THE Democratic Banner. g-. JP. ■: So iter. TE3BS Of SUBSCRIPTION. Throo r" ' six Months One \«r Sent by Mall. Payable .in advance, j: S3' m (GRTHB ASFL * SSuiNAI. Cm V Bubs wiil please ' • -' ce ' Entered « s : to postal rejpla- UoH&atthe e afrDaim, F. C., as second class r '!'• DTJNN, Harnett County, N, C. DUNN, N. C., December 4,1901. 57 TH COMSRESS OPENS. Last Monday at 12 o'clock the 59th Congress of the United j States assembled and proceeded: to business fit ouce. HOTFSE or REPRESENTATIVES. | Washington, Dec. 2.—The i opening day of the first session; of the 57th Congress in tliej House of Representatives tur-; nislied a spectacle that deligm-j ed the crowded galleries, lhe machinery* of the House is cum berous and is set in motion _>\ a laborious process, but the spectators to-day evidently did • not consider it tedious as} j clung to their places through the entire proceeding which lasted four and one half probably half the time being Consumed in the monotonous' calling of the roll, lhc ization of the House was ac complishcd according to ti time honored precedents. Speaker Henderson was sworn in by Gen. Bingham, ' the ia ther of the House," and niter delivering a very graceful speech in recognition ot the honor bestowed upon him he in turn administered the oath to: the members elect. The rules' of the last House were adopted after a slight jar and then the biennial seat drawing occurred. This 1 art te r ceremony wa robbed of much of its interest . .to-day by -die fact that I* the new arrangement of feats tlKfpp: at# rasore than enough to . ■ gcr .-round. and those whose name? are drawn last do n t >. suffer -as .'they did on former / occasions: " •" -'j.:. The Speaker assigned the election cases from Alabama; -Kentucky and Mis • r'souri to l;lections Committee No. 1: those from. North Car> ». Bn&,'.Ohio and South Carolina • to-Committer No. 2, and thos from VI. • to Coinni; : No 13. On. Mii- of Mr. ... ••••*' South C -,na, a resok:;: was adopted to allow the im portation, :: ee of duty, ol Ai'tijcles fi . .foreign coui.trit and the ti .of foreign t-.v -'-'h-ibit;': from'-thfr' Pan-Anierican: Exposition at' Buffalo ior tlv '--'•purpose of at the "•"Sa'uth 1 Carolina: Ttitcr-State and West livclfittf .-.-Exposition - 'at Charleston, S. C. A joint resolution was intro duced by Miv. Moody, of Massa chusetts, proposing a select committee' of. three members, to vbe appointed by the Speaker, to investigate and report whether ■ at the congressional election in Louisiana tlie rights of any of . the male inhabitants of that State were abridged or denied ; whether, if the right of any person to Vote was denied or : abridged, the members from Louisiana so chosen are entitled to their seats, and whether Con gress should enact further legis lation to carry out the 14th and loth amendments to the United States constitution. THREE THOUSAND BILLS. ' J It was estimated by official of the House' that over three thousand.bids had been intro ducedJ&fulJ; ,12' o'clock to-day. There was tK&vusual rivalry for the of hating bill num ber QHP, no less than fifteen members haying askecl for this precedence with the indications thartrone of the bills restricting the sale of oleomargerine— either'that.of Mr. McCleary or of Mr. Tawnyr—would be so designated when the records were made up. The bills took a wild range, covering all those topics which have excited at tention of late. Three Pacific cable bills, by Representative Sherman of New York, Corliss ' of Michigan and Jones of Wash ington,.gave varying phases of projept, Mr. Jones propos ing 'the Northern route via Pu'get Sound, with an appro priation of 000,000 ; Mr Corliss proposing a govern ment-built ;i n d maintained . route, and Mr. Sherman offer ing the plan allowing private participation in the enterprise. Among the other -measures introduced. j.