- . t . , v - - . -vr , - , , . - - - ' - . - n - , - - t -..-j ; -ij..i:i;"i.i . -'-' ,! AO! A (h .r,!n The Kind Ton HareAlways Bpnht, and jvliich has been Tto fo ror 0 years,, tas .borne tta iWtaMh of . f&f;j- wnpervlsioii since italniancj T&2aJUA. vaiitit one tdeeiTe yon In this. V foSS .and j341enr-Experience akainSt ExperixaU J)o Not Endanger Iife Uhja ifroad What is m&TOWfc CastoTla hannlM snhMitute f or ator oa,-are. "tDi?p?and Soothing yrups. It is pleasant. It SontSns neither Opium,' MOrpMne nor otter Narcotio Sbstance. sIte.affeis itagnarahW Ot destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. TJfiJJ na been in constant nse.for the relief otvConstiptftiony Flatulency, Tind CoUc, all XeJWnff, Trouble san ' Ptorrhcea. It regulates .the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, -givirigr healthy ahatural lss?. Cbildpeu'jPanacearrTh0 Mother's Friend J ALWAYS SuDburyrN.i'Decr.i 1914. - - ; , .- ..... ft A' and:jnnch good was accomplished - Why will people continue tQ - Qiuthe' first ay, he .public goffer the agonies of kidney com- Hev. E. Sawyer and H; T. Gresnleaf of Elizabeth City ' were here Wcdnekda night to deliver an eddrtss to v . thd : independent ri&cu6i j. u 5 speoi -r pan 01 lafit fTcek with his areata ' Mr r cj Christoas Holiday c c were civen ing . which' adds much irf their, why allow themselveai to become appearance as well as to the com I chronic invalids wljeupC- tori 01 iravei. xne secona ; aay remedy is onerca xnemr was )1 house grounds which adds used m kiqndy. trouble , 01 er oi) .vf- . t m u.;.:y. -j' In Use For .yer 30 Years Tho Ki nd You Hove Always Bought , tK CWTAUKMPANY. HIWYOWIC CITY. echool house grounds which adds I used in kidney very much to their appearance , years, have been tested in :thg$ An elaborate .program arranged sands of cases. ' s - by the teacheri Miss Inez Hofler If you have any, even onof; consisting of patriotic songs . , and the symptoms of kidney diseej3,j some short addresses by - O. W. act mow. ; Dropsy or JBjrighl's; Hintop and. other local speakers disease may set in andvmkfi! was much, enioyed. , :- neglect dangerous. 'Readytbi . A DntnfnriTiQ innai itt a a fnnnti I a AnfimAnit which;asgreatJy,ejoyed by all. Edenton says: .-.Doate Kidney Acx)mmitee on improvements Pills are not a new remedy itOme werappoiute4.consi3tiiig of Mr.-. 1 keep them on hand all the jtimi B..L.iBrdwn, jMrs.'H ViWalker and couldn't cet along Svithou I and i Miss jBeatrice Honer. Alto- them. Whenever my bak achej' getbeTcmuch good-, has been ac- or I have any symptoms Ct kidney. complished not only in a material or bladder trouble, I used; j jI)oan'j6 Lmi-. k.Ul... a! Tf v Tint- - 'v" .1 -, f sciiisojjua uodu-uy .got wgeiuri i is.ianey rma ana Duey . uyex . lar spirit of ;mutual good-will : has to relieve me" ; beenpromoted. ' Price. 50c. ';at all dealersDonH Simply ask for a kidneyif ered4f excursion Fares f -via- R " Norfolk-Southern Ry.o Convcnicnt Schedules R iA Tickets on sale Der "IJ; uhere Thnrsdain .interest ;jt hislV also Jan- l8 ??,!K6ie Nownine 8pentJIa?1Jrx 6th, 1915. ft V ; Ask nearest N. S. R R C Ocket agent for comnU. ft Messrs. J.' N.JBrown and . son. ?, v .1 ManyOlsorders Gome f-forn The Liver get Dean's Kidney Pillfle i Are You Just at Odds With Yourself? same mat Airs j-ioyanaaQstef Milburn Co., Props., Btfaloi advti -Do Yoa -Regulate Living? Are yoa sometimes' at odds 21 wnu vuurseii itiiu wiiii tuo wunui i Do you-wonder what Tills' you? W lhiSror HtZTil 1 1 VM. w .