•j*iTriftffr* i-r ' r^' ;;] gvBSCaiBB FOB || |f vofii "OME PAPER, jp If H»«" * l a y ear - p II -.ssasw®Jfir %&hhomm# Albert B. Harold, _ a tt«u:nky at law,— j PI'NN, N. C. Pr.uMioo wherever service re- J olU :vu. Prompt attention to | / uoss. Collections a' p'- ii •' ; J, E. Whitaker, X f 10RNEY-AT-LAW, DI'NN, N.C. rrac /.oe whet ever his services are required. Y -MITH. M. F. HATCHBK. Smith & H Attorneys-ct-Law, DUNN, - - - N. C. l r -„ in in all the courts of the State. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. o;tVe ill THE BANNEK Building. 11. NCLEAN. •*. C. CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, DUNN, : : : : N. C. Office over Merchants & Farmers Bank. W. A.STEWART. H.L.GODWIN ' mm k GODWIN, Vt'/ntys aod Coiiasfllors-at-Law, DUNN, N. C. ,y . r aaice in State and Federal ! - ur not for lun. C. P. LOCKEY, Lawyer, BENSON, N- C \\"■ 1 practice in the State ana Fviei'ai Courts wherever ser vices are desired. j M -nber of the Washington, D. j t. l>.tr. and will practice before 1 anv the Government Depart- j ments in that City, especially j negotiating compromises with ; the" Internal Revenue Commis-j ii i ie r in cases of seizure of 1 Government Distilleries &c. | W E MurcMsou, JONESBORO. N. C. P: tieo? T.aw in Harnett, Moore and othrr . ..unties, but not lor fun. Feb. 20-IV. j Dr. J. C. Goodwin, IDENTIS+. Dunn, N. C. -corns on second floor J. J. Wade's building. HE BiMJF 11. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We offer unsurpassed advan tages aud loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L. J. BEST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier. DR. 0. L WILSON, DUNN, IM. over Merchants & Farm f""- New Bank next door to -1 >i & Grantham. 'IpBiSK il FARMERS M BANK, DUNN, IC. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier. It you have a bad cold you n ■'l a jood reliable medicine hk'. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy to loosen and relieve it and iillay the irritation and infla iiisuion of the thoaat and lungs. Hr >alo Vjy Ilood & Grantham. Vol. 12. A Ronar.ce and its Token. The writer remembers some years ago making the acquaint ance of a very charming Irish gentleman and lady. One dry she observed that bis eyes wt e resting inquiringly on her bro >ch, which was of gold, en closing a mass of fractured bones She laughed and s iid : "Are \ou admiring my brooch? I will tel! you the story of it. One day some ten years ago, when I wasayouug girl, I was staying in the house of a friend, who also knew Mr. N., who is now my husband. We were having a game—a romp—and, running after each other in the house, which was large, with long galleries and chambers communicating with one anoth er, Mr. N. was close behind me, trying to catch me. I darted through a door and threw the door back behind me. Mr. N. was close behind me, trying to catch me.. Mr. N. had his head down and the handle struck his sknli, and he fell stunned. The skull was fractured and to save his life ho was obliged to have it trepanned. Now he wears a Dlate of silver over the hole,and I wear the portion cut out of his skull in this brooch. We be came engaged and are now man aud wife."—Cornhill magazine. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur baths are superior to those of the most celebrated sulphur springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. Taking med icine by absorption into the sys tem through the skin by taking medical baths is a very efficient method of obtaining a constitutional treatment. It never fails to cure eczema and all blood and skin diseases. Ask your druggist a book on Liquid Sulphur. For Sale by Hood & Grantham. The sultan of Bacalad is a graud stand player. CAUTION. This is not a gentle word but when you think how li able you are not to purchase for 75c the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since ISOB for the cure and treatment of Con.-uniption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing its groat popularity all these yeais, you will be thankful we called vour attention to Boschees Ger man Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made bv druggists and others, that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps, but for Coughs, Bronchitis. Croup, and especi ally for Consumption, where there is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nights and at mornings, there is noth ing like German Syrup. Sold by all druggists in the civilized world. G.G. GRBEN Woodbury, N.J. TOWN DIRECTORY. i CHURCHES. • 13th »dUt Church-Rev. K. M. Snipes Pastor ,-rf :es first Sunday night . and fourth Sun w morning and night. Prayermeetlng .ery Wednesday night. Sunday gchco .yery Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O. K, 3rantham Superintendent Baptist Church.