\vera those by Mr. Snlzor,- .NoW£Y.ork, protestiiig against the conduct, of . the war in ISouth Africa; Mr. Kitchin, JfcJorth Carolina,. constitutional .Li;. iment repealing fifteenth amendment; also, constitution al >n ndinent forbidding ap propriations for sectarian pur poses; Mr. Overstreet, Indiana, i to maintain the parity of the 1 money of the United States; - Mr Moody, Massachusetts, for ;!ie protection of colored cit i : ns against lynching, iu do r-nit- of State protection; Mr. ( v, Texas, to prevent coin-1, ms in restraint of trade. |, At 30 the House adjourned.;. A FINE OPPORTUNITY ( i " To Invest in the Growing town ( Of Dunn Dec. 16th 11)01. , On Monday at 12 m. near the furniture factories in South Dunn, I will offer for sale to the hi.-chest bidder 60 or 75 nice | jois Iving on both sides of the | railroad just beyond the two j factories. Terms easy, 1-3 cash balance to suit purchaser. The ! vown is growing and the loca tion is desirable. Property is ■ increasing daily, don't wait for I a better chance. Now is the ! chance of a lifetime. Come to j the sale. Call at Hood & i Grantham's drug store and see plot. For any further particu lars write i - P.J.Jeffreys, Dunn, N. C.. No one can reasonably hope for ;ood health unless his bow el ir.ove once each day. W hen 1 this is not atteiidedto, disorders .of the stomach arise, billious , headache, dyspepsia and : soon follow. If you wish • o avoid these ailments keep vi'ii!" bowels regular by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when required. Thev are easy to take and mild and v-'entle in effect. For sale by Hood & Grantham. Gattis-KilgoCCaste t i The jury in the Gattis-Kilgo case at Oxford Saturday mid !iO flit brought in a verdict aw -ding' plaintiff .$15,000 -..'.■iinst Dr. Kilgo and B. N. !)i:;.e, W. R. Odell being ad judged free from malice in his c icction with the controversy. A i the issues with the ex , ce: uo;i were answered yes. The ide fendants appealed. Bond to stay execution in the amount of • tv. uty thousand dollars was fix I i)y the judge. Two jurors : were in favor of a verdict for •: f 00, one for $35,000, one '25.000, one for $20,000, ir for $15,000, one for $lO,- . ■ ue for $l.OO and one for ,rs. The average was and the $15,000 ver s taken as a compromise. I delay on the third count v.a- that the jury stood ten to two and finally the two agreed. A. J. Snell wanted to attend Ia i ty, but was afraid to do so jon account of pains in lib ! stomach, which he feared grow worse. He says, - telling my troubles to a 5 *t£. • i iend, who said : 'Chair .; beriaiu's Colic, Cholera and ; i Diarrnoea Remedy will jiut ,' you in condition for the J party.' I bought a bottle • and take pleasure in stating t that two doses cured me and [• enabled me to have a good time at-tin- party." Mr. Snell is a ; j resident of Summer Hill, N. Y. j This remedy is for sale by Hood •; L'C Grantham. 1 Call to Mind the Past. ; I remember very well when I young men sought' employment lon farms for about $72 per an ! nu: i. This included board and 'wa hing. Such young men . I wot; M labor hard six days per I -.-e' k and fifty-two weeks in the ;y; ar with two or three holidays 'j at Christmas. Out of this $72 I they would save $6O. In a few j years they would have enough j money to buy a small farm. . j They did not make debts. They did not smoke. They owned f no buggies. They wore plain ' clothing. They saved their . money. They made character. ( They had too much respect to . compromise their manhood, . enough self control to keep un- der vicious appetites, acquired a competency for comfortable , living. They added something profitable to their race.—Elder P. 1). Gold, in Wilson Times. IMPORTANT NOTICE. 1 ; Notice is. hereby given to all " j parties owing cost in any case |in Harnett court are warned to 'jcome forward and settle the ' same between now and Februa ry term of court, or show re ceipt i'or same. This was or ■ do red by the judge at the ' November term of court. If •! this cost is not settled the par ' j ties will be placed in jail for '; the same. ; S. A. SALMON, ' i Sheriff" Harnett County. . Mrs. He cc. t.v >;> Richmond. » i The "many friends of l)i'. J. . Allison Hodges of this his na tive county, will be glad to read ' of the brilliant reception given T bv his good wife recently. The " Richmond Dispatch says : "The spacious parlors were t decorated in yellow ehrysanthe- 1 mums and } . u--, with trailing ; cedar wre - ; the tnirrors : and chain!'