Blips. - Bsiiies. __ i m iSt*34 I handle BUGGIES of all makes in car load lots, anclcan SAVE YOU MONEY. Don't buy until you have seen me. I can fit you up with substantial Harness. Sell for cash or on time. xJ. W. LANE, DUNN, N. C. TIIE NORTH CAROLINA SIAIE lEHAL MML COLLEGE. LITERARY Annual expenses SIOO to $140; for nou- CLAirSICAL residents of the State SIOO. Faculty of SCIENTIFIC 30 numbers. Practice and Observation COMMERCIAL School of about 2f;o pupils. To secure board INDUSTRIAL NI the dormitories all free-tuition applica- I'EDAGOGICAL tions should be made before July 15th. MUSICAL Session opens September 19tli. Correspondence invited frcm those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. f4TF or catalogue and other infoimation address President CHARLES D. MCIVKK, Greensboro, N. C. A. B. HAROLD. M. F. HATCHER. Harold & Hatcher, —ATTORNEYS AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re quired. Prompt attention to .•ill business. Collections a specialty Office over DEMO CRATIC BANNER. Edward W. Pou, F. H. Brooks. Pou & Brooks. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SMITHFIELD, N. C. Ulaiitßs collected. Estates set tled. Practice in Johnston and adjoining counties. E. S. SMITH. E. J. BARNES. SMITH & BARNES, Attorneys-at-Law, DUNN, N. C. I'i.-.elite in all Ihe courts of the State, l'rcmpt attention to all bu&ine£B ent rusted iGillee in die old Post Office Building. lI.NCIEAN. J.C.CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, , DUNN, : : : : N. C. (GR Office over J. J. Wade's Store. W. A. SIEWART. H. I" GODWIN STEWART & GODWIN, Attorneys and Coansellors-at-Law, DUNN, N. C. Will practice in State and Federal Courts but not for fun. W- E- Murchison, JONESBORO. N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not for^fun. Feb. 20-1 y. llElMlfT CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We otfer unsurpassed advan tages, aud loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L. J. BEST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier. 'ipCMTS ifi FARMERS BANK, Dili, G. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier. THK BANK EK, 1 year for 11.00. THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER. Vol. 11. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES, i t*i >dlßt Church—Rev. W A. Forbes Pastor •v! :es first Sunday night, and fourth San / tnorniu# and night. Prayercneetiiig .very Wednesday night. schcol every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, G. K, 3rantham Superintendent. Baiitist Church.—Re\. W. C. Barrett, pastor. Services eveiy second Sunday morning and night. Prayenneeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. C. i Oliiloid Superintendent. Fresbjttrian Dm) -Jc\ 1 . Hines pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night. Suudav school every Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superinten dent Disciple Church—Rev. 11. H. Petree pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. P. T. Massengill Supt. Free Will Baptist Church.—Elder R. Jackson, pastor. Services every first Sun day morning and night. Primitive Baptist.—Church on Broad street Elder B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LODGE. Palmyra Lodge, So. 147, A. F. kA. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M ; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jones J. W.; J. U. Johnson, Secretary. Regular 'ommuiiications are held on the 3rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A.M., aiid on the Ist Friday at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma aons in good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERB M. T. Young, Mayor. COMMISSIONERS V. L. Stephens, McD. Holliday, J. D. Barnes J. A. Taylor, w. H. Duncan, Policeman. ('OCNTT OFPIC ERB Sheriff, Silas A.Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. E. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. C. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. S. Black. Commissioners : E. F. Young, .Chairman N A. Smith, T. A Harrington. FREE TO THE BABIES. The Eastern Manufacturing-Co., of Chicago, will present to every baby, uv.der one year of afte, in this county, one solid silver baby spoon with the baby's given name engraved on same. You do not have to pay one cent nor buy any thing to get this spoon. The Eastern Manufacturing Co. are large manufac turers and jobbers of jewelry and silverware, and have taken this method of advertising their goods. Instead of spending thousands of dollars for I magazine advertising they have decided to give it away direct to consumers. The undersigned firm has been made distributing agent for this locality. Bring your baby to their store and give its name and age and you will receive one of these beautiful silver spoons all engraved free of cost. This is not a cheap article, but solid silver of elegant design. Don't fail to look over the elegant line of The Eastern Manufacturing Co.'s goods on display at W. H. BLANC HARD' B. The lies! liniment for Strain*- Mr. F. H. Wells, the mer chant at Deer Park, Long Is land, N. Y., says: "I always recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for a severe lameness in the side, resulting from a strain, and was greatly pleased with the quick relief and cure it ef fected." For sale by Hood & Grantham. Now Ready. 