" *•.-?•,•av , *'" las *: *'TILBI3 FOR H £v- r, TOMK PAPER. f| 8 H . n cost - $1 -1 ye" p. feg v ;* S i > v TN ' " V n a ~yvW\ r ij > . i -' . ... - *•":• V « X -••- -•.--•••.-•»>'>1- ."!•• . . :,: ..r- j { l c !U C ■ : K- 3 » fn« u r « ; • i '•••!; NK> A i LA W, j; PI'NX.N.C. " .•» wherever service re- : •. Prompt attention to;,, i.x-;. Collections n n m • • y • .s • j 7. £ Whitaker, \"i rOUN'L'i —A i—LAW , nrsN. N.C. J' p. lC dee who. ever his services, j. are required. ! jt >MITH. M. V. HATCHER. n„„ l x p, &r}4r , hpp \ 0 ?lir;l C>: nufotici, { i Atiornoys-ci-Law, 0 UVKS. N. C. • L hi all tlae of UMJ Ssate. | Prompt to ;ilt htisine?s oi.l rustfil. OIIW in THR 15ANNi.it Braiding- i*■ H. M l KAN. V. I.IFIOKO McLean & Clifford, r>UNX. : : : v ,.■•■• ovci Merchants & Farmers Bank. Ij w. A. STEWART. H. L. GODWIN 1 M& Attorneys and Cousseilors-at-Uw, DUNS, K. C. , v' : il in State unci Federal ; ivt* but uot f«»v tun. W E MureMsou, JOXKSBORO. N. C. T.aw l« Harnett. Kooie and ; --•■. - ritios but 'Hit for fur.. 20-iv. Or. J- 0. >S4. ! JNF| TNPI ] ... t— *.»-«-* s ?*« : : cr .• . Dunn. N. C. O rooms on secon 1 floor J. ( J. V.'a le s building. j ITT ELMHII | CAPITAL ••TOCK' $20.(>00. V-. o ;>{i• •i* unsurp'issed a-.van- ;tud loan monoy or: ea y; term- We '-vid oxrvod erprv! nrcomavid.)ri m consistent v. ith c-jnserv.rivj biakin^. L. J. BE=T, President. J. W. PURDTK, Cashifr. | ■ nn o i L'/// n H?J On. u. L. M.s-jutr, oenlist, 3TEFEO ; dunk, w. r.. Oinw over Niorch'i'its I 1 or- li ink next door to. loud ct ijri2it i I ipmmm FARMERS! &m, mi iC. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. i Kverv accojnmodation olifired to tho public. E. F. VOL NO. Prßsident. V. L. STBTHKN--. Cashier. A":moot a'iy caller is abort- if • come- ai the wrong time. The surest way for a woman ii(i> to ixot a man is to c;ia-e hi MI. Th * roads have been worked l'Mi" enough. They should now 1 iv improved. DR. KINO'S Y,rr HFW NSSNNVFRY . v I) ? 11- ! vj '•> '*l* t O THAT OOLD, KO 3UBBTSTUYSS. Cures Consumption, Coughs, v lirouciiitis, Asthriia, u • oonia,Hay Fever, Ple a Ifoprseness, Tlsroat, Croup and >» Looping Cougii. NO CURE. NO FAY. P ice 50c. and %i. TRiAL BOTTLES FRfcE- ' 1 XLU 2 LLFMAPP A IPFIP 1 K A VIK, "IA!3 X OIL 1 ILJ Vol. 1 2. Diamond Cutters. Sneaking of the w« m- n in the' jewelry business, a diamond meivhai said • : ln other branches of the | jewel: y t-rado than dia mond cutting women have made • some umunlified i success. Not one of Eve's rs, from royally down.: J sh>'u;d s.iy, that isn't an artist in dm wearing >i' diamonds. ' Many a:e verst'd is: the art of! buying and seising th m. while . others give \\c 'lent s.-uisfaeiion in ;hmisi;i;i;v. srt'mg t' ,, u> and pre; . ring • en* for the mark't. '' 1 >ut when it comes to the real cutting of the stones ihey ," like the pati-mce, judgment and j stead.iness of nerve whieli con-' -tituies the expert's stock in! j trade. It would seem that dia mond-? have the same effect up- ; ,on the woman who wishes to: 1 -'nape thom that they do on the girl w ho sees one of them spark-! liuLj in her new ngageni'mt i ring—puts h.er in a trmor of ex-; eiteme'.it; hence diamond cut-.; ters are men." —Clipping. WHAT'S IN A NAME? | t Everything is in a name when !it come-to Witch Hazel Salve. : iE. 