i FOR B 1 8 | vol il HOME PAPER. §§ H §3 iTtonlv costs $1 a year, if I' ia ll' ..V'A-T-,V »*•>>>>'AK ,;i L ~.■ 7;4VJTV-J'AJJWW"*#« c">.,v•- -v>*"v?•>"» *>rriV"^> 1 filbert B. Harold AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. practice wherever service re iiuuvil. Prompt attention to jll business. Collections a spocia'tN T. E. Whitaker, roiiNE Y-AT-LA w, DUNN, N. C. Practice whet ever his services are required. J. JS. SMITH. M. F. HATCHER. Smith & H Attorneys-at-Law, PUNX, - - - N. C. I >rn(! ~. iii :ill tin* courts of the State. I'i OMI'T attention to all business entrusted. Oll!,r ill 'I UK BANNER Building. H. N( ( KAN. -F. C. CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, .A.-ttcrnejrs-a.'t.Xja.'W, p; \N, : : : : X. C. OP , ftvt r Mereliant? Farmers B ink. N' V.SIKWAKT. 11. L. GODWIN M kGODWIN, Aiitfi/ys and Counsellors-at-law, DUNN, N. C. V j: -r-o in State and Federal Cimrr- i-'it not for fun. ~ C. P. LQCKEY, Lawyer, BENSON, N- C- Wi.l {,!•; rtice in the State and Fe.ler.ii Courts wherever ser vices are desired. M -mber of thi? Washington. D. j ['. Bar. will practice before , iiiv of: • Government Depart-1 tents in .at City, especially I compromises with j [lie internal Revenue Commis sion!-" iii cases of seizure of Gov nimeat Distilloiies &c. | W- E- IvluroliisoTi, JOXESBORO N. C. |O.?:ic> - T.AW in IL.irnott, Moore and ! hut not for fun. «(V! v. | : J lr. J. C. Goodwin, | DEN7I6T. IHum, - N. C. Diiic ■ rooms on second floor J. \ J. Wade's building. i mm m. f.'tl'ITAL STOCK -"20,000. We offer unsurpassed advan ces. and loan money on easy term- We will extend every i tcconunodation consistent with sonsf-rv.-itive banking. li.J. DEST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier. M. 0. L WILSON, ® entiSi ' Durjpj. r-a. c. hii-M- over Merchants & Farm r~ X"\v Bank next door to '■• fid oc Grantham. |uis m FARMIRS! *M, 11, C. 1 h-M'ITAL STOCK $20,000. accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier, j Ihivi- yrn a sense of fullness •'j ivgiun of your stomach ' l: er .-.ihig? If so you Avill be b.-ut-'iir-d hy using Chamber-' ,l!!| - Stomach and Liver Tab '• They also cure belching ,!i 'l s our stomach. They regu •" the howols, too. Price 2oc. "« by Hood & Grantham. "A A JKLJ JLYJ[L/L\ IJLJ. JL LJI JCL JFM ♦ Vol. 12. Every Wife Should Have an Allowance. It is one of the most humilia ting elements in woman's life in America to-day, and one of tho phases which is most unconpli mentarily reilective upon Amer ican husbands, that a just al lowance is withheld from many wives. No matter how small the allowance may be, so long as it is fair in proportion to the income earned,every wife should have a purse of her own, sacred t-o herself and her needs, and free from the slighest intrusion on the part of her husband. Every wife is entitled to this, and no young man—l care not how small his income nor what his reasoning m;iy be —starts married life aright who with holds that courtesy and that right from his wife. —Edward Bok, in The Ladies Home Jour nal. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur baths are superior to those of the most celebiated sulphm springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength, taking nud icine by absorption iuio the sys tem through the skin b> taking medical baths is a \ei \ efficient- method of obtaining a constitutional treatment. It neve>r fails to cure eo:«-ma and all blood and skin diseases. Ask vour druggist tor a book on Liquid Sulphur! fror Sale by Hood & Grantham. Any Democrat who can con trol 100 votes can get "boodle'' to run his campaign if he will run as an independent candi date by applying with reference to the Republican headquarters at Greensboro. —Ne\v> % and Ob server. CAITIOK. This is not a gentle word— but when YOU thinic how li able you are not to purchase for 7oe the only remedy uniVfrsally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medjeine in the world since 180* for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and ljung troubles without losing its gre.it popularity all these years, you will be thankful we called vour attention to Boschees Ger man Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made bv druggists and others, that are cheap and good for .lig;it colds perhaps, but for ( oughs, Bronchitis. Croup, and especi ally for Consumption, where there is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nij;iit and at mornings, there is noth ing like German Syrup. Sold by all druggists in the civilized world. " G. G. GRKKX, Woodbur} r , N. J. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. i »♦,>: idist Church— Rev. E. M. Sripes Pss' i •T' :esflrat Sunday night, and fourth Sun * morning and night. Prayeriueeting ,*rS Wednesday night. Sur.day sclico! every Sunday morning ct 10 o'clock, Q. li, Irauthaui Superintendent. Baptist Church.—Rev. w. B. Morton. i*stnr. •iervices Ist and i'ld cioruiiig aitc uight. I'rayermeetiajf every Thursday night ■imday School every Sunday morniug, K. O l'ayior superintendent. Presbyterian Church.—Rev. 11. W. Hlnes :aator. Services every first and fifth Sunda; aorning and night. Sunday school ever;- Sunday morning, D. H. McL-an, Superinten dent Disciple Church— Kev. J- J- Harper, i»as tor. services every first Sunday momiiit and night. Prayer meeting every Tuesda; night. Sunday school every Sunday even.np at 3 o'clock Rev. N. E. llood Sai't. Free Will Baptist Church.—Eld-r R. C. racisoc. pastor. Services every first Sun day morning and niglit. Primitive Baptist.—Church on Broad street ilder B. Wood, Pastor. Regular scrvi :fcS on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur iay before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LODGE. Palmyra Lolge.No. 117, A- P. 4- A. Hi'l it Tempi". Z T:ij"l«»r, W . Ni.: U L.Go hvin, n. W ; H, B. Ah.i. 1.w.; w. A. Stewart. S"c Ueunlu -ommunications are held on the r-rd f-atur- UyctP o'clock A.M., end on the Ist Friday tt: o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma- in good standing are cordially Invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. COMMISSIOKKKS V. L. Stephens, McT>. Holliday, J. D. Barnes I A.Taylor. W. H. Duncan, Policeman. COUNTY OFFICERS Sheriff .Silas A. Salmon. Clerk, Dr. J H. Withers. Rftgiator of Dee6s« A. 0. UoMoway. Treasurer, L. T). Mattliewa. Purveyor, P. P. McDonald. Coroner, I)r. J. K. McKay County Examiner, R*v.J.B. Black. Commissioners : F. P. Youuif, Chairman J. K. Smith. T A. Hai-r;nrt.nn. OASTORXA. Bears the A Tha Kind Yaa Have Always Bought rr JOIIN A. McIvAY. E. F. YOUNG Its Ji i isKif mm ft. Manufacturers of Turpentine tools, machinists, IRON & BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GEN EItAL MKIAL \\ OKKEKoi , ; Machine Machinery Agents for A. B. F Alt QUI! AR & COS Machinery and Southern Saw Works' Saws. We have an up-to-date plant and guarantee satisfaction. THE JOIIN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN, IST. C. I I TI7TTI j. j, —AT— PLANTSBg WAHSKOUgE; Dunn, N. C. Only One Trip TO OUR WARFIiOUSE AMD YOU WILL BE CONVINCED That everv pile of tobacco will surely bri-g its full value. Our Auctioneer is a ' J:m Dae.'t*, You want to hrin rr us a load of tobacco just to hear him talk over it. Ule Want to Soil Your That's what we are here for, and if selling every pile of tobacco placed on our lloor at the \et" top notch will bring it, we are going to sell our share. Just watch and see. Our ■ FnrcE .is Cnmpl'Ete, And they are good, honest hustling nvm. who lo -k after you and yoar tobacco. Ym need not have any fears about wj»»t you are going to ; et, your stable*, or afcwu camp room, when you load up and start to see your friend, e, Jje, I JLjJUlill; Proprietor of Planters Warehouse, Dunn, N. C. J r;?('-,mmon grades are higher than we have ever M-eu them before. A Manly Man. It is said that all the world loves a true lover, and in much the same way everybody loves a manly man. There is noth ing grander or sweeter in life unless it be a womanly woman. Alt like a transparent charac ter, but no on-? likes things vvhich are covered up or con cealed. People who are uncer tain of themselves, who are not sure of their characters, are al ways throwing up a defense to protect themselves against the close scrutiny of the world. Frank people fling the doors of their hearts wide open, for they have nothing to conceal. They are not what they seem ; tlaws and all; but secretive peo ple, whose histories have not been clear, who lack the self confidence of true manhood, open their inner doors very care fully, very guardedly, lest otn ers get glimpses of their unholy: selves. _ _ ' There is nothing which will help a young person to succeed j more than a reputation for aj clean, transparent, manly and honest straightforwardness. We are afraid of people who are always on their guard, who do : not quite dare to trust you to look into their inmost selves. —Success. Lots of blessings in disguise vro away without discovering themselves. | No Food m Alcohol. A number of soldiers of the! 