1 .If . '- . -v.- i. A'".. t P If. Hryiler, I.3ilor and Proprietor. UTE AR9 MX ITJE.' Subscription $1.00 Per Year in AdTaa .VOLUME li DUNN, 'NORTH CAROLINA, ATJQ-TJST 7th, 1889. NUMBER 49 -r ' . hi' 1 i : 1 : i . i BAIL WAY GUIDE. Dunn, June 1st, 188$. rriiin ftiriv from, iayattevllle 9:40 a. in. ir. " " Wllaou 5 p.m. rrfLin Irf .v-3 for Wilson 8:50 &mq. L.r Fayottevllle 6:10 i. iu. DIRECTORY. COUNTY AND TOWN GOVERN MENTLODGES AND CHURCHES. ;OCJ",V. Clerk Superior Court J ,n. A. Cameron. Ri-gister of Deeds H. T. Spears, l-jriir ColQuel -IcArtaxi Treasurer A. A. Bethea. Coronor S. A. Salmon. -t County Surveyor G. E. Prince. County Supt. Pub. Inst. J. A. Spears 1; 0. C&?x- J. M. nodges, Chair iu F. J. Swann. N. A. Smith, Ed. 1 . -rur 'SIT i- A --v . ..if 4 ii.jirJ L. H. McLean, Esq. 4M. H?OA5i-I OF EDUCATION, j i;. Grady, Chairman, Nl McLeod, ft ii J. J. A. Morgan 'i'OWN, TOUKIV Mayor J.P. Phil '.. Chief of Police J . 1 . helDV. 'commissioners Rev. R. A. Johnson, .A. Parker. Dr. F. T. Moore and J. P. , i-ncries. CKrfc O: iv. Uranuiam. ' Town Attorney L. J.-Best. 1!IIIJRCSIKS. Methodist Rev, J. Y 4:utt. Pastor. Disciples RevwN. B. Hood, Pastor. Y. M. C. A. D. It. titiT, President. Baptist Rev. ' A. Campbell Pastor. S.JiUaff'lK Masonic Z. Taylor, Muster. Odd Fallows, Z. Taylor. V;n:;viv Alliance S. M. Jackson Presi h iit. Knight of Pytliias D. J. Stone )h;ui(:-;or Ccmmawd'.'.r. MEDITATION. Spelal Oor. HiXKTl Couamr bt a All IB. FRFESSIONAL CARDS. The clonpa are gathering here andthre, The sunlight comes atl goes, Ami, quick as thought, the atmoBphere Seems bursting "with lt9 woen Of flnry flashings In the shy. Of thunder's crash and roar, Till we but wonder, with a sigh, When will the storm be o'er! - . 1 "- . 'Tla past. Theun shined out again? v . Ay, brighter than before; And thought the niiaty af ter-raln, Aa In the days of yore, A rainbow's broad and brilliant arch Over-hanga the eastern shore. Made brighter by the constant march Of shadows yet In store. And later on, the sunset tints Of pale-blue, amber, brown, Sea-green and rose. Bind golden mints. With gray and parpla ground, Faint floating argosies of cloud That rise from out the west, Adorn the northa mystic shroud, Then pass away, at. rest. Some of the sadest tests ol life Accost us unawares; The Day-spring comes, with pleasure rife, To Spend Its ve in tears. Hope twines her amaranthine wreath Around these hearts of ours, But Pate, instead, to us beneath The thorns, and not the flowers. Only a few short years. It seems, Since that "sweet long ago," When every day brought happy dreams, Untouched by care or woe. And tho' they're gone, forever gone. There 'amuic in the dell3 The 8of tet, sweetest, deadest tone It is their "memory bells," , , -: f In other homes, as well aa ours,. Life's hurrying cares have come; 6o when wo can not pluck the lk-w'rs, We'll bear the piercing thorn; por should we pin3-oraelves away. O'er broken links of time , The world will move on Just as g&y. The sun as brightly shins. This life, tho long. Is but a span, A.nd, should the tear-drops itow, fLet's give a smile, whon'or wo can, To hide the tracks of woe . And when the clouds begin to rift. Let's pain acrost the sky A '. bow of promise," that may lift Soane weary, weeping eye. For eadest days, some duties wait. And, well it. may be thus; We could not stand the storie of Fftte, Did God not watch for na. iS ud He will chastun whom Ho will. Our souls to purify; He'll help ns climb "life's rugged hill," If faithfully wo try. The Governor haa received official no .ification of the death os Nelson Dewer the first Governor of Wiscon sin. He was elected in 1884, The New Jersy Democrats aro anx ious to nominate Mr. Bayard for Gov ernor. The party i9 solid for him. They think he can carry the Stated iVW?Ba&5i wealthy Tennessee . . V. . . AA AAA batchelor, nas aisiriDuieo 2u,uw among forty one-legged and one-arm- t ed Confederate soldiers ofEastTenn esaee. Prof. J. W. Howell, a educator of Rutledge, Tenn., is dying of hydrophobia. He was bitten thir teen years ago by a