ASTHKIA CURE FREE, Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases- SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. WRITE YOUR NAME Al\l> AS»»K!«S PLAHIA'. CHAINED FOB TES W 6 S BELIEF. acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle." Rev- Dr. Morris Wechsler. Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 1901. DRS. TAFT BROS'. MEDICINE CO., Gentlemen : Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonish in" and wonderful. ° After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asth malene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Verv trulv yours, REV. DR. MORRIS ECIISLER. AVON SPRINGS, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901. DR TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO. Gentlemen : I write this testimonial from a sense of auty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill •is well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130tli street, New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recom mend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully O. I). PIIELPS, M. D. DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO. Feb. 5, 1901. Gentlemen : I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numerous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement rnd started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bot tle and lam ever grafeful. I have family of, four children, and for six years was unable to work. lam now in the best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make use of as you see fit. Home address, 235 Rivington street. S. RAPHAEL, 07 East 129 th st., City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE OX RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. \Wite at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO., 7a East 130 th St., N. Y. City. WILMINGTON ANb ELDOJ( AND BRANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Nov. 19TH, 1900. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11:50 a,m.,_B:r>B p. m.; arrive Rocky Mount, 12:55 a. m.,»:521>. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 a. iu ~ 61»0 pm. Leave Rocky Mouut, i:00a. M., 9:52 p. m., 6 .S7 i>. in., 5:40 aw, 12:5*2 p. ni- Leave Wilsou, a in, 10:25 Pm, #:2O a in, 2:-tUp m., 716 l>in. LeaveSelina,2:ss a m. 11,10 p.m. Leave Fayetteville, 4:30 a in, 1z:22 p m. Arrive Florence, 7:25 a in, 2:21 p m. Arrive Goldsboro 7 55 p. m. Leave Goldsboro. Itul a in, 3:21 P m. Leave Magnolia, is:o9 a m, 4:25pm. Arrive Wilmington, St:4o a m. 5:5U o m. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence,9:4o a in, 7:45 pm. JC Leave fayetteville, 12:20 a in, 9:45 p m. Leave Selma, 1.50 a in. 10 56 p. in. Arrive Wilson, 2:35 a in, 11:33 P m. Leave Wilmington,tS:E>o p in. 9 4oa m. Leave Magnolia, 11:19 ain »:*0 p in Leave Goldsboro, 500 aui, 12:30 am »:27 p m Leave Wi150n, 2"35 pm, 543 am, 11:33 a m 10:30 p m, 1:10 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p m, 12:09 am, 6 25 am, 11:11 p m, 1:53 p in. Arrive Tarboro 7 04. a. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12:09 a in. Arrive Weldon, 4:32 p in, 1:00 am. )T~ Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Davidson Main Line—Train leaves Wilming ton 900 a. in., arrives i'ayetteville 12 12 p. in., leaves Fayetteville 12 25 p.m., arrives Sanford " 143 p.m. Returning leave Hanford 2ho p. m., arrive Fayetteville 341 p. m., leave Fayetteville 346 p. m., arrives Wil iningtou 6 40 p. in Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Ben nettsville Branch Train leaves Ben nettsville 815 a. in.. Maxtou 9 20 a. in.. Red Hprings 953 a. m.. Hope Mills 10 42 a, in„ arrive Fayetteville 10 05. Returning leaves Fayetteville 440 p. m., Hope juills 455 p.m., Bed Springs 5 .>6 p.m., Maxtou 615 p. m.. arrives Bennettßville 7 151>. m. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 7» at Maxton with the Carolina Central Rail road, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford witn the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway at .Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Rail jtoad. on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves ■ >iov 3:35 p m, Halifax 4:15 arrives ■» ani Neck at 508 p m Greenville 6:57p m, Hk 'on 7:55 pm. Returning leaves Kinston ii, Greenville 8 6« a m, arriving Halifax am, Weldon 11:33 a m, daily except on Washington Branch leave Wash; .10 a m, and ztfO p m., arrive Farmele and 4.1X1 p m, returning leave Par am. and 6:30pm., arrive Washington and 7:30 p m, daily except Sunday, aves Tarboro, N. C., daily, except it 5:30 p in., Sunday 4.15 p. i Plymouth 740 p. in., 610 p.m., leaves Plymouth daily except a. in., and Sunday 900 a. m.; ar- lO 05 a. m., 11 00 a. m. N C Branch leaves Golds except Sunday, 705 a m;ar- N C., 810 am. Returning N. C. 9 00 a. m. arrives 26 Branch leaves Rocky ,340 pm arrives Nashville Spring Hope am, leave Spring Hope 11:00 a. m. 5 p m, h leaves for Clinton am unection at Wel- Uy, vl» imager. There is nothing like Asth maline. It brings instant re lief, even in the worst cases It cures when all else fails. The Rev. C. F. Wells, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthmalene re ceived in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the tria | HOUSEWORK] m Too much housework wrecks wo- | 1 men's nerves. And the constant ! a care of children, day and night, is | ■ often too trying for even a strong I I woman. A haggard face tells the | a story of the overworked housewife 1 ■ and motlicr. Deranged menses, | 1 leucorrhoea and f:ilii;ig of the a M womb result from overwork. ■ R Every housewife needs a remedy S ■ to regulate her menses and to 2? ■ keep her sensitive female organs § ■ in perfect condition. )WHI£»C/Uil>UI 1 a is doing this for thousands of j§ ■ American women to-day. It cured U 9 Mrs. Jones and that is why 4he a M writes this frank letter: M Glendeane, Ky., Feb. 10,1901. B ■ lam so glad that your Wine of Cardui B mis helping me. lam feeling better than of 9 X have felt for years. I. am doing rav S n O'.vn work without any help, and 1 w 8j washed last wesk and was not one bit 5 m tired. That shows that the Wine is B a 10in;? mo good. I am getting fleshier H H than I ever was before, and sleep good jg ■ and eat hearty. Before I began talcing ff 1 Wine of Cardui, I used to j.ave to jay n B down five or six times every day, but 3 Q nowldonotthinkof lyin*down through fj I the day. MRS. RICDAUD Jom.S. yj 81.00 AT )>i;i (i;isTS. n m For adriee anfl literature, giving ayrnp- M m toms, "The JUiditV Advisory Dcpa.tmeat The Q ■ Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, l'enn. H A Gallon of PURK LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of . Honmar makes 2 gallons of the VERY BEST PAINT in the world of yonrpaint bill. Is FAB MORE DURABLE than P; - UE WHITE LEAD and is ABSOLUTELY NOT POI SONOUS. HAMMAR PAINT is made of the BEST OF PAINT MATERIALS —such as all good painters use, and is ground THICK, VERY TUICK. NO trouble to mix, any boy can do it. It is the COMMON SENSE OF HOUSE PAINT. No BETTER paint cau be made at AN Y cost, and is Guaxanfcuf^i/siits HOT TO CRACK, BUSTER, PEEL or CHIP. F. lIAMHAE PAINT CO., St. Louis, Mo. Sold and guaranteed by DUNN HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. A II © I ./\tl Yes, I'll giTbaclTa nd ARDW ARE HOUSE. 1 have always been treated alright there, I see 110 use to change. I can buy my Hardware, Harness, Saddles, Biidks, Building Material, such as Lime, Ilarc, Sash, Doors, Locks, Hinges, Nails &c., just as cheap from him as anybody. Then I always get just what I buy, a good class of goods and full weight. M AN0"BMIADI" WARKF' wish to impress upon your mind that the BESI is the CHEAPEST. If you buy a set of machine harness and give $8.50 and it lasts you 5 years and you buy a set of Hand-made Harness for $lO.OO and it lasts you for 10 years have you made money? Any sane man will tell you yes. So buy the best. AH Style* and Site# for A The Ontiln* all bear thta _____ _ Stoves and Hollow-Ware. beyond doubt the best Cook Stove on the market. Garland Stoves and Ranges warms homes and cooks food for ''I 1 / millions of people everywhere. With these Stoves you have