" •■'* ■ ' 'vr y ;.-> ~• •', i-l .V.-' -^•'"■•V"*«-'«—i*-" 1 - "•'"- J *1 ( J f. • SUBSCRIBE FOR ):. Kr ' j H VOL ii IIOMK PAPER. V; ; ' ; - ** • F It onlv C-JHIS ?1 a year. *-4 -•; " v 5 -' 1.-.--- K\v"i ■«>" -, -* s J'. i • £«.' l '•* * J ' '•■ -V..... • . .- .-;-•1.-* ;-•*>;>.-• F T-M* •'V. . .F •£ . ? ?s j.-. t*f f] f+rj s*n hJ /si Jvi 4 £* * i e l*lm L> *•" f —ATTORNEY AT LAW,— 1)1 Ni'N, >•. o. P-actic" when >or service re-j 4 uiivd atention to, ji]' ;)\; 'iIIOSS. ColiCvtlOdS a i sp, i:..: v* o face o\ l- r Dr. MO- ! ORATii.' »> vS" Kil. i Eilwarl W. POII, F. 11. Brooks. Pcu & Breaks, AT TO RN EY S A T LA W, SMITH FIELD, N. C. Claims collected. Estates set tled. Practice in Johnston and adjoining counties. E. S. SMITII. M. V. lIATCHER. Smith & Hatcher, & Horn eys-a t-L a w, DUNN, - - - N. C. rrsctiot- in all tin' courts of the State. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Ofttcc in (lie old Post Office Building 11. J. C. CLIFFORD "clean 2 Clifford, _A.TI:®R:C-EY S-A.T.XJ&"W, DUNN, : : : : N. C. 5:5? Office ever J. J. Wade's Store. W. A. STEWART. 11.11- GODWIN STEWART & GODWIN, Attorneys and CoF.sellors-at-law, DUNN, N. 0. Will practice in State and Federal Courts but not for fun. Smith, Hatcher & Snath, A TTORN F. v >—AT—LAW , lien son, .C. Practice wneivvor servi- es are i ' eile 1 .; Special attention >" mattcjsentrusted. iONFSBORO. N. C. ' p W : ; il.f.v in Harnett, Moore &m' I.', i-r c • r '. -, liiit t h»i for fun. F-M-. Jj-ly. n -ft s ' 1 n ,i C i-rnC '.*/ i•? Sd! I . Cj- . S» » ''') y'/ kf&gl i. I d '■r y.i .*1 I U IS ir«.: i j-! t i.'l "4 . Dunn, C. 0 lie. looms on s cond floor J. J. Wii'le's building. Tilt B.M BEE F AI-ITA:. STOCK $20,000. WP olfer uii'iirpassed advan-J tage-, aud loan money on easy terms V, T e will extend every ac'-'oininodati j.i consistent with con.-;- rv •; ti ve banking. L. J. i JKST, President. .f. W. PL'KDI?;, Cashier. FF> ft / WU QpPJ i « ra j> if' if 3it •« 4/ J !»' y r" Dentist, OUNiSI. M. C. C> " i• 'o on Lucknow Sqnare, D:\ ( ii. Sexton's old oiiice. ■R F* rr !pij i\ T ■ wi' r 1 n uriiC :.M! i:\h3ltihoj ib'i mvr hrvv r n i * i\. u.; CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Evi.ry acconiniodntion oherocl t- the jMshlic. E. F. Vor.N'j, President. Y. L. STKI'IIKNS, Cashier ! Ai-hc. Never endu:-' this trouble.] l'-c at once the remedy that: st d it for Mrs. X. A. Web-1 st( r, of Winnie. Va., she writes ''i J «•. King's New Life I'il'.sj w:; ■' v ••(!!• (1 me of sick In ,ul a';i(, on-ti;niUon, F>iliousness. i 2»c at ('. L. Wilson's drug store. CiLfa^'OßSA. /' |i W *' || j| 1 j V 01. 1 -2-. Acute \ Hvsoepsia /£y. Ja A; VH. 3v {; . - %4T''#SS^ r BagC .c? /s^ask Ct"SED r.v TWO BOTTLES OF Guarantee " Sold on. its i»i©i lt." Mrs. J. C. FARRAR, Danville, Va., says: " I suffered for two months with Acute pep>ir.. n«i could f.nd no relief. Prescriptions ol the best doctors did me no pood. My friends ad vised me to try "Coleman's Guarantee." and 1 found almost instant relief, the time I had taken two bottles I was entirely cuied." PRICE 50c. A BOTTLE. Sold by all druggists. £iT*Money refunded if it fails to cure. CQLEUAfi BEMEQY CO., Danville. Va., U. S. A' Good Roads. Great movements often re quire long time for their full de velopment. This seems to be true of the Good Roads Move ment in this the United States of America. Why it should be so is rather diliicult to under stand. j Good roads are the funda mental necessity for a prosper ous and happy citizenry. Easy | transportation and comfortable i locomotion are essential to so • i ' ! eial growth. We take it for granted that all will admit that good roads are a public blessing. That they increase the value of land build t:n communities and i • ! ,• r crease tne value ol farm pro viliCtS. C.'onvict labor can not be use*! i inywliere e!