. A beautiful reproduction of Leltoy's celebrated painting "PASTEL PANSIES." Correct in drawing, artistic in arrangement and coloring, suit able for framing and lit to adorn any parlor, \V r e want the names of Sun- j dav school superintendents and teachers, Christian Endeavorers, Ep worth Leaguers, King's Daughters, etc. In tact the name of anybody who would be likely to be interested in the Witness and Sabbath Reading. And to any person sending us a list of one hundred such names we will send the above dcsciib ed picture free. New York Weekly Witness, Interdenon 1i nation al in Religion ; An Exponent of Applied Christianity; Independent in politics Has something of interest for every member of the family. Farm and Garden Department. Doctor's Column; Talmage's Sermon ; Children's Department; Scientific Department; Spirit of the Press; etc., etc. 01 DOLLAR A YEAR. o o Sabbath Reaaing. A Sixteen Weekly Paper. Solely Religious in Character, No News ; No Politics. Stories ; Poetry ; Sunday-School Lesson ; Christian Endeavor and En worth League Topics; Mothers' Sabbath Afternoon with the Children; Miscellaneous Re ligious Matter. (IE! 50 CENTS A YEAR. 0 —o Free sample copies of the Witness and Sabbath Reading sent 011 application. JOHN DOUGALL &CO. 150 Nassau St. New York. P. 8, —The subscription price of both the Witness and Sab bath Reading when taken to gether is $1.25. These papers combined afford a liberal home educator. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. — IT' your name is not on our list and you desire vo try our papers, send us 25 cents (silve v or stamps) and we will send you both the Witneas and Sabbath Reading for three months. ATLAMIUM \M \ RAiLRuAD CO. Dec. 22nd. 1901, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS OOINO SOUTH. Leave Welitoi: .ll:so a,M.,!1:38 p. m.; arrive Rocky MUUNT, I tola. NI.,M::>2 |>. »U. Leave Tartioro. 1 i\f. a. iu., 7 - i J>UI. Leave Rocky Mouut, L:U". a. AL., IU.D.J p. IN. 7 I>. ill., 5:l.I alii, L.-:S. |> ill. Wilson, 1.5 V a IN, li:I» I> iu, 8::IL a ui. 6:25 T> ui., 'I4:. I>iu. Leave rtelma .l:ss aM. 11. Til I>. tn. Leave Fayelteviile. 4::5»> a IN, L :LI p M. Arrive Florence. 7:3"> a m. ::1"> i ui. Arrive UoWsiioro » 20 P. M. Leave Goldsl'oro, 7:.U a la, .':ls JI M. Leave Mat!Uolia, ?:.'l7 a in, 4:*511 :B. Arrive Wiliuiajflou, I*>:oX a TA. ii:O" n M, TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave. Florence, 10:0" AM, S:(ir> I> m. Leave Fayetteville, i2:J(> a iu, 1 xii.i I> lU. Leave Seluia, 2. 11 l a la. 11 25 }.. ia. Arrive Wilson, 2:57 A UI, lii.Oj JI AI. Leave Willoiug , tr»ll,7:TM I> lU. 9 "DA, IN. Leave Magi.olia, a in, 11:03 ]> ia. tioldsboro, 7 aia , • :I7 aia, 12 it; P ::: Leave Wil.-,011,2 i5 JI lA, : , ill am, 11:4 a iu 10:15 P UI, 1:18 p ia. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p RO, 9:01 AM, 12 10 am, 11:;3 p ia, I:SX p LU. Arrive Tarl>oro i» -it. a. m. Leave Tarlx.ro, 2:3! p 111. Leave Kocky Mount, :'.:r,o p m. 12:13 a in. Arrive We Mo 11,4:53 p m, 1:;'7 a lA. Wilmington and We'don Railroad, Yadkin Davidson Main Lias— Train leaves Wilmijju ton, st 10 a. m., arrives Fayelteviile II ;(I p. a:., leaves Fayetteville ij 42 p.m., arrive:! Banlord 15S p.m. UPTURNING leave HanJurd . 