If SUBSCRIBE FOR |j YOUR HOME PAPER. I] It only costs $1 a year. || %iSSXBCSB^ Albert B. —ATTORNEY AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re ouireil Prompt attention to •111 business. Collections a specialty Office over DEMO CRATIC BANNER. Ktlward W. Pou, F. 11. Brooks. Pou & Brooks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - SMITHFIELD, N. C. Claims collected. Estates set tled. Practice in Johnston and adjoining counties. E. S. SMITn. M. F. HATCHER Smith & . Attorneys-at-Law, DUNN, - - - N - c - Practice in »»' court? of the State. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Office in ;lie old I'ORT OFFICE Bottditip. ' IL.NCLKAW. C« CUKFOKI McLean & Clifford, _A.ttsraa.eys-a.t-X.ia. \V~, DUNN, : : : : N. C. FAR office over J. J. Wade •> Store. W A. STEWART. H* L- GODWIN STEWART k GOMIH, Attorneys ami Coonsfllors-at-lJiw, DUNN, N. C. Will practice in State and Federal Courts but not for fun. Smith, Hatcher & Smith, ATTORNEYS—AT—LAW, Benson, N.C. Practice wherever services are ncede.'. Special attention to matters entrusted. W- E Murcliison, JONF.BBORO. N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore AM' V other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20-ly. Dr. J. C. DENTIS". Dunn, N. C. Office rooms on second floor J. J. Wade's building. IDE BffiJF DIM CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We otfer unsurpassed advan tages. aud loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L. J. BKST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier. DR. O.L Dursirsi, iv. c Officice on Lucknow Square, Dr. C. H. Sexton's old office. M UMTS AND FARMERS mi, C. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier CAN'T KEEP IT SECRET. The splendid work of Dr. King's New Life Pills is daily coining to light. No such grand remedy for Liver and Bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for cur ing Constipation, Sick Head ache, Biliousness, Jaundice and Indigestion. Try them. 2">c at C. L. Wilson's drug store. 9 Bears the /i Kind You Have Always Bougtft 6 *"r THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER. Vol. 12. Acute Dyspepsia CCKKD BY TWO BOTTLES OF Colema-rv's Guarantee " Sold on its mtrlt" Mrs. J. C. Farrar, Danville, Vs.. says: " I suffered for two months with Acute Dys pepsia and could find no relief. Prescriptions ol the best doctors did me no rood. My friends ad vised me to try "Coleman's Guarantee," and I found almost instant relief. By the time I had taken two bottles 1 was entirely cured." PRICE BOc. A BOTTLE. Sold by all druggists. WMoney refunded if it fails to cure. COLEMAN BEHEDT CO., Ouril, ¥».. 0. S. k A Gentlewoman in Service. Lady Louisa Stewart, an Englishwoman, writing in the first part of the last century, gives a description of a maid in her service who evidently en dowed her station with a grace not inferior to that of a higher lot. The description reflects credit upon both mistress and maid. My friend rather than ser vant, Cross, is soon to retire from my service, in which she has been, for eight and twenty vears, one of the chief blessings and comforts of my life. Her superior sense, clear judgment and quick decision, iter elevated mind, her steadi ness of principle, her delicacy of feeling would have been ad mired in a princess; I hardly know one of my acquaintances for whom I have so perfect an esteem. Instead of feeling that I can rely on the integrity of the servant, I respect the honor ol the gentlewoman ; and becaust «he is thus high-minded, she b tar humbler and more easily contented than any other per son I ever saw iu her situatiou. >'o madam, what does it signify?" is her constant say ing about things that would make others stand on their dig nity. No quarrels, no difficulties ever came to my ears. Tht servants below her are guided with a firm yet gtntle hand. She has a contempt for gossip ting and tattling, and she has a r~> P' disinterested spirit; indeed sin i iias such a head and heart as 1 do not find met together cveii among my equals.—Selected. SURGEON'S KNIFE NOT NEEDED. Surgery is no loner necessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazul Salve cures such cases at once, removing the necessity for dangerous, painful and expen sive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases it is unequal led. Beware of counterfeits. Hood & Grantham. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHOKCHEB. - li*h xltst Church—Rev. w A. Fortes Pastor; I >ryl ;es drat Sunday night, and fourth Sun- Vvy morning sud night. Prayermeeting , atf Wednesday night. Sunday ychcol every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Q. E, Qrantham Superintendent. Baptist Church.—Rev. . C. Barrett, pastor. Services every second Sunday morning and night. Prayermeettng every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. C. Clifford Superintendent. rresbjterinn (1 tHI.