THE Pert' (forQtig Stttifts?' ~~TTmm, Editor. M. F. HATCH Ml. Business Manager. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Three Months Cents. Six Months Vi'rn One Year * 0 • Sent by Mall. Payable in advance. PUBLISHED EfEP illM. B@rTiiG I>fmocka'i ie Baxukk is the ORIGINAL County Union, sub-iriber> Avill jilease tike notice, Entered accenting to postal regula tions at the postotiice at Dsnn, y. C., as geconil class matter. DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Dunn, N. C., February li"» 02. CONGRESS AMD THE PHILIP PINES. A few days ago we were af forded the unusual spectacle ol the Senate, the most dignified legislative body in the world, almost on the verge of personal combat. To use the words ol an exchange, "they acted just like other folks." All this was the result of a discussion concerning what shall be done with, that white elephant of the administration, the Philippines. Our advent into these, of late, well known Islands, was an in cident in the war against Spain. Cuba was liberated in the Orient. Strange that the sub jugation of one people should be the vicarious atonement for the freedom of another; still more inexplicable that this great Republic should proclaim the sacrifice and herself execute the bloody decree. The state of affairs which in Cuba had aroused the indignant sym pathy of the American people was, nevertheless, according t> all testimoney, much more tolerable than that which ob tained in the Philippine Islands. There the same despotic mon archy had inflicted an even greater oppression for more than three hundred years. The burdens of taxation borne by the Filipinos, the extortions practiced upon them, the awful punishments they suffered, the wanton and bloody cruelty of which they were the constant victims; the-e things had scarcely been paralleled in his tory, and had sufficed to stain to permanent discontent and in termittent revolution a people of kindly disposition and of naturally peaceful habits. Yet these experiences had not been without their discipline. A certain self reliance was generat ed, and a common suffering stimulated the latent feeling oi nationality that grew into the hope, and finally into the de termination for independence. When we ratified the treaty of Paris, by which we took a nominal title to the Philippine Islands, it was well understood in Congress at that time that: we were acting more in the 11a- j ture of a trustee of an express | trust than in the nature of proprietor of these so called new possessions. It was well understood at that time that the | Philippine Islands would he; permitted to set up a govern-1 ment of their own, exactly as! we had promised Cuba tint she ' should sot up a government of; her own, and that no attempt whatever would be made, upon the part of this government to reduce those islands to colonies of the United States, or hold them in subjection anyfurther or any longer than was necessary to enable them to set up a gov-1 ernment of fheir own and get; well underway with that gov- ■ ernment. The whole policy of the Ad- \ ministration, it seems, has! changed since then. Why it' lias changed we do not know ; 1 and now we have been engaged: since the close of the Spanish-1 American-war, in fighting those I feeble people, who are strug-' gling simply for their liberty j and for the privilege of erecting and conducting a government such as we ourselves enjoy. It is not easy to fix with ac curacy tho time when the de sign was formed to take pos- j session of the Philippine Islands ' nor to ascertain the mind in ! whose "gloomy recesses" this enterprise of sacrilege and' violeuce