Va who.lias beanYisitipg MMf. J. H. beaweii nas reiurneiiwiuc. 1-- 1.-:GnSWrCsn'Jsric CdFBohtersr; Mr; Bell and Mig3 ;17alton of Soft Wfflisfc 'arid GatesvUle were Visitors-; JierelAst General Commission Merchant Bunday: - it n f rv m - ' There was a family, pionlo neia at SUrer Springs Tuesday. v t ins auuui if) 3 BH.m,laSinto Tl TYXWlW. A. U! ThiB is a puielMoea -WWW.". 7 .. - 3 ville Tnesday on Busineasi ' J : SunbnrjrVN. C;, ; Aug. 15- Lft if W. T. Hopkins, Oreswell, N. C, 4 v fi i -- jv unr in Miimn Co. v.. L. C- Belle, JacocKs, . w ( A. Sawyer Sons & Co., Belcross, M. U , W. Ii, Wilson, Moyoc , N. O- v VhfTiirA Tliii 'fflnff Ton Haite Alwuys Bdngit, and tvUcb has been Misses; Bertha and dftfi ' Hill f--int? ruses lor over. jHiyearajia " isuiure or t : ' - and lsjfcen made under his per I Xr ; -xz- snriaLl ftrinifidsribiiisinee? itshinfmi v. ' word; . , : ..---r J entertained last: - evening, at a rj r , i ii - - r s mam Norfolk I. J. 110 n R A RUT IU progressive rook juurty . in nonori 1.---.'-.- - - , - - - m I i ' A 11 nnUo iTmlf of dr9. Arid f .Ttlst-aS-arOOd. " ar lint mil menC & , ' - i; ipf their house1 guestsi Misses Expeilnifchts tha trifle tvltli; and tendance the health of InJanidsvand Children Exp -1- m ikii a THE . ; or Phone 53. Home , 1U, Margueme ana juary ouriiei. and Dpnglasy w uiock f or buiioiK Is more4 contMenW Quick Servioe, : Than" cebu now nothing jhe first prize was otfy fai abbut, :v - a , r Margarett Lloyd of Snfiolk. Mr, f I&dt)rMSaowp Ucbsolafe l W. D. rioimes, wnoiesaie j. n r . , 3 jgrocerBroat;; Edenj af guests presenfewere Misses j"My kidneys were waK ana Marie Brooks. Marv,. West, and . had dhll? rlaliis SaAj. backl Cartwright r 'of J Norfolk IPnetrWnAina:TMlhP TPa.n.n.1 XORftOI flr. Manning,, Jrodar. LUOI VUI VIIIIU ivuvuvi v titt;;inaa:iiearo-aDow.vpa Jiidney r ills so i ;Degan using and Gladj8 Whedbee, Annie tbem. Th strethened my" cjorbell, Angnsta, Hattie, and pacK- ana renevea au symptoms Theima Harrell; Ruth Edwards f kidseyWeI 1 Margaret, Llovd,-Maude, ; and l-rice ooo, at ail aeaiera. uon i f a ntoinette Hill. Marcaret. and simpiy as lor a mujr fcuy-- Mav Norflet: Sara Hineg. Loaise get VDpaii's Sidney Pills-the. dwardS aQd Messrs. Clarence sanW that Mr. Holmes had. u, i'nA q V ,-- . m - I I & X aula w o T --. aomw - v - -. RObt. H. WriSfhtw - s rreSiaent. 8tet.MUbara; Co., rroP8.. HarreH.Oeorge.and Harry Brooks roiTiflV!1 I IT K r . Bnffalo;N.T.- Clyde Nicholson. George Boijea r-" - - I - - -- 'I r , c -kt ai 11 t C oi lNonoiK, ADuer rierreu, j. o. Whedbee, Dudley Miles, Ernest c Douglas, . Forest Harrell. Sam Edwin Harry Pierce and 'returned to her j last" Saturday accompanied by iUlO. X WUU Wilt DJAUU O Itn I A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed : to this One purpose. Tuition free to all whoigree to teach Fall Term begins September 22, 19li For catalogue and other informatidh address, Sunbury Notes. (M Pi8 m nmmmj f S(LR (L(LgS ; Miss" Bertha Rice of iChhitMdJ Alfthine. Tim. Frank and has "kn visUing VMrs;fi F. Nixon, DonelasJAVillock, uuiuu i onn .1 h m ah ii i i i . I dayswitn-her'sbi, i Nornian' F. 1 1 ' Va.' Kev. Harry tiK Hobbsville News. Miss Laid ' Hobbs $pent from " Thursday until Saturday with oi Uf rental friends oi Corapeai2ev . r Ctaractefc-liealth Culture Scholarship Beauty -Clean Athletics. -i' LoWest Rates in the South. Delightful Location. " Every Modern Convenience.? -Deep wefi water. A quarter century without a single case of dangerous sickness.:. Two gymnasiums.. No hazing. . 