% ?L *B?CRIBE FOR If || VOl'lv HOME PAPER. || fit only costs $1 a year. || 1 ssB®s Albert B __VTTORNEY AT LAW, — DUNN, N. C. yv.H'tice wherever service re u'rtHl Prompt attention to it' business. Collections a p.vh'ty J. E. Whitaker, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DUNN, N.C. Practice wheiever his services are required. jT~s. SMITH. M. F. HATCHER. Smith & Attorneys-at-Law, DUNN, - - - N. C. I'r.ietK-e ill all the courts of the State. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Oilloe in TIIE BANNER Building. 11. NCLEAN. •*. C. CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, j^ttorneys-at-Ija-w, DUNN, : : : : N, C. • Office over Merchants & Farmers Bank. W \. STEWART. H. L. GODWIN 'mm k mm, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Uw, DUNN, N. C. Will practice in State and Federal Courts but not for fun. c. P . LOCKEY, Lawyer, BENSON, N- C- V"ill practice in the State and j Federal Courts wherever ser vices are desired. Member of the Washington, D. C. Bar, and will practice before anv of the Government Depart ments in that City, especially in-foliating compromises with the" Internal Revenue Commis sioner in cases of seizure of Government Distilleries &c. W E- Murchison, JONESBORO. N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore and otli»*r counties, but not for fun. Feb. "20-1 y. Dr. J. C. DELN7ISIE. Dunn, - N. C. Oilice rooms on second floor J. J. Wade's building. HE BffiJF DDE • CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We offer unsurpassed advan tages. aud loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L. J. BKST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier. DR. 0. L WILSON, DUNN, IM. Office over Merchauts & Farm ers New Bank next door to Hood & Grantham. IFFERCBANTS 11 FARMERS «' MI, G. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L.STKPHKNS, Cashier. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine iike Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy to loosen and relieve it and to allay the irritation and infla iiiation of the thoaat and lungs. For sale by Ilood & Grantham. Vol. 12. Fas'cn County Roads. The following interesting facts from Gaston county show the progress now being made in road improvement in that live locality : The public roads in Gaston are worked by free and hired labor, superintended by super visors in each township. Each supervisor has a supply of tools, including a road plow. In Cherryville township the plow is pulled by a twenty-horse power traction engine. The county commissioners are con templating buying engines for all the townships. Horses for plows cost $8 per day. The en gine is furnished by individuals for the same money and does 50 per cent more work. The engiue and plow require four men and a mule to operate them ; an engine driver, a plow tender, a man to fire and un couple and couple at turning points, and a man to haul wood and water for the boiler. The county convicts are em ployed in making macadam roads exclusively. Three guards and a superintendent work and care for about forty men. The whob system in the county is under the supervision of a competent and enthusiastic superintendent of roads, Mr. W. W. P. Eddleman. F. B. R. When you feel that life is hardly worth the candl take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bowels making you feel like a new man. For sale by Hood & Grantham. Author—You are very lovely tonight. Soubrette —So you would say if vou did not think so. Author —Yes, and so you would think if I did not say so. CAUTION. This is not a gentle word— but when you think how li able you are not to purchase for Tqc the only remedy universally known and a remedy has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing its great popularity all these years, you will be thankful we called your attention to Boschees' Ger man Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others, that are cheap and good for light colds perhaus, but for Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, and especi ally for Consumption, where there is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nights and at mornings, there is noth ing like German Syrup. Sold by all druggists in the civilized world. G. G. GREEN, , W T oodbury, N.J. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Hath >dt»t Chnfch—Rev. E. M. Pnires Pastor ) irvl :es ilrst Sunday uight, and fourth Suu -I+/ morning and night. Frayermeeting war/ Wednesday night, Sunday school every Sunday morning at 10 o'ciocfc, G. K, Qrantham SuDerintendent Baptist Church.