J 4.. , . i. -V;Vj,!W. -.4 '- ?r. ,' . i' '-- -i' j - . T A f. V . . 1 "I in . Hill,,,, Mrs. William Ron n irA an (Vl;.-V'.vf: NOR South MAINAND GRANRY STR IN.T. ONNECHON"UAS.-Me URBBRYs 1; Go" Samol - j. Sent Points 5 . on ieq i' k v',- We will gladly forward free samples on advertised and tother good as well to Mil WnS A postal card willing ejn. , J The items llelow are but?lew and should you have in mind i ffi something not mentioned here don't hesitate -to ask any rfumber of questions We simply I v ask that yoa mal ybur"letters:and questions plain! -: , . Seasonable Silks 1,25 Silk Poplins $1.25 Silk Poplins, full one yard wide, this is an excellent quality shown in black and all the latest summer colors; a tegular 1.25 - values, Watt's Special Price, : ' yard, 39c: . ' 1 V ; .J ' ; $1150 Crcpc dcJChinj . ; , $1 50.Crepe.de- Chine, this is a pure-silkit quality full one yard wide, shown in. black . and an unlimited variety of newesV summer shades; usual $1.50. value, a' yard, $1.19. ;, . .. ... . $1.25 Black Silk Seie:r;.?;;; ; $1.25 Black Silk Serge, fuU-incfeV v wide, an all silk rnjiterial, versu 5 ladie?lish drcfend-c 1-25 values, .spectr a yadfcl $2 Black Charmeusfc , $2 3iack" Charmeuse, full 40-inch es widejv an absolutely all silk material, in ; great de-. mand by dressers of particular taste for stylish suits and dresses; $2 value at $1.50. $1.00 1 Wool Crepes. i 'EverHime ydu iike fhis'powef JefltBenton.is quite sick at Taks: Dodson'srLiYfir Tonp-tiril 8ar r i valotnUis -made ; from &any yaluable8e& ia- usthiiigster: swallfjMir cAlomerstay? m-fhe stemSvery I6ng it iBalivatesi v?Even: whenfit works irataraily, its ter-effecta J . A. ; Mitcbener will - sell jon ? " NC ridowi bif Ihei lalfrluS .myjisreroi wie late. JJr. osUivel oaranteed to" take - the place - of caloniei; : ) L'iver' -Tone stimulates the; 4iVer just' enHffb to start it working rand rd6e& loot toake. you; sicker" than eYerias v-atuuiei uicen aoes . f : xoa feel good alter taking Dodson's an it iviiHs juu iii stop eating or forking after-takingrit; It i beneficial for children 1iaitr adults. X s - MEGENOXEi . -i - I . . i i ander the guarantee tha voorl a ;iif.il r , ir; vft V." r Vc i"cir annual W-lirS!;1," grounds !QT In Edition to the icnie ?rjtilli be horse racing, motor cytic Kiting, i Dicyqie racing, auto- mobile parade and other'laSusfe ..f au ' i. . ..... are no brothers or sisters t iiviug ivi rs,: vv Uley is the last of IharJdmdjL fSh 0 Jan aunt f oi . I . f - $1 AlliWoji'Cr widej an all wool quality. in the latest'most poou lar shades of the season'; a reeular . vaf- ? :! ;v;ue, Watt's Special iPrice, a vardl "69" U ?! 1 59c Wool ShfepKerd Checks r r 9? ool ?hepherd Checks, full 42 'Vn-:4' pbes-wldp, . shown in five differe-nU sizJ r cbks- very uitable'for ladies' and ? 