0.") p. m., arrive Fayelteviile 12I;p. ! m., leave Fayetteville 4ZO p. m., arrives WlL miUriton 7 15 p. iu Wilmington and Weidon Rallroil, Ben-i nettsville Branch Train leaves Bin- I uettsville 311 a.m., Maxtor. 9 IR> I. M., a—.i Springs 3.3 aa. m., Hope Mills IN ". A W arrive Fayetteville 11 !>'. Ret iraiug LEINEI, Fayetteville 4 4s p. m., Hope .«.ills r oup U:. Red Springs 54. p.m., M&xtou •; 1 J p.m. arrives Bennettsville 7 15 n. iu. Ceunections at Fayetteville with train No. ! 7* at Maxton with the Carolina Ceiitr.il RAIL- ! road. at Red Springs with the IT" I Spriiig* and Bowmore railroad, at Saafoi-.i witu trie Sea'.oard Air Line and Soul hern lUiiwa. at Gulf with the Dur);aiu and C'harloite Rail road. Train on Scotland NOCK Branch romi leaves Weldov. 3:15 P in, Halifax 32.1 P :a arrive.- Scotland NOCK at. 4 HI p ia tlroenville r.:47 ;> U;. Kinston li:4i p in. uetiiriiiog leave 7 ISLI ,I 'N, ir'-e'ivU!" - 30 ,». in. ARRIVING at 11:03 a ui, 'A'SM"II 11:20 a ai, daily exr.-pt on-iav. Train* on WasHintrton 617.:1CH Nave /.'r.l._ tigton KIIFI N us, and -.15 ;I :n., arri\- Fsra:el 6:55 a ID, and I:liip M. rettirninir raele 1110 aui. and s:i. p NI.. arr.ve Washiiigton 12:30 a in, and FI-15 p tu, di'iiy except Su- d-.Y. I'rain leaves I'arboro, N. C., daily, except Sunday, at 4:35 p m., Sunday 1.35 m., arrives Fly mouth 635 p. in., Hp.m.. Returning leaves F!>l.l(iitth ia!:y e.xce. I Sunday, 730 a. in., and Sunday »IN a. M.; AR rives at I'aruoro 55 a. RN.,1100 a. ui. Train on Midland N C Braneit I -.iv.-s Gold. - boro, N. C..daily except Sunday. SO>»A m, ar rive SmithSeld N C., 0 l>) aw. KE.!>mii>:. leaves Htni'titieHi. X. C. 7U» a. :N. a:-'iv>- (ioidsooro.N. c. « J.r. a. ui. Trainon Nashville Branch 'eaves Ro- UJ Mount at 9:50 a. Al.,4opm arrives .".'axliviu:- 10 20 a m, 4:2'! p m. Spring Hope UMARII! 4 15 p. M. Ret-jrningieave -!T>-liiK Hope ll:.E a. m., 5 15p in, Nasiiville 11 :>5 J-.. 1N..5; .J,in arrive at Rocky Mount LIL PM., 6 20PM" daily except Sunday. Train on Climon Bran.-H leaves Warsaw 'or CUti'oi! sully, except Sunday, at Ji:; >r A:.'' 4:15 PM. Returning,' LEAVES Ciiuton : A L': and 2:50 p ID. Train No. 78 make close connection at Wei don tor ali points North dailv. all r:> II vij Richmond. H. M. KMBRSON, GENERA! Vas enc •- . nit. „ "• H. KIiNLY, T. M.KMF.RSON, General Manager. Trade Maaagor. VdCcinGiiOh i ■'ok After Two /ears. The remarkable case of a small girl whose vaccination ttiok after two year's dc!a> should be.some consolation t;> those who have been reported t> one of the medical journals bv the child's plivsician and i recorded as being probablv •without precedent in medica science. The child was vaccinate.