CURE Asthmaler Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Astnmaler Cure m All Cases . SEN ABSOLUTELY FREE ON" RECEIPT OF POSTAL. YOUR *AnK SC /■ ' " Tliere is notllin s like Asth " maline. It brings instant re- FOR jief, even in the worst cases §lt cures v.iic:t nil CJO'. - The Rev. C. F. Wells, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: '-Your trial bottle of Asthmalene roj ceived in good condition. 1 cannot tell you how thanktul I. feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained witlr putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. T despaired of ever being cured. T saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves but resolved to. give it a trial. BELIEF. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle." Rev- Dr. Morris Weclisler. Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 1901. DRS. TAFT BROS'. MEDICINE CO., Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviate- ill troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astoni-t --ing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asth malene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours, REV, DR. MORRIS W ECIISI.ER. AVON SPRINGS, N. Y., Feb. 1. 1901. DN. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO. Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past J. 2 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130 th street. New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recom mend the medicine to all who are aiiiicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, 0. D. PHELPS, M. D. DR. TAFT BROS, MEDICINE CO. Feb. 5, 1901. Gentlemen : I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numerous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement rnd started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your i'ull-size Lot tie. and lam ever grafeful. I have family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. lam now in the best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make use of as you see fit. Home address, 235 Rivington street. S. RAPHAEL, 07 East 129t1i St., City. TRIAL EOL'TLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing Dlt. TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO., 79 East 130 th St., N. Y T . City. WILMINGTON ANb O O I ELDON AND BRANCHES _ AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Nov. 19TH, 1900. TRAINS GOINO SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11:50 a, m., 8:38 p. m.; arrive Rocky Mount, 12:55 a. in.,9:52 p. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 a. m„ t> tK) i«m. Leave Rocty Moniit, 1:00 a. M., 9:52 p. m., 6 HI p. in., s:io am. p. m. Leave Wilson, 1.5# a m, 10:25 pm, 6:20 am, 2:40 p m., 7 16 pin. Leave Selina,2:ss a m. 1110 p. m. Leave Fayetteville, 4:30 a in, 12:22 p m. Arrive Florence. 7:25 a in, 2:24 p in. Arrive Ooldsboro 7 55 j>. m. Leave Ooldsboro, 7.-01 a ni, 3:21 p m. Leave Magnolia, 6:()t» am, 4:*5 1> m. Arrive WilmiDgton,#:4oa ID. 5:50 u m, TRAINS OOINO NORTH. Leave Florence, 9:40 am, 7:15 pm. C Leave fayetteville, 12:20 a in, 9:45 p m. Leave Peluia, 1.50 am. 105« p. in. Arrive Wilson, 2:35 a m. 11:33 j> in. Leave Wilmington. 6:!;0 p 01. s» 45 a m. Leave Magnolia, 11:1 a a m, B:i'i p m. Leave Ooldsboro, 500 0 am. 9:27 p m Leave Wilsou,2 - 35 pm, sj3&cn, 11:33 am 10:: JO P m, 1:10 p in. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p m, 12:09 am, • 6 25 am, 11:11 p m, 1:53 p m. Arrive Tarboro 7 04. a. m. Leave Tarbo o, 12:21 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 pm. 12:09 a in. ! Arrive Weldon, 4:32 p m, 1:00 am. 1 Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Davidson Main Line—Train leaves W ilniinj;- ton, 9 00 a. in., arrives Fayetteville 12 12 p. in., leaves .Fayetteville 12 25 p.m., arrives Hanford 143 p.m. Returning leave Sanford 2bo p. m., arrive Payetteville 341 j> m., leave Fayetteville 34# p. m., arrives Wil mington 6 40 p. m Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Ben nettsville Branch Train leaves Beu nettsville 815 a. m., Maxton 920 a. in., Ked Springs 953 a. in., Hope Mills 1042 a.m., arrive Fayetteville 10 55. Returning leaves Fayetteville 4 40 p.m., Hope mills 4 55 p.m., Red Springs 5 :.5 p.m., Maxton 615 p. m„ arrives Bennettsville 7 15 p. m. Connections at Fayetteville with .train No. 7) at Maxton with the Carolina Central Kail road, at Red Springs with the Ked Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford witn the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway at Oulf with the Durham and Charlotte Kail road. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road loaves Weldoa 3:35 p m, Halifax 4:15 p_ni arrives Scotland Neck at 508 p in Greenville 6:57p m, Kinston 7:55 pm. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m, Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11:18 am, Weldon 11:33 a m, daily except t-unday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washj ington 8:10 a m, and 2:30 p in., arrive Pavmele 9:10 am, and 4:00 p m, returning leave Par meie 9:35 am. and 6:30p m.. arrive Washington 11:00 a m, and 7:30 p m, drily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C., daily, except Sunday, at 5:30 p m., Sunday 4.15 p. m., arrives Plymouth 740 p. m., 610 p.m., Returning leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, 7 50 a. m., and Sunday 900 a. in.; ar rives at Tarboro 101»5 a. in.. 11 00 a. m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Golds boro. N. C., daily except Sunday, 705 a m;ar rlve Pmithfleld N C., 810 am. leaves Smithfleld. N. V. 900 a. in. arrive? Goldaboro.N.c. 10 25 a.m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky ! Mount at 9:30 a. m., 340 pin arrives Nashville | 1010 a m, 4:03 p m. Spring Lope 10 40am.! 425 p. m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11:00 I a. m„4 55 pm, Nashville 11:22 a. m. ri2spm.| arrive at Rocky Mount 1145 am., 600 pm, I daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton oaily, except Sunday, atllrjta. in. and 4:15 pm. Returning leaves Clinton 700 am and 2:50 p m. Train No. 78 make close connection at Wel don for all points North daily, all rail vit Richmond. H. M. EMERSON. General Passenger Agent. J. R. KENLY, T, M. EMERSON, General Manager, Trafllc Manager. !i I i a A SiiSiils'SCi? 3 Ihe greatc-st ambition of Amor- -i 8 icun men and women is to liave 8 homes blessed with children. The a | woman alHicted witli female dis- § ease is constantly menaced with 3 jg becoming a childless v.-if,;. >' o )\ B medicine can restore dead cr lgans, but AVine of Cardui .!c>?s jl £ regulate derangements that pre- « B vent conception: does prevent fl ■ miscarriage; does restore weak 0 M functions and shattered nerves jjji S and does bring babies to homes a 1 barren and desolate for years. B gA\ ine of i 'ardui gives women t!"- & B health and strength to boar heal- % ■ thy children. You can B do]l:ir bottle of "Wine of Cardni t-1 B from your dealer. H KXK ,vJO 57i rrv. - >v .• IwliifwCl Rl | In FeJ>raar-;,.-. £ I H ct Cardui u-jd ona of il jj ZbtKMOrd's 'i>ack-£'r:'T: ;ht. i :i •: -J a Mtricd fifteen vers ar>d h;-,! ■ r.~ ; J S jriven birth to c, ctlUI HIM il I t:x.k V i ie R S c*. ardui. i'To.v I ani mother of a !!ie vJ S babydrl which was tore JUau-ri .'a, is>ci. 9 B J. Jie baby weighs fourteen poar.:ls end I S U *5 e ' as v -;e'l as a-17 pers-.n could fool. Q g Now niy home is happy ur.d. I ut-vcrw'U 3 9 be without Vv'ine cf t'urdai in mv !•■ 9 H again. Mra. J. W. C. SMITH, a a Fcr arlrlce find literature, address, ririnn 3 B Byniptonift, "1 he Ladies' A-1 visory 1 Irj'itrt- S I Medicine Company, ffi 'S?gP&\ A Gallon of PURh LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of makes 2 gallons of the VERY BEST PAINT in the WOULD ?. f yonr paint bill. Is v.\b. ircr.T: D' RAB'.E thru 1 THE WHITE LEAD and is ABSOLUTELY NOT POI SONOUS. HAMMAR PAINT is made of tlio OP PAINT MATERIALS —such as «*!1 good painters and is ground THICK, VERY THICK. I.'otronbW:> mix, any boy can do it. It U tho COMMON S!;.vss OF HOUSE TAINT. NO BETTEU paint can be xnu JO at ANY cost, and is ROT TO CRACK, BLISTER, PEEL or CEIT». r. HA3i:>! AE PAINT CO., ht. Louis, Mo. Sold and guaranteed by DUNN HARDWARE AND FURNITURE 00. UFIF FFT£NR ■- "P nti IF t; ' Q MJL , .A- V,JIL ,-r. ■>■ fu> v ~+U -~- -' -s-xCI i Tlilit is what- everybody says they get who sell Tobacco at I" 11 M NTA® F ;\ . A \\ * VI3&KAAK ■QISKV*.