I SUBSCRIBE FOR |g YOUR HOME PAPER. || It only cosi.s *1 a year. jg Albert &• tla^oUt —ATTORNEY AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re quired. Pr-mpt- attention to all business. Collections a specialty Office over DEMO CRATIC BANNKK. B,Jui.nl W. P n. F - "• ,i,ooks ' FGU & brooks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SMITH FIELD, N. C. Claims collected. Estates set tled. Practice in Johnston and adjoining counties. K. S. SMITH. M. F. HATCHKR. Smith & Hatcher, Attorneys-at-L aiv, ■ DUNN, - - - N. C. Ptnctice in all 'hp courts i>f ih« State. Promj t altfi tion to all business entrusted- Offlce in ill- oll Post t)ffiee Building. H. NCI EAN. 4 • C. CI4 FFOH D McLean & Clifford, DUNN, : : : : N. C. Office over J. 4. Wade's Store. W. A. S*EWAKT. GODWIN mm k GODWIN, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law, DUNN, ~N. C. Will practice in State and Federal Courts but not for fun. Smith, Hatcher & Smith, ATTORN E YS-AT-LAW, Benson, N. C. Practice wherever services are needed. Special attention t> matters entrusted. W- E- Mxtrchisoii, .tOXF.PBO o N f 'Practices Law in llnr?»*:it. i'-x » other comities, but not for fun. Peb. 20-1 v. Dr. r'. " Good win, TI BAP (If CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We otfer unsurpassed advan tages, and loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking, i. J. BEST. President. J. W PTT R.OIB. Cashipr. DR. 0. L. Duraiv, INS. c. Ofiicice on Luck now Square, Dr. C. H. Sexton's old oiHee. mm ® m, c. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F YOUVG, President V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier ■lea N ,»ver Ache. Nev r "e tl 'rouble. Use •» ■ ut.ct' t;-e re me. | that stopped ir for Mr- N. A V\. b ster, of Winnie. Va., she writes "Dr. -King's New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick head ache, Constipation, Biliousness. ► 25c ,'C. L. Wilson's drug store.* ' : ' SteKj V BAB|| MA pill)) 31)1 """a ■VIUO4SVO THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER. ; Vol. 11. ¥ o\i anything you want ? Must people cr.n r.ct. V. r.cji you can't, it c;-l!ed "i>idi g--S.'r:i," wiiich develops "dyspepsia' 1 —t; e Kgoniziug terror oi the age. -a o Coleman's G\ie^rarvtee positively cures all forms of indigestion and dyspepsia. "Take it, eat what you want and le happy." CTJSED BY ONE BOTTLE. " I Flittered for several months with indices'ion fin;! Ron: 'sr i., \«ly eat anything w ithout intense Fufft-rinx fcliemards. I found no relief until "Colcmnn's i" • .:r«'*ntee" was reconnuendcd. I I ought cue hot tie, and took it as directed, and frcrn ihe very f.*~t found relief, and by the time I had taken r :ir.-t botile was not ouly foeliui; better, but % -i ntirely cured." V. W. JEFFERSON, Danville. Va. PRICE 50c. A BOTTLE. Sold by all Druggists. Ss*Take no substitute. CCLCMfcH RE!f'£CY CO.. QanvTJa. Ya., U. S. k. The Kind wc Need. We want religion that softens the step and tunes the voice to melody and tills the eye with -unshine and checks the im patient exclamation and harsh rebuke ; a religion that is po iitilcfferential to superiors, considerate to my friends: a reli-iion that goes in the family and kee; -■ the husband from be ing cross when dinner is late, and keeps the wife from fret ting when the husband tracks the newly washed floor with his hoots and makes the husband mindful of the scraper and floor mat; keen* the mother patient when the baby is cross and amuses the children as well as instructs them, cares for the servants besides paying them promptly; project honeymoon into the harvest moon, and makes the happy home like the eastern fig tree bearing on its bosom at once the tender blos som and the glory of ripening fruit. —Morgan ton Herald. So many obscure, unpromis ing lads have become governors, U. S. Senators, representatives and presidents that it has be come a -aying that this country is favorable to every boy and •iii have a chance for president But the chances nrc rot very al luring. and /!ve but faint fore -shailowi g of crowning glory. Wo tin t: - " following in the Charh -.ton X>-\vs and Courier. "Every boy of a st itiscieal tarn of mind will be interested ti learn that the chances are 30,00'. U)t>o to 1 that he will not becom" p.esident. 410,000 to 1 that lie v. ill not be a United States si n.-tor, 103,330 to 1 that he will not be a member of the : liou.-e i representatives and B*2 >,OOO to 1 that he will never be governor, of a state ; also there are ssß to 1 that lie will not become insane, 1,250 to 1 that he will no be blind, BG4 to 1 that he will never be a soldier or sailo;. 