-! Iwhcii -'he wa-s only six nvniiiis old and with sWiht sucees- Nothing was thought about that until a few weeks ago, and two years after the originfil vaccination, when she had an attact of scarlet fever with com plications which puzzled tlu family doctor. The old vac cination marks seemed to wake uj) again. Inquiry revealed that the lit tle girl had not been re-vac cinated, though aU the symp toms might have indicated that she had. Other physicians were called in and watched the case. -When the child's recovery was certain they agreed that the one explanation feasible was that the vaccination had re mained latent in the child's system for two years and that the fever had started ii afresh. —New York Sun. A Woman who has had ex perience with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequences from it. She says: Our three children took whooping cough last sum mer, our baby boy being only three month's old. and owing to our giving them Chamberlain > Cough Remedy, they 10.-t m ::'.- of their plumpness and came out in much holier health ti:a;i other children parenis did ilot use ihis remedy. Our oldest little girl would cali lustily for cough syrup between whoops.—JKSSIK PiN K ICY 11.V1.i4, Springvillc, Ala. This lif-m -t dy is for sale by Hood iV (iran tham. Uncle Sam as Solomon. The government at Wash ington is not only tin .scene of momentous transactions, but - appears from a story in tli«' New York Ilerakl, it is some times called u; on to settle j.i i- i ty (juestioiii of t!ie tnost in: -! mate personal character. Tis»' |Tr asury Department latelv . acted as 'judge in a dispir - j', vliicii arosj between husL'an i i aloi V, il". * | ; The man and hi- wife had), had a spirited struggle over iiiei ;i posses-ion of several bauk-bilis, !', j each holding last to one end of! the *'wad." Alive dollar bill|» tore across tlie .middle, and!.; each contestant carried oil j i half of it in' triumph. j•" 1 1 i- here that the Treasury j, Department cam-into the quar-'' re!, it received haif of the , : bill from the wife, with a state-• incut thai rhe »il:or half had!' been de-troyed, and 111 • roqut-.-t ! for a new bill. In a short time' i came the second half >i the biiii' from the hudian'd, with a simi-j. liar statement and request. A-\ the govei nmont tle-n iiad both I' ends of the bid. it made JI j', Solomon-link decision and j awarded two dollars and a haif to each of th quarielsoni claim-! ants. —Youth's Companion. k _ 1 \\ i t&r U '£' ir" iuss> E' W«i j? \j Athens, Tean., Jaa. 2T, TSOI. « M Ever 3ir.co the aj. ranee of :r.y « [w menses they were \ v i/rcgnlar &cd f M R: sulSer -i\ wit ', ];•'. in in t.ry hips, !)a.cfr, storia-is s&«:rf vllh t. rriu>e V; }? Veaiing do.vn ]:: axis in the ahiloraen. r.j Uijir: thct j.ust hiOiiili Ih: vj been wj |s 4n?:sf y, vVi:." c»f Cnmii•. .:u»l f i iicdloxa'fl B V: v 7C-LLISEIR.OIITH- & ly T' l without *.uin for ii.e f;rat: \imo MIA years. KAI.MIM JJAVIS. L I . . 1 y V\'h?.} is lira worth to a woman suffer- M ir, 3 'ike Nannio Davis euffwed? Yet j-f fc; tticrc arav omsn in thousands of homes H fj to-iiay who are bearing those terr:L!a y H menstfuai pains ii; siicncc. if yen arc R ore cf thoso wa want io say that this $ U same M S RHSF ,-. F Ci ®s?. rP F K | m § B wit! bring yon prrnisner.t ic-!icf. Con p sole yourself with I!.* krewiodgo that irj 1,0CQ,0!)0 woffitr. have been completely 0 « ctir:;!l by Wine o: Cir-iui. These- won-.