.' Tall ; pink , chrysanthemums were used in , profusion against a background j of palms in the library. The , table in the dining room was covered with Battenburg lace. , cut glass ant! silver, in the cen tre of which was a miniature Merrimac bearing the national colors and floating upon a sea of glass. White wax candles, resting in silver candelabra, and red chrysanthemums, were placed at the four corners of the table. "Mrs Hodges, looking lovely in pink silk with an over-dress of cream lace, covered with hand-painted medallions, was assisted in receiving by Govern or and Mrs. J. Hoge Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Montague, Col. John Goodc, Miss Mary Lee, Miss Mattie Ross, Miss Eliza beth Whitlock, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Borden, and Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas F. Jeffress. Miss Lulie Whitlock and Miss Eliza beth Paterson presided over the punch bowl, while Miss Eda Atkinson, Miss Ev- lyn Gordon, Miss Katherine Micliaux and ! Miss Adair Minor were the fair j assistants in the dining l*oom. "There were about 150 guests present, and it. was the endeav or of Dr. Hodges to invite only the friends of Captain Hobson." If you would have an appe tite like a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They correct disorders -of the stomach and regulate the liver ' and bowels. Price, 25 cents. Samples free, at Hood & Gran tham's druu store, i - i'- 'Tis True, "f is Pity. There are gullible people , everywhere, and our country is ( no exception. Let an agent • drop in on us from unknown parts and he can dupe our peo . pie into buying patent remedies . for all ills, patent churns, , ranges, quilting machines, lightning rods, and all sorts of ' things, and they eagerly cough . up their hard earn* d money for what is vul; r-y dhd "sky." A home man -ll In't sell them a live cent a: : .'e v> itl out .their crying hard tirn-.-s on him, where a stranger can pull dol lars from them without a grum jble. ' A fool and his money I are easily parted" is a trite saying, but lois of mighty good imen are caught sometime. Re ; i member this lesson: First, beware of agents. Second, if you buy, know first what you ' are trading for. If it is a good | thing, then all right, go ahead. t Third, never sign any paper without knowing every word that is on it, and always sit down and coolly calculate where j your profits are to come from before paying an agent a big price for the privilege of selling 1 his trick in any prescribed ter j ritory. We write this for the benefit of those who have never learned it by experience. It is a reflection on no one. All make errors, but they are too costly at times to allow them j to be repeated by others when t a word in time would prevent. —Stanley Enterprise. * 1 Charleston Exposition Formally Opened. 3 ' s I With imposing ceremonies, j embracing a parade of Federal i forces, and State militia, Con . federate veterans, beautiful women and cheering collegians 1 a programme of exercises graced i by distinguished speakers and e with words of greeting from the . President of the United States, > the South Carolina, Inter-State and West Indian Exposition . was officially opened on last 1 Monday afternoon. Conserv -3 ative Charleston and its thou * sands of visitors thronged the r historic old town from early morning, chfeered the artillery men from the batteries in the harbor, threw flowers at the old veterans and the ladies occupy ing carriages in the parade, and 1 gave enthusiastic welcome to 3 the invited guests. The day ) was set aside as a holiday and } all places of business were - closed. j CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You \\m Always Bought Bears the xv ✓ / „ ■ Signature of U. P.. F. W. S. Conference. Cape FciVi" C. A. Free AV ill Baptist annual conference in .ij session at sto''Jit '.'live church ; Cumberland county, N. C , Nov. 13, 14, 15. 