THE Democratic Banner. DUNN, N. C. " uK I)NESD4Y. July 2. 1002. TOCAL DOTS. OF TRAINS LEAVING DUNN. Northbound Local Passen. wr. No. 78, at 1:24 p. m. No -3-> U:o3p.m. Southbound Local Passen lTeJ No. 23, 3 :40, p. m. No. |s,'l3:M. p.m. paper positively will not accept for publication from a")* one an y notice of land s l l,» or administrator's notice witliout cash with copy. This mnlies to all. Rates—medium sizo $2.50; larger $3.00; ad ministrator's notice six weeks $lOO- J for Seeds—Borax —Insect Pow ers—Paris Green, etc., see Hood & Grantham, Druggists. The Wade Hardware Company. Cotton 8s to BJc to-dav. —Don't miss Hatch Bros. 59 t h annual excursion to the seashore July 10th. —The Cary Lumber Co. is rebuilding the boiler house which was burned a few days a „ 0 . They will be ready to re sume the operation of their plant in a few days. —Look out for Hatch Bros, excursion from Dunn via Wil son to the beach July 10th. —Dunn and Fayetteville plaved qviie an exciting game of kill last Friday resulting in :i victory for Fayetteville in the twelfth inning by a score of 5 to 4. —He sure to go on Hatch Bros, big Excursion July 10th. Good order and a delightful taiD. —The aspirants for political honors wili find a notice in this issue which will be of interest to them. We hope -ill will read this notice carefully and feel that our motives are correct. —Spend one day at the sea shore and get a good bath. We always go rain or shine. The old reliable excursionists Hatch Bros. —Rev. X. B. Hood found a key ring with a couple of keys on it this week. He found tliem close to the back door of the post-office. They will l>e returned by the owner calling at Tin-. BANNER office. —W«' are requested to an nounce that Rev. J. J. Harper will till his regular appointment in the Christiau church here on Sunday, both morning and evening. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to at tend these services. —Mrs. Geo. I. Smith died at her home here yesterday morn ing of consumption. The fu neral took place this morning at the Baptist church. The fu neral services were conducted by Rev. W. B. Morton. An obituary will appear next week. —Mrs. I>. M. Hamilton, was burned seriously Monday eve ning by the explosion of an oil can. The explosion occurred while Mrs. Hamilton was rais ing a lire in her stove prepar atory to preparing supper for the family. We trust that she will soon recover from the injury. —Mr. E. Lee returned yester day from Raleigh where his wife wsa taken last week for an operation. The operation was performed by Dr. Hubert Roys ter at the Rex Hospital. We are glad to note that she is im proving very rapidly and will be practically well in a few weeks. We are indeed glad to be able to inform her wide cir cle of friends that she will be home again in a few weeks. —The wo od en buildings that belonged to Dr. M. W. Harper and Mr. Jas. A. Taylor on Broad street have baen re moved. Excavations are now being made for the purpose of erecting other handsome brick buildings on these lots. When they are completed the entire block will be brick. The town stiU goes forward. Hie citizens of Dunn will ®°°n be talking with the yan koes without going North. The American Telephone and Tele graph Co. have reached here with their line. This company is constructing an up-to-date line from Richmond, Va., to southern points, A phone will )f * placed in the drug store of Uook& Grantham. Richmond already in connection with points north by phone. —The series of meetings con ducted here last week by Rev. Walter Ilolcomb was closed Monday morning. They were well attended and great interest taken in them and we hope they will be productive of good results. Mr. Holcomb is a young man just . passed his majority but is strong and at times powerful in his denunci ations of sin. He has endeared himself very much to our peo ple and we hope to have him with us again soon. White lawns and other dress goods all new and up-to-date at Brewer & Co. Summer pants, and pant goods lower than the lowest at Brewer & Co. The lle«l I»r«*i»cripllo*i for Ma laria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. Price 50c. NOTICE, —is hereby given to all ex-Confederate soldiers and widows entitled to pensions un der the laws of 1901, to file their applications with me as the law directs, on or before the Ist Monday in July 1902. Those whose names are enrolled on the pension roll need not apply. Please remember the time ex-, pires with first