—Rev. w. B. Mcftop, pa§t"r. Services Ist aud 3rd Sunday morning night. Frayermeetiup every Thqrsday nig*4 Sunday School every Sunday moruing, R. q. Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Cbujph.— per- R- W- Hineg pastor. Services every flput and fifth Sunday morning and night. Sunday school every Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superinten dent Disciple Church-Rev. J. J. Harper, pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning »nd night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday uight. Sunday school every Sunday evening »t"3 o'clock Rev. N. B. Hood Supt. Pree Will Baptist Church.— Elder J. P Hili pastor. Services every first Sun lav ( morning and night in the ftiethodist Church. Primitive Baptist.—Church on Broad street Slder B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servl ;es on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur lay before. In each month at 11 o'clock. LODGE. Palmyra Lodge, No. 117, A. P. kA. M. Hail at Maxmic Temple. Z.Taylor, VV. M.; II L. Godwin, b. W.; N, B. Anderson. •1.W.; w. A. Stewart. Sec Regular 'ommunications are held on the 3rd Satur lay atlo o'clock A. M., and on the Ist Friday it 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma ions In good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. COMHISSIONKKS V. L. Stejihens, McD. Holliday, J. D. Barnep f A. Taylor. w. H. Duncan. Policeman. COUNTY OFFICKBS Sheriff, Silas A.Salmon. Clerk, Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. C. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. P. McKay County Examiner, Rev. J. S. Black. Commissioners : E. F. Young, Chairman J. A. Smith, T. A Harrington. JOHN A. McKAY. E F YOUNG Tie Jus. A. ilaf lilairin Co. Manufacturers of Turpentine iif| TOOLS, MACHINISTS, IRON & BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GEN ERAL METAL WORKERS. Y U Farquhar's Machine work of every description. Ajax MachinEry a FARQUHAR &CO S Machinery and Southern Saw Works' Saws. We have an up-to-date plant and guarantee satisfaction. THE JOHN A. MCKAY M'F'G. CO. DUNN. N. C. Dont Be a Second-Ciass Man. You can hardly imagine a boy saying: "I am going to be a second class man. I don't want to be a first-class man and get the good jobs and high pay. Secondclass jobs are g)od enough for me." Such a boy would be regarded as lacking in good sence, if not insanity. Yon- can get to be a second-class man, however, by not trying to be first-class one. Thousands do that all the time, so that second-class men are a drug on the market Second-class things are only wanted when first-class can't be had. You wear first-class clothes if you can pay for them, eat first-class butter, first-class meat, and first-class bread ; or if you don't you wish you could. Second-class men are no more wanted than any other second class commodity. They are taken and used when the bet ter article is scarce or is too high priced for the occasion. For work that really amounts to anything, first-class men are wanted. Many things make second class men, A man menaced by dis sipation, whose understanding is dull and slow, whose growth has boen stunted, is a second class man, if, indeed, he is not a third-class. A man, who through his amusements in his 1 hours of leisure, exhausts his strength and vitality, vitiates his blood, wears his nerves till his limbs tremble like leaves in the wind, is only half a man, and could in 110 sense be called first-class. Everybody knows the things that make these second-class characteristics. Boys smoke cigarettes to be smart and imitate older boys. Then they keep 011 because they have created an appetite as unnatural as it is harmful. Men get drunk for all sorts of reasons, but whatever the reason, they cannot remain first-class men and drink. Dissipation in other forms is pursued because of pleasures to be derived, but the surest consequence is that of becoming second class, below the standard of the best men for any purpose. Every fault you allow to be come a habit, to get control over you, helps to make you second; Cbiss, and put you at a disad vantage in the race for honor, position and happiness. Care lessness as to health fills the ranks of the inferior. The sub merged classes that the econo mists talk about are those that are below the high water mark of the best manhood and woman hood. Sometimes they are sec ond rate or third rate people,be cause those who are responsible for their being and their care during their minor years were so before them, but more and more and more is it becoming one's own fault