0 O _ DUNN FOUNDRY, MACHINE AND METAL WORKS. 10000 feet f fiocr space c veied with brand new and ponderous machinery and fixtures for all kinds of machinejand metal working.^ FARQUHAR'S CENTER CRANK AJAX. . "SHE IS A HUMMER." e are agents for the above Engine and all other styles of their Engines and Boilers from 4 to 600 horse power, also for FARQUHAR Saw Mills, Threshing Machinery and Threshing Engines. \ou can t afiord not to get the Farquliar machinery. It is the best. The Farquhar Co. has been almost a "House-hold Word ' for half a century. They are one of the largest ma chine builders in the world. They have facilities unequaled in this country. GEL! mm PRICES ARID CATALOGUE. Building Irons, Store fronts, etc. All kinds of plow and other castings. Boiler patch steel. All kinds of Steam and Machine fittings continually on hand. AN • TOBACCO FLUES. _- All styles, everything right. Freights equalized with other - j "H points. We buy all the cast iroi. we can get. See us about wimr-l»awifa 1 it; * Respectfully Yours, HIE JOHN I. MCKAY IFL'F'G CO, DUNN, N. C. Acute Dyspepsia CURED BY TWO BOTTLBS OF Coleman's Guarantee " Sold orv Hs msrlt." Mrs. J. C. FARRAR, Danville. Va.. says: "I suffered (or two months with Acute Dys pepsia and could find no relief. Prescriptions of j the best doctors did me 110 good. My friends ad vised me to try "Coleman's Guarantee." and 1 found almost instant relief. By the time I had taken two bottles I was entirely cured." PRICE 50c. A 30TTLE. Sold by all druggists. *S"Money refunded if it fails to cure COLEHAN REMEDY CO., Danville, Va., U. S. A STARVING CHINA. A Message for You. A heartrending, agonizing j cry for bread rises from the parched lips of China's millions of starving men, women and children. Owing to the scanty rainfall for several years and no rain at all this year, 110 crop was har vested in the provinces of Shan si and Shensi, and no*>v a sec tion of one hundred thousand square miles in extent, with a population one-third as large as that of the United States, is sorely afflicted and millions are starving, many of them actual ly already at death's door. Earl Li Hung Chang has ap pealed for relief to the good peo ple of America, in the hope that as true followers of the lowly Nazarene we will return good for evil, bless them that curse us, and litterallv obey the com mand: "If thine enemy hun ger, feed him ; if he thirst give him drink : for in so doiug thou slialt heap coals of fire on his head." Hon. Edwin H. Conger, United States Minister to Chi na, just before starting for home, learned from high au thority that the people in the famine region had eaten every blade of grass, every bit of bark—in fact everything that could be eaten, and that now they are literally eating each other. And now comes the DUIMIM, IM. C. JULY, 24 1001, news that many cities, towns and villages are already either deserted or the houses occupied by the dead. Such is the story of the great est catastrophe of the opening century now being enacted in far-off China, and it is in be half of these millions that this urgent appeal is issued, and with it goes an earnest, heart felt prayer that God may gener ously move the hearts of our people to liberally and promptly respond to the appeal of these helpless victims. Out of our abundance let us contribute in generous measure to the needs of those whose sad and mournful cry is : "Give us bread! Give us bread, or we perish!" Let every minister of the Gos pel, every Sunday School Su perintendent, every Young Peo ple's Society (whether Cluis tian Endeavor, Epwortli League, Young People's Un ion. or Y.M. C. A.,) every gen erous man and every bonder hearted and sympa f1 iC wo rn;! 