TE SUBSCRIBE FOR FF fa m U YOUR HOME PAPER, |G |1 It only costs $1 a year. M H I %^33B®W®s®a^3^ H'.beri B. __ vr rOUNFY AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re uired. Prompt attention to !|V business. Collections a Ir' cialty Office over DEMO [}.xac BANNKR. K.Uvanl W.l'"". F ; ". Brooks pou & Brooks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SMITH FIELD, N. C. Claims collected. Estates set tled. Practice in Johnston a:ul adjoining counties. K.s. SMITH. M. F. HATCHER. Smith & Hatcher, Attorneys-ci-Law, DUNN, N. C. Practice ill all •'»«? rniwts «'f «>"* State. Prompt attention to all business ent rusted. OtUce in liie ol.i l'«»st OflUy Bnil.ling. U. NcI.KAN. -'• CLIFFOBI McLean & Clifford, _A.ttc-xi.ey s-a.t.X-ia."W, pt'NN, : : : : N. C. O-Oili. e over J. J. Wade's Store. W ""\. MKVVAUT. H. I- GODWIN ' SKWiK kGODWIN, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law, DUNN, N. C. Will practice in State and Federal Courts tint not for fun. c. P. LOG KEY, Lawyer, BENSON, N C- Will practice in the State and Federal Courts wherever ser- % vices are desired. Member of the Washington, I>. C. Bar, and will practice before any of the Government Depart ments in that City, especially negotiating compromises witn tlie Internal Revenue Commis si m?" in cases of seizure of Government Distilleries fcc. Vv r - E Murchison, JONKSBOKO X. C. Practices T.aw in Harnett. Moore and other counties, but not for fun. Feh. 20-1 y- Or. J. C. Goodwin, DEftiTiS*. Dunn, - N. C. Office rooms on second floor J. J. Wade's building. hie mi iti. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We olfer unsurpassed advan tages, aud loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L.J. BUST, President. J. W. PunriiK. Cashier. DR. 0. L WILSON, OUiMiM, !M. c. Oili -ice on Lucknow Square, Dr. C. H. Sexton s old cilice. MERCHANTS ASK hUlll h m, ic. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUSG, President. V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier. Happy Time In >!«! Town. ll We fe't very happy," writes R. N..Bevil!, Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salvt wholly cured our daughter of a had case of scald head." Ii delights tdl who use it for cuts, corns, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, eruptions. Infallible for piles. Only 2", cat C. L Wilsons drugstore. 'J AL I' 'i \ Vol. Is. K Suffer with rnjj pes lion or Dysppnsia ?* I TAKE I | Coleman's I I Guarantee | Eat What Ycu Want &nd be Happy. p A Cured Man Says! C "I liait been suffering for a number g) of vears -with liullseslion. and tried fcj N aliiost evervthiiiß ihat I saw rscoui- R mended for it. and COLEMAN'S OUAK- J.l B AN'I EE is tlie onlv tliina that has ever P! E given inc i'.iiy relief, t took two bot- fcj K ties of It and now feat entirely well." jEj E —J- D. Kobinson, Oauvilte, Va. b| Price 50 Cents. N p SOLD BY ALL DHUGGISTS. |l j | Coleman liemcdy Co.. Danville, Va. K] : I.■i ■ n i A Novel Hotel Bill. "Talking about bookkeeping, there used to be a man in Yankton whose system of book-j keeping accounts was wonder-1 fully efficient, lie kept a hotel ; and he could neither read nor write. He did not know how ; to t-pell his own name, but he ; did a thriving business and ! collected every dollar of his ac counts. Once, years ago, wlit n 1 lirstcame to this country, 1 ; went to his hotel and slopped there two weeks," writes Mil Brinben. "WiienJ left, he presented me with a statement of what I lowed him, and it was a curiosi ity. He had copied it from his' I ledger. At the tup ol ttie sheet i I there was a picture of a soldier j on the march and after it three j | straight marks. Then there j i was «i scene showing a man at j table eating. Then appeared a bed with a man in it. In the! amount column there was a! picture of a doll and after it the j two letters "RS." After tlie- j • picture of a man eating there wore forty-two marks; afttr the view of the man in bed,: ' j fourteen marks. 