Fi^EE.HiS-FKEE- A beautiful reproduction of Lc Roy's celebrated painting "PASTEL PANSIES." Correct in drawing, artistic in arrangement and coloring, suu able for framing and lit to adorn any parlor, We want the names of bnn dav school superintendents aun teachers, Christian Endeayorers Epvorth Leaguers, King • Daughters, etc. In fact tie name of anybody who would OL likely to be interested in the Witness and Sabbath Reading. And to any person sending us a list of one hundred such names we will send the above describ ed picture free. New York Weekly Interdenominational in Religion ; An Exponent of Applied Christianity ; Independent in politics Has something of interest for every member of tlic fftniilj. Farm and Garden Department. Doctor's Column; Talmage's Sermon; Children's Department ; Scientific Department; Spirit of the Press; etc., etc. ORE DOLLAR A YEAR. o o Sabbath Reaaing. A Sixteen Page Weekly Paper. Solely Religious in Character, No News; No Politics. Stories ; Poetry ; Sunday-School Lesson ; Christian Endeavor and Ep worth League Topics; Mothers- Sabbath Afternoon with the Children; Miscellaneous Re ligious Matter. in M fEMS A m. o o Free sample copies ot the Witness and Sabbath Reading sent 011 application. JOHN DOUGALL & CO. 150 Nassau St. New ork. P. S,—The subscription price of both the Witness and Sal bath Reading when taken to gether is $1.25 These papers combined afford a liberal home educator. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. —1 f your name is not on our list, and you desire to try our papers, send us 25 cents (silve** or stamps) and we will send you both the \\ imeas and Sabbath Reading for three months. mm. m RAILROAD CO. May 25th, 1002, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS QOING SOCTII. Leave Weldon 11:20 a, 1T... .ci'.t i>. in.; arrive Ro-:iiy Mount. 1 K'a. m.. l(i&2 p. tn. L-»ve l'arit'jr ;. li.iz a ii-I Leaveßocky Mount, llija.M., 10:02 p. in.. 7 52 p. ia.. s:4'am, 12:5 i 1» Leave Wilson, l.'i a m. 11:20 i m, fc.viam, 6:e5 r> ui., i i".' j>m. Leave .-«eiina.S:s"' a m. 12 lO.p. m. L-:ave Fajetteville, 4:11 a la, 1:12 p m. Arrive Florence. 7:50 r. in. '.31 j- m. Arrive Ooldsboro S* 2" j'. in. Li*ave Ooldslioro, T.'-'l a ni, :l r >}' 13. Leave Magti'ilta, v : 7 a ijj, 1:251> iu. Arrive Wiitniiigloii, 1":1'» a m. « m, TRAINS GOIKU NOKTH. Leave Flor', 10:03 a m, 8:20 j> in. L-iave KayetteviSle, 12:J'> a ni, Is* p m. Lert»'e S*:l!n:l, 2.10 a in. 11 SO p. ui. Arrive Wilson, 2:5? a in. I2:i0 ji in. Leave W iiiniiijfton,7:i.) II in. a 3ia m. Leave Mapnolifc,a in, 11:05 p n:. Le'ive UoMslioro, * :; r > am, :;7 am, 12:2n pin Leave Wilson, 2*25 p m, J-L'oaii!, 14: 2»a ir. W:.:ri p in, 1:1K p in. Arrive Rocky Mount, '■: "il p in, :>:on am, 12 In am, 11: M p in, 1:5:! p ID. Arrive Tarboro 9 :-S. a. in. Leave Tarl.oro, 2:."1 p in. Leave Rocky Mount, :i:SO p m. 12:13 a la. Arrive Weliiou, 1:5:1 p m, 1:37 a in. Wilmington ami Weldon Railroail. YaVaii> Davidson Main Line—Train leaves Wiiniii>u tou, 9 10 a. m., aniveß Kayettevill'S 12 20 p. JU., leaves Fayetteville Is 12 p.m., arrives Hanford 1 r.s p.iu. Ret unship Hanford3 05 p. in., arrive l'ayet.t« ville in:-,,, m., leave Fayetteville 1 :.0 p. w., arrived V, il mliiKton 7 15 p. m Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, li.-n --nettnvilie Branch Train leaves 8.-n --nettsville 810 a. in., Maxton 905 a. Hi., Red Hprings 9.3 i a. in., llope Mills 10 55 a. in., arrive Kayettcville 1110. Returning' leaves Payetteville 445 p. m., Hope Mills 500 p.m., Red Springs 54f p.m., Maston Ul'l p.m.. arrives Bennettsvilie 7 15 i>. m. Connections at Payettiville with train No. It at Maxtoiiwitfi tlie Carolina Central Rail Red Springs with the Red Spring anil Bowinore railroad, at i vitn tl.e SeatjoardAir Line and Southern R.