- R en sufJsred frcm tsuccrrhoea, irrcruiar fi messes, headache, backache, and £; Eg t!o».ii paii.s. Wine c' Cr.rdtii i? g will c'op aii these aches ar:l pains tf. for you. Furctese a £l.OO hottle of jjg p Wine cf Cardui to-cty and take ii in 0 S the privacy of your home. fci H Koradvi^Oßi lt llii.ralnre.ai!.irfS».t-lTlncsvmi>- S g t-KiN l-ull.-s' A.lvi.-■ , !# •;...: n.; 1.;," Bj B *-.:-I.UINOCG!I XUCLICIOC L'U., CIUIUUUOUTA, B NOTICE () i'" DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given thr.t the co-partnership heretofore •xi sting between .1. !'. Plnliij s and K. L Howard under the . : iiv and style of Phillips «& 60., was dL solved hy mutual consent of both parties on the Oib day of April 190:5 All l"i)ls.(iii'' tfirm ::ui "M.h due bv "the iirm sine; Sept. Ist. iiX'l, will I)-. 1 c .llorirsi and j :iid int hy [v.. L. Howard. i tie ijusis heretofore oonducied is :;!>ovo .-.fitsed i. is br.eli sold (>i i» jo the Globe Furniture Co., and will he continued at the -':!ir.e stand «>u Rroad and 11- son streets. Mr. M. L. Phillips, former c'Jerk for Phillips it Co., will eontinne his services for the Globe Furniture Co. and collect all dej)i> ami "receive ail moiiitw for said Phillips A' Co. All debts contracted prior to Sept. Ist, 1001, will ho paid to M. L Phillips for J. F. Phi'lips individually. This April 1 • >th. 1902, j. F. PHILLIPS. K. L. 110 WA ii I>. "Wants Others to liiiov/ '•1 have used DeWilt's Little Early Risers fur constipation and torpid liver and they are ail*right. I am glad to indorse them for I thiuk when we (ind a ; r ood thing wo ought to !«.-i others know it," wrhes Ailred lieinze, «juiacy. 111. Th'ey never gripe or distress. Sure, sate pills. Hood A: Grantham. suiiH qnliM ivfa-mn; iP WEST 1 l:|\s IV mu. CIiARUCS'I ON 1 , S. C. I December 1. -|i l to -inn" I, j ATLANTIC COAST LINE joliVr-' cheap excursion rau sane excelieut service, shortest are' quickest route. Puliman I»uf fet Cars to Charleston on aii tl.rough trains. Call on ot ad.dn .~- any Agent. Atlantic C'.ast Line for rate-, schedule, sleeping car accom modations, etc., or tne uudi r sigued. Tf. EMERSON. Gen. Pass. Agont. T. M. EMERStiN, | Trafiic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. CO.MM iSsIONI'.R'S SALE i)., Ji,.) :I- I,f . ? 11: n • !:• 1' '■ i ! i if; :\'. lljiIIji- ii:iiu ; i! .1 - • .111 i.i -- ,-i,, |f i.i: 1.! : ; i!:■ ■• 1 O ?•!'.;! I Court ii. tlit.' mli.ui i.i wiiil e.-ur; tj«— pi'tidiug L-iuitlcii .1. W i ipkiti, Adwi'r. of !.. V.i■ I'ipkia • it. f MeNH'!. Ni. 11. M \-i!! i . -. l.fii - at iat of A. S M« X. ill. "V»"'l set: ::1 |.ii!>i. unction tin* ioiiowi'iir • i!».-•! Iu;- i;.i:;jT l»'i iriC i il.iriuli i-oinilv. ".irlii ' ;'.i'i.|ii.:i, I" w ;;: Ali UM» foltiiiti tracts ot UUKI IN io tin- in'irs .it Itw of A. S. .M •- Vi'iii, (!.-I-I-:!SI-i!. IYITOJ in ;i!1 ; (l , . ls ~,, fori; of HI'.II* ui*.l I (>;HT I.itili iiivr-. Mi" t.-t. ti.ict ki.ovv . :i- I Xiijiii in.-! :it l it>* uniutii ij itic N'orlli liv tiiv in'ii!. to tin llt il-of Li t - ,i- i':|i; i . iliriM" >l, 11:1 tin •'..1 I liy .•(>* !•>•;>: :it r, oil liio Sunlit l»v ill 1:1 'i- o: o . 1.. >s- ill: :ii .! on tin !.V 1 In* 1.1 L. Siiiiili lie i!"- i: i| -i-ion^'ill jx Io tiic tu-ir -of I.cvvi- I'iiiki.tii. • -.ifi'il. ANo iinotla-r triwtofi .* ■?