ASTHMA CUKE FRisE. Aithmalene 3nngs Instant Relief and' Permanent Cure in All Cases- SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. WKITE YOI K AND ADOHESS I'I,A!SLV. * Fmwmhi' " * i " Thercis r,o,bi " E * sth ' i malino. It brings instant le • (Ai y••■ ft J '* • i , r; A lief s even in tne worst cases ! It cures wHen all else fails. -\ The ' • C. F. Welfe, of i | Villa Ridge, 111., says: 'Your *• trial boitie ol Astlimalcne re /f:MM \ \\.| ceived in good condition I \ \w cannot tell yov bow :■ ank.ul I v- N S % feel for • god* deri d : m / j • ' / \ it. I , .• y- • ih . 1 putrid soi tnd tJbma / // for ten ;■ » ; . Ide of U,Y >*r| ever being cured. I saw your I advertisement for the cure of liMrLil I this dreadful and tormenting J f disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves L but resolved to give it a trial. TO my astonishment, the tria acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle. Kev- D r - Morris Wechsler. Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel ' NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 1901. DRS TAFT BROS'. MEDICINE CO., Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Gentiem Fever alK i i ts composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astomsh iDS AteTlmvi'ogit carefully analyzed, we can state that Asth malene contains no opium, morplnne, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours, Rev. Dr. Morris Wschslkr. AVON SPRINGS, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901. r»T> TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO. ni!tlp m en • I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, • tUd the wonderful effect of your Asthmalene, for the h,7lD ?\ eS w Ily wife has been afflicted with spasmodic CU Ji e 0 t,r the past rJ years. Having exhausted my own skill if c -manv others, I chanced to see your sign upon your as well as m ~ tvpet York, I at once obtained a bottle W My wife commenced taking it about the first of of Asthmale • / QQn notice d a radical improvement. Alter Novembei Asthma has disapi -ared and she is entirely using one ma i feel that 1 can consistently recom mend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing menu Ycurs respecMullv, disease. 0. l)., M. D. DR TAFT BROS, MEDICINE CO. Feb. 5, 1901. * fpntlemen * 1 was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I ■u l «mv»p-ous remedies, but they have ail failed. I ran across'your advertisement rnd started will, a trial bottle. I atruss j i l iave S mce purchased jour iuil-size bot ?. U ldf,m eve grateful. I have family of four ehiidren, and for^six vears was unable to wort, lam now in the best o, health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make use of as you see fit. Home address, 235 Itivington street. S. RAPHAEL, b Jhast 129 th St., City. . TRIAL BOLTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delav. Write at° nCP > addressing DR. TAFT BEOS.' MEDICINE CO., 79 East 130 th St., N. Y. City. WILMINGTON ANL» O ' ELDON *' * A.NI> BRANCH:-. ; AND ATLANTIC CO/. ST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SUI:: " CAROLINA. I coNDt.-" j c. - « Nov. ltfm, '• TRAINS GOING SC'T /'I. Leave Weldon 11:50 a, m.,8: r >B v. m.; arrive Bocky Mount, 1K:55 a. m.,5»:.>2 l>. in. Leave Tarboro, 1*:21 a. ui., ti uo pin- Leave Rdcfry Mouut, 1:00 a. M., 9:52 p. m., f.i K7 p. m., 5:40 aui, 12:5;: p in. Leave Wilsou, 1.58 a in, 10:25 pm, 6:20 am, 100 p m., 7 16 piu. Leave Selma,2:ss a m. 11.10 p. m. Leave Fayetteville, 4:30 a ui, Uui p m. Arrive Florence, 7:25 a in, lui p m. Arrive Goldsboro 7 55 p. in. Leave Goldsboro,7:olam, 3:21 p m. Leave Magnolia, 8:08 a in, 4:*sp m. Arrive Wilmington, 9:40 a m. :>:io v m„ TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence,9:4o am, 7:43 p ui..jC Leave Jfayetteville, 12:*0 a in, !