-.iiwav at Oulf with the Durham and Charlotte Rail road. Train on Scotland Neek Branch road leaves Weldox 3:15 p in, Halifax 329 p m arrives HcoMuml Nech at 1 10 p m Orecnviile H.-J7 pID Kiuston C:45 p vi. Returning !eave.« Kinston 7 SI a m, Greenville H :w a nr. arriving Halifax • at 11:0> am, Weldon 11-20 a m, daily (-x.:opt I Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leav» Wash, i lligton 6:00 a m, ar>d 2:15 p w., arrive Paruieie ; 8:55 a in, and 4:10 p in, returning lea»'e l ; ar-1 inele 1110 am. and s:22pm.,arrive Washington ; 12:30 a m, and fi:ls p m, dir.ily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C., daily, except! Sunday, at 4:.i5 p m„ Sunday" 4.36 p. | m., arrives Plymouth 6:!5p. ia.. ii SO i .ni.. I Returning leaves flymoiitli .lai'y «xcej.t! i Bunday, 7 SO a, m., and Sumiay :• u« a. in.; «r- | rives at Tarboro .i 55 a. in., 11 oo a. ni. Train on Midland NO Branch leaves (Jolda- i boro, N. C., daily except Sunday, 5 (M> a in:ur-i rive Smit'nfield N C., 810 a ui. KHuriiiny 1 leaves Buiithlield. N. 0. 700 a. ui. arrives' Uoldsboro.N. C. 8 25 a.m. Trainon Nashville Branch leaves Rocky ; Mount at #:3O a. m.,400 pm arrives Nashville 10 20 am, 4:2' i p «ii, Spring Hope 11 ain i 4 45 p. m. Returning leave Sprin;.' Hoi.,.- ll:2(i a. m.,5 15p ill, Naslivilie 11:15 a. m, 5 45 p m i arrive at Rocky Mount liloprn., SiUpni'i dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton uaily,except Sunday, «:i 31:!0a. rn. and i 4:lspm. Returning- leaved Clinton 045 am ' and 2:50 p m. Train No. 78 make close connection at Wei- i don for all points North daily, all rail vi» I Richmond. H. M. PMEKKON, tleneral Passenger A.»ent. _ _ J. H. KKXI.T, ! T, M. EMERSON, GenerV: Traffic Mauiicer. j 4 mE«gwwiM'ja>anirr j jjj j®* I jjjJL JSkiakes short roads. | I AXIaEI !§ / % i i «s£, light loads. r jnr-m-ms A CF m ii® S j. v£j£g? 00 d for everything g Ii i B that runs on wheels. Soid Everywhere. ( I M sLad« by STAXaAKI) Oil. CO. £ ; Keep Clear of Sirinqs. We have repeatedly called at tention to the carelessness of farmers in marketing tobacco containing the strings on which the tobacco is cured as primings. There has come much com plaint from England on this ac count, and the buyers on our home market have had much trouble in picking over such stock by hand ; the latter the farmer is advised to do himself, securing thereby the better prices. The Imperial wants to liaeeo for export and in order to secure its full competition here, strings should be alt taken out before tho tobacco is sold. If the warehousemen would duly impress this on their customers they would sav" many a com plaint and secure higher prices. The lint and trash is very objec tionable, and often gets into the best cigarette brands, damaging to the same. Pick the strings out. —Tobacco Journal. WOMEN ANO JEWKLS. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's I preferences. -Jewels lonn a ! magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that ! greatest of all jewels, health, is ioften ruined in the strenuous ; eifort to make or save the raou ley to purchase them. If a wom jnn will ri~k her health to get a j coveted gem, then ■ t her ferti- Ify herself against the insiduous [consequences of coughs, colds : and bronchial affections by the j regular use of Dr. Boscliee's Itieiman Svrun. It will prom-it- I " X 1 :ly arrest consumption in it.