-Rev. w. B. Morton, raster services Ist and 3rd sundaj morning and night. Prayermeetlng every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, K. O. Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Chui?b.-Rev. R. W. Hines oastor. Services every first and filth Sunday morning and night. Sunday school every •■unday morning,D. H. McLean, Superlnte dent Disciple Church-Rev. J. J. Harper, pas tor Services every first Sunday morning and night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday oight. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock Rev. N. B. Hood Sui>t. Free Will Baptist Church.—Eider J. F Hlli pastor. Services every first Hunlsv morniug and night in the toetnodist Church. Primitive Baptist.— Church on Broad street Blder B. Wood. Pastor. Regular servi . fe g on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur lay before. In each month at 11 o'clock. LODGE. Palmyra Lodge. No. 117. A. F. &A. M. Hall lit Masonic Temple. Z. Taylor, W . M.; ! II L. Go.lsvi.l, J>. W ; 11, B. Anderson, r, W ; w. A. Stewart. Sec Kesrnlar ommunications are held on the 3rd Satur !ay at 10 O'clock A, M., and on the Ist Friday it 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma 40ns in good standing are cordially Invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. Commissioners V. L. Stephens, McD. Holliday, J. D. Barnes f A. Taylor. W. H. Duncan. Policeman. County Officms Sherlff.Silas A.Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. 0. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. 8. Black. Commissioners: E. F. Young. Chairman J. A. Smith, T. A Harrington. JOHN A. McKAY. e. F. YOUNG Tlie Jio. A. McKay ffliiiiii Ci. Manufacturers of Turpentine TOOLS, MACHINISTS, IRON & fpaPfilfEß BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GEN ERAL METAL WORKERS. A. B. Farquhar's Machine v - Machine rij and Mill Supplies, t/ * FARQUHAR & GO'S Machinery and Southern Saw Works' Saws. We have an up-to-date plant and guarantee satisfaction. THE JOHN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN. N. C. Thanksgiving and Thankslivin q T have road the account of a long, rainy afternoon, at the end of which the sun came out brightly. Atid of a dog who straightway moved from his place in the shadow to a spot where the delayed sunshine was ••.lie brightest. A childish simple story? Yes; but none the less is it a com plete parable of thanksgiving. Your life may conta n only a square yard of sunshine, and! that iate in arriving. Never mind; move promptly into it, and stay there! lint in reality, every life con tains far more than one spot of sunshine. Hunt them out, and and you will be rich in a new kind of gold, that thieves can not steal. Not everyone has eyes for th * | sunshine. There is a new meth-; od of separating iron partcles' from the soil in which they are imbeded. The dirt is simply, thrown up against a great mag net, which holds the and lets j the soil fail back. Tins'process ; is transforming into an iron mine many a league of worth less clay, and is earning vast wealth for its inventors. The magnet is a kind of an eye that sees the eye in the clay, and nothing but the iron. Get such a power for for your soul, audi use it to search out subjects fori thanksgiving. Few persons realize the value j in mere dollars and cents, of the power of praise. A cheer ful grateful disposition will save you many a doctors bill, make' you many a friend, carry you triumphantly over many a diffi cultv, enable you to do far more work, and do all your work in the best way. Taking tWo men of equal powers and opportuni-, ties, one sunshiny and the other morose, the first will probably succeed and the second probably fail. Thanksgiving is far more a cultivated habit than a grace of nature. Some men, to be sure, find it easier than others to be thankful and happy; but all men, if they sedulously cherish the good they can see in their live*, will speedily see more good to cherish, and the blessed process will go on at a rapidly increasing rate, an endless chain of thanksgiving. If you once get a start in this blessed habit of thanksgiving, there is no finer method of in creasing your joy than by giv ing some one else a cause for gratitude. The best thing a heart that is thankful can do Is this : to make thankful some other heart too. Indeed, true thanksgiving cannot help radiating out in thanksliving. It is like a fire, so far as it can. Then this gratitude that you start in other lives by your kindness reacts on your own, so that you have entered upon a stcoud endless chain of thanks giving, and youi" heart leaps