first gathered form and pressure. There has indeed been evidenced a disposition by i its most illustrious sponsors, as 1 if their prophetic seuls already ; trembled at the inquisition of! after ages, to impute the du-' bious responsibility to Provi- ! deuce itself. We know not! which to admire the more, the I modesty which disclaims credit! for the policy, or the colossal: presumption which challenges and betrays the vaunted con fidence of the Almighty. This alleged partisaeship of" Heaven in schemes not susceptible of j j iK'M-oftbs justification is as olri ! its liitnlUi jU-lijjuu et'Jl!s»il ' ness. No despotism but lias ;no outworn tyranny that lias not hiden its shriveled ugliness behind it; Attiia called himself the "Scourge oi t'Jwd." George 11l nosed as the special providence of 'he American colonies. For cen turks the divine right of king-' barred the pathwuy of human progress. This excuse or reason, is in excusable Lu the white light >: modern common sense. Men are free moral .-tgHiits. \\ in!' Providenc : desir s the right, ii is at our own peril that we inns' lin.l what is the right iu:U do it Duty is, of course, a universal obligation. But what is duty? This is a matter of decision by human faculties; and any de cision is subject to review, to investigation, perhaps to re versal. No man, no party, no nation, can escape accounta bility for actions bv attributing their origin to any other source than human judgment. The policy of the Administration toward the Filipinos must be justified, if ever justified at all, in the forum of the resaon and conscience of mankind. - —— Favorite Nearly Every where. Constipation means dullness, depression, headache, gene-al ly disordered health. DeWitt'f Little Early Risers stimulate the liver, opens the bowels and relieves this condition. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills flood fc Grantham. GROUND lIOG DAY. To-day, Feb. 2nd. is put down by all weather prophets as u? eventful day. It is "Ground If >g" d ty, February 2nd being so called because of an old Dutch proph ecy that says his groundhog ship on this day .emerges from his retreat and t ikes a look at the sky above. If the conditions are such that he can see his shadow, s> the prophecy runs, he will take fright and dash back into his winter quarters, leaving us with the prospect of six more weeks of cold weather. But if he docs not see his shadow, and there is no prob ability that he will in ihis sec tion to-div, then back of winter is broken and the bright er days of spring are getting closer.—News and Observer. CO MM IS SIGNER'S S A LE. Oil tin* SJrd tl.iv of March 10,2. being Monday, :iio iir.iU r-iijticil t 0111111'-- iouei'4 appointed by 11 ;■ j-r?i-tr S :]>•; i.-i Court in the :ic!i">:i in said Court !e pem!ili>r entitled -J. W I'-p;.;!), A hnV. of f.ewi- Pipkin .ig-.-u.-t H. c. .»[ -Vfii:. . 11. Mi Will ninl heirs at law h'-tA. S McNeill. "Will sell at auction the following described 'lands |iying .mil belni: in Harnett eotititv, North Carolina, to wit: All list.* following tracts of lanil ' longing to the llci; s at law of A. s. Ml! Ncill, deceased, lyin;; on an! mar Ihe fork of Cape Fear ami Upper Little I fiver.-. Tliij tract known as the Sill lie tract li«-«iiii.iiij; ;.t the mouth of I pper I.itt le I!»v *r an I i- bounded *on the North by tli" lands l> longing to the heirs of L -ws I'ljikin. deceased, on the Ka-t l»y tap" Fear river, on the S rith by the la of J. 1,, Sieith and on j We-t by the I uids of .1. 1.. .Slll it! 1 ami the land belonging to rh • heirs of I.'y.vis l'ipkiu iKeea-ed. Also another tract of .10 i.eres, iiiore or Jo.