-. / DUNN, :x. c. \ This Warehouse is open every day in the week except Sunday. Vou can get good prices on all grades whenever you come. Every sale lias my careful atu ntion and it is my aim to make every pile of tobacco bring its full value. Everybody who sold on the Star Warehouse floor at the Opening Sale went away speaking in highest terms. All we ask is a clianc* to show you what we make your tobacco bring. We have no drummers but are paying the drummers' salary direct to the farmer. Come and bring your tobacco and we will make you feel good. IfM WAREHOUSE, J. F. MOTLEY, Proprietor. H V TT RN TIKIIL VN YNMI 1 MINNNN H/NN «• • H !iH I I M/U nj rJ 5: - UULI LUKL J ULJIIUUU IF LILL M i: %' ©) JL, -A_ -AT THE— PLANTEES ALBIBBSBT Dunn, N". O. 0"" ;—v •■> t" /'A T * fW"i f> *~Ci " i Ui-'Cic i;U i Cli tciui w ■ We had cur Opening Ba'• on the fi' ~t of August. The prices paid for tuliacco cn that da} on ii• lioor of the P]ant( rs Warehouse speak f« r themselves and everybody w;t-> happy with their -ales. Some may say that we pay more than tlie market price, but if you want to gee the highest prices for your tobacco always bring it to the Planter's We expect, aVd will make cv y pound of tobacco placed on our lloor sell for as high a price a in any warehouse in North Carolina. We know wh- rce: we ■ j oik. We have order? for all grades, and also intend to buy a la : ■ stock. YOU KNOW THE REPUTATION OF THE DUNN MARKET FOR HIGH PRICES, and we will see that it shall still maintain that reputation. High Frices and finest Dealings Is Our Mot 13. Try us with a load and yen will sell your entire crop of tobacco with us. Sales every day from now until the season closes. jfSF"With a corps of good buyers, anxious for tobacco, wc expect to sell more tobacco in Dunn this season than ever before. |£tt?~J)o not allow others to induce you to carrv vour tobacco elsewhere, but drive to the Planters and get the highest prices. We mean what we say. £®P*(}rade your tobacco and place it on the lloor in good condition and we will have no trouble m pleasing you. With thanks for past patronage, 1 am, Yours to please, A. V. SMIM I JFE FTEAD.S THS ANNOUNCEMENT I ; p and lj || W £SS Greatly || ' f>£i t> ccause °f hi 3 appointment to office I *52 .7* i/r' with a fat salary, but because he learns jv> I a fact equally gratifying, (jsg M kmmr COMPANY'S A eg PJPLPI ols SAMPLE GOOK || V? US ffe'iii from which he selects the perfect-fitting clothes ?r3 £V£ Villi IVJ that make him the cynosure of all admiring iA 5*2 1 JIU I eyes, has just reached town and he hurries to H| 51 make an early selection. KOSE & COMPANY v o S> i:j, ;j of Chicago, are the best Custom Tailors in the JrJ g$L III' iPW country and he knows it. These big Tailors ®,A Ajf lll'ii i'a geWhe cream of the trade in every town where (i/s» W.l: i| there are good dressers because they show (S9 BiU|| ||B|j notliinji but the choicest selections of Fabrics, D" Willi jjjj j Their garments are popular because they put the «» Clje Catest Stplcs—CDe Best Wotkmaasbi? b£&j 'j J Pel;/ and the most dependable Linings and Trim- gv) [[% >sJ "lings into them. If you want to put on the J%\ \ a IM best-fitting made-to-measure suit you ever /r3 £~7_ Or El WOfe, come early and be measured. M SOLE AGENTS ' * AM ' LEA »' H T. C. YOUNG & CO. Youthful Criminals. It souuds strangely at Ulu late day of the 'history of the world and of civilization, and especially in this country', to read of a child ten years old bet ing tried as a criminal and sent to the State Prison with mature and habitual criminals, as though a fit subject for such treatment, and deserving no consideration, to say iv thing oi' mercy, on account of his tender age, and of an entire absence of responsibility 011 his part for his own condition and its inevi table consequences. Portsmouth, Va., stands alone so far as we are informed, in having recently sent a ten year old boy to the penitentiary for tive years. There is an obligation rest ing