••••■ of li - -- H'f-iiiiii it■ £ or • N) ill'i- known U-S tilt! "l-jXili.S •unr of —it!• 2 o'clo.'U 11. tn. Tfim i.f -:; 1 ■ »•!•■ il of ■•;«—!« :.!• • I ii:t! :!K-c t.l 1. imiuili:. is- ;r-ii'v•• i until iiayiu-i of |iurt:l::is' juit". "1 Hi - April, 22ne .1 -io">. s-ili-:U .'oni 1 lio .»•• ilij if l.iliinj,'- ion, N .''. A. (' lle-iii-oWAV. Your cunty Pcper Free \ An- one sending us FIVE PLIQ-im SUE ee^iPTio^Q during the noxt si.xtv days we j will send them TM E" RANNER i one yenr free of charge. This iis an easy way to get the pa ; L )ER - See your neighbor and get him to subscribe. Any 10 ,v ear old boy can do this, and I thereby get the paper. Whr | will be the first? THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER, DUNN, N, C. C* A CTA O ?: i\ 1 » *6 it For Infanta and Children n>s Kind You Have Always BcugM Eears the srf. WOWS ; 111 y 1 Fin ! FF I JL liiJ i-i. I^- /o*-- /*%■' S| ill i: \X "A■ .. N7TS. ' ' 1 I""" ~ ' ; ' • i n7.-,*v r >5/ #| JV> ? -/A VSI VA /y. «x VA ti I/x •//. •//. •//. V/. •// w > I The -ampaif|n will soon be on ithroughout the State, and every ; voter shouk! keep himself posted. |Co llarneit the election will he I important and interesting. Yon i«houid subscribe at oaee to your e leoucty paper. Don't delay bul •/IS e/ send us 81.00 to-day. . jSV n M m : A-v.x :->»■• -" - I; ';- :.' :V Pfii fT'" : BU. rSetea-kfeles, r- tin m Diar.-hoca.Dyailcry.cnd 1 .. •«>,:; « r?; ; ps :j hi j tht Bcwsl Vrcubics oi . MirtHofAfi/Ase. V. . --jy / c 1 - «-.jj Uu«ii!!»n.R } j t. '.-tKvi t>." i>3v/s|ff, Str£i:gchens *- *■"" rn .;-p 0«» v fs «i Prwr*«f« the Child rnd f3.es • v '- r ' v 7 TE2T»«:r;G EASY. U -i-yiaHOT mail 25 teste to C. J. MOFFETT. M. 13.. ST. LCUiS, SCO. F 0. C., ?" jr. —I vras f .ut vhisc i lycir family |»I ; jic:cn in Chu. ico» to »;se TMETRINA rri;U cur bicy \\°: n 1.0 \* r." l.utu vi.ry yonn.T -is ? v*"® vc -^ r ® c • cn '« var:a pr.c 'ea cl:cFtozi:»ch. -r it v/as osefal iu troul' ; . and !•.. •■•• • * £« -:i t end tobtson ybecellctalur isofroeii »mdangen t it •>.• consequentiipoq'ttie tt 34 . f syrups, timt we havecomot^yregard iwixfleriiso witix tiuee rl*.i' *.-« n, a? or.oof tl'.o s v !•. 'i:« re it n». r'•. . r :*i the}: ••; «.• r.:; l tJie t«- :i'.!vs arc •. r, ur.t v.. tab itoagt I 4 tecogmcndißg it tocjr i : '.. 1 t 101 l• h - 1* • • :t": atsoi baby qu.et. UAUTWIILLU. AYIIH, JD*UIy I«a*ea H!iJ Weekly 'ii.iita-iiesseii^tr.) I THE MAN WHO WANTS TO DRESS WELL *rJ v/i!l fir d it in essy and inexpensive matter if he wi(! wear "international" clothes I "International" clothes |H| r _ • •./ [ are made by the largest "Ij . j and most reliable tailoring j 1 - | concern in the v-'orld, with [ | headquarters at N-ew i | I York and Chicago. Every") | | I garment is mads strictly jj | wj}\ | to measure and is guar \ Mj; \\ | anteed to give complete I «/\ -II v. satisfaction. You can't I [x \\ I ( \ '%, fefj )Pi| get better clothes made j to order anywhere. You can't get any so good for J J Jf y such low prices as the ( 1 " International" charges. % ! j We handle this line because we know we can recommend " International " garments in every respect. & CO/AE in and let us show you the " International" samples of over 600 up-to-date patterns > & • J. C. Ol cc CO., Dunn, N. C. £ A. A WiffH J&k i I M JSi & -jA?k | iw®v Mk Stt&m I S # % fca I JL » Ja«akes short roads. | I a *f ip' | | «&L»ud light loads. i •§*» A S? "5fS | i /•' ':• £*.