THE Democratic Banner. DUNN, N. cT~ W'KPNESI)vr, April 23. l!>02. "local""dotb." SOU KDULE OF TRAINS LEAVING DUNN. Northbound Local Passen. ovr. No. "S, at 1:24 p. m. No -32, 10 :15 p. "i. Southbound Local Passen ger, No. 23, 3:40, p. in. No. 12 :36, p. m. £lff"This paper positively will not accept for publication from any oi:e any notice of land sale, or administrator's notice without cash with copy. This applies to all. Rates—medium jize $2.50; larger .$3.00; ad ministrator's notice six weeks $O.OO. For Seeds —Borax—Insect "Pow ders—Paris Green, etc., see Hood & Grantham, Druggists. The Wade Hardware Company. —Cotton 9c. to-day. Dunn Grocery Co's for your groceries. —You will lose your right to vote in the coining election un less your poll tax is paid before May Ist. —THE BANNER staff returns thanks to Messrs. Hood & Grai • tham for a set-up of ice cream to-dav. It was delicious. ___ —Messrs. Jernigan & Motley have just received one of the n eest refrigerators to keep fresh meats in, that we have ever seen. —The Town Hall and lot we v sold last Friday. The iiall was purchased by Mr. G. K. Grantham and the loi by Mrs. Jno. A. Oates. —The man who fails to see anything good in his own town, and exerts ever}- effort to ad vertise its misfortunes and dis advantages, should move. —A house and lot belonging to Mr. E. T. Spenee in the northern part of town, was sold at auction Monday and was bought by Mr. Sara Stone. .—The date of the Falcon Camp Meeting has been fixed for Aug. 7-17-1902. Dr. G. D. Watson, of Pittsburg, Pa., and other noted preachers will be present. —The Oregon Chair Factory h is begun the erection of anoth er building, it having been de cided to largely increase the capacity of the factory. Mr. J. l. Johnson has the contract. —The Dunn Oil Mill has I o ight ten acres of land in tiie Northern put of town aud will soon begin the erection of the it i dings necessary for the plant. —On account of the death of his son on Friday night, Mr, S. 11. Pittman could not serve as registrar, and early Satur day morning the town com missioners met and elected Mr. Charlie Smith. --Dr. Clarence Porter Jones, eye, ear, nose and throat spe cialist, of Newj ort News, Va., will be at Dunn Wednesday, April 30th and Thursday May Ist. These days only. Will he found at Dr. Goodwin's of fice . —The Congressional com mitter for this district will meet soon in Fayetteville to decide when and where the conven tion will be held. The Judical committee will meet in Smith field. —Oil the fourth page of this issue you will find an article headed "Whittling Sticks," taken from the North Carolina Baptist. Every man, woman and child should read it. The lesson that it teaches is a good one. —The Wayne County Ad vertiser, is the name of the new weekly paper published at Goldsboro by Mr. Arthur Whit ley. It is a bright, newsy pa per. May it live long and ac complish much good. —You should not neglect to i register if you want to voto in ill * approaching election on town improvements. Every body will be required to register aiii-w. The books are now open, g'J and attend to it at once. —The 2nd annual meeting of directors of The Merchants and 1 armers Bank was held last week in this town. A dividend of !•>'/ was declared, 6% going to the stockholders and the re maining \)'/, being reserved as sun, lus. Mr. K. F. Young was n-elected President, Mr. Jno. j' I'arrish, Vice-President, Mr. \ . L. Stephens, Cashier, Mr. Sully Cooper, Book-keeper. in* old board of directors will retained for another year. ■—Oulv one mora week iu which to pay your poll tax. Ur * less it is paid before May Ist y m cannot vote this fall. —The following gentlemen have given the Dunn Base Ball Team lumber to enclose the grounds: Messrs. E. F. Young, J. 0. Angicr, K. L, Howard and S. C. Neighbors. We are repuested to return thanks to these gentlemen. —The scaffling on Broad street has been torn away in front of the new brick block, and now when one passes that way he feels that he is in a city of many thousand. It is a handsome building and would do credit to any North Caro lina city, —Gilbert Walden, who has a world-wide reputation, is