upon the States to prevent the Courts from making crimi nals of juvenile offenders, —by providing means for caring for delinquent children in such a way that they will not be brought in contact with con firmed criminals by being sent to the same prisons. The law should prohibit the confining of any child under 1(5 years of age, in any jail or police sta tion, or to confine any child that has in the Isaine building enclosure in ! j which convicts are kept. ' Such would be a humane } measure, and a wise one. There are very few white 5 young criminals or offenders : against the law in any Southern State and the number who are • brought to trial in the courts and sentenced to imprisonment [ is considerable. The great body of the youthful convicts are ne groes and colored people, and the sentiment of the law-makers of our section seems to be, that jails and penitentiaries are ' quite in order and good enough for bad negroes and colored ■ boys; that they cannot be hurt by further evil associations; that there is no hope of their 1 reform in any event, and that it is not worth the trouble and expense involved, to provide reformatories, or even separate pri-ons for them. We believe these are mistak en notion o . Our negro p. pul:;- tion furnishes far more than, its 1 quota of adult criminals. Per- I haps .it is as great an error to I make our jails and penitent ia ■ rie.s and convict camps schools of crime for our criminal class as the prisons of some of the States have been found to be for its criminal class, in the same conditions. Tot Causes Night Alarm* Every year a largo numbo] s j-fpoor -ufferers who c e iung . ;;re core and rack• d with r ugh- j , are urged to go to another cli- J |mate. But this is costly and . j not always sure. Don't; be an , cxilf when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption wii' cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat I and Lung diseases 011 earth. 1 The first dose brings relief. ■ Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bottles . free at C. L. "Wilson's. Price 50c and .SI.OO. Every bottle guar ' anteed. NOTICE OF SALE Under Mortgage Uy virtue of the power and authority g;ivt*ti by a certain inorti r - executed] rj bj -f. i>. McNeill, Win M-.\'i .!! and U. ' 1 i.. McNeill to tiic which i- r .-orded in j the oliiev oi Heni-tcr of i-eed- for t!:e| ; ounty o f llarni :t, in Ik*>l; / n . •:». tilt; following property will be sold at t'obiie. Auction, viz:— it: ing u cia tain tract of land in l.iil-: . ! ington Tov,-nh:p, Harnett county. Be ginning at :i stake It! feci from the .•o:aher:i li..e of the sown of Lillington \ opposite southwest ci»rn;-i* of Lot No. 0 in said town, runs S. IS W 3 chains to the Ochiltree line, now Wil l Hams, thence said N. CI W 0 c! ains 53 links to the' n ad o" strc t. the -e. >7 18 IS 2 chains and 1! links to a corner of tiic edge of Mam i-ncet, th;-!i'-e S 72 E '# chains and 13 'i:,ks to the I containing eight-tenth acres and being same place where mortgagors resided Dec. 4, 1599 and for further description s* e Book F. No. 2 pages 484 & o Kegs, office of Harnett Co. Place of sale. Court House door at Lillington, N. C. Time of sale Aug. 30, 1901 at 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale cash. July 29,1901. L. J. Best, Mortgagee. TOMB STONES. i i j***" IMJ« ill—l pWi aarinrs visa v. &sj $' - - si I tall i !-.*V£WsiS f Any one desiring designs and estimates on tomb- stones, wire fencing, for cemeteries, yard or any other purpose will do well to see or write I. J- Sr/IITH, BENSON, N. C. He can furnish you designs and ; estimates on any cemetery fur i nishings desired at remarkably I low prices. He represents first | class establishments. Sowing And Reaping. '* Whatsoever a. man soweth | tliat shall ho also reap," was I the text i'rotn which a LMiiladol j phia jueaoher preached a ser mon the other day on the polit ical corruption in that city. j"We are reaping today in Phil adelphia and in Pennsylvania," jsaid fie, "pree.isrdy what we i have sown. We have sewn base, eon cienccless legislators. We have sown public thieves for civil rulers. We have sown