§F MMMnt i§ SUBSCRIBE FOR M 1 1 Z% YOUR HOME PAPER. 1% I i j>| It only costs $1 a year. |p M Albert B. Harold, —ATTORNEY AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re quired. Prompt attention to all business. Collections a specialty Office over DEMO CRATIC BANNER. Eilwanl \V. Poll, F. 11. Brooks. Pou & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SMITH FIELD, N. C. Claims collected. Estates set tled. Practice in Johnston and adjoining counties. __ ■PPTCToId Post Office Building. 11. NCi EAN. •>. V. CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, _A.ttome3Ts-a/(:.Zja-w, DUNN* : : : : N. C. Saf office over .T. J. Wade's Store. W. A. STEWART. H. L. GODWIN STEWART kGODWIN, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law, DUNN, N. C. Will practice in btHtc ftod Federal Courts but not for fun. C. P. LQCKEY, Lawyer, BENSON". N C- Will practice in the State and Federal Courts wherever ser vices are desired. Member of the Washington, D. ('. Bar, and will practice before a;iv of the Government Depart ments in that City, especially negotiating compromises with the Internal Revenue Commis sioner in cases of seizure of Government Distilleries kc. W- E- Murciiison, JONESBORO. N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not lor fun. Feb. "20-ly. Dr. J. C. DENNIS". Dunn, - N. C. Ofiice rooms on second floor J. J. Wade's building. TI BMJF DDI. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We otfer unsurpassed advan tages, aud loan money on easy terms. We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L. J. BEST, President. J. W. PUROIE, Cashier. DR. 0. L WILSON, Dentist, duimim, im. c. Office over Merchants & Farm ers New Bank next door to Hood & Grantham. ■ MINTS AND FARMERS BANK, DIN, C. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier. NEED MORE HELP. Often the over-taxed organs of digestion cry out for help by Dyspepsia's pains, Nausea, Diz ziness. Headaches, liver com plaints, bowel disorders. Such troubles call for prompt cure of Dr. King's New Life Pills. 1 hey are gentle, thorough and guaranteed to cure. 2oc at C.j L. Wilson's drug store. THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER. Vol. 12. Can You Eat anything you want ? Most people can ntt. When you can't, its called "indi j K-Stion," which develops "dyspepsia" | —the agonizing terror of the age. Coleman's G\ia.raj\tee positively cures all forms of indigestion and dyspepsia. "Take it, eat what you want and be happy." CURED BY ONE BOTTLE. I suffered for several months with indigestion and ct uld scarcely cat anything without intense ; afterwards. I found no relief until Coleman's (Juamutec" was recommended. I , bought one bottle, and took it as directed, and from the very first found relief, and by the time I -had taken the first bottle was not only feeling better, but was entirely cured." V. W. JKFI'KRSQN Va. to one's lot means that one should sit helplessly before sorrow and disappointment while weeks and months pass by, is a terrible misapprehension. Life should be growth. These trials come to us that Ave may conquer them, wrest power from them. To yield faint-heartedly is sure ly in noble, for their is no life so barren, so hard or sorrowful that does not hold some door to wider living, if we will but seek it. "Is it loneliness that closes about us and shuts joy from our days? Have we tried honest!v and patiently to touch other lonely lives? Is it because we have no time for study that life seems so hard and barren? A friend of working girls advised them to learn a poem as they went to and from their work in stead of simply reading street car advertisements. A verse, a line of poetry, a single noble thought every day—who of us eouid not make time for this, if we would. And how rich a harvest one short year would give us! Is it poverty that is eating the gladness from our days? It is hard; but there are tilings within our reach that no gold could buy for us— friendship, the power of an up right life, the joy of earth and sky. Dare we, with all we have within reach, bemoan our pov erty ?" —Exchange. When you want a modern up-to date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleas ant in effect. Price, 2"> cents. Samples' free at Hood & (iran tham's drug store. After all the abuse of the English sparrow as an intolera ble nuisance, he has jumped on the locusts in the Washington parks, and is getting fat and saucy on his fare. This enti tles the sparrow to fair play. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. • Mil xJtst Church—Kev. E. SI. Snipes Pastor ix :es lirst Sunday nijfht, aud fourth Sun ./ morning aud night. Prayermeetiiig , Wednesday uiglit. Suhday school ■jvery Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O. K, Drantham Superintendent. Baptist Church.—Rev. w. B. Morton, paßtor. Services eveiy second Sunday morning and night. Prayermeetlng- every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. C. Clifford Superintendent. Presbyterian Church.-Rev. R. W. Hlnes pastor. Services every first, and fifth Sunday fnorning and night. Sundav school every Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superinten dent Disciple Church-Rev. J. J. Harper, pas tor. Services every first Sunday morning and night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday uight. Sunday School every Sunday eventn'g it ii o'clock Rev. N. B. Hood Supt. Free Will Baptist Church.