) H *•* • * * ( > ' SF.', J-JF /;« 1 -v - »'Vr* rV* • «•* Mii/in V" f| SUBSCRIBE FOR || If YOUR HOME PAPER. S || It only costs $1 a year, p 1\ jf Albert B. Haroid, '• . 1 " • : ' ••J —ATTORNEY AT LAW,— ; DUNN, N. C. h Practice wherever service re-J 1 quired. Prompt attention to :. 11 b iiiaiss. Collections: a{1 'i tlcy T. E. Whitiker, ATTOiIXEY-AT-LAW, • DUNN. N . C l . ; Practice wherever his services are required, K. S. SMITH. M. V. UATCUKR. j Smith & Hatcher, Attoreys-at-Law, DUNN, - - - N. C. l'r.-on• it l itie «'t ttic State. I'ro npi attention tauU busiiH'SS entru«ti'l. Ollloe itv Tii:-: BANNKU Building. 11. Vcf.EAN. -T- C. CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, , DUNN, : : : : N. C. Office oyer M*.'i»-I«s»Bt?^c.Fa»-iH.or S cJfonfc-: W. A. STEWART. .. ..H.L.GODWIN STEWART & GOM, ; Attorneys asd Counsellofs-at-law, DUNK, N. C. Will practice " ia and Federal Courts but not for fun. W- E- Murcliisoii, JONESBOUO N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, iloorc anc 1 . other counties., but not for fun. Feb. -20-1 y. Dr. J- C. DENTIS". Dunn, N. C. Ortice rooms on second floor J.. J. Wade's building. THE BM DUNS. CAPITAL STOCK:#2O,OOO. We otfer unsurpassed , ?advan tages. aud loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent* with conservative banking. L. J. BEST, President. J. W. PURD-TK, Cashier. DR. 0. L WILSON, DUIMrJ, IM. Office over Merchants & Farm ers New Bank next door to Hood & Grantham. iterm ® ••*1 m, mil; tc. CAPITAL) STQCK $20,000. Every jaicpmhAdati6n offefred ';:.tojtii? publiq.. ♦ E; F/ President; V. L. STEPHBiNS, Cashier. • « v —Ja— v —l LJ> This is the season of the year when the prudeii^SaS : : : :?flS®®s? housewife replenishes her sup ply of Chamberlain's .Cough, Remedy. It is certain to be needed before \y inter is over and results are much more sat isfactory and prompt when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the cold is contracted and,before it has become settled in tiie system. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking the rem edy freely as soon as the. first.in dication of the cold appears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains n6 harmful substance. It is pleas ant to » adVilts :\atd children like it. Buy it and you will get the best. It al ways cures. For sale by H-bod .V Grantham. /- .._ "r g |- Q ' •• r;-'"""" Vol. 12. 77 Secret of a Long and Happy ■ X Life.. You sometimes see a woman whose old age is as exquisite as Was the perfect bloom of her yo..th, says the Pittsburg Dis- • patch. You wonder how it is her life has been a long and -j happy one. Here are some of! the reasons * She knew how to forget the I disagreeable things. She kept her nerves well isi j ■ hand, au inflicted them on no! :One. She mistered the art of say ing pleasant things. She did not expect too much j j from her friends. She made v. hatever work came to her congenial. She retained her illusions and did not believe the world wicked or unkind.; She relieved the miserable and sympathized with the sor rowful. She never forgot that kind | words and a smile cost nothing, ! buß" are priceless treasures to j the discouraged. She did unto others as she i would be done by, and now that! old age has come to her, and; there is a halo of white hair about her head, she is loved and ! considered. -This is the secret, of-a long life, and a happy one. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Everything is in a name when it conies to Witch Hazel Salve. E. 0. DeWitt & Co.'of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make a- salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises, an.d ail skin dis eases De Witt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous, worthless counter feits'. ' Ask for DeWitt's —the genuine.—Hood & Grantham. What has only one foot? A stocking. v;. ' CAI TIOX. :: &%his is hot li gentle word— but when you think how li able you are not to purchase for Toe the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 18oS for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing itfc great popularity all these years, you will be thankful we called your attention to Boschees Ger man Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others, that arc cheap and good for light colds perhaps, but for Coughs, Bronchitis,. Croup,:and especi | ally for Consumption, where there is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nights and ;it mornings, there is noth ing like German Syrup. Sold by°alEdruggists in the civilized world. " G. G. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. TOWN DIRECTORY. a . I CHURCHES. >3ist Church-Rev. E. M. Snii-es Pastor »)Y7lsesfirst Snnday uight, and fourth Scu • .>/• merttto* and Prayenneetiny ; /erj Weduesday uight. Sunday yclicci every Sunday morning at 1U o'clock, U. K, Orantham Superlutendeat Baptist Church.-Rev. w. B. Morton, pastor. Services Ist and 3rd Sunday morning and night. Prayeruieeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, R. Q. 'fayipr Bui«irly tendent. Presbyterian Chu*sli.—&ev. R. W. Hlnes uastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday naming and night, Sunday school every Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superinten dent Disciple Church—Rev. J- J- Harper, pas tor. Services every third Sunday moruljig iud nigltt. Prayer Tuesday •uiglit: Sttnday School every Bunday eveuin* >t 3 o'clock Rev. K.;.8. Hood 9upt. j Free Win Bapttfet Chtrr^h.—Elder T. F 41 tii ■ i>aBtor. Services every first Sun lav morning and night In the Metnodlst Church. Rrtmi*iyqßsi>tl#t on Broad street Sfcltjr ;B. J W*>oj; Pastor. Regular servi * 3%8 on the thirdSabbaOi morning, and Satur iay before, in each month at 11 o'clock. p, v:r^x-.-:::sv>r LODGE. Palmyra T.odge, No. 117, A. P. kA. M. Hall at Masonic T«nil»l**-. Z Taylor, W. XI.; ' H T,. Go-hvin, S. W ; H, 15. Aiirterson, •1.W.; w. A. Stewart, Sec lteizular ' 'pmrntamcationa are hsld-on the isrd Sat.ur iay at 10 o'clock A. ll'., and' ou the Ist Friday vt 7:30 o'clockP- m. in each month. All Ma ions in good standing are cordially invited i to attend these communications, s TOWN OFFICERS. ' M. T..Young, Mayor. COMMISSIONEBS 7. L. Stephens, McD. Holliday, J. D. Barnes J A.Taylor. W.H. Duncan; Policeman. ■---nomrtT OFTICKBS . ■■•■■■■ Lf . Sheriff.Silas A.Salmon. Clerk.Dr. J. H. Withers. (Register of Deeds- A. 0. Holloway. 1 Tteasurei, L. D.i Matthews. l Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. 1. 8. Black. I Commissioner* : E. F. Young, Chairman J. A. Smith, T. A Harrington. JOIIN A. MoKAY. E. E. YOUNG Manufacturers of Turpentine tools, machinists, ikon & MHH BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GEN- EiJ A L M ETA I, W U Itli vM-. , ,> -j, , , Machine A. Jh. larquhars |f > ;; ■ % % i"' | ■, . Machinery aniiMMSilpoMsl XA-jct/AV FARQUHAR & CO'S Machinery and Southern Saw Works' Saws. We . . .. * i s * I**'.".-* " *"* -* have an up-to-date plant and guarantee satisfaction. THE JOHN A. MCKAY \f'F'G. CO. h DUNN. N. C. Future Commanders of Our Army. General Corbin thinks he is ! "betraying no confidence" in announcing that General S, B. i M; Vonug will siu ; General Miles as Lieuteuint Genera 1 of J the army when thp lai'ter retiresj next August, General Cii.uice' has been.."slated'Vi'or this: po-j sition, but General Cfirbin isj "the fountain head of military and the:'general; opinion is that this announce ment has official inspiration, and approval. General Young: entered the army as a private' in 1861, rose to the rank of | brevet Brigadier General in ISGS, and re-entered the regular army in 18G8 as a secQnd lieu tenant. Wlien the Spanish War broke out he became a Ma-j jor General af volunteers,fought j the battle of Las Gausitnas, and later went to ; the Philippines. Last winter he was chosen io be president of tlie new War : Colieire at Washingtan. Gen eral Young will hold the posi-; tion only a few months, when he will be retired ; the next in ' line is General Chatfee, whose term of service will be short. i General Chaflee will probably; be succeeded by General Corbin himself after whom comes Gen-| eral Mac Arthur. None of these Generals will have a long lease of office, but General Leonard W»od, who is next in rank to General Mac Arthur, will have several years of active service. —Public opinion. CTRKS CANCER AND BLOOD j POISON. If you lrave blood poison pro ducing eruptions, pimples. \ ulcers, swollen glands, bumps j and risings, burning, itching skin, copper colored spots or | rash on the skin,mucous patches j in mouth or throat,falling hair, j bone pains, old rheumatism or foul catarrh, take Botanic- Blood Balm (I>. B. B.) It kills j the poison in the blood;-soon! jail sores, eruptions heal, hard ■ swellings subside, aches and i ,i:;> - O}V and a ix'rfect cure is made of the worst cases of blood poison. For cancers, tumors, swell