black and taa terrier. Two North Carolina Democrats lost their places in the government printing office last week, one of them beinfij Mr. Bruce Anderson, of Ral eigh. ' Rev. T. Dewitt Talraage was ar rested in Minnesota, last week on an order of arrest in a civil action for $2,500 damages for a breach of con tract to deliver a coarse of lectures last year. v Sea bathing at Morehea'l City is becoming celebrated for its hair-re-staring virtue. There are not so many aid heads at the "Atlanta" as there was a few weeka ago. "Yes the typo can testify to this. have Wilmington Messenger: An in teresting and sympathetic letter from W. P. Fife, Esq., the drummer re vivalist," informs us that at Fuimore, in Roberson coanty, he has been con ducting a series of meetings with great results. There were 300 white 145 colored persons who confessed Christ and gave him their hands. He says he adopts the same plan Mr. Pearson does. In one day 150 came forward. He says;, "The neighbor hood young men went to worn, add built me a tabernacle in which to ho id service, and of the committee An Editor Killed- Va., is tue cnampion pusuu v"" notoriety oy tueir ears, ijuuiiucucia writer. He got 36,764 words on one bUshe(i ia the North. issippi a wide card and received tho prize. That er, for years t,iat iowa farmers about thougl looks incredible. wJ entirely out of debt R9 official rejects W. B. EDM UNDSON, Attokne y and Counselloh-at-Law, DUNN, N. C. Will practice in the surrounding Courts Original, lUntgfg Sc Comment. Hi the Federal Court at Raleigh. Be- faiences, the Justices of the Supreme VJourt. WUI Branch office nt Benson where I can lie found every Thursday of each wek. ISAAC A. MURCBISON, Atiounky-at-Law, DUN N . N irf.t!fj. i in th- u.-ual coxirt of North .., (ru.r. ,,sl,t T?tMitOP & CoV D u Store. 6C IS-tf F. P. JONES, Attorney-at-law, DUNN. N. C, Pratice where ever services ar - af Federal firman on an engine rcquircu, uiwuu, r. HarDer & Bangor Court. ! The Dcoole of Warrenton ... Ibeld an indignation meeting on ac "CU nuwnu i . .... r- it-. : TI, , I . ... - . . . count oi t-ne unswm auair. xucjr that invited me lour ol cue nve were gaye Spier Whitker and A. M. Wd- whiskey drinking church members. I dell a vote of thanks as they said for go to Luraberton on Mohday. Pray their manly efforts n behalf of jus- qQ( for an outpuunng of his Holy tice and humanity. Spirit." Those who heard Col. Tracy's re- Score one for Governor Lowry. marks here last week say his speech He ua3 cornered John L, Subvan in was a capital one. We were absent jew York and secured liis arrest up from town and did not arrive uu- or a requisitiou signed by Governor til thespeaker had about Bnishea Ujm, He will be brought back The Mormons in Wilson coanty, njs discourse. to Mississippi and out on trial for Tennessee. havojecorae so offensive Whitaker the colored cx.Cadet of violation of bhe laws of that State and that the titif eris re banding for the West Pointf wbo i3 now principal of defiance of her authority. Now let purpose of giving them from the a cobred 8Cbool al Surateri S.C., and Lowry go for Kilrain and put them county. - ; , Senator Bill Chandler are the orsly both to breaking rock or some other Mr. Sylvanus Jones, of Richmond, men we know of who have achieved useful employment, and the pugiliUic ..... mi i it. . vt : Va., is the champion postal card notriety by their ears, pumraeuers win nencuiurm givu wide berth, wune ue is h he should pay his pects to the railroad man- A iip.w weeklv naDer is to be started , piooa-hut that before tliat hftu bo- 8 ... ,. , , J r t - as Sulavan and liilrain ma oy ear in Washington to boom ey-becrctary COme a promiuent daily State, must f . M n. - . .i rr.u , . rving the jranc of roughs .o seethe Whitney for the Presidency. The the farmers were plastered over f J ... . ... . , . forbidden mill. Not to take tnem Cleveland boom le big enough without with mortagageo.N. C. Parmer. . D I m. would be to treat them witli an a PaPer- Editor Reid, Minister to Paris i,1(l;tferenCe which would subject the