-FtT. P.. Bines ;>astor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night, Sunday school every Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superinten dent Disciple Church— Rev. D. H. Petree pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night, l'rayer meeting every Tuesday night. Sunday School «very Sunday evening at 3 o'clock P. T. Massengill Supt. Free Will Baptist Church.—Klder R. .C. 'ackson, pastor. Services every first Sun lay morning and night. Primitive Baptist.—Church on Broad street Blder B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur tay before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LOOOB Palmyra Lodge, No. 147, A. K. 4A. M. Hall ver Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M ; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jones f. W.; J. O. Johnson, Secretary. Regular ommunications are held on the 3rd Satur lay at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the Ist Friday it 7:30 o'clock p. m. iu each month. All Ma tons in good standing are cordially invited II attend these communications. TOWN OFFICBRS. M. T. Young, Mayor. COMMISOtONBftS V. L. Stej-hens, McD. Holliday, J. D. Barnes I A Taylor. W. H. Duncan, Policeman. COUNTY Oftickbs Sheriff, Silas A. Salmon. Clerk, Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds. A. O. Holloway, Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rbv. J. 8. Black. Commissioners : E. F. Young, .Chairman J A. Smith, T. A Harrington. .* - JOHN A. McKAY. ' - E. F. YOUNG. HE JUL A. MFT liiiii Co. * .I' iti , v Edged Tool Foundry & Machine Works. C?v '# >• i'-i We have one of the largest and best equipped plants in the State. Come and see for your selves. 30 men skilled in the different branches of our business.'. REPAIR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.jpf OLD ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AC MADE ALMOST AS GOOD AS NEW. *.c J • ALL KINDS IRON & BRASS CASTINGS. Pulleys, Boxes, Post Hangers, Set Collars, Shafting, Gear Wheels, &c constantly on hand We also carry a large stock of Pipe and Steam fittings of all kinds. Prices low down. FINE ARCHITECTURAL CASTINGS A SPECIALTY. • We are agents for A. B. Farquhar Cos. & Erie City Iron Works, Engines, Boilers, Saw-Mills, Threshing Machinery Ac. Also Southern Saw Works Mill Saws. All the abovr 50 tons of old Cast Iron wanted at once. We also buy old scrap brass. For catalogue, prices, or other informaiion THE JOHN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN, N. C. "INTERNATIONAL" CLOTHES ARE WINNERS. THE CLOTHES o , MADE BY A -w The International Tailoring Co. fr of New York and won approval from the first and they keep on winning r.ew THEIR POPULARITY HAS SPREAD ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES. THERE are strong reasons for this continued endorsement by good dressers. They are : QUALITY ALWAYS HIOH. WORKMANSHIP THE BEST. FIT PERFECT. PRICES LOWEST. THE COMPLETE LINE OF "INTERNATIONAL" SAMPLES CAN BE SEEN AT T. C. YOUNG & CO., Dunn, N. C. BUY - A - PIANO. -4* X tt *//. UK VA s^-* ♦I E* vx vx yx vx f> Buy a PIANO and make home attractive. Buy a Staudard Piano, a good Piano and thereby 9ave money and trouble. Buy from a STANDARD RELIABLE HOUSE and run no risk. Buy it at lowest price for cash or on our easy plans of pay ment. Write for catalogue and our salesman will call on you. Will put a PIANO OR FRGAN in your home to try. We are North Carolina factory representatives for a complete line of Pianos and Organs and guarantee best possible value. Write us for full particulars. Write today. DARNELL & THOMAS, Raleigh N C One Woman's Work. Mrs. Fany Carpenters of New York city has shown it is al good thing for a woman to to study a profession. Seventy five thousands for winning a single case is what she received recently. It is the largest fee ever paid to a woman lawyer. Mrs. Fanny Carpenter took up the study of law in 1896. She entered .the law school of New York university and was ad mitted to the bar in 1897, since which she has practiced more or less assiduously.—Kingston (N. Y.) Leader. OASTORIA. *«ar. t!,. y> The Kind You Have Aiways Bougtt ■' DUNN, rj. C. MARCH 12, 1902, THE VICE OF NAGGING Clouds the happiness of the home, but a nagging woman of ten needs help. She may be so nervous and run-down in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melancholy, excitable, trou bled with loss of appetite, head ache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of suffer ers from female troubles, ner vous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used it, and become healthy and happy. Try it. Only 50c. at C. L. Wilsons, guarantee satisfaction. us $l.OO aud get your I county paper one year. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Court Calendar Of civil cases to be tried at 'lie special term of Harnett Superior Court to convene on Monday April 7th 1901. Monday April 7th. State Cases. Tuesday April Bth. 4* Lumber Co us Jones, Lassiter 5 Green vs Guy. 8 Norris vs Norris. .35 Jackson vs Trulove. , 62 Best vs Pope. , 71 Shell vs Taylor. Wednesday April 9th. 57 Jones vs A C L R R Co. 58 Anderson vs " 72 Stewart vs Young. 80 Ilodges vs A C L*R R Co 122 Warren vs " 94 Jernigan vs " Thursday April 10th, 39 Rand vs Gregory. 41 McNeill vs Smith. *l4 Byrd vs Bradley. 92 Page vs Page. 98 Johnson vs Barnes. Friday April 11th. 78 Clark vs Board Education. 79 Noisette vs Thornton. S5 Stephens vs McDonald. 88 Richardson vs Hodges. 93 Motley vs Gravely «feCo. 120 Johnson vs Colville. Saturday April 12th. 48 Saunders vs Jones. 49 Patric & Co vs Jones. 50 Moore & Sons vs Jones. 51 Christian vs Jones. G7 B'g'n House vs Racket store. MOTION DOCKET. 3 1G Barefoot vs Sorrell. 19 Ryals, Sorrell vs Norris, Weuver. 24 Godwin vs Jackson. 28 Taylor & Slocomb vs Salmon . 29 Sorrell vs Stewart. . 30 Sorrell vs Cobb. 34 Parker vs McNeill. 3G Stewart vs W W 11 R Co 40 McLean admr vs Davis. 5 52 Wilson et al vs Lee. f 56 Parker vs A vent , s 63 Holmes vs McLamb. 65 McLamb vs Holmes. 69 Johnson va McLean (Fred) 1 70 Johnson vs McLean (Sam) 77 Harper vs Mcßride. 99 Smith vs Hamilton & others 100 Cavenaugh & Co vs e Moore, Lee. - 101 Johnson vs Elliott. 3 104 Motley vs Stewart. 1 117 Parker vs Pegram, 3 125 Hodges vs Young. All cases not calendared will be open for Motions. Motions will be heard each morning up on convening of court and at such other times as the presid ing Judge may appoint. Wit nesses need not attend till nine o'clock on the day for which their cases are calendared. !W E Murcliison J C Clifford O J Spears IJ H Withers, Clerk Sup Court. Was Not Suspended. President Monroe's "Progress." In Dr. Edward Everett Hale's "Memories of a Hun dred Years," now appearing as a serial in the Outlook, he tells an amusing story about Mon roes visit to Harvard in 1817. The President, as soon as he was President, the same man who "never was in trade and knew nothing about it," array ed himself to see the commer cial States, and even to cross the new-born West and show himself to the people who were creating a nation there. In my boyhood, this journey of his, which began on the 31st day ol May, 1817 aud did not end un til October of the same year, was called "The President'.• Progress." Washington's sim ilar journey in 1791 was alway> called 'Washington's Progress There is a little touch of bur lesque when one reads tha« President Monroe arrayed him self in the o!d bug and blue f Revolution with an old-fashioi> ed three-cornered soldier's hat There is just a touch of absur dity about this, because his mil itary exploits were, of hiswhol life, the enterprises which hi friends would have most gladh forgotten. There is a good Harvarc tradition which I may put ii print without hurting anybody At a meeting of the little col lege faculty in the year 1817, i .vas announced that Blank, «• spirited senior, must be"suspen den," I suppose his mark:- were not high enough, or his at tendance at chapel had beei irregular. Dear, courteous, kindly Dr. Kirkland, who was the President, was supposed tt be dozing in his chair as the march of college goverumeni .vent forward ; but at this pro posal to suspend Blank he rous dto life and activity, "Sent away Blank, when Monroe if •oming? Who will commaut my Harvard Washington Corp when the President visits th« College?" The Harvard Wash ington Corps was the millitan establishment of the collept boys at that time. Dr. Kirk land could put his foot dowi when he chose. And so it chanced that Blank was retain ed in college and that the Har vard Washington Corps, whicl he commanded, presented arms, at the proper time and in tht proper way to the President of the United States. Aud so i happened that, fifty years after Harvard University received a very important and very ex pensive new building from an alumnus who on that day com manded the Harvard Washing ton Corps. la Grippr Qntclil]' Cured. "In the winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe," says F. I. Hew ett. 111. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Cham berlain's Cough. Remedy. It broke up the cold and stopped the coughing like magic, and I have never since been troubled with Grippe." Cham berlain's Cough Remedy can al ways be depended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneu monia. It is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and,one of the most popular preparations in use for these ailments. For sale by Hood & Grantham. Like Vance's Catfish. A Wilkes county man whose whiskey was recently sieved by revenue men complains that it shrunk 213 gal. while in theii custody. A careless- accusation like that is likely to cause trouble. It requires embar rassing explanations. The suspicion that they sold it is actually cruel while a sugges tion that they drank it brings into controversy the question of a "revenue's" capacity for put ting it away. Thero is an oc casional one reported as car rying tankage of abnormal proportions, but the fellow who got outside of 213 gallons of Wilkes county whiskey and lived afterward has certainly established a new record.