1,200 to 1 that he will never be a city policeman and (5,117 to 1 that he will never be president of a national bank." —Exchange. rOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. >Jlat Ciiuroh— Kev. A. Forbes Fastor tee first.Sunday nlgM. and fourth Sun naorni'.isj »ntl uig-ht. Prayermeeting ../ V.' ill ■ sday niglit. Sunday school •v*:ry suiid:>> jsoruing at 10o'clock, O. K, >riiithaui --.1.-rintendeiit :r>ltist Church.— Rev. .C. Barrett, past«r. ■*( - vices eveij second Sui»is> morning and ■ -meeting every Thursday night •>-:iiday S«l!'.'-»l«fe*y Sunday morning, J. O. \ ■ :i!.-ird r:i| riiitt-ndent. )titl vtl it »i '1 ! 1 1 1 -J 1- . Hlnea castor. Services every first and fifth Sunday iiorning an! mirht. Sunday school every -•"tiday morning, D. U. McLean, Buperiuten ioni Disciple Church— Rev. D. H. Fetree pas 'or. Services every third Sunday morning ind niglit. Prayer meeting every Tuesday jjght. Sunday School every Sunday evening at o'clock P. T. MassenKilt Supt. '■"ree Will Baptist Church.—Elder R. C. achsou. Services every first Sun morning and night. Primitive Baptist.—Church on Broadstreet Mer B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servi m "H the third Sabbath morning, and Batnr ■ . before, in each mouth at 11 o'clock. LODOE. i -ilmyra Lodge, No. 147, A. F. & A.M. Hall ~-v Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones M ; V A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jones w.; j. o. Johnson, Secretary. Regular in. iirfrati-.nß are held on the 3rd Satur -1 Hi i'cii,; k A. M., and on the Ist Friday nn' ii'i-b j,. m in en. h month. All Ma ' koort tlai.uing ~,-e cordially invited rd 'bese communications. TOWN OFFICRRB. M. T. Young, Mayor. eOMMISSIONKKS v L. Stephens, McD. Holtiday, J. D. Barnes t \ Taylor, w. H. Duncan, Policeman. COUNTY OFFICERS Sheriff, Silas A.Salmon. O.'erk, Dr. J. H. Withers. .-i.-iler of Oeeds. A. O. Holloway. ! Pressure*, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Or roner, Dr. J. F. McKay. Couuty J. 8. Black. Commissioners: E. F. Young, V A. Smith, T. A Harrington. . -• j JOHN A. McKAY. E. F. YOUNG. Tl! JIS. A. fell! iiililill El. . Edged Tool Foundry & Machine Works. We have one of the largest and b-st oqi:i: ji"d plants in the State. Come and see for your selves. 30 men skilled in the different !-ranches of our business. gffITMACHINE REPAIR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ..jeJ OLD ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, &C MADE ALMOST AS GOOD AS NEW. ALL KINDS IRON & BRASS CA-STINGS. Pulleys, Boxes, Post Hangers, Set Collars, Shafting, Gear Wheels. fcc constantly on hand Wfe also carry a large stock of Pipe and Steam fittings.of all kinds. Prices low down. FINE ARCHITECTURAL CASTINGS A SPECIALTY. We are agents for A. B. Farquhar Cos. & Erie City Iron Works, Engines, Boilers, Saw-Mills, Threshing Machinery &c. Also Southern Saw Works Mill Saws. All the above at prices ami fully warranted. 50 tons "f old Cast Iron wanted at once. We also buy olc * scra P brass. For catalogue, prices, or other informaiion THE JOHN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN, N. C. The Sontliem Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season Aud the placing on sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points in the South, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico ,and California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, lam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasville, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. > See that your ticket rends I J VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address R. IJ. VKKNON. ('• w. WEF-'L LUTKY Traveling I'HPS. Agt., THstrirt Vans. Afft. Cliaxlotte, 2T. C. EicHmcad, Va S, 11. HAUDWICK, General Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, W. A. TUKK. Traffic Manager. Asst Pass-. Traffic Mgr. ■ C. k-'|nls Way to I ive Lony. The startling announcement of a Discovery that will surely lengthen life is made by editor O. H. Downey, of Churubusco, lud. "I wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Grip It's invalua ble to people with weak lungs. Having. £his wonderful medi cine no one need dread Pneu- j monia or Consumption. Its relief is instant and cure cer tain." C, L. Wilson guaran tees everv 50c and SI.OO bottle, anil give trial bottles free. "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMER