ff 1| SUBSCRIBE FOR || fe YOUR HOME PAPER. Jg ft if It only costs $1 a year. || a Albert B. Harold, —ATTORNEY 'AT LAW, — DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re quired. Prompt attention to all business. Collections a specialty Office over DEMO CRATIC BANNER. Edward W. Poll. F. 11. Brooks. Pou & Srooks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SMITH FIELD, N. C. Claims collected. Estates set tled. Practice in Johnston and adjoining counties. E. S. SMITH. M. F. HATCHER. Smith & Atiornsys-af-Law, DUNN, - - - N. C. l'mciM-e ill all !l*e court? >f i!i- Stat*. Prompt attei'tlon to sill business entrusted, ii lir IVst otli-- BniMinff. 11. NCI.KAN. .J. i:. CLIFFORD McLean u Clifford, .A.ttoraa.eys-a.'t.X-ia/w, DUNN, : : : : N, C. tz? Office over J. .T. Wade'-' Store. W. A. STEWART. H.'L. GODWIN mm k GODWIN, Attorneys and Coasscilors-ul-law, DUNN, N. C. Will practice in State and Federal Courts but not lor fun. Smith, Hatcher & Smith, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Benson, N. C. Practice wherever services are needed. Special attention to matters entrusted. W- E- Murcliisou, JONESBORO. N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore Bnd other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20-1 y. Dr. J. C. DELW*IS®. Dunn, C. Office rooms on second floor J. J. Wade's building. THE BM 11. CAPITAL STOCK $20,C00. We offer unsurpassed advan tages, aud loan money on easy terras. We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L.J. BEST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier. DR. 0. L. WILSON, Dentist, I>LI IMIM, IM. C. OSlicice till Luckno.v Squaie, Dr. C. H. Sexton's old office. mmm m farhers m, MI, Ic. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L.STEPHENS, Cashier. llca.itM Slioul'l ,»vcr Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs. X. A. Web ster, of Winnie. Va., she writes "Dr. King's Ne\y Life pills wholly cured me of sick head ache, Constipation, Biliousness. 25c at C. L. Wilson's drug store. CASTORSA. tsars tia /) The Kind You Have Always Bought >-« k. -^vcr» t. y Vol. 1 1 . |j Suffer with indigestion or Dyspepsia j|j 'i TAKE 8 B fej | Coleman's 1 I Q uaran * ee I i Eat What You Want and be Happy. || f A Cured Man Says! H 9 "I had been suffering for a number '? of vears with Indigestion, and tried £j f! almost everything that I saw rec; m- gl £J mended for it, and COLEMAN'S GUAU- EL K AKTKE is the onlv thing that has ever K K given me any relief. I took two bot- Rj B> ties of it and now feel entirely well." HM K —J. D. Robinson, Danville, Va. Price 50 Cents. | SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. | » Coleman Kemedy Co., Danville. Va. Eg 538858S Why They Fail. It is not difficult to under stand why some fail in farm ing—not a few of those found in this business are wholly un fitted for it. They never Beem ro know how to make the most of their land, their horses, their cows, their hired men, or them selves. They pay for first cost, taxes and labor on three acres to keep a cow, when one acre will do just as well or better. They keep six horses in stabling, feed and harness, when four could do as well. They keep cows that give but COO gallons of milk, or 150 pounds of but ter in the year, when by better breeding and better feeding they could easily double the production. The extra horses and cows and the lack of suit able arrangements required an extra number of hands. More head work on the part of the master would enable fewer men to do more and better work everyway .—Exchange. Xlie Srorcl of I.on: E,ife Consists in keeping all the main organs of the body in healthy, regular action, and in quickly destroying deadly dis ease germs. Electric Bitters regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood, and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders in curing Kidney troubles, Female Complaints, j Nervous Diseases, Constipation. [ Dyspepsia, and Malaria. Vig orous health and strength al ways follow their use. Only 50c, guaranteed by C. L. Wil son, druggist, Stop the Rabbits. In some sections of the coun try rabbits are very destructive to young orchards, doing a vast amount of damage. An efficient remedy is to take a quantity of warm lard and with a brush ap ply it to the trunk to the height the rabbits cannot reach above. Rabbits will not eat things that are greased. —Emery Snider, Springfield, Ohio. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. •tv'li >dtst Church—Rev. A.. Forbes Fastoy :rvl :es tlrst Sunday night, and fourth Sun •v/ morning and niglit. Frayermeeting .i/ery Wednesday night. Su»day schcpl every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Q- K, Oranthaui Suyeriutendent- Baptlst Church.-Rev. .C. Barrett, i>astor. ; Services every second Sunday morning and i night. Frayermeeting every Thursday night ' Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. C. Clifford Superintendent. Frtebjtcrien (linl -lev. J*.. Hlnes pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night, Sunday school every Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superinten dent Disciple Church—Rev. D. H. Petree pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock P. T. Massengili Supt. Free Will Baptist Church.