am pre- "iff f f2 TZMfiZvMS I have bought arfd vUl bi?2ratci the shop at:CbliVVorner.rd pared to manufacture YT agons, Carta, antl Wheels; 4i?ill rim a gerieralCTp3r' Shop and do Horseshodng. - Ye shafllipprcdarclyourbiiaiiicsa: : ": . - . Kecctfiilly ytttfs, ; : - x . . j .-vw . ar ... k. f ... : - .- jtZ ' ifl - ' !. Corner Church and Oakum streets, - - BdcntorfNortlf Carolina. 'alAr... f .Ut r ' Cross Seals r Ar Powai 4 iciuwu'iTov:tf, about byttcWlraAfftietM&a lib died at hef'hbme here. She tadnlf-fictmifor sonie 'tHaentf tm&x we fllcnew sne WTdf&aWWfe did . not MX1E&B& m aVso near. 4: aiiy Hhdfcwtf, ithat kiid ftfifl WVfn frfatfeJ relatives 3 There are no friUs; no atm Just come in with your firsf dcpolsit, laric or smallr open an account. Tou will be welcomed will have) Wisdom ffims'tiViWM 42 souna oanK piactso . ai yuur uisposai. ; - --V Siiiiiiliii O. B; SATHAWAT, VlcIeslnt;; - - . : Av BOTNTBEB, Assistant Caehier . - ii -t (ft 1 ----p 4. Ssel&l5rQo3il?f rlls ' infinite if gone to her reward, But though -w.iiuwn5iro TS'aiesx - ana I re rqm Iferliffel1nM;.tt'1harH to 'e:;herleae:ti-ioailu 231 1 I t3 1 mm SEMS For every member of the family at the-BigStpre , . d-li I ' f(i tli ii .ill , it i . ' d ' 'tl4 I -mm -s f "11 1 "i 'a i " ' iiii : w ff v Xmas Special f3 0 Jot Is 1 C3 &3 i 1 tft ' iif 1111 r-iri'iiiirininrnwrnmr' M r mm m ..m.',, , ,11,1111m-- This handsome Boston Leather Com fort Rocker, hard wood frame, best grade tempered springs, ' large and comfortable. A splendid gift for hub by. Worth $25.00 Special till Xnras $14 90 YOU Think of a more useful Xmas Gilt than :& piece of furniture, something that cbts but little, 'always looks well and the ser vice involves a life time of usefulness. f4 Writing Desks, Brdss Beds, Mdrris Chairs, Wallrobes, Centre Tables, Daekipdrts, Pafjbr Suits, Smoking Stands, Jafdineers, ' Udlbrella Stands, Shaving Stands, Hsul Racks, ' Chfha Closets, Lifirary Tables," Chiffonieres, ; Pedestals, Costumers, Dihibg Tables . Hall! Chairs, Go-Carts,HighChaifs; III V , V! I 3 IP L ABLEST SOUEnFTJRN ISHERS IN SOUyS mm 1 S3 1 6 3 --- .... - - ii ii rr-trWagBi I X '1 want to ten vou' what wderwr3tjeiefit F hattf H X ceived from me: use of Thedfbrd's -KacDaaa V y Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton-MillS,f,Ky f fc i be i X "It certairriyh y Hverjand stomach troubles I firmly -believe Black-Draught V y they, went in on her, but one" good dbsg k)f Theboh W, - . - THE r . "17 GENTS BOT softer? -, 1 1 ,! y more touble. I shafy never sbe 'Without' Q iu iaj numc rur UJiisupauon muidUuaucaaavru w- v jrj t ucsa ' uiAiai ia, viiiiid aiiu ie vcr, ' uiiiuuncoo 'cuiu fi O knfemsiedfbrc O wHaoleitted '' - . 1 CX 0 If vofl uffer from anv of ' thesecomolalht'W O o own-as to rent. tii places toe maemn within easy reach of every notjoe every! in&rvldtl. A" rma Clfeat Mode'vv-- hkdev a womans ."pin monev" wlir .bov tt.! Yoti cdh buy" an Oliver on' this "fplan at the regular-catalog price. Th(0LlVEIl1fEr Its Record Ha never, been Ecoaled, tirids oa band. -; . firloss a 'de- eaves to tulD:1fhVeeu1 -i i :'iv i is- .ri.niic fierce 'oi viu xrau a motner, two Drotners msousb i aost oi menus , j h Misis Indiana 'Bunch isvisitinW uienas m.jxortolK. f - v Mr. L). (J. lloantree ,of Cora peake " spent x Sunday witfr Jhis ; Mrs. M. L. StaU riff vis ted MrsracheVtierceria noon. misses kittle KidaicK and Lena Staltings spent Saturday night with MrB. Rountree is visiting his aunt Mrs. J. VS. Kiddick. " iiss'LillTe Early -visited Mrs. J. rl. Kiddick Monday afternoon.' Miss Dollie Spivey .visited her cousin Mlnlfe