Monday in Ju !y- J. H. WITHERS, Clerk Superior Court Largest Minstrel in the world Coming July sth. A. G. Allen's New Orleans Minstrels, clean, refined and up to-date, by colored artist carry ing three'times as many people as any other minstrel company in existence, showing under a mammoth canvas theater seat ing over 2,000 people ; present ing more special features than any other minstrel show in the world. Just the place to go and take your wife, sister or best girl for an evening and enjoy yourself. Owing to the large seating capacity of the tent the admision is 15 and 25c. Geo. E. Prince has just re ceived one of the finest cars of hay that has been here this sea son. To Care a in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box, 25c. Bouds Sold. The town bouds were sold to day for the purpose of putting in water works and electric lights, bringing a premium of $2010.00, par value being $35- 000.00. The successful bidder was Seasongood & Mayer, of Cincinnati. The other bidders were, - Merchants & tanners Bank, Dunn; Humphrey Rob inson Co., Atlanta and C. A. Webb & Co , Asheville. Tnis is very good so far. We hope to see the water works and electric lights in the near fu» ture. Slops lile Cong!' and Work* oil' llie Col«l. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No pay. Price, 25 cents. Oats, Corn and Meal at Prince's. - \ Tangle foot for flies at E. Lee Hardware House. For good Photographs, give Gasque a trial. Benson N. C. READ! Communications from friends of different candidates for the respective offices of the county are beginning to arrive at this office. Some have sent cards announcing their candidacy, others have sent communica tions alone. This puts us in an ambarrassiug position. It puts us in the attitude of charg ing some friends and not charg ing others for space. We think the proper way will be for each candidate to announce himself by card and this will surely keep the matter before the peo ple of the county until the con vention meets. We will be glad to give space for these cards at any time with reason able charges. Short communi cations from the friends of can didates will gladly be inserted. We think this method fair and hope all our friends will observe it. When the nomina tions are made we expect to en dorse the nominess of the party and go into the fight for them with gloves off. . MENTION. Mr. Ed. Churchwill of Wilson is in the city for a few days. Sheriff S. A. Salmon, of Lill ington, is in town today. Mr. Charles A. Webb, a prominent lawyer', of Asheville, is here today on legal business. Mrs. M. H. Privett and chil dren, left last week for Nash county, to visit relatives. Mr. L. D. Matthews Treasurer of Harnett county, spent Mou day in Dunn. Mr. A. V. Smith left Monday for Fuqnay Springs where he will spdnd several days. Mr. J. A. Matthews, one of Haruett county's most substan tial citizens paid us a pleasant call Tuesday. Henry Edgerton, Esq., a pominent business man of Kenly, was in town today on business. Mr. Allen K. Smith, of Smithtield, was in town this \\( ek to attend the i'uueral of his brother's wife. Mr. T. R. Hood, brother of our townsman, Mr. D. H. Hood spent a few hours in town Mou day evening. (Japt. W. P. Harrcll spent a few hours in the city Monday with his parents Dr. and Mrs. \V. B. Harrell. Mr. J. J. Willis, tobacconist of Danville, Va., arrived in the city yesterday. He will have charge of the Planters Ware house and promises those who bring tobacco to this market its full value. Mr. C. E. Pope left Monday for Smithtield where he goes to open a photograph gallery. Mr. Pope has only been in the business for a short while but his work compares with those of many years of experience. We wish for him much success. My photograph tent is open on Monday and. Saturday of each week. W. A. Gasque, Benson N. C. Obelisk Flour always reliable Try a bagT. C. Young & Co. Don't fail to see our line of Neckwear, Hats and Shoes, T. C. Young & Co. Von KuOn' Wlial Yon are Tali- Intr When you take Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic because the for mula is plainly priuted on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. MOVED —I will move my bicycle shop from the Lee build ing to the store fronting Broad street next to Grannis' stables where I will be glad to see my customers. L. D. Ennis. ICE ! ICE '! ,\t Jernigan & Motley's Cash Market. Sunday hours for Ice from 9 to 10 a. m. and sto fi p. m. at Jernigan & Motley's