THE Oemoraiic Banner. TUisrN, N- c. WEDNESDAY, Oct.-2. 1001. LOCAL DOTS. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS LEAVING DUNN. ; Northbound Local Passen. ge r. No. 78, at 1:05 p. m, No -32, 10:18 p.m. Southbound Local Passen ger, No. 23, 3:40, p. m. No. 35, 12:04, p. m. paper positively will not accept for publication from any one any notice of land sale, or administrator's /Notice without cash With copyi f This applies to all. Rates—medium size $2.50; larger 1 13.00; ad ministrator's notice Six weeks $3.00. # —Cotton to-dav —Mr. S. N. Williams has commenced the erection of a residence on the lot just back of the Lee Hotel. —On the first page of this, issue vou will find the "ad" of Mrs. J. H. Pope. Read it and aee what she has in the milli nery line. —Mr. H. C. McNeill has had & coat of paint put on his dwelling on Broad street which adds very much to the appear ance of it. ;• Mr.- S, J. Hooks; cotton (buyer for Sprung & Sons, v gays that his books shoW~a dif ference in his receipts qU 1706 t bales, October " Ist, 1900 and October Ist, 1901. ... —Editor J. P. Pittman is out with the sheriff this week on bis rounds through the county collecting taxes. He will be glad to see all of his delinquent subscribers. —Mrs. J. H. Pope moved into her new residence on the corner of Divine and McKay streets yesterday. It is a nice building and adds much to the appearance of that part of •4o wn. The work on the two brick stores of Mr. J. E. Wilson is nearing completion and will »oon be occupied. They are handsome stores and will add much to the appearance of the town. --Hood & Grantham's line of holiday goods and Xmas novel ties this year will surpass any line ever before brought to Dunn. Mr. Grantham leaves Monday for Northern markets to finish buying their year's goods. Rev. R. W. Hines filled his regular appointment at the Pres.Vterian church Sunday morning. He conducted a unTon seVice at the Methodist church Sunday night. He preached .Mro excellent ser mons. —On the fourth page you will find some re solutions of re spect that were drawn up at the last court. Tbey show that although these gentlemen, Col. John A. Spears and Hon. F. P. Jones, have passed away that they are not forgotten. The reslutions are timely and appropriate. Mr. F. P. Furpless, cotton buyer for J. H. Sloan, of Wil mington, and Mr. W.T. Sellers, 'cotton buyer for Eure, Gregory & Co., of Norfolk, are on our .market this season and these with the other buyers that we already have insure those who (bring their cotton to our mar ket to get the very best prices, as the local buyers will be in toada with the largest cottop of this country, • ' . § l-J 'fj \ J I Crooks" is an orgacii iahtio. Vi® •® uaP town composed-df idrne' its OEMWt prominent young TOO* aad i* > itrictly p iociety c of enjoy ment E \eh member has takep the oath of »Uegf»lM*, and so far no one 1 ' tas °F the rules. _of } higher type th an tho (JWf The hours of inking fr om 1° p. m. to 3 a. m. —ln comparing tht> amount of cotton brought ito our market last year up to Octi. Ist aiid this year up to Oct. Ist aud the prices of the two seasons, we find a great difference. Last year the books showed that 2,856 bales had been spld, this year only 359. The ,price Oct. Ist. 1900 was 10£f, Oct. Ist, 1901 it was There was a (inference of 2,497 bales with a reduction of 2b? in the price which amounts to a great deal. Tlie cotton crop is short and is also a little late on account of the this past sum n»er. We hope the crop swill not be as short as is now Re ported. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. W. Weisiger spent a few hours in Fayetteville Sun day. Mr. J. P. Moorman made a short trip to Rtocky Mount Sun day. Messrs. J. C. Clifford and O. P. Shell left last night for Ral eigh on business. Mrs. J.-C. Nixon, of Topsail Sound, is visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goodwin this week. Miss Lizzie McKay, of Dick inson, speut Sunday in town with Mrs. James Pearsall. MT. McD. Hitrgs left Sunday for Raleigh, where he has 'ac cepted ; a position in Hicks' drugstore. Mr.fC. L. Wilsou went to Raleigh last week where lie bought his stock of Xmas goods. ; Mr. A. A. Dollar and family of Montbrook, Fla.,spent sever al days in this county last week and returned last Friday. Mrs. M. E. Young and Mrs. B. W. Kincaid, of Wilson, are visiting relatives in the city tliis week. Mr. Clias. T. Underwood, of Richmond, Va., was in the city a few days the first of the week visiting relatives and friends. Mr. J. E. Young, lineman for the Western Union Tele graph Company was here Tues day putting in the new office at Mr* C, L. Wilson^ drug store. 1 "Mr. j. C. B&rringtohi of Pamlico county; paid us a pheasant morn ing, This first trip to tfufcTtown and he say? he is favorably im pressed with -plwfgrogress. He is here prospecting and we hope he will decide to locate with us. The latch string always hangs on the outside. —Special meeting of Luck now Lodge is called for Thurs day night. Business of much importance is to be transacted. —Mr. W. A. Stewart left last week for Baltimore, Md., where he entered John Hopkins Hos pital for a course of medical treatment. His condition had become almost serious and at the suggestion of his friends he sought the services of the best physicians in the country. We learn today from Mr. H. L. Godwin, his law partner, who has just received a letter from him that his condition is very much improved and he ex pects to be finally well and able to be back in the office again in a few days. We are glad to hear of his rapid improvement. POKINE IS GUARANTEED to cure more cases of Rheuma tism than all other remedies combined. Price 50c and SI.OO at Hood & Grantham's. To the one solving the follow ing problem correctly Hood & Grantham offer a box of best Havana cigars. Example. 1 I—l 3 3 ——3 s_„s^_s 7 7—7 9 9-—9 Add any six of these numbers and have 21 as a result and the cigars are yours. S2O Hat to be Oiven Away. The Dunn Cash Racket Milli nery Store is is now advertis ing a S2O hat to the most pop ular young lady within a radi us of 18 miles of-Dunn. The plan will be the one that gets ; the largest nnmber of votes. Each gentleman or single will be entiled to one vote without cost. The contest will be opened Oct. Ist. Be sure to get a vote?- 1 The contest will close on the night of the millinery opening, Oct. 10th 1901. Dunn Cash Racket, Millinery Dept. Misses Reeder and Allen, Mgrs. Hr. Sam A- Phillips Married. . Mr. S. A. PhUlps, formerly a prominent roßrcba-nt of tljis city, now retired, was married at Smithfield -on Thursday to;. Miss, Hetatae Jones, of Pl a#ii ; : Mr Bhillips is seventy odd years of age and hisjmdtf iate charmifig sHilow of thirty-two.. :v - Mr. and Mrs. Phillips arrived here yesterday afternoon and drove at once to the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. J. Bell, on Winslow street.. i We wish Mr. Phillips, who is. biio -crf the very best of men and a splendid type of acitizeu, and hig bride much future hap piseces.—£>y£ttoFille Observer. 