FREE.HS&FREE A beautiful reproduction of Leltoy's celebrated painting "PASTEL PANSIES." Correct in drawing, artistic in arrangement and coloring, suit able for framing and fit to adorn any parlor, We want the names of Sun day school superintendents and teachers, Christian Endeayorers Ep worth Leaguers, King's Daughters, etc. In fact the name of anybody who would be likely to be interested in the Witness and Sabbath Reading. And to any person sending us a list of one hundred such names we will send the above describ ed picture free. New York Weekly Witness, Interdenominational in lleligion ; An Exponent of Applied Chrsstianity; » Independent in politics. Has something of interest for every member of the family. Farm and Garden Department. Doctor's Column ; Tannage's Sermon ; Children's Department; Scientific Department; Spirit of the Press; etc., etc. ONE DOLLAR IH. O 0 Sabbath Reaaing. A Sixteen Page Weekly Paper. Solely Religious in Character, No News ; No Politics. Stories ; Poetry ; Sunday-School Lesson ; Christian Endeavor and Ep worth League Topics ; Mothers' Sabbath Afternoon with the Children; Miscellaneous Re ligious Matter. ONLY 50 CENTS A U\l o o Free sample copies of the Witness and Sabbath Reading sent on application. JOHN DOUGALL & CO. 150 Nassau St. New York. P. S, —The subscription price of both the Witness and Sab bath Reading when taken to gether is $1.25. These papers combined afford a liberal home educator. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. —Tf your name is not on our list and you desire to try our papers, send us 25 cents (silvc or stamps) and we will send you both the Witneas and Sabbath Reading for three months. ATLANTIC [II,AST USE RASLRUAD CO. Dec. 22nd. 1901. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINSUOINQ SOUTH. Leave W eldon 11:50 a, ui., 9:88 p. in.; arrive Rocky Mount, 1 (*ia. in.,10:32 |>. in. Leave Tarboro, 12:2:! a. m, 7 pnj. Leave Roc-Vy Mount, l:l>3a. M., lu:02 p. m. 7 p. in., sur> am, 12:5.: p in. Leave Wilson, 1.5# a in. 11:10 p in, 8:31 am. 6:M p HI., 2 45 pin. Leave Selma,2:ss am. 1159 p.m. l.eave Fayetteville, 4:30 a in, 1:12 p m. Arrive Florence. 7:3.'. a in, 3:15 p m. Arrive UoMsboro 9 20 p. in. Leave OoUUboro. 7:31 am, 3:15 p m. Leave Magnolia, -.:.'i7 a ni, 4:25pm. Arrive Wilmington, 10:01 a m.firij'i i> m. TRAINS QOINO NORTH. Leave Florence, 10:0", am, *:0"> p ai. Leave Kayetteville, l-i:10 a tu, 1 l:0j p m . Leave Selma, 2.10 a m. 11 25 p. m. Arrive Wilson, 2:57 a in, l2:0i p m. Leave Wilmington, 7 0) p m. 9 :oa m Leave Magnolia, 8:30 am, 11.-iiS pm. Leave (iolilsboro, 735 am. .i:37 am, 12 20 pm Leave Wilson,2-35 p in, Bzoain, U:.*l a m 10:15 pro, 1:18 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p in, 9:10 am 12 10 am, 11:23 p m, 1:53 p in. Arrive larboro 9 3L a. m. Leave Tarboro, 2:31 p 111. Leave Rocky Mount , 3:50 p m. 12:43 a LO. Arrive Weldou, 1:53 p in, 1:37 am. Wilmington aud Weldou Railroad. Yadkin Davidson Main Line—Train leaves Wiluiuu ton. 9 10 a in., arrives r'ayetteville I 2 20 p. in. leaves KayeUeville 12 U p.m., arrives Baniora 15s p. m. Returning leave i Satiford .1 Ua p. in., arrive Fayetteville 4 1\) p. ' m., Uiave 1-ayetteville 4SO p. in., arrivea W'il mnitfton 7 I s ) p. iu Wilmington aud Weldon Railroad, Ben net rsville Branch Train leaves Ben nett jville 810 a.m.. Mtxton 9 o."> a.m. Red •springs 93* a. m.. Hope Mills 1055 a m arrive favetteville 1110. Returning leaves! tay tteville 1 .5 p. m., Hope ...ills ! Red Springs 54 p.m., Maxton 6 lii p m i arrives BeunettsviUe 7 15 p. m. Connections at Ifayettevllle with train No. 7* at Maxum with the Carolina Central Kail road, at Red Springs with the Red .sprints and bowwore railroad, at .saiiford witn the Heab-.