with joy every time you think of the jov of that other life. These," after all, are the bless ings most worthy to remember on Thanksgiving Day—the pow er to help others, the love of our fellowmen. the happy ap proval of (jod. All harvests in the natural world are dust and ashes compared with these fruits of the Spirit. —Amos R. Wells. "When you feel that life is hardly worth the candl take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bowels making you fuel like a new man. For sale by Hood & Grantham. DUIMIM, IM. C. NOV. 19, 1002 (JP-TQ-QATE MCYOLB §®QP, , Bring us your broken Frames and Parts. We can make them good as new. We are prepared to do work on short notice, and deliver it when promised Bicycles I sell Standard Bicycles at $15.00. See them be fore buying elsewhere Sundries There is no end to the Sundries we carry, and at prices down below zero Sewing ]VEa,cliixies We always have plenty Ball Bearing New Home Sewing Machines oti hand. We also have the New Ideal Machine for $20.00 REPAIRING DEPARTtWHNT Mr. Jas. W. Driver has charge of the Bicycle Re pair Department. He is an expert in his business and will guarantee to do your work satisfactorily. We are now located at the stand formerly occupied b}' Merchants and Farmers Bank on Railroad street, opposite the dept. Come and see us ]VX. GrAINEY, DUNN, N. C. Hozinq Detestable all Around. , Hazing is always cowardly, because the victim is overpow ered by numbers and taken at disadvantage when he has no chance of resistance. It is ut terly lawless and brutal because it violates the sanctity of the victim's person and subjects him to gross indignity, to which no man willingly submits so long as he has any chance of re sistance. From whatever standpoint it is viewed hazing is detestable, and it is particu-. larlv demoralizing because it rests for defence upon the that the social manners and h i-j bits of a young man at college may properly be regulated by various kinds of physical out rage and insult whose practice is forbidden by law—Portland Oregonian. THE BEST REMEDY FOR CROUP. [From the Atchiuson, Kan., Globe] This is the season of year when the woman who knows i the best remedies for croup is in I demand in every neighborhood. | One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a | whoop from one of the children, j The croup remedies are almost j sure to b« lost, in case of croup, i as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of burglars. There used |to be an old fashioned remedy I for croup, known as hive syrup iand tolu. but some modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to throw up the phlegm quicker, and gives re lief in shorter time. Give this remedy as soon as the croupy ' cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It never I fails and is pleasant and safe !l to take. For sale by Hood & Grantham. Prove all things; hold fast that •which is good." ASLEEP AMID FLAMES. Breaking into a blazing home, some firemen lately dragged the : sleeping inmates from death Fancied security, and death : near. It's that way when you ; neglect coughs and colds. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- 1 sumption gives perfect protec- 1 tion against all throat, chest, and lung troubles. Keep it it near, and avoid suffering, 1 death and doctor's bills. A tea spoonful stops a late cough,per sistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it's ' gmrinteed to satisfy by G. L. Wilson. Price 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free. Charlotte's Taste for Amuse ments. In conjecturiug about what this community likes in the way of amusemei t the casual obser ver is again at sea. Ileur y Watter-on lectures here to two score paid tickets ; Sam Jones plays to standing room ; a cir cus gets]'2,ooo spectators and only a tbiu line of fashionables see a gorgeous Shakesperiau pro duction ; Sundays everybody eats culd lightbread and goes to church, and during the week society plays euchre and the rest of the population rides on the merry-go-round. CURED OK RHEUMATISM AFTER SPENDING $3,000 IN VAIN. Mr. G L. Thaxter, of Ash land, Gal., writes : "I have long been afilicted with inflammatory rheumatism and was confined to my bed for six months. I tried every known remedy, spending $3,000 to no effect. I used three bottles of URICSOL and found permanent relief." URIGSGL never fails to cure diseases incident to disorders of the kidue3*s and bladder when j caused by uric acid. Druggists j sell it at $1 per bottle or six ' bottles for $5. Simmons Retires. j We clip the following from the News & Observer of the oth We think every Democrat in the St e should read it, and not fo _;et the ability aud splendid ) so