4 : - V,A Distinguished Bostonian writes; "Of all the colfeges I have visited in six; years as International Field Secretary of Christian Endeavor, the spirit of Eton X Col--lege seems to be the most genuinely Christian."-?-Karl Lehman. :.i Marshall A. Hudson, Founder of the Baraca-Philathea Movement testifiess v'l found in Elon College what I never found quite so prominently before, a spiritual attitude and a desire to learn of spiritual" things. I congratulate Elon upon her splen did spiritual atmosphere." Write Now for Catalog and Full Information to Box 910 - President W. A. HARPER, Elon College, North Carolina ; -'v. DEVOTED TO HUMAN UPLIFT ON TERMS WITHIN REACH OF ALL 'jiita.P;'! !4(M;iifK Rebecca Hofler, Ethel Carter and ekV ' v -fj : Si1IRis'WRbert last- weel Miss?Therma'HaVrem Wolr Hofler, PaulHoiteWell and Isaac SriS-flsi&ng'lliV called-on; Miss 1 Gladys nerc. i . nin;on ioursoay nigoc .Cip1tfWif6rS ffr$e c 'Misses Ellie" Rouritree and daylasl wlefm SPollcJVat Eorllct VVhitehead returned iu iTo. iv. jj,jVU.ui( auu cmiaren i oaiuraay nijjnnaicer a weeK stay are spending' some v time'l visittnfefWrth friends and relatives ol Cora inNo6lk,rVa. r V: peaki " MrV: fiitlf tr latlil Misses Ira Holloell; Glady4 are speadiB'g thir tabatlon in HintOn, and Li&tevCarter spent unuiK Buu vapi uu, y a. . 1 oaiuruay nigm ana ounaay wiin Mr. and Mrs: 3o1iril V. iletf Miss Myrtle Hofler arrived home' from their bridal I ? Mrs." Jennie R ussel) is improv trip last Friday. ! "iJ - 1 itig after an illness of malaria Miss Bettie Smith was taenltever. to 'Norfolk1 hbspifeil last $atnr- Mrs Bagley - and children 6 hd 'for an operatfon for append! Muddy Cross spent Sundays with Bli) 18. herpareftts;-Mr. and Mrs. Thomds w-r i , i i 20 Yeark Mfrt" dkj Blanchard. Hickbry.-Vaana Mis Wiffiams Born to Mr. and Mrs-Ri Ir. bflni Gityj UN, C j who ' We Hobbs Atrgust 16th a son. . been' visiting Miss Marie Brooks Miss Bnsie jSobbs left ; Satur homes. day mbrnirfg to visit her parents 1 made a home in Myrtle. grq7C props and Sootning y?p8 , x peasant, it ntains neither iOpin, IopWno nor"btlrert Karcotio ' 8nnstance' Itstag:e is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishiness, Fop more tn .thirty , years it ' hks e iiiohstant use forfte relief ot Constipation Flatulency . Wind. Colic, . allj --S-eethlnffi Tronbles t anO. Diarrhoea. It regnlates4 the Stomacli and Bowels,' assimilates the Food, givinff tialtliy and -natural sleep: ThfcrChildren'sfPaiia . eENtilt O&SrH ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You H'avAfways Bought i . n fHtCENTAUW C0MPht. wbw tw - .' ; . -j ft ; 1 . .. mmm WIFE After Fcsr Years cf XHscocraging Cczditiczs, Islrs. Bullock Gave Up m Despair. Husband Caxne- to Rescne. Catron, K.In an interesting letter irom this j place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: "1 suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and duritfg mis time, 1 could only sit up for a little iffhile, '-"'and iebuld not walk anywhere at all. At tinier, I would have severe pains ranry leftE&ei i ; ' ; . K This dotloas cailed ia, and ms hnea mentrrelieYed me for a whUev but I was sobn ccoiniedrto -my bed aiin.-- After Cioftihg seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it From' the very' first dose, I could , tell it W23 helping ipe. I can now walk two miles without, to tiririglae, and am doing an wcdV ' 1 If you are an run down fromwomaaly troubles, jdon't give upjn despair. Try Cardui. the woman's toni 7 It has hlrvd more thana millibn wome in its 50 years of continuous snccesSf and should surely helprou tcw ; Your druggist fes sold Cardui for years. ; He knows what it will do. Ast hint. "He will recom mend hY Begm taking Cardui today. "Wirtie to: 1 Owittjuobw MeilJn Co.. Ladlei' Advisory Dcpt -Ghattanooea. Teno., for Spqsial Instructions n your ease and 64-ps book. Horn TraataMot for Women," seat ia pUio wiappafc J4t . 