in the city and will give his pleasing entertainment to-night in the Opera House. He comes high ly recommended by the press. Sam Jones says, ''He drrves awav the . clouds and brings sunshine «nd flowers.Every body sh u 1 come out. —A merry party of Dunn's young people, about a dozen in number, went on a moon-light pic-nic excursion to the famous Red Rock oil Cape Fear river Tuesday night. They report plenty of fish, most excellent boat riding, and such a time as Duun'o young people always have on a trip of this kind. —The Good Roads Conven tion and Educational meeting? met in Fayetteville yesterday. Governor Aycock and his distinguished co-workers in the movement, arrived in Fayette ville Monday evening. The Dunn Concert B »nd went down on the same train with the Gov ernor and party to assist in the entertainment. —Rev. W. B. Morton oc cupied the pulpit at the Baptist church last Sun day morning and night. At 11 o'clock in the morning he conducted the funeral service over the remains of Mr. A. M. Pittman, which were solemn and impressive. At night he preached a most excellent sermon. After the night service the church took action and ex tended a call, subject to the action of the Clayton church. The scrub baseball team of our town played a game of b:ill on the Buie's Creek ground last Saturday. It seems that the B. C. A. boys had every thing their own way. They would not let us put our regular team on the grounds. The bat tery for Dunn was Messrs. Ran dall and Raekley, pitchers and Mr. Privett catcher. Battery for Buie's Creek, Messrs. Clark and McLeod. The score was 11 to sin favor B. C. A. They piay on our grounds next Sat urday. Bear in mind that we are re ceiving weekly fresh cakes and crackers of all kinds from to 50? per 11). Dunn Grocery Co. Hecker's Selfraising flour, Old Homestead Pan Cake flour, Hygenic Whole wheat flour, and Hecker's pulverized salt for sale by Dunn Grocery Co. Use Town and Country Paint. Wade Hardware Co. Belville Stoves and Ranges are the latest. See Wade Hardware Co. Fresh Po:k, Sausage and Richmond Steak at Jernigan & Motley's Cash Market. Ice now for sale at Jernigan &.Motley's Cash Market. FOR SALE. I have three Jacks for sale. Those desiring to purchase see J. M. SLOAN, Jonesboro, N. C. Public Debate. There will be a public debate at Union Hill Academy, held by the Y. M. P. L. debating soci ety April 26th at 7 :30 o'clock. It" promises to be interesting to those who are fortunate enough to attend. Hon. H. L. Godwin, of Dunn, will address the audience. The Host Prescription for flln laria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and Quinine iu a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. Price 50c. Have you tried our fancy Patent Flour? Brewer & Co. Just received car of No 1 Timothy Hay. Brewer fc Co. Hicks' Capudine, FOR HEADACHE, LA GRIPPE AND COLDS. Sold by Hood & Grantham and C. L. Wilson, Dunn, N. C. MENTION. Mr. H. H. McKay, of Fay etteville, spent Sunday in town. Mr. Wade 11. Royal, of Ben son, was in the city Tuesday. Dr. Jas. Edmundson, of Wil son, spent a few hours iu the city yesterday. We were glad to see Mr. Jno. De Vaughn, traveling repre sentative of the Presbyterian Standard, 611 our streets Mon day. Misses Norma and Daisy Black, passed through Dunn last Saturday on their way home from Charlotte where they have been in school. Mr. Oscar Johnson and bride, nee Miss Berryinan, of Wash ington City, passed through our city last week on their way to their new home. Mr. S. S. Pittman, of Rich mond, Va., came home Satur day night to attend the funeral and burial of his brother, Mr A. M Pittman. Messrs. H. O Jordan and 0.l H. Randall went down to Fay etteville yesterday to play in a ball game between Fayetteville and Red Springs. Mr Z V. Fitzgerald, who was hr for some time, left last we» k tor Pinners Point, where ho has accepted a position with the A. C. L. as billing clerk. Mr. Jno. A. McKay, who has been in the southern States for several weeks in the interest of h-s factory, returned home last Satiftrday night. Mrs. J. W. Mcllwinnie, who has been in the John Hopkins Hospital for some time under going treatment, returned home last.Saturday night. We are glad t0 note that she is much improved. Mrs. J. C. Hood and grand daughter, Miss Bettie Kirk mail, who have been spenning a few days with the family of our townsman and popular druggist, Mr. D. H. Hood, re turned to their home yesterday Olives, Olives, Olives. See us before vou buy. Dunn Grocery Co, Now is the time to eat Buck? wheat cakes and Maple syrup, for sale by Dunn Grocery Co. i'oii KnOtv Wliut You lire Tak ins: When you take Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic because the for mula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless fofm. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Memorial 10th of May. The Chicora Memorial As sociation, Mrs. Lou J. McKay, Pres., Miss Itoss Smith. Vice Pres., has secured Dr. J D. Ilufham, of Henderson, to de liver the Memorial address on the 10th of May this year. The Dunn Concert Band will render an appropriate program on that occasion. This week we will sell Qua ker Oats 2 pkgs for 25? and American Groats 3 for 25?. Dunn Grocery Co. Special price on early June peas, only 10? per can. Dunn Grocery Co. The new styles of Millinery including the latest styles of Pattern Hats, will be open for inspection after Wednesday April 2nd. All cordially in vited. Shell's Millinery Bazaar. We have the finest colfee in town. Call and see for your self. Dunn Grocery Co. Razors that don't need shap ing. Cut every time. Just see Wade Hardware Co. Se4 us about Mattings and save money. Wade Hardware Co. Bargains every day at Wade Hardware Co. StOf.H I lie Cough anil Works oil* I lie (,'ol4. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No pay.- Price, 25 cents. Cut prices on Shoes and Hats. Brewer & Co. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls lower than the lowest. Brewer & Co. Bring us your hams. Brewer & Co. FOR FIRE INSURANCE See GEO. K. GRANTHAM. He rep resents good companies. MfiD, HOLLIBAV. M. H, PRIVETT. Dunn Hardware & FUr.Co. 30 DAYS! SPECIAL, - SALE To reduce 0111* stock, we will for the next thirty days sell our entire stock at reduced prices. Don't make a deal until you see us. YOURS TO SERVE, DUNN HARDWARE Business Locals. Locals appearing in this col umn will be charged 5c a line for each issue. WOOD FOR SALE. W0 have opened up a wood yard at our factory and can sup ply you in wood at any time you should need it. We can fur nish any length at $2 per cord or sOf per load delivered. DUNN LUMBER COMPANY. Emory Phillips, Hgr.. Woody ard. Florida Cabbage and Spring Onions just arrived. Phone 04. Dunn Grocery Co. Fresh Butter and Cheese al ways 011 hand. Dunn Grocery Co. 25 Dozen Negligee, and line Dress Shirts received to-day. They are beauties. P. T. Massengill. Seed oats at Brewer tfc Co's. The best 10 cent CottVe on the market. Brewer tfc Co. See Cavenaugh tfc Co., Ren son, N. C., for Ceraiite, the best top dressing for grain and cotton. FOR SALE. We sell and guarantee Dr. Worthington's Remedy for Bowel Coixplaints and instant Pain cure. Relieving it is the best remedy known and will do all that is claimed. We take .great pleasure in rcceommend ing it to our customers. 11 should be in every home. Price 25c. Hood & Grantham. ME Ml HII'll! o —^-o If you wish to please your wife and make your home hap py, buy a Ball Bearing New Home Sewing Machine. NOIK 1 run lighter and it excells all © others in durability It has loss machinery to wear and conse quently it is seldom out .of fix. It is not only one of the best machines made but one of the cheapest on the market. Repairs of All Kind. We carry parts an attach ments for all first class makes of machines. Any one desir ing repair work of any kind will please notify us and we will call and get the machine. Yours for business, GAINEY & JORDAN. NOTICE. The undersigned having been duly appoiuted Registrar for the town of Dunn,-N. C., for the special election'to be held in said town on Tuesday the 6th day of May 1902. Notice is hereby giveu that I will hold the registration Books open for the registration of voters 011 and after the 16th day of April 1902, that the same will be closed for registration 011 the 2nd