- learlv stages aud heal the affec ted lungs and bronchial tubes and drive tiie dreaded di-ease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bron chial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at Ilood k Grant ham's. ti'.i (i. vjcu'a special Almanac. His Client Won over. Governor S. was a s.plen .did lawyer being especially noted for his success in crimi nal s,almost always clearing his client. He was once coun sel for a man accused of horse stealing. lie made a long, eloquent and touching speecii. The jury retired, but, returned in a, few moments, and with tears in their eyes proclaimed the man "not guilty." An old acquaintance stepped up to the prisoner and said : "Jem, the danger is passed ; and now hon or bright, didn't you steal that horse?" To which Jem re plied; "Well Tom, I've all | along thought I took that horse, but since I ve heard the Gover nor's speech J don't believe I did."—Selected. tot j | I I | Miss Ida. M, v'iriydere | fc Treawwr of J: S! . t' Brooklyn iUmi / ls . f chili. " !r" v.'on-..i woaid pay more attention to K fc tnzir healcM ve wo-j'J !, av c more happy & EJ wives, mothers AAD daughters, and if they " G would ob ism risuKj they v/ould find 3 St.-tat the doctor;' prescriptions do not K g pcrisrm trie many cures they are cWtsi f | credit for. p | "in co-sultinq with my dru«tiiit he cd- 3 g Whu i.f feduUnd Thed. H icrd o L*ac.-4-Draught, MI'I SO 1 took it ar»d y g hive every reason to thank him for a new | b .'ie cpeaec ,:p to tn; viih restored he3:lh, 2 8 and u on;y took three months to cure me." | 0 Wiisft of ( is ;i r^r m !ator of tho ji a n " functions ;int i-j a most as- S g tonic forwonwu. It cur*3 9 a Kv.nty, suppro. c-u, tnofr-;quent, irrcj/- ■ fi ularanit painful luendfcruation, fiiiliai/ 3 H of tho wonib, whites an.l tJooclinj?. It S helpful vkeii woman- 5f •e u , rl :'Sf pri J jnianty, after child- 8 « hirt.i and in change J life. It fro- 8 1 ' ! , ue "i iy dear baby to homes E l , at "v- v ' ; ''•-€» barren for years. AU ■ 1 btvfe 51.00 bottle, of Wine U Rot tariiui. g mmmrni Hon. Sam Jones was Floored. "Traveling on the steamer Northumberland, on the Kap paiianuock river last week," said the Kev. E. B. Bagby, ot' the ninth Street Christian church, according to the Wash ington Post. "I tell in with a group of ministers on the upper Idt oif, and soon we were swap- S nstories. The eccentricities jof the famous evangelist, bam I Jones, proved prolific topic, iThe Kev. Mr. Butts, a Metho idist minister from (liuusecter j county, said that the only time i he had ever seen Sam to be dis jconcerted was at H , Va., where he had been called to conduct a union revival. r l he first night of the meeting the pastors of the diilerent churches were 011 th'e platform and crowds tilled the pews. All were looking for something sen sational, and were not disap pointed. Evangelist Sam Jones arose, turned to tlie Methodist nreacher and said : " 'Brother S., how many members have you in your church?' " 'Three hundred,' was the answer. " 'How many are willing to pray in public?' " 'Aiiout a dozen.' " 'Wh.-it is yt-ur salary?' " 'Five bundr«»d dolllars.' "Then each member was call ed in turn and interrogated up on the same points; revealing the fact that the amount of sal y received by the minister and !he number taking public part in the services was woefully small in comparison with the size of the congregation. " 'Well,' said Mr. Jones, ad diessing the minister, but with a sidelong glance at the au dience, 'if 1 had such a mean, measley lot of people in my church, you know what 1 would do? 1 would them up in a pen and send oil and get a hound dog and set him on them and say: "Sic'em, Tige ; sic 'em Tige.' " " 'Excuse me, Brother Jones," said the Methodist minister, 'but that is just what v,v have done. We have gath ered the people together. Now, "Sic 'em, Sam : sic 'em, Sam." "If Mr. Jones was not him self the balance of the evening lit was probable that he wasj thinking of the hound dog." LOOK PLKASANT, PMCASE. Photographer C. C. Harlan, j of Eaton, 0., can do so now,! though for \ ears he couldn't, j because he suffered untold ago-! J iiy from the worst form of indi-l gestion. All physicians and! medicines failed to help him! iiil he tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for him that he declares they are a godsend to sutlers from dyspep-j sia and stomach troubles. Un rivaled for diseases of the Stom-j •*:ch, Liver and Kidneys, they! buildup and give new life to j the whole system. Try them, i Only r.oc. Guaranteed by L.I Wilson, druggist. The prevalent idea seems to be with the Democrats that all! that is needed, now the 'nigger' | i- out of the way, is to secure j th" nomination. Never was there a greater mistake. It is in fact j more incumbent that the best men are now put on the ticket. than at any time heretofore.! There is no use ot winking and blinking and trying to hide' facts, but it is sure that scores j of voters have voted a straigti party ticket for years for fear of negro rules. Now that this is out of the 'way, there is going to be some! vt ting straight from the shoul der and the man who is unfitted; for the positionhe seeks is going i to be left when the vot ■s are; counted. It therefore behooves ihe Democratic party to notni-! nate its most capable men for every position—men who have! no 'ax to grind' men of well known probity and honesty, i Remember these things and! watch the voe November.! —Greensboro liecord. Easier co Bark Than to Work. ! A dog hitched to a lawn-mow-1 er stopped pulling to bark at a passerby The boy who was guiding mower said: "Don't mind the dog; he is just bark ing for an excuse to rest. It i* easier to bark than to pull this machine."lt is easier to be criti cal than correct; easier to bark tlian to work ; easier to burn a house than to build one ; easier to hinder than to help; easier to destroy reputation than to construct character, fault-find ing is as dangerous as it is easy. Anybody can grumble, eriiicise, or cen.sur, like the Pharisees, but it takes a great soul to go on working faithfully and lov ingly, and rise superior to it all j as Jesus did.— Kama Horn. Tobacco! I i n/Qini flip Mm partif iSißiull tab DsiliiUl luiiiibl. SALE EVERY DRY. I wish to say to the tobacco growers that I have leased the Banner Wareliouse At Benson for a term of three years. For the past three years 1 have been on the Dunn Market. lam no stranger and need iio introduction to you Last season I was proprietor of the Planters Warehouse. lam locating at Benson knowing it to be a fact that Benson is r _riie I3e>st Place To build up a good market. Benson is much more conveniently located for a tobacco market. We will have a large corps o! buyers. The American Tobacco Company, the Continental To bacco Company and the Imperial Tobacco Companv. of Kog land, will have representatives »n our market. Besides we wib have several good independent order men with us. ,M\ motto i- Honest and Fair Dealings With all. lam going to treat everybody alike and treat him right. I have come to Benson to stay. I am going to build you a market you will he proud of. I will give every pile of your to bacco my personal attention. Guaranteeing you always as much money for your tobacco as any market in North Carolina or Virginia. Bring me a trial load, ' And Get Highest Prices I I will convince you that Benson is the place to sell your to bacco. 