ings, eating sores, ugly ulcers persistent pimples of. all kinds take B. B. B. It destroys the cancer poison in the blood,heals cancer of all kinds, cures the worst humors of suppurating swellings. Thousands cured byB.B. B. after all else fails. B. B. B. is composed of pure botanic ingredients. Improves the digestion, makes the bipod pure rich, stops the awful itch* iug and all sharp shooting! pains. Thoroughly tested for] thirty years. Druggists, $l, : per bottle, with complete direc tions for home cure. Samples free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free med ical advice also sent in sealed letter. Getting engaged is like run ning to a fire; oft°r they aie married they walk back. A FRIGHTENED HORSE, Running like mad down the streeL dumping the occupants, or a dozen other accidents, are occurring every day. It be hooves everybod}' to have a ie liable Salve handy and there's none as good sis Bucklen s Ar nica Salve:,.:;; Burns cutSi sores, eczema"*' and piles' disappear quickly under its soothing eilect. 25c at" C. L. Wilson's drug store. Dunrv, ri. c. dec. It, 1002 ■ { Bring us your broken| Frama| .and Pa«|s We can make them good as:i&ewr. ;i> WiP to do work on sliort notice, jr^iV^r-VlelW^r :• promised- vyv^ ... •.• s, ; . x Bicycles I sell Standard Bicyclesat.sls y oo.' See them' be- ' fore buying elsewhere Sundries There is "no end to the Sundries we carry, and at prices down below zero.. .i . ..;. V. • . Sewing iV-Taclimes We always have plenty Ball Bearing New Home Sewing-Machines ou hand. We also have the New Ideal Machine for #2t)iQo REPASRSIVJG DEPARTHSSNT Mr. Juis. W. Driver has charge of the Bicycle Re pair Department. He is an expert in his business and will guarantee to do : your work satisfactorily. We are now located at the stand formerly occupied bv Merchants and Farmers Bank on Railroad.street, opposite the dept. Come and see us m:. f. gainey, DUNN, N. C. .Newly Married. She was newly married and did not..know a little about housekeeping or shopping, ant) she was giving her first It was a crusher ; but the grot Cer was a clever man, and waij used to all kinds of orders and could interpret them easily. "I want two pounds of • penal ized sugar," s'ne began. '■ Yes'm". Anything else? "Two tins condemned milk." "Yes'm." He set down pulverized sugar and condensed milk. "A ba" of fresh salt. Be sure, it is fresh." "Yes'm. What next?" "A pound of desiecrated cod." He wrote glibly . "dedicated cod." "Nothing more ma'am? \V e have some nice horseradish just in." " "No, she said," "it would be of no use to us; We don t keep a liorse," Then the grocer sat down and fanned himself with a wash boarth although the temperature was freezing. —Selected,. It will be good news to the : mothers of small children to learn that croup can be pre vented. The first sign of cioup is hoarseness. : A day or two before the attack the child be comes hoarse. This is soon fol lowed bv a peculiar rough cough Give Chamberlain's Coufjli Remedy freely as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of croup, in this way all dan ger and anxiety may be avoided This remedy is used by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail. It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take..For sale by Hood & Gran tham- 3 He who runs may read —if lie succeeds in catching his train. Prove all things; Jiold fast that which is good." FIGHT WIU. BE BITTER. Those . who will persist in closing tiicir ears against the continual recommendation of Dr. King's New Discovery for -consumption, will have a long ( and bitter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination, Read what T. R.'Beall, Qt' Beall, Miss., has to say : "Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. , (She"took Dr. King's New Dis-: , co-very after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles, entirely cured her. Guaranteed by C. L. Wilson, Druggist. Price 50 cents and SI.OQ. Trial bot tles free. ( It is easier for the average , woman to4»aice : up her face than i her niiud, j KU)NS)Y AKP BLADDER DISEASES ! T . ! ; J Are generally caused by an ex- i| cess of urie, lactic a lithic- acids in the system. UIiICSOL, the , ■great California Rheumatic. Remedy, corrects' tile diathesis and thus cures rlieumatism, sci- ( jatica, lumbago, neuralgia, and • many forms of liver, kidney and • bladder troubles. See adver- i tiseinent elsewhere and send for book of particulars