-e without coinin. - I in contlict or compel tion with 'free labor, Here t!\ey wouie i be working for the public !»-v;ie iii and nor competing with anv i one Good road.- will IHp the ! farmer, the merch.ant, the me ichanL\ the i.-rofesdonal man. the church, th school, the town icounty, the men, th> worn-; and the chiiuien. They will i help th horse and ihe muh . Tiic bicyclist and the autoino i,: list, the mountaitier, the h.i I man and the dwellers amonp' j the sands and pines and goph | ers. ! They will help th-> body, th j brain and tin soul. —Selecied. r s"llC Sffivt of E.OMU "Am\ % Consi.-i- in keeping all the ; main or-? of the body in ; lieaithy, re ular action, and ii ! quickly destroying deadly das lease germs. Electric Hitters | gulate Stomach. Liver and ; Kidneys, purify the blood, and 1 j give a splendid ajjpeti'.e. Ti.e;. | work wonders iit curing Kidiie\ jtroui'les, Female (louq/iaints, :j Nervous Diseases, Constipation ! Dy.-pepsia, and Malaria. \ jorous health and strength al- I w;;ys follow their use. Only i 50c, guaranteed by C. L. AVil ison, druggist. TO WIT DIRECTORY. CITUP.eHF.S. «-;*h xltßt Church—Ke-.. A. Forbes Pastor -J\ :es iir3t Sunciay liiirht, and fourth Sun moraißif and Prayermeetilig .•'ivy Wednesday night. Si-.H iay school evpry Sunday morning at 1U o'clock, Q. K. 1 ran: bam .Siu-erlutendeiit. Baiiti.-t Chcrch.—ReT. . C. Earr-it, 1-a.stnr i- ric-tia every r.ecoDd fujiic.} morning &•' I -Jsiriit. every Thursday uig-h: j Sunday Sci.ool e*'ery sundry u-0.-nin j-, J. C • :IlToitiaS'C-riMtttijC.ei.t. 5 n ii-; it ■; in (liii) -}o 1 .'.lino .Mjtcr. S'i'viccß ever* lir.it ai.d UfthSuiidaj r:;jr-iin>f and night, Sunday school ' es-lay moriiing,!). 11. Mcl.i au, J,nt I.'kcljde Cliurei Rev. I>. 11. lVtree pav 'or. Si-rvici-K y third Sunday li.ornisi.' I ind l'j'iiyi.r moetiiiif ovt-ry Tuisdaj j ui;,'lit.. Sunday School every Sunday evcciui j it .1 o'clock P. T. liassfciisiu Supt. ! i fee Will Bsftis-t Clinrch.- Hldcr R. C ! iaoJi;.r.i!, j.astcr. Services every first Sun lav moruiiitr and night. Primitive B?T'Ust.—Church on Broad street :/;ter I'. Wood, Pastor. Regular servi •ty -,u the third SaM ati. ruorning. and Satur j i*y before, in each month at 11 o'clock. I.OIKJ E. : Paiuiyra 1.0-'jre,No. li 7, F. & A.M. H:il ! j -ver Free »S ill Bavtist church. F. P. Jona£ ! W. M.; V'. A. J( l;!:s«!ii, S. W.; r.. A. Jorte:- !. W.j J- O. Joirasou, 's>ry. lUgulii j omniuiiicatloiis r.re hold f-;: the 3rdSat:ir iay alio o'clock A. M., and on the Ist Friday it 7:30 o'clock i>. Ei. in each month. AllMn • so:! ! it. goodstandiTig ar>! c':-:;al!y invited t ? attend these comiiiunicatlons. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. COM>!!S.SJONEBS 7. L. Stephens,Mcl>. Hoiliday, J. I). Barnes J A Taylor, w. H. Duncan, Pcliceman. COUNT y OPFICEBS '"r'iriiJ.silea A.Salmon, j C i >rk. I'-r. J. H. Withers. Rc;-i?ter of Deeds, A. O. Kollovray. Tn-smri r, L. T>. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. TOcD >uald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner,;p.ev. J. 8. Black, | Commissioners : E. F. Young, .Chairman | N A. Smith, T. A Harrington. JOHN A. McKAY. E - F - YOUNG. j ma- *5fT ■?? TT Pi* ft •liip no I lip^filPSPlWll ift ilib mi. il. MbMj uu. 9 Edged Tool Foundry & Machine Works. We have one of the largest and best equipped plants in the Htate. Come and see for your selves. 