—Elder R. C. fackson, pastor. Services every first Sun lav morning and night. Primitive Baptist.—Church on Broad street Slder B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur lay before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LODCJE Palmyra Lodge, No. 147, A. F. 4A. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Joneß W. M ; W. A. Johnson. S. W.; E. A. Jones r. W.; J. O. Johnson. Secretary. Regular ommunications are held on the SrdSatur tay at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the Ist Friday it 7:30 o'clock p. m. In each month. All Ma ions in good standing are cordially Invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. COMMISSIOKKRS V. L. Stephens, Mi l). Holliday, J. O. Barnes I A. Taylor. W. H. Duncan, Policeman. COUNTY OFFICERS Sheriff.Silas A.Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. 0. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor. D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. S. Black. Commissioners : E. F. Young, Chairman J A Smith, T. A Harrington. JOHN A. McKAY. . E. F. YOUNG Tie JIB. A. McKay lifciiai Ci. Edged Tool Foundry & Machine Works. We have one of tlie largest, and best equipped plants In the State. Come and see for your selves. ,J0 men skilled in the different branches of our business. IMF*MACHINE REPAIR WORK OF KVERY DESCRIPTION OLD ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, &C MADE ALMOST AS GOOD AS NEW. ALL KINDS IRON &. BRASS CASTINGS. ■j, Gear Wheels. fec constantly on hand I all kinds. Prices low down. or A. B. Farqulrir Cos. & Erie City~Tror tilers/ Saw-Mills, Threshing Machinery Saw Works Mill Saws. All the above > and fully warranted. lie largest at ® ii—l I ■' fill 111 W ; 4 « --*■ ■'? 50 tons of old Cast Iron wanted at once. We also buy V\ - old scrap brass. For catalogue, prices, or other informaiion address THE JOHN A. MCKAY MT'G. CO. DUNN, N. C. ATTENTION FARMERS! Tobacco market opens for this season Friday, August Ist. 1 wish to announce to the TOBACCO GROWERS of Har nett, Sampson and Johnston counties that 1 have leased the PLANTEEB WAE.3.MO USE of DUNN, N. C., for a term of years and am in the business to stay. Having AMPLE CAPITAL :inu a good- line* of Orders, both Foreign and Domestic, I am in a position to look after YOUR INTEREST and get you the Very Highest Market Prices for your tobacco. Every pile sold on my floor will have my CLOSEST PERSONAL ATTENTION- Wo are going to havi a r ood corps of buyers on our market during the coming season, representing the American Tobw;co Company, Continental Tobacco Company, the Imperial Tobacco Company of Givat Britain and all of the other large concerns of the United States and abroad. There is going to lie hot time on the Dunn Tobacco Market This Season and the PLANTERS WAREHOUSE will be in the thickest of the fight. Competition will be strong and every pile of tobacco sold will call forth a hot fight between the three •nant rivals of the tobacco industry. I shall take advantage of this iu the interest of M\ CLSTOMERS and see tnat eveiy pile of tobacco sold on my floor lias the attention of the buyers. I have been in the Warehouse business for the past 20 years and fully understand it. Your interest will be protected by iu». Your wishes consulted by me and nothing left undone on my part to make it To Your Advantage To sell your tobacco at the Planters Warehouse. If you are in search of the best lighted warehouse in North Carolina, come along to PLANTERS, If you want the Very Highest Market Prices For your tobacco bring it to the PLANTERS. If you appreciate the best attention and the most faithful service don't forget the PLANTERS. Bring me a load and I will convince you of what I say. Yours to serve, J. J. WILLIS, Proprietor of Planters Warehouse, Dunn, N. C. Your onuty Paper Free. Any one sending us FIVE PAID-8P SIrJB SGRIRovIOWS during the next sixty days we will send them THE BANNER one year free of charge. 'lbis is an easy way to get the pa per. See your neighbor and get him to subscribe. Any 10 year old boy can do this and thereby get the paper. Who will be the first? TIIE DEMOCRATIC BANNER, DUNN, N, C. DUiMIM, IM. C. JULYx9, 18C2, WILL NOT HIDE MY LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL. GENTLEMEN I will not hide my light under a bushel, for I want the people to know what your Gooch's Mexican Syrup has done for me. For four years I have been afflicted with i Asthma, and could not get any thing to do me any good until I got your Gooch's Mexican Syrup. I took three bottles land it cured me entirely. I give 'you this hoping it may be the | means of saving some one from a horrible and premature death. Yours under obligations, REV. Tiros. B. WARWICK, Scott Town, O. Consumptives try it. It cures a simple cough as if by magics, ■ and is the best remedy for : whooping cough. Price 25 'cents. i I cTuck. ST OH. I jA. . 1 3eiirs the The Kind You Hsvs Always Bougfrt Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.'