—Elder R. .C. .'ackson, pastor. Services every first Sun lay morning and night. Primitive Baptist.—Church or. Broad street Klder B. Wood, Pastor. Regular sfervi :6s on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur lay before. In each month at 11 o'clock. LODUE. Palmyra Lodge, No. 147, A. F. SL A. M. Hal! over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M ; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jones f. W.; J. a. Johnson, Secretary. Regular ommunications are held on the 3rd Satui lay at 10 o'clock A. 61., and on the Ist Friday it 7:30 o'clock p. m. iu each month. All Ma tons In good standing are cordially invited tj. attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. COUMISBIONKBS V. L. Stephens, McD. Holliday, J. D. Barnes I A. Taylor w. H. Duncan, Policeman. COUNTY OFFICERS Sheriff,feilas A. Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds. A. C. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McD jnald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County J. S. Black. Commissioners : E. F. Young, .Chairman N A. Smith, T. A Harrington. JOHN A. McKAY. ' E. F. YOUNG. Ml IKsiilittllCi. Edged Tool Foundry & Machine Works. We have one of the la.gest and best equipped plants in the State. Come and see for your selves. 30 men skilled in llie different branches of our business. REPAIR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OLD ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, &C MADE ALMOST AS GOOD AS NEW. ALL KINDS IRON & BRASS CASTINGS. ( Pulleys, Boxes, Post Hangers, Set Collars, Shafting, Gear Wheels, fec constantly on hand We also carry a large stock of tipe and Steam fittings of all kinds. Prices low down. FINE ARCHITECTURAL CASTINGS A SPECIALTY. We are agents for A. B. Farqnhar Cos. & Erie City Iron Works, Engines, Boilers, Saw-Mills, Threshing Machinery &c. Also Southern Saw Works Mill Saws. All the above at factory prices aud fully warranted. - \ r.o tc-iis of old Cast Iron wanted at once. We also buy old scrap brass. For catalogue, prices, or other informaiion address THE JOHN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN, N. C. FOR CIVIL CASES TO BE TRIED AT FEB RUARY TERM 1902 HARNETT SUPERIOR COURT. On Ist Monday Feby. 10 1902. Criminal Cases. On Tuesday Feby. 11 1902. Criminal Cases. Wednesday Feby, 12 1902, First Week. 5 Green vs Guy 10 Guy vs Green and Faucett 11 Burke Allen vs Sorrel and Best 18 Johnson vs Johnson 71 Shell vs Taylor Thursday Feby. 13. 30 Sorrell vs Cobb 32 Barnes Admrvs Fowler 33 Fowler vs Fowler 34 Parker vs McNeill 35 Jackson vs Trulove 59 Fowler vs Fowler 61 Holmes vs WWRII Co Friday Feby. 14 36 Stewart vs WWR RCo 85 Stephens vs McDonald 57 Jones vs W WRIi Co 58 Anderson vs W \V RR Co 102 Moore vs AC LCo 80 Hodges vs ACL Co 92 Page vs Page 94 Jernigan vs ACL Co 98 Johnson fc Johnson vs Barnes Saturday Feby 15 41 McNeill vs Smith 42 Smith vs Pope 44 Byrd vs Bradley 53 Smith vs Smith 72 Stewart vs Young 89 Holland &Co vs Insurance Co Monday Feby 17 39 Raud vs Gregory 43 Cummings vs Leefc and others 45 Garner vs Stewart 99 Cleveland Smith vs Hamilton et al 100 Cavenaugli &Co vs Moore et al 103 Flowers vs Matthews Shelter for Hog a in Wiuter. In protecting fattening hogs from the cold of winter, it is best to depend rather upon slied3 and windbreaks than on a large araouut of bedding. When chilled by exposure, hogs will invariably pile up, and with large heavy hogs this will prove disasterous to some of the herd where numbers are kept together. Too much bedding will only add to the danger. Last winter a neighbor, on one bitterly cold night lost more hogs than would have paid for help to have made a warm snd sheltered place for the swine to sleep in. A hay or straw bed' three feet high at the back and tour and half feet high in front, facing the South, would have cost him nothing for material, as it was lying about his place unused, aud if he himself could not find time to construct the shed, he could have hired the work done for less than the_.£ost of one hqg. It is looking at such things as these in time that marks the difference be tween the successful and the unsuccessful farmer. New England Homestead. Every man in the county should take his home paper aud keep up with the news at home. DUrSIN, IM. C. JANUARY 32,1002. Tuesday Feby 18 CO Rand vs McLeod et al G2 Best vs Pope 63 Holmes vs McLamb 04 McArthur vs Allen Go McLamb vs Holmes 104 Motley vs Gravely Wednesday Feby 19 00 Spence vs Spence and others 07 Bargain House vs Racket Store, 08 Brown vs Branch 73 Best vs Pool 74 Shell vs West 77 Harper vs Mcßrydc 78 Clark vs Board Education 79 Norissett vs Thornton 81 Shell vs West 105 McLean vs McLean and others Thursday Feby 20 84 Young vs Parker 80 Johnson vs Murchison 87 Waddell vs Waddell 88 Richardson vs Hodges 90 Buchanoti & B vs Buchanon 91 Parker & Parker vs Goodman 76 Ilandon vs McNeill Friday Feby 21st 93 Motley vs Gravely &Co 97 Slater Myers ACo vs Newberry 101 Johnson vs Elliott >vroTZo2sr. 15 McLeod vs McLeod 16 Barefoot vs Sorrell 23 Salmon vs Johnson 24 Godwin vs Jackson 25 Richardson vs Hodges 28 Taylor & Slocomb vs Salmon 55 White and others vs Salmon 56 Parker vs^Averit 96 Buchanon vs Buchanon Parker vs O. P. Shell All cases