C':-ii*. •*/•*;•' * .... .;v J. v» **.•.« «j ,36 •• •&$ t?ta 'CiiMi FOR F& KWS PA PER. H -is ifl a year, &| . . ~ 1& ~,- ..... «jKvr-^B.iX.'^y t B. Harold, AT LAW,— :>r\N, N. 0. v,!iorover service re prompt attention to Collections a f. Whitaker, . VS EY-AT-LAW, NX. N. C. •sever his services! are required. •■! . M . V. HATCH Kit. ] , 'in & Hatcher, I ; lorneys-at-Law, NN, - - N- C. • " tin court* of lis- State. :;tti'iiti.iii to all bu.-iness ciitnis-To*'. 1' 11 K 11 ANN Hit I.KAN. .1. C. tLIFFOHD ;Ucn & Clifford, ir:v. : : : X. C. M p-liaat- & Farmers ll.mk. • i wakt. H. Ti. Godwin MI k(iODWiN, ii'.d foaiiitilurs-ai-Uv, Dunn, N. C. in State and Federal : i;..t for fun. 5. p. LOCKE'/, . v / ri UftfO P tik> Jf yji , BENSON", N- C -ire in tT.o State and j (. uit.s wherever ser vices are desired. • of th" Washington, D. | .jwnl will practice before j iGovernment Depart-j that CUy, especial!} j • ■;-t compromises with; r:\al Revenue Commie-: •in cases of seizure of j anient Distilleries fcc, | V Murchisoii, jon esboro. >t. c. - T. nv in Harnett. Moore and; it;. s L>ut not' for ftin. ~,v. ' . . j Or. J. 0. Goodwin, " i r\ v. , j£-:^ % im&m ' %: i . JbKM *■ i || &W 5M .. i. N. C. M'n- o:i second floor J. | J. Wade's building. ; WJ( UN. ;TA r, STOCK $20,000. f' J ii-r unsurpassed advan-i ;1 loan money on easy j We will extend, every > lation consistent with :rive ba iking : . BKST, President. J. W. PuRDfE, Cashier. ! i 0. L Dentist,- I J33© | ourv'ri. IM. ower Merpjiauts & Jar-m-j .vfw Rank next door to ] & Granthani. • . TOTANTS. % FARMERS 1 : iiASK, 11, 1 I ITTAL STOCK $20,000. ■ y accommodation ollereG to the public. E. F. You no, President., V. L. Steimikss, Cashier. . you have no appetite". • •"ii-h your food and feel "■!• i ;itin«r von may-know • / ii oil n i',i h Ltosy'O! On aul a's S;o!iiaeh tind Liver Price 2ac. Samples j IToo 1 oc drug ; | Vol. 12. "Joe" '// heeler's Trade. Representative Champ Clark tells t{lis one on General "Joe" j Wheeler: "When the.Spanish war was browing General Wheeler was anxious to £ t into the fight, if ther.' was to i>n one. An ex-Confederate mef j him oil the avenue and said: , "General' wny are you anxious ! for aso rap with Spain?' 'Sir,' ■it yiie'd the general, 'it's my trade—my trade.' His daugh j ter said to the general that j surely he had had enough of fighting to satisfy any abe man from 1861 to 1805, ami he should stay at home and 'let the young men do th ; fighi iing. 'Now, daughter, if a ti^h had been out of water thirty ) odd years and came in sight of a nice looking lake, he would | would wiggle a little at any j rate, wouldn't he?' And the j old warrior did wiggle into the thickest of the light.—Tribune. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur I baths are superior to those of Clip most celebrated sulphur ; springs, having the additional advantage of being made any i desired strength. Taking med icine by -absorption into the sys tem through the skin by : taking medical baths is a very eiiieient method of obtaining a constitutional treatment. It i never fails to cure eczema and all blood and skin diseases. Ask your druggist for a book on ; Liquid Sulphur. For Sale by j Ilood & Grantham. "My wife is utterly careless las to my appearance. She never thinks of looking for the i dust or dirt on my coat." "Suppose you try sprinkling I some chestnut brown hairs on lit before leaving the ollice." CAUTION. This is not a gentle word— j but when you think hov,- li aWe you are not to purchase for ! 75c the only remedy universally j known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the' world since 18oS for the cure aticl treatment of Consumption and Throat and ; Lung troubles without losing its \ great popularity all these years, j you will be thankful we called j your attention to Boschees' Ger ; man Syrup. There are -o many i ordinary cough remedies made •by druggie and others, that ate eiie >;■ nnd good fo v light colds perhans, but for Coughs, Hionchitis. (.'roup, and espect allv for ('onsumption, where there is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nights and at mornings, there is noth ing like German Syrup. Sold , by all druggists in the civilized world. G. G. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. TOWN DIRECTORY. OHtTI'.I'HKS. i vv. idist Church—Rev. K. M. St ij-s Pastor . ~r\ riist S'ln.lay ciifht. anJ fourth Sun aioriiin.ij and injflit. Prayermceticg j We'luesday ,ntgbt. Sui,«ay schtol Sunday murnltiif Rt 100 clock, O. I*. ! arantbam Surcrintendent. Baptist Church.