T* ! I 1 ,i A pfjnor ci t/ c 3inft er. )UNN, sr. c. "" ; pXKsr- \T, Iv-I't. 18. !!>Ol ■i ; \ \ \ V '.' iV ; / -i\ IJ iO* or TRAINU LEAVING r> t" xx. \\ • ;!i!n>u;ul Local Passen. No. 7'-. at 1:0>p. m. No -3), 10 : IS p. m. Soiuiibouud Local Passe n „V;-t N0.'23, 3:40, p. m. No. 35,'r2:04, P- in ' C ; i.''~This paper positively w ; ; :n>t accept for publication f,,,;;i ,;ny one any notice of land ( •.- administrator's notice without cash with copy. This ;i, >to ail. Rates—medium *2.no; larger $3.00; ad mi.iisirator's notice six weeks $3.00. —Cotton to-day. —lt is now President Theo dore Roosevelt. —Mr. Bryant Bell, of the Lit-1 tl; Hivor Academy section will move his family to the city in a few days so as to be able to get the benefit of the school here. —Good roads leading to Dunn, good prices for your cot ro:i and tobacco, good goods for good merchants to deal with and good results follow u ./•■ugh out. r-.diool books will be depos ited v.itu C. McArtan, Lilling ton, N. 0., and llood & Gran tham at Dunn. The prices of books are greatly reduced and are sold only for cash. —We are informed that the Bridge Company is now mak ing rapid progress on the bridge at Lillington. We trust they may have it completed by the November term of court. —Look out for the Sheriff, lie will soon be after your ♦axes. See his notice and ap j ->iMtments in this paper. He ] ia _ i;iso had some large posters printed- him Promptly. Tl ie - funeral service over the rema ate Pru dent ar « ?,e held to-day in Washington City. In many of i''he cities all busi ness houses during the hours of the service. —Mr. Junius Barefoot, the voting man who fell -from the excursion train on its return iv o m Wilmington Monday nijihr, came in Tuesday morn-j Oll the passenger train. Fortunately he escaped with only a few slight bruises. —Every farmer should read thp article in this issue headed, • The price of cotton seed." It is something that greatly con cerns them and if action is taken it means money in their pockets. You can do nothing without concert of action. —We are now turning out from our job department some excellent work for the Dunn Lumber Company. It is just as nice as engraving and is much cheaper. Why send your work away from homo when we can =erve you? Send us your or ders. —We understand that Dunn will shortly have a complete machine supply house and will in- run by the John A. McKay Manufacturing Co. This will bo a big thing for the town as well as a great convenience for liiis entire section. Still Dunn moves forward. —Hatch Bros, carried away nearly 300 people Monday on their excursion to Wilmington. Edgerton & Co. run one a few J-vs ago and carried away less than half dozen. Hatch Bros, advertised in THE BANNER, Ed gorton &. Co. did not. Does it pay to advertise? —The "Devil" has charge of THE lIANNER office this week, the editor being away on a trip to the "Land of the Sky' Asheville. If he should be come "inoculated" with "Mountain Dew" and fail to get back on time for the next issue., we will likely get the run of the business and be able to get out a better paper. —We were shown a top bug gy?J»iiUt by the 11. E • Jones Buggy Company of Goldsboro, N. C., today in the repository of the Empire Buggy Company, Dunn, N. C., of which Mr. A. R. Wilson is manager, that sur passes anythmg in the shape of a buggy we ever saw. The artistic painting was splendid, showing that old man "Dick Jones" is still a leader among buggy manufacturers. Hi s work in all upper Sampson and Johnston counties held the lead thirty years .ago, and this buggy will reclaim his old time pres tige. Mr. A. R. Wilson is sole ;agent for the sale of this popu lar work in our town. , MENTION i j M •M. Blair made a trip to ; Raleigh ;->muay. ; Hon. 1). If. McLean made a 1 short business trip to Ruriinp i ton last week. I ! Mr. V'itltpr - Fii/'-eraid, of | Wilson V,T. . in the cuv a few hou.-s I.;nd iv. 1 Mr. .J. L. Thompson made a ! sliorfc bis iness trip to Wilson this week. Ex-Congressman John E. Fowler, of Ciinton, was in town a short while this week. Miss Robbie Mclntyro who has been visiting relatives .md friends in the city left today ior her home in Wilmington. Elder William Woodnrd, of j Wilson, spent several days i.n rhe city last week "with Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Grantham. Mrs. L. 11. Lee and little daughter-, Maude and Edith, spT-nt a few days with relatives in town this week. Mr. John A. McKay left Monday l'or a trip through the Southern States in the interest of his foundry and machine shop. Mr. Junius P. _ Woodall and wife, of Charlotte, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Grantham returned to their j home last- Monday. Miss Florence