1 will send vou home happy. Thanking you for tin : favors shown me last season, hoping to serve you again thi : season. I Am Your Friend, A. V. Smith, Proprietor of Banner Warehouse. Benson, N. C. I U iJ " V s iyts, (T* A aft; i ' >■' v JLi A JtL K. JLfr JsL $£ , y/. y/ // 7/. //; wRi, • I ~/r. Vr. sr. vr -rr. "A ,—• "J li x WE GUARANTEE HSQHEST BBARKET PRICES TO ALL, AND WILL GIVE EVERY FILE Our Pprwa! jitpiitiiiii Ulil i bluuMi uiluiiii'Jil. We wish to call the attention of the Tobacco growers of the I surrounding country that we have leased the \~k RMERS WAREHOUSE BENSON, N. C. For a term of years and are here for Business. You all know who we are, li. F. SM ITil having been a merchant at Benson for the past six years and .J. W. JONES a £armer living ten miles west from Benson. We were both raised in this community on the farm and feel a kindly interest in YOUR WELFARE, S-> please try us with at least a part of your crop and we will be personal with you and see that every pile of your Tobacco is CAIIEFbLIA LOOKED AFTER. Again we will have a CORPS GF BUYERS Second to none of any other market. Such as the Ameri can Tobacco Company and Continental Tobacco Company of America and the Imperial Tobacco Company of Great Britain! and Ireland, also heavy independent orders from the best con-' cents of the United States and foreign markets. Remember we! have a large well lighted warehouse and feel safe to say that if you will try us with a load that you will Continue Coming. Now if you'wish fair dealings, good prices and courteous treatment come to the FAIIVIERS WAREHOUSE. Don't for get to bring a load on July 30th and we will convince you of the above. Yours to Serve, Smith & Jones, Proprietors of Farmers Warehouse, Benson, N. C. Qags poj?ra-lnfa3ti?B^ A '?he B! Costs Galy 25cents at mail 25 cents to C. J. MOFFETT. M. D., ST. LOUIS, MO. Ol FK.'E OF D. H. HARDT, of Suite, A'JSTIX, Tex., Kor. 2i. I cave fouml Dr. Jloßett'i TEETHIN A n splendid remedy and aid lor my children. V.'lie-i my -."..Ust JI : TT7-3 a teet ; -In;? child, every Euccce-licic day warned ua lh:it w« woull inevitably !osa him. I happened uj. ii £ILL " liINA, aid bo?an at once a lm:n. 4 .sterinx it to him. and Uis improvement vaa i:;a ked in 24 hours, and from tJat day on he recuperated. I hava coartaatly kept it and uee«l it since with my children, and hive taken ure.»i pluusare in souciias 1U piiuw-s to »U Juullian uI yuuuu cliildron. I iuuuil ii iuvaiiublo tvt ii u:i:r the period w&3paassU. Bits, D, y, miiiiy. , Coffins Follow Flag. ■ ! Under tills significant cap ' tiou the Commoner says : The army JKilpat riok recently carried to Manila four thousand colli us to be used in burying American soldiers who ii:ive died of tevers, cholera and other diseases incidental to i tropical warfare. The New • York World estimates the cost iof each collin to be .«8, and thus j piaees the value o ' $32,000 on 'this coliin si.h-.mi-ui. The World j points out that this exceeds in value our total exports to the Philippines in nine great classi fications during the month of May, the la.-L for which fi -ure-s are at hand. . liere are the terms : Agricultural implements, $l,lOO ; flour, $5,250 ; carriages, $5,371; clocks and watches $5,302; lumber. $1,700; build ers'hardware, $5,182; sewing machine.?, $2 274 ; petroleum, $780; furniture, $1,359; total, $27,328. The World very prep eriy concludes : ''ln the traue which follows the 11.ig to our new Pacific possessions the number a soldiers' coffins is t. the quantity of ordinary nier ehandise in pathetic dispropor tion." His Sioux TnniSATE.vKi>. "While montl ;ny 11 year-old boy was poism ed by some weed or plant, 1 says W. 11. Dibble., of Bio.