Between the heavy rains and con- don't like to walk into dinner behind Qovernor to just criticism, EDITORS' PrcA'I SCISSORS. g3qUent wash-outs and Harrison's Lmoassadors, &e. We don't blame "raw recruits" our people have fared hira Editors of Whitelaw's dazzl- Junus a, uumw, u.14.. bad as to mail matter for the past lllg qualities He should comeback prjsing editor "f the Wilmington week or so. ' to the tall tower 'where his rank is Messenger, passed through this city The Stat. Fruit F.ir will be held .. e(Jitor of rj,ognized. Satumiyevenmg. ine uasmpg.o,, at Winston August 21 and 22, T.miWr!r. sri?cested to mothers that nh..r n r.K- iAtn n.n r,r hA Dr. Mary Walker has expressed a their d'augliter would do well to dis- Th Vavtteville Cannine Factory South ia the Wilmincton Messenger. desira to join the Democratic party, card chewing gum and take to 'Chew- lmmencC(1 operatioirs here Tuesday it ia the principal organ of North Congressman Skinner has elected tag tobacco., ; hQ earnest and if the people want to Carolina Democracy, and a live, en- Seaton N. Jones to be a cadet at Capt. T. W. Whlsnant has been ap dispose of their fruits, &c, at living terpnsmg newspaper, wr. .uiiias a. pointed to succeed the late Col. L, C. prices now is their time to bring it Bontiz, its editor and proprietor, is Jones as Superintendent of the Caro- ia. ' registered at the Metropolitan. He Una Central' Road. He seems to be Xbe flrst ten miles of the Cape is a man of marked intelligence and a snlendid man. ' w, Yadkin Vallev Railroad in individuality; and reminds one stran L A- j - ... 1 We learn from the Fayetteville the direction of Wilmington haveing Sely W "d n L..M.nJ.mnlntf. Konn nnmnlfttd. 20.00 of bonds is- ncr of Carroll D. Wright, Supe.m- . ... n o.n ni oro,t. Q..o4 h, thA ritv of Wilmington, were tended of the Department of Labor. er8 Ol IUB ivmi-uau I " J " " T:. -ra th 1 unm,T nf thA UtP. liv to tho President 'of the C. uu" "uv nonumeuu w iuo tuij r.... . ;aonaA r.. F. &Y. v. company last week by several pap u w-v.. ..w. the city clerk and Trewurer, and for the "Messenger" office, but is also Col. R. J. Page, a prominent law yer and editor of tho Marian Titans Regisle wa shot and instantly killed at Marian m the '23rd inst Just after aiightui ' fro-n the mm- night train which had brought him froin Round Bnob. He ha I gouo ab-iut J00 yards from the depot and was leaning on the arm of his frten-l. Judge Hasel wood, of Tex is and t. his left waa another frieiu, Sna one came up behind him aud s?i t him ahrougb the nack, which w!itc!i was broken by tha bill. His a.i -ail-ant ran off mountad a hrjc and fie i the town. Col. P-gc was wdl kn ii a an able lawyer, welt read,aad af Hue litcr arv attainments, a strong writer an I I good speaker, in which "accomplish ment hia zeal as a politician gavo liiin frequent exercise. Ir. Ptiijo was a native of Virginia. of a family lartre and distinguish!. lie was probably fifty yearn of age. thuugh that id a mere ouriQi.se. Ho leaves h vife and one grown son, and perhr.pt? other children. Sa it is to know that one s geni al rind cultivated shnld fiavo boii.i destined to fill a bhody grave. Merit Wim;. We iUisire to say to oi;r citi.cos, tbat ior years we have been Bol iug Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buck!eivs Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitters, and have never handled reme died that sell aa, well, or that have wiven such universal satisfaction. V e io not hesitate to guarantee them cv- . 1 . 1 1 .7 ... n crv time, ana we sianu ieauy v i- fund the purchas price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. 