not calendared will be open for mo tions. Motions will be heard each morning up on couvening of court and at such other times as the presiding Judge may appoint. Witness es need not attend until 9 o'clock of the day for which their cases are calendared, Calendar Com: W E Murchison, J C Clif ford, O J Spears, J H Withers, Clerk Sup. Court. Teachers in Demand. A demand for teachers has come to Raleigh from Boston. President Winston, of the A. & M. College, has recently receiv ed requests from Boston for young men qualified to teach along industrial lines. One of these requests says : "We are especially desirous of finding good teachers in the following specialties: Civil, mechanical and electrical engineeriug. Sloyd aud manual training, geology ami geography, agri culture, veterinary-science and animal husbandry, farm su perintendents and dairymen." The salaries of teachers along these lines are higher than for similar talent in other lines. A bright young fellow, well edu cated industrially, can always command a good salary, whether as teacher or 'worker. Heretofore most of the 'gradur ates of the A. & M. Qollege have gone into lousiness, where the remuneration is both high and certain. Now that the demand for industrial teachers is so great. President Winston thinks that many of our boys will equip themselves for the teaching profession. It is rath er remarkable for Boston to ap ply to Raleigh for industrial and technical teachers, —News and Observer. Frove all things; hold fast that whii.". is good." Eclipses. ' There will be five eclipses in the year 1902, three of the sun and two of the moon. The first partial eclipse of the suu on April Bth, invisible here. The second is a total eclipse of the moon on April 22nd. Invisible here, but visible in Europe, Asia and Africa. The third is a partial eclipse of the sun on May 7th. This will also be invisible in out part of the globe. The fourth, a total eclipse* of the moon on October 16th, comes our way. This eclipse will be visible to all North and South America, in the Western part of Europe and Africa, and in Northern Asia. / The fifth and last eclipse for the year will be a partial eclipse of the sup on October 31st. This eclipse will not be visible in this country. l'oil4 it Di > nillj'4ttii'k. "My wife was so ill that good physicians were unable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., "but was completely cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills." They work winders in stomach. and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. 25c at C. L. ! Wilson's drug store. Judge Clark and "Jube'' Emory. When Justice Walter Clark, of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, was Superior Court Judge, he held a te/m of court in Raleigh. Swift Galloway was prosecuting attorney and had a number of cases on dock et in which the proof was very weak and unsatisfactory. Sev eral of the defendants in these casg9 were acquitted in consecu tive order, and the court and Galloway became so chagrined at the repeated verdicts of "not guilty," that Galloway moved the court that the entire jury be discharged, which was immedi ately done, Judge Clark admin istering a severe rebuke to them for their failure to perform their duty to the State. The defend ant who had been acquitted just before the jury's dismissal was one "Jube" Emory, who had been indibted for gambliug. The members of the jury filed out of the court room and wended their way to the office of the clerk to draw their per diem, "Jube" bringing up the rear in good or der. When they reached the office of the clerk some person who had been upstairs and had seen "Jube" on trial, asked him how he came out. "Oh," said the gambler, "I came clear, but damned if they didn't convict the jury."—Col. J. C. L. Har ris in the New York Tribune lie view. WILL NOT HIDE MY LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL. GENTLEMEN :—I will not hide my light under a bushel, for I want the people to know what your Gooch's Mexican Syrup has done for me. For four years I have been afflicted with Asthma, and could not get any thing to do me any good until 1 got your Gooch s Mexican Syrup. I tcok three bottles and it cured me entirely. I give you this hoping it may be the means of saving some one from a horrible and premature death. Yours under obligations, v REV. TITOS. B. WARWICK, Scott Town, O. Consumptives try it. It cures a simple cough as if by magic, and is the best remedy for whooping cough. Price 25 cents. Newspapers the Best. A few years ago it was said that 40,000,000 advertising cal endars had been given away in a single year, at a cost of $l,- 000,000, This year, it is stated most of the leading establish ments will not distribute cal endars, preferring to add the sum they would cost to their newspaper advertising appro priations. Nearly all schemes of publicity are worth something, but it is undeniable that the very best is newspaper adver tising.