11 throughout the gth and breadth of this land be true to Him whose life 011 earth was a ministry of helpfulness to the downtrodden, the unfortunate and the desolate ; true to them selves and true to humanity, and forgiving the past lend a hand in this great work of throwing out the life-line to the millions of aged men, defense less women and innocent chil dren of China, thus effectually answering their pitiful prayer of absolute helplessness. HOW MANY LIVES WILL YOU SAVE? Ten cents a day will save a small family. Twenty cents will save a life for a week. Ono dollar will save a family of five for a week. Five dollars will save six lives for one month. Ten dollars may keep a fami ly over the pinch. One hundred dollars will save a small community. Save them quickly, or they perish. Address all remittances for the relief of starving China to D. H. Hood, Dunn, N. C. When you want a modern up to-date physic, try Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Hood & Grantham's drug stone. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Dunn s Late terpuse. A Canning Factory. CAPACITY 1000 CANS PER DAY. I buy peaches and tomatoes. I sell tin cans and pack fruits to order. I use water, steam and syrup of sugar and pack fruits free from adulteration. Bring your peaches to me and I will save you money, labor, time and cost of glass jars. Fiuits prop erly packed in tin cans retain their origiual flavor. This is lost in glass jars. Deliver your peaches to me well assorted. "Presses" in boxes to themselves holding one bushel each. "Clearstones" in boxes holding one bushel each. Gather your peaches when just ripe. Let them be uniform in size and ripeness. Such peaches will bring good prices if they have any size. I shall employ none but neat packers and guarantee satisfac tion in prices, cleanliness and quality. You lose 110 fruits in tin cans. I teach you how to use the same tin can for any number of years. The tin can will not freeze or break and can be filled any number of times during the same season. All ladies who are interested in canned fruits and catchup are invited to visit the factory. Factory located near Main Street, East Dunn. June 18th 1901, G. I. SMITH, Proprietor. The Same Old Story J. A. Kelly relates an exper ience similar to that which has happened in almost every neigh borhood in the United States and has been told and re-told by thousands of others. He says : "Last summer I had an at tack of dysintery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to di rections and with entirely satis factory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I us ed other remedies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citizen of Hen derson, N. C. For sale by Hood & firauih&BU Fayetteville vs. Dunn. The following account of the game of ball played at Fayette ville last Wednesday is taken from the Fa\*ettrvilleObserver: "The game yesterdav after noon between Fayetteville and was a very pretty one. notwithstanding the difference in the score. There was a big and fashion able crowd present, and the\ were kept wildly enthusiastic up to the very close of the it:nth inning. Dunn had a c>n -iderable number of roote;> present, with several rooter ines, and they kept up theii courage until the last, thong' the Fayetteville rooters anc; iheir fair allies ji'mo-t over whelmned this little band witi sounds peculiar only to F.: m > ettcville rooters and rootrre?** V The Dunn tram behave themselves like the geutlem»i they are, and made a splendi impression on our people. Below we give the game in detail: First inning—Douglas for Fayetteville strikes, Cagle out at first, Sweeney hit and takes first, McNeill out at first, Swee ny left on second. Jordan, L. for Dunn, out at first, Randall strikes, Fitz. left on second, Jordon on first. Score, 0-0. Second inning—Williamson hits and takes first; McDuffie strikes ; Slocomb sacrifices and Williamson scores ; Home bass on balls, Dye strikes. Privett for Dunn, strikes; Shell base on balls; Holder, W. same, Shell scores by error. Young strikes, Jordon, L. strikes, Holder left on second. Score, 1-1. Third inning—Douglas goes to first; Cagle out to first; Douglas has stolen second and tries for third, but is caught aild Sweeney strikes. Randall for Dunn, singles, Fitz. gets first by error; Jor dan, B. flies to Sweeney, who doubles Randall at third, Hol der, A. B. strikes, Fitz. left on second. Score, 1-1. Fourth inning—McNeill strikes, Williamson strikes ; Mc- Duffie out first. Privett, for Dunn, singles; Shell fouls to Cagle; Holder, W. out first; Young strikes; Privett left on first. Score, 1-1. Fifth inning—Slocomb base on balls; Home strikes, Dye strikes ; Douglas gets nice sin gle to left and Slocomb scores ; Cagle makes first by scratch ; Sweeney fouls to first; Douglas left on second and |Cagle on first. Sixth inning—M cNe i 1 1 strikes, Williamson strikes ; Mc- Duffie first on error; Slocomb out at first, leaving McDuffie on second. Jordan, B. for Dunn, first by error; Holder, A. B. Strikes, Jordan caught napping at third, Privett strikes. Score, 2-1. Seventh inning—Home hits to left and makes third ; Dye singles and Home scores, Doug las hits to left and Dye