- including I'.-* of Bear 1.-.1.m is known as the k- E\a-.s tract." I lour of-ale 2 o'clock p. in. Terms of sal • one half cash and balmce i:i 12 months Title rc.-erve I until |; sy:tient of oinchase price. This February 3rd. lf.o-2. •I C. CI.IFF )K|). \Y. K. Muiumsov, (.'ommissioßers. HIE MAN \ni-j WANTS TO DRESS WELL v/iii iind u £.: i c::;y and inexpensive mailt? if he v/;il wear ' ' cloines, II , i "International"clothes . \ (e I »-e niade by the largest | I '■'''szt I and most reliable tailoring j I t CtC 1 -" « concern i . t'.ic -.roild, v;2la 1 j JWO& " ? 1: adqccitc!s at New [ I ? York and Chicago. Every j I A\ | garment is made strict! / | §f $-¥'s\ t 15 measure and is gua:- A ' i I ' «' tntccct to give complete yst ij\ raj'* \\ f satisfaction. You can't i f. '' Jjt £'■ > | g- fc better clothes mad J v-w- | to order anywhere. You l';*v £"3 6 can't get any so good for Jj3 f-j'3 | such low prices as the 1:4 f" " International" charges. I ... ..., I We handle this line because we know we can recommend " International " garments in every respect. If* in and let us show you the Internationa!'' samples of over 600 up-to-date patterns T. C. OUNG, St CO., Dunn, N. C. Trivti-fifr Fw Mr>. Thames. The North Carolina Represe:> tative Cr >.-ses Swords With "Joe" Cannon. Although he seldom address-! jes the House when he gets u> i | to speak R preventative Charles ; Randolph i srv:nas, ( f the Third i North. Car > inndistrict, not on-j iiy "r.-fys li:ii..;s, but talks to j j some puv.p.'M; This wa-i (iem-1 l« :i - r ;'eu w hen thu Urgent. l>i-| i iicienc) i.iii under consider-1 atiou. 1. i.s colleague, Mr. S'.naP, ha i oifcre.i an amend-; incut appro; : i iting sl2,f>oo to ■ complete i e Marine biological : station at Beaufort, N. C., and Mr. Cannon, in charge of the bill, was opposed to the amend ment. "Uncle Joe" made a rather sharp ligi.t against the ap propriation. and at one time it looked very much as though the *12,51)0 would be knocked out. And it was at this point that Mr. Taomas "got in h's line work " lie had in the meantime, however, put in ;i personal plea with h'.s Demo cratic col!; ;\gu3s for the young fishes to be hatched at Beaufort, and when he addvssed the House in support of ihe amend ment he r icived the closest at :ention. lie frankly told the members that he was not only interested 111 iho amendment in behalf of the cause of science, but personally interested be came the county in which the fish hatchery is located will be come a part of his district after tho next general election, and this was refreshing. The Gov ernment had, he said, appro priated money for a fish hatch ery at Tupelo, Miss., the home of "Private" John Allen, and a lobster hatchery on the of Maine, and whv not complete 1 the one already authorized ; t Beaufort. His plea for fish struck tin. I I hearts of a-1 true anglers, with | the result th it the amendment was carried by a margin of four votes. It was Mr. Thoma-s' j short tahc that saved the day. ■ and the fish in the Beaufort ; [ laboratory will sing his praises. j —Washington 'l imes. - important Notice. The readers of this paper! have doubtless noticed that j since the iirst of the year it has j appeared under new manage-; nunit. 1 hold ail -übse;iytiiiti ! accounts due up to lirst i. .and would thank my friends to; call ami settle the same. I will i !>j at Lillington M-mday an 1' fue-d-iy of Feb. court, anil will expect many to settle up. The; accounts represent onr jji-tdii ! and we believe many of ourj friends will be prompt to t tle u[). Yours truly, J. P. Pl'I'TM AX, Dunn, N. C. LAND SALE. Ity autlu.rity of a in denl froui K. .1. ai d v.ife, Minnie M.l Jcr..ij4ii. ItcCur.l d i.i B >r>k Xo 2. pisrel ls7. IJcgi'-tcr of Deet's ofiic.