—Philadelphia Record. "Some time ago mv daughter caught a severe cold. She com plained of pains in her chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seren years and have never known it to fail," says James Prendergast, mer chant, Animto Bay. Jamaica, West India Islands. The pains in the chest indicated an ap proaching attack of pneumonia, which in this instance was un doubtedly warded off by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by Hood & Grantham. WANTED WIFE NO. 14. There is a doctor in Goshen, N. Y., by the name of James Nicholas Vanu v who having buried thirteen wives desires a ! fourteenth. He is 94 years old and has advertised for a new wife. For so old a man, who can only say : "1 divide my af fection with the thirteen I have put under the ground," ho is very particular. He advertises that he "prefers one that is young, plump, a light blonde,- handsome and musically in clined." To this advertise ment the venerable suitor has received over 200 answers. As Ion? as so many girls are will ing to play the May to Decem ber, the man who declared "marriage a failure" must see that he has made few converts. —News & Observer. ARE YOU WISE £ &PBB t? an T W 6 *&* throng i&u*- •»*» M ia ae easy way 1 and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in. order to kill disease genus and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of t Mexican Mustang Liniment !" and with this garde tbo throat at frequent intervals. Then bathe the outside of the throat thoroughly with the linf. I ment and after doing this pour some on a soft cloth and wrfei>) around the neck. It u a POSITIVE CUBE. 25c., 50c. and $l.OO a bottle. ST MAY RF Yflll lulve l° n & been troubled with a running II Inn I UL lUU tore or ulcor. Treat it at once with Mexl can Mustang LUniaent and you can depend upon a speedy cure. . Remarkable Cure of Croup A LITTLE BOY'S LIKE SAVED. I have a few words to say re garding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my liitlo bov's life and I feel that I can not praise it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Steere, of Godwin, S. D., and when I got home with it the poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten minutes until he "threw up" aud then I thought sure he would choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long strings. I am positive that if I had not got that bottle of cough med icine, my boy would not be ou earth to-day.—Joel Demont, Inwood, lowa, For sale by Hood & Grantham. Some merchants don't look at newspaper advertising right. They regard it as an expense. Advertising is as much an in vestment as store rent, clerk hire, etc. Any investment may fail to be profitable, but there is less danger of failure to make a profit from judicious advertis ing than from other invest ments. To get the best results from advertising some consid eration should be given to it jost like other features of your busi ness. You would not expect to plant a crop and get the best re sults by paying no further at tention to it; neither should you neglect your advertising.—Kin ston Free Press. OPENING OF WINTER TOURIST SEASON. The Southern Railway, which operates its own lines over the entire South and forms the im portant link in the great, high way of travel between t>lie North and South, Florida, Cuba, Mex ico, the Pacific Coast and Cen tral America, announces for the winter of 1901 and 1902 the most superb service ever offered. Its splendid regular service will be augmented by the Southern Palm Limited, a magnificent Pullman train, which will be operated between New York aud St. Augustine, Florida. Don't let the hours of sorrow go to waste. There is no other time when the Bible opens up its treasure more readily. Cut this out and take it to Hood & Grantham's drug store and get a free sample ef Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physie. They also cure disorders of the stera- T»ck, billiousuess aud headache. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the .SIfTZZT Signature of fCtfcJU&C No 52 The Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season And the placing on sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points in the South, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico ,and California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasville, Charleston* Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville,, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that your ticket react* VIA SOUTHERN KULWAT. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address R. L. VERNON. C. W. WESTBURY Traveling Fa»» -Kgt., District Fanfr. Ajrt. Cla.BLi'lotte,'' IT. C. Rlrh mena, "V«L 8. 11. HAKDWICK, General Passenger Ageit. J. M. GULP, W. A. TUHK, TrnJllc Manager. A*»t Pats. Traffic Mgr. rvgtoaa.. S. C. Vliidfi Way to Lire litif. The startling announcement of a Discovery that will surely lengthen life is made by editor 0. H. Downey, of Churubu.»c», lud. "1 wish to state," he writes, '"that Dn. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Grip. It's invalua ble to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medi cine no one need dread Pneu monia or Consumption. Its relief is instant and cure cer tain." C. L. Wilson guaran tees everv 50c and sl-.00 bottle, aud give trial bottles free. "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMER LANDS." The above is the title of an attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a two-cent stamp to S. H. Hardwick, G. I P. A,, Washington, D. 0.