V - 1 Si -vc . k 4 H 4 2' , " - - . .V 1 : "" T . . ' " ' " mm Editor C21 PublioHor. Entered afl send class matter January 7, WW. at the iost office at Edenton; N . C. under the Act of March 3, 1879. " ' ; ' ' I "1 PublioHcd Friday. ADVERTISING JiATES FtJBNISHED ON APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PES TEAS IN ADVANCE ' Six Months 50c - Three Months: 5o. . The Editor will not be responsible for the views or statements of correspondents ' : and reserves the right to revise or reject any part or all of any article. Correspondents should write only oh one side of the paper and should be sure to spell proper names correctly . .Every article must be signed by the correspon . dent, whose name will not be published without his or her consent. ; .. -. - " ' ' ' - "' -i ...... -1 ' ! - E6ma?iTp;' ,!FBhAir, Dec. 11 , 1914. THE RECORD BROKEN . The grand jury convened Mon ' day at 11 o'clock and' adjourned at 3 o'clock the same day "'with riot a case far trial. this does not meaa that there has beeii no crime committed in Chowan coun ty tljfe has It simply deans that the Recorder's court is dis posing ' of practically all - the criminal cases in" Otir ; connty. v One result of this will be a' dear docket at each term and eventn , ally fewerterms of Saperiot coart f The time that has-J heretofore ' been consumed in criminal cases : can be devoted r to disploiing of ; civil actfons, ; thus averting the necessity of continuing so many of thesp cases- Yft are glkd to see this change in bur courts. . . We haVe not figured . the -exact ' saving to CShowan county due' to the Recorders court, but, judg " ing from the following from the News Reporter of Whitevill'e, N. -' we estimate r that the saving in cash has been considerable to say nothing of the advantage of speedy justice The News Re pprtersays: , ' " - . ' - &Huch Money Saved Tax- '(payers This Year by i the County : Court There seems to? bfeir tendency on the part of some otherwise well balanced people to quarrel with the existence of the "County; court. Just what they base, their contention upon it would be hard , to state, nor have they 'given ariyi . satisfactory argument V' beyond. perhaps, flUt with5avistinc personal notevrunning through it. A few figures illv show What the worth of this tribunal is to tne county. : l he judge gets $800 a.year, ttii clerk $300 and the solicitor $;B0d, and he, acts a4 legal advisor! tcv, a th county officials as well, a maUen tiat. had previously cdst the county ; $'200 a year. This a total of $ltf00t less the $200 jnakes a tdtal judiciary expense Vt $1,600. Since the initutioji the court in December of; last year it has;saprBe ft, Q00 in jau ices aionc.- ana 7 , lorty six criminals have been iSent to the roaas, wnere Uiey have been at work instead of lying in jail a waiting a cnance to be tried in the Superior Court and eating at the expense of the county ; the total time of these forty six a mounting to tweuty years a&d three' mouths. One hundred and fifty - seveh judgements have been louiid'and those convicted have . paid in fines $962.62 and have paid costs amounting to $1,89G09, a tota ot 5,65S.71 and ' that does not include the saving in jail fees. Hi t . ... i x.aere nave oeen tound "Hot ;guilty" thirty five, and?, this has cost , the couAtyt but 9321.47 while,the same acquittals in' the Superior Court would have figur ed., out at twice as much or more " It has been demonstrated that tisbne can be brought into the County Court, convicted ind sen XQ tlae roads wjthin.the, week . for -one third case in the Superior Court. lake the matter of witnesses. J If tjiey are summoned to : the County Court they serve and are discharged the same day while in the Superior Court they are often required to wait around three or four or five days at a per diem double that of the former court. - . : The Superior Court is at , ex