30 men skilled in the different- branches of our business. S.fS" M A CHINE REPAIR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.^ OLD ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, &C MADE ALMOST AS GOOD AS NEW. ALL KINDS IRON & BRASS CASTINGS. Pulleys, Boxes, Post Hangers, Set Collars, Shafting, Gear Wheels, &c constantly on hand We also carry a large stock of Pipe and Steam fittings of all kind,-;. Prices low down. FINE ARCHITECTURAL CASTINGS A SPECIALTY. ~ _ We are agents for A. B. Farqtihir Cos. & Erie City Iron Works, Engines, Boilers, Threshing Machinery ,% % ; "^ c - Also Southern Saw Works Mill Saws. All the above '"■■y' '- 'O ..'"-'-AA sold at factorv prices and fully warranted. -- ■ - • " v: .. -..v • --U - 1 We arc among the largest g © /, y' makers of Tobacco Flues n— :■] the State. We make the best k v yand the price is right. Plat %w yv. . ; ; your order with us and run j/ ~ t ■} --^ J" 0 risk. . ■ Qpri,xxxsLi.-izs:-:^^j£3g:'.vtWai^- ' V ; - ; oO tons of old Cast Iron wanted at once. We also buy \f\ .. ? . old scrap brass. For catalogi e, prices, or other informaiion address THE JOHN A. MCKAY WFG. CO. DUisijyr, N. G. -- T-- -rj -rr "VHV /> Sfj Afc J jftj! ti $h £% FOR CIVIL CASES TO BE TRIED AT FEB RUARY TERM 1902 HARNETT SUPERIOR COURT. On Ist Monday Feby. 10 1902. Criminal Cases. On Tuesday Feby. 11 1902. Criminal Cases. W» dnesdav Feb v. 12 1902, First Week. 5 Green vs Guy 10 Guy vs Green and Faucett 11 Burke Alien vs Sorrel and Best I sl Johnson vs Juhu.von 71 Shell vs Taylor Thursday Feby. 13. :;» Sotrc'l vs Cobb :i2 Barnes Admr vs Fowler Fowler v Fowler 3-1 Parker vs McNeill 35 Jackson vs Trulove f.9 Fowler vs Fowler 01 Holmes vs V. \\ li 11 C ) Friday Feby. 14 30 Stewa-t vs W W II RCo Xf> Stephens vs McDonald 57 Jones vs WW II il Co 5S Anderson vs V. \V Ril ( o 102 Moore vs A C LCo 80 Hodges vs ACL Co 92 Page vs Page 9-i Jernigan vs ACL Co 98 Johnson Si Johnson vs Barnes Saturday Feby 15 41 McNeill vs Smith 42 Smith vs Pope 44 Byrd vs Bradley 53 Smith vs Smiln 72 Stewart vs Voting 89 Holland &Co vs Insurance Co Monday Feby 17 39 Rand vs Gregory 43 Ouminings vs Lcct and others 45 Garner vs Ste wart 99 Cleveland Smith vs Hamilton et al 100 Cavenaugh cc Co vs Moore et al 103 Flowers vs Matthews He Neve? Fell in Love With His v/ork. A visitor to a farm was espe cially struck by the re: t rug redness and strength ol one e>f the stalwart harvest hands, and said to the farmer : "That fellow ought to be chuekfull of work." "He is," replied the farmer, "or he ought to be' because i hain't never been able to get none out of him," This man never fell in love with his work, and hence was regarded as a good-for-nothing by his employer,—Success. - ■ «•« ' Our honor is something that is hurt when we get found out. No man can ever make a woman believe he loves her un less he will put his head in her lap sometimes and tell her it rests him. A woman's idea of a good photograph of herself is when a frieucl looks at it and says. "What a beautiful woman! Who is she?" When you have tried every thing else on a woman and it lias failed tell her you are puz zled to know why it is she al ways reminds you of the Fau bourg St. York Press. "Prove all things; holdfast that which is good." r>UIMN, IM. C. JANUARY 29, 1902, Tuesday Feby 18 GO Rand vs McLeod et al 02 Bc-st vs Pope 03 Holmes vs McLamb 04 McArthur vs Alien 05 McLamb vs Holmes 10-1 Motley vs Gravely Wednesday Feby 19 Gt> Spence vs Spence and others G7 Bargain House vs Racket Store 08 Brown vs Branch 7:1 Best vs Pool 74 Shell vs West 77 Ilarper vs Mcßryde 78 (Mark vs Board Education 79 Norisi-ett vs Tliornton 81 Shell vs West 105 McLean vs McLean and others Thursday Feby 20 84 Young vs Parker 80 Johnson vs Murchisou 87 Waddell vs Waddell. 