let Ds Know Your Wants Eden.toh ideal News. For This Column. -. ; rMrs' J-E- woodard and nuie son Jidgar are visiting friends and Cash In-Advance. . - relatives" in r. Washington and ix lines or less 25c for one week, 75o "ws"r 7 "" A - BIX ...... ... n . r. t . ..... for 4 weeks. Aaaitionai nnes pro rata, j v-cna Lancaster leitoatur T m . . , da7 to visit relatives in Washing- . AGENTS WANTED with ton and Greenville. , farmer acquaintance. Here is a Mrs Wfn. Reed has rnrn clean wholesome, money-making rom an extended visit to friends opportune Write for particu. and relatives in Virginia. lars. i-.U. DOXOoo, odvdi.i.dii, ra -. Bob Roerson of Pinrln- natti, Om is the . guest of his sis ter, Mrs. Willis Owens in Oakum street. Miss Annie White, who has ina Ziegler ha returned to her home in E. City. Editor W. O. Saunders of E. FOR KEN 1 Houses and Gity. spent Monday and Tuesday farm land for rent. Apply to in Edenton in the interest ot his Miss KATE COFFIELD,. pBper. the IndelDendeiU: FOR SA.LE My home place near Hobbsville, consisting of one five room new house and one acre of land. ; For particulars apply to u . . . . . T cm a t t tmp , ;n been Vlsitmg Miss Nii A L. STALLINGS, Trotville, M ..& f A' L . 0 on Magnolia street, ha N C. 4tpd.o3. 4.. ? . . Edenton, N. O , Box 198 4t-O-10. FARM FOR SALE Sep tember 30, 1914, at 11 o'clock a. in.. 1 w;ll seil, at the main dwelling, my farm to the highest bidder. No. 1. ; contains 54 acres cieaiea lana ana. iuo in wood and 3 dwellings. rs 2 contains 27 acres cleared and 35 Avoods io. C'liitains zo acre cleared and 37 in Woods Land lies on Chowan river 1 miles to shipping point, 2 miles to Graded School, church , and '."store, gOod water and neighborhood, line w 9 truck land, tobacco and peanuts. Don't miss the date. Come everybody, September 30, 1914. W. T. HOLLO W ELL; Edenton, N. C. ! Mis. J E. Briscoe of. hear Gatesville is visiting her mo'ther Mrs. Henry Harrell. Mrs. E. J; Bunch reiurned Saturday from 'Gates county. Mr. and Mrs: : W. H. Elliott passed through town Saturday enroute from a visit to his .broth- er, : air m. o.. iiiiuott or l yner, b ck to Ins home liv Baltimore. Miosi s Emma Waff and Thel- ma ri..ll returned Saturday; from a visit to Mr. , and Mrs. E. A. Le.iry.- " , Miss Annie Ward .returned Saturday from a visit to relatives at Hyland. - 1 M iss Abscilla Bunch of North Edenton left Tuesday of last week to enter Meredith College, Raleigh, she having graduated with honor .at the High School here last year.. Miss Jennie Lamb of Hender son returned home Saturday after a visit to Factory H 111. Jno. C. Bonder., left Saturday to visit; at . KutrdJX.N.'.C. Mrs W-ollowen :ouit and May re- to Bal- , One farm containing about two hundred acres more or less About eighty acres of cleared land, un der cultivation, wooded land with little daughter, Onela fine oak and nine timber. Thi turned Saturday from a visit farm is about equally divided bv rriends and road from Buckland to Merchant.; lard's Bridge wherehe attended Mill's road, makine about a two tne meeting iabi wee. horse farm on either side and is Miss Madie. Badham of Nor located about three miles from folk came Saturday to visit Mr. railroad and about ne and one Jand Mrs A T. -Baker. half miles from church and school Mr. and Mrs. X. E. Copeland tended visit - to - her oeoDle Sampson County, N. ,C. J " i Mr. Quinton. Bunch' of" Seiwin is with E: J. Bunch; ' ; ; : . Mr. W. Scott Boyce is the vis iting E.J. Bunchy . ; Sheriff Norman had the mts: fortune to sprain his ankle Saturi day, buthas been. able to attend to his duties at court this, week; Born to Major and Mrs. V Si Privott Sept. 4, 1914, a daugh ter. Miss Winke ; of Baltimore is visiting Miss Elizabeth Wozelka, having come with the' family r of Mayor Tuttle from" Nags Head Mouday. Mr. Willie Briggs visited :B J. Bunch Mondav nitrht- I . O f: Mrs. Chamberlainj mother of Mrs. E K. Conger, who has b; ti summering in Michigan returned Tuesday evening. .. Jack Gardand Silas Pritchett of E Cty were in town