>:K>.p m- Leave Helma, 1.50 am. 10 5u p. m. Arrive Wilson,a:3s a ui, li::« i> m.„ Leave WllmiDgton, 6:50 p iu. « 4 > a ui, Leave Magnolia, 11:19 a in, c:-u p m. Leave Golds bo ro, sou am, 12:30 am, 9:27 p m Leave Wilson, 2-35 pm, 043 am, 11:33 am M:3O p m, 1:10 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p in, 12:09 am, • M am, 11:11 P m, 1:53 p m. Arrive Tarboro 7 U4. a. in. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12:09 a m. Arrive Weldon, 4:32 p m, 1:00 a in. Wilmington and Weldon Kiulroad, Yadkin Davidson Main Line—Train leaves V\ ilining ton, 8 00 a. in., arrives Fayetteville la 12 p. in., Uaves Fayetteville 12 25 p.m., arrives Hanford 1« P- Returning leave gftnford 300 p. m., arrive Fayetteville 341 p. leave Fayetteville 346 p. m., arrives Wil >»lnKton 6 40 p. m .•Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Ben- Mttsville Branch Train leaves Ben- BeltsvUle 8 15. Maxton a.m., Red 'Npriiigs '9 53 a. m., Hope Milio iu42 a.m., arrive Fayetteville 10 55. Returning leaves ITayetteville 4iop. m., Hope aiiils 4_55 p.m., lied Bprings 5 35 p. m., Maxton tf 15 p. m.. Arrives Benuetisviiie 7 15 p. "a. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. IS at ilaxton with the Carolina Ci-utral Kail toad, at Red Springs with tne KcU > and Bow more iaiiroad, at Mtiilora witn the Seaboard Air Lii.e and Southern .MiiUaj i:t Gulf with the Durham and Lharlolte Kaii ■oad.' ' Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldo* 3:35 p m, Halifax 4:15 plui arrives Heotland' Neck at 508 p m Giei nv Hie C ."t p ui, pm. Retiiruing ie»\es i\.u.ii ,u t 80 a m, Greenville 8 5s a m, arriving Halifax at 11:18 am, Weldon 11:33 a in, daily except »unday. Trains on Washington Eranch leave Wash; ■Bgtou 8:10 A m, aim !::«lpm„ arrive Farmeie VUOam, and wp m, returning leave Far- M l e D; 35 am. and i>:3op m., arrive Wa»>hington IIMXi a m, aiW 7:30 p m, daily Accept Sunday. Tralh leaves Tarboro. N. C., "daily, except tanday, at 5:30 p m„ Sunday 4.15 p. arrives Plymouth 740 p. iu., 610 p.m., Bsturning leaves Plymouth viaily except Muuday, 7 SO a. m., and Sunday 900 a.m.; ar ■fves at Tarboro. 10 05 a. m.: 1100 a. ni. Train on MidlaM N C Branch lenyps Golds fcoro, N-. except Sunduy, 7i)5 a m; ar rive Stnitwfeld N C., m. Returning Itaves ' -Smißifleld./fl. C. 900 a. m. arrives "•oldabfo-O.lTc. 10 25 a. in. r'; , Xr -.y Trains on-. Nash villa Braiich.leaves Rocky Mountaf9.-30 a. uin-arrives'Nashville I*lo a •nL -4;0".i P UI, li) 10 am, tffp. Returning 11:00 ft. m., ssp m. Nasiiville U:z:.a. "in, 5i6 p hi, arrive af.R7.cky M jtiDt 1145 'aril., COOpm. 4*lly except Sunday. - 43llnton Branch leaves Warsaw for Cllntoitki^ily,-except Sunday, atUyca, 111. and 4:lt p iA : ' Returning leaves Clinton 100 am and 2:56 p m. • ■: I ,* Train No.Tg make close connection at Wel doofor all points North daily, all rail vh RUhmend. . • H. M. BMBRfON, k General Passenger Agent. J. R. KENLY, T' M. BMBRSON, General Manager. Tratac Manager. IK t -1 Bp I I ' : ' is t S a home* bl - ■! with chil Lren. TI • B B woman afflicted with femalo dis- j* ■ ease is constantly menaced with g fl becoming a childless wife. Xo % ■ medicine can restore dead or- Si ■ gans, but ine of Cnrdui iloes 3 regulate derangements that pre- «- I vent conception; does prevent 3 ■ miscarriage: does restore weak j I functions and shattered nerves a jj and does bring babies to homes 5 I barren and desolate for years. 