a narrow gospel which has ig nored the responsibility of Christians to the institutions of society, and we are now reaping laws which encourage dishones ty and protect "crime, public of ficers that blackmail reputable citizens and denounce and seek to destroy the character of hon est men ; thieves in high places that are robbing the people of their franchises and of their mouoy in the public treasuries. We are reaping the subversion of Republican government and the institution upon its ruins of an oligarchy whose audacity and whose utter disregard of the interests of the people and whoso contempt of public opin ion are simply appalling." That is goo 1 preaching. There is a natural law in the ! olificai world and its penalties are sure, if it be violated. If rhe people put corrupt men in oi'rice they will get corrupt gov ernment. If the decent people are indifferent and let the thugs | run the politics, they may ex pect the kind of government that things believe in. Men do not gather fig of thistles. A Wonderful Invention. They cure dandruff, hair fall ing, headache etc., yet costs the same as an ordinary comb— Dr. White's Electric Coiub. The only patented Comb in the world. People, everywhere it has been introduced, are wild with delight. You simply comb your hair each day and the comb does the rest. This wonderful comb is simply un breakable and is made so that it is absolutely impossible to break or ctit the hair. Sold ori a written guarantee to give per fect satisfaction iiievery respect. Send stamps for one. Ladies' size otic. Gents' size 35c. Live men and women wanted everywhere to introduce this article. Sells 011 sight. Agents are wild with success, want column of this paper.) Address D. N. POSE, General Mgr., Decatur, 111. Sleeping in Ci,ureses. The High Pcirt Enterprise* -ays the question (a :he hour i.- : "What per cent of t e con gregation sleep i:i church?" f here is a story, v to us from a leadingc ; i-cen of Me.r ganton, that when u Jesse it. Page (long life to the noble preacher, philosopher, teac! or and wit!) was the pastor of tbe Methodist church in that town, he hit upon a plan to wake up the "sleeping pillars" of the church. He was preaching one hot Sunday night and he noticed that some of the amen members were fast asleep. He lowered iii.- voice gradually until he al most whispered, and then sud denly, in a louder tone, said: if the brethren in the rear of '.he church conn ■ hoar me 1 hope they win excuse me for speaking so low. I am afraid ii 1 speak loud 1 will wake up the brethren on the front benches." lie had an attentive congre gation from "anicn corner" to the last seat in qhurch that hot night!— News & Observer. WANTED—Ladies and Gen tlemen to introduce the "hot test" seller 011 earth. Dr. White's Electric Comb, patent ed 1899. Agents are coining money. Cures all forms of scalp ailments, headaches, etc., yet costs the same as an ordi nary comb. Send 50c in stamps for sample. 1). N. Hose, Gen. Mgr., Decatur, 111, EXECUTION SALE. !>y virtue of an exec"t:nn in my hands i-si'.ed from the ofKce of lii-t Jerk of t.he- Stiperior Court of Harnett county, I will proceed to poll a! the court house door in Lillington, Han.elf c unty, N. C., 011 the sth clay of Angust 1101, the same being the lirst Mond iy of said month, one house and I t in the town of Dunn, N. C., occupied by Kev Dr, Ilarrell and faintly sit the corner of Clinton and Cumberland streets anl also two lots'in said town, numbered 9 and 10 in block L. according to the original plan of said town of Dunn. Execution issued in favor of M. W. Har per against Eugene Han-ell. Hour of sale one o'clock p, in. This Ist dav of July 1901. S. A. Salmon, Sheriff. CASTOniA. Beam the The Kind You Have Always Bought — j^Wp^p^Wqwg^ % gdl ©1 Wl f@ iWf *vl w3 4 pk Sr 1 W P r, The Kind Ton Have Ahroyr Bcught, and which !ta . ],2 n ill u:,o j.or ever ~> years, lias borne ihe signature r . and lias been made under ?!?«: 0 ~ r::' 1 M,l> "-' vss j >s - si,u «-»■-W:,.,* ' ** * Allow no one to deceive yon in {!