88 Liciiardson \ Hoi'grs 90 Buchanoti & B vs Buchanon 91 Parker A I'aiker vs (.oodman 70 Ilandon vs McNeill Friday Feby 21st 93 Motley vs Gravely it Co 97 Slater Myers it Co vs Newberry 101 Johnson vs Elliott KOT::C^T. 15 McLeod vs McLeod 10 Barefoot vs Sorrell 23 Salmon vs Johnson 24 Godwin vs Jack 1 on 25 Richardson vs Hodges 2S Taylor it Slocomb vs Salmon 55 White and others vs Salmon 50 Parker vsAvcrit 90 Buchanon vs Buchanon Parker vs O. P. Shell All cases not calendared will be open for mo tions. Motions will lie heard each morning up on convening of court and at such other times as the presiding Judge may appoint. • Witness es need not attend until 9 o'clock of the day for which their cases are calendared. Calendar Com : W E Murchison, J C Clif ford, 0 J Spears. J II Withers, Clerk Sup. Court. Means well, But Has the Robin son way. It hardly seems possible that another such man as W. S. O' B. Robinson sits on the judi cial bench in the United States, lie doesn't do things like other men. He tries not to and suc ceeds admirably. He has away of his own and very few people seem disposed to want to take it away from him. But for all that, Judge Robinson has qual ities as a judge that are worthy to be commended, and we just want to say so. We believe he wants to see the innoce nt go un harmed and the guilty taught a lasting lesson about crime. He charges a jury in a queer sort of a Robinson way, but behind it all there is a strong respect for the law and a terrible arraign ment of wrong-doing. —North Carolina Baptist. Foil* si An;«-k. "My wife was so ill that good physician 3 were unable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, IncL, "but was completely cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills.'' They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. 25c at C. L. Wilson's drug store. The Divorce Bill. Statistics show that divorces are on the increase. This is not true alone in North Caroli na, where the increase has been alarmingly large, but it is a world wide evil. In Scotland the increase in divor ces has been forty per cent in the past ten years. In the States of America the increase has been large. The At lanta Constitution has been making some investigations and it has figureel that the aver age number of divorves granted in the States mentioned cover ing the last few years, are as follows: Utah 170, Colorado 152, Oregon 98, Rhode Island 80, California S7, New Hamp shire 75, Conneticut 74, Maine 67, Indiana 09, Michigan 00, and Illinois 04. The evil is present, it is alarming, it threatens our civi lization and the home. What is tlie reined}'? —News it Ob server. For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Lumber Combine. A Move Intended to Head off The First Syndicate. Norfolk.—A large manufac turer of North Carolina pine lumber announced here that per sons representing large lumber manufacturing interests i u Michigan have made a proposi tion to 'mill owners hereabouts to form a lumber trust and that it is being considered by the trade. He said that should Messrs, Chas. R. Flint, August Belmont and other New York capitalists attempt to carry out their expressed purpose to con solidate the North Carolina pine interests they will find that the price of mills is high and will meet with difficulties. He s lid the lumber market is in good J shape and the time forthefoum dation of a combination is not so favorable as it was when Mr. Piatt, former Governor Smith of Maryland antl others char tered the Bay Liter Tennessee and (*: me heie under the pre tence of hunting and looked over the field. He said that practically ali the standing timber on this coast is owned by the mills, and in the present state of the trade mill owners are very stiff.