if, all through life, he remains second-class. Education of some sort, and even a pretty good sort is pos sible to practically everyone in our land. Failure to get the best educatiou available whether it be in books or in business training, is sure to relegate one to the ranks of the second-class. —Success. LUCK IN THIRTEEN. By sending thirteen miles Win Spirey, of Walton Fur nace. Vt., got a bottle of Buck len's Arnica Salve, that jvholly cured a horrible fever sore on his legs. Nothing else could. Positively cures bruises, felons, ulcers, eruptions, boils, corns and piles. Only 2octs. Guaran teed by C. L, Wilson, druggist. OLirsirsi, rsr.c. IMOV. 26, 1002 ' Ri©¥©M SHOP, Bring us your broken Frames and Parts. We can make tliem good as new. We are prepared to do work on short notice, and deliver it when promised. Bicycles I sell Standard Bicycles at $15.00. See them be fore buying elsewhere Sundries There is 110 end to the Sundries we carry, and at prices down below zero Sewing iVTaeliines We always have plenty Ball Bearing New Home Sewing Machines on hand. We also have the New Ideal Machine for $20.00 REPASRING DEPARTMENT Mr. Jas. W. Driver has cliargo'of the Bicycle Re pair Department. He is an expert in his business and will guarantee to do your work satisfactorily. We are now located at the stand formerly occupied bv Merchants and Farmers Bank 011 Railroad street, opposite the dept. Come and see us M. K. G-AINEY, DUNN. N. C. Some Suggestions for Drainage of Our Public Roods. Where the road is built on a grade, some provision should be made to prevent the wash of the gutters into great gullies. r l his can be done by paving the bot tom and sides of the gutters with brick, river rocks or field stone. In order to make the flow iu such *ide ditches as small as possible it is advisable to construct outlets into the ad jacent fields or to lay under ground pipes or tile drains with openings into ditches at fre-r quent interyals. I Thesis of the side ditches should depend upon the charac-l ter of the soil and the amount of water they are expected to car ry. If possible they should be located three feet from the edge qf the traveled roadway, so that if the latter is 14 feet wide there will be 20 feet of clear space be tween ditches. - - THE BEST REMEDY FOR CROUP. [From the Atchinson. Kan., Globe] This is the season of year when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the uight by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of burglars. There used to be an old fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup and toln. but some modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to throw up the phlegm quicker, and gives re lief in shorter time. Give this j remedy as soon as the croupy | cough appears and it will 1 prevent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe: to take. For sale by Hood Grantham. 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." ASLEEP AMID FLAMES. Breaking into a blazing home, jsome firemen lately dragged the sleeping inmates from death. Fancied security, and death near. It's that way when you neglect coughs and colds. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption gives perfect protec tion against all throat, chest, and lung troubles. Keep it it near, and avoid suffering, death and doctor's bills. A tea spoonful stops a late cough,per sistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfy by C. L. Wilean. Price 50c and $l.OO. I Trial bottles free. The Odor Remained With Him. A man livi .g not more than a thousand miles from Monroe was boasting that he had not totalled a drop of liquor in twenty years. But when I did drink," said he, "I drank good liquor and none of this stuff which would burn out a copper kettle and blow the top of a fel low's head off passed my lips. I took goo I whiskey, first-class, expensive stuff or none." "Dat's so boss." said an old darkey, who was listening to the speil of the boasting re formed drinker, "you did drink good licker, sho nuff, fer I ken smell dat, licker 011 your breff 1 till yet."