£&> Hf ! I fjg |f Ik^Jsuj I fur everything that runs 011 wheels. P I fe Soid Everywhere. ». JUde bySTA'V!>AKI.O!LCO. ■ iL>iXJnr«' r nu 1; mr mtw*^ Nkw Kkmkdy kok Potato Bros. From what the Gastonia, Gazette says it appears that a cheap and effective r remedy against potato bii„o has been found in cotton s ,j ed meal. J' says: "Mr. Robert. Whil* informed us las 1 week that he yjt eot-or. seed mea'i on his potato vinos* and in two hoars t!u> burjs dis appenred—they didn't d:c bu' hustled awav. He is firrnl convinced of i f s virtues a.-; an anti po r a'o bag powder,. i! uc co-aper add wafer lha 1 J'ani Given. lie was . » ie this remedy l>y a neighooi- ;.. Jjoray, \v!:o had discovered :t i virtue b/ accident, lie had emo tied a sack ot cotton seed in hi cow and was re turning to the hoi.-'. through his potato patch. Thi Krg t- fertilize liie'ground a lis tie, In s:iapj»d the s .clc a time or to rid it of the .remnants c' meal. il° afterwards notic. that.the lit.le patch of \ii:e.- ill it. caught ill* l sifiings rc uiMtied iiroen and growing while tin rt.st f ]is • rop w;'-* devouied « |; l. i' r s. 11 til. i-i a v 'e.uin: di covery i« is oue". cert a 11. v, ol vi ij great impor tance." Like a Drow: i. g Man ''live years ago a di-ea>- the doctor* cail"d dyspep-ia took-ueli hold oi me that .1 could scareely go,' w . it fi s Geo. S. Marsh, v.". !• ki v. \ attorne oi Novona. i"' a . 1 took (j lai - tities of: epsin and other med icmf-TtTut r.s.ihi.ig help. 1 me As a drowning ::ia;i g-:*::os at .-iraw i grabbed at K.odol. i felt an inr, ■ovemeiH at ouei and ai or I v.- bou. -am iiiie> and weil." K- :■ \- the only :t !•;«■ :on v.oe .1 . xaiV iy i'f i>r .since - t!; 1-* e.: ' j i;;v.*• - :i;.i />. «;•: j .enti* is Ihe ti.l'.' • • wiiii'ii i s an V good ioo«.' and t '■ au\" lorm n{ .-to: nam n-oiioie. Hood Cc • Jrant iium. No'i'H.'i' 01 SALE. l yDEK ISy vir; ;n- of l!i> - jitsiVi !' :i it :tii' r, .o: ii v ■jiv«M> l.y :» >'rrt!iin ni"! 1 i-x e::r I !r. !•. Xciil, Wi:i. M• N ill si'i>! : i. McX. HI :o 111 c wliii-h i» 1■ i- !-.*.! i i ;i;»' • !* ti 4 * I *.*«•«! - ft»r ti* 1 ::.!_v el Hiir.ii'lt. in l).n»i; Z .•> '2 ;• 1 :il Iho {■>!!.> i sj jirojii-r. v wil! 1> ? sol-! :t* IMil.'k- Ail'ti it vi/. li f 1 i-t;i in I. ii-. iii^tt»ti.Toni»!fhit>, !tartteir««u■■••y. irliKiiny; :.f .1 -(?:!:• I i f,- { fnirn r! 1 1 n.ii' 'f I It** .if L'iil.iljj'.c r.j), s..:ilii i.--t •».. .!• .■! ! : " 11. i. i : >ni It. v. . 11!- ii: IS \Y ' ! ch:iiii> I" 1 h" '"li 'l nr 1! m-. isivv \ v \'. ' I lion. j. the iOc line \ W. i-'i I Iliiik.s i». ill.- rnolor .f. iht'.cr S j !ISK. i 1!. :; 1 - ii! l!i>'; •••.! n j »f I li.' • >f M*ii : 1 rwt, Hi- . • *'• 7J ' ! E :ir i V!u3:s r- tlrabPfin .i... '! o if-it' i!'-.' rii:'- :• .li. :l-.' :*•.- ::• t I it- i- • I s;t ;i(- |;l:i'v Im 'i' Hid! ! !)..(•, 4. s V;j f .:■ f:; ■ d.- .-Tijir'n.. : - . J'. )» ' !•'. x >. J : .. - HI -n 1 ."5 Mtw'stiamrtt county* I'laC ■ I s:il' . '"ivut ]!