SELL Ml TUBIITO -AT wi STAR mm,, DUXX, N. C. sir Mott >: Highest prices 1 s.iti faction guaranteed. Blips. - Mill. I handle BL GGILS of all makes in car loac\ lots, andean SAVE YOU MONEY. Don t buy until you have seen me. I can lit you up 'with substantial Harness. Sell for cash or on time. J. W. LANE, DUNN, N. C. TIIE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND UAL COLLEGE. LITERARY Annual expenses SIOO to $140; for non- CLASSICAL residents of the State SIGO. Faculty of SCIENTIFIC 30 members. Practice and Observation COMMERCIAL School of about 200 pupils. To secure board INDUSTRIAL in the dormitories all free-tuition applica- PEDACiOGICAL tions should be made before July loth. MUSICAL Session opens September 19th. Correspondence invited iron those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. gtTF or catalogue and other information eddrcss President CHARLES D. MCIVER, Greensboro, N. C. ! Albert 8. —ATTORNEY AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re qtived. Prompt attention to all business. Collections a -r.e-iwlty Office over Dejio r&.ATJft Banner. Eilwanl "Ss'.JPou, F. H. Brooks. Pou & Brooks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SMITHFIELD, N. C. Qa'iifc" collected. Estates set- Practice in Johnston and udjjfejning counties. - " E. >. SMITK. M. F. HATCHER. , Smith & Hatcher, AUorneys-ul-Law, DUNN, - - - N. C. PrnciUc ill all tlit; court? of the State. Prompt attention (o all business entrusted, cjlfx-e in the old Post Office Building. ill. Xcl KAN. J. c. CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, DUJTN., : : : : N. C. I®' Office ovor J. Wade's Store. W. A. Stewart. H.'L. Godwin mm k GODWIN, Atisrneys and Counsellors-at-Law, Dunn, N. C. Will practice in State and Federal Courts but not Urc lun. W- E- Mnrcliison, JONESBORO. N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20-ly. E. J. E/fAS, ATTORNEY -AT> LAW, Dunn, N. C. I).. 71. McLean's Old Office on litailro&d Btrcet. MERCHANTS IND FARMERS MM, DUNN, IC. OA PJTAL STOCK $20,000. Kveiy *" accommodation offered to the public. ]E. F' Young, President. V.. L.-Stephens, Cashier. Tuk Hai \INRFT, iyearior SIXM). v I Vol. 11. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. °t t H . »dist Ch'irch—Rev. W A. Forbes I'astor •*rt :es drat Sunday night, and fourth Suu .y morning and night. Prayermeeting ?c-ry Wednesday night. Suhday scnccl »very Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Q. K, ftrantliaiii superintendent. Baptist Church.—Rev. W. C. Bfcrrett, pastor. Services every second Sunday morning and nlifht. Frayernjr«"tlng every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. O. Clifford Superintendent. Presbyterian (1 i nli.-I'tv. p.. ESnes i'astor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night, Sunday school every -usiJay morning-, D. H. McLean, Superinten dent Disciple Ch arch— Rev. I>. 11. Petree pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning >iud night, t'rayer meeting every Tuesday night, .-unday school « vei-y snnday evening at 3 o'clock. P. T. M&ssengill .-ui't. Free Will Daptist Cf urcii.—rider R. IC. Jackson, pastor. Services every fcrat- Sun day ruorning and night. Primitive Baptist.—Church on Broad street Elder B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servi on th* third Sal>l>ath morning, and Satur day be I ore, in each month at 11 o'clock. LODGE. Palmyra lodge. No. 147, P. SL A. M. Hail over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones \\ . SI ; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jones i. W.; J. G. Johnson, Secretary. Regular ommunications are held on the Srd Satur day at 10 o'clock A. M.. and on the Ist Friday it 7:30 o'clock i'. m. in each month. AH Ma sons in good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. COMMISSIONERS V. L. Stephens, JlcD. Hoiliday, J. I). Barnes I. A. Taylor. W. H. Duncan, Policeman. COUNTY OFFICERS Sherlff.Si'as A.Salmon. Cleik, Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. 0. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coront r. Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Bev. J. S. Black. Commissioners : E. P. Young, .Chairman •V A_. Smith. T. A Harrington. A YOI liAm'SMFESAVEI) At Panama, Colombia, by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. i Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a promi nent physician, of Panama, Co lombia, in a recent letter states : "Last March I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of l age, who had a very bad attack of dysentery. Everything I prescribed for her proved inef fectual and she was growing worse every hour. Her parents were sure she would die. She had become so weak that she could not turn over in bed. What to do at this critical mo ment was a study for me, but I thought of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy and as a last resort prescribed it. The most wonderful result was effected. Within eight hours she was feeling much bet ter ; inside of three days she 'was upon her feet and at the end of one week was entirely well." For sale by Hood & Grantham. • OA.STOHIA. Bw , the JOIIN A. Mi;KAY. E. F. YOUNG. :{ hum Ik oundrv achine wj orks.' ... A. . « As. MA 9? .... . * "> • Modern and ni>-to-latf> iever/ r - ipecc. Thousands of dollars worth of Machinery among which is powerful Hammering Machines, Lathes, Planers, Drills, Shapers, Cold Saws &c. 10,000 feet of floor sp ace* o!) men employed. WE DO ALL KINDS OF METAL WORK. HIGH GRADE SAW-MILL, ENGINE AND BOILER WORK A SPECIALTY. STORE FRONT IRONS AND OTHER HEAVY CASTINGS TO ORDER. ALL KINDS OF IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Repair Work.