FREE.mS-FREE , A beautiful reproduction of Leßoy's celebrated painting "PASTEL PANSIES." Correct in drawing, artistic in arrangement and coloring, suit able for framing and fit to adorn any parlor, • We want the names of bun dav school superintendents and teachers, Christian Endeayorers Ep worth Leaguers, King's Daughters, etc. In fact the name of anybody who would be likely to be interested in the Wituess and Sabbath Reading. And to any person sending us a list of one hundred such names we will send the above describ ed picture free. New York Weekly Interdenominational in Religion; An Exponent of Applied Christianity; Independent in politics Has something of interest for every member of the family. Farm and Garden Department. Doctor's Column; Ta 1 mage's Sermon; Children's Department; Scientific Department; Spirit of the Press ; etc., etc. 01 DOLLAR I TIM. o o Sabbath Reaaing. A Sixteen Page Weekly Paper. Solely Religious in Character, No News; No Politics. Stories; Poetry ; Sunday-School Lesson ; Christian Endeavor and Ep worth League Topics ; Mothers' Sabbath Afternoon with the Children; Miscellaneous Re ligious Matter. ILL 50 CENTS \ lEML o o Free sample copies of the Witness and Sabbath Reading sent on application. JOHN DOUGALL & CO. 150 Nassau St. New York. p. s,—The subscription price of both the Witness and Sab bath Reading when taken to gether is $1.25. These papers combined afford a liberal home educator. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. —If your name is not on our list and you desire to try our papers, send us 25 cents (silver or stamps) and we will send you both the Witneas and Sabbath Reading for three months. MMTIC IM LINE RAILROAD CO. May 25th, 1902, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS QOINQ SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11:30 a, m., 9:38 p. m.; arrive Rocky 00 a. in.,10:32 p. m. Leave l'arboro, 12:22 a. in., 7 22 pm. Leave Rocky Mount, 1:05 a. M., 10:02 p. m., 7 52 p. m.. 5:45 am, 12:52 p m. Leave Wilson, I.W a m, 11:30 pm, 6:3 lam, 6:48 p m., 220 pm. Leave Selma,2:ss am. 12 10j>. m. Leave Fayetteville, 4:41 a in, 1:12 p m. Arrive Florence, 7:50 a in, 3:35 p m. Arrive Qoldsboro 9 20 p. m. Leave Qoldsboro, 7:31 am, 3:15 p m. Leave Magnolia, 8:37 a in, 4:25 p in. Arrive Wilmington, 10:10 a in. 6:o" D TO, TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence, 10:05 a m, 8:20 p m. Leave fayetteville, 12:40 a m, 1-28 p m. Leave Helina, 2.10 a in. 11 40 p. m. Arrive Wilson, 2:67 a m, 12:20 pm. Leave Wilmington,7:o3 p m. 9 SOa m, Leave Magnolia, 8:30 a m, 11:05 p m. Leave Qoldsboro, 735 am,9:37 am, 12:20 pm Leave Wilsou,2-35 pm, 820 am, 12: 20 am 10 5 p m, 1:18 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 pm, 9:00 am, 12 10 am,-ll:23 p m, 1:53 p m. Arrive Tarboro 9 34. a. in. Leave Tarboro, 2:31 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:50 p m. 12:43 a in. Arrive Weldou, 4:53 p in, 1:37 a in. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Davidson Main Line—Train leaves Wilinigd ton, U 10 a. in., arrives Fayetteville 12 20 p. in., leaves Fayetteville 12 42 p. in., arrives Sanford 158 p. m. Returning leave Sanford 3 05 p. in., arrive Fayetteville 420 p. m., leave Fayetteville 4SO p. in., arrives Wil mington 7 15 p. in Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Ben nettrfville Branch Train leaves Ben neltsville 8 10 a. m., Maxton 905 a. in., Red Springs 9.3s a. m., Hope Mills 1055 a.m. arrive Fayetteville 1110. Returning leaves Fayetteville 445 p. m., Hope mills 500 p. in., Ked Springs 54) p.m., Maxton 61« p.m.. arrives Bennettsville 7 15 p. in. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78 at Maxton with the Carolina Central Rail road, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowuiore railroad, at Sauford with the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway at Gulf with the Durham aud Charlotte Rail road. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 3:15 p in, Halifax 3:29 p m arrives Scotland Neck at 410 p m Greenville 5:47 p in, Kiubtou 6:45 pm. Returniug leaves Kinston 7 30 a m, Greenville 8 30 a m, arriving Halifax at 11:05 am, Weldon 11:20 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash, lngton 8:00 a m, aud 2:45 p m., arrive Farmele 8:55 a m, and 4:10 p m, returning leave Far mele 1110 am. and s:22pm.,arrive Washington 1*:30 a m, and 6:l*> p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C., daily, except Sunday, at 4:35 p m., Sunday 4.35 p. m., arrives Plymouth 635 p. m., 630 p.m.. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 30 a. m., and Sunday 900 a.m.; ar rives at Tarboro 955 a. m.. 1100 a. m. Train 011 Midland NC Branch leaves Qolds boro, N. C., dally except Sunday, 500 a in; ar rive Sinithlield N C., 610 am. Returning leaves Smlthtield, N. O. 700 a. m. arrives Goldsboro.N. c. 8 25 a.m. Trainon Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at »:30 a. m„ 400 pm arrives Nashville M2O a m, 4:23 p m. Spring Hope 11 00 a m 4 45 p. m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11:20 a. m., 5 15p m, Nashville 11:45 a. m. 5 45 p m arrive at Rocky Mount 12 10 p m., 6 20 p m daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 11:40 a. m. and 4:15 pm. Returning leaves Clinton 645 am and 2:50 p m. Train N0.78 make close connection atWel a" P olll tB North daily, all rail vl» Richmend. H. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent, j R KENLY I, M.BMBRMON, General Mlunger. Traflc Manager. and sweat \ \ R 9 have DO effect on MtWTVT) M F. 1 | SskkjssE fi/ntn/r | ness Oil. It x » I Harness 1 □ able. Stitchei JJr\° \ J ' Eg Hdo not break. \ \ , H 1 S.SOS C x V (jlL\\ I SS aodcut. The A—V \V \\\ H ■ harness not l vrcars I use ofllureka I Standard Oil jj \ \^j North Carolina Schools Fifty Years Ago. It will astonish the average North Carolinian to learn how much grogress the State had made in educational matters before the beginning of the Civil War, and how serious was the relapse resulting from the war and Reconstruction. When we consider with what exceed ingly great joy we, here in the dawn of the twentieth century, have hailed the coming of the long-promised four months' term in every district, it is in teresting to turn to the first re port of Dr. Calvin 11. Wiley, Superintendent of Puplic In struction, issued about 1855, and read : "The average time during which nil the schools are taught during the year, tor the whole State is about four mouths. * * * * * For nearly every four square miles of territory in the State,there is a schcolhouse,and of our fifty thousand square miles not one hundredth part of it is out of reach of the schools. There are perhaps two thousand school houses—and from Curri tuck to Cherokee they are ac cessible to more than ninety nine hundredths of our popula tion, reaching x to the shores of ever3 r lake and river, to the heart of every swamp and to the top of every mountain." Means and opportunities considered our ancestors did a greater work than we are doing. —Progressive Farmer. WOMEN AND JEWELS. Jewels, candy, Howers, man that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous effort to make or save the mon ey to purchase them. If a wom an will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her forti fy herself against the insiduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will prompt ly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal the affec ted lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dreaded disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bron chial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at Hood & Grantham's. Get Green's Special Almanac. We Moke Them A Massachusetts business firm prints this paragraph at the top of its letter head : "Errors—we make them ; so does every one. We will cheer full}' correct them if you will write us: Try to write good uaturedly if you can, but write to us anyway. Do not complain to some one else first or let the matter pass. We want the first opportunity to make right any injustice we may do." The little sermon deserves a wide audience. Few people that have not had occasion at some time in their lives to re gret the sending of a harsh or hasty note of complaint. It may be necessary to assert one's rights in subsequent letters, but there is no better rule of correspondence than to make the first one good natured. — Youth's Companion. Tom Edison says when ho gets his storage battery to run ning, people can, for about $7OO have an automobile that will not require any oats, hay or grooming, aud can be run at an expense of about 50 cents a week. This is somewhat en couraging, although the two ciphers that figure in the origi nal cost will be an impediment in the way of the average news paper man who might be ambi tious to be the proprietor of au automobile and do his own transportation. Wilmington Star. CA.STOHIA,. 