1 nesc remedies have won their grest popu larity purely on their merits. J. H. Benton & Co., Druggists. West Point. Hon Oliver Dockery has appmled his oldest son Vice Consul to RioDe Janerio. Jefferson pavia i now eighty one years old. He bears his silver crown as becomes natures nobleman. James G. Blaine, Jr is now acting qo1 l. c. Jones. that runs , . j . t A f ilo), Q00(imi the city clerk and Treasurer, and Tor - JCJaPy seemingly incurable in- ThePreaidentbaadeUiMSewnd bQ WilmingUm. proprietor of tho Messenger Opera LnL thS Sloocl Balm Co.. A man said to me: "What do you do with that passage How do you understand 1 1?" "I don't underctand it'" "How do you explain it?" "What do3'oudt;?' "I don't do anything. There arp lots of things 1 believe that I dont understand." D.L. Mon- dy- Pimples. Sorer Aches and Paint. Wl.er, a hundred bottles of sarsa pariila or other pretentious specifics fail to eradicate in-lorn scrofula or contagious blood poison, remember that B. R. B. (botanic blood balm) h8S gained many thnruana victories. May-l-tf Wilson, N C Aycock & Daniels Golpsboro, N. C. YCOCK & PAN1ELS& DANIELS, WILSON, N- C. Office in Advance Building. Lieutenant James B. Hughes, lenth o t Goli8boro and is a leading The LaFayette artillery, of which Cavalrj', as Professor of Military Qur 5tate immigration Agent. Mr. 81)irit ju a numerous State enterprises 1 - i 1 . . 1 1 r r Danibls Dr. McDow is a member, demand Science at Bingham bcnooi, orange p M Wilson, has been spending and institutions. w - I . I I . r r . that the Dr. bo exoelled immediately, county, LS . u. some time in nnamg out, so mr -o -While Mr. 15ontz was speaKinu - .. I .t-.1 iKa nmhar rf "Mnt.i -PR North I . . T'l.rt CnT. . . .. . t t j n-r T,nrr is still after tne prize- poiu . aena-or nansom miue up The largest college m ,n wor.u , A special Carolinians now residents m other ator La3 j9t got his broken arm out said to be the Mohammedan, a Cairo Zl State, He presents the following: of,3 The uistory of that -nAA kw in nno atudenta. term of court will be held August J - I i :! fK,.a who havft baej ior iiio -i " - OSCAR J. SPEARS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-L aw Illllsitoa, K. C- arrested and bound over. The next prohibition fight is to be in South Dakota. It will be upon the question of adopting the prohibi tion clause of the Sio.s Falls consti- where services are wanted. ply Co. Wo understand that, the congrega tion of the Baptist ehurch here will extend a call next Sunday for a pas- tor. Now comes a sweet potato trust, recently organized in Baltimore un-L ti n at tn- election in October - .,. I . .. UnfnfA Cnn. I Practices in all the courts of thebaic uter we name 01 ow- w -KaAllftn,pnf Wade and vicinity A. UV Jv .-w held an indignation meeting last Mon- Mr. W. R. Crawford, Jr., has been . to exnress their disapproval of DCj-E-SAI L elected Steward of the Insane Asy-I . a.nlli!j.i f Dr. Grissom of the Ciro-iV.--jl . - . , r u" 1 . . lum in place 01 jonn v. "".JD"" charges preferred against, mm res gned. wh huntrer" for honorary 1 x LiyJJ " o The Governor f South Caroli Da . degrees need not despair. has accepted Dr. McDow's resignation her .. ft Chicago Univerity"which as surgeon of the Frist Battalion in upplies m. A.'s and LL. D.'s at Infantry. prices ranging from $ 10 to 530. An Alliance exchange says the Al- Jame8 Larson, aged fourteen, was iiance is a combination for esistance QVfTCme by damp air while6leaning and not oppression, for -preservation wen near Macedonia, Iowa, and not destruction. Saturday afternoon, and J.A?wii3on, We learn from that W. F. Tiasley, who was lowered to ruene the boy. formerly of the Times. Ricbmona, was aisouv--. Va will be the business manager of f Win3toI1 jn writing of the to Karore says JAS. NOTARY PU B L I C DUNN, N. C. Blanks of all kind hand, jy 8-1 m LEE J. BEST, AttorwCy-at-law, 1) IT N N, N. C Will practice in Harnett, and ad nnfiAfl Snecial attention given to collection of claims, May-l-tf. N. A. SINCLAIR. ATTOIINEY AKl'OraSElOM at-jaw. FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C. T Office over Be Practice in Harnett wje A hnrned a dav. it is said, will keep mosquitoes 8ung OVer seventy at a respectable distance The Brooklyn K agle indulges, in that Senator ,varu In Alabama, 23,269; South Carolina, 17,277; Georgia, 21.156; Florida, 6, 297 Mississippi. 