'J. DeWitt «& Co.'of Chicago, j 1 discovered some years ago howj 1 to make a salve from Witch j Hazel that is a specific f«r piles, j 1 For blind, bleeding, itcliing and j protrudiug piles, eczema, cuts, 1 1 burns, bruises, and all skin dis eases LA-Witt'.- Salve hrs no j equal. This ha given vise toi numerous worthless counter- > ; feits. Ask for DeWittV —the |: ireiiuitie. —liood A ratit!iam. Countrv preachers are usually • long o:i sermons and short on , salary. A man i- known by the com-; panv he keeps, and lhe com- j oanv he keej -is known by the j breakfast he can"t eat tne next; morning.—New ortc Press. J ! I CAI' I'loN. Tin-- is not a gent'e v.'orcl —. but wi:eu you think how li- ; i able vou are not to purchase ior j : 7>k' the only remedy universally j known tiv.-x n rv n-eciy tlint j [has had the largest sale o_f any: } mctiicine m* tne wor.o since J iior the cure and. treatment! jnf Consumption and Throat and! i Luug troubles without losing ;, -| Irrr.-.l »..ui-i"i*y : t thi'-e yeari. j ! yon wiil Ik> thankfui we calk-o i vou:' ntteutioii to Boscht*i s O-.-r- ; »■});;; i Svruj). i here are -o ma*i\ i j ordinary cough r niedies madej fbv and others, that j iarechcsj) and good for light | Cui'is perhaos. but for ! '"itigns.j " : Bronchitis. Croup, and especi- j i allv for Consumption, where J •there is diilicult expecionuhm j 1 ' and coughing during the niglii- 1 uui at troruings. there is noth-j ing like CJerman Syrup. Sold j • ■ by ali druggist- in ihe civilized j ; world. G. G. OI;!. 1-. n , Woodbury, N. -T. ' TOWN DIRECTORY. CHCI'eHKS. j x)|>t CTiurch— •E.M. »' 1 *Ktor I I . ,-7i ;es flisl S'lnuny uijjhl, a:. I it.urtb I .i/ morning' «•:•! ni»--ht. ; , ctJ WeJi.eaJ;«y nigrii. • si-iiff. j ~v ery - .i• iiy at l«i o'clock, O. K. j ' i ir.icthaii! Mijuero.it'ir'lci;* ! 88J.ri.4T ! .ervicus '"»•' SLI!1 uioriiiitK ' Pra/eroieetinK (VERY Tisuwrtay NIK'"-' - INDAY SY:io I TVE-RY :-urulay moruiinf, K. U. | raylor SUJ-eriuteiideiit. ! fristijteriau Cliurch.-Kev. K. W. Hlucs, : astor. sorvices every first ai;il fifth Suoday j ionv ; IT(F IIID NIGHT. SAII.LAV school EMJ I | •iinday mornioj?, t»- «• MRL.-lUl,SUJ.eriutei!- • : I;Ut : piscij.leCiiurcli-aev. J. J. >,+*- j i : ..P S.-rvices every rliirJ Sanday moruiug | 1 .ad I.i*ht. Prayer BIC-tin* EVER* Tu*ad*} 1 i.?:it. Smuiay • -TIO"L EV:-RY Sunday eveuiity it .io'cloc!! H. v. N. U. Ho./d "Jt't. FREE Will B.U>T'.st Church.—Elder J. F • Bill pastor. Sarvices every fiwt Su®»v | i I .aorui 'K ai:l uislit. iii tiie I noiiist Chun*. • primitive Baptist.—ehurch on Bread street " 1 ild-T E. Wood Pastor. Kefc-a'.ii* s*rvi .f.g - T . the third saM.a'h morning, r;---! Sutar f iay before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LOT)'SE. P.ilnjyra T.odge, No. 117. A. ?. IA. V. [TAIL (. ; it J't-iisl'iiyloi". W. Ji.; •I 1,. fio ivvil!, .-. W; M. 15. A!!«:•■ r-«»N . :I. V, R .; w. A. Stewart, SEE H*aular ,) omtiiunicatioKß ARE held on the !>YFTI, LI) o'clock A.M., AND on T:e Ist Kndi; jit O'clockp. M. in each month. AIL MA | JODO la srood STANDING C.r.; T-ordi&lly invited | to attend these comci'iuiratlons. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Yottßg, Mayor. Y COMMISSIONKLLS | V. T... Stephens, MCTL. lloliiday, J. n. Barnes ; J A. Taylor. : W. a. Duncan. Policeman. I OOCNTY OFPICEKB T, Sheriff. Sitia A.SE'mon. T>r. J. II- Withers. Reic:«ter of A. i 3. ITolloway. Treasurer. L. I>. ilatthewa. -j Surveyor, 1). P. Mcliooald. Coroner. T»r. J. F. McKay. | County Examiner, K'iV.