''if?.- -, 4 If M. - , :- . , : j 0 5 ay 'EERYTHDWe TO WEAR 39 Wkt 5983 15 cent. Skirt 5993 lScnt All Well Dressed Women ana v " Alf the Beit Dressmak , ' USE ' Pictorial, Review Patterns You ought to be a . . . reader of v Pictorial ' i . If ATT1A11T the greatest woman's r. magazine. , Kathleen N orris 'greatest novel "Julia '''Page? commences in the January number or Pictorial: Review. - ? i ' ; l The 1 Winter. Fashion Book and JANUARY PATTERNS i now on sale. n':- i ft Let2 Us Ktiow :Ioar Wants i , Cash Irf Advance. , ,r Six lines or leas 25o for one week,; 75c .lot 4 welek8. Additional lines pro rata! We haveia good many cabbage plants to sell. ' Charleston and i Jersey Wakefield. We also have a nice chance of seasoned hard wood cut ready for the heater to fll. A1e etMTiA ntnA ' tvnn - fnr the cook stove. Jood fresh 1 Not Sleep Until She milk a soecialtv- v EDENTON DAIRy:CO. J. D. Stillman, Mgr. 2 m. out J. 15. Permanently; Located in ' EDENTON Full line of "Jewelry, Watch es, Chains, Bins Clocks, etc cf c ' - i . ' ' ' . Rpairiag q. Specialty. - Watches inspected tor the Norfolk-Southern Kail road. , Et:'. TJ. -LZissell,- Main St. ,Edenton, N. ,C ternopn with - friends'. ;Mn ; Willard Taylor called at SBentbn'sSunday. r .;v y i his usual call Sunday afternoon'. miss iane carnes returned rom Suffolk-last Monday. Girl Swore She Wonld FOli SALE 1 grey marc, 1 irmule, 3 buggies, 1 farm wagon, z carts, ou barrels ot corn ana 2000 bundles of fodder. Apply to J. CARROL BYBUM, , Costume 5900 1 Stents All the New Styles begin in the "Pictorial Review." An excellent Christmas Giftevery monthonly J $1 00 per year. Send in your order at once. , We have; thousands of Practical Christmas Gifts that are very. inexpensive. Everett Woodard Co "EvltTm"yV "loaders of Low Pric.es. j , ; 'Everything to ,-Wear;" Miss Marie Hensly Prevented From ' Getting Married in Elizabeth City is More Successful in Edenton. . 1 Tyner.N. C. : WANTED Young Wn and young ladies to prepare them selves for actual business at good salaries. Efficient instructions and positions secured. Correspond dence courses for those unable to leave home. Write immediately. Practical Shorthand School,' Ledger Dispatch Bldg. 4t pd. ; , Norfolk, Va. HORSES, WAGONS, HAR NESS, BUGGIES, FURNI TURE ETC FOR SALE Hertford; Dec. 12, 1914 at the Eagle Hotel at 10 o'clock sharp I shall sell Bed Boom, Dining Boom and Kitchen Furni ture, Laundry Outfit, Horses, Buggies, Harness, Wagons and a Hotel Hack large enough-for 10 or 12 persons. q , Respectfully, St JNO. A. CHALK. Was Married. Elizabeth City, N. C, Dec.?. Chief of Police J. B. Thomas was aroused from his . slumbers this morning at 1 o'clock to answer a telephone call and a sweet- femir nine voice ; exclaimed, I am married at last. " The . chief : uiv derstood and knew that Cupid had won again in his battles with objecting parents and that anoth er tragedy of hearts had been averted. , The voice was that of MissiMa ne Hensley or rather, Mrs,. Mc- Borley, and she was informing the chief that she bad just been married to the man of . her choice in Edenton. , - She had infended to get mar . - -. - . .' . ............ ried here Saturday afternoon on the stage of the Alkrama theatre in the presence of the audience which attended the matinee per formance. She was not eighteen years old and the register of deeds would not issue the license with- out the consent oiljer another, who resides in Birmingham, Ala. COW STABllE MANURE FOB. r,fllcai an SALE 3uy now, fertilize your instructi0ns to the chief of police soil and be ready when spring L txJ nhrae of her and send opens. Apply to ALBEMABLE . hnm. that expense ; nioneV OBSERVER Edentpn, N. C. . ; wQuld be Chlef Thottias j held her until last night at 10 o - r EdeEton Local Kovvs. Miss Myra Vann has returned . -rom a visit to friends in Clayton and Franklinton.. , . . Minton Warren spent Simday . ' in , Norfolk, with- relatives. , A collection amounting to ' . V ".V.".. '!,' - ' .v- . ( $100 was taken up Sunday morn- : ng in the Baptist Sunday School or the BelgianenetKuhd. pisses Eva and Id5 llogerson ; charmingly, entertained Thurs- ( , day evening at ' their honhe : on Queen . street in 'honor of the Misses Moore of -Littleton ' - Edenton Odd Fellows -have elected these officers: Dr C. T. Hopkins, noble grand, H. A. Yert, vice grand ; W. L r Cozzins, . recording secretaryjiG,. B.. Parker, h financial secretary;' Willis Owens, ; treasurer, . j , Mrs: Bountreeof Bosley is , visiting Mrs.' Mollie Hinton in ' troaa street. .- Born -to Mr arid Mrs. F. Muth Friday Dec. :4, a . daughter; Mrs. Wm. Reed has returned from a visit to relatives in Forts- - mouth. Remember the. Baptist bazaar. tonight (Friday) at the armory. Come, huy, enjoy and; , help ia good cause. M others ; can ; find - dolls a plenty here for their chil dren, fancy, work will also be f oft sale. Come and , see whether " you buy "or hbt . . , Capt. S. F. Williams is again confined to his room, we are sor- -ry to say. , : , . The town council met. at the home of Cap - Sam-Williams ' Wednesday night in order to have a quorum'; - The1 proceedings will appear next week.' - , Mrs. "Kitty" Jordan of Hert ford came Sunday to visit ! rela tives arid friends here. Miss Alice M ills -left Monday for her Home in (Jrjniesland. , . S V V t Ryland News. After a short illness Mr. Silas last week at Bosemary, NC,v6n business. . Miss Graced Bnnn of Spring 1 clock, when not receiving farther ' instructions from Birmingham, he S. Chappell died of heart trouble I Hope, N. C, has accepteds a posi Tuesday night Dec. 1st. He tion as assistant teath'et' tn otir leaves a widow and several child- school. M iss Burin' is s.iste of ren to mourn their 'loss. ; The Mrs. Griffin, your principaf,nd is ' tuneral was conducted at Snow quite an attractive ' young' lady. Hill Friends church and his re- We do hope that by the care and mains laid, to rest in the . old training of these two young wo Chappell burying ground. men our boys and girls will de- . Mr. George Ware of Bichmond rive much benefit. , came down recently to bring Dr. . Messrs. L. A. Bountree and F. A. Ward a new Buick riina- B. H. Ward made a business trip bout. near Gliden Friday D. T. Ward and son Cecil at- Friday Dec: 4, being' Carolina tended court in Edenton Monday Day some of oar good people Misses Kate and Lenna Fleet- turned out and added to- our wood attended teachers' meeting school yard k.