8«ar» ths '/} The Kind You Have Always Bought J King Edward's Condition. Sensational rumors as to the condition of the health of King Edward continue to be cabled to this country. Little faith is put in these reports ; but if they are tiue the King is surely in a precarious condition and the coronation will, in all probabil ities, have to be postponed a second time. The prophecy that he would never be crowned may yet be fulfilled. It is said that "the wound made by the doctors in performing the oper ation has not healed as rapidly as was expected, and he suffers a great deal of pain ; that his appearance is such as to excite the alarm of those permitted to see him. He is now on a royal where he was taken with the idea that this would expedite his recovery. These dispatches announce that no one except h 3 attendants are allowed to see him, and that there is the least possible communication be tween the yacht and the shore. None of the crew are allowed to come ashore and no persons are permitted to go on board. This complete isolation of the King has caused great apprehension among the people and given rise to sensational rumors as to his state of health. —Ex. When you want a modern up-to date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleas ant in effect. Price. 25 cents. Samples free at Hood it Gran tham's drug store. A very practical illustration of the benefits derived from be] ing a tetotaller was given the other day at a railway union open air meeting. This speaker a railway man, said : "At one time 1 used to be long to the one-suit army. That was when I was drinking. This morning I said to my wife, 'which suit of clothes shall I wear today? 'l've got four suits to choose from now. That is what tetotalism has done for me •" —Exchange. O Sear* the /> KM Haw Always BougW RR Care of Cut Glass Carafes. The lawn parties, piazza teas and other outdoor entertaining proves hard n the glass vara that must be used frequently in the summer breeze and dust, ft is especially disastrous for the cut glass carafes, which will be in grater demand than any other glassware, for serving the ice water and the .summer beverages. The glass will soon acquire a dingy, clou dy look unless it is intelligently cleansed at regular intervals. For cleansing the inside of the carafe fill it half full of strong amonia water and place in this some pieces of potato peel; then shake vigorously and rinse with clean water. This will remove every possible stain from beverages, as well as tie din«y-looking rimes that frequ ently stain the glass from stand ing water. For the ouside of the cut glass use a small brush—an old toothbrush will be the best if the bristles are sufficiently stilf. Scrub every part of the glass with a little pure soap rubbed on the brush ; then scrub with clean water until all the soap is rinsed away, and set the glass aside to dry without rub bing with a cloth, and the cut glasi will shiue like new—Phil adelphia Record. Of Cißlmlon, T«xa«. "Wine of Cardui is indeed a blessing to tlre4 women. Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bear. j )ng-aown pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui ! was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct irregularities." By "tired women" Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have, i ou can cure yourself at home with this-great women's remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases wiich doctors have failed to benefit. Why not begin to get well today? All druggists have $l.OO bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor d,er Thedford's Black-Draught should be used. literature, address, Klytn* i lo IH B * The bulks' Advisory f>ep*rt ■' WLNEOCARDULI Tobacco! M l BniMi. Opening sale, July 30th. I wish to say to the tobacco growers that I have leased the Banner Warehonse At Benson for a term of three years. For the past three years I have been on the Dunn Market. lam no stranger and need no introduction to you. Last season I was proprietor of the Planters Warehouse. lam locating at Benson knowing it to be a fact that Benson is The Best Place To build up a good market. Benson is much more conveniently located for a tobacco market. We will have a largo corj>s of buyers. The American Tobacco Company, the Continental To bacco Company and the Imperial Tobacco Company, of Eng land, will have representatives on our market. Besides wo will have several good independent order men with us. My motto is Honest and Fair Dealings With all. lam going to treat everybody alike and treat him right. I have come to Benson to stay. I am going to build you a | market you will be proud of. I will give every pile of your to bacco my personal attention. Guaranteeing you always as much money for your tobacco as any market in North Carolina or Virginia. Bring