- for il e. I uett county, 1 will 011 Fiiday the 7.h i diyof Much. t:'(»2 at 12 o'clock M., at ' tli * Town I!i!l in • >11:111, X. 1 .. Hat nctt ' county, sell to tie highest biddt r for | co- i- h: u-e and Lot m South l>;i n, 1 II 1 iii'! 1 con ! y; I> st. a st ik - u 0 c side of M tsinoiia trei t. W ( . i lia-s' orncr. and ru 1 \« ir::hi- li c X- r h 'e--t 207 f it to >a.d Bas- corner | in K.*-. iiii". Thenc • his line Son,|| • 7' we-t ."ill f.-ef to a -I.ike iii s-id I.i e*.- ' line. Thence S eitli "i2.i Ka-t 2(17 feet to I a stake in the ivl:r -of ,t| i;mdi.i s're - t. j Thence "JVcth.'o.! Fist \\i!h M i£llo|; ii f-tieet at) feet to t'!«• C(inf;ti'i- j in« .D.Uild squire fecr, more or less. I' i !lie -t v !i day of F b.'iiari lli"2. I*. I'. Masspn'uim,, Mortgagee. ' 1 Some Reasons | :i] Why You Should Insist on Waving Hi HKffilS 08. § 'f! y nequaled by any other. ■ i| Renders liar*! leather soft, [j Especially prepared. |5 ij'-'eps out water. C! f? A heavy bodied oil. ji [Harness /?4i excellent preservative. h Reduces cost of you'- harness. I? h ever bnrns the leather; ita t j Lj Efficiency is increased. ij >! Secures best service. •'! Stitches kept from breaking. ijjoa i jj Os sold in all :| L.OCalitieo Manufactured liy Standard Oil (!o:npaßj^jH LAND SALE. By authority of a mortgage deed from A. H. Johnson and wife, Maggie P. Johnson, re corded in Book V, No. page 100 register of deeds x>lHce for Har nett countv, we will on Monday Feb. 10, 1902, at 1 o'clock p. m at the Court House door of Harnett county, Lillington, N. C., soil to the highest bidder at 'public auction for cash, a tract of land in Neill's Creek town ship, Harnett county, beginning •it a stake in the line between John Wilder and A. J. Rlalock formerly Johnson & Voster, running thence S. C'!.V \\ r . 40 chs. and 25 links to a pine at the River, llicnco G(.-| E. 32 chs and 30 Jinks to a stake and pointers near said road thence S. E. 11 chs and 50 links to a poplar in Mill Creek, thence up said creek N. 44 \\ 10 chs. ami 44 links to a biack jguui, thence lch. and 07 links jto a pine stump, thence N. 40 iE. 25 chs. to a stake thence N. 157 W. 20 chs to the beginning, ! containing one hundred and i twenty acres more or less. This | the Gili day of Jan. 1002. A. J. Bl.accck, Mortgagee. j CRUFLTY TO CHTLDREN Mother's Worm Syrup never f':iiis to de-troy and remove i worms in children. It is cruel not to administer it to them whenever they need it. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. By mutual agreement the firm of McPhail & Tart, doing busin. >s in th • town of Dunn, li-ive ihi day dissolved, P. G. A. Ta:t A Son having bought •he entire interest. The debts of McPhaii & Tart will be as sumed by-P. G. A. Tart it Son and all account* due the firm will be collected by the •). U. Mci'lJAlL. P. A. (i. Taut, £3s"~The business will be con. tinned under the name of P. C- A. Tart tfc Son at saiiie store. MOVED! I de-re to inform the public that I iiiive moved my BEKF MARKET to the building formerly occu pied by the Dunn Grocery Co , next door to C! liney it Jordan, where 1 shall !