-wood shed i The in Edenton Saturday. teachers and, pupils worked hard Miss Violetta Perry ' of Sign to beautif the grounds. Pine "spent the week-end with R. M; Hill was in our village Misses Neola and Bella Spivey. Sunday . Mrs. J. T. Ward is ill at this - Mr. Sheltori Boyce made his wntmrr . Incal rail Sundav, Wfr hear - . L j .. Mr.iErson Blanchard of Gli- that M r. Boyce has accepted a den passed through ' our village position i E. City.- We wish Monday. , . . ., for him much success: - Mrj Maynard Perry of Sign ; MrsXX'R. HoweU spent a few Pine spent Saturday night at days with, her daughter ;Mrs. J- A Mr. W. H. Spivey's. Briggs. ' Miss. Carrie Twine of Ward's Messrs. PucketV Fearing and was in our village Saturday after- Morgan traveling salesmen were noon , in town Tuesday. . Mr. torn Ward of Belvidere ;Mh Luciusf Lane of -Tynejr was in our villiage Monday weigh passed through ourvillage Tuea- ing peanuts. ; , day.. , ; V kS2 Cleaning day swas observed in A a W. Stephenson is ,spen3ifl Byland school Friday, the ap sometime out' of town.-1 v - . pearance of both building and " ' 'V . grounds being greatly improved, j SlUIDUCT HOlCS FOR SALE m. l-t 1 ' 1 T- 1 S 1 1- 1 1 Gained todav bv Mrs. J. E. Valuabl6 Chattel Property. released ller. Corbitt. -,' - ; Beginning atlQ o'clock a. TO., She wired to the other mem- Mr DpllTof Suffolk, was in Monday Dec. 28, 1914, we shall bers of the company who ;.hsd v i. -v "' I . . i t So nburv today on-business. sell. at our home to the highest one to tdenton tor tnis wees s : MrsvDavi(J McCleiiny and Miss bidder' the following: property: engagement, to secure t! e license KMT CROUP EXmWY : Dont doi v dUo&U . Uttl st iritn nauseatinc arvzs tud . -.- well ovr tbroat and chMt;ln at minutes the breathlnc is ur au )a fifteen minutes the worst cases are re- . . . . . . i . . . . - . . . i t : i ueyea. . ? tm neat or tne ooar releases r.il:f;pu.;,Uf MUa 7. Hniisphnld and kitchen lurni-land she boarded tne 1 1 O ClOC K antleentlo vapors which ar inhaled viUO mwWWU;,v. j..., t - , I i, , , , witn eacn Dreatn, loosening: tne teuga visited Mr. W. E. McClenny last ture,; carts, wheels, one buggy J train f or that town, declaring, N" LSatnrdav and SundaV. farming implements, blacksmith that she .would .marry otiorc wranuer. u W .i. i.UncW fnn e hnres and flOCS. an i ent aeain. yxva. wueica ureensDoro, . w. s w i ii u liiin liiiiifiiidiiii ww nn. Liini i amu iw fv ww - - j r czi i t.., f o-uTACH Mr A tJ Tii. Tfvnsp monev for her re there wer6 nojp services at me xcnu ui3tviww. . i . t m( - churches last Sunday. riarrell, crier. turn to uirmmgnam came uy wc , t U1 6t uci man Tvtr a. G. Brooks and dauh- Respectfully yours, all right, out it came too iaie. fcer Miss Etta spent Tuesday in Misses Margaret and Marietta The -spunky" little miss ws then oon. : ; . v Parker. Coraoeake. N. C. safe ;in the possession of her hus- i? c n.,--o - ! ! band. ltie latest report, irora ; mc . O X . I ! . .1 . r r T 1 I .U4. -.V.xa nv. 4-Via lomAct' 1..f A r- .his homft in Mr. and JUrs. coney arcj ls,u y. - n.JZrv . tsi o ' . Frdm . BeUlah. . both members of Harm's Musical German cruisers have been sunk