FtfEE"SSrFREE. A beautiful reproduction of Le Roy's celebrated painting "PASTEL PANSIES." Correct in drawing, artistic in arrangement and coloring, suit able for ' framing and fit to adorn any parlor, We want the names of Sun day school superintendents and teachers, Christian Endeavorers Epworth Leaguers, King's Daughters, etc. In fact the name of anybody who would be likely to be interested in the Witness and Sabbath Reading. And to any person sending us a list of one hundred such names we will send the above describ ed picture free. New York Weekly Witness> Interdenominational in Religion; An Exponent of Applied Christianity ; Independent in politics Has something of interest for every member of the family. Farm and Garden Department. Doctor's Column; Tal mage's Sermon ; Children's Department; Scientific Department; Spirit of the Press ; etc., etc. IE DOLLAR I YEAR. o o Sabbath Reaaing. A Sixteen Page Weekly Paper. Solely Religious in Character, No News ; Xo Politics. Stories ; Poetry ; Sunday-School Lesson ; Christian Endeavor and Ep worth League Topics; Mothers' Sabbath Afternoon with the Children; Miscellaneous Re ligious Matter. ONLY 50 CENTS A lEM. o- -o Free sample copies of the Witness and Sabbath Reading sent on application. JOHN DOUGALL & CO. 150 Nassau St. Now York. P. S, —The subscription price of both the Witness and Sab bath Reading when taken to gether is $1.25 These papers combined afford a liberal home educator. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. —If your name is not on our list and you desire to try our papers, send us 25 cents (silve 1 " or stamps) and we will send you both the Witneas and Sabbath Reading for three months. AILIIC CUAST RAILROAD CO. May 25th, 1902. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. :L>;ave Weldon 11:30 a, m.,9:38 p. in.; arrive Rocky Mount, 1 00 a. m.,10:32 p. in. Leave Tarimro, 13:22 a. in., 7 31 pin. Leave Rocfry Mount, 1:05 a. M., 10:02 p. m., 62 ji. m., 5:45 aiu, 12:52 p in. Leave Wilson, 1.58 a in, 11:20 p in, 8:31 a m, 2# i> in., 220 pin. Leave Selma,2:f.f, am. 12 lO.p. in. Leave Fayetteville, 4:11 a in, i:l2 pm. Arrive Florence, 7:LO a in, 3:35 p m. Arrive Golds boro 8 20 p. m. Leave Goidsboro.7:3lain, 3:15 p m. Leave Magnolia,s:37 a in, 4:25pm. Arrive Wilmington, 10:lli a m. 6:oO v in, TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence, 10:05 am, 8:20 j> in. Leave Fayetteville, 12:J0 a in, 1:28 pm. Leave Seluia, 2.10 am. 11 10 p. m. Arrive Wil.son, 2:57 a in, 12:20 p in. Leave Wilmington,7:oo p m. 9 :iiia in, Leave Magnolia, 8:30 a m, 11:05 p m. Leave Goldaboro, 7 35 am, :i:."7 a in, 12:20 p m Leave Wilson,2-35 p in, 820 am, 12: zoa m .i0:::r> p m, 1:18 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 pm, 9:00 am, 12 10 am, 11:23 p m, 1:53 p m. Arrive Tarboro 9 :t4. a. in. Leave Tarl.oro, 2:31 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:50 p m. 12:4n a in. Arrive Weldon, 1:53 p m, 1:37 a ui. Wilmington anl Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Davidson Main Line—Train leaves Wiluiigu ton, 9 10 a. in., arrives Fayetteville 12 20 j>. in., leaves Fayetteville 12 42 p.m., arrives Sanford 158 p. m. . Returning leave Sanford3 05 p. m., arrive Fayettevllle 4 2op. m., leave Fayetteville 4SO p. iu., arrives Wil mington 7 15 p. in Wilmington aud Weldon Railroad, B«n -nettaviile Branch Train leaves Ben nettavllle 810 a. m., Maxton 805 a. m.. Red Hpringa 9.3* a. m.. Hope Mills 1055 a. m arriv J Fayetteville 1110. Returning leaves Fayetteville 445 p. m., Hope mills 500 p. in Red Springs 54 p.m., Maxton 6ld p.m.' arrives Bennettsvllle 7 15 p. m. Connections at Fayetteville witli train No 78 at Maxtou with the Caroliua Central Rail road, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford witn the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Rail road. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldo'j 3:15 p in, Halifax 3:29 p m arrives Scotland Neck at 410 p m Mreenville ?:47 p m Klnston fi:4s pm. Returning leaves Kinston' 7 30 a in, Greeuville 8 30 a m, arriving Halifax at 11:05 am, Weldon 11:20 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash. Ington 8:00 am, and 2:45 p in., arrive Parmele 8:55 am, aud 4:10 p m, returning leave Par mele 1110 am. aud 5:2 a pm, arrive Washington 12:30 a m, and 6:15 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarlwro. N. C., daily, except Sunday, at 4:35 p m., Sunday 435 p m., arrives Plymouth 635 p. m.. 630 p in Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Suuday, 7 30 a. in., aud Sunday 900 a. ni • ar rlveß at Tarboro 9 55 a. m.. 11 00 a. m. Train on Midlaud NC Eranoli leaves Golds boro, N. C., daily except Sunday, 5 (Hi a m -ar rive Builtlitleld N C., 610 a in. Returning leaves HmitliHeld. N. C. 700 a. m. arrives Goldsboro.N. C. 8 25 a. m. arrives Trainon Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9:30 a. m„ 400 pm arrives Nashville 10 20 a m, 4:23 p m. Spring Hope 1100 am, 445 p. m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11->(i a. m.,5 15p m, Nashville 11:45 a. m. 5 45 pin arrive at Rocky Mount lilopm., 6 20pm' daily except Sunday. ' Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 11:40 a. in. and 4:15 pm. Returning leaves Clinton 645 a m and 8:50 p m. Train No. 78 make close connection atWel- SUe hm •nd p0 North daily, all rail vi» H. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. *' Manager. I \ A pckml )oofctn» |j horoe and poor look- I d Inff liurnosH Is the I' wur:-t klail of u com- j; Eureka Harness Oil not only m air eg tho Imrneaa and tha (j horse lock better, but makes the • leather soft and pliable, pots It In con- ('£& •iiii / A/ , Uition tc lont—twlcrt 03 loac'Al ordinarily would. 10\ t'lffilpim flr ill I SuUI «»cry\vbore lu caar.—nil ' MatJo b y / & '% STANDARD iW/^k Your Horse a xjgjEfUff Chancel, jjjjj/ Present State Administration. I have not said these things in defense of the present admin istration. It needs no defense. It's record defends it. It is:only necessary that.there shall he no j mistatemcnt of that record. It is an administration of which the people of North Carolina can be and are justly proud. It lias lieon prudent, conservative and progressive. It has been eco nomical in the expenditure of the people's money. It has not misappropriated one cent of the people's funds. It has kept ev ery promise which the party has made, and thi» convention will but voice the wishes of those it represents, and will do itself honor in giving to it a hearty and cordial endorsement.—F. M. Simmons at Greensboro. WANTED. We would like to ask, through the columns of your paper if there is any person who has used Green's August Flower for the cure of indigestion, dyspep sia and liver troubles that has not been cured—and we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual costiveness, nervous dyspepsia, headaches, despond ent feelings, sleeplessness—in fact, any trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civilized countries, aud we wish to correspond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try one bottle lirst We have never known of its failing. If so, something more serious is the matter with you. Ask your oldest druggest. Oo G. G GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. Feeling For Childhood Those who have occasion to speak frankly concerning their own childhood experience, are l often heard to remark that the i greatest blessing that came to' them was the sympathy of! father or mother, or an older brother or sister, with their tastes and ideals. There are few tilings so chilling to a gen erous young spirit as the sneer that follows the disclosure of his inner desire or purpose ;and, on tho other hand, the con sciousness that he is under stood and appreciated, is the very elixir of life to the boy or girl before whom the world is just beginning to open, Chil rlren who grow up unduly reti cent and self-constrained, or who become morose and sour, probably have lacked genial sympathy in their earlier years. In their little hearts there is a purpose not to expose them selves again to ill-considered ridicule, >r there is a silent con flict in their inner selves against the circumstances in which they have been placed. Now, it is not enough for the older person to seek or demand the confidence of children in order to obtain it. One must win it and there are few things that give a parent stronger infhfence over a child's life than to convince the little one that the parent has a genu ine sympathy with it in its tastes and purposes and dreams. —The Watchman. A new remedy for billious ness is now on sale at Hood fc Grantham's drug store. It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. It