pense of $432 a week for jury, besides mileage; $100 a week for the judge; $60 v for the court stenographer, and $1 a day - for witness fees. The County Court reduces the docket and thereby Reduces the cost of the Superior Court, against the county. Let the taxpayer read these figures and intelligently decide whether the County Court is a saving to the county or not, be sides contemplating the swiftness with which justice is dispatched. This has covered only those features in connection wity the criminal side of the court's work." avorable to the defendant there by saying that Mr. Byrum was justifiable in going upon, the premises of plaintin tor the said purpose,? from which decision the plaintappealed to the Supreme couifel This tribunal ruled1 , ati error anSpew trial. s For first one cause then another, the case has been continued from court to court till it was concluded Tues day. v.- The case w, as ably repre sented on both sides, the council for the plaintiff being Messrs. E. F. Aydlett and J. C. B. Ehring- haus of K City and L G. Bond ot Edenton. The defendant's attorneys were Ex-Judge W5rd of E. City. Mr. W. a Privott and -Messrs. Prudeh arid Pruden df Edenton. Practically the whole of - Tuesday was taken up with this trial which resulted in a verdict of 250 being awarded the plaintiff. THE DOG CASE CONCLUDED case with Tuesday concluded v a which has beerr watched more interest perhaps ' than any case in Chowan county in years, itveri attracting stateWtde in terest being once passed,, upon by the Supreme court of North Carolina ana sent Dacx ior a- nother trial" the case of V. Beas- iey and wife vs O. 0. Byrum. In April 1911 a dog which be longed to Mrs. T. ,W. Miller of dentori bit the child of Mr. 6 p. Byrtim. Mr. Byrum, fearing the dog was mad, appealed to town authorities to have the dog killed. The Mayor ordered it killed, but before the execution took place the dog ; was taken by its" owners into the .country six miles from Edenton -and given to Jlrs. Beasley, she being informed some to be mad.' Mrs. Beas- ley received the dog put a col lar around its neck arid Chained it X0 her back porch; When the dog-bad been therej:' two da Mrs. Beasley testifies, while she was serving supper to a. young man in the kitchen, the rep bf a gun right at her door, token ed her terribly and, on going to the door, saw Mr." Byrum near the porch and the dog shot dead. They had some - words, v Mr. xJyrum wanted to take the dog away and Mrs. Beasley objected. However Mr. Byrum took the do& saying that he r wished to .ave the dog's head examined, ai his child . had been bitten by the dog and if the dog was mad Jthe child mighty go mad also. Mr. and Mrs. easley . brought suit against Mr. Byrum for $2500 damages,' the plaintiff contending that her already nervous : condi tion had been weakened by this shock, that , for sometime she was not able to do her own ' wprk as usual as a result of the. shoc. The case was tried in Incorporated X966 Dtfa'tait Unta Ths Lest i Ytnoc PfPQpnt. r ; , If you Vbuld make Ohristmai.a season of real dy choose vour Xmak Gifts early. We are now 'serving a vast throng by mail every day with the1 choisest things lmaginaDie-au maae possiuic uy um iaigg:muauan.u catalog. If you have one make use of it now if you want one write at once i :'i-4':'! - Ipaulc(Bale(3teenwoob Co. Unc. - LAQEST JEWELERS SOUTH . - QrMMby 8tre0tt Cor. City Ball JLvenne, NORFOLK, VA. f i STORE" mm ' m " ' i 1 v ! ; NORFOLK S BEST ill MAIN AND GRAN BY STs liNCoNNECfiON JAS;Mc CREERY! ) Co Yule Tide Offerings From .' -' 'i- ..,' -: ;., ...:V .' :' 7-:..,- , t j-J.. . . . ,,. .... Norfolk's Best Store or paper you. We have a special offer, to make to everyone who will -be i tween now and the fifteenth of of December write . us that he she would like to have the next year but cannot: spare the dollar right now. Write the edi-1 tor. H. L