—Rev. D. "Mc: If u. paat«r Services lst and frd buud»y morniisg ai.o n:ght. Frayermectiug evary Thursday nigh! ! Sunday School every Sunday moraiup, lt.U. | Ta.viorSut'erint^r.deijt. I Presb; teriaii Church.— Kev. K. W. Iline* vaster. Servic, 8 >?very first ar.d fifth Sundaj aoruing and niglrt. Suudav school ever>- Sunday morning,D. U. McLean, Superinten dent Disciple Church—Rev. J. J- H*r!«>r. i>as i •'or. Services every tlrst Sunday iuoming ; iiid night. Prayer meeting evvry Tuesday light. Sunday School every Sunday evening i t t. 3 o'clock Kev. X. B. Ho jd Supt. \ Free Will Bai>tist Church.—Elder R. C. i .'ackson. pastor. Services every first Sun lav taoriiiiig and night. on Broad struct i Sldir B- Wood, Pastot Regular servi j .J 8 on the third Sabbath morning, and Katur ■ lay before, in each isoiith at 11 o'clock. LODUB. ' . Palmyra Lodgß, No. 117, A. F. 4A. M. Rail 'at MiWiiik} Teinpliy Z L:ivl:>r, VV. M.; I H. L. Godwin, W.: 11, B.- AIHIPI'SOII, j .F.W.; W. A. Sec Keaulnr j 'oromunications are held on the 3rd Satnr -1 jay at 10 o'clock A. M., and on (he Ist Friday j it 7:30 o.'pTock p- "monjh. All Ma : sons in good standing are cordially invited ; to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. - - - * . M. T. Young. Mayor. - j. COMMIBSIOKBKS V. 1.. Stephens, McP. Kolii !ay, J. D. J A. Taylor. W. H. Duncan. Policeman. COUNTY OFFICKK3 " i ~ ■ i Pherif.Silas A.Salmon. • *' y * Clark, Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deefis, A. O. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthewe. » / 'J Surveyor, T). P. McDonald. Caroirer. Dr. J. F. McKay. j j County Examiner, Rev. J. P. Placs. Commissioners : F. Voung, Chairman J. 4. Smith. T. A H»rri*gton. 7 ; JOHN A. Mo. t :AY. E. P. YOUNG. Tiis Jii. A; McKa? iniiiii Gi. Manufacturers of Turpentine TOOLS, MACHINISTS, IKON & ' iHlrtlPjii BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GEN- EHAL METAL WORKERS. a u i ? , Machine A. 15. Jbarquhars . ' , • Machinery Ci A. m FARQUHAR &CO S Machinery and Southern Saw Works' Saws. We have an up-to-rlate plant and guarantee satisfaction. THE JOHN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO.. DUNN. N. C. J". iL V/ILLiS, —AT— j PLANTERg WAHEE.OUSEi Dunn, JN.-C. Only One Trip TO OUR WAREHOUSE - AND YO'd WIL BE CGHVIHGED That everv pile of tobacco will surely bring its full value" Our Auctioneer is a '\Jitn Dundy" You want to brill" us a load of tobacco ju-t to heai him talk over it. We 111 ant to Sell Your Tobacco That's what we are here for, and if selling-every pile of tobacco placed on our floor at the very top notoh will bring it. we are going to sell our share. Just watch and see. Our- Farce -is CcirplEtE, And ihev are good., honest, hurtling men, who look after vou and your tobacco. on neefl not have any fenrs about what you are going to get, or about vorir 'tidJrs, or about camp rooip, when you load up anrl start to see your friend, ! j, J. WILLIS . Proprietor of Planters Warehouse, Dunn, N. 0. i j ,«rC('ommon grades are higher than we have ever -.en them before. , # .?l - , •„ ASI.KKP AMID FJ.AMKS. " Breaking into a blazinghome some firemen late dragged the '• sleeping inmates frotn deayi. Fancied security, and death near. It's that when you neg lect coughs and colds. Do not y do it. I)r King's New Discov- K 6ry for Consumption gives p»- i section against all throat, chest >- and lung troubles. Keep i.t near, and avoid suffering,deatli t and doctor's bill's. A, teaspoon i- ful stops a late cjjigh;pnrsistent r " use the most stubborn. Harm less and nice tasting, its guar anteed to satisfy by C. L. Wil -11 son. Price 50c and 1.00. 1 rial ; bottles free, 11 T.wenty-.Hye women will have d ; racing stables at' Saratoga next season. . |HE LRAKNKD -A GREAT I KUTII.- 84 C.'; ' ' . , It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley : "Why do you tell that child the f i-same thing over and over again?'.' —"John Wesley be . cause one telling is not enough It is for this same reason that | vou ore told again and again „ that Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy cures colds and grip ; that .it counteracts any tendency of these diseases tor-result in jineu t monia, and tifat 'at is'pleasant f and safe to take., ior sale by Hood it Grantham. >;• ' . ' CfKEI> lIIS RHKIMATISM. Mr. John Chick, of Los ? Angeles. Cal., writes: "I feel very grateful to you *for induc ■ ing me 10 use vour Rheumatic 1 Cure— IJItICSOL. I liail suf ' | fered intensely for two years, 1 ! using all kinds of remedies, in "!