THE n p ,7rx'ic 83fta"- OUjm t N. r; P , ,-KDXESDAY, NOV. £7. WH. w » . nti iWYVb l/. >K. -V L » • % : :iL t: oy TRAINS LEA \ IN(T | DUNN. North bound Local Passen. \\. vs. at 1:24 p. m. No-. 32, 10 :-io P- Southbound Local Passen aor, No. '23, 3 :40, p. m. No. I 35, 1-2 :30, p m. ————— — paper positively! will nut accept for publication from any one any notice of land sale, or administrator's notice without ca-h with copy. Ibis: applies to all. Rates —medium j size .$2.50; larger $3.00; ad ministrator s notice six weeks $3.00. —Cotton to-day. —Make your fruit cakes no\ ; . j Supplies at Hood & Grantham. ln the pension list last week the name of W. J. Naylor appeared. It should have been W. J. Taylor. —The members of Lucknow Lodge I. O. O F. are requested to be at their Hall next Friday night, Nov. 29th, as there will he°three candidates to confer the initiatory degree upon. —The brick work 011 Mr. E Lee's handsome two-story brh k sto' ,f \ fronting on Broad ar.u Wilson streets, is nearly com pleted. It will be a handsome building. —The managers of the Opera House are respectfully requ. -- e I to prohibit smoking in the building during the perform ance. This conduct should be nipped in the bud. —We are authorized to say that the curtain in the Quo Vadis play will not rise at the Opera House Saturday night until 8 :30 in order to give the business men a chance to see the show. . . —The B. C. A. Minstrel gave! an entertainment at the Opera j House Monday night. They • have a very good show which j does credit to the school. They j are plaving for the beneh* 'TJ j rebuilding the Academy. r i h bovs realized quite a nice little! sum here. —Mr. P. J. Jeffreys has 001 or 75 desirable resident lot for ; sale in South Dunn just b-low the furniture factories. He b ! advertising an auction sale of the lots to take place OH Monday, December 16th, at 12 o'clock. You will have a chance to purchase some valua ble lots at low prices. —Sheriff Salmon will be in Dunn at the Town Hall next Friday the 29th from 9 a. m to 9p. m. This is his last call for your tax and unless you settle at this time you will h" charged cost. Don't forget th* date of his visit and get ready to settle your taxes. —We are requested by the managers of the Opera House that in the future the ladies will be requested to remove) their hats while in the Opera House or pay 15 cents extra to the usher for the privilege oi obscuring the view of their friends in the rear of the hall. —Santa Claus has come to Dunn and made Hood & Gran tham's drug store headquarters. He has made a beautiful dis play of charming toys and cost ly articles. He extends an in vitation to all to call and se.e the magnificent display and leave orders for gifts to be de livered later. —The exercises at the Meth odist church last Friday night of the Missionary Society, un der the efficient management of Mrs. Lenora McKay, were high ly enjoyed by a large crowd. The young people acted their parts well, reflecting much credit upon themselves and their beloved manager. After the exercises a collection was taken for the cause of foreign missions. —On last Wednesday morn ing while at school, little Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F Young, accidentally caught on fire while playing in the yard. She was badly burned, having nearly all her clothing burned from her body. It was through much effort that her teacher, Miss; Kintna Young, extinguish- | e d the flames and saved the little girl. It was thought at first she would not recover from her injuries, but we are Rlad to note that her condition improved considerably and that she is doing well. We greatly sympathize with Mr. •ftd Mrs. Young. QUO VfiDlS. Carpenter's '-Quo Vadis," which opened this season fit the! American Theatre in Chicago:' .. as pronounced by the critics! to be the best dramatization of the famous novel which has been'used. - L view of uLe' ap-' proval which "Quo Vadis" gained last it ; s not too much t ,_i predict an nuquali'ied success for it liii •> . o-iuon. The company bus been by several new artists, and a complete equipment of new scenery has been add"d. "Tin* Burning of R.