M something good to eat. Your wife and yourself in good humor. Don't fail to buy a Garland Cook Stove. I always make prices Pvnnlrorvwnvo line of Crcck(1 7 5s almost complete. Everything Vy IOC lvC I J W til L • from* a 23c set of Cups and Saucers to a nice imported 100 Piece Dinner Set decorated or plain white. I meet competition in prices. llGftwni'A * ' iave ane Glassware that is not surpassed in town. Lamps VTltlhO *V til C. of almost any kind you want. Lamp chimneys you can throw against the floor and stand on or drive nails with. All kinds of tumblers and goblets-. Jelly glasses for 25 cents per dozen. Tumblers at 20 cents per ~et. 18 Gross Mason Fruit Jars. TIN AND ENAMELED WARE. 1 carry a nice varied line of this class of goods and always try to please everybody in price and goods. POWDER, SHOT AND SHELLS. This season I have paid special vTllilO} attention to b above named goods and am in position to give the best goods for the least money. Pntlow lv line of Cutlery is simply out of sight. There is no better knife or VyllLl(3iy» razor than Boken, always known by the tree on it. Dice Harrows, Grain Drills, McCormic Mower and Rakes, Binders &c. all for sale here. Remember, the place. E. Lee's Hardware Store. Stop let me tell you. In the near future I expect to build a large brick store and in order to raise all the money I can and not have to move goods to my new store I will sell all mv summer goods at cost. Besides many other things too numerous to mention. I am going to sell Hardware and Harness this season regardless ol profit, I HAVE GOT TO HAVE SO MUCH MONEY. 1 have bought the goods and they must go. The time has come when E. Lee leads in Hardware and Harness and others follow. If honesty, square dealing, small profits merit anything then I ask for your trade. # Respectfully, E. LEE, Dunn, !N~. C. SELZ, SCHWAB & of Boots and Shoei in the World. a££*^ The celebrated SELTZ SHOE is ou sale at R. G. Taylor's. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction. Call and see them. R. G. TAYLOR. Don't I*e Deceived By the circus bill advertising of quack medicine concerns. Your druggist will tell you iliat ' Coleman's Guarantee" is an honest medicine and guaranteed to cure all forms of Indigestion and dyspepsia. Price 50c., large bottle, at Hood & Gran tham, druggists. WANTED—Ladies and Gen tlemen to introduce the "hot ; test" seller on earth. Dr. • White's Electric Comb, patent :ed 1899. Agents are coining 1 mouey. Cures all forms of I scalp ailments, headaches, etc., 1 yet costs the same as an ordi i nary comb. Send 50c in stamps ■ for sampje. D. N. Rose, Gen. IMgr., Decatur, 111. Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., is a poor man, hut lie says ho would not be without Cham berlain's Pain Balm if it cost five dollars a bottle, for it saved him from being a cripple. No external application is equal to this liniment for stiff and swol len joints, contracted muscles, still' neck, sprains and rheumat ic and muscular pains. It has also cured numerous cases of partial paralysis. It is for sale by Hood & Grantham. NOTICE OF SALE Under Mortgage By virtue of f,he-power and authority given by a certain mortgage, executed hy J. D. McNeill, Win McNeill and 11. L. McNeill to me which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for the county of Harnett, in book Z no. 2 tmgij 9, the following property will be sold at Public Auction, viz:— Bring a certain tract of land in Lill ington Township, Harnett county, lie ginning at a stake 10 feet from the southern line of the town of Lillington opposite southwest corner of Lot No. 6 in said town, runs thence S. 18 W 3 chains to the Ochiltree line, now Wil liams, thence said line N. G1 W 6 chains 53 links to the road or street, thence N IS E 2 chains and 10 links to a corner of the edge of Main street, thence S 72 E 0 chains and 13 'ir.ks to the beginning, containing eight-tenth acres and being same place where mortgagors resided Dec. 4, 1599 and for fuither description see Book F. No. 2 pages 484 & 5 Kegs, office of Harnett Co. Place of sale, Court House door at Lillington, N. C. Time of sale Aug. 30, 1901 at 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale cash. July 29,1901. L. J. Best, Mortgagee, The Price of Cotton Seed. The leading coitou men of Louisiana and Missi-sippi met Thursday night to fix the price they would pay the farm ers for cotton seed this season. The meeting was strictly pri vate, but it is known that most of rhe loading members of the N it io rial Oil Company, which ! controls the price of cotton seed and cot-toa seed product.