I SUBSCRIBE FOR M g B I YOUR HOME PAPER, SK (Albert 3. : __ A rroi;xF,Y AT LAW,— | DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re tired. Prompt attention to !ii busings. Collections a i[)ecialtv Ortice over DEMO ;RATJI BANNER. Ctlvv-Avl W.Poll, * F. 11. Brooks. Pou & Brooks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SMITIIFIELD, N.C. rhiinis collected. Estates set led. Practice in Johnston uul adjoining counties. E> s. SMITH. M. F. HATCHER. | Smith & Aiiorneys-at-Law, DUNN, - - - N. C. I'inctKC "m all ilie courts «.f the State. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Office in iltc old Post Office Building. 11. NCL FAN. C. CLIFFORD tiloLean & Clifford, NV » DUNN, : : : : N. C. Office over J. J. Wade s Store. \v \. Si kv.*ART. 11. I. GODWIN 'mi k GODWiN, Attorneys and Coaasellors-at-Uw, DUNN, N. C. Will ;'"actiee in State and Federal Court- but not for fnn. Smith, Hatcher & Smith, A TTO RN K V S—A T—L AW, Benson, N.C. Pi&ettce wherever services are needed, special attention to mutters entrusted. W- E- Murehisoii, JONESIiOHO N. C. 'ractiec? Law in llarnett, Moore anc 1 thcr counties, but not for fun. ? eb. 20-1 y. Jr. J. 0. Goodwin, DIIW7IST. Dunn, N. C. Dltice rooms on second floor J. J. Wade's building. THE M DDE CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We offer unsurpassed advan ages, aud loan money on easy erras We will extend every iccommodation consistent with :onservative banking. L.J. BEST, President. J. W. PURDIK, Cashier. DR. 0. L. WILSON, £ Dentist, DUIMIM, IM. c. Dfticice on Lucknow Square, Dr. (J. H. Sexton's old office. pifflE AND FARMERS &m, DiS, IC. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier. CAN'T KEKP IT SECRET. I Hi'' splendid work of Dr. mg's New Life Pills is daily wing to light. No such grand mpfly fi.j* Liver and Bowel t>ul>le.s was over known before, lousunds bless them for cur ► g ' obstipation, Sick Head •le> biliousness, Jaundice at C. L. Wilson's drug r I c-a-STomi/L. Bea ?a the /y Tha Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Vol. 12. jbon'tl a Suffer with Indigestion or Dyspepsia h TAKE I | Coleman's I I Guarantee | | Eat What Ycu Want end be Happy, y !A Cured Man Says ! k "X had been suffering for a number £ of years with Indigestion, and tried r almost everything that I sav.- recom- | mended for it, and COLEMAN'S GUAK- L ANTES Is the only thing that has ever w] given me any relief. I took two bot- 1 ties of it and now feel entirely well." S —J. D. Robinson, Danville, Va. Price 50 Cents. R SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. § fe Coleman Remedy Co., Danville. Va. J. "••r ;-jrmawwwa Mrhy Tea is Both Black and Green. One of the scientists at the Agricultural College of Tokio has been investigating the sub ject of the difference in the col or of tea leaves, and he offers the following explanation: In: making green tea the leaves are j steamed as soon as they are gathered. In the case of black tea the leaves are allowed to fer ment before drying. The re sult is that the finished black tea contains much less tannin than the green. The original tea leaf possesses an- oxidizing enzyme, which is destroyed in the green tea bv steaming. In black tea, during fermentation the enzyme oxidizes the tannin, and gives rise to a brownish product.—Selected. (llionic I>iil:-|*loel. Mr. C. B. Wingfield, of Fair; Play, Mo., who suffered from chronic dysentery for thirty- 1 nvo years, says Chamberlain's Cube, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did him more good than any other medicine he had ever used. For sale by Hood & Grantham. How TO BE A GENTLEMAN. Lot no boy think he can lv made a gentleman by the cloth he wears, the hor.-c he rides, i the stick he carries, the do r chat trots after him, the house i that he lives in, or the money |he spends. Not one, nor all ol these do it, and yet every boy ! may be a gentleman, lie may wear an old hat, cheap clothes, live in a poor house, and spend but little money. But how? By biing true, manly and h n orable. By keeping himself neat and respectable By being civil and courteous. By respecting himself and others. By doing the best he knows how. Anil finally, and above all, by fear ing God and keeping his com mandments.—Sunday School Evanglist. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHEB. '•i'j'h )dtst Church—Rev. w A. Forbes P*9tor .Tl :es first Sunday uight, and fourth Sun n/ morning and night. Frayermeeting waif Wednesday night. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Q. K, Srantham Superintendent. Baptist Church.—Rev. . C. Barrett, pastor. Services every second Sunday morning and ni>fht. Frayermeeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. C. Clifford Superintendent. Frcsb>teri»n (1 nfc.-Ft v. 8.. Hlnes pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night, Sunday school every Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superinten j dent Disciple Church—Rev. D. H. Fetree pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Frayer meeting every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock F. T. Massengill Supt. Free Will Baptist Church.