-me'" is the most stupendous scenic ef- j feet CT( ; R produced, while the' sc ne in which Lygia i* rescued from fhe bid! i marie thrtliingly realistic by tlie int.'-->Ji:c ion of tlie entire arena seen?, shewing the girl bound upon th > a i-, mal's horns. This is the only company on the road which! presents this furore. "Qno Vadis" will be seen hero next Saturday night at the Opera House. S?ats on sa'e at C. L. Wil son's drug store. —The King land suit has been compromised for $5OO Now let this section of the city go forward. —LOST—On last Wednes day, somewhere in the vicinity of Lillington I lost $l5O. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning same to THE BAN NER office. FRANK KNOCKLEY. —Yesterday at noon brick laying commenced ou the Bank building and the handsome store building for Massengill, Marks & Co. —We return thanks to Mr. W. T. Dupree for a bushel of the finest potatoes we have ever s s Pn, sent us Mondav. So ; e - of the potatoes weighed fivei pounds each. —Mr. C. L. "Wilson is open ing up one of the nicest lines of hol'idav goods ever seen in Dunn. If you are thinking of purchasing a present for your friend he has them. Read his "ad" in this issue. —Last Friday Mr. J. W.| Gregory closed his doors and made an assignment. learned nothing of his liabilities. Mr. 11. L. Go "twin, assignee, and W. A. Stewart, attorney. —The many friends through out this section *vi'l regret to learn of the critical condition of Mr. R. L. Godwin who is in school at Chapel Hill. Fo.-j several weeks he has been seri ously ill with typhoid fever. His brother. Mr. 11. L. Godwin, sv>e>nt several days bv his bed-i side last week. I —We take the following item j from the Fremont Rural Visi-I tor, which says: "\V. H.j Blanchard, of Dunn, while | drunk, got off the 3 o'clock, passengen train here Tue day, \ -lipped and fell. Two wheels passed over one foot and ankle,! rendering amputation necessa-j ry. Dr. Turlington took him ; to the Emergency Hospital in J Goldsboro that evening where the foot was amputated and then removed him to the A. C. L. Hospital at Rocky Mount. It is said to be the second time j lie was ever known to be drunk." Wo are informed that Mr. Blanchard is doing very j well and will recover. For Mens Gloves call on Massengill, Marks & CO. OiFERA HOUSB Saturday night, NoV. 30th. SPECSAL ENGAGEMENT! E. J. CARPENTER'S SPLENDID SCENIC PRODUCTION OF SIENKIEWICZ GREA ' STORY OF CHRiSTIAN'TY. '**■ * -i?"_ . : *3 URSUS BATTLE WITH THE AUROCHS. LAn actual scene in this great ucMon.) SUPERB SCENIC PRODUCTION. LARGE AND POV/ERFUL COMPANY "Quo Vadis is a sermon with no one asleep in the pews. .Natchez, Miss. Daily Democrat- MENTION. Messrs. Will and Joseph TT'uehor. of Selma, spent Sun d y in the city. Mr. Robert Fulghum, of Wil son, spent a few hours in the ciiy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Currin and Miss Eugenia Canady, of o.vuSrd, are visiting Mr. and Mes.'G. L. Cannady. Miss U nna Webster, repre setiting the Burbink M'f'g. On , spent several days in the city last week. Miss Minnie Ash ford, of Clinton, spent a few days in the city last week with "Miss May me Oates. Mr. J. G. Ilollingsworth. manager of the Opera House in Fayetteviile, was in the city Thursday. Mrs. G. H. Parker and lit tle daughter, Helen, left last week for Charlotte where they go to vi-it relatives. Rev. J. J. Harper, of Smith lield, is vi a itiug his brother, D.