*, were present. The price agreed on was 13 cents free on hoard ri\- r with the usual rebate of iiii- 1 | ■ r cent per sack equal to a rato of 12 cents free on board rail. Tills is a much lower fig ure than the farmers received for their last. This and the fact that the oil trust controls 00 per cent, of the cotton product have caused the alliance to an organi zation of the farmers. Secre tary Parker in his letter says: "The situation is such that in our opinion, the farmers should take some action to pro tect themselves and have some voice in naming the price their own products will sell for. This can best be done by co operation in selling, which can be accomplished. The cotton seed crop of North Carolina will probably be at a low estimate, 10,000.000 bushels. Of this crop 7.000,000 bushels will probably be sold. If by co-op eration of the farmers the price can be advanced 10 cents on the bushel, it will give to the cotton farmers of the State $700,000 more for the crop than they otherwise would get, but concert of action will be neces sary to obtain the desired re sults. It is to be hoped that the farmers in all the cotton growing States will take similar action. To that end this letter will be sent to every Southern State, that success may be as sured." We deem this of enough im portance to suggest that the farmers meet in their respective counties at the court house on Saturday, September 21st, and select delegates to attend a State meeting to be held in the city of Raleigh, Wednesday, September 25th. It is deemed advisable township meetings can be held earlier than Sep tember 21st; each township or neighborhood can determine this for themselves. The short corn crop and the high prices consequent thereon have made this a golden oppor tunity for the cotton farmers, and it is for them to say wheth er they will take advantage of it or leave all the profits arising from these conditions to the cot ton oil mills. You may I rest assured that they will not turn them down. In justice to your interests you should step forward and ofl'er to share these profits with the mill men. This letter is addressed to every cotton farmer and ginner in the State, from the least to the largest. Let them all co operate. Let no reasonable ex cuse keep you away from the meetings. — Tarboro South erner. Doctors of Divinity C. 0. D. While there can be but one opinion respecting the charac ter of the bogus diploma mill which is located in Chicago un der the title of the ''National University," what of clergy men who purshase its degree? Surely they cannot plead inno cence in the posses-ion of a parchment upon the face of which fraud is stamped by the very manner of its procurement. One clergyman in New Jer sey, who was curious -to know where all the degrees of D. D. that were blossoming out among his brothers came from, got hold of a circular and open ed a correspondence with Chan cellor Ilarkin. of the "National University." .In his innocence he confounded that institution with the University of Chicago, hut was promptly corrected by ' Chancellor" Ilarkin, who re plied, "we do not wish anyone to confound us with any Stand ard Oil Concern." | Pursuing his investigations, the New Jersey clergyman found that it would cost him $BO to obtain a D. D. degree .under "the old rule," and that the D. D. diploma would be sent C. 0, D. Instead of in vestigating he promptly made p u b1 fc the correspondence. Consequently large numbers of beautiful specimens of the job printer's art, beginning "Sena tus Universitatis Nationalis" and concluding "F. W. Ilarkin, praeses," hanging in New Jer sey parsonages, were hurriedly turned to the wall.