*M Mr i.iua and Southern" Railway at Ouir witn the Darbaui aud Charlotte Rail- ' road Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Woldo-i 3:15 p m, Halifax 329 p m arrives Scot laud Meek at 110 p m Ureenville 5-47 p m Riustou 6:4". p IM. Returning leaves Kuiston 7 30 a in, Ureenviilc 8 30 a in, arriving Ha;i'a\ at 11:0»a m, Weld.'n 11:20 a m, daily except I Sunday. K , Trains on Washington Branch :eave Wash ' lugton 8:09 am, and 2:15 p ui., arrive Parmele ' 8:5.". a m, and 4 10 p in, retur'iin«r leave Par mele 1110 am. and 5:2. ;• in., arrive Wa,hint-ton 12:30 aui and 15 iu, iliiily xcep' >u"day. Train leaves Tarboro N. C.. daily, e> cent Sunday, at 4:35 p ni., Sunday 1.3", , m., arrives Plymouth 635 p. , u .. tj ;.o ~.m | Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 30 a. m., and Sunday 900 a. m • ar- . rives at Tarboro . 55 a. m., ll 00 a. ni. Train on Midland N C Brauch leaves Oolds boro, N. v... daily except Sund?y, 500 a m: ar rive Smithfleld N C., 610 a m. Returuina leaves Smithfield. N. C. 700 a. m. arrives Ooldsboro.N.c. 8 26 a.m. Trainon Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9:30 a. in., 400 pm arrives Nashcille 10 20 a m, 4:23 p m. Spring Hope ll Co a m 4 4o p m. Returning leave. Spring Hope ll:2o a. rn.,5 Isp m, Nashville ll:45 a. m, 5 15 n m arrive at Rocky Mount 1* lj p m „ 820 pm' daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton uaily, except Sunday, at 11:40 a. m. and 4:ljpm. Returning- leaves Clinton 045 am and 2:50 p m. Train No. 78 make close connection atWef doufor all points North daily, all rail vi> Rlehmond H. m. SMERSO:,, General Passenger Agent. „ „ „ J - R - KENLY, T.M.EMERSON, (leueral Manager. Trattlc Manager. Waited for Groom 60 Years. i In the little town of Perth, in I the Ottawa Valley, Canada, the death is announced of Miss i Catharine Millar, known in the neighborhood around as*' Kitty ! Millar. Sixty years ago she was a i beautiful and accomplished girl in Scotland. She was engaged to be married to a young man who had a large interest in a Scottish thread factory. The day was fixed for the wedding and every preparation was made for the ceremony. The wedding day came and "Kitty" dressed in her bridal atire, awaited the bridegoom. In stead, there came a message that he had married auother. The shock aii'ected her mind, and for several weeks she was confined in an asylum. The doctors finally decided that she could bo given into the custody of her relatives, as they thought a change of scene and surround ings would prove the best cure. The Millar family removed from Scotland to Canada. Nearly 50 years have passed since their settlement in Lanark county, Out., yet never a month has elapsed in which '"Kitty did not dou her wedding gar ments to await the coming of her lover. The dress jvas an tique, of ambercolored silk, with a long front peaked waist, plaited and corded, with bell sleeves and skirt hanging odly 011 account of the stniigli width The bonnet was al-o peculiar. It was made of white e-iik, trimmed with satin ribon and a stiff lace matching the dress in color. Miss Millar was 80 years old when she died, and lor nearlv 00 years had preserved this wedding dress, expecting the arrival of her promised hus band. All her immediate rela tives had died before her and she was living with friends at the time of her death. was buried in the bridal robes made in Scotland long ago —Ex. A VALUABLE MEDICINE. For Coughs and Colds in Chil dren. "I have not the slightest hesi tancv in recommending Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to all who are suffering from cough or colds." says Chas. M. Cramer, Esq., a well known watch mak er, of Colombo, Ceylon. '"lt has been some two years since the City Dispensary first called my attention to this valuable medicine and I have repeatedly used it and it has always been beneficial. It has cured me quickly of all chest colds. It i especially effective for children a:ni seldom takes more than one bottle to cure them of hoars ness. I have persuaded many to try this valuable medicine, and they are all as well pleased as myself over the results." For sale by Hood it Grantham. The Best She Could Do. "There is only one reason," he said, "why I have never asked ymi to be my wife," "What is that?" she asked. "I have always been half afraid you might refuse." "Well," she whispered, after a long silence, "I should think you'd have curiosity enough to want to find out whether your suspicion was well founded or not."