Cash Market. Mutton and all Pork Sausage and stall fed cattle at Jernigan & Motley's Cash Market. ANNOUNCEMEOT. I hereby announce my candi dacy for Clerk of the Superior- Court of Harnett county sub ject to the approval of the Dem ocratic Convention which meets in'said county at Lillington on July 28ih 1902. I shall thank my Democratic friends for their support in the conveniion. C. E. WATSON, Bradleys Store. Have your photographs made by W. A. Gasque, Benson N. C. EXECUTORS NOTICE. The undersigned having 1 qualified as Executor to the will and testament of the late Hoc tor McLean, all persons holding claims against said estate are i fere by notified to present them duly authenticated to the un dersigned for payment on or before the 18th day of June 1903 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate-payment to me. This June 17th 1902 C H. SEXTON, Executor. Nice line of of Patent Leather . shoes and low cuts just received. Brewer & Co. Nice lot of Gents and Ladies slippers at low prices. Brewer & Co. Prince's for new lace and em broidery. J McD; HOLLIDAY. , . H. H. PRiVETT. HEATH & MIJUUGON Paint, = Paint, THE BEST, SOLD BY Dunn Hardware & Fur. Co. STEPH EN SON TOBACCO SPRAYOR. THE FARMERS FRIEND. Sold by DUNN HARDWARE fe FURNITURE COMPANY. THE CHEAPEST LINE OF FURNITURE IN DUNN, Sold by DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY. RUBBER, LEATHER AND GANDY BELTING, ENGINE AND MILL SUPPLIES CHEAP AT DUNN HARDWARE Died. The death angel has again visited our town, on last Mon day morning the spirit of Mrs. Fannie Baiu took its flight. She had been sick only one day prior to her death. Mrs. Bain was the daughter of Mr. Wash Byrd of Bunnslevel, Harnett county N. C. She leaves a husbaud and four small children to mourn her departure. The remains were taken to the family grave yard, near Bunnslevel for intermeTit Tuesday. May the great com forter solace the husband and children in their sad bereave ment. Trv T. & T. Co's Diamond Brand roasted coffees 15 & 20c, be-;t on earth. For sale by T. C. Young & Co. JlOilier Alwttjß Krep* i« Handy* '•My mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarly to indigestion," says L. W. Spalding, Verona, Mo. "Two years ago 1 got her to try Ko- Jol, She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy -ix, eat- anything she wants, remarking that she fears no had effects as she has her hotll*■ of Kodal brandy." Dcn't waste time doctoring,symptoms Go after the cause. If your Momach is sound your health will he good. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting your food. It is nature's own tonic. Hood it Grantham. ANNOUNCEMENT. After solicitation on the part •f my numerous fronds throng nut the county Uhav decided to anounse myself a candidate for the office of clerk of the Superior Court of Harnett co. silbject to the pleasure of the Democratic convention which meets on the 28th of July. Respectfully, C. H. Biggs. Hicks' Capuaine, FOR HEADACHE, LA GRIPPE AND COLDS. Sold by Hood & Grantham and C. L. Wilson, Dunn, N. C. We have what you want in shirts neck wear and Straw Hats all new and up-to-date. Brewer & Co. Call and see our lino of Laces and Embroideries just received. Brewer & Co. 8 This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quimne TabieU the remedy that cure# a coW In ®i»® We have Gents and Ladies dress shoes from 50? per pair to $4. Call and see them. Brewer & Co, The best Molassess in town. Brewer & Co. Vacation IJiiy'N. Vacation time is here and the children are fairly living out of doors. There could be no healthier piece for them. You need only to guard against the accidents incidental to most open air sports. No remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious consequences. For cuts, scalds, and wounds. "I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for sores cuts aud bruises," says L. B. Johnson, Swift, Tex. "It is the best remedy on the mar ket." Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of coun terfeits. Hood & Grantham. , County Treasurer's Statement. o o JUNE 4th, 1901 TO JUNE 2nd, 1902. I—General County Fund. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand June 4th 1901 $lO6O 13 1901—1902. Net taxes of 1901 56G0 79 Total receipts $6720 92 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid Co., Pauper and Bridge orders and Jury tickets.. . .4718 27 Paid County Commissioners ... 141 52 Total disbursements .'