4 Teh's wear;. : .'regular 59c qualn'a n - 75c Wool Stote Sere S75c iooi'-'iormkerge; 1 wide, an extra .fine quality in fasti iiavy blue matwialTp.r cbii3rensrschobr ieakfJ itcfiol finn troliiAt i trorl nln AO. ' t - ' ..." - !1" 60cdol Gaiti vi; 'rfU n : cjWoofGabe inches wi'li ;'. . an all'Wpol ualily in . black apd the newest shade fpr. the .coming fall season,. . far-v fall dresses iud suits, usual: 69e valtref 50c : : '5; linder i the guarantee 'that r your money will be given .baokKeerr tully if you're notlsatisfiedFaBvF 3 1 -.? , Mr: and Mrs. Will Small caJlJ ed; to; see ber father, lBaines ounday. . . -i.fr',:; 'Mr. Emerson Small soent Sun. I tlay and Mona v ft ollE i.. t ia joflcs nas returnecL home after spentfing sometime in Tortsmbuth.; :: ' Mr. Earl Barnes was thbguest ux iuiss neien uee baturday ght.: : f,,, 'Miss vVillie Ramsey spent 'Wednesday1 withMis Jennie Morgan of SifloikTdie lnS 3gRAbpmV 7avears Mrs ter; M is. George Williams of issv Lizzie. Morgan of Suffolk ud of ,Mrs. HarrelL The latter receive -a. wire today telling Ker Pi Mrs. Wileys death. Tbe iqn erai wilL ttakefc (lace tomorrow. ments. t WMJM gertford was - here Snndav ninrr t; fi? J; W. Parks and family spent Sunday with friends and elatives at Belvidere. - - visited their ! parents at deriter Hill; Sunday :: f p - R. ;E. Forehand and friends were here Monday on businfess. f.. are Messrs Ardhfe ;Barnes and Fay Convenient "as- As the result of our connection, with v the greatest buying organization on earth r W6 re prepared to ii ake our thousands of customers a wonderful offer No matter what you, may need, whether personal or household necessi ties, you make.your selections at . the most: remarkably substantial savings and pay the bill when it suits your own convenience to do so. If at the expiration of the regular time '(thirty days) itjsn't convenient for you to pay our bill we will makela special arrangement jof the time to SUIT YOU.' Come to Norfolk and let us demonstrate '4 he jease with which you -jnay save moiiey on 'your, personal or household necessities; . V' Shop By Mail . Our Mail Order Department is thbroughl , organiie idr the safe and quick transaction of; business.' VYour requests for information, sar- . pies orrperch'ahdise "reeeive v intellig;n6 ttehr-;' ? tion wijb the least possible delay . As. an in- terest of j this store it is a de velopemeht. Start- ed in a.sjnall way itlias; gradually-grown In3 volume, hd be eh per feet ed inefficiency uqiil,; the service: it lenders is as good as we know ' :o how-to make itV ,Systni, punctuality and fair.: prices' arje it's safieht-features. - You are as safer rin.makirjg youruhases- through this depart ment as -though ybtf "were here to- fttake your selections' in person.' - " ' ; -: r i ( illirainesientsv f teicnlc' S fll ? h J' rrFVenrorf fieaniosTierrt- ' t - ' ' enrorr " ueamonsnen f Wednesday InigtfttnlriJ&nd mr. y ihic oaines. 'Wihie dairies, Clyde Benton and Chester Bowell the Polly' Road Sunday night. '. Mr.- Sidney Bentoh " wis .in 1 1 n . -1. . ... . - r town oaturaay evening. i... h f-. Mr. . Corbell Jones a was; the II guest of Miss Ruth - Johnson-$un day eveninfif., - - y .';, -..' ) M r. Willie Baines : made- his vspal call Sunday aiternoon.; . Miss BerthajRiceihasv returned to her home in Richmond i after pending sometime with-re fajties M r. Secal Babb, returned ihomej baturday mornipg a(ter jsbr visittoiiis friensr Mr. I .yden Bentoo,, spejit; -last week-end with -Vfriepdslt " Ihis home near herq. - . -iM Miss Eunice Bqampn ljedittb see:. Misses Jennie jnd Helen iiee, Miy.iriiooife. .j.t Is notice! r , NOTICE! State of North Carolina Superior. Court Chowan County Fall Term 1914 S. L.