* Is the Democratic Party Dead? When the lion eats grass like an ox, And the fishing worm swal lows the whale, When terrapins knit woolen socks, And the hare is outrun by the snail ; When serpents walk upright like men, And doodlebugs tra'vel like frogs; When the grasshopper feeds on the hen; And feathers are found upon hogs. When tlip Thomas cat swims In the air, And elephants roost upon trees; When insects in summer are rare, A nd snuff never makes people sneeze; When • fishes creep over dry land, And mules on velocipedes ride; When foxes lay eggs in the sand, When women in dress" take no pride; When Dutchmen drink no lager beer, And girls get to preaching on time; When billygoats butt from the rear, And treason no longer is a crime ; When the humming bird brays like the ass, And linibur,ger smells like cologne ; When plowshares are made out of glass, And the hearts of true Tex ans are stone. When ideas grow in Populists' heads, And wool on the hydraulic ram— Then the Democratic party will be de;:d, And this country won't be worth a damn. —Texas Democrat. VERY REMARKABLE CURE OF DIARRHOEA. "About six years ago fot the first time in my life I had a sud den and severe attack of diar rhoea," says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got tem porary relief, but it came back again and again, and for six long years I have suffered more misery and agony than I can tell. It was worse than death. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for physicians' prescrip tions and treatment without avail. Finally we moved to Bosque couuty. our present home, and one day I happened to see an advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testi monial of a man who had been cured by it. The case was so similar to my own that I con cluded to try the remedy. The result was wonderful. T could hardly realize that I was well again, or believe it could be so after having suffered so long, but that one bottle of medicine costing but a few cepts, cured me." For sale by Hofed & Gran tham. Republican spiracy Senator Simmons Exposes Their "Scheme to the State Next " Fall. FEDERAL JUDICIARY TO LEND ITS AID. Washington, July 2.—Special | —Chairman Simmons of the Democratic State Committee authorizes the following state ment : , For some time past promi nent North Carolina Republi cans in Washington have been intimating that their party would control the next North Carolina legislature and that Senator Pritchard would be re turned to the Senate. Demo crats have been unable to un derstand the grounds of this hope in the face of the fact that that party lost the State in the August election in 1000 by about sixty thousand majority, and since that time has lost, by the educational provision of the amendment, between seventy aud eighty thousand of its foi liier voters. The persistency with which this claim was made aroused a suspicion in my mind that it was based upon some secret scheme and led me to an inves tigation with the view of ascer tabling what it meant. As a result of this investigation, I have discovered a shrewdly de vised and well developed con spiracy. - The scheme, briefly stated, is to stir up and promote dissen- | tions and independentism and , by raising the cry that the i amendment has eliminated the negro and freed the white man, j to bring about during the early stages of the campaign a hope- ' less division among Democrats, , and then on the eve of the elec- | tion have the Federal Court set aside tiie amendment. In this . enterprise and in organizing ( the opposition forces, the con spirators are to have unlimited j money furnished them by the , National Republican Committee ' upon the promise of two, if not , three, Republican Congressmen from the State and the reten* J tion of the present Republican j Senator. In order to divide the Demo crats, every local dissatisfaction every local quarrel, every fan- cied complaint and grievance against the party and State ad ministration, every disapoint- \ ment growing out of the nom ination or defeat of candidates, J is to be assidousiy nursed and ( fanned. The Democratic party j is to be charged with hostility to j certain interests aud with nomi nating men to ofiice known to be prejudiced against these in terests, and conservative voters are to be appealed to to resent j this alleged assault and to cast their votes against these objec- j tionable candidates. It is ex pected that the opposition to ; Judge Clark's nomination will start the bolt and that on ac count of the unusual number of Democratic candidates" this year, defeated candidates all over the State will be found who' will be ready to hazard their chances by allowing the : use of their name. On these lines our adversa ries propose to open and for a time conduct their campaign. When the lines of battle have been drawn and tightened, when passion has been stirred to white heat by the friction of conflict, when alignments have been made, and when it is be lieved that the bolters have gone so far that passion and , pride will not allow them to re turn to their old associations, as the day of electiou draws near at hand the courts will be asked to declare the amendment unconstitutional and void. Every detail to this end has end has been carefully arrang ed and the conspirators are con fident there will be no hitch or failure or delay in carrying the program at any point. Between ' ! the Ist and the sth of October a ' white man, who has failed