Holder re turned from Baltimore Satur day night where sho spent sev eral days selecting her fall and winter stock of millinery goods. Mrs. T. J. Walker left last Friday night for Mount Olive, Miss., where Mr. Walker is now located. . We wish them both much success at their new home. Mr. T. C. Young returned Friday from the northern mar kets where he has been to pur chase his fall stock. He also took in the exposition at Buffa lo, and reports a nice trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pittman and Mrs. W. F. Pearson are in the land of the skies this week ■ enjoying the mountain scenery and fresh air of Asheville, N. C. Mr. C. R. Young returned from a short trip in the interest of the South Dunn M'f'g Co. Sunday. Mr. Young will make quite an extended trip through South Carolina in a few days. Messrs. E. F. Young and J. C. Clifford left last night for Washington City to attend the funeral of President McKinley to-day. as representatives of the Staio of North Carolina, under appointment of Governor -Ay cock. —The members of Lucknow Lodge are earnestly requested to be at the meeting next Tuesday night. —The regular monthly ser vices were held at the Christian church Sunday morning and night by the pastor, Rev. D. H. Petree. —Preaching at the "Baptist church last Sunday morning and night by pastor, Rev. W. C. Barrett. At 5 o'clock Sun day evening the ordinance of baptism was administered at Surles' pond to three who have enlisted in the Master's vine yard. —lf your name doesn't ap pear in our paper don't blame us. It is impossible for our re porter to get the names of all the visitors to cur town. If a friend visits you, or is sick, or anything of the kind, we will appreciate a note from you giv ing account of it, as we are not "know-alls" neither have we wings—we are only human. —Dunn has six or seven cot ton buyers this season and there will be" no market in the state that will come nearer paying the Raleigh and Wilmington market every day than Dunn. The market has long since stood with and above many other markets, and we can expect the same this season. —lf it had not been for the machine shop and iron foundry of the John A. McKay Manu facturing Co. the subscribers of this paper would not have got ten any paper this week. Just as we were about half through printing the first side the press broke down and no shop this side of Richmond, Va., except the one at this place, would have been able to have repaired the broken part. Just a few hours and the broken piece was repaired by this up-to-date firm and our press was running again. It is a fact, and the public should know it, that you can get anything made out of iron at this plant. They can make or repair any machinery used in this section. Call and see their plant. : Is. C. A, LOTS. •- ~ , Now students keep coming '; every day. j Mr. A. IT. Johnson, of Kins jton. if spending a few days 'here with his parents. . Mr. W. A. Greene and . \ daughter, Mrs. Ald a Long, svuit Saturday in Dunn, i * J j Little Maud, the seven-year j old deaf and dumb daughter of I Mr. W. V. Ennis, left last week jto a;tend the Deaf and Dumb I School at Morganion. J Mr. Clifford Edwards, vocal imusic teacher here, was mar- I ried to a Virginia girl a few I days ago. Miss Leola Marks, who has (been visiting in Chatham coun-j iy for several weeks, was united J in marriage a few days ago to Mr. John Burns of that c«»iii«ty. Saturday evening was the warmest time the writer has yet felt, it was mighty hot on we cotton pickers. In tact, we almost burnt up. Miss Delia Poole, of Garner, is spending a few days here with her old friends. Mr. Sandy Stewart, the hustiing salesman for R. G. Taylor, of Dunn, was la-re Monday shaking hands with his many friends who are al ways glad to see him come. Miss Ruth, the beautiful and j charming young daughter of Mr. Rufus Barbce, is at home now after a few days visit to relatives in Wake. Mr. C. S. Bennett, of Fayette ville, spent Saturday and Sun day here with friends and—well his girl. Rev. W. C. Barrett filled his appointment at Dunn Sunday and Sunday night. The Primitive Baptist Asso ciation will be held at Sandy Grove church commencing on Friday before the sth Sunday inst. Messrs. Guy and Folsom, of Dunn, are here now painting several of the resident houses ( in town. They are making ] things look line around the Academy. The hog cholera has almost killed out all the hogs in this section this summer. Don'r ( know what kind of meat we'll have next year. Mr. Reuben Matthews has about completed a large two story house here containing , nine rooms which will be ready to rent by the first of October. Any one wishing to run a boarding house here will do well to see him. Almost all the boarding , houses here are already full and ! still they keep coming. Thinks I there will be more houses to s build or send students some- f where else to school soon. SNOOKS. 