0. 0. COBB Cobb Bros COMPANY So;r State Phone 438. JA31ES CANXON, JR., M. A4 I. PBOTAIfc. Afro the Blackstone School adopted -tiN6jpUAwiaa4;rw;-Tr"s- tt MOTTO : Thoronffhi instruction tmder .positlmy r ur' r - orDe Christian innuences ax uio wvwi pumw iuv. rvrnfABRionl viftifc to Kllr 1 M T T -.- WKko tt i tftflflr with n fniilf nf 33. a tibardins: T)aironag of ---, . ' " V . Y 368, a student hody of 428, and a plant ' worm i&u,uuu oai;uraay. i moan Spent Ounday with relatives "'.JTTBlb School for GirM iir Virginia i i Mr. Olhd Cdfbitt of Wilrriinfe- in Chowan. i -v J SfwitoS; ton, Del. who has, been -visiting Mrs. E.pHobbs is: visiting -jL5L'j ln 3ecta relatives here has returned jtionJe Mr. rtd, Mrs., Daniel :Hobbs. -qait parents ami a school with a toetter record,, with more experfetKd !Mrs. Peacock and children Mrs J C-B Hathawav and management at snnh mndftwitft nnst? For rataloome and nnnllnation hlitnlr f1UAF "wway ana geo. p. adams, Secretary, Blackstone, va, ; -1 wnt nave oeen yisiting Mrs." J. .J. j meCe?Miss Jwys'Hintdn called Lgl KOnntree-have refnrhed tojl thejr at MrstCllelirpbbs: Saturday a4Ldreas 2 W iAln 1,3 .r ri 4" -myuuva. airernoon: vMitl rv. WlXCX WCfX : Mt: DpuglasvWaiQejL ol.jSjuffdlfc .vMr. andr-yfDavisiei Sil lS to hdtify. tU,ftfed hatuafter spend ;ir. Ar. VY V UrOOawm nas SOIQ niS interest - W. :R. Noe "of Windsor Mr. and Mrs C.Davis itrtii -store nereioiore Known- as iled his riBgnir anointments 1 at ( attending the Institute? atV Gates- bt: Peter a Chapel last Sunday. H ville this week. UqOaWm-JByrummard IfeSergJ k Mr; Mood StaUinga and sister .Misdanies E:.A: Roantree, iJftttti-'.BroS.. Whihll will Ka .vla nf tto .lun?1f" Vit ,,rere liters m:U. B. Hathaway,, -QHbfe, C'eafter. ':, -'.". - APFREvIAT rwiv RO N AGE. nn tnis oomrnnmty iaal Snnday. 1 and danghter, Miss Myrtle, trite - Mr. HIi.P Cross ,nd family atM fL JeVmkuaU'QndSy visited his father, Mr. JT. ' H. afternoon , : ' i -'rTrr KJross.lasVbnnday. , v JJ' . I MrsAlIan1 Bnses :and Hfsi .Mrs Jerome; B. Griffin of Boyce calfed on 'Mrs ucyrtoibs Manteo-is- spending somi itinie Tuesday Vfternoon.- " " Cv witlherrmits, Mr." and Mre.1 X Misses 'Marv Lizzie r Ron rifree VrJord2a.v-' - . ' Tr;- JaVid kuth'tTohnsdii spent rSatur- D Mr. IS. - S. -Dofaglas -jj,as " in day night and Suntlay itH'J Mrs." Eden ton, N.'C. lTTbeyt on t - - ' - , i - .. 4jo yi xaizaLNibu i - misses Atnei , , carter; Myrtie jUity was m iSnnbliry r last Mon- Davidson,; and, Rebecca-" Hofler mmm mm. Dnods 56. Bell Phone 448 Members of NBw Xork and NorfolK Cotton Exchange. Correspondents pf. Or jjuago Boatd ptrade and N.Y. Stock Exchang SjJfaiiriaiifl PilsioDs. , Sjjecial attention given to telegraphic and " phone 1 orders . Execu tion of aU iorders reported promptly fc lAiy . information desired re garding marketswill be gladly furnished ai any time. Private wiref - Norfolk, PlmiieStreet, 1VI 5 .v. o aniiraofaer pf and -Dealer in 0 1.:- - ' Material , ivical ilomfnyyOats and Ray. . ; Sash Poors andi Blinds; j -Bracket Work,.. Turned Work, - v Jloulding,-Stair Oeiling, Ceinent, Lim'and:HouseBilkCompietePamts & Oils. 1 I I ! I ii All of bur. "Sodas are Made from isiiiiiiiita -- ..- .. ; - ... . .. . iTW-frltufeX-Waier in 5 1 gallon(T6 wbay s. L 11 I imT . ??7; " . .- -iv. , lelt.our village MondaT, after- a J "nils- " t.' t ' .' .. . i I . 4 --

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