'same age. of the same type of constitution, living under the ! same circumstances, eating the j same food, breathing the same I atmosphere, were divid"d into two gangs —an alcoholic gang and a non-alcoholic gang—and engaged in certain work. The alcoholic irang went far ahead at first. They had buckets of of beer at their side, and as - they got a little tired they took beer,aud the 'ion-alcoholic gang were in an hour or two left no- ; where; but the energies of the beet drinkers speedily began to; flag, and do what they would,! before the end of the day the non-alcoholic gang had left them i far behind. Thus goes an old-time argu- 1 ment for alcohol. There is no.food, no strength, no good in it.—The Libuor Problem. ; FORTUNE FAVOHS A TUX AN. | "Having distressing pains in 1 head, back and stomach, and; being without appetite, I began j to use Dr. Kings New Life Pills.: writes W. P. Whitehead, of. ; Kennedale, Tex., "and soon felt j 1 like a new man. Infallible in ! stomach and liver troubles.j •Only 25c at C. L. Wilson's drug! 'store. [! Love is a dream with a night | mare just before the awakening. Prove aJLtsigs, liold fast that which is good." DUIMIM. H. *C. SEPT. 1902 A Tr. " Love cf Truth "It's a beautiful picture," we said of 1 treasure that hung on a friend.;' wall. "Ye—s," she answered with a note of n no vation in her voice and a look of dissatisfaction on her face. 11 Yes, 1 was delight ed with it at first; it was some thing rare then, that style of work. But they are bringing in so many cheap pictures done in the smir way that one has to look closeh to see any differ ence, and it has somewhat spoiled this one for me." Yet the picture held the same i restful scetv-, the same soft fin-j ish and delicate coloring which j had always been its beauty. ■ Why should a mere money value ' affect this charm? Some of thej I cheaper ones were beautiful; j also, its -lie said, but they were! cheap and that spoiled them.! There are many to whom beauty ! must be high-priced and exclu-l sive, or it is not beauty at till.: They rave oVer the wonderful views of the Alps, but never be stow a second glance at th beauty of ihe sunset frym [ their own door. They j "adore mu.-dc," a- presented by • an expensive seat at a fashion-j able concert, but are deaf to the' song of birds and brooks, the murmur of windswept trees or j the ripple of childish laughter.! The true lover of beauty dis cerns it wherever it is and loves it for itself and noffor its mar ket valve. A REMARKAULK RK OKJ). Chamberlain's Cough Remedy; has ti remarkable record. Iti has been in use for over thirty! years, during which time mnnyj million bottles, have been sold} and used. It has long been the standard and main reliance 4n the treatment of croup in thous ands of homes, yet during this time no case has never been re ported to the manufacturers in which it faiied to effect a cure. When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appears, it will prevent, tho attack. It is pleasant to take, many children like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby .as to an aduJt. For sale by Hood & Grantham. Annual Z,ica'*i;:.'nert of Grand Army HepubUc. On acquit of the above oc casion Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Wash ington, D C. at verylow rates. Round trip from Goldsboro, N. C., $9 10. Approximately low rates f r om other points. Tick ets on sale Oct. 3rd, 4th, oth aid 6th, with final limit Oct. 15, 19 n 2. By depositing tick ets with Joint Agent at Wash ington. D. C., not later than noon of Oct. loth, 1902, and upon payment of fee of fifty cents an extension of final re turn limit to Nov. 3rd may be obtained. Rare chance to visit Washington, New York and other Eastern Cities at small cost. For further information call on your nearest depot agent or write R. L. VICRNON, T. P. A, Charlotte, N. C. S. H. Hard wick, G. P. A, Washington, 1). C , CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Democratic Platform. Following is the platform adopted by the Democratic State Convention at Greensboro, at its session on July IG, 1002: "We congratulate the people of North Carolina upon the adoption of the suffrage amend ment to our State constitution