8., C. A'. DOTS. Snooks is still in de cotton patch. Mr. Henry McLeod, of Ral eigh, spent Saturday and Sun day here. Mr, James Rountree, of Smithfield, was here Sunday to see one of our sweetest young damsel 3. Prof. J. B„ Carlyle, of Wake Forest, lectured here Friday night. His,subject was Learn ing and Life,. He made ajfine speech. ..... *• Mr. Walter Reardon is night sick with fever this \vetk. Hope he may soon be up again." The Union Meeting was held with Hector's Creek Church Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Oil Johnson died sudden ly at Mr. Perrin*-Hon yciutts last Friday morning. He a wife and several children to mourn their loss. Mr. Molou Mann and wife, of Texas, were here Monday; to see their old friends and rela tives. Mr. S. V. and Matthew Bow en left last week for their hqme in Bladen county where they go to engage in teaching jfor awhile, Mrs. S. E. Grumpier, [ef Goldsboro, is visiting her son here this week. j There was an Ice-cream sup per at Stewart's Hotel Tuesday night. Cupid was there in jail his glory. J j , Mr. .Zebadee Matthews lis i placing lumber on his lot hfere and will erect a residence soon. It is now rented and will Ibe occupied just as soon as com pleted. Mr. Scott Dewar is erecting a large two-story house here. When completed it will be one of the prettiest residences jin town. •• = ' There will be a Sunday school convention at Prospect Church ; next Saturday. Several sing- 1 ing classes will be there. Miss Flossie Byrd left a few days ago to resume her studies at the Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro. . Quite a crowd of our young people attended the Primitive Baptist Association at Sandy Grove Saturday and Sunday. Elder P. D. Gold,- of Wilson, preached an able and very interesting sermbn on Sunday ] to a congregation of about 5000 1 people. SNOOKS. I !-RRRR —I -—J When you have no appetite, do not relish your food and. feel dull after eating you may know that you need a dose of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver ( Tablets. Price. 25 cents. Sam- i pies free at Hood fe Grantham's 1 : drug store, , | , r.* 1 I CARP OF THANKS,. 1 , We take' this method of re- i turning our thanks to all who , have been patrons of our excur sions the past season, which has been a very gratifying one ih every particular. It affords us great pleasure to state that our patrons have been genteel in de-? portruent, courteous to one an other and considerate of the difficulties of the management.. That we have aided in giving our patrons an occasional day of healthful pleasure is a mat-: ter that affords us no small degree of satisfaction. -With best wishes, we are, respectful ly yours, HATCH BROS., Excursion Managers, Ml'. Olive, N. C. ! ~o " -• n • WHAT IS POKINE? It is; the World,'s t Greatest .Rheumaf-. ic Remedy. Price 50c and slj at Hood: & Grantham's. ... .1. «r * - • 1 ■■ •-'} ' ! , McKinley's Last Speech t | I . ~i\ . ~ v .11 * • ' • The last speech delivered by President Mckinley was at Buf falo on Sept. sth. His closing words were; . , i "Gentlemen, let us ever re member that our interest is in concord, not in conflict, and that our real eminence rests in the victories of peace, not those of war. We hope that all who represented here may be moved to higher and nobler effort for their own and the world's good, and that out of this city may come not only greater commerce and trade for us all but, more essential than, these, relations : of spect, confidence and friendship; which wilLdeepen and; endure.. Our earnest prayer is that God will graciously..vouchsafe pros-i j perity, happiness and peace to all our neighbors and like blessings to all the peoples and oowets ol earth-" i I3ELOIMC3S "O C«~ BBIIWSR W ©©•> LEADERS IIM 4s^ Low prices on Dry ( ds, hoes, Clothing; utee. | Groceries, Hay a Rock Bottom Prices. Fresh canned goods arriving daily. Fresh .Norfolk Oysters on every afternoon train. . : I *.T. ■*. - .'A. •• ... - • . L.I. . I Goods delivered any where in town lree of charge. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, '''tiiWstt: & iow . .j. r. Lane & Co., old stand. NOTICE-M? Millinery open ing will occur next Tuesday, Oct. .Ist. All are inyited to call. Miss FLORENCE HOLDER. School supplies of all kinds— crayon, pens, ink, slates, pen cils, tablets and stationery at Hood & Grantham's. TO ONE AND ALL. j •- » .. I •/ • If -you want the best and cheapest fruit and vegetable preserving machine on the mar ket, call on L. L. Turlington of Turlington,-N. C. will keep your fruit and vegetables fresh and nice all the year. No glass jars Or tin cans required. 1 5i.25 FOR A HEW SOIL Cleaning and Dyeing by Naptha Pro cess; makes them, look perfectly new. Suits cleaned and pressed, OS Cent*; cleaned, dyed, and pressed, #l-25. Will take any kind of cast-oft clothing, shoes, hats, watches, pistols, guns, old gdld and jewelry of any kind in ex change for work., All kinds of ladies' and Children'g goods cleaned and dyed, any color de sired. Second-haud goods bought and soM -" ' ' : " ' . Will ship all work with privilege of inspection before paying for them. HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS, East Hargett Street, Raleigh, N. C. Hood k Griillu THE DRUGGISTS Depository For School Books ] /*S And all School Supplied STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS,. CRES»E |#P&>k TOjpRT ARTICLES, COMBS, AND IS KEPT IN A GOOD DRUG STORE. EVEBY BODY JfETS au "' ATTENTION. COME.I A \ " * DUNN HIGH SCHOOL 0" —o Do not forget that the third session will, begin ;1 SEPTEMBER 2, I©Ol. The faculty consists of experienced and well prepared instructors who will labor earnestly for your children. Tuition from $1 to $3.50 per month. ' .'••••.. • } Instrumental music in charge of a most competent and experienced teacher. , ... ! v Students in the school will have the advantage of a oourse jin elocution. .1' i u: ... • * ... ; j' * * . -t ». thankful to our friends and patrons for the encour agement they have given us ; and hope by fair dealings, hard and sie one purpose of helping y° u t0 educate your son and daughter to merit a continuance of the 1 same. ' For circulars and further information, write to * J. D. dunn, nr. c. McD. HOLLIDAY. ; .V ;>v -'y *I- - 5 ; •' --- 1 r 1 V I i, u.r.> ». !■ i,'.* Af; H. PRIVETT Dunn Hardware and Furniture Go. Take off your Hat W/ C? BEST POMP ON EARTH. ~jy ' " j ' tmmt And MILL SUPPLIES O. K. Sto^es^Best i g. rK4 jj yA/.jS' :■■■' » K •'• *• f | ... .... i-uivrf. Strawberry Plants. The largest stock in the woijld. Nearly 100 varieties. All the clioice, luscious kinds for the Garden and Fancy Market. Also Ship ping Varieties. Also Dewberries, As paragus, Rhubarb, Grape Vines, etc. Our 120 page Manual^ free to buyers, enables > everybody to grow them with success and profit. All plants parkt d to carry aoro.-s Sthe continent fresh as when dug. Illustrat ed catalogue free. Specify if vi.u wjint catalogue of Shipping Varieties jor Fancy Garden kinds. CONTINENTAL PLANT Co.j i , Strawberry i; KITTRKLL, N. ;CV I SEVKX YKARS IN BED. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. fceaso, of Lawrence, Kan. Tley knew she had been nnable to leave her bed in seven years on account of Kidney and liver trouble, nervous : prostration aiid general debility; butj,, ''Three bottles .of Electric letters en abled fee to:-walk," sjftjji writ "ajrtd lii tifreiib: flatenths I f-k like a hew person." Women suffering from Headache, Back ache, ; -Nervousness, Sleepless ness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a price less blessing. Try it. Satis faction is guaranteed.' O. L. Wilson..: Only,soc. -;.s ... i J ? FOR-RENT nice bri-ck store building, j next door fo Post Office* after. Septi. 