-termil and external, without the leant benefit. : It also cures all bladder and b • kidfiey troubles caused by uric 1 'acjd. Send stamp for book of particulars to the Luma'r & Ran- Co , Atlanta, Ga., or ' URIC SOL Chemical Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Druggists soil it. " it lit- $l,OO per bottle or six hot- j ties for $5.00. ' ' | Any man who really knows woman doesn't- prctcud to.un-, L derstand them. J RHEUMATISM OF 17 YEARS R CURED. People who have been cured ; [sound the praise of .URICSOL.i >MT. Mary E. Hart well,'wife of •! the treasurer of Los Angeles, | .Cal., says* "I desire to . ex-j ''press my sincere appreciation[ ; { of your remedy. After 17 years' ! - of constant affliction.often times | .'helpless with swollen feet and; hands, I used six bottles of j • URICSOL, and now, after two ..years' release, gratefully a>c- ; - knowledge a permanent cure, j r j . • Druggists sell it at $l.OO per j bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. "Prove all things; held fast that which is good." OUIMIM, IM, C. OCT. 19Q2 Pritchacd 's Subterfuge. Senator Pritchard has the reputation i:s some quarters of being an able exponent of the Republican principles. In some respecis he is, tint is, if chican ery, duplicity, pretence, and as sumption be evidences of ability. The spokesman of any party, who aspires to more than the demagogue's role, should be frank and honest, and scorn to resort to subterfuge, o # r chican ery, and this Senator Pritchard does not do. As an .illustration note the deceitful role ho plays when deprecating the fact that the negro question lias been raised in this campaign. lie •i.ays it should not have been raised because leading Demo crats when the Constitutional amendment was undtr discus sion said that its adoption would eliminate the negro from' politics and make this a white man's government. Democrats admit, that the Amendment wil 1 ; go far to eliminate tho negro as i o ~ j a potent factor in politics, pro vided the Constitutional A mend-! mem stands, and the IL'publi- 1 can party acct-pts it in go li faith as a solution of that ones-; tion. I>ut when Senator Pritchard is asked if he as a representa tive of the Republican party *o j accepts it in good faiili, does he; answer frankly? No ; he dod-. ges bjbind a subterfuge and an swers that many prominent Democratic lawyers of the State had signed a paper declaring! that in their opinion the amend-; ment was constitutional and I would stand the test. Now, he j says "if they were right and] j meant what they said, that set-] | ties the question." lie does! | not admit that they were right, ] or that he believes that settles ti.e question, and says not a word to commit him, or his par ty. to the Amendment as a set tlement. And yet by his words hejtries to make the impression that the question is settled ;n 1 that no attempt may be made |to have that Amendment set i aside. If he were dealing with this j question honestly he would an j swer when asked the question las to how he stands either 'yes' lor ."no," wiihout equivocation or sybterl'uge, and then the peo ple would kno v where he stands on that questi i, which no hu-' man being n w knows from anything he h s said in public. —Wilmington Star, While opening a box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. •Y., ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy ■ part of his hand. "I tliought at once of .all i the pain and soreness this would j cause Ine," he Say*, "and im— j mediately applied Chamberlains j Pain Baliv. and occasionally at'-; tejwards To my' surprise it all pain and soreness] and the injured parts were soon healed." For sale by llood .t Grantliani. A diet of garlic is a woud-r f il aid to the complexion. * » ••• j Isn't it rather a unique coin-i cindeHce that almost simultane-i ously with the publication of] of the statement of Chairman: Griggs, of the Democratic Con gressional committee, when he j said that '-President Roosevelt •vVas the best stump speaker the Democratic party had this cam paign that the President] should find a tariff abcess oni his leg which compelled him to ; abandon bis itinerary of parti-; san stump speaking? There be strange things that; happen in the theatre of poli tics. Democratic Platform. Following is the platform adopted by the Democratic State Convention at Greensboro, at its se.s>ir>n on July 10, 1002 : "We congratulate the people 'j of North Carolina upon the I adoption of the suffrage amend * j-ment to our State constitution r j and upon the benefits that have resulted therefrom and we pledge the Demoera'ic party to faithfully maintain it by every ligitiniate means .and we de mand that the Republican party shall declare its purpose cither to accept or reject .it, and until it is accepted as a finality bv all yrarties we declare it the duty of the white people to stand to gether for its protection. 