—Chicago Record-Herald. |i Too much housework wrecks wo- | i men's nerves. the constant \ I caxeof children, day and is ? often too trying for oven a strong | jj woman. A haggard face tells the | 1 story of the overworked housewife H } and mother. Deranged menses, H Jj leucorrhcea and falling of the H womb result from overwork. H | Every housewife needs a remedy V « to regulate her menses and to S (j? keep her sensitive female organs s a in perfect condition. j]WIK£«CARDIII| E is doing this for thousands of jjj M American women to-day. It cured a B Mrs. Jones and that is why she g M writes this frank letter: ■ S Glendeane, Ky., Feb. 10,1901. JB g lam FO glad thut your Wine of Cardui S H is helping me. lam feeling better than Bf g I have fcit for years. I am doing my E B own v/ork without any help, and I H lj washed last week and was not one bit K ■ tired. That shows that the Wine is 63 ■ doing me good. I am getting fleshier B H than I ever was before, and sleep good tj a::deat h?arty. Before I began talcing pj fj Wine of Cardui, I used to have to lav PI B down five or six times every day, but » y now Ido not think of lying down through S ■ the day. MB3. RICHARD JONES, YT 81.00 AT DKi;i!;LSm B M For advice and literature, addr?jß, pring vyvip- B | B toms, "The Ladlce' Advisory DcpanmexitThe 0 gf Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Turn. H Whittling Sticks. Chatting with a gentleman on the train the other day about a little boy six or seven years of ago, the man said: ''Do you know I have watched that little fellow and he never whittles sticks, but when he trets a jack knife and a piece of s ft wood he goes to make jsomethiug." There was a big secret let out in those few words. There is a character set forth in the way that boy handles his knife and wdod. He does not just cut and whistle and get en joyment out of the way the shavings fly. He has purpose and plan in what he does. We have more hope of the boy who makes frog houses in the sand and the girl who makes mud pies than of those children who just play and play and reveal no purpose in what they do. A billy goat is more valuable for a boy than a hobby horse. When we see a little fellow tug ging with a yearling to break him, rather than play at noth ing, wo see that there is a man of purpose wrapped up in that fellow. Aiinlessness is a woe ful disease. It is Laid that when George Washington was a boy going to school he was not satisfied just to snow-ball in any sort of way, but selected him an army and fought against a similar army selected by another leading boy in the school. That was purpose and it ripened at Vally Forge and was reaped at Yorktowu. It shows the man. Archbishop Leighton said: "To him that knoweth not the port to which he is bound, no wind can be favorable " The angels of God revealed the Christ secret to the shepherds that were watching their Hocks. God sends angels of success to those who aro busy watching that they may do something useful and practical. Scott, the novelist, was a great work er. Ilis physicians begged him to abridge his labors. He re plied : Molly just as well put the kettle on the fire and then say, 'Kettle don't boil." In dustry and purpose coupled with a good measure of com mon sense are elements that do not produce stick whit tiers. There is a loose screw about the fellow whose chief tool is a jack knife, his tiekl of labor a good'.