and upon the benefits that have resulted therefrom and we pledge the Democratic party to faithfully maintain it by every iigitimate means and we de mand that tlie Republican party shall declare its purpose either to accept or reject it, and until it is accepted as a finality by all parties we declare it the duty of the white people to stand to gether for its protection. •'The Democratic party rep resenting the intelligence, the virtue and the manhood of the people of the State, recalls with pleasure the entire absence of scandals during its administra tion of public affairs and the gratifying advancement that has been made amongst us in all industrial lines. We have fostered agriculture and pro moted manufacturing and have given to capital full security and have protected the rights of la bor. We pledge the party to a fair and ju-t system of taxation and we demand that all subjects jof taxation shall bear the jnst I and equal proportion of the bur idens of government. "We renew our pledges for [ the extension and improvement I of the public schools of the State! so that it may keep pace with the needs and conditions of the; people, and point with pride to i the great impetus and progress j in this great work during the! last two years and call atten tion to tho fact that this year, ! for the first time in the history j of the State, every school dis trict has been able to maintain a public free school for four months as required by the constitution. We believe that j the permanent prosperity ol the people of this state de-j petals largely upon the con-1 struction and mainu nanee of j irood roads and wo pledge thej party to the hearty support of j all wise measures to that end. j wi- heartily commend and en- • done the adinittjstration of Gov. Charles I?. Aycock and other j State officials for their faithful; execution >f the party's prom ises in-so-far as the same has ! been possible. "We likewise extend our ap preciation and endorsement of United States Sena'or F. M; Simmons and to our Democratic representatives in congress and congratulate them and. the peo ple oi' the State for their faithful and official services to the State in councils of the nation. "We affirm our allegiance to the Democratic party and its principles as enunciated in its national platform. We denounce the policy of imperialism as in augurated by the republican national administration and de clare it to be obnoxious to our form of government and fraught with danger to the existence of the republic. We denounce as oppressive and illegal those com binations of capital known .as trusts and monopolies that still;* competition, throttle individual effort and destroy the generous spirit of rivalry that should exist in the commercial world. "We denounce the deceptive ' and sordid course of the repub lican party in congress in furth ering the existence of the trims by irs refusal to enact legislation restricting them and enforce in good faith the existing laws against them that party being iti fuil control of all branches of the government "We denounce the present iniqtiilious, unjust, and trust creating protective tariff, im posed upon tho people by the Republican party, and demand its immediate revision, to the end that all unjust burdens shali be removed and especially upon the necessities of life. Its pro visions enable the trusts to ex tort from the people unreason able profits and sell their pro-J ducts to consumers at home at greater prices than arc charged! for the same goods to the for-1 eign consumer. We demand, I therefore, that all such tru-t -inade goods be placed on the free list. We favor the estab lishment of the Appalachian Park and urge that our senators and representatives in congress! use their best efforts to secure! establishment. "We again appeal to the peo-i pie with a confidence that it is j only from the Democratic party j that there can be expected an j honest, capableaucl efficient ad ministration of the government of the State and point with pride o it- past history in the admin- IF YOU WILL PUT ?*- eas P°? n ' u '°'Mexican Mustang Lin- I Keep this -n vl fact always fresh in your memory:— | For Cuts, Mashes and all Open Sores, you | need onlv to apply ffl exican i ] i a few times and the soreness and inflammation will J be conquered and the wounded flesh healed. 