4 "The Democratic party rep resenting the intelligence, the virtue and the manhood of the people of the State, recalls with pleasure the entire absence of scandals during its ad mi nisi raj lion of public affairs and the. gratifying advancement that has been made amongst us it! ' jail industrial lines. W'e have: ■ fostered agriculture and pro-! : moted manufacturing and have! | given to capital full security and ! j have protected the rights of la-1 1 bor. We pledge the patty to a j/air and just system of taxation | and we demand that all subjects )of taxation shall bear the just laud eq'ial proportion of the bur jdens of government. "We renew our pledges for j j the extension aud improvement j j of the public schools of the State; !so that it may keep pace wiilij j the needs and conditions of the! ] people, and point with pride to | the great impetus and proga?ssi |in this great work during the I ■last two years and call atten-l j tioif to .the fact that this year, j ! for the first time in the history j |of the Statf, every school dis-j ; trict l:as been able to maintain a j j public free school for four: 'months required by the, ! constitution. We believe that i the permanent prosperity of i I the people of thi*" state de-*j 'ponds largely uuon the con-| jstruciion aud maintenance of j ! good roads and we pledge the j i party to the hearty support of i I all wise measures to that end. Iwe heartily commend and en-; dorse the administration of Gov. | ."Charles D. Aycock and other 1 J State officials for their faithful 1 I execution of the party's prom-! ises in-so-far as the same has I been possible. "We likewise extend our an-j , 1 . ! preciauon ana endorsement oi' J United States Senator F. M.j ; Simmons and to our Democratic ' ! representatives in congress audi I congratulate them and the peo-j | pie of the Strife for their faithful | i and ofticia! services to the State in councils of the nation. '•We affiny our allegiance to Ihe Democratic party and its i principles as enunciated in its national platform. Wo denounce the policy of imperialism as in jaugurated by the republican national administration and de clare it to be obnoxieus to our form of government ami fraught with danger to the existence of the republic. We denounce as oppressive and illegal those com binations of capital known as trusts and monopole s that stifle competition, throttle individual effort and destroy the generous spirit of rivalry that should exist in the commercial world. "We denounce the deceptive and sordid course of the repub lican party in congress in furth ering: iho existence of the trusts by its refusal to enact legislation restricting them and enforce in good faith the existing laws against them that party being in full control of all branches of the government. "W> denounce the present iniquitiou-, 'unjust, and tnist creayng protective tariff, im posed upon the people .by thfe Republican party, and demand its immediate revision, jo the end that all unjust burdens shall be removed and especially upon the necessities of life. Its pro visions enable the trusts to ex tort from the. people unreason able profits and sell their pro ducts to consumers "at home at greater prices thah arc charged for the same goods to the for eign consumer. We demand, therefore, that all such tru-t -made goods be placed on the free list. We favor the estab lishment of the Appalachian Pajk and urge that our senators and representatives in congress use their be»T efforts to secure establishment. "We again appeal to"the peo ple with a confidence that it is only from the Democratic party that there can be expected an hottest, capableand efficient ad mit of the government of the Stafe and point with pride to its past history in the admin- % fOR HARNESS ?i k V, r i a ' ld !' 