Story, Edenton,.N, C, and he will make you an attrac-) tive offer. " A postal card is all you need-to write- However, if you prefer to write a- letter, all right.' Let us hear from you at once while yon are thinking about it If you have forgotten when your subscription will be out, look at the label on this paper If you see the figures '1-15 to the right of vour. name this is meant fori you. .,1. .. THE TOM THUMB WEDDING. One of the most enjoyable events of the season Was the Tom Thumb wedding given at Bell's opera house last Thursday even- ing. 77 children under 10 years of age among whom were Sy rians JeW Germans, Catholics, Epls; copalians, II ethodists, , Presbyte rians arid -Baptists, all our town children, participated. . A com plete society wedding was imi tated. The children were well trained by Miss Blackledge of Missouri, Mrs. L. D. Bond ac- company ing .them on the . piano. Such selections as "Oh, Promise MiV by little Miss Matilda Muth, "Silver Threads . Among v the Gold" by Master Clarence White, 4 When You and I Were Young, Maggie' by .Master John Privott, "I Love You Dearfy" by little Miss Ioria Wells, "I'd. Love: ; to Live in Lovelahd" by little Miss Agnes Chappell and. Master Earl Sutton, 1 Cannot Sing the Old Song" by little Miss Margaret Williams. The little bride and grbjjm were Master ttichard nsfield anclllittle Miss Ethel t the do? miVht hft killi ,,n J ett"an, master Wallace iinl- essl protected, as it was thoughtl01?0?. The Long, Id years old) who, during the reception which followed the weaaing, ( convmcea every one that he loved ice cream. Little Miss Loreta Chappell was maid of honor. The ushers . Masters Frank MtMullan arid Trottie Waff deserve special Tmention. Every one felt sorry for the three old maid guests. TO'OUB SUBSCRIBERS: : Will your. Subscription be out after this month? , If not, this is not meant for you. If it will, we wish to have just a Word with yon. Don't you think this paper js worth the price? Would you riot like to; have it continued next year? REMEMBER that unless ybu order it continued, it will be stopped when your .time, is out. Buit:how( we do dislike the ideaot taking-your name from the list. If ybu are not able to spare a dpi Ir .TibwJqtit next year write us TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Some of you have not written the news lately. Let us.urge you to write the news especially through , these winter months You need not write long "letters, but write, every week and men tion somebody you did not men tion last week. Do not mention the same ones, too - often, Send the news one day earlier from now till January 1. 1910. THE WOMEN AND THE STOCK We wish to warn the men of Edenton that fbe women are push ing this matter of keeping stock out ol town and out of the ceme tery. , You already know what happens when women get after ybu. Enough said. Emperior William of Germany is suffering with pnuemonia and nervous depression due to over exertion. Leo M. Frank of Atlanta has been sentenced to be hanged Jan. 22, for the the murder in 1913 of Mary Phagan, a 14 year old factory girl. , Besure to read the two columns in this issue about consumption and the Red Cross seals, which are for sale in Edenton, r - Congress reconvened Monday. Several bills aridresolutions were introduced on the subject of in vestigating how well the United States is prepared for war. Presi dent .Wilson opposes this plan saying? there-are no facts in pos session of executive departments which' cannot be had.- NOw is the time to select :your.Ghristmasy gifts. Now while the. stocks are complete iriyvery detail ; before they 'have been picked over aircf the.bhoice oi the best has been taken, f Oome beforJe the crowds grow so large and hard to accommodate "and make, your Christmas, preparations in comfort. ' "',-.