•,; • All Counterfeits, Imitations and " 7iist-as-good " av *. • Experimen s that trifle v. i'h and endanger the hoaWh t"» Inlants and Children—Experience against I2xpei-iijji»uk What Is CASTOR!A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, I>rops and Soothing Syrups. It is l'leaso.nt. ft contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Norootic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys and allays Feverisluiess. It cures Diarrhoea and \Vi lM i Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. CSNUiNE CASTORSA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of '? - c/ r ? .y'^ Tlie KM Yon Ha?e Always Bouglit On Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAr STREET, yCW YORK CITY. The Laws of health require that the bowels move once aj day and one of the penalties of violating this law is piles. Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver tablets when necessary and you will never have that severe punishment inflicted upon you. Price 26 cents. For sale by Hood & Grantham, The fellows who always notice when a girl has on a new hat don't always make the best husbands. Call it happiness or call it bl» •- c l:iv the life whose endj is righteousness is a life which j satisfies, and v.hieh one is not' willing but glad to live; its ways are ways of pleasantness ; and its paths are peace.—Ex. Proprietor? uf gambling hous-'i es don t believe in free trade. Protection is more in their line. >iM* the damp, **' \ \ I I j Ko \\\\ 8 ?,€%■ . S 3 V vl | II looking it >) £ V \ g »•«-._ tnt e Ujj \T f | use of Eureka \ if*- - ''; H ygg" \ j everywhere j. [ in cans— If \ / if\ \ y\ ]) v.i \ / \l * \ a!l sizes. \ H \ Standcra Oil l\ | Company /t 4* \ AN NO I N C E M EXT. FAYETThVI! I.i; - DAViD^N p fi f? t? cR* y t*i ■L" e s i.' ii.. it it* £ P P? rv V£* ■ wf :Tli. bufj a Sk?. Preparatory, Academic and Scientific courses. Board and Tuition moderate. FACULTY OF GOOD TEACHERS. Term nine months. Begins Sept. 18, 1901. JNO. S. SIMPSON, Principal. P. O. DrawerS. Fayetteville, N. C. | UNDERTAKER _ S Coffins, Caskets, Ladies' and j Gents' Robes and Burial goods, j All kinds, colors and sizes, rang- > ing in price from ;|;2 to S6O. Wei also have a nice hearse furnish-j ed at moderate prices on short I notice. R. G. TAYLOR. A Cure For Cholera Infantam, "Last May," says Mrs. C ur . tis Baker, of Bookwalter, ()ln o "an infant child of our neHil bor's was suffering from chol era infantum. The doctor had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to direc tions. In two days time the child had fully recovered, and is now (nearly a year since) a vigorous, healthy girl. I have recommended this remedy fre quently and have never known it to fail in any single in stance." For sale by Ho-idiSi Grantham. All the men who have boen disappointed in love are not bachelors. j A First Class Military School in Eastern Carolina. Debn am-Kinsey Sch»d, La Grange, N. ('. Military, Literary - ien'iific and Commercial School. Fifty-three boarding pupils; j twelve counties and two Mates represented the past st ssion. ! Commodious School iUiildings, ; Barracks for Sixty !s. J The school aims to -{;•, icha'acterby developing ialent talents and power. Tit; n iivid j ual needs of the Student are | considered. The iiiillitary ; training strengthens t: e manly ! traits, gives a sound body and ! clear mind. Class room meth ods cultivate Observation. Con* jcentratioa and Mental grasp. ! Athletics encouraged. No com- I promise on liquor or tobacco. Expenses for the entire year of nine months, including tuition, room, fuel and lights, sllO. Payable quarterly in advance. No extras. J. E. Debnani. UNIVERSITY OF NtlTll HROIIR THE HEAD Of the State's Educntioiwd System. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Eighty-five scholarships. Irec tuition to teachers and minis ters' sons. Loans for the needy. 527 Students. 43 Instructors.. New Dormitories, Water Works* Central Heating System. $120,000 spent in improvements in 1900 and 1901. Fall term begins September 9, 1901. Address, F. P. VENA r.LE, President. Chapel Hill, X- C. ! CASTOR!A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought

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