to nay his poll tax, will apply to a Republican Federal Judge, who has already been selected, for a mandamus to compel the regis trar to admit him to registra tion. This judge will hold that it is within the authority of the State to make the payment of poll tax a condition precedent to the right to vote, but he will also hold that the grandfather clause is unconstitutional; and. as the amendment provides that the whole shall stand or fall together, every part of the (Continued on thiid page.) \ • ARE YOU WISE people suffer throucu i^or mauoutliereisno to equ^^tfexica^Mustttii^'^J^iiDuen'u ami easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in. order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a giassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang Liniment and with this parcle the throat at frequent intervals. Then bathe the outside of the throat thoroughly with the lini- i mentand after doing this pour soino on a soft cloth aud wrap ' around the neck. It is u POSITIVE CURE. 25c., 50c. uud SI.OO a bottle. IT R/I&Y RP Yflll havo long been troubled with a running ii urn I ul iwu gore or ulcer. Treat it at once with Mexl cu.ll 31ustaug and you can depend upon a speedy cure. To County Superintendents. I enclose a printed list of books adopted for use in the public schools by the State Text-Book Commission and of prices and exchange prices of these books. I desire to call attention to the fact that the use of these books in the pub lic schools will be compulsory, under the law, aft.pr July 1, 1902, and that, if old books now in use are not exchanged be fore that time, the exchange prices, according to the con tract entered into with the pub lishers by the State-Book Com mission, can not be taken ad van take of by patrons of the public schools. I wish to urge you, therefore, to send written official notice to all the teachers in your county urging them to notify all children and patrons of their schools, and to give notice to all the people of your county through your county pa per urging them to take ad vantage of these exchange prices before July 1, 1902- If the patrons of the public schools fail to avail themselves of these low exchange prices before the beginning of the next school year, they will find themselves under the hard necessity of be ing compelled to buy new books at the full price, and their old books will be left as useless property on their hands. This would mean, of course, a great loss to the people of the State and a decided gain to the pub lishers, Any book that has been used or could have been used by any child in the pub lic schools of North Carolina before July 1, 1902, may be ex changed for a new book of like grade upon the same subject at the price quoted. I send you under separate cover 300 copies of this letter. Send a copy to every teacher and school committeeman. Very truly yours, J. Y. JOYNER, Supt. of Public Instruction. ♦ HEARTBURN. When the quanity of food is too large or the quality too rich, heartburn is likely to follow, and especially so. if the digesiiou has been weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoro ughly. Let six hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of the somacli after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlain,s Stomch and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by Hood & Grantham. A. & M m College. This great industral school is now ready for five hundred pupils. If you wish your boys taught to work, - prepared for industrial life, trained in habits of economy, regularity and punctuality, write to President Winston, Raleigh, N. C.' for booklet, "A Day at the A. and M. College." The Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season And the placing on sale of Excursion To all prominent points in the South, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico,and California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasville, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Aslieville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that your ticket reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address IC. L. VKKNON, 'c. W. WKSTBUKY Traveling Fang Agt., District Pass. Agt. Cla.a.rlotte, XT. C. Va S. 11. IIARDWICK, General Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, W. A. TURK, Traffle Manajrer. Asst Pass Traffic Mgi. "XKT'etela.Jja.g-tc.aa.. 3D. C. SAVES A WOMAN'S LIFE. To have given up would have meant death for "Mrs. Loris Craig, of Dorchester, Mass. For years she had endured un told misery from a severe lung trouble and obstinate cough. "Often", she writes, "I could scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. All doctors and remedies failed till I used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was complete ly cured." Sufferers from Coughs, -Colds, Throat and Luug Trouble need this grand remedy, for it never disappoints Cure is guaranteed by C. L. Wilson. Price 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free. "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMFR LANDS." The above is tin? title of an attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a tv»o-cent stamp to S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. No 3

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