10th, 1901 | The said conference found after j investigation y v W. R. Lof- « tin ;C. E. • I*J5 IJ E. C. Hicks ; | W. C. Hicks : r>at iel Hicks; B. I S.Rolii.i. ; S. T. | McK;v. ;J. i). \v ;tobe in j I rebellion to '■ • neve named 11 conference an i thf connection j in general ; hence each of the j; above n ' i "-t ministers ij license are 1; ;vby revoked by j said confer.on - a\U aredeclaTrcd to be no n-'Vi- ier- of the U. A. ,j Free Will Baptist church. T.I In. :i, Moderator, j G: B. McNeill, Cl.rk. 2t. | g)ou'i Sle BlCcihed By the circus bill advertising of quack medicine concerns. Your druggist will tell you that "Coleman's Guarantee" is an honest medicine and guaranteed to cure all forms of Indigestion and dyspepsia. " Price 50c., large bottle, at Hood & Gran tham, druggists. 4 BRIGHTER M! FOR THE mm. THE CHAMBEiVUIi f.- , f Screw Slump I, JyL Tlio cr.Yy * KASWACTUBED IV TH2 ' CHArriSEfrLiti ff.FG,CO. - GLEAN, N. V. " D Rid your fields of the stumps and be ble->ed with an abun dant harvest by using the Chamberlin Improved Screw Stump Puller. Guaranteed to pull all classes of stumps. A $l,OOO guarantee for any stump puller it will not beat. We keep a machine on our farm for the benefit of those wishing to see its work before purchasing. Write for catalogue and price list. Address T..!{. Vviiliams «Sp.Sons r xVgents, t-iiles 1 Mill, N. C.' s WANTED—La.lies.and Gc-n -s tie men to introduce the "hot -5 test" seller on earth. Dr. , White's Electric Comb, patent .ed 1899 Agents are coining i money. Cures all forms of scalp ailments, headaches, etc., yet costs the same as an ordi r nary comb, nd f>oc in stamps i for sample. D. N. liose, Gen. ■ Mgr., Dec ..ur, i!:. : stillTt it. o I am -till making and re pairing all kind of Harness Bridles ite. I carry in stock I WHIPS, ( U;HY COMBS, BRUSHES,'Ac. f I make my harness by hand i and v» ill as qood bargains [as any .one. See me before buying. P East side of railroad, next 1 door to W. P. Surles, Dunn, t N. C. 3 pee t fully, D. vl. SITQKE. T 9 ? WLNTKR E.\. I KSION RATES. , Effective October 15, 1901, excursion rates are placed on 3 sale by the Southern Railway I to all principal winter resorts ■j of the South and Southwest, j Ask any agent Southern Rail -1 way for full information. PILE-INE CTJiES PII.ES! Money refunded if it ever V fails. Business Proposition. 1 Now is the time to protect j your property with a nice fire policy that will get your money j after the fire. For your policies, i call on JAS. A. TAYLOR A BRO. i SMITH'S RESTAURANT. We wish to say to onr many frietuls who want a nire fresh ftrst-cIHSs meal j to cull at Sniitii's lies-lain ant, next door 7 to Geriild's Siablt'S-. Wo. arc well pre pared to serve both v. bite and colored this season. We have always given 5 polite attention to tiie riiai)3' white peo -1 pie whom we have served We have never failed to {rive satisfaction. We " serve Beefsteak, liain and Eggs, Sau l sage £e. ) E'icla. oa Hani, r Yours to serve. I M- L SMITH. i Aug. 2S-St. CASTOR! A For Iritats re id Children. The K?nd Yea am Always Bought ~ " !! I'! fe? f • . (tji /s r.' ; 1 . ... a\ »{ j: ; """•! Ctin."-'.'; ■-> ' ft ,3'® ;!. 1' • J Our sto I - lidii} '- :•■■ K ■: . rem one of j, e |!-j the largest ste-;k: iii this coum: iby the most] h;ll !{j fastidious to be the best select, d t has ever been ;;;$! •j|{ ' : 'i»M 1 il l to Dunn. S * lil TO THE BOYu . ; . GIRLS, if 1 ' . . .. 1:1 If you wish to give your frion! a present, we have : ||| them that wiv suit any taste aru v. Our goods are ] || : | all new and uJ>-io-date. All we a- . i'you is to coma to J |||: see us and we guarantee to suit yoa. jj |l I To t vie Oil I Iren. | I iii _ iii Santa Clans has nist been:!. || to see me and' - . is going | li to scleft liis stock uom me. I If It would be weH tor you to |jj I! come early and r: ci the pick, ijij jli ijj|; Yours to servo and please, sm% xjen v 1! ..i e v SLm.. ■ ;;i|j ■WT|T X 'A """ MI -iii \_tfk. * %*«."