wHi to avail themselves of the op portunity nf sharing it with us, nd we herehv e; tend to you an invitation to come and be wit'i us. Come piaying for your self and others, that all may get the most bkssing possible f r them, and that our God may greatly glorify himseif. Our services will b'gin early in the morning and continue till late at night, with just enough intermission for rest and refreshment. Amoug the preachers and teachers of the Word for these meetings w r e will mention Rev. George D. Watson, Rev. John M. Pike, Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Todd and R~v. A. B. Crumpler, j all of whom live a.d walk in the Spirit, and will give u ■ the "strong meat" of ihe Gospel. We shall consider Jesus in His full and complete atone ment as Saviour, Sanctifi«-r, Healer and Coming King, and if you are hungry for "Thr Truth as it is in Jesns" it will be much to your eternal interest to come. We will have company tents for all who wish to camp and you will only need to bring some quilts, sheets, towels and lantern and make yourself "at home." The meetings will be held in a large waterproof tent, seating near two thousand people. In coming by railroad yon will buy ticket to Godwin, "N. C., a station on the Wilson fc Fayetteville Short Cut, and, 'phone from there to place of meeting for conveyance, which will be free of charge to all who are really coming for God's glory. You can secure regular board for 50 cents per day, or can buy lunches on the grounds for 5 and 10 cents. Remember the place, Falcon, Cumberland county, N. 0. Time, July 101h to 29th, 1901.j Rare opportunity afforded by the visit of these dear people of God and fail not in coming to 1 share in this great spiritual 1 feast. For further information write to Your brother in Jesus, J. A. CI'LBRETH, Falcon, N. C. Summer complaint is usually prevalent among children this season. A well developed case j in the writer's family was cured last week Iry the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera 1 and Diarrhoea Remedy—one of the best patent medicines man ufactured and which is always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. This is not intended as a free puff for the company, who do not advertise witli us, but to benefit little sufferers who may not be in easy access of a physician. No family should be without a bottle of this medicine in the house, es pecially in summer-time. —Lan- sing, lowa, Journal. For sale by Ilood & Grantham. SELECTED IT HERSELF. A dutiful husband wished to give his wife a handsome lace scarf for a birthday ••resent, and, to make sure of getting one to her liking, he asked her to buy one herself on the pretense that it was for a lady friend of theirs. The finest honiton, Va lenciennes and brussels lace goods were spread out on the counter, but madam thought to herself: "What is the use of spending so much money on a present for Amelie?" So embroidered lace was shown next. Even these were too dear. At length she select ed a very plain and ordinary scarf, "Quite good enough too," she thought and took it home to her husband. "Have you chosen something pretty?" he asked. "Oh, yes; very pretty." "Is it just what you would have chosen for yourself?" "The very thing." "Then, my dear, you may keep it. I intended it for you!" exclaimed the husband, delight ed with his little scheme.— London Answers. WORK LIT E'24 LLOURX A. I»AJ . There's DO rest for those tire less little workers—Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are al ways busy, curing Torpid Liver Jaundice, Billiousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them, 25c At C, L. Wilson's. R. G. TAYLOR, III! f-THlll HMIItt OF DUNN, N. C., Announces that bp is dptprminfd to do more I-it-• thic voar tli 111 ov-v hr-IW. HP lias thp goods and warn- >|tp nstn mers to buy them. Prices pv lower than rv. r. For evnvJ HOLLAR he will give ynu TWO HOLLARS worth • ■' ral»e Hp has determined to sell his stock of goods Pi,].*,- for Cash or on Credit. '"iter iHe can accommodate v u to credit on reasonable feints Re sure and see hi..:. JSaj.-r*"" " —-r* rrr '-.fc- -.-i AMtMsawN' waat ®*HSSpV£_ CLOTHING*. wLu*HING«. You can get what you want in this line. We liavo the larg est selection in the country and can lit any size Prices made to please the customer. His stock is being added to daily and you will find SHOES! SHOES! 1500 Pairs of Ladies and Mens anil ("bi'drcn Slices. Indies Kid Shoes, Ladies Yicis, L-ulies' O: furd-, Ladies Slippers, La dies Shoes for every day wear. Ladis Shoes and Slippers from per pair up to $5 25. MENS SHOES ! Calf, Smooth Calf, Box Calf, Vicis, Dongolas, ltussett«. Tans, Heavy Shoes for ser vice, Brogans, Kids, Boys Slices, Chi'drens Shoes. Shirts, Collars, Hosiery, Neckwear, Suspender*, Hat?, (iloves, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Hose, Fmbreilas, Valises Satch els, Trunks. NOTIONS! Everything in this line. Nothing left. out. Embroidery Laces, Braids, Hamburg and Swiss Embroidery and Insertion, Kid Gloves, Corsets, Hoisery, TOWPIS, Dani.--.sks, Napkin*. Rugs, Carpets, Matting, Bed Spreads, Counterpane. In Hrpss Trim ming there is a complete stock. Pearl lint tons, (Mt Buttons, Silver Buttons, Silk Parasols, the fanci st and newest styles. GROCERIES. 400 Bags of Fiour, 25 Bugs of (-offce, 15 Barrels of Sugar, Rice, Tea, Tobacco, Snuff. Lye. Potash, Molasses, Sab, Bacon, Corn, Meal, Oat*, Bran, Mill Feed, Farm Tools, llor.-e Coijars. Bridles, Plows, Fertilizers, Guano. Kanit, Phosphate*, (iuano Distributors, Cotton Planters, Lime, Cement. Plaster Parris, Hair and Builder's Material. UNDERTAKERS. In this line there is a complete line of Burial Goods. From the smallest to the largest eofiin. From the cheapest Coflin to the Handsomest Casket. Bsri.il Robes for »:r n and women. A Handsome Hearse is kept with this stock «i d v i!i be sent out when needed. R. G, TAYLOR, I A Wonderful Invention. They cure dandruff, hair frill ing, headache etc., yet costs the same as an ordinary comb—Dr White's Electric Comb. The only patented Comb in th«» world. People, everywhere it has been introduced, arts wild with delight. You simph comb your hair each day ami the comb does the rest. Thi wonderful comb i.s simply un breakable and is made so that it is absolutely impossible to break or cut the hair. Sold »• a written guarantee to give per feet satisfaction in every respect. Send stamps for one. Ladies' size 50c. Gents' size 35'* Live men and women wanted I everywhere to introduce tin article. Bells on sight. Agent are wild with success. want column of this pap r ) Address D.N. ROSE, Genera' Mgr., Decatur, 111. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought No 25. "You can Tool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all the people all the time." WE DON'T want you fooled any of the time. Low priced paint will always fool you. It may look well when first put on but will not last It costs as much to put on a poor paint aa it does a good one. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS are made to fool no one. They are honest Paints for honest peo ple. They cover most, look best, wear longest, are most economv cal, and always full treasure. (OLD BY ! Duuu Hardware & Furniture Co ! Subscr.be to TI;B BANNER | aiul get tke home **.*»««