-J. S. Ptaek. | Commissioners: E. P. Young, Chairman . jA. Smith, r. A Harrington. JOHN A. Mr KAY. K. F. YOUNG j R S J |?P INN I LLFJ/QIF I 1!) MIL JIIII. n KT'MJ KASTOUUIIIG, UD. . MAIMIAETURERS OF TURPENTINE TOOLS, MACHINISTS, IRON •& BUASS FOUNDERS, AND GKN KHAL MFT A L WOUKKUO. . f , ... , , Machine work of every description. A, I>. I 1 ARQUHAR S { r Machinery and Mill I i j il A • FAR'iUJIAIt & CO'S Machinery and Southern Saw Works' Haws. We have an up-to-date plant and guarantee satisfaction. THE JOIIN A. MCKAY M : F'G. CO. DUKX IST. C. The One a True Inaex of the Oiher. It affords some people a great deal of pleasure to beat the; newspaper. -Everybody wants something from the paper, but! few are willing to give anything, [in return. If the editor wants! ! pay for his hard work a kirk i [comes. People are always j j ready to take the newspaper i I man's money, but never in liu-i J ' I mor to pay the newspaper; j man any money ; when it is | ; paid, it is done in a way to ! make him feel like he had ju-t ! robbed a hen ro»t. We heard ja man say the other day that he | had read an American news, i paper three years and had not inahl a cent on it. He actually ! : >ragged about it. We would j not tru-r such a creatur? as far; jas \ou could throw a bud by . j the tail. It would be diUicult' jto noint out an instance where j t town has grown into import lance that its growth cannot be j | attributed to the work of the j j newspaper. The newspaper, j above all else in town, should ; j receive the hearty s-ip]>ort of; ;t ie town people. As a rule if a | iown has a rt>or paper it is be- ( cause the people au'i business. | :uen do not give' it the support j ii; -houid have. To speak light-j !\y 0 f vour home paper is o M e of | 'j the most utjwor-.hy acts that j 1 one can be guilty of. ' Alien I vou do so vou condemn your | seif. becan- it is ( vi(!.nce that j I you do ;i"' give i r your support, j Would}- ha vi a new.-paper: ! that "U can !■ pv- n-i of? 'lhenj j give it vo.ii' siijipdrl. y ; on are ( often j vour town and sing its praises! j wheivvt r you g-.; fir b-tier I thing t> iS iw stand. i> n.ind your i new-p.:j rs and t' ! y v. •i! do 'the re.-1.—Anif'iicus. (>a., h r- S aid. ! __ i ICCRKS CAXCKK A XI» LIL.OOI) PolSoX. If you have blood poison pro iilueii g eruptions, pimpies, i ulcers, swollen glands, bumps ■and risb-g-, burning, itching j i , ■ iijier colored s}>ots or : ra 1: on the skin.mucous patches! in mouth or throat,falling hair,, i bone pni s. old rheumatism or. foul catarrh. take Botanic; Blood ilalm (B. B. B ) It kills, i the poison in the blood ; soon 1 all sores, eruptions heal, hard; swellings subside, aches and pains stop and a perfect cure is; • made of the worst cases of blood ! 