... - as f / /' ' -Ct . / t .»j« ». / ' ' . • = -*afo*g Zii • ? • 1 'H s&Mmmrn% I'l IP I 4 AKm • t^V* u. - ,;i«e for 8 i fr-% L J-H %/l I If t~€ u I N g % J-k i % in ~i%. I vol : HOME PAPER. 1 AA. M ""■ ""*' ,l )par 'i| " "Prove all things?he t fast that which is good." « - —==-. - : : : " v. ~ - a •s":> ; >v>."r>" t®£|* V 01.12. DUNN, N.C. DEC. 10, 1902 ' No. 47 Albert 3. Harold, v t . ) UNi:V AT LAW,— I)I*NN, N. C. |v., \ v wherever service re prompt attention to l; IMS. Collections a P'- ' ' £ Whitaksr, A nOUN'KY-AT-LAW, DUNN, N. C. - . w he: ever his services are r„ quired. Y SMITH. M. P. HATCHER. Smith & H Attoreys-at-Law, . I nn, - - - Ncr r -.. till- ill lill tlic courts of the State. I'roiup- attention to all business entrust id. ill THE BANNER Blinding. ~~ 11. STL.EAN. •*• C. CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, DUNN. : : : : N. C. v over Mc n-hants & Farmers Bank, YE A.SIEWART. H. 11. GODWIN }\\m\ k fiiflH, Attorneys &sd Coraseilars-aHiw, DUNN, N. C. v.": practice in State and Federal C. --hut not for fun. W E- Murchison, JONESBORO N. C. p ,-Hjes Law in Harnett, Moore snd o; . unties, but not for fuu. F-b. 20-1 y. Or. J. C. Goodwin, DEPJ-IST. Dunn, N. C. 0::. rooms on second floor J. J. Wade's building. rat BiSSJf DOSS. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We otf'-r unsurpassed advan tages. aud loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L. J. BKST, President. J. W. PUKDIB. Cashier. DR. CI L WILSON, Dentist, E>utjim, im. ci. Otlicf over Merchants & Parm er-; New Bank next door to Hood & Grantham. MEMMTS M FARMERS & mi, m, io. C APITAL STOCK 120,000. Kvery accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L.STEPHESS, Ca.shier. This is the season of the year w'ten t'tie prudent and careful ousewife replenishes her sup 11'y of Chamberlain's plough ll' inedy. It is certain to be ne a ded before the winter is over : I results are much more sat isfactory and prompt when it ;» kept at hand and given as -oon as the cold is contracted ■ nd before it has become settled in the system. In almost ever; instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking the rem "iy freely as soon as the first in •lication of the cold appears. Til ere is no danger in giving it to children for it contains nc :■ ivmful substance. It is pleas ant to tn—both adults aud like it. Buy it and y.'U will get the best. It al v. ay-cures. For sale by Hood A Grantham. Interested in Public Schools. Public attention in Virginia hns been directed to {lie com mon schools of the country l>oth by the discussions and general action of the Constitutional Convention', and by the efh et ive work of the Southern E !ti cjitional. Board Mr. Harry St. GP.!V-J:O Tucker and Prof. Rob' erfc Fi , : , .z-'" - have ppokm with ability and g:'eat earnestness at many places through the State. There ore evidences of an awakened interesr, and some improvements r»re already on foot. In a number of com ties i schools have been r.ombinrd for l better work, securing bettor wages and improved building--. We have come to a new era ;in the history of rural* public schools, and it will bo well if every county and*every district will share m the advance. We counsel our country teachers to uivH the schools their sympathy and encouragement. Show your interest bv intelligent as sistance ot your local board, and l>v kindly attention to the teach e rs.—C ent ra 1 Pre sby ter ia n WHAT'S IX A NAME? Evervtliiug is in a name when it comes to Witch llazd Salve. E. C!. Do Witt «fe Co.*of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Ys itch Hazel thr.t is a specific for piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises, and all skin dis eases De Witt's Salve has 110 equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counter feits." Ask for DeWitt's —the genuine .—Hood & Grantham. i " 3 It's no si en that honest men are too plentiful because there's a rcwaad olFercd for a thief. CAUTION. This is not a gentle word —: but when you think how li- , ,able you are not to purchase for 75c the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since j 19©S for the cure and treatment I of Consumption and lliroat and Lung troubles without losing its areat popularity ail these years, you will be thankful we cade-.! vour attention to Boschees' Gor man Syrup. There are -o many ordinary cou :h remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and good for light ! colds perhasis, but for Coughs, | Bronchitis, Croup, and esoeci j ally for Consumption, where ! there is difficult expectoration j 1 and coughing during the night =( 1 and at mornings, there is noth-j ing like German Syrup. j I by all dr'rggista in the civilized | 'world. G. G. Giifkn, Woodbury, N.J. J ; TOWN DIRECTORY. CHrRCBES. I(3lst Church—Rev. E. M. s ! ■ : rf\ ;es firnt Sunday niglit. and fourth b-m -t/ morning and night. Prayer meeting ( .