1 looked at j ' I the account, then at the pro ! prietor, and told him i* would take me a we. kto answer that " conundrum. "I was completely "stumped; j and when thai hotel man cie- j j ciphered the amount for mo it: : was this: This picture of the! | soldi-r walking meant March, I i and the three marks supplied j the date, March 3, when I began I I boarding. The man at the I o 1 - table with forty-two marks after it indicated that I had eaten! f forty-two meals. The man in i bed with fourteen marks sliow ;ed that I had slept in the house i fourteen nights. The doll with i the'US' after it meant "dol lars,' and in the ligure col-" j umns appeared the figures 14, I which was the amount I owed I him. And it was a true bill." —Yankton Press. CASTONIA. Bears the s? Th 3 Have AI*3JS BfllijM TOWN DIHECTOHY. _ CHURCHES. V )'h idtst Ohnrch—Kev. w A.. Forbes Pastor f -• :es Srst Sunday night, and fourth Sun ! morning and Prayerineeting 1 o tf Wednesday night. Sutday school •very Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. O. K, iranthani sui>erintendeut Baptist Church.—Rev. . C. Barrett, pastor. *er\-ices evtwy second Hundaj morning and night. Priyeruieeting every Thursday night , ! •Juud.iy School every Sunday morning, J. C. j Clifford Superintendent. f Pifsbyteiitn iltit) -)* P . Hines j pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday I morning and night. Suudav school every i Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superinten i d^nt i Discipti Church-Rev. J. J. Harper,pas- I tor. Services every first Sunday morning |md night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday > ; night. Sunday School every Sunday evening i at 3 o'clock Rev. N. B. lloud Supt. - | Free Will Baptist Church.—Elder R. C. I (ackson, pastor. Services every lirst Suu -0 | lay snorninfc- and uijfht. | Primitive Baptist.—Church on Broad street ! sidtr B. Wood, Pastor. Regular aervt- I Hi on the third Sabliath laornlng, and Satur \ lay before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LODUE. Palmyra Lodge, No. 117, A. Y. &A. M. Hall 1 | >vir Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jone3 W. M ; V.'. A. Johnson, S. W.; K. A. Jones jr. \V.; J. O. Johnson, Secretary. Regular ! oaimunications are held on the 3rd Satur • | lay at 10 o'c'. 'Ck A. M., and on the Ist Friday ' it 7:30 o'clock p. in. in each mouth. All Ma • ' icna ill good standing are cordially invited t > attend these coiamunicatlons. TOWS OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. COMMISSIONKRS V. L. Stephens, KcD. Holliday, J. I). Barnes :S I I A Taylor. ■' ! W. H. Duncan, Policeman, E ' COUNTY OFFICERS a Sheriff, Silas A.Salmon, t i Cieik, Or. J. H. Withers. ; ' Register of Deeds, A. 0. IJolloway. m ' 1 Treasurer, L. D. Ma.tthew3. j Surveyor, McDonald. 0 | Coroner. Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. 8. Black, j Commissioners : E. F. Yonng, .Chairman I J A. Smith, T. A Harrington. JOHN A. MoKAY. _ ETF. YOUNG. Tup fun S MPFSF Pn I lib Jllu. A. ibKdj ihullllmlilulilli ud. J f I Edged Toll Foundry & Machine Works. ♦ liave one of the largest and best equipped plants in tlve Sta!,e. Come and see for your selves. 530 men skilled in tiie different branches of our business. fJSTMACHINE REPAIR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.jpf OLD ENGINES,.BOILERS, SAW MILLS, fcC MADE ALMOST AS GOOD AS NEW. ALL KINDS IRON & BRASS CASTINGS. Pulleys, Boxes, Post Hangers, Set Collars, Shafting, Gear Wheels, &c constantly on hand We also carry a large stock of Pipe and Steam fittings of*all kinds. Prices low down. FINE ARCHITECTURAL CASTINGS A SPECIALTY. _ We are agents for A. B. Farqulrir Cos. & Erie City Iron K Works, Engines, Boilers, Saw-Mills, Threshing Machinery t fcc. Also Southern Saw Works Mill Saws. All the above V: sold at factory prices audTuiiy warranted. * ~ y M. 4., We are among the largest A © makers of Tobacco Flues in _ _ g [l_ i';/the State. We make the best U>« price i* right. Place ; your order .with us and run —H u0 ri «k. ' W^-mrriir. rrrifi ■ ■. - }-'•'* . IT T 7~ ~ ~~ ». .? :- s 50 tons of old Cast Iron w.mted at once. We also buy old scrap brass. For catalogue, prices, or other informaiion THE JOHN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN, N. C. "INTERNATIONAL" CLOTHES • ARE WINNERS. THE CLOTHES ,-v, MADE BY -v - TSie International Tailoring Co. , r -x of New York and Chicago won approval from the first if and they keep on winning new friends every day. .•. .*. f gPi'T£jgSjp rj &' THEIR POPULARITY HAS SPREAD ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES. THERE are strong reasons for this continued endorsement I by good dressers. They are : QUALITY ALWAYS HIQH. WORKMANSHIP THE BEST. FIT PERFECT. PRICES LOWEST. THE COMPLETE LINE OF "INTERNATIONAL" SAMPLES CAN BE SEEN AT T. C. YOUNG & CO., Duun, N. C. -r ' I i g-afc 1 2 Guaranteed Linen Collars 23 C£.lis | '3 "■ The Double Triangle Brand Collars arc stylish and a co:nforiable. Tha only collar made ivith a heavy 5 ply seam. Sold by merchants everywhere f i ti or 2 samples sent prepaid for 25 cents. They equal p d any quarter collar made. .Merchants should L vrite fe? ' * . The Men or The Land. | apples and at the .same tim i the orchard should furnish then ■ ........ !ahay field and a pasture. Thaj One man, with land just like : 11 the almanac to see wlier that of his neighbor, never ' ias : the moon changes, as certair any "luck. lhe seasons are j ; ijj tigs must be done on tin »1! against him, and while his , Jio-Jit or the dark of the moon | neighbor has good crops his are ! Thoy run big p]ows ,b roug l . apt to be poor. He has an j their corn or cotton to liill it uj orchard but seldom has apples, i ;lll j tear the roots in doing iti | and what ho has are of poor s j m pjy because they have al •sorts and bring little money ; v«. T ;iys done this and have neve! while his" neighbor > lias line re;lc j 0 f ;l better way. The} trees o! the best varieties and SJl y ]iat their land is too poo makes money out v.-f his apples. j- 01 . or that'erop, and neve jWe see such cases all over the seem once to realize that then i land, and. as a rule, the ] is any responsibility resting oi who have such poor luck are them " foi . its i )sin „ poor . I, | the ones who do not believe in: ;i |j successful or unsuc I book farming and who nevei icos.sful farming llifsre is more ii I read the farm papers nor at "jtheman than in the land.— I tend the farmers Institutes.! iphe Practical Farmer. I And the saddest part of the , j whole business is that they can-! ! not see the reason why their! Chamberlain's Pain Balm i S reading and thinking neighbors 1 an antiseptic liniment, an ! beat theix at fanning. They j when applied to cuts, bruise j imagine that corn is corn and • and burns, causes them to hei !an apple is an apple and that j without maturation and muc' i one variety of corn is as good more quickly than by the usus !as another, and that any tree treatment. For sale by Hoo should give good crops of good fit Grantham. "Pro'T fings; hold fast that which is good." I3UIVIY, TOLC. IiLIIME 4, 1902, North Carolina Crop Report. The first of the monthly crop : reports issued by the State De partment of Agriculture has just made its appearance. It 1 is as follows: General condition and prog- ' ress of farm work compared with the average, 98 per cent. Lan-l that has been, or will be, planted in cotton compared with hist year. 9S per cent. Planted in tobacco, 107 per cent. Planted in corn, 100 per cent. Planted in oats, 90 per cent. Condition of oais, 80 per cent. Condition of wheat, G8 per cent. Number of horses compared ; with last year, 97 per cent. Number of mules compared with last year, OS per cent. Number of cattle compared with last year, 89 per cent. Number of hogs compared with last year, 84 per cent. Condition of the trucking interests compared with last year, 95 per cent. Commissioner Patterson says here are many complaints of carcity of labor. WILL NOT HIDE MY LIGH UNDER A BUSHEL. GENTLEMEN :—I will not hide .uy light under a bushel, for I j want the people to know what j your Gooch's Mexican Syrup lias done for me. For four years 1 have been afflicted with Asthma, and could not get any thing to do me any good until I got your Gooch's Mexican Syrup. I took three bottles and it cured me entirely. I give you this hoping it may bo the means of saving some one from a horrible and premature death. Yours under obligations, REV. Tnos. B. WARWICK, Scott Town, O. Consum; tives try it. It cures ! a simple c>ugh as if by magic, ' and is the best remedy fur ; whooping cough. Price 25 cents. > Weighed 700. i It " required the utmost 1 strength of twelve men to carry 1 to the grave the casket con taining the remains of Denni? • Leahy, whose funer.al has just 1 been held in New York city. ) The dead man weighed 700 1 pounds. Leahy's enormous weight was acquired within the past ten years. When he turn ;ed the 500 pound mark two I years ago his physician pro -1 nounced the increase in his size due to fatty degeneration of the ' heart and told Leahy his death 1 was only a question of time. Appreciating the trouble his 1 interment might cause his "j friends, Leahy hunted up a I place of residence close to the 'cemetery and it was necessary s : to carry the casket only a short j • distance .