-"5 'S1"" ihonsanda nl neon la Jmpd on Special Attention Giyent to Peanuts and Cotton. Farmers Storage Cofflpaay . INCORPdElTED. : Phone 66. IESnrolJITvEJ;'1 tl Boi No. 1, ache.' Newness and BUious NenraIgia .v lnin X opens -inuioate a oiuggisn ; iver.i nervea- What von -want itbai4a ... . . . The tried remedy is Dr. King's to soolhe the nerve itself. Apply Store your cotton and peanuts v iuiiy proiecxe in everyrvvay. , y lover tne paiotalpairH-'do tQrcp "' 11 . : . ' ' ' BUCKreATS-JHCrniCa OaiVe lOr-Okinl U. TAnimAnt nAfFt ait vi. Manufacturer of.ajjd Dealet.iil ions: a.:- Lprsran, - Suffolk -was rpi j . a. iMa88ic)jj.uursaay. Mr. Sv.v.Uuntorf called to see Jdr. Vvi vrfanesaay ammisaaess. ' ' JosplBilev is:a frennt visitor at Mr. J, 2Jiss Metis, Lassiter and Jbreth- Edward u VJlay ton laews of prjtfl,8tesHrligae Whjte and ' arrence Sn4ay aftajinctu; . -T V' Qiajls&$ts (crdefed) 6 met wa sefjoa ;accidjijtft Friday mfW 'ng-wttrthtf Enre Iiug Chillis rightjm got oanhflCin tiiejmill anjBfapr up; sctfedly jajtamputaon - ivaa -eccsrqary. rom the last portiiB -Was pzfri -ring easy-. . A t-uv 4oqe,'yypQ4 hy Mrs; flattie I'tiftJeslroi ure Snndiy night. - iC?ssonoi care X VST (I Sereen Doors MdinffSenal nerve andi&lbya the inflacrcra-S tion. Get a bpttleof Sloan's Lini ment for 25 cents of any druggist Corn; Meal, ilotnlA Oats and Bay. Sash, Doors and Blinds, Bracket Work, Turned Work, MouWing Flooring, Ceiling,- Jdi and Mrs. J. nH. Sheesly and) have it in the bouse against havej returned; to Harrispurg, J?a., Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Mr.4ihe8ly:will be especially Lumbago, Sciatica and likc ail- ! :'.V ??????!jirT" mm mmmm . ... ' . . - . Santly Cross News. I wem ior zo cenis oi anv amaaiRT. i Minnie Jacjcson were the guests of Miaa Mary Smith Sunday even ing ha tha Wri'f nnl ) fnnrf inn Satisfied; hut it dc ffive- uw jvyw,if -iiw. . ; . a r;"wj , a landsunnort of. the .pravermeet- instantirelief. advt 31 ins which were an innovation t 1.1. - - 1.1. nere auoai iwu years K iuouu . - liis earnest efforts- f dava 5tIUn0S Mr. L,on callings win occupy the home vacated by Mr. Sheeley Mrs. Tom Jordan rf ; Qylind itiai he having contracted to work for , , , . ;. ci-i; o- it,. Hobbs Fridays and . 3atucday. - . g ' . , ' Miss PearlQtoniii$pentiS,' --.'i1!.. . . .. - dav evdnine:. in Sunburv. Mr. 4obt CJocliran of Norfolk i ' r " i: who recency sought the Edward o Ruasell home will take possession . ",-. . .-s of the same in a-'few weeks. We , i. ' wiH hft oi .id tn wplnnrnft Mr. ntir! v i IV! n. rlir?ifi a ni ixricn tiro urora I " - . . r1 l J to;have. many more such acqnisi- Misses ; Dixie, Minnie; land Better Light Mofo ot It iE6lEN& lor' ybujQjg. xioMese. 2S LAMBS give you kerosene! Ugrir atits best a steady, generous, glpw that -reaches-fevery cprner of tlie room. - . . 'The RA YO does not smoke or smell. It is made of rsoitd ibfcHS, fetpbM! Il easy to lighi: "easy to dearii easy to.rewick. ; ? At, alexjEYeryere. STAKQARD )lt COMIWY ijjsaaaji.. baimore'1 sassss guest of isa Ivlinnie Jackson1 S5j5p4k''- ?i : Dr. Swope delivered 'a very fine future last rocaymight ,vat aph,tifc very' muoh enjoyed by all. t v : Mjwand lire. Marshall Hardi- Hassell Snndav - . I Mr; Nathan jDopaland and j(iii 4ayng2it. - Poblio school has begun at c?eouia imtii lliss, Beatrice loprs atcher tWe I helper her Muchtisuccss. ! , itjJohnai6(ftUllextfcnd truest Smith tieeiteinea!tff -Mr. '. r :t Jioiw - . : D: c j t j ::1 firtna in mir.npiahhnrnhnri I - . . 3 Missees liiddick son of J. E. . , 7 jT- iitlr ikoa Koort mi if a ill kut lioe Mr T, Mir.f I night withers. C. T.Jojtea; , . , , . Mr. Jack White .called tbC, i hmpst;enterpris.ingand accommodat L- Tf . . , . , ,1.1 i LU-I A OWOit wullUdyi ' lit t i . .J Mr Haryey:Spffht and little Wu,,wM.)0.v.Crf.o, iMUB M a-ij-.;'-i.:u.i.- "i the guests of -Miss i Eunice Bea-i i mon-Sunday -evening. i -MrsTElla Beamon waa'tfh Blcard ,W inbdrne, Pres, Kor.dlk,'Va. MlilllllliilililJiiili illJlllrtillHIiHII' v " ----- ...'