to the La mar & Rankin Drug Cp., At- Tanta, Ga., or URIC SOL Che in-, leal Co., Los Angeles, Cal. All druggists sell it at $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. ; Bookkeepers and washwomen always know when to draw the fine. •••-• 1 " " ••; *. : 1 .I ~ -W —• ' If you would have an ■ appe tite like'a bear arid a relish for yotir meals, take Chamberlain's* Stomach and Liver 1 ablets. They correct" disorders of the stomach and regulate tliti 'liver , and b >vvels. Price 25 cents. ' J Samph-s free at Hood & Gran h im's lrug store. toothsome Sandwiches. Nuts are especially good for school luncheon sandwiches, be cause they take the place of meat,-, which grows tiresome ; :when eaten ill sandwiches id ay after day, says the New York Tribune. Of all nuts the most palatable land' ;nourishing when mixed with other food is the English walnut They are ex pensive but they can be bought in quantity at the rate of seven potindsifor .$l. They will keep tor months, and if they scicm dry \vli n n shelled can be boihd a few minutes to soften them. Chopped or pounded ftu-, Eng lish walnutsare* good mixed with chopped figs or :datcs,mak ing a hnost 'appetizing and healthful sandwich. The nuts ran be mixed with chopped eggs i:Jso, or with chopped meats. For an olive sandwich cut the meat oft' the stones, chop it fine, rrrix'it' wiilr mayonnaise and spread ou very thin slices of' bread, from which the crust lia been., removed.. . No bu ter is necessary ' with mayonnaisa. Bana=ia saudwichrs- are ve -y agreeable to some palates. Slice the bread very thin and spread with mayonnaise and sliced ba nana. ~ A gingerbread sandwich is a pleasant dainty for luncheon or afternoon tea." Cut squares of ilie gingerbread, split ijiem in two and spread with Neufchatit l cheese and preserved ginger. | A nice hot sandwich is made by cutting bread half an inch thick. Cut out a square in the middle of the slice,, half way through, and lill with a square j of cream cheese. Sprinkle with salt and paprika, cover with a a thin slice of bread, brush over with white of egg, toast in a toaster and serve hot. This ia good dish, for luncheon, aud it is particularly delicious for. a regalement. It would be good at an informal party, at which only one hot dish was to be served. —Boston Transcript. "W.VNTKn. We would like to ask,through the columns of your paper if there is any person who- has used Green's August Flower for tho cure of indigestion, dyspep sia and liver troubles that has not been cured—and we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food> habitual costiveness, nervous dyspepsia, headaches, despoiuli ent feelings, sleeplessness—in fact, any trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civilized countries; and we wish to correspond with you and send you one of our hooks 'free of cost. If you nevef tried August Flower, try one bottle lirst We have never known of its failing. If so, something more serious is tho matter with you. Ask your oldest druggest. G. G GREEN, : Woodbury, N. J. : '••• ——- It is easier for the lan ilord to raise the reut than it is for the tenant. . A Co LB WAVE, The forecast, of sudden changes in the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough may invade the sanctity of health in your own home. Cautious people have a bottle of One ..Minute Cough lOure always at. hand. E. 1L ; Wise. Madison, Ga., wites . "I am indebted to One Minute ; •Cough Cure for my present j Igood health and probably my ; ■life." It cures coughs, colds, j la grippe, bronchitis, pneu- : monia and all throat and lung trouble. One Minute Cough :Cure cuts the phlegm, draws : out the inflammation, heals and : soothes the -mucous membranes sand • strengthens the lungs. Hood & Grantham. 7 : When is a clock on the stairs dangerous? When it runs down and strikes oue.: | No one can reasonably hope for good health unices his bow- : els move once each day. When tihis is, not attended to, disorders Of the stomach arise, biliious ijess, headache . and piles soon follow. If you wish .to avoid* these ailments keep your bowels regular by. taking Chamber-: lain's Stomach .Tab lets when required. They arp, easy to take aud mild and gen ' tie in effect. For sale by Hood |& Grantham. : / : .,h - J FOR HARNESS anf,J :*rtdle Sore* Mexican Mustang Lbb atouce amkvon »*n i ]s Just what you need. It takes effect at ouee, auctyou will be astouushod to seo Low quickly it heals sore#. • ' You can burn j-ourself with Fire,'withal Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself with Steam or Hot Water, but there is only one proper way to cure a burn orji l •• scald and that is by using 1 ~ 7 '" : x Mexican j Mustang Liniment}! ■ It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old j '' '' i linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind I loosely uj>on the wound; You can have no adequate f■ ' . ; • idea what an excellent remedy this is for a burn until fi ■■' •' jou have,tried it. . .. 