week. ; . V , . -i ' - - r Miss Lena StallWasphe guest of Mrs. Sara Saunders andl Mrs. jLilhe Early Sunday, after- .noon. i f z m iss xern ice iviuuicK is aoie to be up again after ya short ill- i-4 ; - ness. . tvoumree is uie 5ict ; C. O. Boyce made ? his usua call Sunday afternoon. H: T?ttV?r -ii- J in tne deUi rate eeem a remarlcab 'i,MrV Mack Kittle an elma Riddick -visited their aunt Mrs.Mollie Bason ViiAr.ifFn 'nniiiriDiinri trial Sheiwas" richly gowned and Bedecked 1- bj nzea faced aort X4 n -Both.tdt them- came to tbe- Red Cross, SetU booth - at the same time, "lly wife la Uj- consamon, he' said td a hasky voice, ak'.we airt got much- nwneycanse Tm : oni gt Jun she didTwant me"tb'uyffveoTttS2a 4. V '.- MB WHO seals. Seskys f If she' ; can;f tae ' at f Ht?C7Crtii rVK T t..Air ..T X : Ferris to tbsV' icf b'i r-tv; X . He wlpedjhis .eyeawlth his knucklea culoala mH-n. i 4 and reifchctf for thevpackage of seals, 4 maklM a Vf . T--Z 2 KTbTfBPefty atendhf lka'dFTOTtVC .JS&,2 4 -WDere do you uv&r aaldthe fSpOr r4ress'ed -woman,. ? jrhliad bejen! an'' ur' ! terested ustenei:,.to the shab?ytiiaarr brlefstory. " fe'gaye ?ddeinr one of" top poorest tenement r Eoo8e: :ngIgborhoyd. :,JJ:l.X : 'MJSli was going to bnya few aeala i f or myrllttle girl," said the woman. Dtrr jyour;wJfe8 desirev .to get - a . wbACkl f t J consumption naa soown. 3me what I f)alDQl)tr;te-:layefgfT.e?m ts6 worth 6il8a4 Tell yoilr wife she whacked ebnl aumptioQ harder than she expected." '-: a -wasap owr u, i iiTr-Z I LiLvi)eing are. rr! 4 A R1" rrwa Hew KTueh.po you;LKjf Xou Do Me Buy Red Cro ouyiniBe jrwu were u muter oc K I nun- Mr ten- CyiOf thfa&:cbJldrehf earnlngl$ and youx were taken sick, with tul losla, . What would it cost'you' to'lei well; and ..what would "Jt .have yen . to r haver done your .share " to prevent this disease from striking yon? . Hern are a!few leading 'itsems bf expenser lz months' teatmen in sanitariiira 9 tiara, familv'nf fu. trf rwr mrkak - ' t for .six mohsi.t..i.:r?a:ia'iiao8t1 - per day y;;....,.'. liMf mctCorbU bf Coiapea'""""- !,---5 !' row,' what .would, .have been iJMUjr . ,ow,: what wouldhava been ufrT b a"plallpS share in .the prevention of tubeirilo-'ieaa$8non4iaW sis? "An ounce of. prevention'.- Jn the . j 1 . proper care of the body.... .;""jSt OJ A study , of - some 'literature on tne-' ; ; prevention of tuberculosis, which j can tie ecured 'free of churiiiJ1 h The stopping of all bodily excesses W W I A thnsly exarawation by a doctor t Seals as your share In the general v ckmpaln- asratnat "ttt- , ; -i berculosls .. ew fetrch!1do5y6ti Jose? ' " only rq ftalprf ttTbt closeaerslstently to any view bvt aa raving space, used alsoa aa r2a eooffWSBplnirfprJsilH 3 I Bieep in ii -vita, nor mofaer. wr ttdko! fit w r ilopiici RED - CROSS SEALS DECREAS TUBERCUL08I8 RATE. " fWould to. God your" work had fifty years ago, was the comment an Arizona ccjirampttve tnwrifeT mssr aay.xa ut uoyx u. "iearmitr er ectmve secBetary.ofithe-, W1 iLntl-tubeto asslatloiL- th letter follows: .X.T: - ."-;:"t'?;:; j i Tr ine wars o0-: 9Papi . tum In the desMn rate seems a remarkml Mondav. 4 1 aa soon aa that aI bjive aJwaya lam at the authorities who claimed that In Wiears 4 We. of ttfiu wiM 4;j?e .rarerAS one oi sroawtoxiif rooay FfiysI(jaIlyianfJ i Mentally VAjrri t'Out Tells How i Nervoui dand S Of ylng -Spells Wert aRyonrtwonaernii progress, .xrastuke rrors In. statlstlca, If .any, a alj' la Irourlravor: !tou lreme:WoulH5 Goat y.Suf; work., had started Jlfty 'years) ago. ; Probably .then the disease would hav nVlssed fne.' . i dTfio letter contained:! check"-fiEe4 j4; jross seals, rrom tne saie or.wnicninor euiue uy port u uie tvukuuhui wvi Is derived. Every eeai:y6U buy Is a but let in the fight against tuberculosis. 