■' !>• i ■ r. !,'!!i.".;'n:i. ! *!. «\ T iii •>{ - ii- Miy'2! !1. Vnt'i :i» ' !i-iV.?i:!*l: M. T'-ru's . f A [il l! lli ii ii'o2 1.. J. I!-?:, M' rtjMgco. fel^i V m ft KEW FAST TIIII za> mmsMOßmaa rsKHKtJB#?- ■*>*• Bet\7oen St. Louio and Kansas City ar.d OKBL4HOMA €ITt 9 WiCI§ITA, fiBLftSS&Ns &WU-mAN 9 OALIASs r Oi?T W©RTH An;l principal pci-ta iaTosas aud theSouth- Y7c - j;.vta i.; bcv throutjUoat a:id is Ea c rp (1 1 ... provided v.-;: ■ ' ■ nfl c..l other modern c avtnicne?j. It runs via our now ccciplece.?. UH f &? BISvSSI®I3. pveiy appiianee knov. u to Kiodcrn ear htulUiUjr anil 1 l:::s booi; cv.'.i.>ycd in the malio-up of this service, inckiding Cafe Ofeserva&aGss €cai ; « 3 .or tho of T'rcl. Harvc-. Fell inform.:tiott as to i .ites aud all deisi! - >.! a '.rip via this ns\-.- roato .'lll •>;* i>heerlu.;v f!.nn.-:hcci, u;-. m application, by any repre sentative of the «ai> fit i OTISt IB 1 i p 1 1 r ; v» Vi • ri\ :• f Wg« j•; •: ; y.- _ • • gpr Infests aau .flkjldren^ ['PatSliii I The Kind ¥su fa 111 Always Bought rj Prcparat ioiifcrAs - & rji cimil'ttii"'' fi'CFGOU3itfKcBw:a- ' : —, «•; /¥ |l j ; ;i .bears uie i « :lj ;:. £ /vl.p i Promotes iiaffrsßoflXteiaM- [;| # ?/ \& !] ncssaiKilic;-.! \ 'i*3l«itV-.'r ilflf nf /A /£ fjr | Opiur»'».i»lorp\Mv;-. r rMicrui. U:fj __ U1 A" fc's |Jf» |! j|j| .%^IT : *>°saet ||& |\/\. £ .ft \ vi (". " feS'- ', ; ft ft ft lli£ &ST" 1 i yi l. !»--{ , iff # . Use Li Aperfccl Itemeay iorConsf.-pfl- j B w pjr fj j jg. B V>-jr ~ ij Wonns.Coimiisions,Feverish- j ft .pf 12 W S fii ncss cv.id L»iss of Sleep. |&■ e (J§ w tl —7 :~ I LI i • racSmule oT ! -■■ a _ II • t&vsfa&s; . m ThirtH fagfe >7SW YOI3K. | EelBi I. jf bUSii W V" •:... 1 -- IV. f ? • is /l -4 .V-j ... ....... WMP a nugj ,; - ». t fc-j kavj viv k«{ Ni t-' - i r:i t- i ■Bd * w uk f's MS3 £'•• | jif&a tv I V • TKi CSST*'J!! COMPANY. KJU YORK. C!T*. I ARE "f ANY 4 mn luy '"f J./ ?&%*&///''/ ® l ' ?js * l ' ** ncsr? ?>" MfaMi a " » norm**"' ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS Oil MMID KFIALIIPJG n** *** r * **&? na r:FSJ A 3 {*? Lv. iia LVL '-iV '*- w -- *- v -2» pv our new i:i\ention. Only tliose born deaf are incurable, FsLfcy yLhy&> Bti&s&ksjsalj g«k-B« i-. A, CF SALT'f.'.'Ci.'iv, SAYS: E -.Tirrnr.n. Md., Mnrch 30. 1901. Cfntlrmen : Bein«* entirely c:ired cf deafness. thanks to y ur treatment, I will now you II fuii hi?ton" cf 11* v case. 10 be used pi vot.r «»iscreiion. A 1 >ui ;ive vc:.";s a:o ;wv right ear began to ting, and this kept on getting worse, until lost mv i:i this V«.i" ontii «ly . . ' I u. . rwc.it a v. tat!., n't for cotMTh. for three months, wui-.out anysuccess. consulted n ..um ber f phv-u i;.; 1. •. ;:::: »" hcrs. thv nio-t eminent'..: -.list oi this city, who tol lme that onlv* an -itn c-.nlii ht : -: me, ami '. vt-n that or.*•/ tvinpci*arily, that the head noises would *Heii c but the la ff ct 1 irw ' ' t« rercr. J till:: El wyoar advertise teat acciden ally ii: -i N«v York. paper. aad ordered your treat me:;: Af!*.r 1 i,-i used it mlv ; k->v day.- accord n l *? 1 your dircctr-m. tin* noises ceased, and I |o-d?.y, after fiv weeksTtty be&ring the diseased »f ]ias&eeii entirely restcred. I thank yon * fccnrt'iiv and be to remain Very tni! / yor.i- I-. A. WJ'IiMAT'. 