vices of Mr. Simmons. It I reads: , The victory of yesterday closed the almost continuous po ' litical campaign that began in North Carolina upon the meet ing of the State Convention in Raleigh in the summer of 1898. There has been no such political period except when the white people of the State thirty years ago rescued the State from the carpet-bag aud negro govern ment. When the 1898 cam paign opened every branch of the State government was in > the hands of the Re-pop-li-cans. j At the previous election they had carried the State by nearly ; 40,000 majority and thought! they were too strongly entrench- j ed to be driven from power. The Democrats, recollecting his successful service as Stale chair man in 1892, elected Hon. F. M. Simmons as State Chairman, surrounded, cheered and help ed by able and courageeus men, who were ready to make any sacrifices to redeem the St;.t •, Mr. Simmons effected the best organization, put hope into the hearts of the people, and after the most strenuous campaign since the Ku Klux Klau days,! the white people of the State re turned to their own. The shouts of victory had scarcely died out before the leaders of the party saw that unless some measure i to eliminate the ignorant negro!] vote could be devised, results of , the victory would be only tern- , porary. They began at once to ( study the Mississippi, the South ( Carolina, the Louisiana plans of , constitutional suffrage regula- j, tion. When the Legislature j t met the amendment u ndcr ! ( which tlie people voted yester-', day for the first time was sub- | mitted to the people for ratiti- j, cation. The campaign upcn! the adoption of that attend- ' ment was hotly contested. The j allied Republican and Populist ! c parties exerted every effort tojf defeat the amendment. Thev j f declared it was unconstitutional ! f vicious, unjust; they told the j j illiterate white voters that the j t amendment would disfranchise [ c them, and hundreds were de- j, ceived by their misrepresenta- : , tion. That was no time to 1 c change the management of the ', State campaign and by unani- . inous vote Mr. Simmons was . re-elected chairman. But the ( amendment was adopted by j more than 50,000 majority, to ( go into effect on the first of Ju- , ly, 1902. Even then there were i many who doubted that it , would accomplish the purpose ; for which it was devised and j ratified. The success of the |, amendment was an open ques- j tion. The same agencies that had directed the 1898 and 1900 , campaigns were best fitted to , complete the work by conduct iig the first campaign under j the amendment. And so, with . one accord, the people called . Senator Simmons again to be , State Chairman. lie was will- ' iug and ready. As in former , campaigns he gave his whole time and thought to winning the magnificent victory. On Monday night, in his speech in Greensboro, Mr. Simmons ( reviewed the continuous cam paign begun in 1898 which end ed yesterday, and said : •'ln 1898 we regained con trol of the legislative depart ment of the government. In 1900 we regained control of the Executive department of the government. To-morrow we will regain control of the Judi cial department of the govern ment, and the Constitutional amendment, the Magna Chart a of white supremacy, will be es tablished by a majority so great that no man in North Carolina I will henceforth dare lay his im- ONE MINUTE COUUII CURE Is the only harmless cough | cure that gives quick relief. It j cures coughs, colds t croup, broil- j chitis, whooping cough, pneu-j monia, asthma, lagrippe and all j throat and lung troubles. "I; got soaked by ram," says Ger trude E. Feuner, Muncie. Ind.. | "and contracted a severe cold j and cough. "I failed rapidly:! lost 48 pounds. My druggists: recommended One Minute Cough Cure. The first bottle brought relief; several cured me. I am back to my old weight 148 pounds. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, relieves the cough at once, draws out in ftammation, cures croup.* An ideal remedy for children. Hood & Grantham. FOR HARNESS riorM Moxl ean Mustang Lint. at once, and you will ? i s •'I 1 * 1 " at J" ou need. It takes ett'ec* uw ouce, tuiu you will be aatowslied to see how quickly it heals sort*. It's this way : You can burn yourself with Fire, with Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself l with Steam or Plot Water, but there is j only one proper way to cure a burn or i % scald and that is by using Mexican Mustang Liniment. 