'j poison. For cancers, tumors, swell ings, eating sores, ugly ulcers! .j persistent pimples of all kino.s; j takt B. B. B. It destroys the | cancer poison in the blood,heals! cancer of all kinds, cuies the, worst humors of suppurating •l swellings. Thousands cured j :byß. B. P». after all else fails.; | B". B. B. is composed of pure; I botanic ingredients. Improves | the digestion, makes the blood j pure rich, stops the awful it-h --'; ing and ali sharp snooting pains. Thoroughly tested for : j thirty years. Druggi-ts, ! i' i ? iper bottle, with complete direc tions for home cure. Samples i! free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm ('o„ Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and lvee meil ieai advice also sent in sealed letter. S ■ ♦ Butter would not melt' in the ■ mouths of some people and lye ! would not scorch the mouths of i others. j T~t f 3 r JL 3 C7 1 i-£- ~ O DUWN, RJ. C. : O, 1002 U if ® 4. lU' x •, ] Bring us your broken Frames and Parts. We can make them good as new. \\ e arc prepared ; to do work on short notice, and deliver it when promised BICYCLES I I sell Standard Bicycles at $15.00. See them be- I fore buving elsewhere ' —"i * i ( There is no end to the Sundries we carry, and d prices down below zero GE WIN «• MACLII NES v_ V V We always have plenty Ball Bearing New Home Sewing Machines on hand. We also have the New Ideal Machine for $"20.00 i ] REPAIRING DEPARTMENT : Mr. Jas. W. Driver lias charge of the Bicycle Re- , pair Department. He is an expert in his business and will guarantee to do your work satisfactorily. We are now located at the stand formerly occupied by Merchants and Fanner.- B ink on Bail road street, opposite the dept. Come and see u- ; r i A T \i V o i>iii -1- DHNN. N. C. Pernicious Literature. The evil effects of the morbid literature in which the children of the poor often indulge are growing so serious that the au thorities are beginning to awake to the need ol the action. A conference has been arranged bv the Poplar Borough. Council on the question, a> the instance of tho head masters of public ! schools. Delegates are to be sent to this conference witii a view of considering wnat steps may be taken with a- view to . common action. This is a question which con-, i corns parent even more nea 'y, j ! and of all classes. Far 100 lit tle interest is given to the r aid ing of the young, and in \ iew iof the flood of objectionable i publications which linds its way into the homes of the nation, parents, teachers and others cannot be too vigilant or too ! wise and careful, In advising i those under their care.—London : Christian. m . ■ It will be good news to the ! mothers of small children to I learn that croup can be pre-j vented. The lirst of croup. ; : i c hoarseness. A day or two j before the attack the child be-1 • j comes hoarse. 1 his is soon 101-j :; lowed bv a peculiar rough cough; ■ j Give Chamberlain's Cough, ! Bemedv freely as soon as the. j child becomes hoarse, or even! ■ after the cough appears, and it j : will dispel all symptoms of] | croup, m this way all dan- j ■i ger and anxiety may be avoided . !; This remedy is used by many J I thousands of mothers and has i never been known to fail. It is. An fact, the only remedy that • lean always be depended upon j'and that is pleasant and safe to f; take. For sale by Ilood & Gran ! th am. L The average person s soul j seems to lie pretty close to his digestion. "Frcvo all things; hold fast that -wliioli is good.'' K ILTNKV AND I»LAJM»KLL DISEASES | Are generally.caused by an ex-| cess of uric, lactic a lilhic acids J in the svstein. ÜBIt'SOL, the j great California Rheumatic j Remedy, corrects the diathesis and thus cures rheumatism, sci atica, lumbago, neuralgia, and many forms o r •iver.kidnev and ba der trou le . See adver tisement elsewliere and send for book of particulars to the La mar A Bankin Drug Co., At-: lania, Ga., or DRICSOL Chem-| ieal Co., Los Angeles, Cal. A ll j druggists seli it at SI.OO per i bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. A Man's V/ v of Women s St iainq. Stmley C.irr says in Demo rest- M.