\ M. W. Harper, and sister, Mrs. N. B. Hood. Mrs. J. T. Wiggins, Misses Elizabeth and Ella McCraw, of Wilson, who have been visiting relatives in tne city left Monday for their home, NOTICE. This is to notify all persons that we the undersigned have posted all our lands in Harnett county according to law and that any trespotser on the same with gun or dog will be prose cuted. Geo. Elliott, Jno. Williams, J. H. Williams, J. S. Williams, 1. M. Hodges, Ed. Smith, F. Smith, J. C. Smith, J. L Smith, Lou Williams, Walter Smith, Ed. Smith, agt. of Tom Smith, Rice Smith and W. D. Smith's Estate. We can, we will, we do sup ply just what everybody wants for Christmas. Hood & Grantham. High Tribute to one of Harnett's Most Accomplished Dauyhters. We notice in our Raleigh ex changes that Mrs. J. C. Clifford of Dunn has been appointed one )f the lady commissioners from North Carolina to the Charles ton Exposition that opens in that renowned city about De cember Ist. tiov. Aycock could not have made a better selection than this and we congratulate Mrs. Clifford upon this high compli ment. The Charleston Exposition bids fair to be the equal of any of the great fairs that have been held in different cities of the United States within the last decade. Such expositions are in tended to show the world what wondrous development ha s been made in all branches of art, manufacturing and science in our country within the last century. Hurrah for the Hollidays. The best of everything for Christmas at Hood & Grantham. —Pratts Food for Horse, Cattle, Hogs and Chickens. For sale by Hood & Grantham. 9 BEk0Si!»8 *© sS^C % —'» LEADERS lIV & ' iow prices on Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing &e. Groceries, Hay and Feed Stuffs at Bock Bottom Prices. Fresh canned goods arriving daily. Fresh JNorfolk Oysters on every afternoon train. Goods delivered any where in town Iree of charge. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, BREWER & CO., Lane & Co., old stand. Delay is Dangerous. | O 0 Insure with G.K. GRANTHAM. FIRES WILL COME. Ho represents none but good companies. No cut rates. POKINE IS GUARANTEED to cure more cases of Rheuma tism than all other remedies combined. Price 50c and $l.OO at Hood fc Grantham's. WANTED—Beef cattle and all the hides, both dry and green, in the country. Highest spot cash prices paid on deliv ery. Don't wait but come to "see me. L. P. Jernigan, Dunn, N. C. POKINE CURES RHEU MATISM when everything else fails; Price 50c and $l.OO per, bottle at Hood & Grantham's. | i WHY SUFFER with Rheu matism when one bottle of Pokine very often % cures the most severe cases. Price 50c and $l.OO per bottle at Hood & Grantham's. OFFICE OF S a a t a-C 1 a 1 s, North - - - NOVEMBER, 1901. Dear children: This is to certify that I have personally inspected the Holliday Stock of Hood & Grantham and recommend it as the best and certainly the most complete assortmant of appropriate gifts I have yet seen. Be sure and please your loved ones with selections from this elegant collection. Very Truly Yours, SANTA CLAUS. DUNN HIGH SCHOOL 0 0 "}. ' Do not forget that the third session will begin , SEPTEMBER 2. ieOt. The faculty consists of experienced and well prepared instructors who will labor earnestly for your children. Tuition fromsl to $3.50 per month. Instrumental music in charge of a most competent and experienced teacher. Students in the school will have the advantage of a course in elocution. We feel thankful to our friends and patrons for the encour agement they have given us; and hope by fair dealings, hard work and the one purpose of helping you to educate your son and daughter to merit a continuance of the same. For circulars and further information, write to J. D. EZZELL, Supt. DUNN, N- C. McD. HOLLIDAY. 