LANDS " The above is the title of an attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a two-cent stamp to S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A„ Washington, D. O. DUrJIM, IM. C. JANUARY 15, 1902, Nothinq Small About Him. The Richmond Dispatch pays the following compliment to our representative Hon. John H. Small: "It is said of Congress man Small, of North Carolina, who is an old newspaper man, that he has never forgotten his newspaper training, and from force of habit notes the impor tant happenings of each day's session of the House. He 1 Jakes it a rule, to answer every letter he receives the day he receives it—a most excellent thing in a Congressman or any other pub i lie personage. We are not particularly well acquinted with Mr. Small, but we know this, that in spite of his name, there is nothing small about him." WILL. NOT HIDE MY LIGH UNDER A BUSHEL. GKNTI.EMEN : —I will not hide my light under a bushel, for I want the people to know what vour Goodt *s Mexican Syrup has done for me. For four years I have been afflicted with Asthma, and could not get any thing to do me any good until I got your Gooch's Mexican Syrup. I took three bottles and it cured me entirely. I give you this hoping it may be the means of saving some one from a horrible and premature death. Yours under obligations, REV. THOS. B. WARWICK, Scott Town, O. Consumptives try it. It cures a simple cough as if by magic, and is the best remedy for whooping cough. Price 25 cents. • We learn that Mr?;" Justice Walter Clark has been ed with the official list' of Con federate prisoners who were paroled at Lee's surrender at Appomattox, Va. There are 5,207 names of North Caro linians on the list which we be lieve is more than half. It looks as if the grand old state was in deed "last at Appomattox."— ; Exchange. I The Secret of I.ong Mfe Consists in keeping all the main organs of the body in healthy, regular action, and m quickly destroying deadly dis ease germs. Electric Sitters regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood, and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders in curing Kidney troubles, Female Complaints, Nervous Diseases, Constipation, Dyspepsia, and Malaria. Vig orous health and strength al ways follow their use,- Only 50c, guaranteed by C. L. Wil son, druggist. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /l? Signature of f&i&UAf, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Ttre Business of 1901. The year 1901 was a big year for business. Uncle Sam had to widen his waist band by sev eral holes. Trade was phe nominal and the manufacturing protected and fostered by the enormous tariff tax had a great time and lead all other indus tries. Iron and steel did a great work, and the output of coal and coke surpassed all former records. The corn crop was short, prices went up, the holders got high rates paid mainly by the hard-worked bread-winners. A short sereal crop means money for the grow er and reduced rations for eater and buyer. Cotton closed at 8 cents. Bank transactions were enormous. In New York in one day deposits exceeded a billion dollars. Silver is low now— worth but 54 cents, but Uncle Sam orders that his mintage shall fetch 100 cents. A great life increased business was done. The U. S. Treasury never had before so much strength and surplus. And still the people are bled heavily and taxation continues to run exceedingly high. That passes for wisdom and statesmanship in the United States in 1902. What would Jefferson and Macon and the able, faithful fathers of 1810-35 have said of such unreasonable and false work. The secretary mentions what he did with the extraordinary surplus. He says : For the calendar year we show receipts in excess of the ordi nary expenditures amountiug roudly to $100,000,000. Such an excess might have resulted iu serious embarrassment had not the deportment been able by means of this surplus to reduce the public debt in large amounts." There is one view of the ques tion not to be overlooked. How ever high the taxes and stu pendous the revenue the con gress can easily open it all. The expenditures annually now are but little below $600,000,000 a year or some seven times more than President Buchanan required in 1860 for carrying on the government effectively and safely iu all departments. Pub lic economy is very much need ed. Public expenditure is as "easy as falling off a log." Put down the brakes.