5 A Beautiful Home Wedding. \ A beautiful home wedding at the residence of Mr. John Mc- Artan of this county, uncle of the bride, was solemnized be fore Rev. Dr. Black this morn ing at 9 o'clock. The contracting couple were Fred L. Pearsall, a prosperous young business man of \\ il mington, and Miss Mary C. McArtan, one of Harnett's most attractive and popular ladies, a daughter of the late Neill McArtan of this county. The following popular young couples were in attendants upon the marriage: Miss Ella McArtan, sister of the bride-, maid of honor, with Mr. Lewis Ilall, of Wilmington, best man ; Miss Pearl McArtan with Mr. Lacey Hunt of Wil mington-; Miss Florence Pear sall of Wilmington with Dr. J. S. Hall of California; Miss Lula Arrowocd with Mr. J. S. Black of Wilmington. The .beautiful country home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McArtan, was most tastily decorated for the occasion and numerous beautiful and costly presents attested the popularity ©f the happy young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Pearsall will go to Fayetteville this after noon where they will take the north bound Coast Line train to Richmond and northern cities. THE BANNER joins with their numerous friends in wishing this happy young couple bon voyage through life. SAYS HE WAS TORTURED. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes H. Robinson, Hills borough, Ills., "but Bucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin I diseases and piles. Cure guar ' teed by C. h. Wilson. 25c. * . V'jrrgSbrr. Summer Goods Musi Go. LADIES' SUFFERS AT LESS THAN COST TO CLOSE OUT. LADIES' DRESS GOODS AT ANY OLD PRICE. STRA W HATS. Straw hats almost given away to keep from carrying them over. Spring a-id Summer Pants and Pant Goods will be sold regardless of cost. A good lir eto select from. We also sell all kinds oi Groceries and Feed Stuff* such as corn, hay, oats, bran, ship stuff, meal, husl, etc., and can make you prices lower than the lowest. Thankfully yours, Lane & Co., old stand. School supplies of all kinds —| crayon, pens, ink, slates, pen-j cils", tablets and stationery at Hood & Grantham's. TO ONE AND ALL. If you want the best and: cheapest fruit and vegetable 1 preserving machine on the mar-! ket, coll on L. L. Turlington of Turlington, N. C. will keep your fruit and vegetables fresh and nice all the year. No glass jars aiutin cans required. 51.25 FOR i ffl SUIT. Cleaning and Dyeing by Naptha Pro cess; makes tliem look perfectly new. Suits cleaned and pressed, 65 Cent*; cleaned, dyed, and pressed, 81-25. Will take any kind of cast-oft clothing, slices, hats, watches, pistols, guns, old gold and jewelry of any kind in ex change for work- All kinds of Ladies' and Children s goods cleaned and dyed any color de sired. Second-hand goods bought and sold. Will ship all work with privilege of inspection before paying for tliem. HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS, East Haigett Street, Raleigh, N. C. OASTOniA. B-ars the The Kind You Have K.vays Bought Hut & Grntlai THE DRUGGISTS Depository For School Pooks And ail School Supplies. STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, CREPE PAPER, TOILET ARTICLES, COMBS, BRUSHES, AND EVERYTHING THAT IS KEPT IN A GOOD DRUG STORE. EVERY BODY GETS POLITE ATTENTION. COME! ! ! DUNN HIGH SCHOOL 0 - 0 Do not forget that the third session will begin SEPTEMBER 2, l©Ol. The faculty consists of experienced and well prepared instructors who will labor earnestly for your children. Tuition from $i t© S3.SO per month. Instrumental music in charge of a most competent and experienced teacher. Students in the school will have the advantage of a course in elocution. We feel thankful to our friends and patrons for the encour agement they have given us; and by fair dealings, hard work and the one purpose of helping you to educate your son and daughter to merit a continuance of the same. For circulars and further information, write to J. D. EZZELL, Supt. DUNK, w- c. McD. HOLLIDAY, jj PISIVFTT • *« Dunn Hardware and Furniture Co. youbuy Binder Bearing. They run easier, that i s w h y baii bearings are used. Gel our prices and terms on The Deering. Bern ember we have the best tobacco sprayer on the market. E> ao rj f>4w. &f ii r>, (£%m ®mm* -assi Lane's Depository. The editor had occasion in the last lev,' clays to visit Mr. J. W. L?no's Buggy Depository, next dorr io his livery stables, and examine his new line of up-to-date and modern buggies. He has the most complete vari ety of styles and makes we have seen. One of the prettiest and most substantial buggies found in hie mammoth stock is the Oxford buggy, manufactured by one of the leading buggy concerns of Ncrih Carolina. He is offering these buggies at very close margin and will sell for cash or on easy terms. You find embodied in this line all that is elegant and desirable, together with durability, which go together to give to the pub lic the article desired. It will be worth a trip to call and see his line of vehicles even if you do not care to buy. FOR RENT.