-igaxine : A bright woman friend said i to me the other day : "ft is my rule never to give a scohiing without a sugar plum to go with it. There is a good deal in the sugar plum plan. When a man has stayed out too late at night, or has left his wife's letter to! ! her dearest friend in his coat j pocket instead of in the mail! box, he knows he has done J j wrong, and the knowlege make- | J him defiant. He is guarded on ! that side, and is ready to make! | sharp retort to the tirst re-j jproachful word.* But he is un-. i guarded on another side—the' sugar plum side —and by thisi , I J , doorway the tactful woman can i come in and disarm him and, j make him feel his meanness so 1 | keenly that he will resolve not, to let it happen again. If you would have an appe tite like a hear and a relish lor your tubals, take Chamberlain's j Stomach and Liver . Tablets. I They correct disorders of the ■ stomach and regulate the liver jand bowels. Price 25 cents. '•Samp'es free at Hood & Gran ' thani'- drug store. WIDOWS. J'i A Aniold, i.-vicinda P»vrd, ihitharine Bla/*k, C Baughcum, Eini.'e Baker, Ann Brown, Mary Oats Nancy Cutis, Harriet Col lins, Until Cummings, Mary J. Ellen, Nancy T. Flowers, Mary A. Fowler, Isabella Finjuay, M Gilbert, W S flower, Francis Gregory, Polly Gregory, Sophia | Ham, M J Hudson, Jack- I son, Sal He Johnson, Jane John json, Sarah .To;i n s, S M Jones, I Margaret Knight, Emaline 1 o I) ■ : Marks, {-'(IH! Matthews, S Mc- Donald, M E M Donald, Eliza McL"o 1. B Moore, Sarah J Mat thews. iL:b cca Melvin, Nanc\ M-An ley, Frances Norris, Har ris O'quinn, Mary J O'quinn, M .ry Pate, Annie Patterson, Winnie Reaves, Catharine Ris ing, F C Salmon Emily Smith. Sarah Strickland Susan J Spence, W Tart, U S Thrower, j Edna Tripp, C J West, Nancy ; Wiggins, M A Whittinglon, Eiizabetli J Wiiliam-, SOLDIERS. CLASS 1. Jackson Taylor. (LASS 2. Daniel ITure, O Jackson. Ingram Moore, W J Taylor. CLASS :>. Neill Atkins, N H Codwin, Th.unas D Jones, J W Lee. J McKinzcr, M Morrison, 11 M McNeill,Jordan Moore, A Sugg, Willam Strickland. j CLASS 4. Alvin Ash ford, E A Ausley, ; J li Autry, W H Adams, For-j oey Allen M II Brown, M D Barefoot, James Baker, J W Bayles, J M Ballard, W I) Bhuichard. J W Buchanan, J A] Bullard, J J Butts, J L ByrJ, GW Frown, Duncan Black, Pi II Baker, W O Cox, (dead) W A Colville, Maxwell Carter, Jno A Clark John Collins. Robert j Carpenter. J E Clark, II Coats,; James Champion, W J Davis, I) Darroek W P Dean, John T Dortnan, A J Ennis.W i> Ennis, i 'I Faircloth, D Faircloth, Lynn. Ferrell, James N Gregory, C r P Guy, David Gregory. W j Grif tin, II T Gilbert, C A Gilchrist, i Jacob Holder, John Holmes, Joel Hare, J A Hawiey, R F Ililliard, Burwell Ilodge, Tun nell Heath, George Tiavgroves, J K P Harrington, A B Hollo-! man, Y A Ivey, Abraham Joy ii-m'. N T Johnson, Erwin Jones, I Y S' Jael;son, B Jones, Pas-' chal Johnson. H John-; son. Jviin L Ktugiit. James! Knight, Dan Lucas. W B La nier, J B Moore, ') Morrison, L Morris, 1 