1 rorrs Mnxlcan Mustang Linl- Mtoiiiv uud von will IS v * l ® t J' ou need. It takes effSct i y IU be astouiskod to soo how quickly it iieal© sores. It's this way: You can burn yourself with Fire, - with * } 'owder, etc., or } T OU can scald yourself I with Steam or I lot Water, but there is j only one proper way to cure a burn 6r; i scald aiid that is by using C c* & Mexican Mustang Liniment. * n ! . gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old ! ; linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind !' loosely upon the wound. You can have 110 adequate idea what an excellent remedy this is lbr a burn until i • you have tried it. ; • A hfiW 2 TIP T f yon havo a Lircl afflioted with" Roup or any ', , V" 'V * ,? u , lor poultry disease use Mexican Mustiini Liiameiit. It is called A »TA2JDAKD remedy by poultry breeders. i-t ration of the affairs of Mat and challenge a comparison with the iniquities of fusion and Republican rule. We promise the people of the State a contin uance o; that honest, safe, con servative and economical gov ernment which has always char acterized democratic rule and pledge our best efforts for the advancement of the material prosperity and happiness of the whole, people. "That, we f:ivor making all nominations by our party for state and district offices by pri maries and the state executive committee, is hereby instructed to .formulate a system to regu late primary nominations for the United States Senate and district nominations and we de mand the enactment by the gen eral assembly of appropr legislation of such prim; J es; that the State executive i m mittee is instructed to cab such time as they think wise a primary to nominate a United Sates Senator to succeed Sena tor Pritchard, but such primary shall not be .held on the day of the general election. A was made as to the clause in reference to the national plat.orm which provided : "Substitute for the words: 'We reaffirm our allegiance to the democratic party and the principles as enunciated in its national platform, the words. We reaffirn our allegiance to the fundamental principles of the democratic party.' " This was voted down and the original clause was adopted. There was a minority report on the paragraph as to the se lection of candidates as follows : "Strike out all that relates to the Humiliation of a Ujiited States Senator to s ucpced Sen ator Pritchard. On motion of lion. Thomas Skinner this was amended so as to strike out in the platform all relative to primaries and then as amended was adopted. • Hancock's Liquid Sulphur.is endorsed ami prescribed by many leatfing physicians throughout the qountry for all blood and skin troubles. Hun dreds of cases of eczema and other skin disease-; have been permanently-cured by ihe-use of Hancock's Liquid After all other remedies, failed and .pro nounced incurable. For sale by Hood & Grantham. " ">V :• The crown prince of Siam is upsetting ail comic opera ideas. — —— f FORTY YEAR'S TORTURE. To be relieved of% torturing disease after 40 years'* torture might well cause the gratitude of any one. That is what De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haney, Geneva. 0. He says: "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me of piles after I j had suffered 40 years." Cures] cuts, burns, wounds-skin 1 is — j eases. Beware of counterfeits.: Hood & Grantham. ' No. al Tlie Southern Railway- Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season And the placing on sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points in the South, Soutnwest, West West Indies Mexicoand Cai iforn ia Including St. Augustine, Pal m Beach, : Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasvilte, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis m ami THE LAND OF THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service 011 all' Trains. See that your ticket reads VIA SOUTHEIiX RAILWAY, - r Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or-address 11. L. VHKNON. V. W. YVKSTBURY Trawling: Pass Agrt., District Vass-Agt. Charlotte, XT. C. Elchmcp.3., Va S. 11. 11AItDWICK, General Passenger •J. M. GULP, W. A. TURK, Truffle Manager. Asst. Pass. Traffic Mgr. "WaciiirLg-ton, X3.C. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoad ley's, a . healthy robust blacksmith of • Tilden, Inn,, that for -ten years he suffered such tortues from Rheumatism as few could en dure and live. Bui a wonder ful change followed his taking Electric Bitters. Two bottless wholly cured me," he writes, '•and I hav.e not feit- a twinge, in ore;; a year." They regulate the Kidneys,: purify the blood and jure rheumatism, neural gia, nervousness, improve di gestion and give'.perfect health. Try them. Only f>Oc at C. L. Wilson's drug store. ".WINTER HOMES IN SUMMFR I LANDS." The afoove is the title of an attractive j-us-t iss'ued fry the Passenger Department, of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a two-cf-nt stjpnp to S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A., Washington D. C. #