Saturday prior to said elec tion. that I will be at the May or's office in sard town with said Books on each Saturday within said period as provided by law. Notice is further given that for said election an entirely new registration of voters has been ordered by the Board of Com missioners of said town. CHARLIE-SMITH. • Registrar. To Cure u. in One Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. jW, Grove's signature is 011 each box, 25c. IMPORTANT We are offering special prices to cash buyers. We need money and the goods must go at some price. Call and examine eur Stock and let us name you some prices, on Shoes, Dress Goc-ds, Notions &c. &c. Ladies Shoes from 50 cents to $3.00. Gents' Dress Shoes from 99 cents to $3.50. Hats, Shirts and Neckwear at JEia,rcL Time Prices. We want your Chickens, Eggs, Meat &c. Get our prices before selling your produce or buying your goods. We sell Oats and Seed Irish Potatoes lower than the lowest. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls for your cows. Come to see us and you will be treated right. YOURS FRIENDS, BREWER CO., Lane fc Co., old stand. BUY YOUR S IM R O G. li. WlliSOli, EW. DRUGGIST. J We are so busy that we cannot find time to tell the people what we have in the SIEID ME. Just come and see for yourself. We have anything you want either in papers or bulk. * Toilet Articles. * Don't think that we have nothing but seed. When in need of Toilet Articles, we can suit you. Our stock is complete in this line. DRUGS. We still carry a full line of Patent Medicines and everything in the Drug Line you should need. JEL-! re You Forgot TTH f A r P THAT WE ARE STILL 7 f -- . CARRYING AF3 UP-TO-DATE. iae of Dress Goods, Seoes, Hats, Shirts, Pants. GROCERIES! We always have them Fresh and NICG. We carry anything you want in this line. We also carry a good line of Farming Implements. We mak-3 a specialty of Country Produce. fF"We are jobbers for the country merchants. Yours for business, THOMPSON & DUPREE. G. H. PARKER, SALESMAN. Mew 2OQBS ARRIVING DAILY. Don't fail to see them. Call f i have the exclusive agency for them. Just received Car Baliarcl's Oblisk Flour. Always reliable. Yours for business, T. C. YOXJTsTGr CO. Sense! ~ 11 Just as much sense in - buying good paint as in ! /JfflaPKli_ lillliy® buying good clothes or Vijttr.. _w * . .JHmDy shoes. A5O cent shoe may ■MI? MIXED PA|g '■jllK look as well and cost as mmM much to make as a $3.00 shoe but time has proven that the wear -is different. If TIjB y HI For long last, nice finish, ■k-l Jffl pure colors, and the best igNISON rp 1 l&awSJj J u ™ 'Paint, made of Pure Regiment Lead and oil. It will save you cost of repainting every two or three years. We will be glad to supply you with color cards or our book let of Chemistry of Paints. Don't use cheap paints, you will regret it. If you intend painting you will profit by tailing on or writing Wade Hardware Gempany's Store. M. L. WADE, MANAGER. g*-THORNTON'S BRICK 'Phone 27. AND Prettiest Line of Hamburg Edgings, Insertions to match, and Swiss Em broideries ever displayed in Dunn, was opened up to-day. _ _ PER ESBMT 1 . 25 LOWER THE USUAL PRICE r i f*~Call and see them. 3?. T. JVf assengill. G. L. CANNADY. E. F. YOUNG. Come right along to Cannady & Young's to ger the Best Harness in town, made of Andrew Cowan's Peerless Oak Tanned Leather. Can't be beat in the United States. We have with us Rev. J. F. Owen, who will be glad to make and repair your harness. Wo also have with our business a first class Shoe Shop, and will do all kinds or shoe work cheap. We do all kind of leather work and sell all kind of vehicles. We are also selling one of the best and cheapest Guano Distributors • of the latest patent, just out. Be sure and give us a call while in town. Very Respectfully, CAIMNADY & VOUNG. DUNN, N. C. ■ YM MiI 1 RND SO DO WE ' When we think about what great values we are offering the public. -DON'T Forget to see us when you have Repair Work Of any kind. We guarantee satisfaction in prices and work. ALL MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting a contin uance of the same, We are yours to serve, GAINEY & JORDAN.