gives cjuick relief and will prevent the attack if given as soon as as the first indication of the dis ease appears. Price 25c per box. Samples free. Hood tfc Grantham. The wise youth proposes in person and asks her father's consent by telephone. Luctc IN THIRTEEN. By sending 13 miles, Wm. Spirey.of Walton Furnace, Vt., got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, that wholly cured a hor rible fever sore 011 his log. Nothing else could. Positively cures bruises, felons, ulcers, eruptions, boils, burns, corns and piles. Only 2oc. Guaran teed by C. L. \\ ilson, druggist. Entire New Registration m Under tlie election law thert will be an entire new registration of voters in the State this year, and we hereby call the attention of the voters of the county tc this fact. Every man who expects tc vote at the coining election iu November must re-register or i he cannot vote. All white men over the age of 21 years unless disqualified by law, will be allowed to register and vote. Negroes and foreign ers will have to be able to read and write in the English lan guage any section of the Con stitution. Any citizen who has lived in the State two years, the county six months and the township four months can reg ister if not otherwise disquali fied. All persons who vote at the coming election will be re quired to present their poll tax receipts for 1901, or show that the taxes have been paid for the year 1901 and that it was paid before May, 1902. This does not apply, however, to persons over 50 years of age and young men who have come of age since the date of listing the taxes of 1901. When registered this time, your name is put on a perma nent roll and will remein there as long as you live. Be sure to register, see your neighbor and gee him to register. No one will be permitted to vote unless registered. The regis trations heretofore will not do. This registration is under the Constitutional amendment passed, ratified in August, 1900. The registration books will be spen in each voting precinct of the county on October 2nd at 9 i. m. and close on October 25th it snnset. They will remain >pen from 9 o'clock until Hinset each day for twenty lays. The registrars will have o be at the polling places in j heir respective precincts on j >ach Saturday. No person can •egister, except during this >eriod of twenty days unless he lecomes twenty-one years of age liter the books are closed. W. A. STEWART, Ohm. Dem. Ex. Com. NAT i'it Ai. ANXIETY. Mothers regard approaching i vinter with uneasiness,children i ake cold so easily. No diseases j •osts more little lives than i roup. It's attack is so sudden, hat the sufferer is often beyond utman aid before the doctor ar 'ives. Such cases yield readily o One Minute Cough Cure, liquifies the mucus, allays in lauiation, removes danger. Absolutely safe. Acts immedi-j itely. Cures coughs, colds, I pip, bronchitis, all throat and! ung trouble. F. S. McMahon, I lampto, Ga. : "A bad cold j endered me voiceless just be ore an oratorical contest. 1 in ended to withdraw but took )ne Minute Cough Cure. It estored my voice in time to vin the medal. Hood & Gran ham. I Republican Record. The record of the Republican larty is one of crime and cor-! uption, from the theft of aj •'resident's office to the em-{ •aimed beef scandal, the steal-! tigs of Rath bone and Necly to! lie court martials in Manila,! ill the way ; but the history of! lie Democratic party is one of j *lory and honor, and her future nission is even grander to pre serve our Republic, protect our! >oople and stand for human lib-1 •rty everywhere.—E. Y. Webb it Bakersville. THE WORST FORM. Multitudes are singing the praises of Kodol, the new Dis covery which is making so many sick people well and weak 1 people strong by digesting what they eat,by cleanaing and sweet suing the stomach,and by trans forming their food in pure,rich,' red blood that makes you feel! good all over. Mrs. Cranfill, of! Troy, I. T., writes: "For a I number of years I was troubled ! with indigestion and dyspepsia which grew into the worst form. Finally I was induced to use Kodol and after using four bot- ! ties I am entirely cured. 