wu"l"t ' ;. I . I . I Kit Va Krltieh ' m i. : . iComedv company. u "i,"v visiting Mr. and'Mrs.S-I. Harrell. I t ") friends. last! ThiS . ! i . . i uuikw 1 .v; i-iA-rirt txr n Fn rnr uui rriii HIT. . T T.l ' 1 .11 .J i & IVir. J . Hu ItiaUtJ , UU81- Cruisers Sunk. 1 - hess 'trip to Suffolk on Monday. which began when the aggrega- PdicAll'c Ricr Plflflf ' mday evening. ion of perf orders of the conv P Viftj Miss Annie Lassiter spent last ) f led down in Alaba ' . . DeStrOYed Wednesday. week with friends near bunbury. v . f -1 , Mr. Will Gray of atesviUe season'stour, created a great The bie plant of Edison Com was the guest, of Mr. ilinfesw interest in Elizabeth City.loany iirNew Jersey was destroy ed b v hie W ednesday, a " loss ; ot about' $7,000,000 with $4000.000 Merchants Mill News. tvt;iio niAAin t ,W Jlofler last Dunaay. , ti ii U wsm nQfor crtJ ,Mrs. M. Hofler and daughter . Friday and Saturday in Norfolk woraspccii Witftfi3r X , . , mother Mrs. E.J. Lassiter.,, w m Roado I insurance. On DUSineSH.,; . r ttt o!iL I..) liffU Tu-1 awSII K o ntitieftnaa trp , miss Berne n " daughter of Sunbury were guekts at a G. S. hoase on Friday night grandmother Mrs. Moll.eR.dd.ckdaueht ...... ... Inn.: 14 iH Q XT I I . .- . Mri Lypprgns .Lawrence of Mnday- ' - Edenton spent last ThuWay night Taylor, and Mjss with his -parents. , Essie Lassiter were marned lat Mr. Wj. Deans of GatesVille Sunday at the home of Mr. Haye. Ailed to see Mr. J. H. Parker near me - 5,; - 1 . it nere wui uc au suwmmuuu IV! r P. T MrrrrU Rnme m- AU,5 u,u6 ""w " w" I , . , T-i. O r r , vr 1 rwncf.t nf'Harrv; Blanchard, , who -A. -"Mr watter mortis 01 jjnaaiq": . - Whiteson flews.. The past week has :bee'n Very Superior Court at. Clf inlW? disagreeable here. . And our lage is so muddy that 'walking getting to beuncdmf6rtafile Mr HlWard pentiv7pUayo r.-.'- . ' .1,1 oletrt -at-., invalid. .I L w .fnl from I Swamp visited Mr. E. Morris "--F";,.- "71 RnOPV NfiWSi uue -7' jV fiJa' J.r 1 : Exercises beginning; at ..Ou. DOSiey fieWS I ftomninitv ,atten4 the Sunday. - . - v. n.f.Wmf. - . - ' : . mi. iv? . Miss Beriie Parker called on 1 2tdnpUiaa"l. ; 1 RefresHment Mrc 1ST "T Riddick Thursdav. ' I M JUV -- - - - - t - 2 . - -1 1 : atin-t MftSRrs., Wilbur. Moms .and!.! - r-r-'-!-. . is . . Mp. ? I WS Bun. WirVr m infr a tew mw www -j . So,t - X. :X --"r X- l Messrs. Harrison Ellis and Ed- Mr. J. A. White returned -to ' ward Eure called to see Misses his home at Salmon Creek jSatur . White and ; Lawrjencev of Cora day. peake Sunday night. , Mrs. Elvire White of 4 rartrUle r J. W. ijrown ana son wem w who ? Gatesville Monday. , I here returned to her h'omej Mon- ?, v Messrs.' Cleveland Branton, I day. - ; Fercy Benton, Bernard Speight : Clep White.of Jfi. Uty trtio nas : . and Sidney Wilson were he been visiting relatives ..acre icii cuests of the Misses Ellis - Sun- for her homeFriday. ; v day afternoon and night. MlsseqrYertyMauaggis. . Mis. Bnke Ellis and daughters Nixon' . jreig i in 1 our town Wednes- : spentJThureday in Sufiolk; slio- day; ;-'k V.V ninir sl v '1 ; ;Mrf Shirley Carter of Hcbba. ; , . ."Hesdamea Same yvee aiio vine auccc?wvira jurij, ; iVnb Gxian spint Hcr.dsyTtf- 7 f-htf . ;