scores ; Cagle strikes ; Sweeney strikes ; McNeill hits to left and Doug las scores, Williamson strikes; McNeill left on third. Jordon, L., for Dunn, out to first; Randall singles to center, but is caught by Horue in an attempted slide ; Fitz. strikes. Score, 5-1. Eight inning—McDuffie strikes ; Slocomb hits and takes first; Horne base on ball, Dye strikes ; Douglas singles to left, Slocomb and Dye scoring ; Ca gle left on third and Sweeney on second. Jordan, 8., for Dunn, gets base on balls; Holder out at first by Cagle who doubles Jor dan on third; Privett strikes, Score, 8-1. Struck out by Sweeney, 13 : by Jordan, 19. Base on balls, by Sweeney, 2; bv Jordan, 3. Wild throws, by Sweeney, 3 ; by Jordan, 3. Hit by pitched ball, by Swee ney, 0 ; by Jordan, 3. Time of game 2 :20. Umpire—H. M. Pembertcn. A Ragillg, Roaring Flood. Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to repair. "Standing waist deep in icy water," he writes, gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles." Positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles by C. L. Wil son. Price 50c, of 1901. G, TAYLOR, 11 riwi! mum OF DUNN, N. C., Announces that he is determined to do more busings tl.ic "°« ir «ba» over before. He has the poods and wm>»S '«,»•*« triers to buy (hem. Prices orp lower than -\>r p n ,. nv _„" DOLLAR he will give you TWO DOLLARS wot h of value HP has determined to sell his stock of goods f nee Ei(her for Cash or on Credit. ,uer He can accommodate you to credit on reasonable 1111s. Be sure and see !r • . GkOoTHIRIG-. CLOTHING-. CLOTHING-. You can get what von want in this line. We have the larg est selection in the country and can lit any size. Prices made to please the customer. His stock is being added to daily and you will find SHOES! SHOES! 1500 Pairs of Ladies and Mens and Children Shoes. Ladies Kid Shoes, Ladies Vicis, Ladies Oxfords, Ladies Slippers, La dies Shoes for every day wear, Ladies and Slippers from per pair up to $5 25. MENS SHOES ! Calf, Smooth Calf, Box Calf, Vicis, Dongolas, Russetts, Tans, Heavy Shoes for ser vice, Brogans, Kids, Boys Shoes, Child rent* Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Hosiery, Neckwear, Suspenders, Mats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Host-, Umbrellas, Valises. Satch els, Trunks. NOTIONS! Everything in this line. Nothing Ifft out. Embroidery Laces, Braids, Hamburg and Swiss Embroidery and Insertion, Kid Gloves, Corset*, Hoisery, Towels. Damasks, Napkin*. Rugs, Carpets, Matting, Bed Spreads, Counterpanes. In Dress Trim ming there is a complete stock. Pearl Buttons, (Jilt Buttons, Silver Buttons, Silk Parasols, the fanciest and newest styles. CROC ERI£S. 400 Bags of Fiour, 25 Bags of Coffee, 15 Barrels of Sugar, Rice, Tea, Tobacco, Snulf. Lye, Potash, Molasses, Salt, li»con, Corn, Meal, Oats, Bran, Mill Feed, Farm Tools. Horse Collars. Bridles, Plows, Fertilizers, Guano, Ivanit, Plios| hates, Guano Distributors, Cotton Planters, Lime, Cement, Plaster Parris, Hair and Builder's Material. UNDERTAKERS. In this line there is a complete line of Burial Goods. From the smallest to the largest coffin. From the cheapest Coffin to the Handsomest Casket. Burial Robes for m- 11 and women. A Handsome Hearse is kept with this sto»k ai d will be sent out when needed. K« Gf) TAYL OR, A Wonderful Invention. They cure dandruff, hair fall ing, headache etc., yet costs the same as an ordinary comb—Dr. White's Electric Comb. The only patented Comb in tho world. People, everywhere it has been introduced, arc wih 1 with delight. You simp' comb your hair oacli day n the comb does the rest. Tin wonderful comb is simply un breakable and is made so that i is absolutely impossible 1 break or cut the hair. Sold ( a written guarantee to give p feet satisfaction in every respe« Send stamps for one. Ladies size 50c. Gents' size 35c Live men and women wan tod everywhere to introduce thi article. Sells on sight. Ageir are wild with success (P --want column of this paper Address D. N. ROSE, Genei; Mgr., Decatur, 111. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought No 28. I nMI "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time; but you can't fool .all the people all the time." WE DON'T want you fooled any of the time. Low priced paint will always fool you. It may look well when first put on but will not last It costs as much to put on a poor paint ai it does a good one. THE SHERWM- WILLIAMS PAINTS , are made to fool no One. They are honest Paints for honest peo v pie. They cover most, look best, t wear longest, are most economV cal, and always full measure. SOLD BY Duuu Hardware & Furniture Co Subscribe to Thk Banns* jjuid get the home jicw*.

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