— Winston Journal. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sltf Signature of €C IFYOU WILL PUT with this gargle your throat often it will quickly cure a Ban Throat. | Keep this fact always fresh in your memory: \ For Cuts, Mashes and all Open Sores, yon j need only to apply I !' a few times and the soreness and inflammation will { f be conquered and the wounded flesh healed. / To get the best results you should saturate a piece of soft cloth with the liniment and bind it upon the ; wound as you would a poultice. 25c., 50c. Md #l.OO a bottle. uccp AN FYF (\K yoor poultry and at the TMJ flrct dgit of l\uCl nil CI C Un Roup, Scaly Legs, Bumble loot or other diseases among your fowls use Mexican Mustang Liniment. What Jie Was There For. There is at least one court ii 'he world, an English Midland issizes, the judge of which not afraid to say that black is olack, The Birmingham Post gives the following glimpse of :iis method of dealing out jus ice : A respectable-looking man vas iu the court in the autumn -ession. The charge was theft. The aggregate value involved vas considerable, and the plea was guilty, but it was alleged hat there were extenuating rircumstances. The defense introduced a •uedical expert to testify for the prisoner. He said that the -elf-confessed thief had klepto mania. "What' 9 that?" asked the judge gravely. "Er—it's—er—a disease, my ord," said the astonished ex pert. "What kind of a disease?" isked the judge. "Well, it's a—er —a mental lisease that causes the subject -o appropriate property not tiis own," stammered the physi cian . "Makes him steal?" asked the judge. "Yes, my lord' that is gen erally the effect." "I know the disease," said his honor, a grim smile in his eyes. "I know the disease, and I am sent here to cure it." —Selected. Mr. C. E. VanDeusen, of Kilbourn, Wis., was afflicted with stomach trouble and con stipation for a long .time. She says, "I have tried mauy prepa rations but none have done me the good that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have." These Tablets are for sale at Hood & Grantham's drug store. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. The Man and his Debts. Once upon a time a business man who was tottering on the brink of failure allowed his debts to remain long unpaid. His creditors held a meeting and appointed one of their number a committee to investi gate his affairs and report. The committee reported in language more forcible than elegant, that the debtor had "gone up." Thereupon the committee was instructed to notify him to im mediately "come down" with the cash, which the debtor ab solutely failed to do. Moral What goes up does not always come down. Favorite Nearly Every where. Constipation means dullness, depression, headache, general ly disordered health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers stimulate the liver, opens the bowels and relieves this condition. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. Hood & Grantham. Xhe Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season And the placing —on sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points iu the South, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico ,and California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasville, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OP THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that your ticket reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address R. L.-Vernon, C. w. W^KEBUltr Traveling Pass Agt., District Pasjf. Aft. Clia.rlott«, ST. C. BlcbJßisAi, ~X7~m> S. H. HAIIDWICK, General Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, W. A. TU*K, Traffic Manager. Asst. Pass. Traffic Mfi "Wnh'irig-toxx. Xi.C, WOULD SMASH THE CLUB. If members of the "Hay Fe ver Association" would use Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, the club would go to pieces, for it always cures this malady, and Asthma, the kind battles the doctors-it wholly drives from the system. Thous ands of once hopeless sufferers from Consumption, Pneumonia Bronchitis owe their lives and health to it. It conquers Grip, saves little ones from Croup and Whooping Cough and is positively guaranteed for all Throat and Lung troubles, 50c, $1 00. Trial bottles free at C. L. Wilson's, "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMFR LANDS." The above is the title of an attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a tv\o*ceut stamp to S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. No

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