.54859 79 Bal on hand June 2nd 1902 1861 13 2—Lillington Bridge Fund. RECEIPTS. Bal on hand June 4 1901 .*. 1901—1902. Net tax 1901 ' . .1840 70 Total receipts $lB4O 70 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid interest coupons 720 00 Paid com missions, of Treas 46 01 Total disbursements $766 01 Bal. on hand June 2nd 1902 $1074 60 3—Washed out Bridge Fund. RECEIPTS. Bal. on hand Juno 4th 1901 IUO1 —1902. Net taxes of 1901 1840 70 Total receipts of 1901 1840 70 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid Bridge orders 1564 36 Paid commissions of Treas 46 01 Total disbursements 1610 37 Bal. on hand June 2ud 1002 230 33 4—Court House and Funding Debt Fund. RECEIPTS. Bal. on hand June 4th 1901 2741 05 1901—1902. Net taxes of 1901 3271 18 Total receipts 6012 13 DISBURSEMENTS. Interest coupons paid 1350 00 Treasurers commissions paid 81 78 Total disbursements 1431 78 Bal on hand June 2nd 1902 4580 45 L. I). MATTHEWS, Treasurer Harnett ,County. SHE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. LITERARY j! Session opens September 18th. Expen- CLASSICAL ses $lOO to $l4O j for nou-residents of the SCIENTIFIC State $l6O. Faculty of 33 members. Prac- COMMERCIAL tice and Observation School connected with INDUSTRIAL the Collego. Correspondence invited from PEDAGOGICAL those desiring competent teachers and stenog- MUSICAL raphers. To secure board in the dormitories I all free tuition applications should be made || before July 15th. For catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT CHARLES D. McIVER,. Greensboro, N. C. FRANKLINS MAGIC CURE FOR Sick aud Nervous Headache and Neuralgia. Guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. Price 25 cents. Endorsed by Clergymen, Law yers, Merchants and Busi ness men everywhere. At soda fountains 5f per dose. For sale by Hood & Grantham, Dunn, N. C. TOWN LOTS FOR SALK. I will seil some nice building lots in the town of Dunn. Terms to suit the purchaser. P. T. MASSENGILL. OASTORXA. p„. tj tj.. * The Kind You Haw Always BougM Mm mm urni o o If you wish to please your wife aud make your home liap „ pv, buy a Ball Beariug New Home Sewing Machine. None run lighter aud it excells all r others in durability. Jthas less machinery to wear and conse quently it is seldom out of fix. It is not only one of the best machines made but one of the cheapest on the market. Repairs of All Kind. We carry parts an attach ments for all first class makes » of machines. Any one desir ing repair work of any kind will please notify us and we j will call and get the machine. Yours for business, GAINEY & JORDAN. Oio.jSITOEIZA. * B#an the /> Kind You Hare Always Bough) , +r Have You Seen the Handsome Line of HATS f SHOES just opened at our store ? If not, do so at once and save money on your purchases. BALLARD S OBLISK FLOUR ALWAYS ON HANI) TRY A BAG.- \ours for business, T. C. YOTJNQ & CO. The St. Olair Line J • has all modern improvements. Every Stove guaranteed to give satisfaction, or the stove is ours, the money }ours. Follow the Rush. Wade Hardware Company's Store. M. L. WADE, MANAGER. £»~TIIORNTON'S BRICK 'Phone 27. MBW IMew Goods. New Styles. NEW PRICES. Come to see me and I'll save you money. All summer, goods to be closed out at cost. P. T. IVEassengill. G. L. E. F. YOUNG. Come right along to Oannady Young's HARNESS IOIISE to ger the Best Harness iu town, made of Andrew Cowan's Peerless Oak Tanned Leather. Can't be beat in the United States. We have with us Rev. J. F. Owen, who will he glad to make and repair your harness. We also have with our business a first class Shoe Shop, and will do all kinds or shoe work cheap. We do all kind of leather work and sell all kind of vehicles. We carry some machine harness with our business and we have all kinds of leather for sale, from shoe strings up to the nicest lace leather. If you want to be satisfied in harness and leather give us a call. Thanking you for past favors and a continuance of the same, we are Very Respectfully, CANMADY & VOUIMG. DUNN, l\l, C. THAT ' Grainey & Jordan, —JEWELERS, are still at their same old stand, offering to their trade bar gains that you never heard of before. We.handle everything in the Jewelery Line that a man wants. Come to see our goods. Repair Work. Why, we make you laugh at how well we do your work on your Watch, Clock or most anything else, and prices always suit. See us, we guarantee satisfaction. ' We are 7 ours to serve, &AIH&!* & tJCMDAR!.

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