1 1 heartily recommend Kodol to all sufferers of indigestion and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals. It digests what'you eat. Hood fc Grantham. Truth will out— and it will out some men so completely 1 that it leaves not a trace behind STARTLING BUT TRUE. "If every one knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills is," writes D. H. Turner, Dempseytown, Pa., "you'd sell all you have in a day. r l wo weeks use has made anew man of me." Infallible for constipation, stomach and liver troubles, 25c at C. L. Wil-j son's drug store. Given Away! o o THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER is going to give away $2« iu gold. OUR PLAN. To every person paying us one dollar in advance for the pa per or on back subscription will be given a number.. The nuni bers will run from 1 to 200; you will receive the number as th« money is paid in. For instance, if you should be the fifth per son that pays us a dollar on subscriptiou you will get live foi your number. These numbers will be deposited in a box in tli€ MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK as we receive the money, find a iccord of each man's number will be kept at our office, and upon receiving 200 names some uninterested man will draw * number first number receiving $lO, second $5, third $2.50, fourth $1.50, fifth $l. This is a chance to make money, send .is a dollar. You get the paper one year, which is well worth four dollar and who knows but what you may be the lucky nan. This proposition will not stand open very long. So do lot wait. Send your dollar at once. You may be the lucky man. to Relufin 11 Prices si Ms Mill! Bazaar. Owing to the fact that pressure of business demands more of >ur attention iu other lines we have decided to make a change in ome branches of our business and in order to reduce our stock of Millinery and Fancy Eonds We will sell Millinery this season cheaper than it has ever >een known to sell in this country. We know it is an easy mat er to print circulars and say this and that, but we positively neau to 1 } DoWhst \A/ e Say tnd a trial will convince you that never before in the history of uun has Millinery been oli'ered so cheap as it is now at Flie Millinery Bazaar Take for instance the Walking Hats at 7oc all over the f ' we a, ' e selh,l g tliem at 49c ; the $l.OO quality at 89c and lie same reduction on all hats trimmed, ready to wear or un nmmed. Also take the silks. You get the $1.25 quality for 19c and the $l.OO for 79c. Feathers, Birds, Flowers, Moudins md anything in the Millinery Line at the Same Cut Rate. »t styles and choicest bargains. We bought our good* FOR TIT E CASH his season and secured a liberal discount and now we propose to ihare it with our friends and Grive Them Bargains lever before heard of. This is not mere talk on paper, but a risit to our store will prove to you that it is true, every word of it. Our place of business is next door to the Merchants and l aimers Bank and P. P. MasseugilP store—right between the wo ho place your order for your fall and winter hat before the •ush begins. "i ours for the greatest bargains ever offered in Millinery. Shell's Millinery Bazaar. POWBSMMI' Costs Only 25 cents at Druggists, th ® Child and Hakes >-"'■^*-3O r moil 2o cent* to C. J. MOFFETT M 11 ny eiperiaiK-e wthyljjr modicta " TEETHING ° I*° f?, ad!m '' nd ' that I should s'hPj'on Her mother determined to try TEETHINA, and in a dav or t wo tuJ™ wJI 1 ~ waa almoBt despaired of. the bowel* were regular; and than k« lo TEETHINi our», « I>. W. McIVEK, Editor and Proprietor Xuskegeo (Ah.) News. iu gold. He Knew an American. | "Iler, you little American girl, you pick up every piece of of that paper!" was the com mand wliieh a little visitor of ! Pans was surprised to receive i from a policeman on the street. The child, who was with her ! mother, had torn a piece of paper into fragments and threw it on the pavement. The em barrassed mother was obliged to stand by and see her little daughter, who had probably "never before been asked to wait !on herself, pick up every bit of the offending litter, while the officer watched the proces as j grimly as if guarding a house-1 breaker. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children. The fae- /f 3,1 Do GOOD—IT PAYS. I A Chicago man lia.s observed that,'"Good deeds are better I than real estate deeds—some of | the latter are worthless. Act i kindly and gently, show sym j pa thy and lend a helping hand. | You cannot possibly lose by it." Most men appreciate a I kind word and encouragement I more than substantial IK In. | There are persons in this com jmuuity who might truthfully [say: "My good friend, cheer up. A few doses of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold and there i no danger whatever from pneu monia when you use that medi cine. It always cures. I know it for it has helped me out manv a time." • Sold by Hood & Grantham. CASTOR2A. Bean the /) Tto Kind Vo'j Have Always South' " I Trusts and Trusts. Springing out of Republicar policies, fosse red and protected by Republican legislation, then has sprung into existence ic the country during the past sis years nearly two hundred greal tariff protected combinations They have monopolized foi their private benefit nearly all the necessaries of life. Thej control competition, ihey regu late protection, they fix prices By controlling the legislation -J the country they control the markets of the people. They absolutely dominate and control the Republican party. That party dares do nothing which they oppose, and it stands ever ready to do their bidding. The dominion of these tarifl protected monopolies over the Republican party has never b'. en so plainly shown as in the pres ent Congress by the course of that party in the matter of the Cuban reciprocity: in the mat ter of its failure and refusil 10 enforce the Federal anti-trust laws; and in the matter of its refusal to permit the considera tion or enactment of any legis lation looking to the removal of duties on trust-made goods, or the reduction o'f duties on goods sold cheaper abroad than at home.—llon.F. M. Simmons n' Creensboro. The farmers who have been organizing for many years for the purpose of securing better and cheaper railroad transpor tation for their marketable products, are becoming awake to the fact that a great reform is needed in the people's own roads J right at home. An unnecessary and very expensive evil has been permited to exist at their very doors. They have been wasting much valuable time and horseflesh in getting products to market. Farmers are at last learning that it costs more to haul a load to the sta tion afew miles away than it does to have it transported from the station to the far away sea boards. The Tariff and Trusts Inseper abfe. In the campaign of this year the tariff and the trusts are in separably connected .The acion of die tru-t -in seljiug their goods abroad in Europe,Asia,and in Afr ca for one-third less than ilicy aiv selling them at home, is an ob ject lesson in tariff of gieat prac tical value, and is at once an answer and a refutation of the basic arguments upon which the doctrine of protection rests For long years we have been t )ld that the foreigner paid tin 11rill taxes and nut the lionu comsumer. This object h-sson has exploded the old Republi can war cry. For years vv» have been told that tariff pro tection had nothing to do with trusts, was in no way responsi ble for trusts, and in proof o" this we have pointed to tile il legal fact that there aiv mau\ trusts in free trade England as in protection America. This object lessou has shown that it trusts in free trade England, on account of the absence of a pro tective tariff there the English man gets his trust goods at world competitive prices. Yea. get the trust-made goods of our tariff protected trusts for one third less than we get them.— F. M. Simmons. It takes a strong-minded wo man to keep her calendar torn off uj> to date. f I | MR.3. L. s. ADAMS, t Of tens, h *vne cf Cardui is indeed a I>!cssiiig 2 5 to tired women. Having suffered tcr I ; 3 seven years with weakness r.nd hear- £ H wg-cowp. pams, ?nd having tried scv- £ ; 5 crzl doctors and d ffcrcnt remedies £ y wi !: "o success, veer Vine c? C-.-dui | was the only tiling which helped irsc, \ i ano: evenu!-|iy cured r-.c It seemed to f bulk up (he weak parts, strengthen j ti\e system and correct irregularities."' ; By tired women lUrs. Adanis i mean 3 nervous women who have a 1 disordered menses, falling of the s! J TTO'.r.b, ovnrian troubles or any of ' • k i? es '- ailments that women have, iI i«a can cure youijuifaih».imev."ith ! I great women's rcmcuy, "Wine s 2 or Cardui. \iine of hoa ' I -urtu tiwusamls of ca?--s wtxh fe I doctors have failed to Wir f 5 not begin to pet well todav? All F| J druggists have $l.OO bottles. For f| 3 stomach, liver or bowel dipor- ii 8 der Thedford's Black-Draught ! 