„// Wednesday night. Fiitviay jjchcol every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O. K,; .Irant ham superintendent Daptist Chur«*.-Rev.w. B. M rtcn. pastor 1 services ist aud frd Sunday i Prayerinpetlnjt every Thui'J lay nij;!.. , A iudajr Schoolevery Bsait> utoritlug, R.u. j ■ xaylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Chuicb.-R*v. R. W. H!a?s j pastor. S-rviees every first and iiflh Sunday . morning and night. Sunday school every Suuday morning,D- H. McLean, Superinten dent Diactple Church—Rev. J. J. IXarper, pas tor. Services every third Sunday jnorr.ius ~iud nlffHt Prayer meeting every Tuesday uight. Sunday School every Sunday evening - it S o'clock Rov. X. B. Iloud Suvt. Fl-ee Will Baptist Church.—Elder J. F j Hilt pastor. Services every first -aul-.v . morning and nifiht in the iieti.odi.-st Church. - I primitive Baptist.—Church on Broadatreet j Elder B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servj | sea on the third Sabbath morning. and S.atur- j lay before, in each month at 11 o clock. i LOD3E. Palmyra Lodge, No. IJ7, A. P. £A. M. Hall at Masonic Tempi"*. Z l"nyl»r, \V . >».;' II L. G«»flwin, ». W.; H, B. Awfarsois, :J, W.; W. A. Stewart, Stc lli-jjular ■ i -ommuDications are held on the 3rd i-atur lay at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the Ist Friday jtt o'clock p. to. iu eaeh month. All M»- j ious in good standing are cordially invited | to attend these commucicatlons. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Young, Mayor. CovjMiaaioNKßS V. L. Stephens. llcD. Holliday, J. D. Barnes ! I A. Taylor. w. H. Duncap. Policeman. » County Officebh | Sheriff.Silas A.Salmon. ! Clerk. l»r. J. K. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. 0. Holloway. I Treasurer. L. 1). Matthews. -j Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Corocor. Dr. J. F. McKay County Examiner, Rev. J. R. Black. Commissioners: E. F. Young, Ch&irma.i J. Hinttb. T. A Harrington. ! d J3*. S3 '3? C 3 X5. ~Z A. = ' Hears tha BOU^ JOHN* A. McKAY. • E.F.YOUNG Tie Ji. 1 Metaj liliirai Ci. Manufacturers of Turpentine TOOLS, MACHINISTS, IRON & BUASS FOUNDERS, AND GEN EUAL META LWO KIvEItG. * > „, , Machine work of e'/ery description. A. li. rarquhars . . Machinery and. Mill FARQUIIAR & CO'S Machinery and Southern Saw Works' Saws. We have an up-to-date plant and guarantee satisfaction. THE JoIIIS A. MCKAY ..M'F'G. CO. iVUNN. N. C. The Dispensary Followed B) \ Prohibition. A fev.- years ago. by legisla tive enactment, saloons were abolished in Cumberland coun ty and a dispensary.established, j There was bitter opposition to I the dispensary, and as soon as! the next Legislature 'met, a de-j t j rmincd tight was made to have it abolished and the old order of) things established. This failed.; and then the anti-dispen- j sary people secured the passage | of an act abolishing the dis-; pen-ary and giving th.e county absolute prohibition with a pro- i vision that the matter should be 1 determined by popular vcte of the county at the next general election. It was the expecta tion, of course that prohibition would fail. But lo! and be-! hold, when th.e election was| held recently in Cumberland; there was 1,842 votes for prohi bition to only 532 against it. Doubtless the liquor men, who) .•stablished prohibition, wish j now they had let that dispen-j sary alone. In Macon county also a dis-} pensary was established somej time ago. In this, case, how-J ever, if wo remember aright, i the anti-prohibition element got 1 the dispensary because they j could not get the open saloon, j The prohibition element- opposed J it. and' at the recent election, i the dispenserv was voted out j.iud prohibition takes its place. ! Siatesville Landmark. CURES CA NCEU AND BLOOD Pol SOX. If YOU have blood poison pro-, ducing eruptions, pin.pies,. ulcers, swollen glands, bumps j and risings, burning, itching skin, copper colored spots or ra>h on the skin,mucous patches; in mouth or throat,tailing l.air, bone pains, old rheumatism or foul catarrh, take Botanic; Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It kills; the poison it; the blood ; soon ; all sores, eruptions heal, hard; swellings subside, aches and. pains l op *• id a perfect cu?o is ; ;r; ~ the worst cases ot blood j poison. 