— Post. WILL NOT HIDE MY LIGHI UNDER A BUSHEL. GENTLEMEN : —I will net hide my light under a bushel, for I want the people to know what your Gooch's Mexican Syrup lias done for me. For four years I have been afilicted with Asthma, and could not get any thing to do me any goccl until 1 got your Gooch's Mexican Syrup. I took three bottles and it cured me entirely. I give you this hoping it may be thc means of saving some one from a horrible and premature death. Vours under obligations, REV. TIIOS. B. WARWICK, Scott Town, (). Consumptives try it. It cures a simple cough as if by magic, and is the best remedy for whooping cough. Price 25 cents. THE BOY CAN ATTEND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. An order was issued yester day which overrules decisions made by the county board of education and district school committee and declaring that a public school pupil debarred from attendance must be al lowed to go to the sch#ol. The case is one in which the boy had gone from the county to another, from Ids mother's home to that of his grand-father, the latter place to be his home, and objection was raised to his attending the public school in his grandfather's district. The mother made affidavit that she had given the boy to his grand father to raise, but inasmuch as he had coine into the dis trict after the school census was taken the contention was made by the district committee that he would not be cntitleil to j school privileges until the next school year. Appeal was taken to the county superintendent of schools, who held that the boy was entitled to attend the schools. The elistrict commit tee then appealed to the coun ty board of education and they sustained the position taken by the district committee, that the boy should not attend school until the next year. Then there was a final appeal to the superintendent of public instruction with the result that an order was issued yesterday for the boy to be allowed to at tend the school, thus reversing the position taken by the two boards and sustaining the rul ing of the county superinten dent.—Raleigh Post. "Some time as;o mvdaughter caught a severe cold. She com plained of pains in her chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail," says James Prendergast, mer chant, Annato Bay. Jamaica, West India Islands. The pains in the chest indicated an ap proaching attack of pneumonia, which in this instance was un doubtedly warded olf by Cliatn jberlain's Cough Remeely. It i counteracts any tendency of a 1 cold toward pneumdnia. Solel : by Hood & Grantham. ARF YOU WSSF A great wanf people suffer through ignor ".* UU Mi3C ,w Thoydojrt knew that for all inflam auon there is no remedy to equal Mexican Mustang Liniment* ao easy way * and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to. take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang liniment anrl with this gargle the throat at frequent intervals. Then bathe the outside of the throat thoroughly with the lini- I ment and after doing this pour some on a soft cloth und wrap ) around the neck. It is a POSITIVE CURB. 20c., oOc. and $l.OO a bottle. ST |U?AY PC YfiSl liavo lon £ 1,66,1 troubled with a running Si ii!n s.