1 ' ! ' m It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old \ i linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment anil bind loosely upon the wound. You can have 110 adequate j idea what an excellent remedy this is for a burn until 1 you have tried it. * 1 A FfilVS TIP If jou have a bird with Roup or any " * . ' , ot V cr poultry disease use Mexican Mustani LLuimeut. It la called a STANDAJiii remedy by ixjultry breeders. pious hands upon it. When tc tnorrow's sun goes down the work of redemption will be complete, and I shall theu lay down my commission as chair man of your committee that I | may give my undivided time to 1 the great work you imposed up ,on me when you commissioned !me to represent you in the United States Senate. As chair man of your committee I have I given you my best eil'orts. As iyour Senator you are entitled to j receive and, God being my help 'er, you shall receive my best ef forts. When my work hero is finished, when I have retired "from the convicts of life, I sha 1 not remember with most pleas ure the fact that my fellow i countryman have made me rep resentative an d Senator, as i proud and grateful as I shall ev ,erbo of these great honors and distinctions. My gieatest pleasure in connection with my public work—the proudest lega cy save that of an honorable life—which I shall leave to my children, will be the fact that, when the State was to be saved from the Plutonian night into which it had passed, I was cho sen by my countrymen to lead in the crusade for redemption 1 and at your command I took into my hands your white and stainless banner and, with the aid of one hundred and eighty thousand true and loyal white men, we planted it upon the highest rampart of victory, where it will stay as long as the white men of North Carolina and their descendants shall con tinue to love and cherish home and altar and fire-side." Until Mr. Simmons had con ducted the first election under the amendment the wisest party 7 leaders would not have consent ed to his retirement as State Chairman. It is never safe to change horses while crossing a -stream. The campaign of 1902 1900 and 1898 was only one campaign -it began with the avowed determination to elimi nate the negro as an important factor in politics. The victories of 1898 and 1900 would have been barren but for tho demon stration yesterday that the plans of the party had all been suc cessfully consumated. No oth er man was so well qualified by experience and knowledge of po litical conditions as well as gen ius for organization, to com plete this work as Senator Sim mons. Now that he has finish ed the great work committed to i him, it is fitting that he should I be relieved of the arduous duties ; and that another true and tried I Democrat should be selected as ; State Chairman. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur is endorsed and prescribed by many leading physicians throughout the country for all blood and skin troubles. Hun dreds of cases of eczema and other skin diseases have been permanently cured by the use of Hancock's Liquid. After all other remedies failed and pro nounced incurable. For salo by Hood & Grantham. No. 44 The Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season Aud the placing on sale of Excursion To all prominent points in the South, Soutnwest, West West Indies Mexieoand California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Reach, Miami, Jacksonvilie, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasviile, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pi n e hurst, Ashevillo, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis anu THE LAND OF TIIE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that yourjticket'reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address R. L. VERNON. C. W. WESTBURY Traveling Pass Agt.. District Pass. Agt. Charlotte. IT. C. ZSlehmsacl, TTa. S, H. HAKDWICff, General Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, W. A. TURK, Traffic Manage r. Asst Pass. Traffic Ug ij aclilagtca, U. c. A STARTLING SURPRISE. \ ery few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy robust blacksmith, of lildon. Ind., th.'it for ton years he suflered such tortues from rheumatism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change followed his taking elec tric Bitters, "Two bottles wholly cured me," he writes, "aud I have not felt a twinge in over a year." They regulate the kidneys, purify the blood aud cure rheumatism, neural gia, nervousness, improve di gestion and give perfect health. Try them. Oaly 50c cts at C. L. Wilson's drug store. "WINTER HOMKS IN SUMMVR LANDS." The above is the title of an attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fullv describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a two-cent stamp to Sj. H. Hard wick, Gr. P. A., Washington D.

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