1 For cancers, tumors, swell-' | ings, eating sores, ugly ulcers; persistent pun pies ot all kinds j take B. B. B. It destrovs the ! cancer poison in the blood,heals cancer of :il 1 kinds, cures the worst humors of suppurating! swellings. Thousands cured: UyB.ILB. after all else fails, j 15. B. B. is composed of pure; botanic ingredients. Improves! the digestion, makes the blood j pure rich, stops the awiui inf and all sharp shooting! pains. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Druggists, $l, per bottle, with complete direc tions for home cure. Samp»es free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free med ical rid vice also sent in sealed I letter. Don't argue with a fool. Lis eners will say there are two of a kind. A FRIGHTENED lIORSE, Running like mad down the i street, dumping the occupants. ;or a dozen other accidents, are 'occurring every day. It be hooves everybody to have a re | liable Salve handy and there's | none as gcod as Buckleu's Ar ! nica Salve. Burns cuts, sores, eczema and piles disappear quicklv under its soothing effect. 25c at C. L. Wilson's drug store. UP-TO-BAT'S] Bring us your broken Frames and Paits. We can make them good as new. \\ e areprepaied to do work on short notice, and deliver it when promised Bicycles I sell Standard Bicycles at $15.00. See them be fore buying elsewhere Si mclries There is 110 end to the Sundries we carry, and at prices down below zero Serving liiios We always have plenty Ball Bearing New Home Sewing Machines 011 hand. We also have the New Ideal Machine for $20.00 REPAIRING DEPARTMENT Mr. .Tas. W. Driver has charge of the Bicycle Re pair Department. He is an expert in his business and will guarantee to do your work satisfactorily. We are now located at the stand formerly occupied by Merchants and Farmers Bank on Hail road street, opposite the dept. Come and see us ' M. JF\ G-AINEY, DUNN. N. C. A Clean Sheet for To-day. j 1 i If you would increase your j happiness and prolong your 1 life,forget your neighbors fauUs. ,• * Forget all the slanders you have £ ever"heard. Forget the tempta- tions. Forget the fault-finding ) and give a little thought to the * cause that provoked it. Forget * the peculiarities of your friends, k and remember the good points 1 that make you fond of them. 1 Forget all the personal quarrels 1 aiuUiistories you have heard by 1 accident, and which if repeated would seem a thousand times worse than they are. iUot out,! as far as possible, all the disa-i greeables of life. They will j come, but they will grow larger j whenycu remember them, and, the constant thought of the actj ( of meanness, or worse still.mal-J ice, will only tend to make you more familiar with them. Ob literate everything disagreeable . from yesterday ; start out with a clean sheet for toda}, and write upon it for sweet mem ory's sake, only those things which are lovely and loveable. —Selected. { l It will be good news to the mothers of small children to learn that croup can be pre vented. The first sign of croup] is hoarseness. A day or two before the attack the child be comes hoarse. This is soon fol lowed by a peculiar rough cough Give "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely as soou as the '.child becomes hoarse, or even ! after the cough appears, and it | will dispel all symptoms of ; croiip. In this way all dan i ger and anxiety may be avoided I This remedy is used by many I thousands of mothers and has i never been known to fail. It is, {in fact, the only remedy that ! can always be depended upon and that "is pleasant and safe to I take. For sale by Hood & Gran -1 th am. Hays for Itself. Tn Switzerland, the ideal re public of the world, the school house is the most elegant of all the buildings in the town—the eh'ect of mechanical genius without, and of artistic genius within* The sight of the build ing is an inspiration. It is the town's pride. Pupils are taught good manners, good morals, pa triotism, love and respect for the home, for parents, for all in authority, cleanliness of person, proper respect for their fellow man The love for the true and the beautiful is inculcated, and ideals are created. The school is the greatest uplifting force in the republic. A statesman vis iting America >b>.erved a very high fence a mud a fanner's orchard. He asked as to the purpose of the fence. He was told that it was to keep out the boys. "What," he said, "have you no schools in America?" — CUas. 1 Pa ker' of North Caro lina. FIGHT WILL IJE BITTER. Those who will