3 I "YVino of Cardui gives women the * H health nnd strength to bear kcul- W B thy children. You can get a 0 | dollar bottle of "Wine of Cardui K I from your dealer. IWW "cr 3 ITO A ARA £» A? #I A ji 113 Market street, >4 ■ Memphis, Tenr., April 14, 1901. if 1 * n Februarlool,1 took ono bottle cf 3 ■ Wine cf Crrdui end one packacc of 3 ■ Thedford's Black-Dr-ught. I had been 3 ■ mamed fifteen years and had never U B birth to a child until I took \Yi:;e F m or Cardui. No:v I am mother of a fine E 8 baby crirl v.hich was born March 31,19C1. t : M J"® baby weighs fourteen pounds and I f I M feel as well as a-.y person could feel, t B J°w niy home is happy and I never will f M he without Wine cf C ardui in ray housa H H again. M re . J. W. C. SMITH, g I ._ t | OT , ad-rice and literature, address. Rivins I ■ «1 idiea' A'lvisory Depnrt- ti I cSttak^,^^ ROtßa Mcdh:ine Company, P iTnnniimfirniufr £1 SSEEDOILmixed vith a gallon of makes 2 gallons of the VERT BEST PAINT in the WOULD ot yoorpnint bill. Is FAB MORB DTTRABLE than PURE WHITE LEAD nnd ia ABSOMJTKI.V NOT POI SONOUS. lIAHMAE PAINT is made of the BKST or PAINT MATERIALS —such as all good paintors nso, and IS ground THICK, VEBY TIIICK. KO trouble to mix, any boy can do it. It is the COMMON SENS* OF HOUSE PAINT. KO BETTEB paint can be mado at ANY cost, and is GiuvtafiJestfSymto HOT TO CRACK. BUSTER, PEEL or CHIP. T. HAMMAE PAINT CO., St. Louis, Mo. Sold and guaranteed by DUNN HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. I Odl • x IL O i I Return to your dealer § I five Virginia BrigMs I I cigarette FOilL wrap= - | 1 per©, and he will give | ||; r % H * I you-one pacliage of 1 H i P Ve _e • _ TiTO - - 1 irgmiaJprignts & I Cigarettes I I FREE FREE FREE | - J-H|l IWM———W Grove's s A i U % ®|f f • Iss iCi6ss Chill i onic has stood the test for 20 years. m m • * 1 • • v One Million Six Hundred Thou= sold last year. Do you think it pays to try others? ARE ANY YOU HEAD DEAF? wmGr* NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: BALTIMORE, Md., March 30, 1901. Gentlemen : Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept 011 getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, ai long others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even tliat only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ur would be lost forever. I then saw vour advertisement acciden ally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I hid used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours, F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md, Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation* YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HCME "V™ 1 " 1 INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 U SALLE AVE., ILL NOTICE OF SALE Under Mortgage , Bv virtue of the power and authority given by a certain mortgage, executed by J. D. McNeill, Win McNeill and H. L. McNeill to me which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for the county of Ilarnett, in book Z no. 2 page 9. the following property will be sold at Public Auction, viz:— Bring a cet tain tract of land in Lill ington Township. Ilarnett countv. Jie ginnipg at a stake 10 feet from the southern line of the town of Lillinsion opposite southwest comer of Lor X>. (i in said town, runs thence S. IS "A" 3 chains to the Ochiltree line, now Wil liams, theiice said line N. 61 W 6 chain* 53 links to the road or street, N ( 18 E 2 chains iind 16 links to a corner of I the edge of Mam street, thence S 72 E 0 chains and 13 Ur.ks to the beginning:, containing eight-tenth acres and being s;tnif place where moi tgagors resided Doc. 4. 