—Elder R. .C. lackson, pastor. Services evefy first Sun lay morning and night. Frimiti ve Baptist.—Church on Broad street Sider B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servi es on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur tay before, in each mouth at 11 o'clock. LODGfS. Palmyra Lodge, No. 117, A. F. &A. M. Hall ver Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M ; W. A. Johnson, 8. W.; E. A. Jones I. W.; J. O. Johnson, Secretary. Regular ommunications are held on the 3rd Satur :ay at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the lat Friday t 7:30 o'clock p. m. In each month. All Ma ons in good standing are cordially invited II attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. COMMLTMIOKKBS 7. L. Stephens, McJ). Holllday, J. I>. Barnes I A. Taylor, w. H. Duncan, Policeman. COUNTY OFFICERS Sheriff, Silas A. Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. 0. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. >• Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. S. Flack. Commissioners : E. F. Toung, Chairman A smith, T. A Harrington. JOHN A. McKAY. * E. F. YOUNG. Tie Jan. A. McKay Miiacii Ci. Edged Tool Foundry & Machine Works. We have oue of the largest and equipped plants in the State. Come and see for your selves. 30 men skilled in the different branches of our business. REPAIR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OLD ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AC MADE ALMOST AS GOOD AS NEW. ALL KINDS IRON & BRASS CASTINGS. Pulleys, Boxes, Post Hangers, Set. Collars, Shafting, Gear Wheels, fcc constantly on hand We also carry a large stock of Pipe and Steam fittings of all kinds. Prices low down. FINE ARCHITECTURAL CASTINGS A SPECIALTY. • We are agents for A. B. Farquliar Cos. & Erie City Iron Works, Engines, Boilers, Saw-Mills, Threshing Machinery &c. Also Southern Saw Works Mill Saws. All the above sold at factory prices aud fully warranted. 50 tons of old Cast Iron wanted at once. We also buy old scrap brass. For catalogue, prices, or other information THE JOHN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN, N. C. I "INTERNATIONAL" CLOTHES ARE WINNERS. THE CLOTHES -v, MADE BY A The International Tailoring Co. f ) of New York and j won approval from the first and thty keep on winning new friends every day. .-. .*. fc&if' THEIR POPULARITY HAS SPREAD ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES. THERE are strong reasons for this continued endorsement by good dressers. They are : QUALITY ALWAYS HIGH. WORKMANSHIP THE BEST. FIT PERFECT. PRICES LOWEST. THE COMPLETE LINE OF "INTERNATIONAL" SAMPLES CAN BE SEEN AT j T. C. YOUNG & CO., Dunn, N. C. BCY-i - FIB. - ">1 M VA vr. VA VX VK VK TOO jp* Buy a PIANO and make home attractive. Buy a Standard Piano, a good Piano and thereby save money and trouble. Buy from a STANDARD RELIABLE HOUSE and run no risk. Buy it at lowest price for cash or on our easy plans of pay ment. Write for catalogue and our salesman will call on you. Will put a PIANO OR FRGAN in your home to try. We are North Carolina factory representatives for a complete line of Pianos and Organs and guarantee best possible value. Write us for full particulars. Write today. DARNELL & THOMAS, Raleigh N- C N Failed in the Attempt. Late last Wednesday evening near Beck Station, eight miles north of Mocksville, Davie! county, Mamie Stafford, agedi fourteen, while on her way home from school, was assailed by Lewis Gray, a negro, but be fore accomplishing his purpose, the screams of the voting lady attracted the attention of .citi zens, who went to her rescue. The negro fled with a posse in; pursuit. Gray was arrested a j few hours later and brought to : this place by Deputy Sheriff Crotts and lodged in jail. The young lady is a daughter of Mr. j Lee Stafford, and is of a splen-' did family.—Yadkin Ripple. OUIVIV, IM. C. MARCH S, 1902, THE VICE OF NAGGING Qlouds the happiness of the home, but a nagging woman of ten needs help. She may be so nervous and run-down in health | that trifles annoy her. If she !is melancholy, excitable, trou bled with loss of appetite, head ache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of suffer ers from female troubles, ner ivous troubles, backache and (weak kidneys have used it, and i become healthy and happy. Try I it. Only 50c. at C. L. Wilsons, I guarantee satisfaction. fl£MF*Send us SI.OO and get your (county paper one year. Prove all things; held fast that which is good." North Carolina Good Roads As sociation. To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners: Gentlemen: The campaign Oi* Good Roads in North Caro lina has reached the stage where wc must either go forward or backward. The recent Con vention of Good Roads advo cates at Raleigh brought to gether representative men from every part oT the State, who with one .accord agree that Good Roads in North Carolina are a vital necessity. The gre:*t dif ficul y confronting us is to dis cover the means whereby they may be secured. The object of the North Carolina Good Roads Association is to promote the interests