'ELLEN EkptAIk RED 'CR knOed DV VinOr, I llves -ont in Kansas City, came .home irom scnooi tne otner aay witn a: reo green.: and W;hite.v : vsnbacriptlon JeardT! the teacher , had given .her. Her vi 1 1 MnjmniII outrand nervous. I bad no appetite ana X one dav 1 mar hroice flown , and cnwl xwu seen wWen f rieVrH iiild aski nil Seala lb X condition and how nothing I took seemed !todb m&attyg6od Vinbl waatgeltedT I ot a bottle tiumL before it .was hall tone I'cottffttdlsleep-'well. ontijfnpA-ita .t and rnw mv frii (UBS I.VF lUll ,a.;WUiiyJUU 1U1 UJVBC AVI Ii 'could indu.eeve rnerVduottair' i i vli- it-H 2rr? -m3- I. A-n4 M " I'n'i li iTi i i Iiiii IiihT iiiilim fii m sbmetilhWDo rCrw b !thei;!ppWfb Inst what it was ail about- u " 1 j 6h 1 said ' the sevenearfd. nioii ly, don'tt yon: know? tTneys fus- . t)ia money to take, care, of itck, f oTkskdc !fblks thaV haveii'i gbtT aWnoney M take' careYof ' .lemselrea.-, JThe j mone ,idchdrrie:flieiBtrengtii r Then Ellen's pother reaA.thp foWa tissne buildme,'aiid vitalizing effects! ttajt small d4ughier had bronght omel Vinol,J 'our BeHci6u 'Wd liTer ihd1 irpij telling howofteit tuDerctilbsis ah -Ito that;Wft offers toiretinm tWir too ?--v- .-,.-.r-T- if it fails to benefit. -T"18?1- ; : ' ' 'VuYo1! isofidoirePtiof4 P " -r 1 extract of cod HveX dij itf fctfeptonate of h Will i rii"i"i-i;i'i i ii mm M'M iron and contains no oil. . 1 i I koMP opn r.nofift aeAL W A: :lreTtruf gist, es1 hen one df Tonr little ones -"-' . - .: - - . j n ows sy m ptomsox an approacn-; in CoTdiit jell's Pine-f Tar-Honey s at .- once.. . It ; aoUf growing worse. " Very bealiiig soot b i ng the Linngs. loosens lyne mncou8, strengthens the system It's guaranteed. J5nly jrbur Drngg T.Jhe needed Advertising clrciilairT movement this is. Already., lis.-'-. X ?c6bd!do6seals ' have' beeit psdMS vy ana pracucany, tnat ennre-nmiir T 'mof 'every J siae 'in the p.nri. jj X $3 ProbW)ly ;i5XJ0o00 moa win;! 3, :dtetxeld,tfltii ine army ox paia anu., Toiuuteer j jj r?era aigaged in l?rtiini seada J M mxDbers -well over lOO.OOa v llis 33 X years of stflendid success ptWeS -Its' -vflafc -adba lit A - - ; ; yf ; V.k":?yi !) t iTi 1 1 I fl t i I rHfe I-,r- 5 young and old. . .Forle eVeryvvherfe: ;Pflce"25 ignte. r , j pfflf2SSt f-1,i - ".. rv y, . 4 - s . v - " - . - .. . . ... . , ... , , , ' - , - rr J-L.- ..A C-t J I J j -... . - .... - . ,. i.-- : -- ttAVHICIi?' m i r ,mii. . 4. to have a snare la tafV I n. vuugut yuur soarer .'. A Rs4 CroMfjSHOpM Har IS Cst ;Ior h rlndets aw f.MiaA- 4 .J- lait neravsdlaFala:,ei 'ftifr a eihfrdiStia sCZLx 4 i.Jyiiaw W Aer;t:ta-crrA - advanced stare ot ubercuk l rt 'UkeiiaaW sWUirjSf and windows closed. - -Well . laash, that isn!t4 fcal taxr things inightvbe vltoa - r - J" . ; fltXwc - OnV -You init eTeafctalca, a's- to ataeFtldX WIS. rags, to cut out what oxjcta ccsau ia Bed Cross Christmas & CriiQ ' Betty a chance 'HWT.ifrT tsr our your na it MR . SEAL ON EACH' flealsr? r reltediteda. kobfl4nrt i! uon onginainr. .nL aoni xrew tx 4i were being sold ,K3 refct IteitsS tateflraWS7y to t;?S3. cnlois cobbler Cx&raa -retjcCb intsrested. - .ti'jii--"'j.t.v.-. i snoe I tap.- "r. ; V. - " PRESIDENT: WLISOh losia uamnaim , rrcs 21 v. . 01 f-centra wrot4 CitJdli Hon For IhetndT'and V or on zaopMiArT"vc- t-vtib ra a thr.rxieans of calsss ftsss cs . iritt?ew t o rsfi enabzag the, peo t w c2 tryfai?v4 ,Miat rC2X ta tnberccjcc