- bosf and his product a pile ol shavings. But back to that boy. He was following the natural bent. It would have been hard for liim jto whittle. It is said that when Dr. Watts, the great hymn writer, was a boy, his father became so disgusted with the boy's propensity for rhyming that In* undertook to thrash it out of the little fellow. While the flogging was going on and the tears falling from the future poet's eyes, young Watts cried out: "Dear father, do some pity take, And I will no more verses make" That settled it. The old man saw it was in the boy's bone and he lot him alone. Benjamin West, the great painter, was an artist even when he wore kilts. One da' lit* drew such a splendid likeness of his litije sister asleep in the oradle that his mother took him up and killed him and praised him. Wtjrn he had reached the heigh?, of his fame as a painter he said that that. kis> made him an artist. You see he didn't just draw marks and scratch, but rtsveiilid the pur pose planted .n his life. These tilings only jo to show that tie boy who is onteut to just whit t'e sticks lacks and purpose and if not trained he will likely o come me corner I lounger and Ins daily work win be making shavings for tie wind to blow away. Don't whittle sticks.—North Carolina Baptist. WaIHH lo Help Ollierw. "I had stomach trouble all mv life,'' says Edw. Mehler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie. Pa., "and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent con siderable money trying to get a moment's ; e ic\ Finally I readofKolol Dyspepsia Cure tnd have been taking it to my rreat satisfaction. I never mind its for stomach trouble and gladly recommend it in hope that J may help other u llerers." Kodol Dyspepsia Jure cures all stomach troubles. You don't have to diet. Kodo Dispepsia Cure digests wha you eat. Hood & Grantham. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought NOTICE! Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Dunn : That, pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, entitled, "An act to authorize the town of Dunn to issue bonds for public improve ' ments and to levy a special j tax," ratified the 20th day of February 1901, and election to be held, and the same is hereby called and ordered to be held at the Mayor's Office in the town of Dunn on Tuesday the 6th day of May 1902 ; that at said election the question of authorizing the Board of Com missioners to issue bonds in the name of the Town of Dunn, to an amount not to ex ceed $35,000 (dollars), for the improvements mentioned in said Act, and to levy the .special tax therein authorized, be sub mitted to the qualified voters of the town of Dunn ; that at said election those voters favoring the granting of such author ity to said Board of Commis sioners shall vote a ballot con taining the word ' Improve ments," and those opposing the granting of such authors shall vote a ballot containing die words,"No Improvements," as provided in said act. That it, is further ordered bv the Board of Commissioners, that prior to said election there shall be an entirely new regis tration of the qualified voters of the town of Dunn, as authorized in said act. It is .further ordered by the Board that this ordinance be published in THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER, a news paper publish ed in the town of Dunn, for thirty days prior to the election herein called, to the end that all citizens of the said town may take due notice of the same. Passed and ratified by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Dunn regular in session, the Ist day of April 1902. M. T. YOUNG, Mavor of Dunn. O. P. SHELL, Clerk of the Board of Com. SUIiIB CAROLINA INTER-STATE AND WEST IMHAN L\- I'lMii. ______ I CHARLESTON, S. C. December 1, 'Ol to June 1, 'O2 ATLANTIC COAST LINE 'offers cheap excursion rates and excellent service. Shortest and quickest route. Pullm in Buf fet Sleeping Cars to Charleston on all through trains. Call on or address any Agent, Atlantic Coast Line for rates, schedule, sleeping car accom modations, etc., or the under signed. H. M. EMERSON, Gen. Pass. Agent. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. M O F F ETT 'S W&E m^ Cures Cholera-lnfanium, Diarrhoea, Dysentory and the Bowel Troubles of Children of An;/ Af/c. Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and MAKES TEETHING EASY. Cures Eruptions and Sores, Colic, Hives and ThrusH. Removes and prevents Worms- TEETHINA Counteracts and Ovoroomos the Effeots of the Cummer's hoat upon Teething Children, and oosts only 23 oents at Druggists, or mall 2E cents to C. J. MOFFETT, M. D.. St Louis. Mo. THE MAN WHO WANTS TO DRESS WELL will find it an easy and inexpensive Witter if he will wear "International" clothes. '"" ™"~~| • "International" clothes I are ma * e ky the largest I ~ • >■ and most reliable tailoring J -! concern in the world, with headquarters at New ; ;h'. ml, AYork and Chicago. Every | £}] \ i \ | garment is made strictly J/ ® s ' i|rJ s to measure and is guar- « l c\j[ \\ anteed to give complete lp\ J\ M/Cm \\ satisfaction. You can't p •- •' ;Y fL M get better clothes made IB to order anywhere. You 1 rl can't get any so good for JJ fin such low prices as the " vHL " International" charges. — ■„». We handle this line because we know we can recommend " International" garments in every respect. COME in and let us show you the " International" samples of over 600 up-to-date patterns * , i T. C. YOUNG, & CO., Dunn, N. C. jf Harness HfnU Ton can make your har- /S£iflBlt&S Hgawvgli nesa as soft ua a glove /MjrWfeyi g»y Wfll and as tough aa wire by JK7 MPu\ QS lining £I7IIEK A U»r. \]3}//g^Fi *1 noam Oil. You cuu Ej /fiSSSI /Kyfea\ ®"J lengthen ita life—make it IS PS£.f'K 1 «BA\M list tw.-c tu long us It if EUREKA j§ 1 Harness Oil 1 fsl makes a poor looking har- joKa SHI neas like new. Made of irgEt IWI pure, heavy bodied oil, c»- lp%! Sgjj peciullv prepared to witU- IMM fatal stand the weather. IV5® juf/ BoM everywhere £M/ in cans—all sizes. 'M&L Ml Matte bj STANDARD OIL CO. W NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the co-p?rtnership heretofore existing between J. F. Phillips aud K. L. Howard uuder the name and style of Phillips & "Co., was dissolved by mutual consent of both parties on the 9th day of April 1902 All debts due the firm and all debts due by the firm since Sept. Ist. 1901, will be collected and paid out hy K. L. Howard. The business heretofore conducted as above stated has been sold out to the Globe Furniture Co., and will be continued at the same stand on Broad and Wil son streets. Mr. M. L Phillips, former clerk for Phillips & Co., will continue his services for the Globe Furniture Co. and collet t all debts and receive all monies for said Phillips & Co. All debts contracted prior to Sept. Ist, 1901, will be paid to | M. L. Phillips for J. F. Phillips individually. This April 15th, 1902. J. F. PHILLIPS. K. L. HOWARD. The Greatest Dangir. I There can be no doubt that the ! greatest danger which now threatens the liberties of the people and the welfare of the I country is the unbounded in | fluence which the corporations exercise .in all our legislative bodies which power is used with relentless vigor.— Balti more Sun, Ind. Dem. Sams t'- 'to M Yon Ha* Aittays Bought T- Saved Jlniij a Time. Don't neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring. Such cases often result seriously ai this season just because ptoph are careless. A dose of One Minute Cough Cure will re move all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung §troubles. "I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years," says Postmast er C. O. Dawson, Barr, 111, "It is the very best cough medicine on the market. It has s ived iue many a severe spell of sicknes> and I warmly recommend it." The children's favorite. Hood & Grantham. Dr. Ta/mage Dead. Washington, D. C., April 12. —Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, the noted Presbyterian divine, died at 9 o'clock to-night, at his resi i dence, in this city. It had been ' evident for some days that there was no hope of recovery aud , the attending physicians so in- j formed the family.