- , Onr Toy Department ICnows no Equal NEVER HEFOREH AS NORFOLKl SEEN SUCH A WONDliRFUL DISPLAY OF TOYS AS WE ARE SHOWING. THERE I NO ITEM; CALCULATED TO GLADDEN THE HEARTS OF BOYS AND GIRLS, LARGE AND SMALL OMITTED FROM THIS DIS .PLAY. . ' 3ANTA CLAUS IS HERE IN PERSON AND WILL 1E DELIGHTED TO SHAKE HANDS WITH EACH c HILD INDIVIDUALLY AND SHOW THEM ALL HIS WONDERFUL OFFERINGS. THERE ARE AUTOMOBILES, WAGONS, DOLLS, MECHANICAL AND ELEC TltlC TRAINS, BOY SCOUT BAND DRUMS, BATTLE SHIPS, DOLL DISHES, POOL TAB v 88, GAMES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AIR Sri . i, TOY STOVES, TRICYCLES, VELOCEPEDS, iL xLKY TOY ANIMAL IMAGINABLE AND IN FACT EVERYTHING THAT ANY BOY OR GIRL MIGHT WANT. - V THE PRICES IN THIS DEPATMENT ARE UNUS UALLY REASONABLE; AND 1,T ISN'T HARD TO MEET ALL "XM AS" NECESSITIES AT A VERY LITTLE COST. Christmas Special : Ladies' "Xmas Hose'1 For $1.00 As a Christmas SPecial we are offering One Pair of iLadiesl Pure Silk Hose packed in aH very neat and attractive box Colors pink, tan, blue, tan pe, green,x brown, purple, canary, bronze, black and many other desirable colors. For a ladythis is an unusually acceptable Christmas present; Watt's Special price a box, only $1.' Genuine Leather Goods $2 Geniune Crepe Seal Collar Bags, 95c. .-........ K ... j .. f These are made with separate coihpartments for collar buttons and. handerchiefs ; this genuine crepe seal collar bag in a regular $2 yalue, Special at only 95c. V LADI E& LEATHER MAN ICURE CASES, these are fitted with ivory handle cuti cle knives, nale file, polish case', buffers, orange sticks and manicure scissors, priced 95c to $1.39. . GENUINE LEATAER HAND BAGS, these; &rQ madori uickle, gilt and-gun metal frames, well lined with good quality silk, fitted with 5 inside fittings $2.95 to $5 Perhaps the greatest storm in twenty years has swept v the At lantic coast from North v Carolina to Maine from4ast Saturday : till Monday. .The sea raged and snips were wrecked, lives lost and much property destroyed.: i Much dam -age was done at : Ocean View, Virginia Beach and 'Norfolk , to say nothing of that all along 1 the coast. Some of; the streets" in Norfolk were submerged, it being necessary: to use boats to travel down the streets; so high was the tide. ; - ,c ro jivtneweet for SILVER WARE $7:50 Derby Silver Toilet Sets $4.96 This set consists of fine' quality . Comb, Brush and )Iirror - the latter made: of very handsome plate glass; letters engrav ed free of charge, usual $7.50'yvalue special at $4.95. VERY HANDSOME STERLlNGSlLVER AR TICLES, tnis lot consists of: the following: Hat Brush es, 'Men's .'-Military Hair. Brushes, Clothes ' Brushes Picture Frames and many : other usefjal aud beautiful item? (each specially suitable as a Christmas u gift) prices range down from S10 to 60c. EXfi EPTION ALLY AT TRACTIVE. STERLING SILVER PENCILS, this lot comprises an exception ally .beautiful variety of Sterling Silver Pencils, of fering . you your choice of plain , v engraved or engine turned' designs make most appropriate and acceptable Christmas i presents, priced from J5c to 95c ; 7 mail Orders A Our Mail Order" Departfnent ,."v:- overseen by a corps of expert mail b rder clerks ; : assures : youpf Safe and -quick trans- action of business Your re . t quests for, samples, informal , tion,, etc: will be . answered r courteously arid intelligently You are just as-safe in mak a mg your purchases through" this -department,' as - if -you V ;ere here in person f C;. ' V '""" PA YrAS-CONVENIENT v -':.y: .. .J- V . " ' . 0 -When we say "Pay-As-Con-yenienf' we - mean simply this: Make your selections, giUe us your: address and the goods will be immediately shipped to you. When thirty (30) days have elapsed it it doesn't happen to be conven lent for you to pay ypm bill Ve will make special arrange -merit to suit your convenienc Actually pay as convenient.

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