A McDonald, John McNi'il!, Daniel M-ijeod, N ill I 11 .Mi ijeod, Alex McNeill, .1 \\ Mcl/'o.i. i» A Morgan, D Aj Si I . er. Simon Matthews C.hes-' «er W Maynard, Daniel Morri-; son, Jl--S' 1 J Norden. L C Oxen dine, B B o'(juinn,John Oliver. I W S Petty, Frederick Pool,' i Honderson Prince, J W .Patter son, Sherod Patterson, Jesse Page, Henry R-iwles. Niven Bay, J C Iteardon. David Bay, M B Reardon, A W Stewart, John Smith, James Sandiford, William pence, Manly Lawyer, Charles Stewart, S M Smith, J S Stephens. J P Salmon, Peter Stancil, Isham Temple Win. A ! Turlington, Lutl er Thomas, :ii B Thomas, A RTrulove, J A Suter, Benjamin Upchurcli. J W Wood, W C West, II Wil liams. W J Wester, E M Wick er, W D Wood-ill, George War i wick, A Wood, Joseph Young, I David A v arborough The above is a list of persons | to whom pensions are awarded I t'.->r 11*02. These pensions will jbe suit out about December 20, ! 1002. A. C. HOLLOW AY, Register of Deeds. Nov. 19, 1902. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful • housewife replenishes her sup ply of Chamberlain's Cough ! Remedy. It is certain to he ! needed before the winter is over j and results are much more sat ;is factory and prompt when it jis kept at hand and given as | soon as the cold is contracted j and before it has become settled !in the system. In almost every j instance a severe cold may be ' warded off by taking the rein i edv freely as soon as the lirst in- Idieationof the cold appears', j There is no danger in giving it |to children for it contains no ; harmful substance. It is pleas | ant to take —both adults and children like it. Buy it and you will get the best. It al ways cures. For sale by Ilood ' & Grantham. f ma m It's a wise policeman who ■'can point out the next corner on ' 'xchangc. i ' ; v itf | FOR HARNESS nn ' ! r,oror ' Mexican Mustang Lint. - i at oueti V will I n, f V • I . Bst w,lat J" ou need., it lakes eIFoOS > svj i ill bo ttitouifihou to see Low quickly it heals sores* I jVS ttlfe Yon can burn yourself with Firerwitk * Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself ; with Steam or Hot Water, but there is J only one proper way to cure a burn or J scald and that is by using Sij Mexican Mustang 1 Liniment?? " It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old ' i linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind I loosely upon the wound. You can Jiave 110 adequate . 'idea what an excellent remedy this is for u burn until you have tried it. ' Ct ACnVAI! Ts P If you have a bird afflicted with Roup or any Bit. other poultry disease uso Mexican Mustang Ijiiiiuic.it. It is called a rciiiedy by jjoultry breeders. Where the Brothers Wet. ; Among the stories that have been brought back by the Phil adelphia Christian Eiuieavorers on their return from Boston,one was concerning a peripatetic of the bare foot variety,jand a far mer, who was alfo a church deacon The latter was taking j | lunch under his own vine, and! unto him the peripatetic said : '•Sir," I am very hungry." "You haven't been shaved," , replied the deacon. '•No, but I'm very hungry." j "You're very dirty into the bargain." "Ye, but I'm hungry. "Well,can you say the Lord's ! prayer?" No, I "can't." "Will you say it for a piece of 1 bread?" "1 will." The deacon started in with "Our Father," at the same time