—Wilmington Messenger. OPENING OF WINTER TOURIST SEASON. The Southern Railway, which operates its own lines over the entire South and forms the im portant link in the great high way of travel between the North and South, Florida, Cuba, Mex ico, the Pacific Coast and Cen tral America, announces for the winter of 1901 and 1902 the most superb service ever offered. Its splendid regular service will be augmented by the Southern Palm Limited, a magnificent Pullman train, which will be operated between New York aud Florid*. STATE NEWS. Greensboro Telegram: Anoth er of Thomasville's chair facto ries was totally destroyed by lire on Sunday moning, Jan. 5. It was owned and operated by Thomas F. and Will C. Harris, under the firm name of tiie Climax Chair Company. The factory had been in operation a little more than two years, do ing a big buwuess, making about 250 chairs per day. The fire started in the office. Lo*s about. 9,000 with an insurance of 4,000. Marion dispatch in Raleigh News & Observer: About 100 j couvicts arrived here last Thurs day night on their way to Mitch ell county to work on the O. R. and C. R. R. This squad, with those that went over some months ago, make over two hundred that will be eugag* : on that road. I understand that they are within seven or eight mile 9 miles of Bakers ville, coming up Toe river, which will pgss within 2 miles of the latter place, and will con tinue up the river to Spruce Pine. I also understand tie surveying party turned from Spruce Pino down the Blue Ridge into McDowell county, following the North Catawb t river to within six or eiglr miles of Marion, which is, to appearrnces, the most practica ble route to either Wilmington or Charleston, connecting with the S. and G. R. R. at this place, which is the terminus of the latter. This whole route was once known as "The Three i C's." i Concord Tribuu&: Logan Cook, a young* boy about 15 years of age, on Sunday Jan. 5, attempted to cut the throat of another boy about the same age, by the name of George Blume, and as a result Blume's arm was nearly severed at the wrist. Shortly before Christmas Blume who is an orphan, - and Cook were out hunting and Cook, so Blume says, shot a negro. Blume remonstrated with liitn about it and angered Cook so that he told Blume that the next time he caught Jiim out he would kill him. On yesterday Blume and a companion were out. hunting toothbrushes, when Cook and a crowd of boys came on them and commenced to rock them. Catching up with them Cook drew his knife and made a lunge at Blume's throat, who threw up his hand, receiving the cut on his arm, cutting it to the bone. The wound wa sewed up and Blume comedown and swore out a warrant for Cook this morning. Greensboro Record : W 7 hen No. 30, a fast train from the South, arrived yesterday after-j noon, Charley Adair, the yard conductor at this place was as tonished to see a man—or some thing that looked like a man— on top of the cars. It was a cold berth, but the fellow was made to get up and leave his perch. When he straightened up it was seen that he was a Chinaman, but he was fleet of foot and a pack of deer hounds could not have caught him Saturday night a car load of Chinese passed here under guard being sent back To San Francisco for deportation. They were gathered iu at Norfolk an it is thought the lone Chinaman on top of the car had escape.r and was making his way to some place where he would n->1 be molested, and perhaps h was, for it was impossible to! catch him. It was cold on top of that car, riding at the rate oi -50 miles an hour in a temp, r ature of about 30, but he was able to run like a deer when lie hit the ground. Remarkable Cure of Croup A LITTLE BOY'S LTI'R SAVED. I have a few words' to say re garding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my liitle bov's life and I feel that 1 can not praise it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Stoerc, of Godwin, S. D., and when I got home with it the poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten minutes until he "thre-v up" and then I thought sure he would choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out cf his. mouth iu great long striugs. I am positive that if 1 had not got that bottle of cough med icine, my boy would not be on earth to-day.—Joel Demont, Inwood, lowa, &or sale by Hood & Grantham. ARE YOU IVJSF A srraa* many people stiffer thrangh irnor _ . . ' vJ "- ant-e. The •/ don't know that fovaU lrfam mauoa there n n« realty to equal Mexican Maetang Tilt.}«.*.