1809 nti'l for further description see Book F. No. 2 pages 484 & 5 Regs, office of Harnett Co. Place of sale. Court House door at Lillington, N. C. Time of sale Nov 29, 1901 at 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale cash. Jqly 29,19' H. L. J. Best, Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by yirtue of a power of s-)le contained in n mortgage deed exe cuted to J. A. Taylor on the 3rd day of October 1890 by Miles Lucas and wife Tliona E. Lucas and transferred to me by I. A. Tavlor, I will on Monday the 2nd day of December 1901 at the Court [louse door in Lillington. N. C, at ;2 o'clock expose to public sale for c ish the following land: Situated in Avera- boro township, Harnett county. N. C., adjoining the lands of H. C. Aveaa Es tate, Daniel Norris and others and bounced as follows: Beginning at a stake in the road side and runs N 56 E •23 25 chains to a pine, thence N 34 W (1.50 to a stake, thence S 53 W 23.25 chains t> a corner in a field, thenc« N 87 VV 15 30. thence W 84 E 8 chains, thence 8 65 E 12.50 chains, thence to the beginning containing twenty-two acres more or less. Also another tract containing 3 1-3 acres adjoining Ashford Lucas and others and is part of the first tract the amount of land that will be »old is 23 acres more or less as two acres contained in the above bounds has already been sold. The above men tioned mortgage deed is recorded in Book B. No. 2, Page 594 in office of Register of Deeds of Harnett county. J. J. WADK. Assignee of J. A. Taylor. jfl I For Infants and Child™* ins iuad Yob tlave i-le ' f I Always Bob ?k 111 | ff §1 Bears tne # . I i-'iV 4t I —■'■-■■ Signature /jkv i, Promolc3 -ii.--,i;OiUbcerfut- |j.: •'! ° £Jf ?y3 ! J riessan(!: ; !. • . r:sn«lher ;• _.C §L &a & I . p>iuttxai. j Ol /AA^f k ~};arov *ro!ER :. j "jSHsmn \ ' W'M Rctkttk ■ "'i- 5 "J Seeri * \ A, S& m % : ft&trmvtf. - > : iji 4 ■ , B 411 «fe:- II l\ 1/1 3,1 _ ) IA r 1 5^ i Aoerfeclß*.: torConrfipr.- ; |\l fir* !■> & 3 til Ron, Sour " .Jt,Diarrhoea j a atr |i| Worms.Cc ..on-;.Feverish- •""?? % sr f 1 ncss andL. *! ? \J® fQflj V0 f FacSiir.ile Sigr.f. tc oF ' > : # Thirty Ye:;rs THE CXNTAUR COMPANY. NEW YC Elti. - Bliss. W 3c .J W W I handle BUGGIES of ail makes in car load lots, andean SAVE YOU MONEY. Pcn't buy u til jon have sctn me. I can fit you up with substantial Harness, tell ior cash or on time. J. W. LAIME, DUNN, N. C. A Wonderful Invention. They cure dandruff, hair fail ing, headache etc., yet costs the same as an ordinal'; - omb — Dr. White's Electric Comb. T!:e only patented Comb in tho world. People,' ev■ ry where it has been introduc are wild with delight. You simj comb your hair e:;cli day a L the comb does the re t. Th: wonderful comb is -h ply un breakable and is made so that it is absolutely impossible to break or cut the hair. Sold on a written guarantee to give per fect satisfaction in every respect. Send stamps for one. Ladks' size 50c. Gents' size 35c. Live men and women want everywhere to introduce tHs article. Sells on ..-'a. Age? - are wild with siv -ess. (S want column of ( is paper.) Address D.N. ROSE, General Mgr.. Decatur, Id. UNDERTAKER 9 £v. * & A A _ Coffins, Caskets, Ladies' and Gents' Robes and Burial goods. All kinds, colors and sizes, rang ing in price froi $2 to $6O. We also have a nice he arse furnish ed at moderate prices on short notice. R. G. TAYLOR. Efg Noroughsur- \\\\ K PVV~. , B SB face to chafe \ B Stf\\ S 9 and cut. The \ IS ■ harness not I J B wears twice TVffi . k \ L''V-» ■ as iongby the Utfl ■ i ) ■ use of Eureka jpJ~ZsC\i \T~! YY__| asr L\ //\ N \3vr- Marie by ) \'(ffl \s Standard Oil fi \ . *•/) \ k Company J/ 4* \ ANNOUNCEMENT. FATETTETILLE - 1)1111)1 ! A OADEb! FOR BOYS. Preparatory, Academic and Scientific courses. Board and Tuition moderate. FACULTY OF GOOD TEACH MRS. Term nine months. Begins Sept. 18, 1901. Jxo. S. SIMPSON, Priiu-ij d P. O. DrawerS. Fayettevill's X. C'.. Phone JN'o (53. If 3*ou want quick, prompt service, call up 'Phone No. ">3 and your orders will have prompt attention. r FRESH MEATiS, t Fine Steak, Fresh Fish always Jon hand. We handle nothing | but first-class meats. Look up j the new market in the old >?x -| ton building on Lucknow j square.* L. P. JERNIGAN, Dunn, N, C.