Tuesday Superior court convened .Von day, Judge Carter presiding rhere has been little on the State docket, no speoially interesting cases having come up The giadec school -.will open next week the 2lst. The tw. lowest grades of the schooi vvd please meet at the Paxton housv, which has been, prepared fo these "rades. R. E. Lee of Monticelb, Iowa. r . is the -guest of friends in town t Misses H.bbie and liettie Moore went to Norfolk Wednes day. ; ! Misses Mary Conger, Eva arid Ida Rogerson attended the pic nic at Mege Wednesday. f Mr. Richard Winborne of Nor folk was in town Wednesday. ! Mrs. E. S Norman and daugh ter, Miss Addie Brabble returned Wednesday from several days stay in Norfolk. Miss Alula Speight left Tues- day for Raleigh to enter Saint Mary's Cellege. j ) at Willeyton. L. W.Parker, Gates, N. C - - FOR SALE. Farm at Willeyton, two miles from A C. L. R. R. stations, con taining about eight acres cleared land in high state of cultivation besides wooded land. The build ings here consist "of store building with shed.room attached, eight room dwelling with very large halls and porches; barn and stables are all new This farm is on the roads, from Gatesville, to Suffolk and from Merchant Mill to Somerton L. W. Parker, Gates, N.C. FOR SALE. One water mill, two acres returned Friday his parents near and children from a vrsit-to Ryland. Rev. Edward L. Wells has re turned from a trip to Norfolk. W. R. Brothers has returned from a business trip to Baltimore JSarlv oaturaay morning a Norfolk and Southern train ran over Clarke Skinner, colored, at Bug Siding, about three ; miles firom Edenton and instantly kill ed him; His body was brought to Edenton and turned over to Undertaker Ziegler for prepara tion for burial, thence taken to his home in Winfall, N. C Attorney W. M. Bond, Jr. and wife of Plymouth are the guests Of r ua- fo1-Vit- T)r J H MrMnl. land attached, on road from Wil- lan in Granville street leyton, N.C, to bomerton, Ya. Mr. and Mrs. David Cox of For further information apply Hertford motored over Sunday to L. W. PARKER, Gates, N.C. and SDent the day ' advt. Oct. 1. ilicc T plia Francis has return fcg-a. a j-j - - - tA from a delierhtful visit to For any pain, burn, scald or friends in Elizabeth City bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclec- Mrs. E S Norman and Miss tic Oil the household remedy Addie Brabble are spending some Two sizes 25c, and 50c. at all time at Virginia Beach. drugstores, advt. Mrs. Herdert L. Hall has re fiimH from a pleasant trip to Ill. AI.MI- A P.r- NNOrtOlK. illaiana 01 UnillS & rcVBl Edenton Graded School opens Prescriotion No. G6B i nrenred esoeciflllv Mnndav Sept. 21. .All pupils . . r--r T , j ; . - IOI MALARIA nr r.UII I C A rPUFR. ' 01 1 1 Five or If, HoTni k7v o above tne ora grouc Hcv.wg v-- if taken thea as a tonic the Fever will not ditions to be made up or examir teturn. It acts on the liver better than . . ' . Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c nations on summer Stuuy pic&ciiL mm im nnM. -r-nnn themselves on Friday Sept. ltf at iWUb-kuil -11 UOliUlJ 9 o'clock for examination. Al Will cure your Rheumatism neW pupils who have moved into S5?&!?' toWn since school : closed ..bring Bnma c Qi t Tofa rnnrfn from the scnooi; tney Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in- Lnmcfrom on Friday lotn., ternally and externally. Price 25c. j Alderman and child I.,. :7. . . . , - ri a 'PrtfM'a anrl XOUlse u..u.nU oowLiYciri.itt . - -A , TllMflav from an ex- 3 - Op - To Our friends end CUStOffitPS 1 It affords us great pleasure to announce the arrival of the very latest novelties of materials ahd styles in Ladies Tailor-Made Costumes that will be fashionable for the Fall and Winter Season 1914-1015. j Never before has the style, fabrics and trimmings been so pretty as for this season, and our collection is well worthy of your early inspection. j Our great success in the past is due to the fact that patrons are always assured of Best Quality and Correct Styles. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting a continuance of same, we beg to remain Yours respectfully, J. H. HOLMES CO. Hobbsville News. Several "of our people attended the revival at Ballard's Bridge and Fletcher's M. E. Church last week. . ' j .. Messrs. Cardely Hunter and David - Rogerson of Belvidere railed on Misses Iona and Ellie Rountree Saturday night. .1 Mr. Herbert Carter took Miss Ruby Horton home Sunday on his car. They were accompanied Kv Mi Mamie Whifcbv. Mr. and j - Mrs. W. A. Sykes, and little daughter, Halley. v Miss Susie Hobbs spent a ;few days last week with her sister, Mrs Drew Baker, -, Miss Myrtle Hofler and Mr. Waddell Hobbs spent Sunday with Miss Wessie Evans of Cisco. We are glad to report M r. I)an- iel Hobbs much improved since lastweek. - - r Mr. M. H. Hobbs 'and fMiss Gladys Binton spent Sunday in TO o)(ifiilI)?D(i t (BF: Far Special Attention Given to Peanuts and Cotton. ers Storage Company INCOBPOBATED. Storacro and Commission, Phone 66. 35SE32B!E3S3,OKr, ET. O, BxNo. 1. Modern Warehouses. Negotiable Certificates. Business Solicited. ' Rates on Application. Store TTour Cotton With Ho. I Joseph Copeland spent Sunday i wtrri "Nathan CrtrttAnnA Miss Lillian Wilder entertain ed friends Friday night Mr. Nathan Copeland called to see Miss Gladys Hardison Sun day night. : ? Messrs Journey Spivey and Johnnie Copeland , called on Miss Lillian Wilder Sunday evening. This is the season for baling hay. have a good stock of. BALING WIRE we would like to furnish you. ; nil (I More Goods For. Less Money. We JO MCn.,wii,iC. Suffolk the guests of Miss Allie Mae Blanchard. She accompa nied them home but returned to Suffolk Monday. ; Miss Pauline Hobbs spentSat- urday afternoon with Miss Gladys HintxSn. . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Hollowell called on Miss Lillie Ward Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hollowell spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ward of Bosley. Cowpen Necll News. ; rJVliss Baker of Bertiecounty is spending aicw days with Mrs. T J. Wilder . , . t Miss Willie Copeland spent Sat urday night with Miss Gladys Hardison . " I Mr. and Mrs. Si A. Leary spent Sunday at W . L. Cope land's, Miss Ruby Waff was the guest of Miss Esther Copeland Sunday afternoon. i Those who visiteel Miss Gladys Hardison Sunday evening were Misses Annie Stillman and Willie Copeland, Messrs Arlie Stillman, Johnnie Copeland, May wood Chesson and Horace Young. " Mr. and M rs. L E. Halsey were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hardison Sunday. - Dizzy. Billons. Constipated? Dr. King's New Life Pills will oure youj cause a healthy flow of Bile and rids your stomahe and Bowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a Tonic to your Stomach and Liver4 and tone the general system First dose will cure you of that depres sed, dizzy, bilious and constipated condition. 25c. all' Br ngist. ad Madam, Read tlcCall's llie FasMon Aofcrily1 " McCALL'S h 'lafrtirtiJ4ud.;' omely illottraUd: 100-pa aMatbly to tit Mppi- Uuit is mAdiaa bm mad efficiency oi l.lGQj&iQ - wotea mcb noma. - j. A Bach lame la brlmftil of fiuliion tuxer : work, interesting short stories sna soorea of labor-M&Ying and money-eavlnc Him for women. There are more than M of the newest designs of the celebrated MeCAIX PATTERNS in each Jafoa. : McCATJi PATTERNS are famow for atrte, At, BbBplicity and economrf Only 10 and IS cents each. . , ' The pnbllshen of IfcC ALL'S wCl spend - Wiewnda of dollan extra la tbeeamlne; months In order to keep KcCAUS head and shoulders above all other womtn'a magaiitnea at any price. .Howerer. ICcOALL'S is only 60c a year; poatthrelr , worth $1.00. , t i . - j; - -Tea ry SAwa Jy (V. TcCyS rV-H f : ttom your lint copy of ICcCALL'S, If TOa anhseribe a.aickly. 'O KOTlVAik fort free'eewr ol McCALL'Si - fal aew pwhna w lotn. 0 lalcceers P. f Hives, eczema, switch or salt rheum sets yon crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing' Doan's ' Ointment is fine for skin itching. I All - druggist sell it. 50a. a