—One nice brick store building, next door to Post Office, after Sept. loth. Apply to G. L. Oannadv, Dunn, N. C. The best laxative and liver medicine now is Grantham's Cholagogue. I(s bad but good. Hood & Grantham keep it. Grantham's Cholagogue is| guaranteed. Try one bottle i and be convinced. THE BANNER, 1 year for $l.OO. FOR SALE. Eight and one-third acres of land all cleared. Lying in and near East Dunn, now in culti vation, with one two-room ! house on same, adjoining the lot of G. I. Smith's canning factory. Those wishing to purcahse see E. Lee before it is too late. Its Popularity Grows Daily- Hon. Dan Hugh McLean of Dunn, N. C., writes: "It af fords me great pleasure to boar testimony to the great merit of Worthington's Remedy. It has been on sale in our town for a long time, and its popularity grows daily, as our people be come more familiar with its efficiency. Dr. Worthington was indeed a benefactor to all who suffer from bowel troub les." Believing Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam a reliable remedy for all bowel disorders, we hereby guarantee every bottle sold by us to give satisfaction or money refunded. Hood & Grantham. SMITH'S ~ RESTAURANT. We wisa to say to our many friends who want a nice fresh first-class meal to call at Smith's Restaurant, next door to Gerald's Stables. We are well pre pared to serve both white and colored this reason. We have always given polite attention to the many white peo ple whom we have served We have never failed to give satisfaction. We serve Beefsteak, Ham ana Eggs, Sau sage &C. r Yours to serve, M- L SMITH. Aug. 28-St. Working 24 Hours a Day- There's no rest for those tire less little workers —Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions tire always busy curing Torpid Liv er, Jaundice, Billiousness, Fe ver and Ague. They banish sick headache, drive out Mala ria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them. 25c at C. L. Wilson's. sj@W 1® THUS ©SAM©!?,, It is just as important to buy your goods at the lowest pi ices as it is to sell your products at tho highest prices. The way to get your noney's worth "is by buying vour FEESH°GOODS. WELL SE^CTED 5 STOCK' OF NOTICE THE FOLLOWING: ~ and Whipcord Cloth in black and leading colors Repellant CiOth o2 inches wide in dark colors especially suited for rainy day skirts. Pretty all ,vooi goods in evening shades 1 Mannel 1,1 blne » fray and navy. BLACK AND WHITE GOODS A SPECIALTY. / K AAD A compete line of Cotton Goods, Seersucker, Gingham, Ghambray, Dark Percales light and dark colored Outings, runts, X laids, Longcloth, Lonsdale, Cambric 10-4 S}IPPHJTT Pillow Tubing, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics g ' See my Shoes, Hats, Caps, Shirts and Underwear before buying. A full line of Staple Groceries always on hand. Corn, Flour, Hay, Oats &c. &c. Yours for business, Geo. C. Prince. 'tfO-THONE NO. 20. , . TOM 3 STONES. UNDERTAKER s ■ Any one desiring designs and any other purpose will'do well „ ~ , r , to see or write Oomns, Caskets, Ladies' and y y Ti/TT»-ftLj Gents' Robes and Buiial goods. * ' I ri, All kinds, colors and sizes, rang- BENSON, N. C. ing in price from $2 to SGO. We He can furnish you designs and a * so have a nice hearse furnisli estiinates on any cemetery fur- ed at moderate prices on short nishings desired at remarkably notice. low prices. He represents first R f . rp AVr ._ class establishments. '' ' Spwvr A ¥ JJL Au( vO A AjA. i> A Pr a IM© J.- .irk.il 1\ 'Uj -S «*> » -yj •//. v/. v/. •//. •//. vx • "V \| : -^> •"Mass y/. •//.. VX •// v/. J ADIES' gUMM E R J) R ES.S- Q QQjDS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIC COME WHILK TIIEY LAST. CItEAT VARIE - GOODS TO SELECT FROM. ALL THIS SE"*" GOODS. , . hi*-' STRAW HATS »* AT el of PRIME COKo'hV„g jan who iam..TLitt*ttj*suxxrx. ra 9 p 1 f i n i i • iutertained U« mc and get goads must go to malw£™«io£ said the gen u v « /"n j i are you think* r"« I I T J "'as the auswer, a great 9o:dier Oh," he said, as Ji hidden s*str. "are LHY TO N &P t0 PV ,he w "" _ MtfT"" Located opposite Lee's 10 \ ...

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