1 o get the best results yon should saturate a piece i of soft clot h with the liniment and bind it upon the wound as you would a poultice. ( 250e. and $l.OO u bottle. fcY? OW IOUTl 0UT l'-2 ult , r - v J 1 "' 1 ot very first of i-1.1 L. a \Jl\, lieu p. Souly Bumbtefoot or other cuseasius ajnong your fowls iiso Mexican Mustang Liniment. ! istration of the affairs of state [and challenge a comparison with the iniquities of fusion and Republican rule. We promise the people of the State a contin uance of that honest, safe, con servative and economical gov ernment which has always char acterized democratic rule and pledge our best efforts for the advancement of the material prosperity and happiness, of the whole people. "That we favor making all nominations by our party for at ate and district offices bv pri maries and the state executive committee is hereby instructed to formulate a system to regu late primary nominations for the United States Senate and district nominations and we de mand the enactment by the gen eral assembly of appropriate legislation of such primaries; that the State executive com mittee is instructed to call at such time as they think wise a primary to nominate a United S.ates Senator to succeed Sena tor Pritehard, but such primary shall not be It eld on the day of the general election. A minority report was made as to the clause in reference to the national plat.orm which provided : "Substitute for the words: 'We reaffirm our allegiance to the democratic party and the principles as enunciated in its national platform, the words. We reaffirn our allegiance to the fundamental principles of the democratic party.' " This was voted down and the original clause was adopted. There was a minority report on the paragraph as to the se lection of candidates as follows : "Strike out all that relates to the nomination of a United States Senator to succeed Sen ator Pritehard." On motion of Hon. Thomas Skinner this was amended so as to strike out in the platform all relative to primaries and then as amended was adopted. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur is endorsed and prescribed by many leading physicians throughout the country for all blood and skin troubles. Hun dreds of cases of eczema and other slcin diseases have been permanently cured bj' the use of Hancock's Liquid After all other remedies failed and pro nounced incurable. For salo by Ilcod & Grantham. Men on the gallows can see folly of taking a drop too much. Matches may be made in Heaven, but margers are ar ranged in wall street. A SAD DISAPPOINTMENT. Ineffective liver medicine is a sad disappointment, but you don't want to purge, strain and break the glands of the stomach and bowels. De Witt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid matter and do it so gently that one enjoys the pleasant effects. They are tonic to the liver. Cure bil liousness, torpid liver and pre vent fever. Ilood & Grantham. 36 ,Tlie Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season Ami the placing on sale of Excursion To all prominent points in the South, Southwest, West llldies. Mexico .and California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasville, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF TIIE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that your ticket reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address 11. TI. VERNON, V. W. WESTBUKY Traveling rass A/ft.. District Puss. Agt. Cls arlotte, ST. C. Xci.clim.siia, Va S. 11. lIABDWICK, General Passenger Agent. •T. M. GITLP, . W. A. TURK, Traffic Manager. Asst Fasti. Traffic Mgi. 15. C. BEWARE OF THE KNIFE. No profession has advancpd more rapidly of late than surg ery, but it should not be used except where absolutely neces sary. In cases of piles for ex ample it is seldom needed. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and permanently. Un equalled for cuts,burns, bruises, wounds, skin diseases Accept no counterfeits. "I was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and strength," says J. C. Phillips, Paris, 111. l, Pe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me in a short time." Soothes and heals. Hood & Grantham. "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMKU LANDS." The above is the title of an attractive booklet j ust issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a two-cent stamp to' S. H. Hard wick, ft. P. A., Washington, D. C.

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