-. City, la. "He rubbed the poison off hi. bands into hi eyes and for a v -'i- 1 we we a afraid he would h-sc his sight Finally a neighbor recommend ed DeWitt's Witch. Hazel Salve The nrst application helped him and in a few days he was a-, ever." For kits diseases, cuts, burns, scald , wounds, insec bites, DeWitt's Witcli TJ.;zel Salve is sure to cure. -ures piles at onec. Beware of coun terfeits. Hood & Grantham. A couple of young men in New York, sons of wealthy men and with plenty of money in their pockets, were arrested a few day - ago for stealing a lot of cigarettes. They protested that they were only funning, but the matter of fart cop who look them in couldn't sec the fun came in, nor could they when they were run in. There is no telling what may happen to the young man who fooh with cigarettes. —Wiimingtou Star. The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law i« piles. Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of Chamhi rhtiu's Stom ach and Liv'i.ibVts when I necessary and you will neveri have that severe punishment! indicted upon you. Price 25 j cents. For sale by llood &! Grantham. Origtnc.l Observations. For an hour of mirth we frequently pay a month of sor row. The bore always tries to leav#> a hole in the memory of his vic tim. The man who freely forgive his own faults is the first to condemn those of others. It pleases any man to be call ed a gentleman, even if Is le hows you don't mean it One (if the rarest pleasures in the world is to hear a friend sny something good about you when they do not know you are listening. A RA F&ST Between St. Louia and Kansas City and OKLAHOMA CBTY, WICHITA, DENISON, SHERMAN, OALI.4S, FORT WORTH And points ia Texas and the South west. train i- new throughout and is madj up ci tho tiuest equipment, provided with lig-lits oud all other modern traveling conveniences. It runs via our now eomi'luled Red River division/ Every appliance Irnown to modern ear building and railroading: has been employed tn tho make-up of this service, including Cs¥e Observation €ars 9 under tho management of Fred. Earvev. Full information as to rates and all details of a trio via this new routs wiil be cheerfully furnished, upon application, by any repre sentative of tho J •iiijflire y fiiliii |j -I For Infants and Children. , - ; (frlrf Vm. LW a | rf: 4i\ ] PjM»k» -v.*-v.-r-„:.-jU MiVedVfcS y i f | AVeg ; cteblePreparf:tionforAs ; s?| * ** ! ji sl2iiialingilvo?codcaai'Re§uJa-| \l _ _ s i| f jjggjg tll3 g i j, -■ ■;| ?ron;"fcK Ail- jf* ° Jjf JUf ! * i aessandlL.-. • ' • -.•;«>•-•«• ;i •;? x» * s ! Oj)ii!fli.Moi-i?n:: .i i"rLitvUil!. 01 : -,ic. , y |a\ t -|r —, [ *» v' > -VTQkJi M ft 9#\ ~\ur]#UH J'c .- V E Jrf Q _/£r Sffuif' + I ish g#a lhx!i*U* S.Jls I V 1 5 *»*&•;: ' I pa A , Cli* 1' r 1 j s|\ yi C.yr'Gtd .X'f-7 ? • S n || /w J g Ii c $ ! Aperfecl Rcir.eny j'crConsJipa- f|i |?> w O iji i[j Hon,Sour Diaiil-oca [ag g !&/' hi WoniiSjCfiWlKSttHSjffev.Tish- ?!§i 6 M P A u SVc^s*. I 1 nMBaSfIMOTSUBB ||U I* or mt ;li FacSnvde Signature of Kfsj jl Thift If Yappo :S! NEW VOTJK. !:v e§li I§. W I &I & f; '$&&?&■• y,T, l > " ; j..-:, |i fe &•* -ytjk K? g!§?|jS £j£ f ~ " f§ | o p % I tmw | EXACT CCT-r 0- WRAPPER. j| |J M|J§ | g | | (h, k ,_. Wfis s ss? t3 ■*!