-The patient gradually grew weaker until life passed away so quietly that even the members of the family, all of whom were watching at the bedside, hardly knew that he had gone, SKETCH OF JIIS LIFE. Thomas DeWitt Talmagp was born in the State of New Jersey in 1832. He graduated at New York University aud later stud ied theology at New Brunswick. He was called to the Reformed Presbyterian Church at Syra cuse, N. Y., in 1859. From 1862 to 1869 he was located in Puiladelphia. In the later year he began his cmuection w T ith the Brooklyn C mtral Presbyte rian Church. Here he made such a reputation as an orator and preacher that people flock ed to hear liim. An immense "Tabernacle" was built in 1870 but was destroyed by fire tvto weeks later. In 1874 a new building of brick and stone Avas dedicated. It was of Gotaic architecture and had a seating capacity of 4,600. This was destroyed also by tire in ISB9. but was rebuilt. A great d bi had been involved however, and it was owing tJ some misunder standing about this that charge* of falsehood and dishonorable lusiness conduct were brough» aeaiust Dr. Talmage before tht Brooklyu Presbytery. He was acquitted aud the decision was sustained. The 'l a •ernacle was for tin third time burned in 1894, after' which Dr. Talmage resigned the pastorate and accepted a call to a church in Washington, where he has ever since preach ed. Dr. Talmage was one of tin most eloquent men that evei adorned the American pulpii There was such demand for hi.- ser nons that they were syndica ted and published all over the United States. The countr;. papers especially ran these ser mons, and in this way Dr. Tal mage b-came the b»st known minister in the country. There is hardly a Christian home in the whole laud where he was unknown, and his death wilj ••ause genuine regiet to thous ands. lie was no le«s celebrated a* ;• lecturer, and when he made ;• oi.r >f the country, thousand theked to hear him. His lee ture on "The Bright Side of Things" is one of the best known ind itm?t widely admired. Dr. Talmage was for a num !>■>!• of years editor of the Chris tian work and is the author of 1 various publications. Among are the Almond Tree in ' Blossom; Crumbs Sweft Up; ' Abominations of Modern Socie- 1 ty; Sports That Kill; Every ' D-tv Religion ; From tin* I'vra- 1 mids to the Acropolis and From \ Manger to Throne. Sl"«t in It in l.rfi tASff. For all kinds of sores, burns, j bruises, or other wounds De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is a ' sure cure. Skin diseases yield oit at once. Never fails in n>es of piles. Cooling an healing. None genuine but D Witt's. B ware of counterfeit "l suffered for many years fro » 1 soro caused by a gun sh • wound in my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, English, Ind. "It on Id out heal and gave me inch trouble. I used a!l kind >f remedies to no purpose until tried DeWitt's Witch Haze' r •alve. A few boxes complete cured me." Hood & Gran ham. | Your County Paper Free. Any one sending us FIVE SIUB QGRiE*I©NS during the next sixty days we •vill send them THE BANNER one year free of charge. This is an easy way to get the pa >er. See your neighbor and gei lim to subscribe. Any 10 vear old boy can do this and h°r. by get the paper. Who vill be the first? THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER, DUNN, N. C. If troubled by a weak diges ion, loss of appetite, or con tipatiou, try a few doses of hamberlain's Stomach and iiver Tablets. Every box war anted. For sale by Hood & rranthara. For Infants and Children. : l*AsTOffBA|Tho Kind You Have Always Bought AVfegetable Pr?parationfor As - fl ~ similating iheFootfandßegula- fl _ - M ting theStoinachs and Bowels of m Jjgarß tll6 £ t PromotesDiseslion.Cheerful- IS I nessandßcsU ontetas neither Jg JL 9* i Opium.Morphi M* ju r>Uneral. PS UJ. ff\\ \\Jf KOT'NATI IC. 1 Mi W i r ~L+;cfOUl> WW PtTCHKR 'm | \/\f "\anfjan Star- ' » * 'l V | .ttx.smjui' > "m iyi . iujuusd*- I S viS _ B M J aft In lUrtftSffd - I ■« II JL/ 1 ~ Iru #J* II Q p Apeifecl Remedy « I w Or UO C non.SourSiOevch.Diarrttoca 111 . WAf Worms .Convulsions .Fevtrish- M I gT C#** f).. ness and Loss OF SLEEP. iUl UVBI FacSimitc Signature of ®! Thirty Years teas; THC CCNTAUR COMPANY. NEW TOM CITY. > ARE W aHl ANY 1 you W§MM» head ' DEAF? ?l3WiPs£ NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, CF BALTIMORE, SAYB: BALTIMORE, MD., March 30. 