151h,. Apply to G. L. Oannadv, Dunn, N. C. '* j J The best laxative and liver medicine _is Grantftam V Hood & t Grant|ani; ; it. !'•" Grantham's is guaranteed, j. bottle and be ' DO NOT GET DISCOUR AGED and think you cannot be cured of Rheumatism because you have taken many remedies; without any benefit, try PofeineJ it cures after"all fethej remedies| fail. Price 50c and sl.otfjser! bottle at Hood A Grantham's. i Believing Dr. Seth ArapUTs: Balsam a reliable remedy all bowel disorders, we* hejse&y guarantee every 25f by us to give satisfaction ,»r money refunded. - Ho|ji| & Grantham. w . j [ We wish to say- to our many who want a nice -fresh • ftrat»cla.«jfe .#§»'! to call at Smith's Restaurant, nei'tfnijS r to Gerald's Stables. We are well' /pre pared to serve both white and colored : this teason. We have always given, polite attention to the many white peb-j pie whom we have served W« have never failed to give satisfaction. We serve Beefsteak, Ham ana Eggs, Sau sage Ac. - £ rxeola. Fieh. Always oaa. SCmja.A. Yours to serve* M- L- SMITH. Aug. 28-St. FOR SALE. Eight and one-third land all cleared. Lying in and near East Dunn, now in culti vation i • with one two-room house on same, adjoining the lot of G. I. Smith's canning factory. • Those wishing to purcahse see E. Lee before it is too late. ••• ' ■ ••• * WHY SUFFER with Rheu matism when one • bottle -of Pokine very often ""cures the most severe cases. Price 50c and SI.OO per bottle at Hood & Grantham's. p * «»• ■■ ■■. —» —fc -,- -- -- *• ■ ■ K&W i@ 55©& ©Biipfey It is just as important tof bijj.,yout ffeods prices as it is to sell your products at the highest/{p£el% ] - The way to get your money's wortl* is &*Ft^irie!vour ISeshoJODl*- AND w f u NOTICE THEjF^UtbJli^: ' ;P ru, f3!f and Whipcord OlWin black C c tors Re pel fan t Cloth 52 inches wide atf darkens si lited All Wool Flannel m blue, gray and 4iaw* RT.AW ,vn WHITE; GOODS A- SPfeClAftvi : A complete line of. Cotton! Goods,: Seersucker", €Hngl am, Chajbray, Dark, Perches. JiJit »lored Outings, §-il t 1 ' - Loiisd^ey-Gam bri\' 10-4-Shee ing, ??p9^i 0 f!» and Uebleached buying 8 Shirts aM* Underwear bJfore A full line of Staple Groceries Always on Hand/ " 1 ' ' " Corn, Flour, Hay, Oats &c. &c. . .vi.-.,a.. " • Youri'forbiisibeii, Geo. £. Prince. CV'PHONB NO. 20. * „„ ~.0..., Buy a PIANO and make home attractive. Buy a Standard Piano, a good Piano,., and ,hereby s*ve money and trouble. .. " ' .1: j-J: ....a— i. —>• A i-*U. I* i ,*. ,i'» JM ... M.V t i_. »«»ir«uc-.? , 'iu 1. „r.ji STANDARD RELIABLE NOUSE |. . 4 A»«i) r «j .. .. Jii ! 'j •JhiJ' 'f • • .»♦•« il«s i% J«i A» - - .v"4 .«v. \ «.:* ..i'uviiu .>Akfn&sjK9&.tfßk. , ..ii fl&OH (Mir easy, plan* of pay iP*® ... >-• i. !•• t- >--• - u i». J-; t V- 'J Write .fqr L .catalogqeand mt saletmrtm WiH'tttfl onyou W* ut * PJ AK© OR FRGAN in We to ffy: Ve a*e North Carolina factory representatives for a complete line of Pianos and Organs and guarantee best possible value. Write us for full particulars. Write today. DARNELL & THOMAS, ft&Veighj, j#. Q. • . ' : : y **** w. xx fe— ■:J . ■ *"; vx yxtex |ev« w :.; •• ''./.V.V'--. j 31 " Jrrir*' tT'atUz'L --I *:,:S SUMMER 01R , t ir . 1 • .; i. .J 7 * .!••$» '■> .' W'*v » '.tiAfW 2a w« u. 4 ».i JtfDUPED - GO&D&£W -.ALL' «i *s£*4 •'•'"•• ■-. •■ ■■ - . •• s■- > m iPRIME COST, goods must go to make ioomibr ; Fall Stock. ii..1«1 •> i » 'i'• I f :; r '?fctSyji* DUNN N C Located opposite Lee's Hardware House.

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