>:> gl;ul to serve one and ;i'l in need of anything in my line. All orders filled promptly. "Come on good people' one and all, ' And buy vcur meats from my stall.' To save \on money I'll do my best: Come get your's first—then tel! the rest. Since first 1 opened up my stall, My aim lias boeti to please you all. My knives are sharp, my coun ters clean, I keep all kinds both fat and lean." Yours to serve, R- M PEARSALL j A Cure For Lumuaoo. \V. C. Williamson, of Am-! hor>t, Va , says "For more than j a year I suffered from lumbago, j 1 finally tried Chamhr rlain'o j Pain Balm and it gave ine etir tire relief, which all other rein-J edies had failed to do." Soldi by Hood it Grantham. NOTICE OF LAND SALE, j I»j virtue of a power of sale contained | in a mortgage deed execute ! to uie hv j J. Ashley Stewart on llie 30th day of January 1 S*>-5. which deed is recorded in B.iok ,J. N T o. 2, page :'4 )of fh • rcerrds | if tSanibtt county; and by vhtuv of i like power contained in a mortgage • !e.e! executed to nie by the s,;id J. Ash I ley Stewart am! w iiV, Mary I. Stewart in the 241 ida yof Keb. 1S )S. wliich is registered in IV.>ok O. Nn. 2, l7 ) ' >f the records of said w.mfy, I will >:■ Monday the 2nd day of March 19 V>, ,u , 2 o'clock noon, at tin- Court Hon-;- " loor in T.iliington, Harnett comity, X. S ( .xposc to sale at public auction to j lie highest bidder for cash, th j follow ng described tract ol land situated in ' Wera.-boro township, Harnett, f v r .O. v 10-w'te I».ginning at a black ~ iiiii ii. Ihe Hard* 15: audi in Neinhho "s 1 ne, and runs .s Tu'h lOC poles to a -talc. * l a pond; thence north 07 cast, *0 [>;>les ja tt ile in a bra.icii; thence up the ranch lo the baaii.'h to the beginning; cmtaiuing thirty acres more or less, his the 28th day of Ja -.u iry l!i02. J. .1. Wa Ju, Mortgagee. i p p rrnim' \i. u. iir i Ait I &• fj bis., 1 HIIMMj, M., G", We hare bought (he entire of McP'n 1 & Tart and Avi' are now ready to the people. Wo have a nice Jine of | £££ZISEA!BBi and willalways tresit you light. We will have a now lot of Y*'i£? r '- nl ; *'% "X €* ':r^ y in a few days. Bring us your Country Produce. Will pay the top of the market. Yours for business. P. G. A. 21J %JOO j |W sb CO. DUNN, N. C.; o o Wheli you come to to town be sure that you see our line o ill! & Fill M. The interest of our customer i. c what we intend to look aftei this year and give them all the advantages of low prices. Yours for business, Barroom te Co. g -y \>. * ;ti ft > tk x i 6 -i \~ K ; , s .V i- 1 ? vi I j '.-i [;] J.I {:'• :i g >|| \1 U] H| V. 4 . -/ L'| , S A -M. M. sT* IT fHi 1- f"'- 3 f "A T TO M.M U P*HJT 4 y). w; ii/ iLi£ The following figures will interest you if vou are lookin* for th> best bargains in general merchandise you have ever ha offered in Dunn before. We desire to close out cur ener;. stock of merchandise and to do so we have put on sale," n o od first class in every respect at the sacrificed prices as slio'vn be low. * onocs! Shoesl Baby shoes, the best made, former price 85e to $1 price nov 00 to (,v:. Alisses and little luys only a limited number ieft sizes J2 to 2, former price $1 to $2, pries todav 75c to $1.20 Ladies $1.50 Dongola now $l, la ii $1 Chrome Kid now' 75c F w pair old adi- s very fine shoes n EEE lass, former prio $2 now $1..) >. Ladies fine shoes ihe College Kid and South ern Ctrl Kid, former price .$2 oJ and $3 now $l.OO and $2.20 Gents Craddock shoes, none better, former ]»rice 3.25, 3 nO 4 0( ic $5.00 now sit 2.85, 2.G0, 3.10 &$3 55. We have a few of tin $1.50 kind left that will go at $l.OO We Have a Large Stock of Ladies and Gents. Misses and Children's Rubbers. Men's storm rubbers tin l 75c ki.ul now -ilc. Ladies' storm rub hers the 50c kind now 25c. Misos rubbers 35c kind at 22c Children's rubbers 250 kind at IHjC.. OUIt MAT DEPARTMENT embraces some nice styles an good qualities and our pointer brand cveiybody knows it, formei price, 2to $2.50 now $1.50. Our monumental brand,' formei price, 150 to #2.00 now $l. Our lot of 50, 75 and $1 value at :»D, 50 and 