1901. Gentlemen : Being entirety cured .of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you a fui! history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, uutit I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. 1 underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among ethers, the most eminent car specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw vour advertisement accidentally in a New York pajxr, and ordered your treat- Sent. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and io-dav, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you ' heart ilv and beg to remain Very truly yours. F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore. Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. you can cure yourself AT HOME "•S-.T/ INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 536 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL A Wonderful Invention. They cure dandruff, hair fall ing, headache etc., yet costs the same as an ordinary comb —Dr. White's Electric Comb. The >nly patented Comb in the world. People, everywhere it las been introduced, are wild with delight. You simply ;omb your hair each day and, he comb does the rest. This i vonderful comb is simply un-j breakable and is made so that it: s absolutely impossible to jreak or cut the hair. Sold on i written guarantee to give per fect satisfaction in every respect. 3end stamps for one. Ladies' size 50c. Gents' size 35c. Live men and women wanted jverywhere to introduce this • rtitie. Sells on sight. Agents re wild with success (r-'et vaut column of this paper.) \dlres« D. N. ROSE, Genera' ; gi\. Decatur, 111. STUMP YOUR m. THE CHAUBERLIN » Screw Stump MiclUe. gfejL The only Stump Machine in fee workl that successfully BBSiigaHagHEcSM pnlls all cli—■ and fixes of MAXTTACTURXD ST TBI SSbBmLJ A -!^£ CHAMBERLIH MFG. CO. ■E33SHS OLKAN, N. Y. Wrlte Address T. R. Williams & Sons, Agents, Dunn, N. C. R. F. D. Route No. 1. A FREE PATTERN (jour own selection) to every sub scriber. Ouly 50 ccuts a year. MSCALLS^ MACAIIWEW j. A LADIES' MAGAZINE. ~ I A gcin ; beautiful colored plates; latest \ fashions; dressmaking economies ; fancy , work ; household hints: faction, etc. Sub l scribe to day, or, send yc. for latest copy, i Lady agents wanted. Send for term*. Stylish, Reliable, Sim»le, Up-to date, economical and Absolutely Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. MS CALLiTith BAZAR fATTERNSW _AH Seams Allowed ud PerfontloM show the Butiai aad Sewfcm Lioes. Only 10 and 15 cents each—none higher Ask for them. Sold in nearly every city and town, or by mail from j THE NcCALL CO.. I 113-115-117 West 31st St, JttW TOIL Funny-isn't it? Hew some men will go to high priced tailor* for their clothe* when they can get Just u good tod better from The International Tailoring Co, of New York and Chicago {or a great deal less money. u International " Clothes are made by the best tailors in the land and they are guaranteed to fit perfectly. Once tried you'll alway* wear them. The complete Km of ** International" Samples comprising over six hundred of the nobbiest pattern* can be seen at T. C. YOUNG & CO., Dunn, N. 0. To euro SICK H HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, and all diseases arlslnp from In digestion. They will purify your blood and make your complexion as FAIR AS A LILY. They are Be latin oeated. PWCE M CENTS. ■ 1 ■ OASTORIA. 3aa™ the /> Kind You Have Always BoujM