77"S Broadway, Baltimore, McL Our treatment o.oss tic' interfere ivii'i your usual oet •v. potion, and ygy o|J»£ YOURSELF AT HOt/sE s,c "»^ iual "* i i ir*uJ-.L :.aL 1)5 ?.i obo lA &£iLL& ftvtfj CsStaAfcOj i j rf V/- nd cr f -i Invention. | r r ( ry cure Stair fail ing, headach . tc . y t costs ti ej. as an ordinary comb —l>r 'Vlrlie" S Electric Comb. TUP • natented Comb in t-;p; •.. rid.' People, everywhere it ■ ; i-; br;e'l introduced, are wild j j -villi delight. You simply j I ,'orab vuur nair day aiu: I lq oonil) the re-t *1 "i- | | •votidyrfiil comb is simply un-j j i.-.-eakabl;- and is made so that it j jis absolutely impossible to! j bi-Qak or cut the hair. Sold on j i writte • it'.araniee to give per-j | f-et snti -taction in every respect .! rSeod stamps for one. Ladies' | size SOcv * siz-? 35** I Live men and w.iraon wanted' ! -.-orywlvre to introduce this ! articlo. Sells on sight. Agents I ".re w'll- '.vi h sii v v di- ! want cdiriMi of t'ais pap r. ! Address r> ror.3, Genen 1 Mgr.. Decatur, 111. 1 __ SI! : W I'M ' THE CHAMSF.BUN ■£. , J Screw stisi2p fcMiae. \M 4 ! 'Asd c.nly£»u:r.y> Machine in pK-S*' jyj tt.o v. i j ivi fijat fnescs*!ully I 'lllnali classes and sizes of Fy 2 •;•{ k , . man-ta rvr.Eß i.y vas chr m. ! OLKAK, K. Y. Wrlte , prto o £ U^ ea! "* : AM 1-0:5 s T. R. Williams & Sons, A grins,' Dunn, NC. It. F. D. lloui.e No. 1. | AFREE PATTERN^ I (your c'.vti seUvtion) to every sub- 3 gj scriber. .Only 5o con is a year. I e AJ& I i t a - v. ii? ? f.%. J r» i'-'.iyrrrr - ■ -.7 i i "ii t■T rTi vji yicaar f A LADIES' MAGAZINE. I ■ work ; liotfsrhd.J m:i| >; lit lion, etc.* Vuu- 8 B scribe t> d ,y, or, send for copy. I K Lady agents wanted. Send tor terms. I , | Styli-i'i. Pt'l S;mjijp, U|»-to- 8 j I date, Kcoiiomiotl r-.t! Absolutely I | Taper Paticros. I M" cmwl T. 2"kS « j | /.ti St :n? Ai'owcJ c«: f Pprfors'.teis show I lht» Bastiiia iri Sewinj linss. , £ Ask I»rlti _tn S..M i: lu-uily evcty tity I S and lown, or by frc n I THE McCALL CO., I H3-»5-:i7 West VM ZU %tW YORK. I TwnTwxrttf ir i -I—at ifiw mm 111 ■ 1 ■ 111 ! Funny-isn't it? \ '• «=#»-W^" f v c— dP t j -T> How soma men will go to bigb priced tailors for theif clothes vyfcen the/ can g-:i just as good and better from The International Tailoring Go. _ of New Ycik and Chicago I lor a greii dei! L-?s money. 44 International " Clothes arc mace by the b:st tailors ia the land aad they are guaranteed to i fit perfectly. Onec tried you'll always w?ar them. The complete line of ** International" Samples comprising; Over si.i fcundied of the nobbiest patterns caaba seen at "i . 0. YOUNG & CO , Dunn, N. (J. '• > ""V."' . I :.*■ c IV . : • ■J* yt y- ■ ■■ ; 'S, * W ny I JIW"® w* teimNisoiPiLs i Tc cure SICK HE AO A CHE!, j HABiTUAL CONSTIPATION, j and cul diseases ai-islng from in , { clicrastion. I'hey will purify your 5 b'ood and make yourcomplsxlon tas PAIR AS A LiLY. They ara * gelatin coatod. PRICE 2S CENTS. o" az, ,-L; t • u? . Bau t>a /; [r i '" r;:i Vo - ! - 3V3 B»a&a ®T" (2^M£hi O" & 1 ■ 025?- . Ifeaw tha /; ft-1 'M* ' 5'J Bra Always BougtiS C T