41,918.; Kentuck 9.738; Arkansas, 19.727; Indiana, 20,884; Virginia, 22,505; Kansas, 5, 809 ; Missouri, 24,925. Brer Brower and brer Ewart don't sleep in the same bed now. Brower is out with Ewart because Ewart to ted his own skillet and didn't sup port Hon. John M.'s candidates for patronage as warmly as the Hou. J. Ma thought he should. It is a great pity that while there are so few of the Radical brethren filling seats among the distinguished Congressio nal Solons they cannot dwell m peace together and divide the spoils harrao niouty like respectable, genteel looters. YilmngtOA Star. Wonders will netfer cease. A bot tle was picked up on the beac'a at Wriffhtsville last week with a note inside coUreving the following intel ligence : "Schooner E. T. Godwin, from St. Kitts to New York, founder ed on the night of May 27, 1883, Fear with piece of Su,n cacphor 1rh6 OM North State" a in a room two or three times Carolina" have .Q hamls. . Kthis.i, fou,l ; m -niwnmnu toes ar,,r f.vp.r seventy-five degrees 01 lon-j ... -,s the prediction inform .. r-: . niiaa Amelia lk fritude lie saia tnai iae uuiwo -j t . . ' o Aaeir that thev 19-71 Nassau street. New Yonf i , - of ray fate. May God have me,rcy ,asleV's;Jewerly Store. !uccs9cr will be .jlilUr .rnctt wUnever desired. homaC. Flatt rfykIM f:f 'Qll the ship expressed a desire that tbey :u i,.vA been native; North Caro- i While in Scotland they went llUldt"" -n . . ' I see tne uriguw-pw - j . on us. J. r. ivcjts, p-..,0v-. . fhli note was wriUed with a pencil. sling, broken arm is wrapped up and invol ved in the history of a speech which was never delivered. Senator Ran som was slated to make a. speech at the centennial commencement of the North Carolina University, in June, in place of Hon. Jeff Davis. Hi had gotten his speech nearly prepared. and was working out a paragraph for the benefit of the ladies- of North Carolina. It didn't come .just rignp, so he went into his garden to walk and clear his mind. It hail b3en raining. As he went down a path over a slight declivity he slipped and fell. His whole weight came on his left arm, snapping both bones of the forearm and dislocating the elbow. As if that was not enough, erysipelas threatened and he was unable to at tend the commencement. That is whv he didn't deliver the speech, which would have been a fine one, as a matter of course. Editor Bonitz was endeavoring to persuade the Serv ator to have it printed." Washing ton Cor. Durham Plant. The Mississippi Democrats decided to let the present Governor be "The Lass o' LowrieV' and nominate ex Gov. Stone, who is expected to "stand like a stone wall" when the prize-fighters come again. Star. Atlanta, Ga. for "Book of Wonders- und be convinced. It is the only TRUE BLOQD PUKIF1EB. G. "V. Merser. Howell's X Roads, Ga. writes: "I was afflicted r.lne years with sores. All the mcdielno I could take did me no good 1 then tried d. b. b., and 8 bottles cured mo sound." Mrs S. M. Wilson. Round Moun tain, Texcs, writes i "A lady friend )f mine rcas troubled wth bumps and pinples on her face and neck. She took three bottles of u. B. ., and her skiTrgot sort and bmootb, pimples disappeared, and her health improved greatly. Jas. L. uoaworth. Atlanta, Ga . writes : "Some years ago I contract ed blood poison. I had no appetite, my digestion was rnlel, rheurnatls.n drew up my iirabs so I could hardly walk, my throat was cuutenzid five times. Hot Springs gave ine no l3n efit, and my Hie was one of torture until I gave n. b. n. a trial, and sur prising as it may seem, the use of five bottles cured mo." The successful farmer has to be sharp is a raiser. Eupepsy. ,'fhis i: wbat you ought to have, ia fact, you irubt have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because tbey find it not. Thousands nspon thous ands of dollars are spent annually by our peopble in the h.po that they raay attain this boon. And yet may be had by all. We guarantee that Kiectiic Bitters, if used according to directions an J the me persisted in. will bring you good digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead E-:pcp3y. We recommend ) :

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