« t sore or ulcer. Treat it at oneo with Mexi can Mustang liiiniuent and you can depend upon a speedy cure. 4 Remarkable Cure of Croup A LITTLE BOY'S LIFE SAVED. I have a few words to say re garding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my liitle l)Ov's life and 1 feel that I can not praise it enough. I bought [a bottle of it from A. E. Steere, of Godwin, S. D., and when I s;ot home with it tlie poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten minutes until he "threw up" and then 1 thought sure he i would choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long strings. I am positive that if I had not got that bottle of cough med icine, my bo}- would not be on earth to-day.—Joel Dcmont, |ln wood, lowa, For sale by ; Hood & Grantham. A couple of farmers in Indi ana who got tired raising things that everybody else was rais ing, concluded they would try snake culture, and are making money at it. They don't fool with the vcnemous kind, but find the others hospitable and sociable. The snakes, of which the garter snake is preferred, are fed twice a month and get fat. They are fed on young chickens, birds, mice, etc., and are big and fat enough to kill at three months old. The oil is used for medicinal, lubricat ing and other purposes. Last year they killed 100,000, and this year they expect to double the number. —Wilmington Star. OPENING OF WINTER TOURIST SEASON. The Southern Railway, which operates its own lines over the entire South and forms the im portant link in the great high way of travel between the North and South, Florida, Cuba, Mex ico, the Pacific Coast and Cen tral America, announces for the winter of 1901 and 1902 the most superb service ever olf'ered. Its splendid regular service will be augmented by the Southern Palm Limited, a magnificent Pullman train, which will be operated between New York and St. Augustine, Florida. Don't let the hours of sorrow go to waste. There is no other time when the Bible opens up its treasure more readily. Cut this out and take it to Hood & Grantham's drug store and get a free sample of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. They also cure disorders of the stom ach, billiousness and headache. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought No 1 The Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season j Ami the placing on sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points in the South, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico,and California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasville, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis anu THE LAND OF THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that your ticket read 9 VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address 11. L. VERNON, C. W. WKSTBURY Traveling Pass. Agt., District Vans. Agt. Charlotte, IT- C. E.icli.rcLoaa.3., Va S. 11. lI AUDWICK, Gcner.il Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, W. A. TURK, Trailic Manajrer. AsKt Pa."K Traffic Mgr. asliixxgrtoaa.. C. • t'inrts Way to l ive Long. The startling announcement of a Discovery that will surely lengthen life is made by editor 0. H. Downey, of Churubusco, lud. "I wish to slate," he writes, ''that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Grip. It's invalua ble to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medi cine no one need dread Pneu monia or Consumption. Its relief is instant and cure cer tain." C. L. Wilson guaran tees everv 50c and $l.OO bottle, and give trial bottles free. "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMER LANDS." The above is the title of an attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a two-cent stamp to S. H. Hardwick, (i. P. A,, Washington, D.O.