- Little john 4 vs -, ; : , Emma Louise LitUejohn The defendant Emma, Louise Little john above named will take notice that an action as above entitled has beea in-; ' stttuted in the, liuporior Court of Cijow - an County against her for divorce from the bonds of matrimpny upon ; the grounds of abandonment , She is there fore notified t appearat the-next term of Superior Court of , Chowan. Covuity at a term to be held on the Fourteenth (Hth) day of September, 1914 and jans wer or demur to the complaint - of r the Plaintiff iwhich was filed morethan thir trd ays before the beginning of Paid term, or otherwise judgment will be rendered agatast her in apqanoiWith ; the prayerpf the complaint. ; -; This August 12, 1914, T" ')'. ;' , Clerk Superior. Co.urt Cliqwaji County. For dyspepsia, lour rational 'mnt, . use ; Por4ock ' Blood Bitters. Emmended foigstrn gthejiing diggstLonnri thd v. bloo3- Aafi 4rgi jQO North Carolina Superior Court Perquimans County ; Norembei 2, 114. v W. PrSimpSotf ;: : ; ; - , Jfaggjg L.. Simpson 1 . Th deftndnLilaiKkle livShnpSpn, above named will take notice. " that;, an f - action entitled as aoove has beep com menced in the Superior .Court of Peraui- mans county, said action being- for -the purpose or securing a qivorce oi -pia tiff from the defendant; and tha defend ant will further take xotic'jihAt ihe Is required 4to appear atthe term, of h the Superior Court of Perquimans county to be held hi the court house in - the town of Noveiaber, .1914, and gnawer or de niur to emplainCin aji action or lAe-.Plalnliilffppl the,relief demanded In said compiaint. Thlslugust 3r'l9 P --r;. CHAS. JOHNSON liaitiailiail Pormanv vears t was trcmhlpd. in spita otalBoecalled remedies Iiised. At Jast If ound. quidk relief and cure in those mild, yet thorough . rand really wonderful i -: 25 CENTS fER BOTTLE ATLt DRUGGETS. Ill ; EXcfUTBjX NOTICE ! . -5 4 . - Hatog'qualifit'd as executrix pf the ; ; .. personal estate, of Mrs. Eliza beth Vfpott ; deceased, this is to . notify all persons !unclaiLga the; estate pf said i deceased,, to exhibit them to the under- - igne'4 vwoVe August 1915pr ' this jaotice"wiIl V be PerquiiS y;.-;tSg. 5;p8rsons.-Jndebtedto'aidiiestate,. v;: -W':; -1 t-5:f "tj please me immediate seemeit;4--"f1.- lstrr ; h.ave,fe -niwhftfc cotivi; MiStlwITalsisilrarda bnVDoaBeiatsrgiv 2.?: ElizabthiWool. tivrih;GatM and regulate the. bowells -petf ect fev -vv - vv.. .. spending r . sonietime-f itlrhfer. r:" " " r " '-' " -' ' - joins' 3jLi w - Mr. Tucker Savage' of Florida spent last Weef wi-t9$fl " M essrs. RichaTif j 6 fieS;Sl mer and Her&rt" BrinHeam Mjss Inez Jones called' to see the Miss Brown SuhSav af&radonl- iii :--rf itizt'JL:! a? i-silA our uuiiu - xarzies ana r sister spent ounaay ,m ucean ; iew.- va. : ru rs. rv. o; -uenton ana paagjr- --JtMW?ij:nt p -: TV. ters of uffolkf Va.