of better public roads in every county in North Caror iina and in this work we ask the co-operation of every pub lic spirited citizen in the State. The necessity for combined ef fort. however, is obvious to the success of the movement, and .ve hope through this Associa tion to band together the forces in every county in the State to the common end of improving ;very public highway in North Carolina. At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of this Association the policy to be .ui-sued was carefully over we realize that the first im portant step is to raise a small fund for the purpose of defray ing the necessary expenses in the prosecution of our work. The officers of the Association are. of course, giving their time I md efforts freely, but in the necessary correspondence and distribution of literature there are some small items which must be paid for in the way of Stationery, postage, printing etc., and in the maintaining ol an office for headquarters we will be compelled to make oc casional small cash expendi tures. As yet our plans are not fully matured, and in this prelimi nary state we hope to have the co-operation of every county in the State that wants to improve its public roads and join the procession of iudustral and com mercial activity now marching through this entire section. The Executive Committee believe that the various counties are going to be its most substantial supporters, and to the counties we appeal through you, the Commissioners, in this matter. The movement of course is purely one of public interest and there is no provision from any source for the financial life of our Association. It is hop ed, therefore, that your Board of Commissioners will agree at your next meeting to appropri ate the sum of Ten Dollars. ($10) toward a general fund for the Good Roads Associatioh for the purpose of defraying the small incidental expenses in order that we may proceed with the work in a methodical and effective manner. The time to advance is now, while the move ment is before the people, and with concerted effort we cannot fail to accomplish a wonderful work for the upbuilding of the State. At the forthcoming ses sion of the Legislature, through the efforts of this Association, we shall hope to be in shape to present a practical aud desir able Road Law which will bene fit every township in every coun ty in North Carolina in the mat ter of public roads. I hope your Board will fa vorably consider this matter at its next meeting; any delay means an abatement of interest which will detract from the suc cess of the undertaking. The money may be sent to our Treasurer, Mr. Joseph G. Brown, the President of the Citizens National Bank, at Ral [eigh, N. C., who will be the custodian of all the funds of the Association, and who will give you the Association's receipt for your remittance. Herewith I am sending you a stamped envelope addressed to Professor J. A. Holmes, Chapel Hill, N. C., who is the Secretary of the Association, and with whom all correspon dence relating to these matters should be conducted. Yours very truly, P. H. HANES, President. February 17th, 1902. Uflrlng; a Knn on Chamber. laiu'tf ConKh Remedy. Between the hours of eleven o'clock a. in., and closing time at night on Jan. 25th, 1901, A. F. Clark, Druggist, Glad Springs, Va., sold twelve bot tles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He says, "I never handled a medicine that sold better or gave better satisfac tion to my customers." This Remedy has been in general use in Virginia for many years, and the people there are well ac quainted with its excellent qualities. Many of them have testified to the remarkable cures which it has effected. When you need a good, reliable medi cine for a cough or cold, or at tack of grip, use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you are certain to be more than pleased with the quick cure which ii affords. Sold by Hood & Gran tham. A LIVE SNAKE IN HIS MOUTH. Colonel Walter R. Henry, the National Bank Examiner, who has recently returned from Eliz abeth City discussed the Crop sey case yesterday. "They have new evidence and I wouldn't be a bit sur prised if they hang James Wil cox," he said. '•Some startling develop ments, then?" "Oh, yes, It seems that just before he was arrested Wilcox drove through the streets of Elizabeth City holding a big live moccasin snake in his mouth." "Well?" "Well, don't you think the ordinary jury will believe that a man who travels around with a live snake between his teeth ought to be hanged on general principles?" A. l*rill(«-r Creutly Surprised. "I never was so much sur prised in my life, as I was with the results of using Chamber lain's Pain Balm," says Henry T. Cook, pressman of the Ashe ville, (N: C.) Gazette. "I con tracted a severe case of rheuma tism early last winter by getting my feet wet. I tried several things for it without benefit. One day while looking over the Gazette, I noticed that Pain Balm was positively guaranteed to cure rheumatism, so bought a bottle of it and before using two thirds of it ray rheumatism had taken its flight and I have not had a rheumatic pain since.' Sold by Hood & Grantham. To Die by the Rope. Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 21. Rickßlanton and Dick Fleming were convicted today in Rowan Superior court for criminal as sault upon Mrs. Belle Livin good, a tfidow, who lives about fifteen miles from Salisbury. They were sentenced to be hanged April 11. An appeal was taken to the Supreme court. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . vz.' Signature of , fctf&UAi IF YOU WILL PUT Rtea *Poonfulof Mexican MustangLin ... " , V iment iuto a glass half full of water and with this gargle your throat often it will quickly cure a Sore Throat. Keep this * fact always fresh in your memory:— For Cuts, Mashes and all Open Sores, you need only to apply , a few times and the soreness and inflammation will . ' be conquered and the wounded flesh healed. To get tho best, results you should saturate a piece of soft cloth with tho liniment and bind it upon the wound as you would a ]>oultice. 25c., 50c. and 91.00 a bottle. |/CCp AM EVP ON jour poultry and at tbe very first liirn of ■tCtr nix CIS- vI * Roup, Scaly L"£s, Burnhlefoot or other diseases among your fowls uso llaxlcan Mustang liniment. His DEFINITION OF ETERNITV. "The best illustration of what eternity is, with its end less flight of time," said a Wes tern member of Congress the other day, "was one I heard given by a preacher who was conducting a revival at a Colo rado mining camp. The revi val had been well attended, but there was a poor harvest of souls, and the rough old preach er depicted the joys of heaven and the tortures of hell with discouraging results. One even ing he announced that the revi val would close with that meet ing unless the sinners showed a desire to repent. He then de picted the sufferings of the lost and in telling them how long it would be before they would be freed from their environment or brimstone and hell, he said : "You will suffer for all eternity. Do you know what that means? I'll tell you. If a little sparrow was to dip his bill in the Atlantic ocean and take one drop a day and hop across the country aud put that drop in the Pacific ocean and then hop back to the Atlantic, one hop a day, and if he kept that up until the Atlantic was dry as a bone, it wouldn't be sun-up in hell." "It isn't necessary to add that mourners came to the bench that night and the meet ing continued for some time." —Washington Post. Mr. C. E. VanDeusen, of Ki I bourn. Wis., was afflicted with stomach trouble and con stipation for a long time. She says, "I have tried many prepa rations but none have done me the good that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have." These Tablets are for sale at Hood & Grantham's drucc store. Price, 2o cents. Samples free. Durham Sun: Several N. C. tobacco men, both planters and dealers, have been asked what effect the proposed tariff reduction on Cuban tobacco would have in this State. They all agree that it will not hurt the North Carolina tobaqco for the Cuban article is the leaf used in cigars, while the North Carolina weed is used in smok ing tobacco and cigarettes. The only injury which the growers in this State could suffer would be that some cigarette aud pipe smokers might take to cigars instead when the latter became cheaper. Favorite Nearly Every where. Constipation means dullness, depression, headache, general ly disordered health. DE Witt's Little Early Risers stimulate the liver, -opens the bowels aud relieves this condition. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. Hood & Grantham. The Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season And the placing on sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points in the South, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico,and California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasville, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that your ticket reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address H. li. VKKNON, C. W. WESTWJBY Traveling Pass Agt., District Pasa. Art. Cls-arlctte, XT. C. Blnh rnxoaaoL. "V» S. H. IIARDWICK, General Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, W. A. TURK, Traffic Manager. Asst Past*. Traffic Mgi "Wa.slj.iia.grtoaa., 33. C, WOULD SMASH THE CLUB. If members of the "Hay Fe ver Association" would use Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, the club would go to pieces, for it always cures this malady, and Asthma, the kind battles the doctors-it wholly drives from the system. Thous ands of once hopeless sufferers from Consumption, Pneumonia Bronchitis owe their lives and health to it. It conquers Grip, saves little ones from Croup and Whooping Cough and is positively guaranteed for all Throat and Lung troubles, 50c, $1 00. Trial bottles free at C. L. Wilson's. "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMFR LANDS." The above is the title of an attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a t*o-cent stamp to S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. No e

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