-New York Exchange. I .1 ri This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Brcino=Quinine Tablets | the remedy that ciucu n «•!«! in oue Uaj Industrial Education. While you hear a great deal about book training now-a days, and we think too much thought and attention cannot'be paid to obliterating ignorance in our State, very little is said aud done towards perfecting the industrial training of our young men, with a view to preparing them to manage and handle factories that our people are building. In New England every boy that is anything is made to learn a trade. He need not work attliat unless he so de sires, but if necessity should force him to don his overalls and jumpers, he has something substantial to fall back 011. Not only that, you will find the mills of Eew England man aged by the sons of the owners, 110 matter how wealthy or what their social standing, but these bo} r s receive their train ing in the workshop and in or der for them to learn what work is and receive the necessary training to make them com petent managers, they are put on an equal with the other la borers and no difference is made in their treatment. The South must develop her manufacturing resources. To do this thoroughly it must be by men "native to the manor born." Aliens and foreigners will only work for money and care little also for our section and^people It seems to us there is a mis taken idea among our South ern people with reference to the training of our boys. The stores are full of clerks at 15 to lO dollars per month. The of fices are full of book-keepers j at the same price. The profes- j sions are full of lawyers and j doctors who are struggling for ' a subsistence and endeavoring to get somewhere near the top, j white many others are seeking wealth in a hap-hazard specu- ' lativc way bv their wits, spend- j ing their time trying to get somtthing for lfbthing, while our factories are being man aged by men who know 110 t- j ing aud have little sympathy with the people of the South ; Manufacturing to the trained, intelligent young Southern man here in the South with cheap labor and raw material means big profits for himself and de velopment for his country. Let's establish a first-class industrial school and encourage our boys to train for something substantial, —Wilson Times. SPRING FEVER. _ Spring fever is another name for biliousness. It is more serious than most people think. A torpid liver and inactive bowels mean a poisoned system. If neglected, serious illness may follow such symptoms. De- Witt's Little Early 'Risers re move all danger by stimulating the liver, opeuing the bowels and cleansing the system of impurities. Safe pills. Never gripe. li l have taken DeWitt's Little Early Risers for torpid liver every spring for years," writes It. M. Everly, Mounds ville, W. Va. "They do me more good than anything I have ever tried," llood&Grantham^ A Gloomy Prediction "For Man. If the lady who is a candi date for County Clerk in Hunt county is elected and permitted to take the oath of ottiee, man as au office holder will soon b° a thing of the past." We do not believe that woman is elegible to such positions in Texas, but we understand that the Attorney-General takes a different view of the question, and his opinion is worth more than ours. If women are eli gible to county offices they will seek them, and what they seek they get. A man compaignini; against a pretty girl or fascinat ing widow would not get votes enough to. blacken the bulletin board. —Honey Grove Signal. You may as well expect to ; run a steam engine without water as to find an active, en ergetic man with a torpid liver and you may know that his liver is torpid when he does not •relish his food or feels dull and languid after eating, often has headache and sometimes diz ziness. A few doses of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his liver to its normal functions, renew his vitality, improve his digestion and make him feci like a new . man. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Hood & Grantham's • drug store. Mexican readily overcome Loss of Hair, Mustang Liniment sea mules and cattle. FarmeroUrylt. "A toad under; a harrow puflcrs no more than the faithful hor9o that i 3 tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horse owners know this and apply the kind of sympathy that heals, known far and wide as £ Mexican Mustang x Liniments Never fails—not even in the most aggravated cases. Cures caked udder in cows quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a disease ]>cculi;ir to muscle, skin or joints that cannot be cured by it. Mexican is V? 6 ,)ost remedy on the market for A | • • . Wind Galls, Sprains and Skin LUUIJJS. Mustang l-iniment It keeps liorsesand mules in condition. ) ■ To County Superir.t.n fents. I enclose a printed list of books adopted for use in the public schools by the State Text-Book Commission and of prices and exchange prices of these books. I desire to call attention to the fact that the use of these books in the pub lic schools will be compulsory, under the law, after July 1, 1902, and that, if old books now in use are not exchanged be fore that time, the exchange prices, according to the con tract entered into with the pub lishers by the State-Book Com mission. can not be taken ad vantake of by patrons of the public schools. I wish to urge you, therefore, to send written official notice to all the teachers in your county urging them to notify all children and patrons of their schools, and to give notice to all the people of your county through your county pa per urging them to take ad' vantage of these exchange prices before July 1, 1902- If the patrons of the public schools fail to avail themselves of these low exchange prices before the beginning of the next school year, they will find themselves under the hard necessity of be ing compelled to buy new books at the full price, and their old books will be left as useless property on their hands. This would mean, of course, a great loss to the people of the State aud a decided gain to the pub lishers, Any book that has been used or could have been used by any child in the pub lic schools of North Carolina before July 1, 1902, may be ex changed for a new book of like grade upon the same subject at the price quoted. I send you under separate cover 300 copies of this letter. Send a copy to every teacher and school committeeman. Very truly yours, J. Y. JOYNER, Supt. of Public Instruction. LEADS THEM ALL. •'One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicines I ever tried for coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles," says D. Scott Currin of Logan ton, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure is the only absolutely safe cough remedy which acts im mediately. Mothers every where testify to the good it has done their little one. Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late. It yields at once to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it. Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs. Hood & Grantham. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought i Bears the //, > Signature of C No i& The Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season And the placing on sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points in the South, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico,and California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thoraasville, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine * hurst, Aslieville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that your ticket reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address R. L. VKRNON, U. W. WESTBURY Traveling Pass Agt., District Pass. Agt. Clia-rlotte, £T. C. XM.cluoa.ssQ.ci, Va S. 11. lIAUDWICK, General Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, W. A. TURK, Traffic Manager. Asst. Past;. Traffic Mgi D. C. Saved k-'rom uii Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had con sumption," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambersburg, Pa. "I was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by Hay Fever and Asshma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New ! covery for Consumption, used it, and was completely cured." For desperate Throat aud ( Lung Diseases it is the safest i cure in the world, and is in . fallible for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Affections. Guaran • teed bottles 50c aud $l.OO. Trial bottles free at C. L. Wil • son. ' "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMFR LANDS " The above is the title of an attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of ' the South. A copy may be , secured by sending a two-cent . stamp to S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A,, Washington, D. C.

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