75;-. Knitting cotton at 15c, ball thread, black at lGk, pearlme at gold-dust at 3fe, salt 5c sacks at 4c 'sc washing soap at 3fc, soda A & IT 1 ;.nd i li>j)kgs at Gc per' lb Geir:emjn's and ladies umbrellas the 50c kind now 39c, the Ito $2 kind >o to tfl 50. (rent's neckwear, 25c lie for 19c,' 50t ;ie for 3'Jc. Men's overalls 50c kind for 39e, 25c kind for 10c. Gent's shirt--, $1 kind for 75e, 50 and 75c kind at -iOc. Boys shii i>oc kind at ooc. Riverside plaids extra heavy at 4& oc Gem's 10c linen collais 2 for 15c. We have a few ' table covers and lace curtains leit th. t will gt cheap as dirt Will also sell the entire stock of miliinery at the same re duction $1 walking hats now 50c. 75c walking hat now 38c. ooj walking hat now 25;. We have just a few trimmed hats at your own price. The $1 grade of velvet or silks 50c. $1 2o grade of velvet 05c. 75c grade of velvet 43c. 50c grade of vel vet 25c to 37c. ® These prices am stunners and the like has never been seen before in Dunn. Come and ree for yourself and you will noi l>o away wiser but a happier p rson for these prices are bound to make you smile. Call early before the choicest bargains are rone. Our prices and tei ins are the same to all, no devia ;ton No goods exchanged, no g »ods charged and no tickets. No ;oods taken out on approv il. Vou -- e for v-iur-elf and take in he bargains as long as the\ hi t. My mil"i erv business will till go on and my trimmer- will leave for t:»e aoi ihern markets n a few days in order to secure the latest styles of millinery and lovelties. Will go early to catch them, as tlwy .-,r:ive direct rom fans. 1 hanking my I lends for their very lib ral paiion ,hc s;inie f,;r luo2 at SHELL'S MILLINERV sAZARIi, 1 am, Yours vt-ry truiy, 0. P. Shell, Manager, DUNN CASH RACKET STORE. A ©.Oil: ETOJU l Is more credit to lis owner i{ 0 fitted out with good harness—the ikind we sell. WE OFFER A m, , TTT COM BIN ATI OX 1 V \) fl |"U OF EXCELLENT f [t* g H V U -iS D LEATHER AND ll'liJlll} S •?!»?] I FIRST-CLASS ±L>OAU J 6» J^i WORK. , . a*uf satisfaction lu re jl V CjXi» •/ ours to serve and please, f Lee's Hardware House. YQfJ MtHClt AND SO DO WE Wlien wo think about what great values we are offering ihe public. ' nAM>T Forget to see us when you have Repair Work Of any kind. We guarantee satisfaction in prices and work. ALL MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Thanking you for post patronage and soliciting a contin uance of the same, We are y curs to serve, f *t:f sf? \-f FCi 37>. r> s^-n I*3* s g'.*a aSw ** • Ci liii b\ c ; mum % Pfi 1 i HiLLil u a uU., 'Phone JNo. 24. * MOVED. • ' You will now find Phillips & Co. in the store fronting Luck iow Square, next door to W. H. Bianchard. They carry in s'ock at all times, best Flour, Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Green ana Roasted, Syrups, Finest Manle, and Molasses. (.mBS. Peaches, Apples, Corn, Beans and Tomatoes. Cannrd Meats, Beef, Ham, Sausage, Salmon, olc. Preserves, Jellies, Teas, Chocolates of all kinds. Pickles in 'cegs and in bottles. Condensed Milk, etc. CAKES _H.NI> C^iICKE^S. Ginger Snaps g cts. per pound. Orange Wafers J5 M « Jelly Cakes 15 «« « Oyster Crackers 5 « " Best Soda Crackers 10 " " CANDIES. THE .'BEST O'S ALL KINDS. Vegetables of all kinds. Butter and Cheese. Ice Cold Driiks. Tobacco from 25 to GO cents. Baskets, the besL for 5 cents. Fresh roasted peanuts al ways on hand. When you want anything call on Phillips & Co. Miss Florence E, Holder, DUNN, N. C. ji AN D w * FANCY * GOODS. * o o I will have a clearance sale for fhe next 30 days. My prices will be low in order to make room for new goods. I