4;m* - ■ Acnu/I TIP If >" ou haTO a bird afflicted with Roup ok* any 1 1,1 ■ other poultry disease use Mexican Mustang Liniment. It is called a STANUAKD remedy by poultry breeders. ™' '• • .. ■: J. •,• • War on the Lonq Skirts. Short skirts for women are coming into greater favor every day and Tor good reasons. They are not only more convenient than long, dragging skirts, but are much more serviceable. The strongest argument in favor of the short skirt, however, is tliat it is so much easier to keep cleau and is, therefore, much more healthful. The subject of dress reform is being discussed with great interest in Canada. Not by women alone, but by physicians and health authori ties. One of the subjects most fully considered at a large con vention of physicians in Otto wa recently was tuberculosis. An eminent physician gave it as his opinion that one-fifth of all the deaths in Canada last year resulted from pulmonary con sumption. There was a con census of Opinion that trailing skirts were veritable germ traps and tliHt their use out of doors ishould be strongly discontinued. It is very difficult to make fash ions conform to rules of com mon sense, but the reasons for abolishing trailing skirts for street wear should be sufficient to appeal effectively to every woman who values her health. Dragging skirts are not neces sary to woman's attractiveness. Atlanta Journal;- ELECTRIC Linux m fRAINS Ar© operated by the Between TEXAS And the , , North arid East Between BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, Anil tho North and West XSatween OKLAHOMA And thp , . North and East! -Observation cafe cars, oader tho management of Fred Harvey. Equip ment of; tha latest and best design. W-4a————r»- i. i mmmmmmmm J CJ-A-STOHX-A.. fc argthB HarC AI ' WlfS cUttiii I', s. an-' Foreigu^^ it v 1 - 1 invention for Hfiro;v>rt For free book J, I Opposits U. S. Patent WASHINGTON D. C. \ No, 48 The Southern Railway. Announces the-. Opening of the Winter j Tourist Season And tlie placing on sale of—— Excursion Ticket* To all proraiuent points in the South, Sotitnwest, West West Indies Mexicoand California. .... , Including St. Augustine, '"Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tam l>a, Port Tampa, Bruns wick, Thornasville, : Charleston, Aiken, . Augusta, Pin e- , l«urafc, Asheville, Atlanta, New : Or : • ••• leans, Memphis ... > • • and 1 THE LAND OF THE BKT. Perfect Dining and Sleeping- Oar Service on all Trains. See that your ticket'reads' ' VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAX.. V. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address • R. L. VERNON. 0. W. WESTBURV Traveling Pat's Agt., ; . Di.xp-ict Vaaa. ■Agt. Ch a.rlotte. C. XSJ.cla.rri.»ia.A, T«. , S. H. HARPWJpK,, .. t .. Geiiersil .Passenger Ageut.i J. M. Ouw, W.. A. TURK, . Traffic Manager. A«st, Pasv, Traßf 33, O. REVOLUTION 1M MINKNT. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious, trouble your system is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. . Electric . Bitters .will quickly dismember the trouble some causes. It h'eveij fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys, and bowels, simulate the liver and clari blood. Run down systems benefit' par ticularly, and all the usual aches and pains vanish uuder •itssearching and thorough ef fectiveness. Electric bitter® i#' only 50 cents and that is- re turned it it don't give perfeet satisfaction. Guaranteed by 1 (J k L. Wilson, druggist. -•« -■>• ' I •i' WINTER HOMKS IN SUMMIT* ... 'i «M LANDS.'! The above is the title,, of an , attractive booklet just issued bj i the Passenger. Department of ; the Southern Railway.. . Jt i» beautifully illustrated and fully , describes the win tec resorts. of t the Sou*h. A... .copy... way..be.,, secured bv seudiug a t*o-cent stamp to S. 11. Haidwick, Q. P. A., Washington D. C,

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