—Monroe Enquirer. Cußi:n OF RHEUMATISM AFTER SPEEDING $3,000 IN VAIN. Mr. G L. Thaxter, of Ash land, Cal., writes : "I have long been afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism and was confined to my bed for six months. I tried every known remedy, spendi 11 £ $3,000 to no effect. I used three bottles of URICSOL and found permanent relief." j URICSOL never fails to cure I diseases incident to disorders of ' the kidneys and bladder when ! caused by uric acid. Druggists 'sell it at $1 per bottle or six ' bottles for $O. Thanksgiving Day. By proclamation the Presi dent has set apart Thursday, November 27, as a day in which to thank God for all the mercies and goodness that he lias bestowed upon us during " the pa-st year. t Thanksgiving day is one of the institutions peculiar to this I country. Years ago it was only a New England institution but it lias grown so large that these days it covers the nation. It is to be deeply regretted that iu too many cases it is used more for a day in which to enjoy outdoor sports ; but ill re is this to be said, that in almost . all the cities, towns aud villages ' in America, union religious services ai'e held iu the largest churches. If the people of this country have not much to thank God for no people on earth have. From one end of the United States to the other the people have been blessed with prosperity and have had more of the luxuries of life than any other people 011 the face of the earth. The working class have had about all the work they could ; do, and have been, as a rule, well paid for what they have done. Workingmen have had great cause for thankfulness all over the country. If the people of America are not a peculiar pe pie they arc a • much favored people.and should feel it their duty to bow before Cod in humility and offer sin cere thanks that their lot is cast in this favored land. Thanksgiving Day should be [ a day when our hearts should go out toward others—especial- y ly those who have been less c favored than we have been. A c person must have a cold heart , who can sit down at the table j on Thanksgiving Day and par- j take of turkey, with all the c good things that go with it, and x not feel somewhat ashamed if | he or she has not made some provision to let others enjoy a t feast of good things. a Thanksgiving Day should be | a day for you and me to prove t our generosity towards others. ( The real enjoyment of that day c should be the joy we receive j from practicing the new com- t maudment that our Lord gave f us when 011 earth. You know what that was. Do be thankful 011 November j 27th. God has been so good to all my readers during the past 0 year that they cannot be too [ profuse in their thanks to their Heavenly Father. Sit alone by yourself for a t few minutes and try to count v the many blessings you have received. It will only take you j a few moments to realize that c . you have realized more than you : have deserved. [ All oyer this country whole € 1 families will be assembled to- gether—in some cases grandpa, t . grandma, father, mother, chil . dren and grandchildren. Such . a gathering is as near to being t t in Heaven as I can imagine. When such gatherings get to- j . gether is the time to sing, "And t . are we still alive and see each , other's face?" During the 5 sweet hours which the gather . ing occupies let no unkind wo.'d t be uttered. May there be j nothing but undiluted joy is ny t prayer for such an occcasion. Good people get together on • Thanksgiving Day and make it \ ( a day of thanksgiving —not only s . in name, but in reality. Fathers and mothers, there t ! are enough sad days in the j I year without making Thanks- I giving Day one of them. Re- t f joice and be glad that you are " t . alive and have had mercies strewn in your pathway to help vou on in your journey through , life. J The bells of Heaven have I been ringing in your ears times ( without number during the past year. You have heard those ONE MINUTE COUGH CURE. Is the only harmless cough | cure that gives quick relief. It cures coughs, colds,croup, broil- 1 1 chitis, whooping cough, pneu- c monia, asthma, lagrippe and all j throat and lung troubles. "l| J ■ got soaked by rain," says Oer- c j'trude E. Fenner, Muncie, Ind., 1 ' | "and contracted a severe cold- ' [ and cough. I failed rapidly; lostt 48 pounds. My druggists j /recommended One Minute j /Cough Cure. The first bottle i 1 !brought relief; several cuivd ' me. I am back to my-old weight ) 148 pounds. One Minute Cough f Cure cuts the phlegm, relieves 1 1 the cough at once, draws out in- c 5 Hammation, cures croup. An r i ideal remedy for children. Hood { l& Grantham. ■! FOR HARNESS and Saddle Sores Mexican Mustang Link 11 ot oaee, aud you will La -f ' l i U * t wh^ t >' ou need - 11 teke3 effect p . ' astonished to see how quickly it heals sorw. f r It's this way : • You can burn yourself with Fire, "with. Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself J with Steam or Hot Water, but there is a only one proper way to cure a burn or J scald and that is by using -dj Mexican ' ' Mustang: Liniment?! I It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old j j linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind j loosely upon the wound. You can have no adequate I idea what an excellent remedy this is for a burn until i you have tried it. . f J A FOWL T! P If you ha , vo a bird afflicted with" Roup or any " . . ' ,? tl 1 ler P° ultr y tliseaso use Mexican Mustau* Llnliueut. It is catted a STANDAIUJ remedy by poultry breeders. bells calling you to duty so often that, perhaps, you are not so attentive to their call as you could be. Please listen to them 011 Thanksgiving Day. Re member those relatives who have not been blessed as you •have been. Try the experiment of forgetting self and fling out your blessings'upon those who have a strong claim on you. Thanksgiving Day will be upon you before you are fully aware of it, so be up and doing before the festal day dawns upon you. Look with sweet an ticipation to the day when you can have the blessed opportun ity of giving some of the good things that God has given you to others. Blessed is he that havetli more 011 the evening of Thanksgiving Day than he had iu the morning; and thrice blessed is lie who ends Thanks giving Day with less at night than he possessed ir» the moni ing. The man or woman who eats too much on Thanksgiving Day will not feel so well 011 going to bed as when the)- arose. But lie or she who divides up with others will know and feel the joy of having done well. We ought to be thankful every day in the year; but it will not hurt us to be extra thankful one day in tho year. Aud Thanksgiving Day is the proper day for such an eveflt to take place. Be extra good 011 Thansgiving Day to everybody and every thing living with which you come in contact. The animals 011 your farm or in your house ought to be made to understand that you are better than usual. Let the old homesetad ring with the merry laugh of elildhood and the peculiar expressions of joy that only old people can give. God has been so good to you that you must not forget to lift up your voices in praise to Iliiu for what he has done for you — not in requests for him to do something wonderful for you in the future. Let gratitude take possession of your hearts ; and may your lips speak forth your praises from the time you arise in the morning until you retire at night.—George 11. Scott. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur is endorsed and prescribed by many leading physicians throughout the country for all blood and skin troubles. Hun dreds of cases of eczema and other skin diseases have been permanently cured by the use of Hancock's Liquid After all other remedies failed and pro nounced incurable. For sale by Hood & Grantham. When a man comes after din ner he conies before dinner. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure billiousness, constipation and headache. They are easy to take and pleas ant in effect. For sale by Hood & Grantham, No. 45 The Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season And the placing on sale of Excursion To all prominent points in the South, SotUn west, West lndies Mexicoand California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beaeh, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasville, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pin e hurst, Asheville,. Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE SKY. i erfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains, See that your;ticket-reads ■. VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address K. L. VKRNON. O. W. WESTBUKY Traveting Pass Agl., District P*s». kgt. S. H. lIAUDWICK, General Passenger Agent. J. M. GULP, \V. A. TURK, Traffic Maiiasr.-r. Asst Pass. Traffic fj !D. C. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very few could believe in looking: at A. T. Iloadley, a 1 healthy robust blacksmith, of 1 Tilden, Ind., that for ten years he suffered such tortues -from rheumatism as few couldendure and Jive. But a wonderful change followed his taking elec tric Bitters, "Two bottles wholly cured me," ho writes, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." They regulate the kidneys, purify the blood and cure rheumatism, neural gia. nervousness, improve di gestion and give perfect health. Try them. Only 50c cts at C. L. Wilson's drug siore. "WINTER HOMES IN SUMUFR LANDS." The above is the title of an attractive booklet just i.-*sued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a tv>o-cent stamp to S. 11. Hard wick, G. P. A., Washington D. C. ...