_ v-;. i v*saa, cam ARRIVING- EWim BAW w "V /f H j * j A. X 4 Jv * a/, ace y/ 7A *//. vs. y/ v v/. y» ** ay. //. y/. //. v /. >/. yya * -JT S a I i s • £• , I If you want an TJp-to-clal e Jriat call at my store. Wo are receivin ; >1 quantities of TRIMMED AND KEADY-'i 3-WEAR HATS, and if you find thing in stock t a, remember we can trim one on sh>. i notice. ■ Dress Good; for the ladies ii at variety. Call and see us. Yours to please, r-• " i 1 i f>« fex; 1 - - • .. .. C -Jf Vctr ■ I II in/ 01" ■ : HDO I ii! f| if* 11/ J? H !h n \ ;j 11 ii * • v I IlllJ i \| *** * ■ * * // We desire io inform the • . Hie that we are nowvl {(located in t'.o NEW BRICK .DING RECENTLYJ9 ||[ ERECT El \ MR. W. ITON ON EAST||| /JBKOA D STiJ'-ET. We have \ •. my of rcom and one\\ |IJ of the most complete lines of JJ) | Fiisrfnii 1 \\to select from to be found in the county. New goods ar-111 //riving nearly t very oay. We M U at a clo°e margin and\j |;| find this the most satisfactory w; y to do business. 11l \\ Watch this space and you v find •• \ our financial! I //interest. Ql ICK «8AL1 : Llj 1 . ITS. Come\\ jij to see us. ))) M Yours to please, | sLt iFi E ©@ e I At Cost- We are nov/ oll'ering the entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries and General Merchandise of the firm of RAQ-KS.AND Ft-JQIUAS?, LI ISLINGTON, N. C. RT SPOT COST We say cost and mean cost. Now is the time to secure some number one bargains. The stock consist of a great variety and it will pay you to come and see what bargans we are offer ing. The goods must go and now is the time to buy before the goods are picked over. Yours to please, Ragland & Fuquay, LILLUs'GTON, N. C. I Jrlk* s'" t;" • ■v'C , "' Jy ~r^ r, T. O. "i O . f & Cq's BEFORE KjY : ANYTHING IN n 7 /"' 1 r " : ts*~\ w0 j £ A J ' \ : : ' vyL—rv_. _ Fii i\ v_j j l ; ft e 1 lit- f* 11's- 1 4 - ■ j-,? ci i.j .•%•.' f \ '-"''Wli.' xixx sJi 9 , _ , /J'y Goods Notions. Shg csl Shoes! We hiivc an Up-To-Dato iir.e in Men's fine -roods From $l.OO to $5.00. SEE OUR LADIES' "Vicious 81.50," They are the best on ;ho market for the money. 222. ©ll OC£3 El ■. \H W ' 2 jj?J is Up-To-Date in very ; -poet. Hay, Corn, Oats, aiul Feed Stuff always on hand io ;;r lots - at lowest possible prices. Call.on us before placing your order. AVe guarantee safe faction.. Yours to please, T ?? 3 nil Nai Pi rn C. F. Pope is with us and will he glad to see and serve hit friends. toi i AND SO DO WE When we think ai)out what great values we are ST offering the public. - r 4t I*oi'.T't to see us before von buy yon GIFTS.' y J1 j|| Wc have soratliM . - at—r ee and Valuable. ALL MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting ;i eontto uance of the same, are 7otirs to serve, @AIiE k dQRBAB. JUi i un* v 111 ••tHi j. r \ , 1 lllUlJii. U \A. UU.j - . 'Phone No. 24. - v * .MOVED. * You will now find Phillips & Co. in the store fronting Luck* now Square, next door to \Y. IT. Blanchard. They carry in stock at all times, best Flour, Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Green ana Roasted, Syrups, Finest Maple, and Molasses. p a m m - ? n Pi 0' n £>- Vs? "A iaj Vita' tk-J '• '• L" V *. Peaches, Apples, Corn, Beans and Tomatoes. Canned Meats, Beef, Ham, Sausage, Salmon, etc. Preserves, Jellies, Teas, Chocolates of all kinds. Pickles to kegs and in bottles. Condensed Miik, etc. CAKES fi.N£> COCKERS. Ginger Snaps 5 cts. per pound. Orange Wafers 15 " Jelly Cakes .15" Oyster Crackers 5 " Best Soda Crackers.. 10 " CANDIES. THE BFST OF ALL KINDS. Vegetables of all kinds. Cheese. Ice Cold Drinks. Tobacco t'r in 25 to 00 cents. Baskets, the best for 5 cents. Fresh roasted peanuts al* ways on hand. When you want anything call on Phillips & Co. Miss .FlarencE E, Halder, , DUNN, Ml SJ j or» \r«. 1 -• A p i y y "wi ' U - %J X>*" AND • FANCY ® GOODS. • o o The latest styles of the fa" season of 1901 now exhibited* Call and see them.