^s We can repair any kind of machine you wish and do almost any job in wrought or cast iron steel, sheet-metal or brass. , We are Agents for A. B. FARQUHAR CO'S. Saw-Mills, Threshing Machinery, Engines and Boilers of all styles and sizes from 4 to 000 Horse Power. GET OUR FRiCES AND CATALOGUE. We carry Shafting, Pulleys, Flanges,-Boxes, Set-Collars, Patch Bolts, Piping, Inspirators and all kinds of Iron and Brass Fittings. We guarantee satisfaction. THE JOHN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN, N. C. J NO. T. LEA. W. T. MORGAN. E. T. HARRIS. bj^NLEB WAR EHQ 11S E, "O n>T TiT LEA, MORGAN k CO., Proprietors. OPENING SALE On August 2nd our opening sale occurcd. It was a pro nounced success. The Warehouse ileor was covered with all grades of tobacco. Good prices were secured and general satis faction was the expression of every farmer. Sales Every Day. You will find the BANNER WAREHOUSE open every day except Sunday, anxious to sell your tobacco . Give us a trial and we guarantee satisfaction. Our Motto : Good prices and general satisfaction. Every sale means good prices. Yours to please, k&A,mm&m & ©@. Can You IDat anything you want? Most people can not. When you can't, its called "'"di gestion," wnich develops "dyspepsia' —the agonizing terror of the age. Coleman's G\ja.rarvtee positively cures all forms of indigestion and dyspepsia. "Take it, eat what you want and be happy." CURED BY ONE BOTTLE. "I suffered for several months with indigestion and could scarcely eat anything without intense suffering afterwards. I found no relief until "Coleman's Guarantee" was recommended. 1 bought one bottle, and took it as directed, and from the very first found relief, and by the time I had taken the first bottle was not only feeling better, but was entirely cured." V. W. JEFFERSON, Danville, Va. PBICE 50c. A BOTTLE. Sold by all Druggists. *S~Take no substitute. Iff|£B£DT £9., ft., I. i. A. OUrSIW, IM. C. AUGUST 21, 1901, THE ISAM DIN, CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We offer unsurpassed advan tages, and loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L. J. BEST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier. The man who can look pleas ant when he is sitting for a pho tograph deserves a gold medal. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Dunn s Latest En terpuse. A Cai ng Factory. CAPACITY 1000 CANS PKR DAY. I buy peaches and tomatoes. I sell tin cans and pack fruits to order. I use water, steam. anJ syrup of sugar and pack fruits free from adulteration. Bring your peaches to me and I will save you money, labor, time and cost of glass jars. Fi uits prop erly packed in tin cans retain their original flavor. This is lost in glass jars. Deliver youiv peaches to mo well assorted. "Presses" in boxes to themselves holding one bushel each. "Clearstones" in boxes holding one bushel each. Gather your peaches when just ripe. Let them be uniform in size and ripeness. Such peaches will bring good prices if they have any size. I shall employ none but neat packers and guarantee satisfac tion in prices, cleanliness and quality. You lose no fruits in tin cans. I teach you how to use the same tin can for any number of j T ears. The tin can will not freeze or break and can be iilied any number of times during the same season. All ladies who are interested in canned fruits and catchup are invited to visit the factory. Factory located near Main Street, East Dunn. June 18th 1901, G. I. SMITH, Proprietor. Reflections of a Bachelor. The youngest thing in the world is an old man chasing around after a young girl. The bitterest kiss can be gilded so that most any woman will take it without making a face. It seems like some old maids who never have any men make love to them sort of go around making love to themselves. Up to thirty a woman wants to flirt with men ; from that on to forty, with boys ; after that, with anything, if it's only kit tens. Whenever a girl gets engag ed, what she considers the most necessary thing to do is to make all the other girls think she walks on him just like he was mud. Food Chanyed to Poison. Putrefying food in the intes tines produces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 25c at C. L. Wilson's. O^stohi^L. Bear, th* /) Kind Yoo Han Always BoiigW The Chinese Trade. The Atlanta News says that the Chinese reformers, who are working to modernize the em pire, already have in their se jc pt organization twenty-five millions of Chinamen, who ftre contributing systematic illy the fund which sustains thei'i propaganda. Our contempora i ry declares tint "the recent in structions of the Chinese em peror to his ministers point strongly in this direction, and it is known that when not un der the domination of the em peror is strongly'ln sympathy with the reformers. Several years ago he made