■»- an easy way anl a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in Order to kill disease germs and insure liealtliy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang Liniment rwl with t.hi* sarnie the thro*t at frequent iiiUrr*h The,i natiio t-b«» outii'le of the throat thoroughly with thtfXß- | rriHit ami ai«r loiii){ this Dour on a soft «loth n»d wraa.' ai'ouuti the noclc. It is a fuSITIVK CURE. ** Soc., oOe. and Ql.#o a bottle. IT SfiAY RF YflH hav * ' on * h#en troubled w-ith a nwßh 13 .J.H 3 Jt I U'J sere or ulcer. Treat it Rt once with HfwfE faju Mutcuag ijllaiucai and you can depend upon a upoedy cure. Next Confederate tie- \ Union. ' * AN ORDIR RHOARDING THE ! SAME FROM GENERAL MORMON. i New Orleans, January 4. The following orders establish ing the date of the next re-uniou of Confederate Veterans, which is to be held in Dallas, Texas, j were issued to-day by General j Gordon, commander-in-chief of the United Confederate Vet erans. H'do'rs United Confederate Veterans. New Orleans, La. Jan. 4. General Order No. 270. (1) The general command ing announces that under ihe custom established, by the as sociation leaving the datos of the re-union to the general com- j manding and the department! commanders, bv the unanitiMins; agreement and at the de-ir?- and acquiescence by "our host.* the next re-union will be held in Dallas, Texas, on April 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th, Jl)o2 Tuesday, Wednesday. J hursday and Friday, respectively. (2) On account of the rapid growth of ilie association and the immense accuinmulatiun of business which demands urgent attention at the conii-iji; session, four days will be iriv n for this important session unless the business is sooner disposed of by the delegates. / (.3) With pride, the general commanding also announces that 1,390 camps have now joined the association and ; p plications received at these headquarters for ninny more lie i .s- net to the?e he idqinrters for orgMiTTsatiou pij ers. fori camps at once and j i i- the as • social ion so a- to in car r \ing out it> benevolent praise worthy and j>;itsioti& objects. GLv) liG L MORMON. .-ind Chief of Staff. By order of .1. II GordvU. Gen eral Commanding. "Some time ago mv daughter icaught n severe cold. She com- I _ ~ plnincd, of pains in her che-t and had a bad c«ugh. 1 gave bar Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used ibis remedy in my family for the past seven years and .have never known it to fail," s.«ys James Prenderga-t, mer chant, Annato Bay. Jamaica, West India Islands. The pfiins [in the chest indicated ;n up proachinu smirk of pneumonia, which in this instance was un doubtedly warded off by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It eount-r-ic-s any tendency of a ,-old towa'rd pneumonia. Sold by Hood it Grantham. The damage by recent fl-ods to the State Farm in Halifax county will reach $20,000, it is stated, the dykes having been again swept away. No 51 Some merchants don't look at newspaper advertising right. They regard it as an expense. Advertising is as much an in. vestment as store rent, clerk hire, etc. Any investment may fail to b' l profitable, but there is less danger of failure to make a prt>:.T from judicious advertis ing ihan from other iuveet ments. To get the best result* from advertising some consid eration should be given to it juet like other features of your busi ness. You would not expect to plant a crop and get the best re suits by paying no further at tet tion to it; neither should you neglect your advertising.—Kin -ton Free I'ress. Cut this out and take it to iiood Si Grantham's drug storo • Jul get a free sample of Cham bfrlrun's Stomach and Liver I ablets, the best physic. They also cure disorders of the stem nch, billioustiess and headache. Thirteen States have now at • plied to Congress to make f r - vifinn lo amend the Constitu tion so as to call for the election by file people of U.S. Senator*, i bis shows considerable pro gress with the proposition which has now got beyond the- sug gestive -tag*. It is supported by public opinion on the ground that the Senators feel them selves too independent of the people,, and because of the gen eral belief that a number have bought their way to a seat, and may again—Brooklyn Citizen, Democrat. GUN#, *4.95 CENTS BUYS A GOOD GUN AT Dunn Hardware fe Furniture Co . ■ : H ©MM SAVE 50 PER C.F.MT ( p WOOD IF YOU WILL USE A GOOD HEATER. GET OL& PRICES.

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