1 S 3-iould Inr used. t, j| WNEyCAfiDuf 21 i | Preparalionfor As - li ■| similalinglhcFoodandKegula- m : I ting ihc SteinacJt>i aid Bowels of Jjjj I : Promotes jjj i onte'its neither SJ : OpitiiTi.Mcr. • i n r-Mineral. fi : TNTA'* v, ic. OU.Jk i/r} rUTCMr/l .4lx.Scn.-uz - \ jßci&elk Ssltt - Q JitmeSeeel + 1 tek ) WSnpSesel - CUutfod ftujar lfttien/fern rlnvc, / \ A perfect Remeay i'orCnnslipa- dm i fion, Sour S.ojiach,Diarrhoea -i , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- :: $! I ness and Loss OF SLEEP. |$ :— — ® Fac Simile Signature oF I KEVv YORK. l : g ■ • I EXACT copy OF WRAPPER. j '' Offers to the colonist the lowest rates with quick and comfortable service to all points in the west and northwest. S-JO.OO from Memphis. Tickets on sale daily (luring Sep!ember and October. Correspondingly low rates from all points in the southeast. FOR FULL INFORMATION ADDRESS, W. I. Saunders, G. A. P. D. F. E Clark, T. P. A Pryor and Decatur streets, Atlanta, Ga. 11 7 2E -r--- "j I ! URICSOL THE GREAT CALIFORNIA REMEDY I CURES RHEUMATISM Arfd nil Iviver, Kidney aud Bladder troubles caused by uric acid in the system. It cures by cleansing and vitalizing the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor and tone, and builds up the health and strength of the patient vriills usi>:ff the rctcp-lv. URICSOt is a luminary in the ?uedic«l world. It is endorsed by the leading physicians of California, and has cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than tj good. This thoroughly tested remedy never diappoints. It cures infallibly if taken as directed. Trjr it and be convinced that it is a wonder and blessing to suCering humanitv. Price $l.OO per Wtle or si- bottles for $5.00. For sale by druggists. Send stamp for book of particulars and wonderfnl cures. If your druggist cannot stippiy yon it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address: URICSOL CHEMICAL COMPANY — — LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO. I LOS ANGELES, CAL. DISTRIBUTING AGENTS, ATLANTA, GA. LAND SALE. On the 16th of October next at the Court House door in T>|]lin_4ftoi?, >« T C. at 12 o'clock M.. I will sell to I lie highest bidder for cash 29 :j 4 acres of land lj- longing to J. L, Johnson and a mort gage deed given to me on tlie same by wild J. L. Johnson and wife. T. T.. Johnson, Said land lies in Neill Creek town.si dp, said county and State, on the lialeigh anil roads joining ,1 Ad I Johnston.Wm M. Sexton C Hardy! b'nd laud will be sold to satisfy the aforesaid iw rtgsige deed. This the Pith of Sept. I!i02. J AS. A. JOHNSON. * Mortgagee, ' A CARD. I \ I I desire to take this means of' announcing myself as a candi-. date for the Senate in t lie loth, Senatorial District composed of, Harnett, Johnston and Samp an counties. This action on) * v P !,rt * s at the soUcita ■i>"i of a great many voters in -aid Senatorial District. Very Respectfully, JOHN I> HOLLAND, i Dunn, N. C. i Sept. 9th 1002. I I For Infanta and Child™ The Kind You Have I Always Bought Bears the / I Signature /%&' of hjr Use U y For Over Thirly^Yean- THE CENTAUR COMPANY. HEW VORK CITY. LAND-SALE. I T?.v authority of a mortgage dee 1 from ', M. \y. B uefoot and wife, Z. I). Bare (foot to S. McD. Baicloot, dated April . JO, IUOI, and duly registered in Uegis ■j ter of Deeds office of Harnett coir-tv, j and.duly transfered tonic by S. M.-T). ' i Karefont. 1 will on Monday Cctobcr 1 , 13th, 1902, at 12 oclock. Jf., at the court : . house door at Li Hi eg ton, Harnett coun ty, X, C„ sell to the highest, bidder for cash a certain tract of land about two i miles of Dtinn, N. C , near said M. IW. Barefoot's and S. McD. Barefoot. J Beginning at a pine sttunp with pointer* the original corner and runs 3O ch to a «liike and pointers . near the ford of Duck Pond Branch, j Then fir .ij E 7 chs and IS Iks to a stake ; with black gum pointers in the edge of I Duck Pond Branch. 'J hen S 84?. E 25 j chs and 75 Iks to a stake with pointeis ,i i the oj'igiisal line. Then as that li w I S K 8 chs and 35 Iks to the began- Ding. Containing 20 acres more or less. , This July 291h. 1902. J. J. W ADE. Assignee S. McD. Barefoot. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. llie Kind You Have Always Bought I S-

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