Kang Yu Wei; the head of the reform element, his chief adviser, and had already issued instructions for the organization of a modern army, the establishment of schools of science and the reor ganization of the administratis when the reaction stirred up by the old empress took him oil' his feet. Events have again re stored the emperor to power and the counsels of the reformers appear to prevail. If the alli ance with Japan is perfected the reformers in China will have their hands greatly strengthened." The value to us-of these pro jected reforms, if they should be effected as seems likely, lies in their relation to our Southern cotton manufacture. Cotton supplies the material out of which most of the garments worn in China are made, and there are four hundred millions of Chinamen. But a small per cent of this vast population ever so much as heard of the United States, while in knowl edge of the manner in which to capture the trade of the Orien tals our traders are mere in fants. The English and Ger mans far surpass us. The ef fect of the reforms proposed would be to open up the coun try to traders and to lessen the gap between our inexperienced agents and the skilled commer cial men of education, good manners and knowledge of the world whom our European riv als employ for their foreign trade. Says the Atlanta con temporary : "Americans are still to a large extent novices in the for eign trade. Flushed with vic tory in the vast growth of our exports, which are still largely raw products, we imagine that we are taking the earth without a struggle and all that we have to do in order to secure foreign trade is to go into the land and possess it." While, therefore, reform in China will tend to put us more nearly on an equality with the English and German's who seek her trade, we must be prepared to spend money in sending a high grade of men of commer cial acumen, if not of commer cial training, into that country at the earliest moment, to make a study of the wants of the trade. "When once business is established," wisely observes the News, "its value to this sec tion will be beyond computa tion. The crop that is worth millions will bring us billions and the cotton states will be the greatest manufacturing region on earth." The subject is one of tremen dous importance to our mill men. It is the oriental trade which has enriched Britain. The reform movement in China will soon be joined by the open ing of the Nicaraguan canal to Welcome our efforts to capture a share of it for our favored i land. Shall our people be un equal to the occasion? Doiht Suffer. The languishing tortures of Dyspepsia, you can't stand it. Take "Coleman's Guarantee," a positive cure for all forms of dyspepsia and constipation. A cured man says : "I take 'Cole man's Guarantee,' eat what I want, and am happy." Prico 50c. large bottle, at druggists. Some men are like small po tatoes, they never get to the top of the heap. Don't Let Them Suffer. Often children are tortured with itching and burning ecze ma and other skin diseases but. Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflama tion, leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try it. Cure guaran teed. Only 25c at C. L. Wil son's. Then and Now. The good old times we hear so much about were alright in their way, but the present time is better a hundred fold than ithey. It is a great deal easier jto make money now than it was i hen and the average man | handles ten dollars to his j father's one. The modern com j forts and luxuries of life wore in the'*guod old limes." The parlor car yiides through the country at fifty miles an hour where the old gig used to rock along at five. Everything else is proportionately more conven ient and comfortable. Hut with, all these blessings there is something the matter We are not content and happy, and in our blue moments, we are disposed to lay the blame on the times, and sigh .for the good old days when everybody had plenty of money and went on their way rejoicing. Mr. Glenn pointed out the difficulty in his address at the Orphanage last Wednesday. Ic has been said before, to be sure, but it needs to be. repeated over and over again. It is the sin of extravagance. In one respect at least the old time was batter than the present. Our fathers had no better than the present. Our fathers had no better sense than to live within their means. Their wants were not allowed to outrun their money. We make a great deal more money than the old folks did, but we spend a great deal more than we make. A gentleman who lives in a city told us of clerks who would discount their wages at a ruinous rate of in terest in order to "splurge" on Sundays. At the end of the month their wages were all gone and there was a big interest bill to pay. This is why so many in plac > of trusts go wrong. They c:st - not resist the temptation i keep up with the fast livim that is the curse of the age. If only we would practice the sturdy virtue of economy as our fathers did with our im proved facilities for making money, the cry of hard times would never be heard, and con tentment would take place of unrest and wretchedness. That father is wise who rpfuses to yield to the clamor of his chil dren for means to gratify the desire to "keep up with the! procession." The procession is going at too high a rate of speed, and unless the brakes are applied the young men who have only their wages torelvi upoii will surely come to grief. —Charity and Children. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a world wide reputation for it* cures. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Hood & Grantham. Cholera Cure For Hogs And Poultry. The following will be of in terest to our readers. It was taken first from the Farm Jour nal : "Take two ounces pulverized capsicum; two ounces pulver ized asafoetida ; one ounce pul verized rhubarb; four ounces carbonate of iron; six ounces Spanish brown; two ounces flour of sulphur, mix thorough ly and put up in air tight p ick ages or vessels, and keep for use. "For hog cholera, p h ilf a pound in twenty quarts o meai; or bran and feed twice a d iy' until all symptoms of cio'.era disappear. "For chickens, put one tuble spoonful in two quarts of iiv-mI and feed twice a day until ; 1 symptoms of the di?ease di-a; - pear. I "A cure soon results with i every fowl or hog that is a'd" to swallow the remedy : but wle-n a chicken will not eat, m; ke a pill of the remedy about tl e size of a small pea and fore*' it down the patient's throat into the crop and a cure will surely re sult. It is safe to repeat tin* dose two or three tinit-s i;i • day. "" "This remely given abo once or twice every for n> i will prevent from ever appearing amongst hogs o fowls. 1 gave the recipe to ov.e of my neighbor-, and he is n-v. making money compoundm. the remedy, putting it up i packages and felling it. II | guarantees it to cure in every instance, and although he has been selling it two years he says 1 that he has never yet received a complaint. He will buy a flock of fowls, or a pen of hog infected with cholera, and will cure every one of them." No 32. Annexation of Cuba. There is scarcely any doubt of the fact that the annexation sentiment in Cuba is growing very rapidly, and it is probably true, ;is stated bv General Go mez, that after Cuba has been given a taste of freedom—in de ference to the sentiment that has long possessed lite people— she will bo ready for annexa tion. There seems no excuse, there fore, for any further talk of force or coercion, for it seems apparent that evnn strong* r considerations are drawing us closer together. Porto Rico is going to prove a valuable object lesson to Cu ba, since the administration • has, in response to public senti ment, withdrawn the objection-* able 15 per cent tariff, and with-, in the course of a year or two we may expect to see the latter desiring the same degree of prosperity through close trade relations with this country that Porto Rico is already beginning to enjoy, Already the movement for Cuban reeiproyiiv has been started, for the - .-:f»'llig'Mice of the island Tn-iv understands that the coutiu v mu*t depend upon the United i.ttes, mainly as the mon oa. .- ;c ory market for its and tobae*». With the duty take-: off of thes-' pro ducts, or co»-i.!t»r:iblv lowered, Cuba would bt- .benefitted mil lions of dollars jiiuiua ly and a great iin; etus -_' i ven to all lines of industi y. In the m 't.'f-r of tobacco it is well known its consump tion is inereaf d in proportion as the p ice is luw red, so that with the tariff elf Cuba could expect to sell two or three times as much t >bacco in this country as slih now sell-. It i* plain to he >een, therefore, ho v the ben e!l • of rec'procUv of asm v atioa must be peculi;rlv atti.»- live to Cuba. Inducements, in fact, which she cannot long rein 44 to • voluntary take advantage oi'. He Kept His Leg. Twelve years ago J. W. Sul livan, of Hartford, Conn., scratihed his leg wish si rusty wire. Infbimation and blood poi-oning setin. For two years he suffered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputa tion, "but," lie. writes, "I u«- d one bottle of Electric Bit te.-s and 1 1-2 boxes of Duck •en'.- Arnica Halve and my hg was sound and well as ever." For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter. •Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Eh'ctrio Bitters has 110 riejil on o ivth Try them C. L. Wilson will guannte* satisfac tion or refu money. Only 50 cents . —He—"(!ivc me just one kiss." Si:«—"l'd like to see myself ki-s you." He—"Good! There's a mirror right over in the corner." What most people want is something mill and gentle, when in need of a physic Cham '»er tin's Stomach and Liver V .ble.s fill the bill to a dot. !* 1 y are ea-y to tike and pleas • n i 1 effect. For said by llood c. >»r.iti t '1 • in. O^ET'C»3PB.X.A.. ifh'a the /l liie Kii»l Van Hate Always BflugU i 1 "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all the people all the time." WE DON'T want you fooled any of the time. Low priced paint will always fool you. It may look well when first put on but will not last It costs as much to put on a poor paint a* it does a good one. THE SHERWIN-WILUAMS PAINTS are made to fool no one. They are honest Paints for honest peo ple; They cover most, look best, wear longest, are most economy 1! cal, and always full measure. ' SOLO BV I, ] Duuu Hard if are & Furniture Co

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