—Chicago Record-Herald. — • CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought I_ | I i ' ("i ;3 r -i J -•> ■ f, r-n •. ■'; ■ J TjßjjrgL. 'hi 'MaSyl y 'C-j£jH I ** ■ I 4#g iA : '"j §»■ « ■ a I jp $. ' Vi V-.::. ... ■ Pflg|| I I ASfcgetahle : vrtailonforAs- ji "" s " : I J liießiodanclßegul- jj ; & ■ ling the Stoaacte aiul Bowels of ( -i JJe&IS fciiQ & I W& -rsmmmi, f^Xm „- -, i 1 Signature //?sf ■ Promote . u :os'ion,CheerFuh I fj *f .£ • a ■ nessand. 4 . ''nta'ns neither -Z ¥ * i J ■ (•» -..»■»'• v r>oiieral. |j 01 *£, £V =A V f B sic. j iLw 4 I > -xTam .a - I Anitr Sffil ' \ i I A " * '- 1 ft j:* •tss* I j\ jji*^ill mu.. ) ij 4 si 1 !! ':- .'/ t.l A j .. fs ft Apeifeci )l rorConsJipa-ji jj HpJ vwy I fion,Sou; h, Diarrhoea | ; I Worms ,Cc ons .Feverish- |! !| a ggf f, 9 nessandLt>^OF SLEEP, ji | \J* f 0 i g f 1 Fac Simile Signature of B jj H j ] s*?i ? fn^u ft n 'l ' ' ' j EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. t I w"J e4 sfS/aSU;; 4 I THE CfNTAUn NEW VORH C!TY. I I Me fteacb ThQ |j P === and is I f? Grgatly 'pleased | fJL because of his appointment to office A tffl rT I -✓T, 1m w i, th :l fat- salary, 1h:. li-.-causc he learns -■> /ffjjy jw ! a * act equally gratifying, iJS f§ /il| IT 5e Company's | flnkpl Sample gook | Hill If from which he selects the perfect-fitting clothes jM wiUfn |Uj Jkl tllat nia ke him the cynosure of all admiring yjTf 1 I Hf eyes, has just reached town and-lie hurries to ~' J l (fia Ci j J make an early selection. ROSE it COMPANY 4v v O I • {ti I °f Chicago, are t!ie best Custom Tailors in tlie fit |l i t I country and he knows it. These big Tailors ®A Hill 111 get t ' le cr, - anl °f fbe trade in every town where there are good dressers because they show i|3 ■i'.-ij |j j nothing but the choicest selections of Fabrics. y J ii jj fi j | Their garments are popular because they put the l|t i J Che £atcst Stplcs—CDe Best Workmansbi? fim t&HLhfif U|l Ijlji and the most dependable Linings and Trim- t/n VjM ffiJ |t[ mitigs into them. If you want to put oil the iA §£>f* yvjl best-littiug made-to-measure suit you ever '--J wore, come early and be measured, h SAMPLES DISPLAYED BY 1$ SOLE AOENTS ift T. C. YOUNG CO. Sfcl'lar' "W -'"k. %£Li. ■ ~:J T £iA. .mis PCirp RJTiIL Uliul 1 HiUil luliliU 1/ I- I— !t|l£> * IST ty A r » i? ovr • ® AK''i . 6 FOR 35: CENTS, Call at once, wo arc going to move. J. D. KEEN & CO., Dunn, N. C- A Wonderful Invention. They euro-dandruff, hair fall ing, headache etc., yet costs the same as an ordinary comb—Dr. White's Electric Comb. The only patented Comb in the world. ' People, everywhere it has been introduced, are wild with delight. You simply comb your hair each day and the comb does the rest. This wonderful comb is simply un breakable and is made so that it is absolutely impossible to break or cut the hair. Sold on a written guarantee to give per fect satisfaction in every respect. Send stamps for one. Ladies' size 50c. Gents' size 35c. Live men and women wanted everywhere to introduce this article. Sells on sight. Agents are wild with success. (See want column of this paper.) Address D.N. HOSE, General Mgr., Decatur, 111. —■ OASTOniA. Bean the The Kind You Hare Always Bouglil | gr" \> \ \ ~ fa gj - Kain and sweat \ , 3 have 110 effect on jc, v ; :*T» -jr Xfit 2* X| harness treated £J £.'& M At H pi with Eureka liar- a VaEA/ii/S aj ness Oil. It re- v il 58 sists the damp, y y H keeps the leath- tfTQC ■ H i ! I \\ \ /)tr • i Ej fare to chafe T HLf \ g , jgl and cut. Ihe \ \vi I , Sg harness not /*V, "A \ \ \ Jk 1 1 SFvl' mV\]^n . R* as iongby the [ic/7 ii ' (SB! use of Eureka 1 ■ \ everywhere \jf 1 r \ in cans— Ij Standard Oil J\' \ \\ ; -- j, "Take 'Coleman's Guaran tee,' eat what you want and be happy." A positive and per manent cure for all forms of in . digestion, dyspepsia and consti pation. It purifies the blood and makes you feel like a new man. A guaranteed medicine. , Price 50c. large bottle, at Ilood I & Grantham druggists.

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