>' «Ki».sasj THE CcNTAUn CO?SPANY. NFVV YQM C!TV. d*%-- if -§ jfV. il* saw -f ■£—& &Je* "z&- -JfeLS* |%B W'>i: ®f IS g' 5*A»" L " >» - ■ - —r". —•- - > ~*■ a ft rj r -«Tr»«L-~f. -. - The campaign will soon bo on througiioiit the State, and every 7 4 voter should Keep himself posted. In Harnett the election will be important and interesting'. You should subscribe at once to your county paper. Don't delay but send us 81.00 to-dav. fc/ I ! " i ! i- Y u... i " | ! H /."L-j. A r j -. V; ;\ * , l .T\ r K | 1 : a r:-* '*•■ •*'J-rf?v.;s. ??■ '■ :'M • - &*£?■>ptV U- >:• j :.Ki-, ~c «:•••* s r'si | '■ | it jp ! THE GREAT CALIFORNIA REMEDY | •% I CURES ! ihfijmatpm S And nil Liver. Kidacy auti Bladder tronV' 39 l by uric acid g in the systaai. It cures bv cleansing .i::d vitalizing tbe blo.-d, t'aus removing tut- cause cf disease. 3i give:- vigor and tone, ri and b'ti'.us up tiie health and .-irength of the patisut •while | ® usi.'? '.he ic;;:t*.iv. _ H is c lnsunzry in the- mecical vorld. It is endorsed bv the leading physicians i f Cdii!ar:,ia, i-c.l has cured and will co::tinue to cure raore •; ti.e above ii>»ases than all B other known remedies, many at vhich do niiae hanu ihan j'.oi-d. This thorc.i'.ghly tested ?v.::.edy never d'appoints. It ji P cures infallibly if takt-n e? dire> :vd. _ H Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder and blessing lo suffering humanity. M Price si.oo per Hattle or sis battles for ?5 co. For sale by j; druggists. Send stainp for book o: particulars aud wonderful g cures. If your druggist caunc: supply yoa it will be sent, $ a prepaid, v.pou receipt of price. Address: U | URiOSai CHEMICAL COMPANY —— LAMS.R & RftNKlii DRU3 CO, | LOS ANGELES, CAL. 2LLI£ K 9 AiLAfJTA, GA. B m? YOGR USD. ~ , '; AX r su K - ~, ; 1» \ •iiitlionty of :i nuirtgni*** *?♦»«••] fro:;i THF. CHAfcBERLIN £. ? ' "m. W :ir.«l v.if.% Z. I). iVv.'v ™ r»rr-' 1 t # '> s. MrD. Baivloot, TliO •:•:>• S-aif... Xtwhircui 1 ' ! " ° f 1 ° ,Mce (»O'P!V, thj v! lii t;.ar tf; / ; 1 .'\ J?ulv f t'Aitsfitin] to mi; by S. Mrl). V '. ,: sia-sof w jS^'■.'■£: ': 1 ar. fo:.t. J Will ,»i Mostday rf. r»l«'tii»K-r r '■?'*s■• j l«t. 10tV2. at 1-o'Hoc'k. M.. •■ t :iu' ••»»« KAXr'/iOTUT.Eai'TTnB , t^l . i,'t ' . ... 1 .1 Ml' » ii f .:. S: House door at L'l!i»>gton. ffjirisrn coiii;- ..H&SrISLIN MFS.&6. 6ivtsS^l-ksi?>', X. (.'.. .«ell to (he lilglii-st bi-Mi'r fur OLEU, v. WHto ror *od ca-h u ccrtaiu tmct of iai:d aboiif two ■ iidli*.* ea-t of Dunn. X. fr, m>ar sabl M. Address j« barefoot's and S. Met). B ircfoor. l?'gi:udna at a i»i:iH stiiiip with T. it. Williams it Sons, lioiiitnr-i i!s»> origisi.-d c.iriier and runs X S-li v\- 30 ch to a stake and p-->iitrrs Agents Dlinn N. C. riai'the fold .-,f L>nek Pond hrant-b. & T>' IT 1 T> r>l j Then ViiF. 7 eks and ISikstoa stake Iv. r.IJ ■ iiOUte AO. i. , j|j i>] ;l cU poiiders in the t-dge >f f)uek Pond Branch. 'I lien S S4.V V. '25 e!;j ami 7-"> !k« to a stake witli poiiiteks XOI ICE. iii the original line. Then as that line ,„ , ,-n . , 8 23.1 K S ehs and 35 lk« to tlie b^siu ibe «.nd. ; r,, ? ncd t wdl on the 1-r dav ' I;i ,, g - r ,,- ( 4 , llitlJ? 2 0 aero., more or 5e.«. ." p h°:,. :i \h ''"'"V ■' , ' ll This July £'.)ih. 1%2. .o in- •>.idle,t bu,d.:r for ' j, j WAI)F Assignr.- .■•an orner of the Com r ,r, ofS. McL). Barefoot. 1 iruett conntv^tli: 1 f bomnj real •». im: Th it. tiaet of land known as the —— ! n: i IM' or>* Imd hi Ave y.-'joro toivn- '. U ii- i> ■? coiinrv. X'. -.. :sdi • ••:ir-' 5 yf% .'• -!! v x, :' !^ !l vnw i vfllA - ■ l\'mr\h'Ut wiVdi For Infants and Children. tiie W *«i Hat# Always BeogM "•SJSvSIiIW. i Be»s ill" srf' •i>NAn Bkavis, j E'-gnsture cf r.xecntor of Daniei Moore, deceased.;

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