1 n M. H • PRIVITT. Dunn Hardware and F urniture Co. Take off your Hat tolEc Ff~? BEST PUMP ON EARTH. V* T I LNGINL And FOR SALE. One good buggy and saddle horse. Also good top buggy and set of harness. Apply to C. E. Pope at THE BANNER office, Dunn, N. C. «• Goods cheaper than ever at Massengill, Marks & Co. Fall in line all you people who wish to see a bright and beautiful display of charming Christmas novelties for the sea sun of 1901 at Hood & Grantham. Have you heard of the great removal sale at Massengill, Marks & Co. Their prices are away down. For the Best Coffee and Flour see Massengill, Marks & Co. Massengill, Marks A Co. is the best place to buy your 1 shoes. DRESSMAKING. Those desiring dressmaking or sewing or cutting of anj kind. Come to see me at Mrs. J. D. Ezzell. Prices reasonable. Miss Mancy Bass. W anted —Wanted Wanted. Beef cattle, dry and green hides. High cash prices paid. L. P. Jernigan, Dunn, N. C. Believing Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam a reliable remedy for all bowel disorders, we hereby guarantee every bottle sold by us to give satisfaction or money refunded. Hood & Grantham. WIIAT IS POKINE? It is the World's Greatest' Rheumat ic Remedy. Price - and sl' at Hood & Grantham's. .. DO NOT GET DISCOUR AGED and think you cannot be cured of Rheumatism because you have taken many remedies without any benefit, try Pokine, it cures after all other remedies fail. Price 50c and $l.OO per bottle at Hood & Grantham's. TRICUR.II WITH PARALYSIS Henderson Grimett, of this place, was stricken with par tial paralysis and completely lost the use of one arm and side. After being treated by an eminent physician for quitr a while without relief, my wife recomme 11 de d Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after using two bottles of it he is almost entire ly well. — GEO. R. MCDONALD, Man, Logan county, W.. Va. Several other very rema.r f k;vl>U> cures of partial paralysis )ia*e been effected by the use of.this linfment. It is most widely known, however, as a cure for -rheumatism, sprains and bif uises. Sold by Hood & Grantham. When you feel that life is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bowels making you feel like s new man. For sale by Hood & Grantham. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness, and headache. They are easy to take and pleasant in efie:t. For 6ale by Hood & tir&nthauuj Www e®@Bs» NQW IS, YOHR DBA NOR, It is just as important to*;buy your goods at the lowest prices as it is to sell your products at the highest prices. The way to get your money's worth is by buying your IbeshTOODI and well seIe CTED STOCK of NOTICE THE FOLLOWING Prunella, and Whipcord Cloth in black and leading cel«rt. Repellant Cloth 52 inches wide in dark colors especially •uitod aT. r w ny , /, Skirt , 8 '. Fvetly aII wo °l goods in evening shade.. All Wool flannel 111 blue, gray and navv BLACK aljn WHITE GOODS A SPECIALTY. 7 A complete line of Cotton Goods, Seersucker, Ginfkaa, Cham bray, Dark Percales, light and dark colored Outing Irnits, llaids, Longcloth, Lonsdale, Cambric, 10-4 Sbeetinf, Pillow Tubing, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics. ' See my Slices, Hats, Caps, Shirts and Underwear before buying. A full line of Staple Groceries always on hand. Corn, Flour, Hay, Oats &c. fcc. Yours for business, Geo. E. Prince. IW'PHONE NO. 20. isrrasr Buy a PIANO and make home attractive. Buy a Standard Piano, a good Piano and thereby tart money and trouble. Buy from a STANDARD RELIABLE KOUSI and m* no risk. Buy it at lowest price for cash or on our rasy plane ef pay ment. .Write for catalogue and our salesman will call o* yea. Will put a PIANO OR FRGAN in tour home to *t. We are North Carolina factory representatives for a compete line ef Pianos and Organs and guarantee best possible valufc. Write ue for full particulars. Write today. '• •* , DARNELL & THOMAS, Raleigh N" © ©REAW REi«©VAk SALE. In order to make room for ihe large brick building, w«h*v« pulled out one of our stores and had to move all of (*UF into the other store. We nre crowded for room and haven't space to show goods. And shall offer anything in dloclp from now until Jan v. Ist at ihe Lowest prices ever heard of in Dunn. Goods going regardless of cost. UA68Bll8IIiIi» IffARKS & 00 Shoes Selz Shoes for MCT, W°n^mß M ScU "Perfccto." M Selr, Schvtfe * C», Cfcica®. HgX |g| M-.k-- W -4 *»-**' JBB[ The celebrated SELZ SHOE is on sale at R. G. T»*lor'a, Every pair warranted to give satisfaction. Call and ne (.hew. R. G. TAYLOR.