persist in clo iiig their ears against the continual recommendation of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read; what T. R. Beall, of Beall. Miss., has to say : "Last fall my wife had everv symptom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Dis covery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her. Guaranteed by C. L. Wilson, Druggist. Price 50 cents and $l.OO. Trial bot tle*. free. Reform isn't what it is lec tured up to be. Wor y makes everybody thin except fat people who worry their fatness. Following close on the ap palling destruction of St. Pierre bv Pelee and tlio havoc wrought on the Island of St Vincent by La Soufriere, the outbreak of the volcano Santa Maria in Gautamaula is a matter of the greaetst possible? interest to sci entists. Dr. Edward 0. Hovey of the American Museuili of Natural History, who was one of tlie first on the scene ot Ma - unique's disaster, said that, while there was undoubtedly some coansctio i between the volcanic outbreak in West In dies, and the vo'canic outbreak in Central America, it was not clear just what it was. In re spo :-e to an inquiry whether as ai .oult of their investigations in;o the tragedy of St. Pierre scientists had evolved any new theories about volcanic ; ction, he replied succinctly, "Bunches of them !" Bud he adnf.tte 1 also that the theories were merely theories, and that while there were as many of them as there were men in a position to theor ize, none of thein could as yet be regarded as sufficiently sub stantial for general scientific acceptance. Prof, lleilprin, who made perhaps, tli9 most exhaustive investigations of the outbreaks of Pelee and Soufriere and was an eyewitness to several sub sequent eruptions—iu fact, it was at one time feared that he had lost his life in one of them regards the activity of Santa Mara as confirmation of the the ory to which his investigation has led him. He believes that; the unwonted vo'canic upheav- i als iu tropical North America are all surface manifestations of extensive changes that are taking place in the ocean bed, j changes that will involve a con-; siderable subsidence of the Car- j ibbean sea. According to Prof. Heilprin, j the lesser Antiliies are the out- j crop pings of a subterranean northeasterly extension of the Andean mountain range. The is j lands are merely the tops of particularly lofty peaks. To ; his mind the Andes when they! reach Colombia, are divided,' one branch being shorily sub- j merged and only here and there j pushing a peaic above the seaj level; the other, the main | branch, extending up the entire Pacific Coastlines of Central| and North America and eventu-! ally making its way over to! Asia byway of the Aleutian! Islands. This theory of the subsidence i of the Caribbean involves the: theory of settling of the ocean bed in that part of the world, and its cracking as it settles. Through these great cracks it is believed that the sea has leaked in upon ;he superheated inte ; rior of the earth and vastquan i titles of steam have been gener lated which have forced a way ! out at various points in what, geologists call the "line of weakness," that is the line of least resistance. Kidney axd Bladder Diseases Are generally caused by an ex cess of uric, lactic a lithic. acids in the system. URICSOL, the great California Rheumatic Remedy, correct* the diathesis and thus cures rheumatism, sci atica. lumbago, neuralgia, and j manv forms of liver,kidney and bladder troubles. See adver tisement elsewhere and send for | book of particulars to the La mar Rankin Drug Co., At lanta, Ga., or URICSOL Chem ical Co., Los Angeles, Cal. All druggists sell it at $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. The moral about deception is that you would never do it if you knew you were going to be found out. If you would have an appe tite like a bear and a relish for your meals, take Chamberlain's j Stomach and Liver Tablets. They correct disorders of the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Price 25 cents. Samples free at Hood & Gran tham's drug store. A man may know his own mind, and not know very much at that. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought FOR HARNESS rm '' Rows Moxlonn Mustang LInU atoum i v M i nu nt ls just what you need. it takes effects at ouce, aud jou will l>e ustouislied to Geo liovv quickly it heals sores. i It's this way: ' ' ' You can burn yourself with Fire7with I Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself J with Steam or Hot Water, but there is 3 only one proper way to cure a burn or ,2 scald and that is by using ". Mexican Mustang Liniment^ It gives iramediate relief. Get a piece of soft old 1 1 linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind I loosely upon the wound. Y'ou can have no adequate | idea what an excellent remedy this is for a burn until > i jou have tried it. -'sg ** J • | Acnu/I TIP If you have a bird afflicted with Roup or any I \J SS km 111. other poultry diseaso uso Mexican Mustang Liniment. It is called a stakdahu remedy by xwultry breeders. Are You Worth What YOJ Cost? \ boy or girl is quite a costly investment,even as far as money is concerned. It would not be a bad problem to esti mate roughly just how much you have cost your pa rents during your life time, count in your board and cloth ing, vour doctor's bills, the money that has been spent on your pleasure,and yeu will open vour when you come to add up the different items. But after all the money ex penditure represents only a small part of your cost. For the first few years of your life it took all of your mother's time and strength to care for you. llow she has watched over you when you were sick ! What anxious thought has been septit in giving you the very best sort of training ! Many a man has made a- fortune with I less pains and hard work than jhas bekn spent on you. You have cost a good deal. That is settled, and the next I question is, are you worth it? ! Sometimes we hear of wealthy ! men spending a fortune to pur ! chase a single painting or jewel. | When we come to make inquir -1 ies we find that the painting is a masterpiece and sure to ap preciate in value as time passes, or that the jewel is flawless and worth all that was paid for it. But sometimes men spend great sums on paintings that arei poor imitations of the old mas ters, or 011 paste diamonds, and then- the world concludes that they have been taken in and pities them accordingly. Are you worth what you have cost? This is a question to think about. The sham jewel cannot make itself over, 'ut : boys and girls who have been j thoughtless and carelsss in the j past can resolve that in the fu jture they will be worthy of all that has been done for them. Young People's Weekly. "W ANTED. We would like to ask,through the columns of your paper if there is any person who has used Green's August Flower for the cure of indigestion, dyspep sia and liver troubles that has not been cured —and we a'so mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual costiveness, nervous dyspepsia, headaches, despond ent feelings, sleeplessness —in fact, any trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civilized countries, and we wish to correspond with ytni and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try one bottle lirst We have never known of its failing. If so, i something more serious is the ! matter with you. Ask your [oldest druggest. G. G GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. It does not take a great deal kissing of lips to kiss away all their sweetness. The Soil, tli era. Railway. Announces the Opening of the Winter Tourist Season And the placing oa sale of Excursion Tickets To all prominent points in the South, Sout.iiwest, West West Indies Mexicoand Caiilornin. Inclurfitu; St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam pa, Port Tampa, 11 runs* ivick, Thomasviile, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pin e hurst, Ashevilie, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF TIIE SKY. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Car Service on all Trains. See that jour ticket"reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address R. L. VKRNON, C. W. WKSTBURY Traveling Pass Agt., District Pass. Agt. C2ia.rlotte. ST. C. S.Lcls.naoao.3., "Va. S. 11. H Also WICK, General Passenger Agent, •f. M. GULI', W. A. TURK, Traffic Matia;r-i\ Asst. Pass, Traffic Mgt ■Watciiins-toja.. X 3. G. REVOLUTION IMMINENT. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the trouble some causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys, aud bowels, stimulate the liver aud clarify the blooa. Run down systems benefit par ticularly, and all the usual aches and pains vanish under its searching and thorough ef fectiveness. Electric bitters is only 50 cents and that is re turned il it don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by C. L. Wilson, druggist. "Winter Homks in Summstr Lands." The above is the title of an • attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a two-cent stamp to S. 11. Hardwick, G. P. A., Washington D. C.