me a trial load, Wednesday, July 30th. I will convince you that Benson is the place to sell your to bacco. I will send you home happy. Thanking you for the favors shown me last season, hoping to serve you again this season. I Am Your Friend, A. V. Smith, Proprietor of Banner Warehouse. Benson, N. C. - or/. yvj y/. xr. y/.R/ i y/. YA y/. //. y/. XA BENSON TOBACCO MARKET WILL OPEN FOR THIS SEASON WetesSay, July IS. We wish to call the attention of the Tobacco growers of the surrounding country that we have leased the ! FARMER® WAREHOUSE BENSON, N. C. For a term of years and are here for Business. You all know who i we are, R. F. SMITH having been a merchant at Benson for the past six years and J. W. JONES a farmer living ten miles west from Benson. We were both raised in this community on the farm and feel a kindly interest in YOUR WELFRRE. So please try us with at least a part of your crop and we will be personal with you and see that every pile of your Tobacco is CAR LI I ULLY LOOKED AFTER. Again we will have a CORPS OF l Second to none of any other market. Such as the Ameri can Tobacco Company and Continental Tobacco Company of America and the Imperial Tobacco Company of Great Britain and Ireland, also heavy independent orders from the best con cerns of the United States and foreign markets. Remember we have a large well lighted warehouse and feel safe to say that if you will try us with, a load that you will Continue Coming. Now if you wish fair dealings, good prices and courteous treatment come to the FARMERS WAREHOUSE. Don't for get to bring a load on July 30th and wc will convince you of the above. Yours to Serve, Smith & Jones, Proprietors of Farmers Warehouse, Benson, N. C. PR. MOf LETT'S MM BjUflj g 11 iourisent us a package and it cams at a most opportune timo; our babe was in a acriouf conditio^7 Unparalled Success. Thirty years ago three boys£ the sou of a widow by the name of Ochs,were selling newspapers on the srteets of Chattanooga, Tenn. Now they own the Chat tanooga Times-, the New York Times, the Philadelphia Times, and yesterday Mr. Adolph S. Ochs became the owner of the Public Ledger —the great paper founded and published for a cen tury by George \V. Childs. He paid about two and a quarter million dollars for the paper, which pays ago 1 dividend on on that sum. By the intro duction of Ochs methods it will be made to pay more. The career of the Ochs boys reads like a tale from the Arabian Nights instead of the actual career of three newspaper men of indomitable energy, brains and genius.—News & Observer. DOG MAY BITE BOY WHO TIES A CAN TO HIS TAIL. "Any dog has a legal and undeniable right to bite any man, woman or child who pur posely and with intent to disturb said dog's tranquility and peace of mind does attach or cause to be attached to said dog's tail a tin can or other weight which will impede the progress of said animal. "A dog which bites its perse cutor in such a case is acting purely and honestly in self-de fence, and is as justly immune from i u tishment as the man who strikes a. burglar in d»> fence of his own life and wel fare, "said Judge Sidener to-dav in dismissing the case of the parents of Wille Quind aga'ns- Abam Simon, whose dog Jupiter had bitten the boy, while the latter was tying can containing rocks to the dog's tail.—St. Louis Dispatch. An Ancient Gola Mine. A gold mine that was evi dently worked by the natives a thousand years ago has been discovered in Erythraea, the Italian protectorate at the south western end of the Red Sea. There are seven long galleries and other workings and tools of various kinds. The Italian Government will resume the long suspended work. —Phil- adelphia Record. NO riCF. The nndersigneil will on the 4rli dav •>f August 1902 at 12 o'clock, noon, sell lo tlie highest bidder for cash, pursuant to an oriler of the Superior Court «f Harnett uounW\ the following real es tare: That tract of land known a« the I>Hiiit-l Moore land in Ave vshorn town ship. Harnett county, N. C., adj- liiing the lands formerly owned hv Nathan Mclamb and others to satisfy a judg ment to raise assets to pay ilebts which judgment was tendered at tlte Novell) ber term, 1901, of the Superior Court of Harnett countv. This July Bth 1902. JONAS REAVES, Executor of Daniel Moore, deceased. NOTICE. Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of W. D. Thornton, de ceased, late of Harnett County, N. C., This is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhib it them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of June A. D. 1903, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 17th, day of June A. D. 1902. CIVIL THORNTON. Administratrix. By Stewart & Godwin, Atty's. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as adminis trator of Elizabeth Tripp, de ceased, late of Harnett county N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of June 1903 or this notice will bp plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 18th day of June 1902. MOSES TRIPP. Smith & Hatcher, Attys, EXECUTORS NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Executor to the will iml testament of the late Hec tor McLean, all persons holding claims against said estate are heivby notified to present, them duly authenticated to the un dersigned for payment on or before the 18th day of June 1903 or this notice will be plead in ba of their recovery. All person indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to me. This June 17th 1902. C. H. SEXTON, Executor. Preparationfor As - M i similating the Food nnrißegula- sj ting the Stomachs and Bowels of 'M Promotes uio(\stion.Cheerfuf- * I nessandßi-.M i neither •« Onium,Mort>l»i it n- r Mineral. 19 JiOTHA" C'^lC. la St'*/ ' I Mx.Sama » I KotkiHt Suits - I AnutSetd * 1 fltptntmt - I Bi CarteruttoJ**r, I 1 ffl CtanfrtJSupir rturci. ) A perfect Remedy f'or Conslipa- 9 ! fion, Sour Spinach, Diarrhoea w Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- « ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. I Jf EXACT copy OF WRAPPER. OTjnpi AM, ' o! The campaign will soon be on throughout the State, and ever; voter should Keep himself posted In Harnett the election will In important and interesting. Ton should subscribe at once to youi county paper. Don't delay bul send us 81.00 to-day. A Wonderful Invent on. They cure dandruff, hair fall ing, headache etc., yet costs the same as an ordinary comb—Dr. White's Electric Comb. The only patented Comb in tin world. People, everywhere it has been introduced, are wild with delight. You simply comb your hair each day and the comb does the rest. This wonderful comb is simply un breakable and is made so that i is absolutely impossible to break or cut the hair. Sold or a written guarantee to give per fect satisfaction in every respect . Send stamps for one. Ladies' size 50c. Gents' size 35c. Live men and women wanted everywhere to introduce this article. Sells on sight. Agents are wild with success. (Set want column of this paper.) I Address D. N. ROSE, Genera!! Mgr., Decatur, 111. • STUMP 10811 LAND. THE CHAU BERLIN ± f Screw Stump Macbiße. The only Stump Machine in the world that vurceio'faMy pulls all classes and size* of MANUFACTURED DT TUB CHAMEERLIN RIFG.CO. OLEAN, N. Y. WRITO MSS- Address T. ft. Williams & Sons, Agents, Dunn, N. C. R. F. D. Route No. 1. . JA FREE PATTERN (yo«r own selection) to every sub scriber. Only SO cents a year. MACAZINEWI ; A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A rem; beautiful colored plates; latest fashions; dressmaking; economies I fancy work ; household hints ; fiction, etc. Sub scribe to-day, or, send for latent copy. Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to date, Economical ami A Perfect-Fittiujf Paper Patterns. M- CALLr/n^ 411 Slws Allowed sod Perforations show the Bastlog and Sewing Lines. Only io and t$ cents each—none higher Ask fur them. Sold in nearly every city and towu, or by mail from THE: MCCALL co., 113-115-117 West 31st SU NEW YORK. For Infants and Childyp^l The Kind You Hav| Always Bought 1 Bears (/ For Over! Thirty Yeari THC CKffTAUfI COMPANY. NEW VOR« CITY. 8 * new"fast tmii Between St. Louis and Kansas City and OKLAHOMA CITY, WICHITA, DEIMISOftig SHERMAN, DALLAS, FORT WORTf And principal points In Texas and the Scat! I "west. This train Is new throughout aco l | made np of the finest equipment, provMt ' with electric lights and all other mol« traveling conveniences. It runs via our* j completed Red River Division. Every appliance known to modern a building and railroading has been employ ia the make-up of this service, iucluJlEJ Cafe Observation Cars under the management of FreJ. Hartt.' Full information as to rates and all detaiß' a trip via this new route will be cheeriM furnished, upon application, by any repp sentative of the To cure SICK HEAOACHE HABITUAL CONSTIFATIO" and ail diseases arising from I"' digestion. They will purify y° ul j blood and make yourcompHX lo " |as FAIR AS A LILY. They »£ I gelatin coated. PRICE 26 CENTS. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought

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