-v. ; ;.. , j : !f7 : W, H. Wlnborne, V-Presldeiit. Chowan County,- Ni'C. '; J if L. ' Ar 1 1 -Vk. - r. l "M ' 1 1 ( 1NCORRORATJED. Cqneission Ilercbants, if ;;.'-; .r?. wioik.vj; ti.-s;-..''.--"';... w;-;7:".- : - . . aat flttediup tp move in. xv!r. -Chas. McCotter will, take charge of the' uew;.s.tore. iivr n. c xrn : . : fiomanjattaCk. of. lumbago. . - 7, - ,1 a , i at o tirn. L.j Powell Sunday. , . , a1 mi , l rmrs. 'JD. 15. uee spent Hfttttay togW,eekeEdatthe yineyards!J. T . pZT.rrr A.A..r..-j h:--.t ,1 i day in Suffolk shopping . - 1 PB-iSsms..and.Eaward u. tu,i ,un' , s I mines. lyvAi.;M and Peanut n r . 1 : J-t Fetors 11 .. i 5 ;iCbhiG2nnQt iBe Cured Miss Mattie Benton sj !JerttMftit - i ..TAV-knr4 ' -. crTi with IjOCAD AlPIiICATIQNS, as. XhtSf wv.a.-v.uu ii ;wbuuia. v t ,i i tarrh Is a.Wood Or constitutional disease. M W lllle Baines Spettt Friday PtSl imor cute it? you must take In- fL?,ci. 4 r Vrb 1 m .i LUrnal LrfmjBdies.;,HaUs Catarrh Cure is! mgtlt With MT, V. 'I .rlOggard.MVr jd;nd mucous surfaces. : Ralfs . I Jvcv. DawvcrAana'-flauBmcr ittlA blot OMarftt Cure isot uaek medldne. It ,W; ti;. it u, n;- -4, as prescribed Jjy one of the best phy 'Willie Ot Jk Ulty Speilt teieiaas itt;thlscountrjrifor years and 19 vi in Q-iot.' - jsv regular prescription. It Is composed "of cna m oa vage , -; - , ?24"ottfowrwmblned th tt mucous surfaces. ' The pert ect-comtiaaM r ? -ot-J ; ? Mrs. J. Cos2ssd iiand-. son &sebs3css& the gxufcstaot -her Sunday. f &Ziiiz2xi .4ar zas lthe rjuppf Clka 6atrtideiAoptenj tahMtulk3siliide -Elliott, Archie -hjden uan.itJertJpej attlhd eunday vy&fterocem audi also evening. dWtor haxhi ds&ipuweer idnrandiis mogih. ,- h C5icp5 EstricBtdiaahti GopeMd wtiuthe.Caet&nofjOraJ T. O: LambtXdayepugl v' tv tL'c( d3ataiveiibiadt ora i Ajrervl Mr. arid Mrs. N. L. .AMard, ioliliu!toB c5SSqita r-r?ATtaep Qraja H. Copeland. iF2t: m OaiMmbrdi children Mrs N.L. Ward. ' Fred weretc idrirbijirilJtra afternoon. r: Huiie idobeir tlKlflg - Sipat6tt Messrs llerrieii andKi2ula w H. S. LEARD, Gen'l Pass. Agt. Ofifa M(ulls4 BuUdlng, King StreH, h J i,. Wt S. PRIVOTT, ? JJEE - INSUEANCE, 1 pfflpe opposite Court House. PrrIen & Pruden. TTTQXNE YS-AT-LAW, ; Edenton, N. C. factlce In the State and Federal Court t9B. J; GRIFFIN, DENTIST, Edenton, N C 0?Bw, X3ittfen,s5ankBuJWlng. Pfltrfck JMolMiews JC; E, Gpnsutifig and-Coqtracttag.EogiQeer and Surveyor. 'ralnagej Lanluitai aril Agricultural Engineering a Specialty. 35 years epertsnce. Specia4 terms. ito J'axaMrs' Union merb EDENTON; - N.C Gonor tori Items . Owing to the absence of tb pastor there was no service it Somerton church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Langston and family spent Sun day with : for,, and Mrs. . J . ; Liangsten 7 :Miss L,ucile Blood spent Satur day in Suffolk. Miss Hilda Parker spent the week-cndwith her sister, Mr& C. C, Speight. Mr. and' Mrs." Bennie Rodgeri and Mr. Seba Walters of Ports mouth, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs . Miles - Parker Sunday 'Hiss flattie Walters is visiting relatives in Onancock, Ya, W. T. Vann spent Saturday m Suffplk. ; , "MrsJE. J. Xtangston . was in Suffplk" Thursday, on business. There .wiir be a biilliant enter. tainment given at the Somerton graded school Jec.'l7..1Fl4, for the be,nefafof the Junior League Admissioal:and 5. cents. i sick list at this " writing. 1 Mr. .raatif Byrftm is visiting relatives hrk v . . Mrs. Annie Pail is rinprovttg slowly frbmr & tecent severe ill ness. J- Mr,.Brannin Perry is 4 'court ing" this rvfreeK': - ' .MrW.IoUowfcllt--1 a lady; friend Saturday night. mM pHolbwell attended Slryetf attt&M; ;:3BV thurchs Stan day evening. " ? ' EUtabksJedl887.