cutting oif a slice as he ienunciated the words. The | tramp then repeated "Our Fath ier," then suddenly asked.: — I ' Did you savour Father?" , "Yes, 'Our Father.' " "Stop just a moment," con tinued the dirty man. "You ' mean your father and my i father."' "I do," .answered the deacon. "Then we are bothers,*" tri umphantly proceeded the un -1 shaved. "Then for ojir father's sake cut the bread thicker and, cut it quicker." —Philadelphia •! Evening Telegraph. I FIOHT WILL P.E BITTKR. Those who will persist in ' closing tiieir ears against the ! continual recommendation of 1 i Dr. King's New Discovery for . consumption, will have a long Sand bitter fight with their j troubles, if not ended earlier by j fatal termination. Read what > j T. R. Beall. of Beail. Miss., has to say : "Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Dis covery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely " cured her. Guaranteed by C. ! L. Wilson, Druggist. Price ■ | fn) cents and SI.OO. Trial bot -1 ties free. >| - j "A man's clothes arc shaped i! to him ; a woman is shaped to ; her clothes. I_ „ „ Konoii DYSPEPSTA CI'RE J Digests all classes of food. -; tones and strengthens the stom . i ach and digestive organs. Cures t' indigestion dyspepsia, stomach : troubles, and makes rich, red . blood, health-and strength. Ko ] j del rebuilds worn out tissues, i puriiies, strengthens and sweet . j ens the stomach. Gov. G. W. 1 Atkinson, of West Ya , says: 1 have a number of b »ttles of Kodol and have found it to be a very eflective, and. inded a 0 j powerful remedy for stomach a j ailments. I recommend it to Imy friends. Hood & Grantham. No. The Southern Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season ' And the placing on sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points iu the South, Soutn west. West West Indies Mexiooand California. Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thomasvi i!e, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that your ticket*reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Ask any Ticket Agent for full i information, or address I K. T, V KKNON, C. W. WKSTBURY . J RRAVELIII# PASS Agt., DISTRICT PASS. AGT. • CJAAXLATTE, IT- C. S&S.CLAJAA.»AN.&, VA S. H. HAKDWICK, General Passenger Agent. .1. M. GULP, W. A. TURK, TRALLIC MANATR-'R. ASST. PASS, TRAFTLC Mgi.' T''7"AOLS.I3A.£TCX!L. U. C. RK VOLUTION IMMINENT. A sure sign of approaching I revolt and serious trouble in - jour system is nervousness, ' fdecplessness, or stomach up • sets. Electric Bitters will 5 quickly dismember the tronble - some causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys, and bowels, stimulate the liver and clatify the blood. 1 Run down systems benefit par } ticularlv. and all the usual aches and pains vanish under its searching and thorough ef fectiveness. Electric bitters is onlv r»0 cents and that is re turned if it don't give perfect • satisfac ion. Guaranteed by " C. L. Wilson, druggist. ■H _ M | "WINTER HOMES IN SUMMKR LANDS." , The above is the title of an - attractive booklet just issued by • the Passenger Department of ' the Southern Railway. It is • beautifully illustrated and fully >i describes the winter resorts of i J the South. A copy may be 1 secured bv sending a two-cent 'J stamp to' S. H. Ilardwick, G. • P. A., Washington D. C,