- spent a part of last week here at' te "Home of "jMrMiWj the. gneslr of his mother, ; :fJ Those rwHolsaJle 1 CO. Savage's SndaJ igtt ivere : Rev v4acluv, auu. nuc, auu spehdiagHsonieti ; Ev HWowell and family I spending a ievy iclays at "lcearil T1CW .,. .; ; ' . .. -: Mr,, William Winslow was here Monday on business. ! ; W. HElliott lanaofeSfNor "folk spent the weekend witif his1 KrrttUr M ft Wlll-:'!;. ,'. Misses Lena and ' Tommje J. Goodwin visited " the Sunday acnooi bunday. E.. L. Dail ( spent the week-end tvu vKccan view. Always-bcara Albemarle, Observer. Edentonw.-North Oarilno JByprderoftherBoinl f iGom- iiiatT am mstructefd to-harfdvrm i.nk ligation the 2iconustqhXf; the . Mr, Harris of Portsmouth has few days with L, G; Batemanlrr i racing is setting t0 be very popular. There will be racing next Saturday evening. ; Mr Luther Dale visited fHends ; O U ft " I---::' o.u JtLobbs made his usual trip Sunday J Saturday, afternoon. MrJfarion Bunch called on jsa fss -vvsse is vans Ounday ? after- noon. : Don't forgethe 16th. . Macedonia, MrBillie Hollo well will nnarh atv 'MacedonilrKurch 154 Sunday mormhgWjS'cIdcii.- Let cvciyuuuy iuiiic out 10 near mm Mr. . -1 . visited rfends inBer'tie county' Saturday jii r.-.-jc . vv . vurrsn ana aaugn ttr, Miss Annie attended Veryicet here SUadayV ; - -; it'han Copeland accom panied Missf? Ruby Waff - home r&rCchurcbSunday. V : rfMr.TGebrtre iHassell , was th gues ;pf ;Iiss Mary Smithf Sun day night, ;v. ; : -iL ' a M uuMalitx .-Small was the -''Any skin itching is a temperJ teafer The more you scratch ther worse iit" ?itches l)oan's Oint.' t m Ant-t?-f 0 Vi I Aft t flTTflrt n'n stores;:- Wbndv. f.?-.- --y V ?W'JJi in. its Oledreports,; . with resoect urdr and Sheriff. Office of Clerk of Superior The finance committee for Svc9unt the following county funds have corn intp tjie.handj oT theQlerk ot the oupenor court, for all of wWcnlrefcxsffeceir3t? from thequn TreasWerf Showing flio i .T i . tuav nicy iwvc uc5n,aift mio nu hands;?' ' Approved. - ;:; : LYOUBGUS HOFLER, Chm. Office of Reistcr of De!d, The finance comxnTttee of Gatcouiyie.brt' that - 'the fol lowing county . funds ; and also State f uoi Wtnto the iMuut QUKurer oif iECQS, ail yichasM ac counted for, s- shown by -receipt exhibited. ' ' ? Approved, r pLOU-BlSfUXtChin. - The Gates county finance com mittee, after a' cicefub auilit of the'YresusWci Gat- lingf treasilet fiscal yars; eii5inr June dOM 1911. lote ancH'giB, finfrSfealanQes In nis hanlbs as sfit5wriby his lkllyl 1913 nto be correct - ,l A3prove(j : ' ' riCOTTOS-HOFIJl Chm, T-V ice of SberifL J. Brown The finance committee here with report th receipts and dis- bufsemehts from . unlisted taxes ahdv insolvent taxes, : ; during the 'icat'years:'--en'gv 30th, 1909, 'IIO and A. Brown,' SherirT. 2 Balance due; bounty, collections f Asm 1911, Insolvents 54.70 Batance ctdetdunty? ipjctions f fmi910hdhnmU nt 4 $46.27 Balance: due : county rejections f rom T909L Insolvents, $77.95 Total balance due. the county as afthVeylaVsp0l78 92 rings to oe ? over- paid, :..f:f;;;: -60.06 P .Total - v 118.86 , Approved by committee, v The : amount foiindby the confmittee" fd Tiave bden collected ltiieenfJ istalfor 1909191& and 1911 and jfol&86;1; wHicli amount vvas palcT by the shefifiinsft i9r3rax:63fd Pone by orderrdf thc3oard of 4m -f.;.i'i;

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